ReMonster - 08 - Day 331-370 (Beta)

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From morning on, I focused on tampering with [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl]

in many ways so it could become the main battlefield.

At any rate, there's only a few days left until the appointed day.

I barely completed my preparations at the last moment, by finishing them quickly, it

would mean that I would be able to challenge my performance ("Lewd night activity
of course") with both my body and mind in peak condition.

Its become a deadline at the time limit, I enter into "the activity" without taking a rest
though I stayed up all night in a hurry and worked overtime and completed it, If
possible I don't want to do this in a similar situation.

Not only is my body tough due to [ Fierce God ] , I do not have any problems by using
[without rest and eat] on the physical strength side, but I cannot ignore mental

This time "partner" just need a partner, it should wait in a perfect state.

Putting aside some personal matters, currently, the anti- [World Enemy] Allied Forces
was formed by centering on the Holy kingdom which settled their war participation
to this [Holy War] ―― In addition to the three countries of a Holy kingdom, a kingdom
and the empire. Then - - comprised of [Heroes] from some small countries which there
are few in numbers, but it can said that they are the vassal state of the Holy kingdom.
The emperor Allied Armies which were formed by [Emperor] and subjects of the
Demon empire and the beast kingdom, gathering and concentrating near [Border
Place] which separates the outside world from [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl]
one after another.

But even if I say that they're gathering their regiments, their relations are not as
simple as relations like their lands geographically, from the Holy Kingdom which

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advocates human being supremacy over others that have been fighting against each
other for many years from difference places.

Though it's not an intended, two camp builds a temporary base facing across each
other at the spot that just sandwiches [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] in

We would be inevitably attacked by the enemy from both sides if the [Holy War] began
from this condition, so I decide to be careful and not to be stabbed in the back

Since both camps seriously work on advancing the preparations with steady steps on
this [Holy War], even a country with large force could fall if they feel like it.

But not us, when I'm assuming that with the Allied Forces and the Allied Armies
collided head-on, serious damage will correspond to such a scale occurs, that the
balance of surrounding countries will greatly collapse.

To both of them at the same time, it's a condition that may be almost called an all-out

Then, let's make go a thorough of explanation and more easily look at the war
potential of the both camps.

Allied Armies' soldiers number approximately 2,000, but it is composed only of

people with a superior amount of magic and physical strength when compared to a
typical person belonging to the species such as [Demon race] (Mazoku) and
[Therianthrope] (Beast demi-human).

Furthermore, they undergo severe training every day due to participation in the war
this time, they're elites who made it through a great amount of death.

For that reason, I should think that their war potentials is several times what the
actual number would indicate.
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The elite force commanded by one intention obstinately chases the prey, they attack
without minding to throw their own life at stake, a herd of hounds which chew, and
tear off the throat at the weakening moment.

It is not an exaggeration even if I express it so.

In contrast with, Allied Forces are inferior in soldier's quality compared with Allied

However, there were somehow a lot of numbers with several times or more compared
to Allied Armies.

With simply rough numbers, it exceeded ten thousand.

In a sense, it is natural that there are many in number since [Eiyuu (Heros)] who
display their best ability when they're leading several subordinates of the been settled
number of Allied Forces.

Though some of [Eiyuu (Heros)] also possess a similar [Formation] ability who even
could demonstrate their special ability all alone, it made them to carry several
numbers here.

It is nothing but only a troublesome thing from small fish without any fun, there are
numerous prey here. So, should I be delighted ?

Well, there are more noncombatants taking care in the camp for now and it's because
they are in standby condition until the [Holy War] has begun.

Practically in battle, they might be fewer.

Anyway, There is a bustle like a town in the spot where Allied Forces are positioned
when there are so many of them in the number.

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If there is the a big shout of people to training, I also hear the voices of them distracting
themselves from fear by laughing.

With cackling and flirtatious voices leaking out from some tents where the prostitutes
come flowing in, it's implications are of "the eros", as a pure living thing that tries to
leave it seed according to exciting violent male breath sound and movement sounds
of the excited male.

Eight or nine cases out of ten there is unique vigor in the corner where there are
different kinds of demon birds and the demon beasts which will be prepared as a force
were collected, low-class soldiers fed them a large quantity of meals like the breeding
staff of a zoo.

The armor, carried by a great number of wagons bumped together with a noise
clattering lightly, and are taken to the appointed place and delivered to soldier's a

I simply investigate it a bit with fission (small body clone), and I understood it well so
it would be better if the preparations for the [Holy War] should be advanced steadily.

As good as it is, in order to be proportional, movement of scouts in each country

released in [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] are also more active.

I collected information before going to war. It will be quite expected useful of course.

It may be difficult when something occurs without forewarning, it's a case of

understanding beforehand in case of a time like this.

Therefore anyone should gather proper intelligence about the topography or the
appearing dungeon monsters, unless they are an outstanding half-wit.

Since a lack of intelligence related to the war can be fatal, they understand that it
become a brinkmate (TN: A shogi move with no escape - Checkmate).

However, I am not such a good-natured person so as to give information easily.

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Though I might not be called as person (human) but an [Oni] instead, but lets put it
aside now.

In addition with trick devices and a flock of dungeon monsters that I have been
scattering since before as scout counter-plan, so as not to let them from advance a
certain constant distance as they mahev beofe, with giant soaring wall made of
massive lava which are towering to sky high, I built the canal such as the deep cliff
newly on this side.

Naturally, this kind of thing does not have a bridge to pass, and magma drifts to the
bottom of the canal like a river in reference to the place where there is a trap, the
structure not to put it in the deep part even if there is an overland route.

As for a certain ability scout that can only subdue a dungeon monster, the effect is
great since they would give up if its indeed impossible, isn't it?

Provided that it is impossible to pass on foot in this composition, but there is a flaw
that one might leap over from the sky.

As I would expect, it is too troublesome to make a ceiling in the labyrinth of a [Natural

Encirclement type] , and there are not many means to do so either.

For a case when penetration from the sky is attempted, I let a spirit fire dragon make
a nest with [True Dragon Spirit-making] on the lava wall, and I placed a lot of invisible
gravity traps while I'm at it.

Not only will you get attacked by those spirit-made dragons if you try to leap or fly
over here, but also crashing with the sudden force of gravity exerted by surprise
which is the perfection of the hunting ground.

Until the commencement of the [Holy War], I may shut out the information from here
on the deep area that is scheduled to become the main battlefield.

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Thinking of such a thing while occasionally tampering with the labyrinth with sounds
of knocking and clattering (kachikachi~katakata), I mumblingly chew [
Pruning shears of Rose God
Blau Roper Scissor ] ] .

[Sacred Treasure] is hard after all, I don't seem to be able to crunch it easily.

However, as a person who had experienced the taste of a [sacred treasures] once,
nothing less than the spice to enjoy rather than taste such unpalatable small amount.

The joy of getting to the end of the struggle. Only the person who has experienced it
will understand that.

When I bite it whole-heartedly, it chipped more quickly than before.

Immediately, the mystery that is contained from the chipped part― [

Mysterious Power ] pours out, a thunderbolt of paradise surges to a whole body
starting from the mouth.

My reasoning power would be blown off if I'm unskilled. I'm almost controlled by the
delight whose might become the slave of food.

However, I was able to thoroughly enjoy a limit of the good flavor the details without
being thrown in the torrent of the overwhelming gratitude unlike the past simply
because I experienced it once.

I surely felt the sweet fragrance of the rose which was about to appeal to the sense of
smell that there was not simply because I was able to keep my composure when I ate
the [ Treasure Core Ring of Spring ] .

My brain would be stimulated by the fragrance, overcome many trials of getting on by

the time its blooming petals open. spread out open I see the vision of the short-lived
rose beautifully in full bloom letting me feel it.

Various types of roses in full bloom all over the view, seem to totally bless the world.

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After all I who have limited vocabulary cannot express all by words in me, it is
helplessly delicious, So I say to leave it at that.

Because the person who has not tasted it may not even be imagine it even if I repeat
ten thousand words.

Anyway, it seemed to become fairly easy to eat after having its part chipped or once

Crunch crunch ~ munch munch as I eat it smoothly.

Why is that I can so easily eat it? as I suddenly thought the question.

Well, Probably with there having been (eat as live) live off the experience once, it is
because I use [Gambling Dice] that is one of the [Sacred Treasure] similarly before
the eating start.

It is Pinzoro in the protruding eyes (number of pips visible after a throw of the dice)
Constant Whimsical Change of F
which I shaken as the condition to trigger [ Roulette Destiny ] that is one of
the ability of [Dice of Gambling God] being lucky.

It has an extraordinary effect which triggered when normally executing about ten
times, it is a state given to my whole body which is wrapped in a soft golden light.

I invoke something like [Probability Change] and [Luck] as merely my insistence to

make it work better.

Thereupon, the [Probability] that can be masticated goes up, it might be easy to eat
than before.

Or is this because some levels got risen apart from [ Fierce God ] ?

Though I don't understand the correct answer, for the time being until the day of the
[Holy War], I will collect information about the surrounding area.

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And like that I work many things further until dusk, Lying down on a large-scale bed
where several set up moreover long-awaited in a luxurious master's cabin of
[Anburassem Parabellum] then I can sleep calmly at night with Kanami-chan and
Redhead ――

[ All of the commencement conditions of World Psalms [Tale of Black Eclipse Oni]
Chapter 6 has been met.

Paragraph 1 [ Oni of Thunder ] ,
Paragraph 2 [ Embody of Salvation] ,
Paragraph 3 [ Remark of the Arriving Dragon]
Paragraph 4 [ Bringing Earth] ,
Keysa ・Var Rye
Paragraph 5 [ Revision of the communication] ,
Paragraph 6 [ Path of the Domination Shrine] ,
Paragraph 7 [ Prison of Wrought Warrior] ,
Paragraph 8 [ Blade of the fool] ,
Paragraph 9 [ Wave of the military flame] ,
Paragraph 10 [ Axe of the Demon Beast] ,
Paragraph 11 [ Poetry of Deliverance Saint] ,
Final Paragraph [ Banquet of the Fierce God] according to liberating condition
[KURIA] are up to proceed.

Due to the book of Psalms has already progressed from paragraph 1 [Oni of Thunder]
to paragraph 7 [Prison of Wrought Warrior] , it cannot obtain all of completion bonus.

However, It is possible to obtain everything by doing condition hidden to each

paragraph of the remaining in Kuria.

World Psalms [Tale of Black Eclipse Oni] Chapter 6 [Advancement of the God Evil
Gluttony] was started from Paragraph 8 [Blade of the Fool] .

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Wish for good fight ]

―― Similarly like before, The announcement without choices of ≪YES≫≪NO≫

echoed in mind.

Well, as the remains, let what will be are going to be afterward.

TL note:

 Allied Force -> formed under Holy Kingdom upon Human supremacy
 Allied Armies -> majority of Demi-human under Demon Empire and non
alliance to Holy Kingdom
 Therianthrope, If you know the typical cat girl or wolf girl on certain anime.
 Eiyuu -> Heroes whose ability more about military term, differ from Yuusha
which is more superior than Eiyuu (Heros) on individual ability.
 Eros ? something like sexual love
 Kuria seems refer to "book's" name
 (kachikachi~katakata) -> sounds effect
 Pinzoro [ピンゾロ] -> I don't remember about this or doesn't really pay
attention on Holy Land of Gambling Arc
 You might seen the Paragraph name in the rubi are strange but I try my best to
interpret it from kana.

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Again and again today, I am tampering with the scene again.

Besides, there is not much that could be talked about.

Though the movement of each country is also active, but that's it.

No substantial change has happened.

Pruning shears of Rose God

If daring to say, it would be that I was able to eat [ Blau Roper Scissor ] which I
keep munching until finish around yesterday noon .

[Learning completion of [Pruning Shears of Rose God] ability]

[Learning completion of [Rose Pruner] ability]
[Learning completion of [Blade of Carves Life] ability]
[Learning completion of [Plant Suicide Attack] ability]
[Learning completion of [Sharpness Perpetuity] ability]
[Learning completion of [Weakness Insight] ability]

The number that I was able to learned and being useful has decreased from before, it
might be because there are some of them that are duplicated or overlap with others.

Even so, yep, as expected that a [Sacred treasure] was the best.

As well as the time when I ate [ Treasure Core Ring of Spring ] , [Pruning shears of
Rose God] which I digested and absorbed without spilling it even if a broken piece
was enough up to contained [Divine Power] , it become my flesh and blood.

Not only am I learning with many new abilities, but also [Divine Power] certainly
strengthening me within.

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Powers are swelling from the depth of my body. It's like the boiled lava which totally
overflows from the volcano, it was similar to an omnipotent sensation that was felt
when [Existence Evolution] happened.

However, it is different from the sense that only happen with short time, an almighty
feeling that originates from [Divine Power] which is a part of the power of [Gods]
undoubtedly is a real thing.

If I, who is a [ Fierce God] uses [Divine power] , I might able to display [Power] that's
equal to [Gods] .

It's not easy to use [Divine power] since there is some limitation, but it is a joyous
thing that the number of my best cards have increased.

Anyway, one trouble was settled.

Though it is settled because of a good luck this time, while working without taking a
rest after having finished eating it, I put the handle of [ Mason Tool of Stone Statue Go
] which is one of [Sacred Treasures] on my hand.

I keep chewing heartily, it works.

It was that sort of day.

TL note:

 Some of early TL use [Rank Up] instead [Existence Evolution]

 [Treasure Core Ring of Spring W] was one of [Sacred Treasure] that Rou
successfully ate
 Yep, this day he also ate [Mason Tool of Stone Statue God] like some of high
grade candy

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For the time being, all kinds of preparations were over.

Well, I roughly decided to do it and later but I might do this too since I'm gonna make
some standard fine adjustments afterward.

Though the preparation of each country in surroundings are almost over, there are
still another several days until the [Holy War].

It's now the point where it's called the calm before the storm ?

Anyway, I decided to play with the children today because I got some spare time.

Since children trained voluntarily till the [Holy War] began just like other members, I
decided to be involved in it.

That's why despite my every directions are surrounded with the armed children, I try
to self accustom training of the halberd with much effort.

The halberd which became much stronger than before, showed its special ability from
the training.

Rapids water blade are brought forth from the [Axe Blade] part if I swing it, countless
spear of thunder arise from the spearhead when I thrust it frontward, the pointed
sharp pike hides its heat capacity as metal melts in an instant when got pricked.

Furthermore, I test it in many other ways, each ability is obviously strengthened more
than before, the abilities that had been newly added are strong.

After all not only has the skill in Blacksmith-san improved more than before, but also
because the used raw materials were excellent.

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Moreover it was embedded with [Soul Gem of Jade Eagle King] , as the weapon [Rank]
goes up.

It might become [Legendary] grade if I possibly want to check it with [Ore ・

Appraisal・Magic Item] , but unfortunately it was displayed as [Ancient] grade from
the expected [Legendary] grade.

It is the grade which is special for the magic items which are manufactured by a
person's hands. Though something seems not be sufficient yet.

If I put [Divine power] in the case of [Legendary] grade item, it might have treated as
[Vessel of Fierce God Embodimen] , I can do nothing but reserve it for the time being

The reason is, [Pole Spear of Starving Scarlet] which became [Vessel of Fierce God
Embodiment] originally was a magic item of the [Legendary] grade.

And thus became [Vessel of Fierce God Embodimen] , it turned out that it didn't
become [Legendary] grade if the magical item [raw material] of the class or more does
not exist.

There might be the other things, if I ignore it anyway and did the same thing, I do not
know what would happen to the halberd.

If nothing happens, that will be fine.

Still I fully thought about that it would disintegrating without being able to endure
[Divine power] and in the worst case, not only would I uselessly consumed valuable
[Divine Power] , but also that I cannot deny the possibility that halberd would explode
and disperse.

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For such reasons, I will leave the halberd at the state as it is for the time being until
becoming [Legendary] grade.

Well, it is likely I'll be able to get decent fights even if it hits or clash with a [Heroes]
's [sacred treasure] from my impression of using it.

It does have the feeling of self-restored for some reason, because of that I got sense of
security which it is safe even if I treat it a little rough,

The weapon is an expendable supply, after all I want to use the favorite article for a
long time.

While playing with children in spite of having some thought, munch-munch..I chewed
[Mason Tool of Stone Statue God] .

[Mason Tool of Stone Statue God] is a little painful in extent spicily stimulated the
tongue, it is stiffing, it is the toughest so far and it is quite delicious.

What is this? Is this a similar texture as eating an octopus or something like cartilage ?

Perhaps I should say, the more I chew then the more it oozes the taste ? So, should I
assume it was the jewel?

Yes, I would seem wanna taste some liquor.

At the break time, let's decide to drink a little. A single big gulp of liquor of the supreme

TL note:

 It seems he didn't finish eating the "high grade candy" [Mason Tool of Stone
Statue God] from Day 332

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 [Pole Spear of Starving Scarlet] is probably his usual Red Spear which got
evolved as he is.
 The Liquor here actually typed as "Sake"

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At breakfast, I was able to finish eating [Mason Tool of Stone Statue God] without any

[Learning completion of [Mason Tool of Stone Statue God] ability]

[Learning completion of [Space Sculptor] ability]
[Learning completion of [Cut Technique of the Odd Ten Thousand] ability]
[Learning completion of [Sensitivity of Art] ability]
[Learning completion of [Rock Appraisal] ability]

Though I made everything as my blood and flesh this time, unfortunately the numbers
possible to be learned has decreased.

It is the only thing which I cannot expect to rely so much on the battle side of it.

But other than that, it was the ability's seemed to be fairly usable.

As for [Space Sculptor] and [Cut Technique of the Odd Ten Thousand] have resulted
to substantial correction when I produce something, as for [Sensitivity of Art]
seemed to make it easier for me to know the quality of things.

When I draw [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] on the canvas which let me
attempt to repeat the act with a painting brush, a masterpiece which a famous artist
drew was completed.

Ferocious yet sublime, and the reputation is excellent if I show everybody the picture
which got more viewed as a representation of Hell that will get more life like from
now on.

If there was a person who was entranced by it, then the person had a sense of fear too.

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Because I thought that the art is a thing which for some reason works on the person
who considered it to be an art, in spite of being an amateur, it is a quite work of art
the creator has confidence in.

Though I can use only this for a hobby, it is not only an art aspect apparently, when I
make various goods, I seem able to apply it to ――e.g.―― something like a magic
potion for instance.

The stuff which was manufactured by a prominent technique, couldn't in as sense it

called a [Work of Art].

Well, lets put that one set aside.

I pick up the rock in the handy place and cut it with a finger.

[Rock appraisal] is limited to rock only and the use is extremely narrow but there is
lot of information by just that much.

Since something like the fragile part are displayed in view, it is possible to cut down
only to aim at part where to be interesting.

Due to playing around I got absorbed from since when I started in the morning, it's
already night time before I notice it.

I thought whether it was slightly a waste, but I will assume it is good because I was
unexpectedly able to relax.

By the way, with my abilities I used all day long today I made dozens of stone statues.

The statues consist of principal members such as Me and Kanami-chan including

Redhead, Minokichi-kun, Asue-chan, Burasato-san, Supesei-san, Seiji-kun, Aifu-chan
and Kugime-chan. Our statues are overflowing with a throbbing feeling and vitality as
if we'd been done in by [Petrifaction].

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Although it is not too well done, I did only make them for the first time? So I only to
think of it to be perfection, everybody was pleased when I showed the statue which
Kanami-chan became a model .

As for occasionally doing different things in this way for sometimes, seems not bad I

TL note:

 It seems Rou is able to "carve" stone as if it was soap or something softer.

 I actually confuse should I made it "Oni's Cry" instead Howl. The bad habits from
the author to play with the Kanji [Oni] is really something hard to perceive for

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Today is the day before [Holy War].

The preparations are perfect, and everybody has already straightened their minds
before the [Holy War].

Should I express it as the calmness before the storm?

A moderate tension, the euphoria, and the sympathetic atmosphere becoming tense.

And yet, I was worried about what I should do with the [

Ignatos・Forna Paradise・Haldora
Dragon Jewel of Resurrection G] and [Steering Wheel of Ship God] which were the
[Sacred Treasure] "food" candidates that stayed at my hand since morning.

Anklet Riam
The three [Sacred Treasure] that are eaten so far ―― [ Treasure Core Ring of Spring
] , [Pruning shears of Rose God] , [ Mason Tool of Stone Statue Go] ―― they are
[Demigod] grade items that I acquired from [Age of Gods dungeon] rank, which so to
speak are [Demigod's sacred treasure] .

Having being powerful, in a sense it doesn't get mistaken as the super-usual goods
kicking out a result of being able to be called absurdness.

However, when you subdivide [Sacred Treasure] , [Demigod's Sacred Treasure] is the
lowest of the three grade. In other words, it is inferior to most [sacred treasure] .

Judging the power relationship of [Gods] that makes [Great God] the top, this is a
proper result if I said it is natural.

Assuming [Great God] as special case, [God] and [Demigod] are inferior to be
compared with.

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Thus unlike three such [Demigod's sacred treasure] , [Steering Wheel of Ship God]
and [Dragon Jewel of Resurrection G] are [God's Sacred Treasure] which were
obtained from [Age of Gods dungeon] of the [God] rank.

If I check it with [High Rank Appraisal Tool] for its number of abilities or basic
performance, they were recognized which have entirely remarkable differences than
[Demigod's Sacred Treasure] .

Therefore [Divine Power] obtained from the both [Sacred Treasures] is much
stronger than the lower grade, the aggregate amount of the energy that become my
flesh and blood should be uneven.

So even if something which I do not expected does happen, the victory of the [Holy
War] will be to a unshakable thing if I eat it.

But the problem is, am I able to finish eating it before the [Holy War] starts?... So that
is to say.

Probably, there won't be enough time.

Though the fact is that I was able to eat some from past experience so far, but by all
means time is necessary.

Besides, after I get over the [Holy War], I setup a plan to fill my appetite with [Heroes]
and [Emperor] , and then [Savior Saint] .

Rather than eat [Dragon Jewel of Resurrection God] or [Steering Wheel of Ship God]
here, a little enduring may thoroughly enjoy the good taste more.

It is a right choice to strongly endure now.

Like that, judging by the reason, probably because I have eaten [Sacred Treasure] in
succession somehow or other, the desire toward putting out my hand with both
[Sacred Treasure] seems to increase,

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My instinct aches.

DANGEROUS, My mouth expanded just to have it in my hand.

I stop it reflexively with the opposite hand, but the power is rivaled.

I distant myself from it when it draws near, it tries to get close when pushed away.

At the time that I got conflicted and finally decided, it was already about the early

Judging that there is no time to leisurely eat, I decided to endure it this time.

And then I store [Steering Wheel of Ship God] in the item box again, and decided to
leave [Dragon Jewel of Resurrection God] with Seiji-kun for the time being.

When I go to a different continent for an expedition after this, [Steering Wheel of Ship
God] will be useful.

Raids from enormous marine mammal and fish people, or at the time of voyage with
much danger including the stormy weather, but the state of things from what it's in
and what's not in must be different. (theory and experience might differ)

And then because [Dragon Jewel of Resurrection God] is a [Sacred Treasure] of [God
of Resurrection] , the affinity is good with Seiji-kun who is a recovery personnel.
Besides, due to its plan that changed side to the member's support, death rate will be
lowered even a little if we use [Dragon Jewel of Resurrection God] .

Though the answer is sure to go out so if I think calmly, really..., is the docile part of
my appetite is the point that it should be improved?

Anyway, today is the night before the [Holy War].

Today's supper will become the last dinner of someone, and it is likely to become a
final farewell with someone.
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Therefore I scold and encourage them in order to survive tomorrow, while taking the
laughter moderately, I do a toast and drink liquor with everybody all at once.

The liquor to drink is the treasured elf liquor which father elves gave and the finest
gem in labyrinth liquor to be enjoyed to the extent that none of it will remain even

The labyrinth liquor which even has the mysteriousness that is not allowed but only
limited people may drink is accompanied by.

The refreshing elf liquor of that great blessings of nature are felt by oneself.

There is little difference between both and they quite often happen go together with
dragon meat dishes.

Indeed, it is delicious after all.

No matter what it is to describe, the desire to absolutely survive seemed to spring up.

TL note:

 Nice comedy Rou, as if his mouth and hand was possessed by "something"
 Another "food" come out; [Dragon Jewel of Resurrection God / Ignatos Forna]

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At the appointed day of [Holy War], nothing changes as usual as the sun that's shone
on the world arises.

Pierrot Nick・Demon
As for the things that add to the day, I send “ Clown of Demon ” which was soul-made
using [Great Devil Soul] as a messenger.

On it I've put some bizarre make-up which resembles a white face with big red-nosed,
as a plump devil in an outfit which is decorated by excessive flaps of wings on its back.
It'll fly until the [Border Zone] which was near the Allied Forces and the Allied
Armies. Both were shot down without any discussion first. Apparently, it seemed that
they were seen as enemy's attack.

I guess their ability to cope is too fast, but if I don't think otherwise, I was convinced
that it can't be helped when they met such unknown conditions.

I send and give the second body [clown] a white flag since the circumstances can't be
helped, and so it didn't got attacked this time.

Too add things up, I made it to say ;

『My master who is chosen as [World's Enemy] is waiting in the deepest part
nyoro~. THAT if you able to pass through several trials which had been prepared by
my master ~ikerunyoro-npa. Since my master would wait with a tolerant heart, THE

The demon [Pierrot Nick], whom I told to have made a fool of those men was
murdered cruelly at the moment when it had finished talking, it plays this role
because it drops the magic item [Compass of Guidance] where it's limited only to
shows the destination of this [Holy War].

Anyway, the 2 camps which heard the story immediately began the invasion at early

Although all the noncombatants decrease by the total number by having withdrawn,
still, there are a lot of numbers. Regarding the peoples who finally stepped into
25 | 213
[Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] , even though it would be a little bit too long but
I'm gonna explain their names in 'slight' detail ――

≪ Allied Forces ≫

Holy Kingdom affiliation.

White Royalty who become Savio

[ Savior of the White Birth ] Annalize Dina Einz Lumen, nick named as 『White
Lady』. A Saint kingdom princess in her late teens. Possess [Sacred Treasure] .
Somewhat crazy in her head, the existence that I should be most careful of during the
[Holy War] now.

Saint of Boundary
[ Border Saint ] Ishell・Vorfush・Serge, nick named as the [Border Saint] . A noble
coming from the Holy kingdom. Though she is a woman, she wields a large metallic
shield [Sacred Treasure] known as [Soul Shield of The Boundary Go] that covers her

Saint of Cleaved Judgment

[ Cleavage Saint ] Uria・Dufouns・Serge, nick named as 『Cleavage Saint』 A
noble native to Holy Kingdom. Though she is a woman, she wields a two-handed long
Spirit Sword of Cleave Judgmen
sword [Sacred Treasure] known as the [ Cleavernt ] that boasts a
length as long as her entire body.

[Hero of Hunting] the [Cardinal] Ran Bell, renamed to 『Hunting Hero』. A beautiful
woman in her early thirties. In possession of a bow [Sacred Treasure] . Has five

[Hero of Numerical Formula] the [Cardinal] Mutage・Veidoras・Dinoa, nick named

as 『Number Hero』. An old man. In possession of a [Sacred Treasure] Has four

[Hero of Heavenly Voice] Brandoness・Dyeor・Orchestru, nick named as 『Voice

Hero』. A young woman from music clans of a small country which no longer exists.
In possession of a [Sacred Treasure] . Has four companions.

26 | 213
[Hero of Love] Lovers・Amor, nick named as 『Love Hero』. A tan-skinned
beautiful woman. In possession of [Sacred Treasure] . Has six companions.

[Hero of Cuisine] Cervantes Alvantes, nick named as 『Meal Hero』. Middle-aged

man who originally come as commoner from his country. Has five companions. In
possession "Master of Cooking" [Sacred Treasure] . Only this guy is planned to be
captured alive by any means. In the worst case, it is necessary to collect even only the

[Hero of Madness] Kultock Tychus Avtorakuf, nick named as 『Mad Hero』 An

elderly noble man from the Holy kingdom. Has five companions.

[Hero of Torus] Ouroboreas Rindell Bauhelm, nick named as 『Ring Hero』. Young
noble man from the Holy kingdom. Has six companions.

[Hero of Mask] Pearsoll Masquerade, nick named as 『Mask Hero』. A young man
from minority peoples. Has four companions.

[Hero of Poisonous Mushroom] Mushroom Poinz, nick named as 『Mushroom Hero

』. A youth male from minority race. Has five companions.

[Hero of Resonance] Hollydess Dunois (spell=>Dunoa), nick named as 『Tomoyuu

』/ 『Co-Hero』. A boy who was born as a commoner. Has four companions.

[Star Reading Eiyuu (hero)] who is the [Cardinal] Aludra Aube Esmeralda, nick
named as 『Star hero』/『Hoshiei』 Her age is a monster class old woman. In
possession of crystal type [Sacred Treasure] . Has 100 subordinates of ≪Star
Intelligence Unit ≫.

[Books Eiyuu (hero)] who is the [Cardinal] Imrusk Vares Toudor, nick named as 『
Book hero』. An old man. In possession of of Writing Book type [Sacred Treasure] .
Without subordinate.

[Quest Eiyuu (hero)] Hawallips・Chris Avtorakuf, nick named as 『Explorer hero』.

An elderly noble man from the Holy kingdom. Has 2000 subordinates of ≪Taboo
Breaking Troops≫.

27 | 213
[Easy Money Eiyuu (hero)] Akugane Tamel Akudok, nick named as 『Sen hero』. A
fat middle-age man. Has 1000 subordinates of ≪ Money-making Corps ≫.

[Flame Dance Eiyuu (hero)] Lizmio Tottellnen, nick named as 『Dancing hero』. A
blind young man. Has 500 subordinates of ≪ Female Dancer of Crimson Lotus Unit≫.

[Steel Shell Eiyuu (hero)] Meludi Belna, nick named as 『Steel hero』. A girl from
minority race. Without subordinate.

[Demon Bird Eiyuu (hero)] Dinovano Eins, nick named as 『Bird hero』 A girl who
born as commoner Has 1000 subordinates of ≪Demon Bird Black group ≫.

[Abundant Harvest Eiyuu (hero)] Ashlut Mundeibo, nick named as 『Abundant hero
』 / 『Hou Ei』 A middle-age woman with fine body. Has 1000 subordinates of ≪
Abundant Harvest Moving Tree ≫.

[Flying Fish Eiyuu (hero)] Flafi Feefeer, nick named as 『Fish hero』. A young man
who was growing up on an island. Has 400 subordinates of ≪Flying Fish group ≫.

Empire Affiliation.

[Hero of Dark Cloud] Cloudlass Blumaustos Gufustav, nick named as [Cloud Hero] .
A middle-aged man. The second rank seat. In possession of [Sacred Treasure] . Has
five companions.

[Hero of Thunder] Artounel Vyarda Rickenbar, nick named as 『Lightning Hero』.

A beauty in male attire. The third rank seat. In possession of [Sacred Treasure] . Has
five companions.

[Hero of Strong Leg] Anderson Bokyak, nick named as 『Leg Hero』. A young man.
The group which was assembled by [Fate Plunder] . Has six companions.

[Hero of Zanito (Decapitating Thread)] Dyolimas Aiodos, nick named as 『Thread

Hero』. A female. The group which was assembled by [Fate Plunder] . Has three

28 | 213
[Shelled Insect Eiyuu (hero)] Philip Muskes Eagesect, nick named as 『Insect Hero』
. A juvenile male who missed going to the previous war. The seventh rank seat. Has
countless number of subordinate [Demon Insect] . The prey which Avenger aims at.

[Supreme Wolf Eiyuu (hero)] Wolf Volf, nick named as 『Wolf Hero』. A middle-aged
man who was born as commoner. The group which was assembled by [Fate Plunder]
. Has 500 subordinates of ≪ Wolf Fighting Troops ≫. There seems to be a little
connection with Netsuki-kun.

[Sand Ox Eiyuu (hero)] Nu Ushika, nick named as 『Ox Hero』. (Ushi=>Ox,cow.

Taurus) The group which was assembled by [Fate Plunder] . Has 600 subordinates of
≪ Sand Ox Hoof Troops ≫.

Kingdom Affiliation.

[Hero of Rock Iron] Rock Hero. The man who held secrets on his head. Has four
companions. The plan this time is to have him waste time at the [Gambling House Of
The Oni's Howl] *(Kikoku no Toba).

Other small country Affiliation. [Hero of Bomb Explosion] Bomul Bobolulu, nick
named as 『Bomb Hero』. A young man of the small country. Has five companions.

[Hero of Rotten Purity] Kifusu=Dana=Elena, nick named as 『Rotten Hero』. A

young woman. Has four companions. Carries an atmosphere similar to a certain

[Hail Rain Eiyuu (hero)] Arlala Lalara, nick named as 『Hail hero』. An
expressionless woman. In Possession of [Sacred Treasure] . Has no subordinates.

«Allied Armies»

Demon Empire Affiliation.

29 | 213
Mildion Caesar
[ Demon Emperor ] Hyulton Gascloud Atarakua. A man. Probably in possession of
[Sacred Treasure] . The person who required special attention. He uses slightly
special magics.

[ Heavy Black General ] Zemuras Su Suramuze, nick named as 『Black General』.
The second seat. Irregular lineage demon race. Gender is uncertain. The second seat.

[Heavy Green General ] Falnia=Yaruu, nick named as 『Green General』. Birds
lineage demon race. A woman. The third seat.

[ Heavy Scarlet General] Balarark Barak, nick named as 『Scarlet General』. A metal-
based type demon race. A man. The fourth seat. Has nothing except 2,000 elite force

Beast Kingdom Affiliation.

[Beast King] Lionel Gaulo Eastgran. A man. Probably in possession of [Sacred

Treasure] . The man who required special attention. He's certainly to be top class in
terms of body specs.

Volta Bifarog
[ Lightning Leopard Fang Genera] Chichiruta Rachira, nick named as 『Leopard
General』. Second fang. Leopard lineage Therianthrope. A man. A free person.

Blotch Bifarog
[Black Speckled Fang General ] Hyelda Darfus, nick named as 『Speckled General』
. Fourth fang. Hyena lineage Therianthrope. A woman. A person with hardships in life.

Gorilla Bifarog
[ Strong Monkey Fang General] Gori Gorila, nick named as 『Monkey General』.
Fifth fang. Gorilla lineage Therianthrope. Man. Musclebrain.

(Hispor Bifarog
[ Hippopotamus Fang General ] Hippopo Tamos, nick named as Hippopo
general.Sixth fang. Hippopotamus lineage Therianthrope. A man. An optimist person.

30 | 213
Vobbit Bifarog
[Hunting Rabbit Fang General] Rabbi Totori, nick named as 『Rabbit General』. 9th
fang. Rabbit lineage Therianthrope. An old man who you can only see as a young boy.
He is Malicious.

Katoboar Bifarog
[ Crimson Boar Fang General ] Bran Bull, nick named as 『Boar General』. 10th fang.
Wild boar lineage Therianthrope. A girl. Natural airhead.

―― So it was become like that. Though the person who would become the main force
explained it, than others in detail, it is not necessary to learn so much in detail. As for
the rest of them, it is enough just to shed them away for some reason without

Well then, though both sides of the camp that invades back and forth, the heat still
becomes a problem in [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] after all.

If one does not take any measures, they will die without even passing a few minutes
as the body burns.

It is possible to prevent it to some extent if there is a special item, which is means as

the proof once that we had captured [Flames Fire Dragon Mountain] , as might be
expected that this is fate.

Apart from elite Allied Armies, it is hard to arrange it for all the members in the Allied
Forces within their capacity. If I think to including their reserve and so forth, it needs
several times as their number of people.

Such a trifling preparation shortage would becomes fatal in the severe environment
of [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] , no one should ever ignore it.

However, the Allied Forces have a different method with 『prepares a large amount
of magic potion』―― As insurance ―― they seem to distribute the magic potion to
respondent of all members ―― to settle the problem.

31 | 213
At first, the 『Voice Hero』 party whose in possession of [Sacred Treasure] enter
only by themselves, next 『Co-Hero / Tomoyuu』 party follow in, and then 『Dancing
hero』 and his subordinates managed by using their ability.

『Voice Hero』 can give the result that closely resembled to [Eiyuu /hero] which is
affecting great numbers according to her ability nature, she is the unusual type of
[Yuusha/Braveman/Hero] .

It reinforces the companion by the singing voice, possibly that she possesses the
higher jobs rank type of [Minstrel] to make the enemy's ability decline, to the singing
voice of [Voice Hero] which is greatly strengthened by [Divine protection] given
from [God of Heavenly Voice] , exist a power that exerted various influences on the
people who had listened to it.

With the clear singing voice of 『Voice Hero』 that directly shakes the heart, it invites
her companions whose played 『Blazing Heat Cycle of Dyenos』 with various musical
instruments including a percussion instrument and the stringed instrument.

It assumes the content of the song to be an omission, The effect is a thing to

temporarily add [high temperature adaptation] , [normal mobilization] , [intense
heat tolerance] , [body strengthening] and etc. to the ally.

Heaven DS Mic
It also has the matching combination with [ Soul Voice Device of Heavenly] which is
a gaudy microphone type [Sacred Treasure] , and it has duration for all the day of
wonder. Normally for several minutes, even it plenty long of time if I consider it would
be lasting only for around dozens of minutes, I might understand how terrific it to be.

However, within the range of the effect, there is a restriction up to the distance to hear
the singing voice.

Allied Forces are not overcrowded so as not to be destroyed by an unexpected

surprise attack, they have left a little space, and it might appear that someone who
heard and leaks that there are this many people, but it was 『Co-Hero / Tomoyuu』
that played an active part there.

32 | 213
[Divine protection] of the [God of Resonance] which maintained by 『Co-Hero /
Tomoyuu』 is the resonance from the singing voice of 『Voice Hero』.

I wonder if I should say it is some sort of speaker. An intense singing voice and
performance totally roared like a hot live concert in the outer edge part of [Sacred
Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] .

And then within those musical performance, 500 people who are 『Dancing hero』
subordinates ≪ Female Dancer of Crimson Lotus Unit≫ stick out, they danced
according to the tune.

As if the flow of the magma was totally in all directions and gush of lava that happen
to be in all around of [Sacred Fire Mountain of Oni's Howl] , they move following to
every single move of 『Dancing hero』, the crimson lotus dances. The dance of 『
Dancing hero』 becomes intensely fired up to match it with the singing voice of 『
Voice Hero』 which also steadily get excited. For the dance that was totally in sync,
there was the strength which could appeal to the mind of the person who saw it.

And, as for who saw the dance, the physical ability and fighting spirit are greatly raised
by [Flame Dancing Enhancement] [Flame Dancing Powerful Body] [Flame Dancing
Powerful Mind] .

Although it is inferior to the Voice Hero at its effect duration time, and yet by various
benefits to last more than several hours, the war potential doubled in a short time.

And so being like that the Allied Forces are consumed in high enthusiasm, by
marching the whole force in spite of doing drastic climbing due to great vigor. Though
they sometimes encounters the dungeon monsters, it was nothing against the number
of violence.

The Allied Forces which went straight on arrived at the area with the lava wall
strangely at about the same time as the Allied Armies.

It is the place where the bridge doesn't exist to cross to the opposite bank and they
cannot fly or jump over since the spirit dragon makes a nest on the lava wall. Given

33 | 213
that I arrived safely, I employ [Labyrinth security guard・CHIEF] as I dining across
the bank with "don-shi", (ED:don from katsudon?=Rice bowl ) from the ground of the
line of both camps with a lithograph, I made [Gate of Oni's Howl] to process the
exterior lava to appear.

To the lithography in Allied Forces it was written 『(The easiest trial. It lifts up four
[Heroes] and their companions to the battleground. The bridge to the future will be
laid if one rubs it. )』, To the lithography in Allied Armies it was written 『(The easiest
trial. It lifts up three [general] and 1000 soldiers to the battlefield. The bridge to the
future will be laid if one rubs it. )』.

After a short while of discussion, the 『Mask Hero』, 『Ring Hero』, 『Bird hero』
from the Holy kingdom in Allied Forces, then thus 『Ox hero』's group from the
Empire are chosen to go through [Gate of Oni's Howl] .

The 『Hippopo General』, 『Rabbit General』, 『Wild Boar General』 and 1000
soldiers to whom [Demon Emperor] had choosen are passing through the [Gate of
Oni's Howl] .

But, if all the members of the chosen people disappear from this place,
[Zugogogogogo!~](TN:SFX), a bridge made of lava rises with such sound effects from
the big river of the magma.

Moreover, it matches a part of the lava wall that exists on the tip of the bridge that
shines in red by the high temperatures, and it cleared the way as if it had been cut in
two by the giant.

Even the large-scale topography change was felt as some sort of mystery, and all
members except the 『Benevolence Saint』 were gazing for a brief of time.

Because I was a little bit elaborate in tampering with some production here, the
reaction of both camp would be something that appropriately corresponded to my

There was the worth that I did my best.

34 | 213
By having my personal impression to say it is set aside, both camps that crossed the
appearing bridge beginning the further invasion.

By the way, for members of the people who pass through [Gate of Oni's Howl] will
appear in the hunting ground that was prepared on the 46th floor of [Waterfall Basin
of Water Oni's howl] , then accepting the attack regardless whether it was Allied
Forces or Allied Armies.

The contents of the attack are really simple.

I appear in the center of the cirque which water formed on to the height of the waist,
I only fire various systems groups of [magic] and [bone nail gun] all at once from
the hill approximately 20 meters which exists to surround peoples of the enemy group
who cannot understand their current state yet.

It is a surprise attack to slaughter the enemy as possible safely without fighting from
the front.

The attack that pours down with a barrage in a short time goes according to the aim,
and the damage to the enemy side expands every several seconds.

However, this opponent is no small fish.

『Mask Hero』 who commences the [Lion's face of Nellmea] then became like a lion
beast person of the steel, 『Ring Hero』 who wields circular unique twin sword
[Circular Moon Snake Sword] at high speed, 『Bird hero』 who accompanied by a
great variety of demon birds with a melody by [The Magic Flute of Bird's Stop] , 『Ox
hero』 Ox hero whose [Amullnoa Butcher's Knife] that runs along together with
ferocious demon cows as vanguards was displaying their power.

『Hippopo general』 whose featured with a big mouth, as if it possible to swallow a

man, also the 『Rabbit general』 whose specialty in skillful strategy with two daggers
and long sharp blade tail to chop off the head, then the『Wild Boar general』whose
penetration power is superior and outstanding, I had to struggled with elites from the
『Demon Empire』.

35 | 213
Though usually those amounts of attack of that degree can made to be to crush one to
death, their speed to reorganize are fast more than expected from the high ability of
individual combat efficiency, there seem to be fewer numbers than the planned that I
was able to knock down.

Well...., its just started.

Apart from 『Rusty Iron Knight』 and 『Akitainu』 as insurance, the reason is that
[18 Oni Warlords] are still there such as 『Kumajiro』 and 『Kurosaburo』 too, they
are likely will do somehow.

It is assumed that I will entrust that place to 'that place', and for the main force of the
Allied Forces and the Allied Armies that advance across the lava wall, I will try to
throw in some field bosses as a trial. (TN:yes, 2x "that place" because it's a pun)

Although they were strengthened more before under my influence, the war potential
difference has been defeated greatly as might be expected.

However, the field bosses complete their role, and I can secure enough information.
This will be enough for work to come into play.

As the main force of Allied Forces and Allied Armies that continue a detailed combat
afterwards, they face the next trial after a short time.

Although, I'll say that the deluxe edition lava wall and magma canal where I added
some huge statues stood, it only blocked them for a little while.

Here, on a lithograph of the Allied Forces was written 『The trial for the fated ones.
[Shelled Insect Eiyuu (hero)] , [Supremacy Wolf Eiyuu (hero)] , [Hero of Rock Iron]
, [Hero of Cuisine] and their companion to the battlefield. The bridge to the future
will be laid if ones fulfill it. )』, on a lithograph of the Allied Armies was written 『( It
is the trial before the end. You wonderfully displayed the excellent demolishing of
[Giant Oni Demon Statute] which exceed its durability. The bridge to the future will
be laid if ones fulfill it )』.

In the same way as that not long ago, four [Heroes] which was appointed by Allied
Forces to pass through in [Gate of Oni's Howl] where I disguised myself and changed
to a different labyrinth.

36 | 213
The fully motivated 『Insect hero』goes to avengers' places, 『Wolf hero』 to the
places where Netsuki-kun and Fuuki-san, I'm going to have the 『Rock Hero』 group
stay for a while in [Gambling House of Oni's Howl] .

Though 『Meal Hero』 has no certain relationship to [Fate] like 『Insect hero』 or
『Wolf hero』, I will be at ease in the future if I secure him here which is saying that
I let him to come over earlier under my guidance.

Soon after having come out of [Gate of Oni's Howl] which led to the summit of spiral
fire mountain, I would know it at first sight whom I waited for was. Is this because he
has pleasing looks and plump body like a chick ? There are even some attractiveness
is felt at 『Meal Hero』 in spite of being a middle-aged man, I was confused for a
moment, but shifted my mind immediately.

I do not seem to acquire the experience for show.

On the right hand of 『Meal Hero』 whose in a black cook coat type protective gear
is a kitchen knife type [Sacred Treasure] [Spirit Kitchen Knife of Cookin] , look after
[Spirit Nabe of Cooking God] which is pan type [Sacred Treasure] at the left hand,
He issued instructions to cooks who were the apprentices and the companion who
had equipped with white cook coat type protective gear of the similar design.

Right away to fix the body posture, as I would expect from the party in possession
[Sacred Treasure] which I admire.

While being satisfied with it, I have a scarlet spear and the halberd in the hand, I begin
to run to capture 『Meal Hero』 ――.


[ Yatendouji [Heretical Nemesis] Invoked ]

37 | 213
[ As a result, Yatendouji acts in hostile behavior / began the invasion ≪Heretic / Those
who awake the Psalms≫, In this way declared the outbreak of war of [Eschatology・
Conquest war]

[Until fighting of both is settled, [300%] The overall capacity of Yatendouji rises]

[Special Skill [Heretical Nemesis] is released as soon as it is settled]

―― Just like the time of Avenger and 『Water Hero』, the announcement flowed in

While completely controlling physical ability which rapidly improved, I draw out
scarlet spear and halberd to 『Meal Hero』.

And even as two minutes haven't pass.

[It was settled]

[Special skill [Heretical Nemesis] is released]

[Due to Yatendouji's win against [Eschatology・Conquest war] with the one of

≪Heretic / Those who awake the Psalms≫, The reward is given. ]

[ Yatendouji obtained [Food Ingredients of Cooking !!]

Saying that with [Spirit Kitchen Knife of Cookin] , I can cut by ignoring the defense
power of the living flesh, though it is a little troublesome to stir-fry and to do the
partner of [Spirit Nabe of Cooking God] that can be boiled similarly ignoring the
defense power of the living flesh, It was the extent that able to be dealt with scarlet
spear and silver arm.

Personally, I don't have anything to do with two, I had a hard time to neutralize
without murdering 『Meal Hero』 and his companion.
38 | 213
Anyway, 『Meal Hero』 are sitting on a chair by the condition restrained with the
gold string wrapped around.

Though he is taken a slightly rebellious attitude, I try persuading to make him as

companion like Avenger.

Though it is not necessary to do such a thing otherwise, the one that comfortably
became a friend will come to have good relations in the future, so I believe it would

For that reason, I talked in various ways about the dark side of the Holy kingdom,
there is 『Meal Hero』's family now, relaying it in REAL TIME, really various.

Then, the resistant 『Meal Hero』 might have been able also to understand at first.
Did his face blush? I would say it turned pale, then he approved it since he whitened
at the end.

―― [ Yatendouji [Fate Plunder] Invoked ]

[As a result, due to the fate of Cervantes Alvantes that is ≪ Those who awake the
Psalms/main character ≫ was placed under Yatendouji's control, The Heroes Psalms
[Manual to Full Cooking] is incorporated into story of the world Psalms [Tale of the
Black Eclipse Oni]]

[Due to it being incorporated in the most significant Psalms, The Heroes Psalms
[Manual to Full Cooking] was deleted permanently from the national Psalms

[ For the sake of Psalms rewriting, The Titles

[Animal Husbandry Chef de Cuisine]

[Fishery Chef de Cuisine]
[Farming production Chef de Cuisine]
[Flavour Chef de Cuisine]
[Spices Principle Chief]

39 | 213
VIP assistant
Which is of The Heroes Psalms [Manual to Full Cooking] ≪ SUB.CAST ≫ [Psalms
ability/specific ability] of the gene carrier is frozen at once ]

VIP assistant
[ The liberating ability power to make decisions of ≪ SUB.CAST ≫ and ≪ Those who
awake the Psalms/main character ≫ about The Heroes Psalms [Manual to Filling the
Stomach Path], entrusted to Yatendouji who was the one who seized it]

[ Thereafter, Cervantes Alvantes is ≪Those who awake the Psalms/main character ≫,

as well as the ability liberating of ≪Assistant VIP ≫ is done by Yatendouji ]


By the [Fate Plunder] , I was able to drag 『Meal Hero』 safely. I seem to be able to
enjoy a more delicious meal by this.

After having given him a drink of my body fission for the sake of the revolt prevention,
I decided to have him cook a dish using the meat of Black Fuomor (Fomorian?).

Speaking of [Giant Oni Demon Statue] which confronted the Allied Armies while I did
something like that, but it was being restricted by innumerable, thick, and very long
tentacle that Demon Emperor did [summons] from the underground hole, the chest
has been crushed by a fist of the [Beast King] who let golden battle aura surge from
his whole body.

I am annoyed with it due to a fine masterpiece being easily knocked over, I'm
abandoning its plan since it can't be helped.

At any rate, both camps did both terms in [KURIA] (TN:one Psalm's Book), and the
bridge rises up again.

The production of this bridge is an addition to the previous installment, it queued up

right and left as huge statue that existed on the lava wall moved. Colossuses' arms
intersect in the sky of the bridge, it becomes like a certain kind of parade.

After the main forces of Allied Forces and Allied Armies had gone through, at the foot
of the spiral fire mountain where we wait, they seem to stop advancing for a moment.

Well...., for one or other that it is already night when they arrived.

40 | 213
The journey is not only consist with the battles of attacking dungeon monsters, but
there is also some distance to topography and even here in intense climb ups and

Tiredness goes out mentally and physically by all means, there is a limit from the
number of people even if the march speed is fast.

To prepare for the tomorrow's performance, it's appropriate to choose to save the

Though it is easy if I retort by considering the extent of the weariness, things are
interesting in its own way.

For the time being, I confirm how the fight of members turned out to be――

[ [Hero of the mask] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power]
that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, [It is reconverted as
Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Seal Mask of Disguise !!]

[ [Hero of the Torus] died in the possession labyrinth ] A part of [Divine power] that
flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as [Sacred
Treasure] . [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Snake Sword of Torus] !]

[ [Demon bird Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth] [A part of [Divine
power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Pitch Flute of Demon Bi!]

[ [Sand Ox Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth] [A part of [Divine power]
that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as
[Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Nook Axe of Sand Ox] ! ]

41 | 213
[ [Supreme Wolf Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth] [A part of [Divine
power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Fang Sword of Wolf!]

[ [Shelled Insect Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth] Due to [Hero of the
sunlight] under [Fate Plunder] was defeated, [Divine power] has already been
converted as the [Sacred Treasures] ]

―― Then it happened. When [Heroes] falls within the labyrinth in possession, I

cannot hide my surprise when those happen.

It can acquire [Sacred Treasure] if it knocks it down in the ruled labyrinth even if I
doesn't knock them down directly.

Being able to understand it now, I am very thankful.

[World Psalm [Tale of the Black Eclipse Oni] Chapter VI hidden conditions «The
Foolish One» «The Requested Blade» in Section Eighth [Blade of the fool] of [The
Advancement of the God Disaster Gluttony] has been cleared]

TL note:

 (河馬 [kaba]=Hippopotamus ; 河[kawa]=River, the author want to make pun

here. In English, the pun should "Hippopo" and "tamus". TL it as River doesn't
fit with the pun here)
 For Yuusha (Yuu) I made as "Hero" (H), Eiyuu (hero) (Ei) with "hero" (h)
 Normally, I won't bother with yuusha or Eiyuu (hero) then TL it as hero anyway,
but THIS STORY written by the author made some distinguishment between
them which as just important as the context. IMO it's also not accurate to have
Eiyuu (hero) as "hero" since they're basically are not one but "hero" term. In
this DAY, you can get some hint what Eiyuu (hero) capable of compare to
yuusha. In RAW potential alone, Yuusha is one or two step stronger, but in some
situations, Eiyuu (hero) abilities will be in great use (more like support).

42 | 213

Second day of the [Holy War].

Although there were twists and turns, yesterday's fight performance ended safely.

As for the eventual damage which was caused as a result to approximately 3,000
members, about 800 died and a lot more are left with serious or slight injuries.

Along with the 6 [Brave Heroes] which are the ≪ main characters ≫, I killed a lot of
others which are their companions ≪ Sub Cast ≫, though it could be said that the
damage is slight if judging from the size of their military gains, however... it was
substantially an annihilation.

I was able to reduce the death to only this number since many of the seriously injured
were treated in time because Seiji-kun was there. They were not annihilated but it
could have come to that if he hadn't been there.

Though I did not make light of them, it is still too early for the members to face several
existences of [Brave Heroes] simultaneously.

However, there is no meaning even if I say it now.

Participation in the [Holy War] is voluntarily decided to begin with.

They understand the risks of dying, and yet they are still determined to participate.

In that case, I won't worry unnecessarily about the people who are not here anymore.
We can do nothing but advance.

While praying "namu amida butsu" so the dead members' souls may rest in peace, we
collected all of the members' corpses to hold a funeral later.

The corpses of the [Brave Heroes ] are collected in parallel with them. I threw them
into my item box to preserve them.

43 | 213
Since the [Holy War] has just started, I am going to eat them with the others after it

Nonetheless, my stomach is empty. I used the 『Ox hero』, who is leading the Demon
ox/cow, as an ingredient for the 『Meal Hero』to make breakfast to eat.

The contents are simple steaks.

The scent of fragrant meat stimulates the appetite. I put the steak in my mouth while
expressing my gratitude unintentionally.

And... the moment my teeth broke into the meat, I was at a loss for words.

The fine-quality Demon Ox's meat was moderately soft and the meat juices overflows
in the mouth.

It's nothing less than that of high-quality steaks.

However, various techniques and inventions might be given to the dish by the『Meal

In the taste, it transferred the skill absolutely. My jaw goes up and down to chew.

The tongue carries the steaks to the stomach one after another.

It was inferior when compared with [ Sacred Treasure ], but besides that, it is equal
to worthy gourmet food.

As I was eating, it is comfortable to soak in a lingering sound.

Apparently, while having breakfast with such bliss, the base of the Allied Forces and
Allied Armies seems to have started a course of action.

In order for both camps do not collide in the spiral of fire mountain, I adjusted the
spiral slope like the drawing of a double helix.

44 | 213
As a result, the adjustments prevented them from crossing each other till they have
climbed to the top. The Allied Forces and the Allied Armies finished reaching the
summit almost at the same time.

A heavy dark cloud reigns over the sky at the top of the mountains. There was a lump
of metal that floated in the crater of the spiral fire mountain which is used to cross
over to the dueling grounds.

However, it is a little bit different now.

Though the black cloud in the sky didn't change, the need to cross over to the duel
spot has disappeared, it was turned into a circular decisive battle ground that closed
the cap of all craters.

The diameter of the decisive battle ground is about three kilometers.

That kind of shielding does not exist at all anymore so that there won't be an obstacle
in the battle due of the large number of people.

At the center of the decisive battle ground, I am sitting on the luxurious chair which
『Velvet』 sat down on in his last moments.

All members of the [Eight Demon Generals] such as Minokichi-kun are also sitting
around, rising the fighting spirit eagerly.

Though they could have made a surprise attack on the enemies while they were
climbing it, but it is the long-awaited [Holy War] .

I had decided that I was going to wait a little bit longer until the Allied Forces and the
Allied Armies built their battle formations to some extent, however, while waiting, a
shout from the Allied Forces was heard, 『 By the God's will.

Everyone risks their life. Judgement to the [Insatiable Gluttony] ~nodesu 』.

Probably, it was something like a declaration before the war starts.

Because I did not feel the need to go along with their lead, I'll listen carefully for the
time being. I will wait until the preparations advance and then stand up from the chair.

45 | 213
―― If you asked when the "real" [Holy War] starts, it would be at that moment.

Just fighting, the strong survives and the weak are eaten.

It is very simple, it is survival of the fittest.

Both camps confirm that they are ready to some extent, and I let a roar informing the
start of the war.

It was accompanied by destruction. It is the attack that called a roar.

[ Yatendouji [Heretical Nemesis] Invoked ]

[ As a result of Yatendouji acting in hostile behavior / began the invasion ≪Heretic /

Those who awake the Psalms≫, in this way declaring the outbreak of [Eschatology・
Conquest war] ]

[ Until fighting is settled, [300%] of the overall capacity of Yatendouji rises ]

[By the joint struggle compensation [3 God Rank] , All abilities of

Lightning Flames Ox Emperor
Keraunos rise by [210%] ]

[By the joint struggle compensation [2 God Rank] , All abilities of

Goddess of Awakened Lunar Ecli
Hekaterina rise by [210%] ]

Earth Mother Oni

[By the joint struggle compensation [1 God Rank] , All abilities of Terra rise
by [200%] ]

Tears Meteor Buff

[By the joint struggle compensation [2 God Rank] , All abilities of Etoile rise
by [205%] ]

[By the joint struggle compensation [2 God Rank] , All abilities of

Battle Sword of Burning Blood
Erpensto rise by [205%] ]

Charity Lifesaving
[By the joint struggle compensation [1 God Rank] , All abilities of Crewtio rise
by [100%] ]
46 | 213
[By the joint struggle compensation [1 God Rank] , All abilities of
World of Rotten Soul & Spirit
Corrosion rise by [200%] ]

Guiding Eye of Fate

[By the joint struggle compensation [1 God Rank] , All abilities of Oiyu rise
by [100%] ]

[Special Skill [Heretical Nemesis] will be released as soon as the battle is settled ]

Supesei-san's group [Mana] emerged for no special reason. I will postpone that matter
for now.

Though the clear murderous intent and my roar with killing power hit the enemy side
directly, it seems it was defended against.


[3rd POV]

It was the screeching voice of an Ogre that disrupted the air space which announced
the beginning of the [Holy War] in its true meaning.

["[Oooooooooo!]. "] (SFX Roar)

There it is, higher than when it was the [Flames Fire Dragon Mountain] , at the top of
the spiral fire mountain that existed at center of the enlarged [Sacred Fire Mountain
of Ogre's Howl] .

A thick dark cloud with an oppressive feeling is enshrined overhead. At the deepest
part of the labyrinth where one shall be burnt to death by prison flames within a few
minutes if no measures were made.

At the center of the very large decisive battle ground which was prepared considering
whether they will be mistaken to arrive at the place, where the dead's final moments
are, Nine Ogres, who are chosen by Ovarou―― [World Enemy ・ The Gluttony] ――
lie in wait to ambush those of the Allied Forces and Allied Armies.

47 | 213
He stood up from the chair in which he sat to wait for both camps to finish with their
preparations to some extent. He uttered a roar which was clearly filled with
murderous intent.

Of course, there is no way the roar of Ovarou is a simple roar.

By nature, the aim of the roar released by Ovarou, whose [existence evolution] as
[Vajrayaksa Overlord・Living God Seeds] , was to deprive power from the mind and
body of the person who hears it. However, there was a chance for the roar to trigger
the dreadful effect of instant kill. Though some people can do a similar thing if they
are an existence above a certain level. This roar was far stronger in comparison to

Though even an original roar might be capable of devastating the armed forces by
merely being released at them. Using the ability [Desperado] which has a high
probability to kill only by hearing it once, as though it is a roar by [A certain wisdom
snake, serpent dragon or Dragon] , it was released with the intention to overlap with
the strong ability called [Emperor Dragon・Blaster Roar] which adds a strong
abnormal condition and physical disruption from the enormous magical power to the
person who hears it.

As a result, multitudinous as being astounded around Ovarou, the destruction roar

that is at the speed of sound, was visible as a dark red cloud using dense magic was
spreading out to the entire surroundings.

Though Minokichi-kun and the others close by Ovarou should have been swallowed
instantly in the destruction roar. Each individual is a powerful being, however, layers
of the shield "shiki" [Saint Energy Field] was set up before Seiji-kun's hand. Therefore,
there were no damage at all due to the barrier effect of the magical item.

However, all other "things" are threatened by the destruction without exception.

At first, with the starting point as Ovarou being the source , the dark red destruction
roar spreads out affecting the entire decisive battle ground.

The innumerable, big and small fissures caused in the decisive battle ground was like
crushing glass. The fragments that are dispersed by the impact turn into sand that is
blown subtly in the air.
48 | 213
A part of the labyrinth, destruction as if the field is going to collapse, would keeps
extending if it is not due to decisive battle ground which full of hardiness even to leave
a small wound, by no means it would be wasted, it attacks Allied Forces and Allied
Armies that set foot on the decisive battle ground.

Seeing from both camp, a dark red wall suddenly spring forth at the front of their face.
might only look like that it approached as it's expanding at a terrific speed.

Control your heart desires

「 A-Fu 」(??? voice)

What happens if we touched the approaching dark red wall? From the instinct as a
living being made everyone understood that the answer is; [(It dies. )] . Though we
understood it, the speed is too fast and moreover, with the too big-scale of Allied
Forces and Allied Armies, just a very few limited existences were able to put into an
action on the spur of the moment.

There be the light in the worl

「 Zerf 」 (??? voice)

Only just for a little time when the delay of the destruction roar of Ovarou arrives at
both camp which even does not reach five seconds. If we don't deal with something
between those, the body of soldiers of both camp is destroyed until instantaneously
becoming spray of blood, might not even one piece of meat left for this world. Even
the remain may be left if it is [Brave Heroes] who are sturdy, but the whole body was
infringed on being able hardly to do anything, easy to imagine the corpse being

However, it was a matter that can't be helped. As for the means to prevent an attack
with a sound as a catalyst, it is not certain to work. It is difficult even to react.

However, there was [the Deliverance Saint] who goes over to [Brave Heroes] in about
5,000 people Allied Forces.

St. God armor of Spirit Wrough

「―― Easlav Res Larg 」 (Annalize)

49 | 213
Pure-white cane with the mystical violent drawn saber as if it totally mowing down
Spirit world Canes of Great Go
all evils ―― [ Sephirostea Zecurios ] which is the [God's Sacred Treasure] that
Annalize prepared in advance, and it executed certain [Magic] which let only her
White Royalty who become Savio incantation
could use [ Savior of the White Birth ] with shorten [ Aria ] . The [Magic]
reaches all existences that belongs to Allied Forces with speed of light, temporarily
gives the ability such as

 [Degradation Soldier of Divine Protection] ,

 [Saint God Armor] ,
 [Mind-resistant Enhancement] ,
 [Battle Art Improvement] ,
 [One-time Salvation] ,

And it show the only power which able to fought against the hopeless [Death] called
the destruction roar.

But still, it was not enough. Before the roar of destruction that pulls up a destructive
power which further taking the abrasives soil such as the sands from the decisive
battle ground, the enhancement is nothing more than just for raising the survival
probability to some extent. Even if they can evade the annihilation, the damage is
there as the destroyed Allied Forces that might able to hold in.

「Iiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!」 (???)

To avoid it to happen, One of [Saint] ―― Uria of the [Cleavage Saint] who had been
following Annalize, jumped out to the vanguard. Without approach run, she passes
overhead of alliance soldiers whom there was more than several hundred people by
only one jump from the center of the Allied Forces, and land to the decisive battle
ground with lightning speed, thereupon the side-to-side line is giving a yell of fighting
spirit together with the breaking wind.

[ Uria Dufouns Serge drew out Battle Art [Cleave Judgement sword ・ Transverse of
Great Border] ]

50 | 213
With the two-handed long sword type [Sacred Treasure] which is beautiful enough
Spirit Sword of Cleave Judgmen
to make someone be captivated by just taking a glance at [ Cleavernt
Killer-Slashing Attack
] , the very large black Zangeki which is a transcendence skill and the
strongest of all her [Battle Art] was unleashed.

The flash of Uria who flies while cutting the space on the trajectory, collided from the
front with the approaching destruction roar.

Killer-Slashing Attack
Originally, the power of Uria's Zangeki reached to the stage which the only
one that able to fight on equal with those [Breath] as if Dragons of [Emperor] rank
are clashing to each other. She got more destructive power which several times than
her ordinary strength, because of Annalize's support as currently all status was
greatly raised by the effect of [Eschatology and War of Conquest] which executed by
the [Deliverance Saint Psalms] .

It surely would send the enemy to the graveyard if it hit, and it may be right to say
those flash is bringing a sure death.

But still, it was not able to put out the destruction roar that completely could be
mistaken as the natural disaster which can't be fought against. This is because Ovarou
is also strengthened like Uria who is strengthened by the effect of [Eschatology and
War of Conquest] . For that reason, Uria can't afford to reduce the power of the above-
mentioned thing, swallowed by the destruction roar due to her position at the very
front of vanguard, then she was attacked by the impact that made her seem to get
blown away greatly backward.

「Ishell, the rest is entrusted to you」 (Uria)

However, Uria did not die even after taking that destruction roar due to the power it
Killer-Slashing Attack
was greatly reduced by Zangeki . The armor of light [St. God Armor] that
protects the whole body is remarkably cut down, although it got occasionally
penetrated and its user suffers a bleeding wound, it is shallow and gives nothing off
for a fatal injury.

51 | 213
Though it might bear damage a little more if it doesn't have the ability given by
Annalize, but still it was able to give complete recovery at such extent to Uria who is
[Saint] to transcend [Brave Heroes] in a few seconds.

However, even [Brave Heroes] may suffer great damage though its power was
palliated, then the might which an impossibility to withstand for soldiers who were
the subordinates remained. Therefore Uria entrusts Ishell of the - - [Border Saint]
who is her flesh-and-blood twin to defense's role though her whole body was beaten
up in the destruction roar.

「Yes, leave it to me」 (Ishell)

Slightly late to stands in the front of Uria, as Ishell whose [Soul Shield of The Boundary
God] already prepared in advance which was metal shield-shaped of [Sacred
Treasure] where solemn decoration was given, she dropped the waist to endure the
destruction roar that approached near at hand. The large [Soul Shield of The
Boundary God] which possible to completely hide Ishell whose tall figure in spite of
being a woman was supported by Ishell that conceive the might as if a large tree has
totally grew a root in the ground, and itself demonstrates her real value with the battle

[ Ishell Vorfush Serge drew out Battle Art [Boundary Shield・Mirror Wall of White
Border] ]

A wall surface of the white light was erected from [Soul Shield of The Boundary God]
as the starting point in to spread by top and bottom, right and left as if it totally divided
the world there. The dark red destruction roar collides right after the wall surface of
the white light was erected and clashed while the refuge catches its lost energy
between nowhere.

Though it rivaled for a brief of time, but it's due to of losing force from Uria's slash.
The destruction roar gradually came unseen and was scattered to the area except the
wall surface of the white light.

「―― Fuu, as expected from [World Enemy] , to have done this ~ne.
it weaken our vigor, and yet it still have this much power……」

52 | 213
Is the fatigue because of physical pressure? Or, is it from mental pressure by facing the
menace which is drawing near ?

While oozing the sweat out in her forehead, Ishell peeks the visage from [Soul Shield
of The Boundary God] . Ahead of her line of sight, there is an image of the decisive
battle ground that absurdly got ruined. To see the terrain features that became deep
at the central portion, Ishell was muttering to herself; 『Seems like a meteor had fall
from the sky』,

Existence that affect this much by only a roar.

Ishell quitely trembled with excitement while viewing a figure of Ovarou which is far
away visually down to detail.

『(Gaoooooooooooooo~! )』

And again, a "roar" is released on the decisive battle field. A very loud noise as they
want to cover their ears reflexively, include a mass of magical powers with the strong
vivid murderous intent. Under usual circumstances, no doubt that ones would have
been swallowed if they did not keep a strong mind. Hence, all people of the Allied
Forces thoroughly took the on guard-stance, but this roar is different from the
destruction roar, it was frightening but in a sense was a normal roar.

Even so it's natural, to begin with, the owner of the roar is different.

From the eyes of Ishell's side, the master of the roar is pointed farther beyond
Ovarou's group. It's the Allied Armies which is comprised of around 1/5 number of
people of the Allied Forces.

It was Lionel ―― [Beast King] Lion of the Gold who conspicuously drew attention
among the place.

53 | 213
Fighting Spirit
From Lionel's whole body, the dense golden [ Touki ] could be recognizable to
surge out even with this much far distances. Especially the [Touki] that worn to the
both arms is thick, from there was left the hollowing trace of the destruction with
claw's mark at the frontward of decisive battle place, it was indicated that it reduced
the power of the destruction roar as similar effort as Uria's.

In addition, there was a huge creature of ≪ Hell ≫ from [Summoning] which was
done immediately at the rear by [Demon Emperor] Hyulton.

No eyes place their view to the outside world, if there is no scale then there is no
poison fang, it's a huge dragon of about 200 meltel with slippery milky-white skin
White King Dragon who calls f
feature. The Dragon's name is " Amsudomus " Spend its life without
moving from its nest with the ability called [Energy Absorption] which treat
Corrupted White Snake
everything as nourishment, " Lordmus "is the thousand years existence that
White King Dragon who calls f
live till it die after attain where it lives. " Amsudomus " which is coiling
itself is one of top 5 existence that [Demon Emperor] Hyulton can call through
[Summoning] , it opened the large mouth widely which glimpse out of a black hole as
if it's totally connected to "the space".

The destruction roar that even Lionel was not able to reduce, it is easy to imagine that
it got absorbed by [Energy Absorption] .

「Gahahahahahahahahaha~! This much power and it's just the roar ~taa, not less than
the expected of the opponent ~jyanoo」 (Lionel)

「This sort of being is not such opponent that I can take a laugh carelessly. Though
White King Dragon who calls f
Amsudomus is bottomless, but it say 『My stomach fairly bulged, first time
being like this』~desu. If it hit us directly, even we might have died, ~ne 」 (Hyulton)

「Gahahahahahaha~! was indeed ~oi. It was slightly more than expected, but the
subordinates seem to also keep in more than expected !」 (Lionel???)

「Good grief ~desu. but I dare say ~desu, doesn't almost all of the eight Oni are
[Emperor] rank ? they're looks like a close family ~desu. Ooofu.., really~ what the hell,
speaking of good show」 (Hyulton)

54 | 213
Whether due to Lionel who is laughing excitedly as the carnivorous Therianthrope or
belong to fighting tribe, the [Touki] that clad in his body became more violent.

While being astonished at the sight, but still Hyulton who was indicated from his tone
of voice as the excitement to fight, shrugged his shoulder similarly.

Both of them take their subordinate along, though they walk toward the center of the
decisive battle spot which got ruined while having non-serious friendly talk, but such
chance did not exist from the current condition without exception.

In spite of being relaxed to the last for both, their gaze to Ovarou, didn't miss from the
8 Oni in the surroundings.

If there was something to come about, they would be able to responed.

It is because Hyulton and Lionel who is the veteran in the eminent world, realized the
height of Ovarou's true strength.

And now with Annalize who is [Saviour] as the leader, Allied Forces were also the
same as staring at Ovarou.

「Well then, of the day to stand aside as fated, afterward is entrusted to each one's
judgment 」(Annalize)

Ovarou whose destruction roar as the first attack was prevented, sat again on the
chair without trouble and ignoring the gaze poured from a total of 6,000 people, about
5000 units of Allied Forces led by [the Deliverance Saint] , and around 1000 units of
Allied Forces led by [Emperor] ,

He constructs a defense barrier that uses [Protection Field of the Divine Beast]
which is the space rule type defense group ability for surroundings, then he took a
sake bottle and a glass out from the item box.

Contrary from Ovarou who relaxes completely to those who precede to make
preparation, Minokichi of 8 oni stands up without hiding the fighting spirit that cannot
be suppressed completely, then stare at enemy whom are self determined.

「Brrrr....... Me, get against that golden lion」 (Minokichi)

55 | 213
「Well then, we will play support for Ki~chan. for such things as [Beast Fang General]
Secktos Helvii
and [Six Heavy General] , then the soldier of the Allied Armies, me and other will do
something about it.」 (Asue???)

Is this because he saw Lionel's claw attack who defended the destruction roar? Or is
this because he has superior physical ability like Minokichi? The curiosity of
Minokichi was concentrated to Lionel.

Minokichi who spills thunder flame from the mouth, sets up an ax and the shield again
with fixing the eyes on Lionel, and then over swells his muscle at the same time.

As a result, the already-huge Minokichi grows even bigger, it made the person who
saw it feel the overwhelming powerful from it.

By looking to that, Lionel also fights back.

Side chest to appeal to for thickness of the pectoral muscles, poses such as double
biceps that appeals for the biceps brachii and the whole body was repeated, a certain
kind of empathy was gradually occurred between Lionel and Minokichi.

Naturally it's just a body language, the exchanges unfolded that even sultriness was
felt though they separated between several meltel.

Despite this Asue stops the sultry communication and lightly hits Minokichi's hips
that itself is the appeal for her strength, she lightly carried the huge [Mother Earth
God's Battering Ram] up to the shoulder with the opposite hand.

[Beast Fang General] , [Six Heavy General] , and then the elites of the demon empire
are looking ahead behind Lionel and Hyulton,

Asue expresses a smile and watch patiently.

The mood that wrapped up all, totally had a sense of security similar to such as the
mother earth but was slightly cold.

「Then, shall I get against [Demon Emperor] ? What kind of taste is the [Demon
Emperor] 's flesh and blood, I kinda got interested too 」 (Kanami???)
56 | 213
It was Kanami who said so and licked her lips in an obscene manner.

Though even she can take in nourishment from the normal meal, for Kanami who is [
Ice Blood True Ancestor Transcendence Seed
Ice Lord・True Vampire・ Superior Seeds ] which is one of most significant of
[Vampire] race, it's close to her instinct to sip blood.

It's not a mistake that the most delicious blood for Kanami is a sip of Ovarou, it seems
to catch her interest as what kind of taste the blood from existence called [Devil
emperor] .

With her sharp eyes like a predator that judges the prey in cool-headedness, she
seems to imagine the taste. Hyulton shrugged his shoulder as if he was affected.

Ovarou who sat down on a chair reacted to it and did so wanting to say something but
he seemed to decide to remain silent after all.

Burasato who looked at it, was slightly making a wry smile, and she turned her gaze
to a part of Allied Forces by expressing a ferocious smile.

「If that is the case, from over there to that point there, could I get them ~na? the
[Eiyuu] sure gathered, and they seems worthy to kill~na」 (Burasato???)

It is the right wing of the Allied Forces that Burasato aimed. It is the place where [Star
Reading Eiyuu] Aludra who sat down on the self-propelled and floated huge
crystal, and [Writng Books Eiyuu] Imruska who floats several odd books on his

Blood Sword War Empress

Burasato who became [ Blood Raid Empress ・subspecies] , whose wings of blood
sword attached on her back, skillfully handle the combat with multiple sets of them.

Moreover, Burasato gets excited inside her mind at the time of a battle, the brutality
that doesn't come out usually may come out to the surface, the [Eiyuu] whose many
subordinates along them seems to be the splendid prey.

57 | 213
The wings of blood sword move slightly like requesting its prey, she grasped the hilt
of [Senketsu Koujo] which held on the right hand and also [
Corpse Decapitation Blood Hunt
Shizanketsuga ] to hold on the left hand.

The "oni swords-woman" who is starved for blood, she thinks how to handle the prey
in her mind.

While seeing the figure, Supesei who stood by the side paid more attention to the
Allied Forces left wing, not the right wing that Burasato aimed at.

「 Assumed that way is entrusted to Sato-chan, if so then, shall I take on over there?」

There are a lot [Hero] who with [Sacred Treasure] and have special way to fight
which including Mutage [Hero of Numerical Expression] or Ran Bell [Hero of
Hunting] .

Supesei who uses various magic is skillfull in battle as good as Burasato with multiple
sets of sword.

Like a planet revolving around a star, also there are eight rainbow-colored abilities
orb wandered around Supesei, so it won't be a problem even if there isn't any

Even if she has the few elites [Hero] as opponent, the single oni might be enough to
fight them.

「Well then, shall we* keep company with the remaining enemy? together with these 2
oni, would you mind it?」 (Seiji)

So spoke Seiji, Kugime and Aifu nodded.

「Yes, it's for the best」 (Kugime???)

「It doesn't matter, but before that 」 (Aifu???)

Minokichi, Asue and Kanami determined to aim at the Allied Armies.

58 | 213
Burasato, Supesei took aim at the Allied Forces.

From the perspective of the person who knows each combat efficiency, considered it
as alright even if there are overwhelmingly a lot of numbers of enemies in comparison,
so no need to help them.

Though it's assuredly just like that as the truth, but by all means just beyond are the
large number of enemy and they're coming out.

It's Seiji, Kugime, and Aifu of the trio Oni whose chosen them self to deal with that

The trio Oni are inferior in combat efficiency among the 8 Oni because they were in
charge as the support of other Oni mainly so far, so such a thing seemed to happen

Also, it is a story thats limited among the 8 Oni even if it is said that their combat
efficiency is inferior.

By no means that the 3 Oni are weak. Even if they take against the comparison
army, they're likely to annihilate it.

This maybe because they understand their own capacity, since there seems to be no
complaint to Seiji's instructions by having to deal with great numbers.

However, only for one thing, Aifu put a demand on.

「Gufufufufu, Please let me talk with that one before. I can smell my fellow kind」 (Aifu)

The request was to talk with a certain person.

「That......I see, no problem」 (Seiji???)

As if being totally led to the fate, Aifu quietly stared at a certain person. On her line of
sight, seems to be like a matter of course significant, there was a figure of Kifusu [Hero
of Rotten Purity] .

59 | 213
From Kifusu as well、she look hard at Aifu as if being guided.

Seiji who got acquainted for long time seemed to understand that something was
exchanged between the two.

Seiji had a bitter smile and decided to let Aifu do as she pleases for a while.

In any case, the Allied Forces and the Allied Armies had arrived at it, and the eight Oni
set each target.

Ovarou who should be the leading role sits calmly at the center of the decisive battle
ground and seems to look on for a brief while to what happens to the situation of the

In middle when each is going to begin to move by expectation respectively, at the

center of Allied Forces, Annalize the [White Royalty who become Savior] is there, she
floats the expression of bewitching intoxicated by trance and wrapped her face with
both hands quietly.

「Oh, Oh, How joyous it is! Of the mission that I must achieve, what a hardship it will be!

It might destroy the world with just a roar, the terror of [Insatiable Gluttony] .

No killed story of being killed, only to have faced an oppressive feeling as if they aware
for their own stupidity.

To achieve something like that with the ordinary thing, it must be absolutely impossible
」 (Annalize)

Annalize is breathing wildly, she concentrated her attention with passionate eyes to
Ovarou who drank liquor along with snack where the fierce battle that began on the

「For this reason, I have a meaning. The meaning that I was born in this world, fated to
defeat the [Insatiable Gluttony] . Oh, oh, What a joyous event!, What a wonderful thing!
」 (Annalize)

60 | 213
In order to spit out the overflowing desire. Annalize raises the pure-white cane
[Sephirostea Zecurios] and grants the whole army [Magic] .

Soldiers who were strengthened to several folds, it stirred up their courage to

challenge those fearsome Onis.

「Let's fight, to fulfill the mission. Let's fight, for the sake relieve the world. Let's
Insatiable Gluttony White Royalty who become Savi
fight, because [ YOU ] and [ I ] are destined so」

The True [Holy War] has just still began.


It was already at dusk when I come to realize, and the battle that began from morning
continued even while the night is coming.

Securing the view becomes important to the battle, but ones still could see above a
certain level at night because the lava becomes the source of light here even if it is at
night. It doesn't become a big deal of help to us who see as if it's daytime even in the
dark, but it seems to provide enough assistance to other people. Hmmmm..., should I
adjust the vicinity about there a little? I drink liquor while spectating and think idly
while thoroughly enjoying snacks.

[ [Hero of Zanito (Decapitating Thread)] died in the possession labyrinth ]

[ A part of [Divine power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the
labyrinth, It is reconverted as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spada
Spindle / Spirit Spindle of Decapitating Thread] ! ]

[ [Easy Money Eiyuu] died in the possession labyrinth ] [ A part of [Divine power]
that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as
[Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Akusoron / Spirit Abacus of Easy Money]

61 | 213
Burasato-san and Supesei-san have killed two [Heroes] , thereafter I couldn't get the
kill. Well, it will be a matter of time to defeat.

[World Psalm [Tale of the Black Eclipse Oni] of KURIA Chapter VI hidden conditions
«The Army Uproar Gun-fire» «War Expansion» in Section Ninth [Hellburn Arc] of
[The Advancement of the God Disaster Gluttony] has been cleared ]

to be continued ~~ ...


 At this point I confirm Rou is called as Ovarou from his [Overlord] variant
species name, and
Vaishura Seeds
 it was not [Living God "species"] but Living God Seeds. Though the kanji could
be interpret as species but the Kana Ruby say Seeds.
 The Kanji "Living God" Also could be means as a way to refer the Emperor (since
Japan in old days recalled the Emperor as Living God). I believe the author want
to refer that Rou [Rank Up] as Emperor rank species. It seems the author follow
Rank as Low-Mid-High-Saint-King-Emperor-God
 "Shiki" seems like a charm/talisman or specific magic item to make barrier
(kekkai?). The TL said "ceremony" or something but I think the author might
means "chant" like some "Shinto" Priest or Onmyouji.
 Pochi said to me: "nodesu here is some kind of "accent"? it has no real meaning
on the context itself ~nanodesuyo"
 (TL; once again, the author make a wordplay to the speech (hum), 愚=>folly 腐
=>Kusa/Fu=>Rot. Put the raw coz this one is confusing -_-;\ )

62 | 213
Though I was just a spectator since yesterday ―― the [Holy War] has continued
without interruption.

Various [Magic] exploded everywhere, sparks scattered, abnormal noises and the
impact of weapons and skills colliding were heard, flesh and blood fell as if they were
dancing and lives perished. The struggle of the urge to kill and the will to fight,
screams and angry roars kept echoing without cease.

If it wasn't for the auto-repair of the decisive battle ground as time progressed, it
would've collapsed long ago by the storm of destruction.

The [Holy War] that has passed a day, after starting on the decisive battle ground, is
advancing almost as originally planned.

There won't be too many casualties among our ranks even if we kept the Allied Forces
and the Allied Armies company at the same time. The more time passes, the more both
of the enemy armies' war potential gets cut down.

However, there is a little bit of a miscalculation. It seems that the decline of the Allied
forces' military power is less than expected.

If the current Allied Armies have lost 40% of their war potential to Asue-chan's group,
it was expected that 60%-70% would be cut down from the Allied Forces to Burasato-
san and Supesei-san's group. In reality, they suppressed it down to only 40%.

Still, we've had satisfactory military gains. After all, the cause to that expectation is
excluded since the "White Lady" existence seems to play a big role.

Even if the Allied Forces' soldiers have been greatly strengthened as if they're some
[Hero] , they won't be able to stand against the wide-range combo hit annihilation
attacks from Burasato-san and Supesei-san.

63 | 213
Due to the various [Savior] 's peculiar [Magic] which included "
St. God armor of Spirit Wrough
Easlav Res Larg ", most of the damage was negated. This allowed the Allied
Forces' soldiers to display toughness as if they were the undead.

Does the Alliance soldiers feel neither fatigue nor pain? Even when their arm and foot
are chopped off or their lungs get crushed, they're not stopping.

Even when they lose their limbs, it is instantly regenerated when they retreat away.
It seems that their blazing fighting spirit has caused them to bear the mental damage.
They continue to be revived even though the physical damage exceeds their bodies

For such a reason, it's certain that it would be more fun to be dealing with the Allied
Forces because of the White Lady's existence, who waits on the rear and continues
restoring her allies without end.

Well, she is an existence with [Divine Protection] of a [Great God] similar to me after
all. Doing that much is understandable and is a matter of course.

At any rate, it is different from yesterday when everybody fought joyously, while I
watched and used the ability [Protection Field of the Divine Beast] to prevent any
stray bullets. Because the request 『 Don't enter the fight first, we wish to fight on
our own 』 came from everyone, I endured it, but the time limit I gave them has
finally ended.

After I fully motivated myself by eating the delicious breakfast made by the 『Meal
Hero』, I held special weapons on each of my four silver arm. Since everybody has
fought enough, I too must enjoy it today.


[3rd POV mode ]

Ovarou cancelled the ability [Protection Field of the Divine Beast] which was set up
all around him, then he stood up from the chair which was from Velvet's inheritance.

64 | 213
Because he was worried and troubled that the chair might get destroyed, he stored it
into his item box. Then he began to do some warm-up exercises, he turned his neck to
the sides and eased the stiffness from his shoulders. Probably because of his hardened
body, it made "gokigoki" sounds every time it moved.

Velvet's chair is nice and sitting feels comfortable, in addition, even by just
sitting could recover mind and body by its effect as magic item, although as expected
one would stiffen up considerably if he just kept sitting down all day long.

「 Well then, hmp」

When Ovarou was turning his head to loosen his neck stiffness, suddenly a sharp
arrow flying like lightning was aimed at his head, he stopped it by biting it, then just
munch it mumblingly as it is.

Is the magic metal used for the arrowhead high quality one?, maybe the wood used
for the arrow's shaft is high quality? or, is the feather used for fletchings (arrow's
feathers) high quality?, if not maybe something like magical power put on it is the high
quality one.

While closely preceiving the secret of the thick flavor of the arrow, Ovarou eagerly
looked around the surrounding battle ground and pulled his mind together. He need
to grasped the gist of the war situation, because something might fall apart if there
are some kind of slip-ups . There might be a situation he should help.

To concentrate on his own fight, he need to confirm it before it begin .

「Hmmm... for Minokichi-kun, there should be no problem 」

After all, Minokichi-kun is happily fighting against the [Beast King] Lionel, drawing
the attention of the Allied armies.

[Minokichi's part]

Freely manipulating his huge ax as his own limb, while emitting thunder and flame
from his whole body, Minokichi-kun defend with his shield against the intense combo
attack unleashed by Lionel.

65 | 213
In addition, he moves at the unusual speed that didn't match his gigantic figure,
presently all abilities rise by [210%] due to the effects of [Eschatology of War
Conquest] , making his swings reached to the domain where it had easily exceed
beyond the scope of thunder sound speed. (TL note: Some failure in description I think,
mean speed of sound traveling through air I guess, lightning may carry different decibels
(dB), but sound speed is more affected by the medium such as gas, solid, or liquid, which
is why sound can't travel at space where it is vacuum)

By the result of bustling about freely at the speed that eyes can't follow the large build
either, Minokichi-kun brings nobody close to his battle surroundings.

Not only due to the shock wave that shake the space continues being scattered
without cease, but there are numerous thunderous flames that are roaring and
burning the area, but it's also formed to make ones understand that they gonna
destroyed by fire in a short time if they approach unskillfully.

Even the [Beast Fang General] and the others that came over to fight together with
Lionel cannot interrupt Minokichi-kun's fight today.

『 Buummoooooooooooo! 』 (Minokichi-kun)

『 Gahahahahahaha! Gahahahahahaha! seethe , seethe~ together! 』 (Lionel)

However, against Minokichi-kun who moved at the speed which more than usual,
Lionel [Beast King] is struggling to rival him.

In order to fight against Minokichi-kun who is clad in thunderous flames, Lionel

brightens his whole body in golden [Touki], and similarly strengthen physical abilities
by effect of [Eschatology of Conquest War] .

Minokichi seems to exceed Lionel a little if it is accurately valued in numbers, but

Lionel is a strong man who has reigned as [Beast King] for many years. His
accumulated days of struggle are by no means light, and the experience gain over the
life-or-death crisis easily cover a lot of differences in physical abilities.

66 | 213
And thus contrary to his manly violent appearance, he doesn't merely fight only by
power. Like a keen-edged blade, Lionel surely had mastered the skill to defeat the
opponent from his experiences.

Lionel, who makes good use of the special move that could even made Me look with
fascination, averted the trajectory of swing downward from Minokichi-kun's axe with
just only a little prob toward its flank. (ED; This should be 3rd POV, maybe the author
forgot or slip for this one line) In the case that equipment came into contact with the
back of his gauntlet, neither spark or sound was caused. Flawless parry, is the result
of using precise minimum necessary power to deflect an attack. And then thunder
flames attack immediately follow after that, though his body fur is slightly burned an
instantaneous gush of [Touki] quickly scatter it, and this lead to a slight chance to
unleashed a kick. It would seem Lionel's kick use greaves equipment that are magical
items. Though a direct hit could be a crushing blow to Minokichi-kun, sadly it was
prevented due to a massive shield set up as if it is a huge mountain.

『 Buumooooooooooooo!』

『 Gahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!』 (Lionel)

Both exchange dozens of offensive and defensive abilities which took only one second,
how many people who could recognize all of that here? The clash of the two is just like
floods of lightning. Even for those who can distinguish the continuously dazzling
spark, to be able to comprehend the details of their fight someone have to be in the
same class. (TL note: In case it's not clear Lionel is in golden touki while Minokichi is
clad in lightning, they would be indistinguishable from one and another if people seeing
it are not high level)

In order to incite each other, with each passing time Minokichi-kun and other
continue to raise the heat, clashing relentlessly.


(TL note: back to Obarou POV]

The fact is I want to kill and eaten Lionel, but as expected I hesitate to hinder
Minokichi-kun who is having an enjoyable manly fight, glancing to the side of
Minokichi-kun and I see Kanami-chan next to the allied forces.

67 | 213
At the time, because of a flock of enormous moving toadstool (poisonous mushroom)
is obstructing the view, I swung the crimson spear to mow them down. Though they
are severed without any resistance, unfortunately the dense poisonous spore was
scattered from the amass poisonous mushroom that was mowed down. Still there
should be no effect on me even if a large amount is inhaled because of [Status
Abnormality Nullification] , that being the case as the view is getting worse, I decided
to breath a blow. Thereupon hostile [Holy Knights] who are unluckily nearby choked
by the inhaled spore. Soon after suffering began, at once they collapse to the
battleground, bubble begin to form from their mouth similar to a crab. Though they
are not dead yet, they will soon stop breathing if they aren't detoxified.

Since the timing is right, I produce a golden thread from my fingertip and start to
restrict the [Holy Knights] who wear full body armor. After having restrained them
as many of them as possible which turned to ball-shape, I swung them around to
scatter the spores and lightly clear the area. Using the [Holy Knights] as substitute
for heavy weight, I swing them at high speed until making a [bokiboki] like sound,
afterward further intense smashing sound reverberate from the heavy impact with
other enemy units. Looking at the rupture from the flesh of [Holy Knight] bodies, an
innumerable number of bones are protruding. If any of them are still alive one will be
in great agonies, however there seem to be none. Obviously they are dead.

Well..., either way it seem they won't escape harm from the poison. Incidentally for
the cause of death was changed from being poisoned, I guess there isn't a great
difference either.

After swinging several more time, having judged that I have done enough effort in
reducing their numbers to some extent, I cut the thread separating it from my
hand. Then the [Holy Knights] flew away similar to a cannonball then directly hit the
[Mushroom Yuusha] nearby, in the same time he was blown away. Even if the
[Mushroom Yuusha] is not dead, he is likely necessary to be treated for a while.
[Kanami-chan also...... there's no problem]

Thus with the nuisance gone, at last Kanami-chan can be seen clearly.

68 | 213

[3rd POV ]

『 Ufufufufu. For the sake of enjoying matured "Wine", as expected careful preparation
is essential right? 』 (Kanami)

『O-fu, I agreed, it is considerably dangerous de-su』 (Hyulton)

The battle between Kanami-chan and [Demon Emperor] Hyulton, differ from the
showy and flashy kind that fitted Minokichi-kun and others.
The place where Kanami fought was a plot covered with demonic ice of the bluish
Despite being within the supremacy from the flaming cage of [Sacred Fire Mountain]
, Kanami-chan ice would send a chilling cold wave and thereby transfiguring the
Summon Ice Blood Familiar
scenery filled with marvelous glacier, Kanami-chan then use [ Summon Azaroth
Ice Blood Poisonous Multi-hea Ice Blood Heavenly Wolf
] to [Summon] “ Azaroth Hydra ” and “ Azaroth Sirius ”, Hyulton
would also [Summon] dwellers of ≪Qliphoth≫ as opponent for the battle.
(TL note: for Makai description try seeing "Disgaia" for references, can mean

The [Summon] from [Ice Blood Familiar Summons] are a very powerful existence.

However, the gas-based monster who was comprised of a black miasma "
Lord who controls air space of
Zasborg・de・Soussu ", then a giant that grew innumerable horrifying demonic
Starving Giant with War Blade
and cursed swords from its whole body " Dis・Hau・Dobra " which are the
[Summon] under the control of Hyulton are also not inferior.

Due to both summoning, more than 20 monsters are filled and spreading mayhem
with murderous intent in order to obliterate the enemy side existences. The roar that
intimidate the enemy does not die out, and the raging ice storm is so devastating as if
it will not permit the survival of the living being. In addition to the screeching scream
which made the resisted mind gone insane are roaring, the wave of the miasma that
erode everything is like a curse.

69 | 213
To describe the familiars fight, it is exactly similar to Kaijuu great battle, which should
do for an explanation.

And thus in the sky above the chaotic rampages of the familiars, the battle of Kanami
against Hyulton were proceeding at breaking high speed. If Kanami-chan swing the
[Drop of Moonlight] , Hyulton uses the condense black miasma as a sword. If kanami-
chan use magic, Hyulton also uses magic. With alternating offense and defense, it
seem both lack the decisive blow to break the continuum.

(TL note:back to 1stPOV, seems the author have this habit of changing POV without

Originally, I wonder if Kanami and Hyulton manner of fighting to be similar.

Unlike both Minokichi-kun and Lionel whose battle-type are risk taking vanguard, to
strike from the rear, they are the contriving-type by creating subordinates and
summoning familiars to be employed for settling matters. Having practicability to use
numerous variation of broad tactics alone, they can single-handedly perform a
military campaign.

For this reason, it was inevitable the current situation became a war of attrition due
to their collision. Even if one have slightly more pieces one on their hand, how one
use their piece effectively can determine the victor.

It's indispensable to have understanding of formulating strategies, the intense

exchange taking place are worth seeing.

As of now Hyulton might be in display by hoping no damage occur to the Allied

forces, also that the aftermath of the offense and defense are suppressed by feeding
it to Amsudomus, just simply that being the case seems made Kanami-chan to gain
the upperhand.

It seem victor or defeat can be decided if I join there, but because Kanami-chan being
Kanami-chan having an enjoyable time, so getting involved would be rude.

70 | 213

[Asue' s part]

「Asue-chan too, seems doing well, heh」 (Ovarou)

Again, equally I put out of my hand to get involved to Asue-chan that fight near
Minokichi-kun and Kanami-chan.

『 I can~not feel ~the strain, they died fluttering just like that ~tsu !』(Asue)

The alliance battle troops whom Asue-chan has to play against with are 1000 elites
soldier, 3 of the [Six Heavy general] which is Black, Green, and Red General. Then 3
from [Beast Fang General] Leopard, Speckled, and Monkey General.

『 Post Magic Aria, strafing. Smoke bomb throwing, listening closely to the designation
report. Blind spot detection, abnormal strike start 』(???Green general )

『It's gathering the thermal power together ~noja. seems need to do so, THAT's defense
doesn't seems has any hole.』(Speckled general???)

『 Oooooooo! This ONE's Flame WiLL ScOrcheD iT dOwn ALL !』(Scarlet general???)

Though Black general acts as the supreme commander,the three generals lead about
300 soldiers of allied forces respectively first,then fight against Asue-chan by their
own individual decision. in spite of doing so, their numbers is not so significant in
front of Asue-chan because she could manipulate the topograhy of battle ground
where she temporarily causes big and small, various ups and downs.

She divides it into parts by making ups and downs if it is overcrowded, each one by
one is defeated from the people who got isolated.

Therefore, Asue-chan must not let the anticipating of the tactics to elapse even a little.
In addition, the awareness can not be concentrated only at one place. The three
Generals seems to choose to fight by leading the soldiers of allied forces respectively.

71 | 213
In this case, the connection that can only predict each others movement will be
essential. Without it, it could be called as stupid plan where they will obstruct each
other then ended to self destruct.

Yet, the three Generals from [Heavy general ] acted themselves with well great tact
while covering each other. If Asue-chan turned her awareness to the corps
somewhere, the remainder will attack from her blind spot and it makes the best use
of the favorite plan as two corps became the decoy, well matched.

Besides outrivaling in the individual match, the unassisted Asue-chan are also aimed
from the attack by the existence of three general [Tusk Fang General] , it is a fairly
good fight.

And so forth, during the thought, an irradiated pink Battle Arts "Love Beam (Slave of
Lust)" from the front was struck at the chest.

It seems to be some kind of abnormal status attack where absolute love given to the
user, but there is no meaning since there is [Status Abnormality Nullification] as well
as the time of a spore a little while ago, and in the first place I gives my love to Kanami-

Even if I got struck by it barefaced, I guess a "bang" will never happen.

『 Hahha-! it also keep advancing by slipping through the ally's attack 』(Leopard???)

『 Uhohohouhohoho. If that's the case then I'll leave it to strength competition! 』

(Hipopo General??)


When I concentrate on the movement of the Alliance troops who were disciplined, the
offense of the Alliance troops hit Asue-chan directly at several places which was
played at by the bizarre actions of [Tusk Fang General] who moves freely.

『 Ineffective, IT'S INEFFECTIVE! You think that would give damage to us?, CO~ME
ATTACK MORE~, STRONGER! 』(Asue??? probably from the speech.. She's an M? and yes
she said "us")

72 | 213
However, there are few number other than [Six General] with offensive ability to carry
through the defence of Asue-chan and even fewer who could withstand her
counterattack. Also it doesn't do anything much even if she is attacked by an excellent
recuperative power, so it seems buying time as possible is the limit that the Allied
armies could do. Also even if all [Divine Protection] that in the possession of all
Alliance force troops was strengthened more than usual by [Eschatology and War of
Conquest] , there are not much meanings to it in the presence of Asue-chan who got
strengthened in the same way which somewhat invites sorrow either way.

Due to too much differences between their base character status in the first place, it
became an inevitable reality. The Alliance force troops cannot defeat Asue-chan.
Merely just spend playing for time, there is only an end to be killed.

Nevertheless, a dark cloud horse that charge straight is vanished against a giant water
blade generated from shaking my Halberd, I pierce the phantom of the translucent
knight with the cursed spear, then skewered the [assassin] who approaching near
without a sound nor a sign from my back with the living body spear. While cutting off
the approaching attack sound from the front with Red spear, I gave them praise in my
mind since they endlessly tackle the fight that has no chance of success.

I won't go easy on them, but I should have the respect for their way of fight.
「 Assuming that the Allied armies side won't have to put out their hand, speaking of the
Allied forces side……」(Ovarou)

Turning to the Allied Forces side who are numerous, Burasato-san and Supesei-san
fought to a lot of [Heroes] as their opponent.


[Burasato's part]

Although they were fighting individually at the beginning, but [Heroes] begun having
to cooperate after triggered by victims that appeared on the first day , Burasato-san
goes back to the usual tactics that acts as the vanguard and Supesei-san acts as the

Innumerable wings of blood sword are burning to dance, great number of black magic
like meteorites are pouring down from the sky. When a comprehensive defense

73 | 213
formation is assembled to prevent attacks, Burasato-san who laughed loudly cut
them deep without paying attention in a flash.

『 AA~ MOU~! THIS IS REALLY FUN! 』(Burasato)

Burasato-san attacked the enemy who stood earnestly before her eyes while she raise
a cheer. Both those with swords, those with spears, those who use magic, crazy
products like synthetic demon beast (Chimera) that using peoples, golem made of
inorganic materials, and etc. No matter what, she attacked all noticeable enemies.

If it were about her opponent so far, a mountain of corpse had already been built in
front of Burasato-san. Even if she was opposed to thousands of troops, in a matter of
minutes it would have been possible for Burasato-san to kill them.

However, there was a lot of personage against the tyranny of Burasato-san in this

『 EXPLOOOOOOODE! 』(Bomb Hero???)

『 Urasshaa-! 』(Leg Hero???)

Along with the courageous cry, Bomb Hero and Leg Hero performed a pincer attack
on Burasato-san. It is a launched fist that explodes when got touched and a kick that
Battle Art
even could easily crushes a magical alloy. By using Arts , Burasato-san accurately
Bloody.Princess Corpse Decapitation Blood Hunt
intercepted with [Senketsu Koujo] and [ Shizanketsuga ] against the
delivered attack at perfect timing.

The fist and the kick are easily parried by the swings of two cursed swords drawing a
circle. The blade of cursed sword swop down on to both [Heroes] whose posture
collapsed from the flow. Its trajectory was caught onto the torso of Bomb Hero, and
one of its track also aimed to cut the neck of Leg Hero. They managed to react and
defend against it, but it was too fast then Bomb Hero and Leg Hero brutally blown
away and rolled over the battlefield. Each of their comrade set an attack in no time
after, but Burasato-san avoided it as if she was dancing and was slashing them at the
same time.

Blood was scattered, and pieces of meat flew. The voice of the pain leaks, and anger
burns. Though it seems that there's no death, they seem to suffer some serious injury
as they won't be able to move if they don't treat it immediately. Burasato-san attempts
74 | 213
a pursuit to stop against the enemy who trying to withdraw for treatment, but the
surrounding enemies are blocking her way so she could not finish killing them.

If it is usual Burasato-san, she should have broke through and even slaughtered them,
but as long as you see that delightful expression, guess I daringly turn a blind eye for
it. Perhaps due to her battle maniac nature, she may be praying that this battle will be
prolonged even a little. Well, it can't be helped because it's Burasato-san, so I decided
to think that way as I shrug my shoulders.

Whether they perceive it as a chance, the soldiers from <<Forbidden human

remodeled army>> who made remodeling for the siblings of [Mad Hero] and
[Explorer hero] by transplanting a part of monsters based on humans were plunge
them self to charge. Is that a mix of rhinoceros or a wild boar ? Or, is it something else?
Anyway, the rushing speed of those soldiers is fast and their charge is making the best
use of their big frame covered with hardness that seems to transformed from outer
skin. However, because it was only fast, I split them with halberd and living body
spears as if they were passing each other and divided them into 17 parts.


[Supesei' s part]

『 Fufu......fufufufu. As expected, using magic without limit, is pleasant ~ne 』(Supesei)

Behind Burasato-san who got entranced with the fight, there was a figure of Supesei-
san who also fought happily in the similar way. Perhaps it could be considered that
Burasato-san may not play a role as the vanguard to become the shield for the rear
guard when an attack might runs upon Supesei-san, but I deliberately ignore it for the
sake of Supesei-san's request and her desire to fight this time.

Normally the magic we cause is too strong and we have to going easy on them at
certain degree, but surely not for this time. Some opponent are necessary for Supesei-
san to vent her piled up stress.

『 Well now, I'll go steady 』(Supesei)

Either it was the charging of "flying fish army" that swims in the sky which
accompanied [Fish hero] , or the abyssal type magic that [Mad Hero] has unleashed,
or as well as the saturated attacks that bombarded by the rest of Allied troops,

75 | 213
Supesei-san cope it easily with magic spell. Due to the ability of the 8 rainbow-colored
spheres which circling around Supesei-san, the invoked magic spell
will automatically multiplied by eight. With the stretch of the spheres layer from the
single Oni, Supesei-san who pulverize them before they able to get closer is appear to
be very pleasant after releasing her usually suppressed desire.

Since both of them leave enough composure while fighting fiercely, there seems to be
no need for me to enter the fight as well as another.

「 As for the rest...... well, is there any problem?」(Ovarou)


[Kugime + Sejii' s and Aifu's part]

Seiji-kun and Kugime-chan defense are strengthened the by the the extremely solid
Seiji-kun's layered shiki [Shell Field (Saint Energy Field)] , and they fought with
beams of light like laser that released from the kugime-chan's eyes from a small
opening that intentionally made similar to a loop hole which provided on the rampart.

『 At Six o'clock, Seven o'clock, One o'clock, Five o'clock, it come 』(Kugime)
『 Right, understood 』(Seiji)

Though [Saint Energy Field] to boast of a high defense power from the start, still, there
is a limit. It is impossible for the two Oni which inevitably have inferior annihilation
power to deny the possibility of being surrounded. So if they are surrounded and
constantly got attacked, there was a fear that it could break through [Saint Energy
Field] . With the aim to cancel it, it was necessary for Seiji-kun to match the rythm of
the attack that poured from all direction, then hardened the defense for the necessary
location by adjusting the density of the attacked spot one by one when it was needed.
By doing so, even if the tree-type monsters led by [Hou Ei (Abundant hero)] uses a
thick branch to pull out a barrage of strike, even if they exposed to thousands of
attacks from demonic steel golems trained by [Steel hero] , there won't be any

Though it's a collaboration technique since Kugime-chan reads all attacks ahead, it is
became a type of absolute defense technique.

76 | 213
Because, even if they break it, it will recover on its own, so it would be enough to leave
it alone.

By the way, before one knows, Aifu-chan who is acting separately from the 2 other
Oni has disappeared together with Rotten Hero and her colleagues.

Perhaps, guess they are having a talk to her because they are the same "kind".

『Gufufufufufu. Leave the persuasion to me ......well, here I go~♪ 』(Aifu)

Since she said so before disappears, it should be all right. Undoubtedly. For sure.


[Rou's fight arc part 1]

Anyway, if that is the case then my target was already decided from the start. Though
it could be said that was the only choice which was exists from the beginning.

「 Yosh, Well then, shall we? 」(Ovarou)

To reconfirm the situation of everyone and concentrate on my own battle, I look over
the enemies that gathered underneath me to approach. As a matter of course, White
Lady is the leader, and others with possession of [Sacred Treasure] are assembled in
full force. [Savior] has three people, eight [Heroes] , then there are many others and
some grand members.

Since the other surviving [Heroes] are struggling to stop Burasato-san, they may not
be able to come to me until they are killed. While it making me feel vexed, Mushroom
Hero and others who try to make a pass to me for a while ago are left to the members
who gathered, and I go toward to Burasato-san's spot.

「 Although you said so, you already fought, weren't you? The fight until a while ago
might be too petty as I do not recognize it to be a fight either..... Seems that arrogance
attitude might be the proper image as [World's nemesis・insatiable Gluttony] . Right!,
right, that's why ... it's worth killing you ~nodesu 」(Annalize)

77 | 213
While reserved behind the Border Saint and Cleavage Saint whose shield and lance,
the White Lady who accompanied by a sense of pressure that dominates the field
responded to my remarks with a smile expression.

Insatiable Gluttony
「 Well now, let me kill. You who are dear, by my hand 」(Annalize)
(TN: she is using the phrase where a wife confessing her love to a husband. In this case,
it got twisted from "loving" to "killing")

Though this was the first time that I exchanged words face-to-face in this way, I should
have been able to sense the White Lady's insanity even if there was no prior
information. The blank pupils was dilated, there was an illusion that she was spinning
madly going around in circles. If my life is could harvested, White Lady surely will
continue to aim for my life no matter what condition it is.

「 Bring it on. I'll eat you to death 」(Ovarou)

So, there are few words, the hostility is clear. At least just little matter to mingled with
the speculation of the [Gods] , We are immersed in the battle to risk our lives with
each of our own purpose.

The White Lady 's [Magic] is invoked, the [Border Saint]'s slashing cuts approach, the
arrow of [Hunting Hero] come flying in, the [Number Hero]'s blade of Numerical
Formula is swung. The cry of [Voice Hero] is rumbling, [Love Hero]'s love beam is
irradiated, future foresight attack of [Star hero] is placed in the surroundings and the
escape place is thwarted. The dweller of the tales from the books of [Book hero]
jumped out as phantom and the ability of [Hail hero] was added to the black
thunderclouds brought forth by [Cloud Hero] and [Lightning Hero].

Each passed time as the battle proceed, I realized that my body is dancing and blood
is boiling from the excitement.


After one thing and another, I and Burasato-san succeeded in killing most [Heroes] .

There was also a bit of drama such as the desperate efforts of Cloud Hero mustering
his power just before he dies and Lightning Hero and his comrades who suffered a
serious injury from my attack were escaping after wrapped in a black cloud like the
Kintoun cloud. Well, that's how it was.
78 | 213
I thought that the flow of this [Holy War] has already decided since I joined Burasato-
san's group who defeated other [Heroes] . However, to knew the true fear of the
White lady is only at the time when their number decreased. Err, really, though this is
what I say, I wonder if that would be be like this.

[ [Hero of Madness] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power] that
flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as [Sacred
Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Cane of Madness (Kulty Olnen) !!]

[ [Hero of Poisonous Mushroom] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine

power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Seedling Club of Poisonous
Mushroom (Vermash Scrub) !!]

[ [Hero of Resonance] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power]

that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as
[Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Mirror Club of Resonance (Yuzown
Misla) !!]

[ [Hero of Strong Leg] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power]
that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as
[Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Boots of Strong Legs
(Borghasty) !!]

[ [Hero of Explosion] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power]

that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as
[Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Gauntlet of Explosion (Blast
Duster) !!]

[ [Quest hero] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power] that flows
out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted as [Sacred
Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Navigator of Quest (Querist· Perth) !!]

[ [Flame Dance Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine
power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Prayer Robe of Quest (Femless
Asdith) !!]
79 | 213
[ [Steel Shell Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine
power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Construction Cane of Steel
shell (Golstremus Diosnas) !!] ]

[ [Abundant Harvest Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of

[Divine power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is
reconverted as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Watering Pot of
Good Harvest (Splista Jouriro) !!]

[ [Flying Fish Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine
power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Omentum Pot of Flying Fish
(Fifla Nest) !!]

[ [Hero of Heavenly Voice] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine

power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the labyrinth, It is reconverted
as [Sacred Treasure] ] [ Yatendouji obtained [Soul Voice of Heavenly Voice God
(Heavenly Mic) !!]

[ [Hero of Love] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power] that
flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the [Sacred Treasure] , it will be enhanced
・fixed.] [ Yatendouji obtained [Soul Irradiation Device of Love God (Love
Undrow) !]

[ [Hero of dark Cloud] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine power]
that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the [Sacred Treasure] , it will be
enhanced ・fixed.] [ Yatendouji obtained [Soul Summoning Sword of Dark Cloud God
(Brasscreed) !]

[ [Hail Rain Eiyuu (hero)] died in the possession labyrinth ] [A part of [Divine
power] that flows out by the dying thing is absorbed to the [Sacred Treasure] , it will
be enhanced ・fixed.] [ Yatendouji obtained [Spirit Summoning Cane of Hail Rain
God (Hiuslit Belluisla) !]

[World Psalm [Tale of the Black Eclipse Oni] Chapter VI hidden conditions «Golden
Beast Kingship» «Demon Imperial Order» in Section Tenth [Demon Beast's ax
(Guyzar·Axe)] of [The Advancement of the God Disaster Gluttony] has been cleared]
80 | 213
Next thing I knew, a day had passed.

Currently most of Allies' [Heroes] have been eliminated, I let some get away as seeds
to build a friendly relationship, but only a few remained. Since the remaining genuine
[Heroes] 's conditions are covered all over with wounds,it has reached the stage
where they will soon be annihilated.

Also, Since I was able to build a friendly relationship with very few [Heroes], I
now think it might have been possible to build a friendly relationship with the Allied
army's [Emperor] .

Well, it's just a thought, and it would be an impossible discussion.

In any case, [The Emperor] 's battle has also reached the climax. Lionel is using
[Beast God Vigorous Soul Body | Vils Folgha] which is [God of Beast's Sacred
Treasure] , and Hyulton invokes [Magical God Nuclear Shell | Qliophostorra End]
which is a [God of Underworld's Sacred Treasure] . They made desperate efforts and
fought against Minokichi-kun and Kanami-chan. The [Emperor] 's forces are more
superior only by the ability of [Sacred Treasure] . But the two Oni had grown rapidly
in the battle, they competed without being killed, and gradually began to get better
than before.

I wonder if the battle caused the blood of [Emperor] to seethe or shook his spirit
instead. All the participants had a refreshing nice smile on their face despite being
covered in wounds . Extra emotions have been removed and they just purely fight to
grab victory.

By the way, It seems that the [Emperor] 's side wanted to fight with me, but
unfortunately there was no choice but to give up since there was no chance. I will do
my best, so I want you to be convinced and eaten by us because your life seems like it
would be finished in the battle.

Anyway, there are only a few left behind. Kill the Cleavage Saint, kill the Border Saint,
and If I kill the White Lady, kill the weakened [Heroes] , then [Holy war] is over.

81 | 213
That's how it's supposed to be, but before my sight, hundreds of [Heroes] and further
existences stood in the way.


[Sen hero] wrapped in clothing of light on his obese figure due to unhealthy life style,
equipped his hands with a whip made up of "Gold/Money" jingling from its jewelry,
silvery and gold.

Money Strength
AKA [Easy Money Eiyuu (hero)] }

Insanity dwells in his eyes, and the whip is swung while letting saliva splash from his
excited feelings.


Ignoring the Gold whip trajectory, I step into close distance while evading at the same
time. While hearing the collision noise from the whip that struck at the battlefield
behind, I mow down the halberd which is aimed at [Sen hero] who approaches before
my sight. Although slightly resisted by the clothing of light covering his body, the
halberd cut the body of [Sen hero] in two. But as soon as the upper body of [Sen hero]
who was blown off fell into the battlefield, the whip of Gold also swoop down from
the four sides as well. This is not [Sen hero] who got killed a little while ago, but the
recent attack of [Sen hero].


In response to the four closely approaching whips, I mow them down by rapidly
rotating the weapons possessed on my four arms at the same time I invoke [Giant
Roll Slash] on the spot. On this occasion, I intertwined Sen hero by spreading golden
threads from my fingertip to the surrounding. The whip crumbles and scatters with
sparks, and as the result of the golden thread entwined on his whole body being rolled
up by my rotation, four people from Sen hero party were forcibly pulled towards me
while exposing a big gap in their defense. I do not miss it, and quickly cut their necks

82 | 213
with the cursed spear. Four freshly-severed heads flew and blood gushed out like a

While my whole body is being dyed with spurts of blood, I put together the corpses
of [Heroes] 's party with a knitted net of golden thread and swing it like a hammer.
It is a mass of four fattened people. Due to their excess flab there is reasonable weight,
this means that its power is great.

『 Explode it! Explode it! 』(Bomb Hero)

Then, with a hammer made from the four of [Sen hero]'s side, I bashed it on the side
of the eight from [Bomb Hero] who were about to approach without wasting a second.

As a result of swinging at a high speed to the extent it got blurry, the dull sounds of
meat that collides with other meat in succession could be heard. In addition, they
probably touched the explosive fist of [Bomb Hero] since the explosion roared

And then, the "hammer" made from [Sen hero] which was greatly damaged as
compensation for modifying him into pulling meat to beat the eight from [Bomb
Hero]'s, I throw at the seven from [Dance hero]'s who were approaching as if they're
dancing. Also, by unwrapping the net of golden thread, the meat or bone which was
broken and became minced in the net was scattered by the momentum.

『 ULA LA LA LA LA 』(???Dance hero)

In order to deal with it, [Dance hero]'s group made fire dance and changed themselves
into the incarnation of flame. The meat and the bone which approached were
carbonized by flame. And thus the smell of thick blood - evaporated by flame and the
fragrant smell of burnt meat - spread out. Moreover it stimulates my appetite, but
right now, I will kill [Dance hero] and others with [Death Look Evil Eyes] rather than
focus on my appetite, and give priority to intercepting the three of [Cloud Hero]'s
group who are thrusting at high speed from behind with swords of light.

『 ―― SHA! 』(???Cloud Hero)

[Cloud Hero] unleashed a slashing attack together with loud yell of fighting spirit.

83 | 213
I repel the various attack of [Cloud Hero] with my rear arms holding the living spear
and Halberd, then I leap to evade Cloud Hero's attack which was approaching from
the center spot. And thus while still in mid-air, I skewer the heart of the [Cloud Hero]
who resisted the attack from my living body spear and halberd, hold the [Cloud
Hero]'s head which exactly came to the middle of my right and left feet, then twisted
and snap his cervical spine with instant rotation.

And though whether the necks of Buchuri(ブチュリ) and [Cloud Hero] had snapped
due to excessive momentum or accidentally reaped, it is the inevitable law of force.

While still floating in the air, I kicked the freshly-severed head of [Cloud Hero] toward
the nearby [Leg Hero] , but as soon as I makes a turn and land, I was suddenly facing
the thrust of a pointed spear unleashed by a phantom-like knight, so I counter it with
a kick that carry out the might of [Vajra Destruction of Black Supreme Oni Emperor]
. The phantom's spear crumbles and scatters at the moment it collided with my front
kick, and at the same time its main body which was behind it was dispersed before
directly getting hit.

The phantom appears as a fake of [Yūsha] who existed in the past of [Heroes Psalm]
that was framed in [The Original Book of Spirit of Book God | Roots Bryos] which is
owned by [Book Hero]. While fake, the skill of that technique is genuine, the spear's
thrust would have had enough power to pierce me if I getting hit directly.

He is an enemy but I kinda understand and felt some kind of sympathy when the way
to make a favorable offense is by making disposable [Heroes] a cover.

「 It ran through a million enemies alone mounted on its ride, kill a lot of [Heroes] , to
defeat even Mutaros [Yūsha of the Holy Spear] who saved his homeland which was a
small country from the major powers...... with a single blow……」(??? Book hero)

I heard [Book hero]'s muttering somewhere, but ignored it and waves my silver
arms behind. As the [Number hero] was swinging up a club [Avorga Muffel / Soul
Modifying Club of Formula God] which could manipulate the probability of any object
it touched and return its existence itself to nothing, he was able to soundlessly come
close. Even I do not know what would happen to me if I receive a single blow, so I use
[Ignatir / Armor of Lightning Storm] to scatter scorching lightning and storm behind

84 | 213
「 Nuuooooo! 」(???Number Hero)

The figure of [Number Hero] disappeared from my sight in an instant, but it seems I
cannot finish him somehow although I can tell that I inflicted a serious wound on him.
It is a pity that I can not finish him, but there was an interval between the enemy's
attack, and it's probably because a lot of [Heroes] who were in the surroundings also
died due to getting mixed up in.

I did not miss that gap and decided to eat the two-part-skewered [Cloud Hero] as I
expanded my mouth wide. The mouth which spreads as if it was a snake swallows the
upper body altogether, accordingly I chew and tear it off. Since the lower body
remains, I swallow and eat it as well.

After having finished eating the whole parts of his body with two mouthfuls of shares,
I realize that energy from [Cloud Hero] spread throughout my body.

Even though it is not genuine, the body of this [Cloud Hero] is as delicious as the real
one. It might be worth eating so as to be more than enough.

「 It is delicious as expected, but I'm getting a little tired of it 」(Ovarou)

However, even if the body of [Heroes] is delicious, even if hundreds of dead bodies of
[Heroes] are rolling around, it could be said that the flavor is also diminishing. They
are consumed by the labyrinth and disappear after a certain period of time has passed,
but it only becomes obstacles for the fight if there are so many. Even now, I have
stepped on 'who-knows-how-many' corpses from [Voice Hero] and [Cloud Hero]'s
corpses in the previous battle. The feeling of meat and bone is peculiar, guts get stuck
to the foot's sole and can be slippery depending on the spot.

「 Ufufufufufufufufu. Much more...there is another "serving" still to come, you

know? Well please eat a lo~t. Because it will be your last supper 」(Annalize) .

(TN:She use phrase that usually gave to command "Dog" to stay still in order to feed the
dog. In her case, the dog is Rou)

The White Lady was laughing with the stacked [Heroes] 's corpses in the background.
Whenever the number of the crazy [Heroes] who came towards me decreases, the
white lady who is the culprit of the current situation invokes a certain [Magic] .
85 | 213
[Heroes] who decreased in every case are
replenished, life and death were repeated in this place.

「Good grief, I never expected the [Savior] to have such an ability, this has gone too far
from the expectation」(Ovarou)

My real thought leaked instinctively. And if I look back a little into the past.

―― We had killed a lot of genuine [Heroes] , and that was a while ago. We reduced
the number of enemies steadily, and we got closer to victory only by just that much.
And when the number reached a few left, White Lady showed a different movement
than before.

The [Savior of the White Birth] White Lady 's [Divine Protection God] is one of [Great
God] 's pillar which is [Great God who rules birth and wisdom] . It seems that there
is a deep relationship between my [Divine Protection God] [Great God who rules the
Origin and End] , but lets put it aside now.

(TN: In Raw the author randomly switch between 1st and 2nd POV, a real headache so I
blatantly switch it to 1st so the headache not transferred to you guys)

When the total number of allied troops became few, The White lady took out a bundle
of hair from a bracelet which appears to be a storage-type magic item. Even just
looking at it, the hair is golden, silver, red and blue, and the lengths are different.
Those hair bundle gave the impression that somebody gathered the stripped hairs of
several people without sorting it.

The fragment to the Origin Imitate the life

『 Urisdo , Zastut 』 (Annalize)

The compressed aria is spun from the White Lady's mouth. It is different from no-
chant which instead able to be invoked instantly. It is also different from a shortened
chant that selects only the necessary part and activates it in a short time. It is a difficult
technique that gives more meaning to short words and further enhances the power
than when normally casting it while speeding up the activation time.

God is Saving Only those who challenge

『 Yakstr , E zen 』 (Annalize)

One compact [Magic] was completed by a spun compressed aria in loudness.

86 | 213
The living are born by wisdom
『 ――“ Varide Lizreid ”』 (Annalize)

White Lady scattered several hairs that pulled out of the bundle to the surroundings,
and the [Magic] which was invoked brought the hair to a "core" and created a new
life. The whole-body skeleton is constructed in a second, internal organs and muscles
are provided to the skeleton in the next second, and the skin and body hair are added
at the last one second to be complete. Human beings equal to the number of hairs
were created. Moreover, those beings are [Voice Hero], [Love Hero], and other
[Heroes] who are supposed to have died in the other day of [Holy War] .
『 Ufufufu. Just now here, a new [Magic] had its [Birth] . This is, the power to [love]
Honored Armament God of Light
'you dear'. ――“ Itchreave ahrodd " 』 (Annalize)

(TN: She use word of Kill [ia] which she spelled as Love [Ai]; also "anata" which mean
"dear" to husband)

Weapons prepared by White Lady's [Magic] are attached to the [Heroes] who
expose their newly created nude bodies. There were few people preparing weapons
with their own abilities, but many [Heroes] were armed with armor of light, sword
of light and so on.

It is a ridiculous situation where there are more than ten people who look like the
same person, but naturally 'that person' will not wait. With weapons in hand, they
attack to kill us.

Then, from the result of a few fights, apparently the intelligence of [Heroes] was
degraded, and from various factors such as weapons, it turned out that their overall
fighting ability was weakened more than the genuine one. However, as the number of
hair or meat pieces has increased, the decline of the performance as a unit is not so
significant. More or less the likes of such things is meaningless before of the number
or quantity.

『 Well, there are still more to go 』 (Annalize)

The [Magic] which the White Lady invoked was something different from the
common sense of this world that I learned by examining so far. As the White Lord

87 | 213
says, It may be said that [Magic] which had never existed was given [Birth] to in this

If I compare this [Magic] to something, it would be "cloning". This [Magic] is very

similar to "cloning" that allows clones with the same genetic structure to be created
from hair or skin parts.

Since regenerative treatment and so on existed in my previous life, I'm more or less
reasonably convinced for the time being, but still... not only are they possible to create
after only a few seconds, but also for the reproduced to be provided with ability or a
battle skill. Therefore, though it can be explained by saying that it is [Magic] , I guess
it can't helped that I got amazed from it.

I can't even say anything about the others, but the white lady sure is exceptional even
though we have already faced each other until now.

However, I was curious that there were no clones of living people.

If they increased the number of Cleavage Saint and Border Saint, that alone would
have cornered us further, but I can't seen that happenimg in that manner. Perhaps,
this [Magic] might not be able to use anything as material but the people who are
already dead. I wonder if there are hints behind 'this' large army of [Heroes] that are
hidden somewhere.

―― A slight recollection is concealed behind [Face Hero] which transformed into

three dragons and began to rush, it is interrupted by Cleavage Saint's attack which
unleashed a slash that cut off the space between us.

「 Seiyya! 」 (Uria)

After cutting off the dragon body of [Face Hero] which was a 'blindfold' to me, like a
piece of air, a strike that aimed for my neck was approaching. It was clad in dark
phosphorescence due to a battle art, and it had enough power to certainly slash my
neck if hit directly.

「 Hmm 」 (Ovarou)

「 ―― ! What a fool」 (Ovarou)

88 | 213
I meet the enemy with [Head butt] which I put [Vajra destruction of Black Supreme
Oni Emperor] into and so on repeatedly.

Below is the rest of the untranslated from main TL

If we increase the sanctification and the doctrine, we are going to be driven more than
that, but we can not even look at it. Perhaps, this [magic] may be used only as a
material already dead. Will not there be hints hiding this large army of [Heroes] there
hidden there?

- A slight recollection is hidden behind [Face Hero] who transforms into three dragons
and starts a rush, and is interrupted by a deconstructive attack that feeds a slash that
cuts even space.


Circling the dragon body of [Face Hero] who had become a blindfold and ripping it
like air, a stroke of a neck hunting approaching. That wearing black phosphorescence
by war skill had the power that would certainly slash my neck if hit directly.



It attacks it with [head thrust] which activated [Kuroka demon King Geumgang
corrupted] etc and so on repeatedly. [Head butt] of a trajectory that scoops out with
perfect timing, knocks hard hard horn that grows in the head on the side. The slashing
of [the division god knife sword] which was bounced up from the bottom up and
pushed the space overhead, I do not give any damage to me.

And [Double Dragon Dancing] etc are launched in a redundant manner, and [head
butt] is again drawn towards disconciliation. [Head thrust] which is swung down
towards the ground from the state raised towards the heavens has the effect of [the
lightning striking angle], and collides with the stabbing left shoulder with a heavy
stroke. It collides violently with the armor of the wrapped light, but it is a momentary
thing, at the next moment it disappeared into the straight straight line to the left arm
and the left leg of the convoy. For a moment St. Jeon became a facial expression with
89 | 213
Kyoto as if he can not understand the present condition, and in the next moment he
seized with a scream by clenching his teeth. I try to keep distance with only the
remaining right leg, but there is no mobility that can escape. I sniffed the smell that
burned the highest blood of [saints] even exceeding [Heroes], refractively pursued
and tried to thrust my teeth on that soft neck.


It was disturbed by the Bodhisattva who settled through the space and space [{{Ruby
| Border Kamiyuki Soul Shield | Boldand}}] and got the full power rush from the side.
This place retreats without going deep, but at that time kick in the state with [Physical
Damage Penetration] and [{{Ruby | Quartz Oscillation Frequency | Crystal Quartz}}}
activated. For the robust defense of the world, it is already understood that if the
attack is over a certain degree it will be shocked. The surface of [Boundary Kinno Soul
Shield] is slightly rippled, and certain responses that slightly damaged the sacred
places that are in the back of it. Damage is at least profitable if the arms are numb with
even a little by the vibration transmitted together with the damage.

I took a distance with the kicking momentum, but because of the large number of
enemies, the surroundings are already besieged.

At the same time as landing, the six [Circle Hero] who were on the left side throw the
{{Ruby | Fighting | Chakram}} of the light that it holds all at once. Because I had two
people, the total of Chakram is twelve. Chakram is shaking as if it is alive, it comes
closing to slash the atmosphere.

"Garnet Dialoso Insertiozo"

Pick it up at [{{Ruby | Saints cross slash? Reform | Grand Cross - Smash}}}] . Cross
slash flying delivered by Chen Zip and spear crush all the chakrams and slit the [Circle
Hero] as they were.

Immediately afterwards, [Fish hero] rushes over the huge flying fish from the sky
right and diagonally backwards. A harpoon of light was set up in the hand of [Fish
hero] approaching near the shell and it seemed that he was trying to make a rush as
soon as he rushed.

"Fish Oo Oooo"

90 | 213
If you avoid it poorly, you judge that it will be attacked by other [Heroes], and swing
down Halberd without looking back. Giant blade was generated from the axle blade,
and its power increased due to the addition of wind blade based on [Storm Wind?
Each Fish he was riding [Fish hero] became two in two. Still the momentum would not
have disappeared, the corpse that diverted from the orbit that goes straight to me
rolls somewhere with the surrounding [Heroes] together.

"Poisonous Mushrooms Ha Delicious In Daio Ooho"

[Fish hero] Among the blood smoke that accompanies the fall, nine mushrooms that
swing the huge poisonous mushrooms from the right oblique front come closer while
being frenzied. Poisonous spores were scattered around the surroundings, and if they
were an ordinary person, they became a danger zone to be killed by a single breath.
However, because I have no meaning at [state invalidation disabled], I repeated a
slash with Halberd and living spears. Whether the power of a blow is rising due to
[heavy ax helmet splitting] or [{{Ruby | slashing blade weighed weighting |
auraslash? Heavy}}} or whether it is structurally vertically slashable, in any case,
instead of a shield The flesh of Mushiyaku rolled apart with poisonous mushrooms
made into pieces. One lived while losing one arm and one leg, so let out the deadly
poison of [{{Ruby | snake venereal administration | Venom}}] that was pooled in the
mouth and bathe in the face. Purple deadly poison burned facial expression of
mushroom while emitting juwari, strange smell and noise, and took away his life

"La la la la la la la la"

As dead bodies are piled up in the surroundings, a dozen of [Voice Hero] densely on
the right side began to choral at once. In a sense sense, the sound shots bathed from a
group that should be said to be a single choir grow up by the synergistic effect, and
the power of [Co Hero] who is there is also there, localized atomic decomposition

Dead bodies of [Heroes] within the range of effect are also disassembled and emit a
roar of interception while seeing the scene being wiped out, but slightly push forward.

Although it resists, it is getting pushed further into [Voice Hero] and [Co Hero] which
are going to be added one by one as the gully and destruction approaches. If it is alone,
you can easily win, but the scale is different from the scale. In close combat it can be

91 | 213
killed more easily than genuine, but in long range attacks the power increases by the
number of people by simple calculation, which is very troublesome.


Just as it is judged to be dilapidated as it is, it will be a big moment for us to

momentarily shake. As soon as I pushed back a little, I put my magical powers and
pierced the Zhu spear on the ground and released one of my abilities.

[{{Ruby | Demonic Spear | Vai Schrada}}} [{{Ruby | Pearl of Hungering Vermillion |

Vladisgul? Belliga}}}] Unique ability [{{Ruby | Army of Demonic Spear | Tsenpesh -
Valdora}}] has been activated]

At the next moment Chen Ji woods are formed throughout the field of vision. A myriad
of [Heroes] penetrated from the bottom exposed the corpse, and innumerable
carcasses were pushed up to let down the rain of the meat pieces and the organs.

"... Was it too little?"

The burning smell of flesh diffused widely with furious momentum tickles the nostrils.
Until now, the carcass of meat that had just been burned in the battlefield where the
fever was stopped and the fever was stopped was agitated by the vermillion spirit,
and it seems that the smell which was confined as a result has rolled out as a result.

Although it is in the midst of battle, it seems that there is no use for consciousness
towards there too.

"I got it"

With such a spirit of my spirit, avoiding the attack of Zhu lance with a beast-damped
movement while injuring the attack of Zhu lance, the hunger who was pressing closer
to the back is [{{Ruby | Hunting God Yumiaki | Harmanto? }] From the god bow that
emits a golden arrow wearing black phosphorescence.

"Hey it as Ihhihhihhihhi. [Hoshiyomi], and Reyo keep dying here, you san!"

As if had he knew all in advance, wears a black phosphorescence from a huge crystal
that star Ying [star 読神 Koretamashi crystal clione Le THIS arc] you have to avoid all

92 | 213
of the attack I just had with jitter and does not move in the shade of corpse It began
to shoot countless rays.

Attack both with [sacred treasures], was a blow of our best.

It is not possible with halberd and biological spear and could be destroyed in that it
Noroiyari prevent. If Shuyari and Ginude might have be able to prevent, but neither
was the speed of light blow.

The moment it is emitted, it is already finished.

"~Tsu - Ing up ......"

Arrow KariIsamu is Inuki rounded peripheral heart, rays wrested left the head and
abdomen, then the left leg.

To hold on to as not to fall in the right leg only, but from the mouth come welled up is
Gupuri and blood. It is a mortal wound that was received for the first time in a long

This much damage it can recover immediately if usually, but [sacred treasures] Is it
the attacks is also the effect of inhibiting the recovery, the damaged portion is
wriggling, but does not play as I think.


"Stubborn Ne~tsu!"

The wonder was found to be not dead yet.

KariIsamu is approaching to skip the sword my neck in the blade provided in

KamiYumi, pitted stingray was also approached or order to shoot the thick of the light
beam at close range.

Depression of KariIsamu sharp, and skip to wielded the blade as thunder cut the neck.

light pitted stingray shoots are thick, it was burned down in an instant the lower body.

For some there was a certain death.

93 | 213
[[[Rou|Obarou]] died. [Inochitamashi Macon five] will trigger]

And, we are standing in front of the eyes of the two people in the state in the next
moment you play completely.

"- I am?"

Indeed of KariIsamu also, though not also fell to the ground is still bouncing skip neck,
it seems to have astonished to see I was playing as if blew like time.

Avant-garde is left to the disposable [EiIsamu] us, If you are approaching from behind
so far and KariIsamu you were to just cut and Chimachima, it would have been not
bad choices, even the try dead dare once.

"Worth dead, it's ne"

[Overlapping presence] and combined technique and according to the presence

restored], I've been [ultra fast regeneration] that it was similar to if you use might did
not need to die separately.

However, towards the [Inochitamashi five] that can be resurrected in perfect

condition immediately if die still is in this time of surprise it is was the best.

If Okurere restore even slightly, because KariIsamu is it must have reacted.

[[[Rou|Obarou]] was feeding the [Neck Hunting Vorpal Strike] combat maneuver]

Before KariIsamu is something action, I'm not in Shuyari.

Blow of [neck hunting] is cut to the neck without allowing also likely resistance
resistance, I skip cut unsatisfying.

The Namakubi of KariIsamu, feelings that you can not understand it has been
engraved vividly.

Because once can not be denied the possibility to play in the same way as me, it was
divided into three parts in the remaining flesh also Shuyari and Noroiyari. Dochari,

94 | 213
and almost at the same time it rolls to the decisive battle field and neck piece of meat
was flying.

"I run tea - Gupo ...... Gigigugegagaga ...... is, indeed, this is the [Hoshiyomi] is ... hey did

And slightly aways was star British abdomen, and [throwing] the halberd sticks.

It ran through the lightning the body, while being burned in burning from the inside,
just leave the words that still speak, the strength of the British star is suggesting.

That's why, it is not afford to to escape here. It is a rare opportunity.

"You, now go ......"

Silver arms and grab the star British neck, cut Biting thousand intact head.

Words were enigmatic testament disappeared in the mouth, stalwarts who supported
the many years St. kingdom died so.

It's it until Speaking of disappointing last, but would such a thing and often death.

Will is not a rare person who greet grand last moment.

"~Tsupu~uー. Delicious Na, more than expected."

Damn was star from Britain of the other [EiIsamu] our aging was not to have been the
delicious is, because I felt things that, remaining even with the [oversized whale 呑
and Kedah Igeidon] A tongue and Kan-shoku.

Complex flavor that contains the seasoned to trotting the whole body, emotional
thoughts come springs, such as when you have eaten the best of aging meat craftsmen
like crafted painstakingly.

The "killing not die also is, is really amazing. But, it seems there is a limit to it. Ladies
and gentlemen, let's be careful."

Killed ally, before me the to enjoy the carefully and its flesh and blood, but I heard the
voice of everyday and any changes not white main.
95 | 213
Immediately after that I thought, or the black [Dragon King Dragon King] of four
hundred meters class refrain from behind the white primary, the [breath breath] at
the same time has been emitted from the white [Ryutei Emperor Dragon] of two
hundred and fifty meters class.

Torrent of black and white light is Cleave all on the rays, coming straight towards me.

Pitted stingray but was all eaten, remains as I want to corpse also means recovery of
KariIsamu the feet, it was not possible to avoid. If avoidance, genuine KariIsamu
because it would have been lost forever from this earth.

"Entirely, it would hand too many Ni"

Involuntarily leaks bitches.

So, was cloned by white Lord was not only [EiIsamu] us.

Had existed in the past is confirmed, it what even exist carved a name in history and
he has been causative revived in this place.

The only salvation is given to the cloning of the mighty presence as [emperor] such
our biceps There are quite a burden, also I wonder that the number for material also
rare few.

Most, but it even might be the range of error.

Anyway, here also you will need to give a little more serious.

"Onitama orb - release"

Demon pearl in the whole body melted and Dorori.

Production is still a future.


[Settlement was Month]

96 | 213
[Special ability [pagan damnation] will be canceled]

[Because Yatendouji won the [eschatology-war of conquest] of the army led by «pagan
/ Psalm awakening's» evening, you will be given the reward]

[!! Yatendouji you got the [Labyrinth Seed] ]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] !! you got the [black spear Gediheruda lead to demise]]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] !! you got the [black spear Kasutiheruda leading to root]]

Late at night, [holy war] of 此度 came to an end.

and standing who is not other than ours, and are filled with decisive battle [救聖] and
[Emperor] The field, and numerous of [EiIsamu] and powerful monsters of corpses.

The number was [born] forced to be by white Lord, final or would have thousands of
lightly stay in.

How dare this alone, and while I think, I put as many corpses as possible into the item

To look back on the [holy war] while the cleanup is not rest, but kill all the real
[EiIsamu], it was the production from the defeat two people [saints] also of.

Still white main [magic] of it does not seem to work unless dead subjects, and [saint]
die earlier to observe the white primary, because [saint] which has been cloned from
the hair of the deceased is applied to the front is there.

[] Sacred treasures such as weapons without the other and but also intelligence had
been weakened degradation, but still it's there that greatly exceeds the [EiIsamu] us
in the state of iodine.

It is dozens, and he come show but therefore can be performed such cooperation is
almost the same person. As a side to the other party, would not so much nasty things.

Once, because it was fighting in even remote locations such as Burasato's but it was
not all to me is concentrated, this body has become to be slashed again and again.

97 | 213
However, even while there is such a thing, I greatly distressed were Shiro-nushi the is
exhausted been pierced its heart in Shuyari.

The face of a person who has died is a happy, it was gentle enough even to feel some
sort of mystery.

just before that life disappears, "No matter Hateyo even if I here, second, third I would
aim your" and has left such a sinister testament, but is perhaps anxiety me, and my
heart It is must for the purpose of engrave the existence of.

White Lord surely kill is me, it is because of no doubt.

As authenticity of words aside, corpse of Shiro-nushi Unfortunately could not be


Corpse of [saint] and [Messiah] to be precise is, and it is.

What reason or, after a few seconds in white Lord died, I've turned into a white sand.
[Saint] our dead bodies so as to follow after it all would have turned into a white sand,
it is of got distracted by suddenly blowing wind.

The flesh and blood I wanted all means eating, but no help for it to become this way.

And other [EiIsamu] who were in that you satisfied by recovered various [king] such

After completion clean up is, it is one that for a while you want to relax in a large forest.

[Savior Embodying White Arrival of Nascent Wisdom At held in the labyrinth were

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [誕叡 Okami Koretamashi boundaries cane Sephiroth Thi
Zekuriosu]! ]

[Saint of Boundary At held in the labyrinth were killed]

98 | 213
[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [Tamashitate Borudanto Noriyuki boundary God]! ]

[Saint of Splitting in holdings in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [soul sword Kuriberunto Noriyuki fracture God]! ]

[Hero of Hunting in holdings in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [multicolorfin rainbowfish Harumanto-Anru~uo

Noriyuki hunting God]! ]

[Hero of Numerical Expression in holdings in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [Tamashiaratame 竄棍 Aboga-Muferu Noriyuki formula

God]! ]

[Star Reading Champion in holdings in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [star 読神 Koretamashi crystal clione Le THIS arc]! ]

[Codex Champion in holdings in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]
99 | 213
[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [soul original book Roots Buraiosu Noriyuki Shosatsu
God]! ]

[Demon Emperor At held in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [Tamashikakukara chestnut Foz Torah Ende Noriyuki

Makai God]! ]

[Beast King At held in the labyrinth were killed]

[The part of the [divine power] flowing out by that died flows into the [sacred
treasures], it will strengthen and fixed]

[[[Rou|Yatendouji]] got the [Shishi-shinnotamashi Tsuyoshimukuro Birusuforuga]! ]

[World Psalm [black 蝕鬼 story] hidden conditions of the tenth paragraph [poetry
Seibal-current 救聖] of Chapter VI [advice of Kamiwazawai gluttony] «wish of
relief »« holy prayer» has been cleared ]

100 | 213
[Holy war] was a little longer as well, ending with yesterday.

Participating Members our injured big recovery in the last few days, private life with
the exception of the part seems to could live without problems.

Plans to Kuki still care for me, led but, for now, is allowed to set the every one who
participated this time in the Grand Ballroom at the [Anburasse-time para base ram
issue], it was decided to hold a banquet from noon.

In [holy war] of 此度, many of the team members dead.

However, over the fierce battle, and [there evolution] the person or team members
are often got a new force.

Or you can achieve a long-cherished wish that had been hidden in the mind, there are
those who were liquidated in the past karma.

So the funeral became who we no longer stay, in order to bless the surviving person
who, ours is he decided to drink the night away under the banner of the Shuhai.

Members food that was led by MeshiIsamu lined with me prepared.

We were able to put into new hands the whole body of just [Dragon King Dragon King]
and [Ryutei Emperor Dragon], there is a large number of [EiIsamu] our flesh.

Well, so are mixed also avenger or red hair short, such as the human team members,
stop to the material a truly [EiIsamu] us, the main meat of the dragon king and Ryutei,
[precious and seafood Shokuhora of demon] mass-to-use the seafood ingredients
such as labyrinth ingredients that have been taken from you.

While I think that it is the will not mix, such as already so minute body is [parasitic]
poison to MeshiIsamuItaru, and he had been only tentatively vigilance, but it seems
to have been still unfounded.

101 | 213
Whether the fuss is blood as a cook before the best of the material, we were going to
gleefully cooking.

Fun to watch like the flashy cooking as cooking manga, the finished dish is delicious.

Hand moves involuntarily, it did not have at all stop signs. The query has a new
discovery about eat it, but more the appetite is whetted.

While I think I'll Members us also not eaten at a later date that you do not stay here,
now was dominated by only us.

This much of the benefits would deserve there. And today is unrestricted binge.

If you're careless, it was not could would have been exhausted hard to other team
members who.

Anyway, goodbye sorrow also exhausted to eat with wine and food, and drunk in the
afterglow of victory, ours was exchanged several time of the toast.

The day was about to change at midnight -

[World Psalm [black 蝕鬼 story] hidden conditions of the feast Vaise-Gunido of

demon] The final clause of the [advice of Kamiwazawai gluttony] Chapter VI «funeral
of Shuhai »« largess» has been cleared]

Success reward [Great Treasure Chest [highest]] will be awarded]

[[Black key source leading to the demise] success fee will be awarded]

Success reward [demon spirits Mae [demon is sitting in heaven] · cask] will be

Success reward [demon spirits Mae [Onikobe bizarre free-tenmu] · cask] will be

Success reward [demon spirits Mae [Onikobe bizarre free-Chi-sai] · cask] will be

[[Voyage rights to the Dark Continent] success fee will be awarded]

102 | 213
- Announcement that echoes in the brain. At the same time, such as a fine treasure
chest will appear in front.

Apparently, it seems It was in not achieved [recommend kingdom revolution] fourth

chapter was able to clear all this time.

Moreover, the alcohol enters into three types also hand in a large barrel.

By chance also alleged earlier and was not receiving [■■■■], would not be was the
wine, and thought it crosses.

If so, what a wasteful thing.

No, however, to there was also the relationship between it's a tomboy princess, do not
be helped. And the like, that distressed try, but it was too.

But today, it was decided to act in everyone also liquor was placed in new hands.

Still night, it's now.

103 | 213
Holding a golden wineglass in one hand, I sat in a chair admiring the sunrise beyond
the horizon.

Sometimes this kind of morning is not bad.

Thanks to my high physical recovery, the wound already closed but the mental fatigue
still remainings.

It can also be said that I have less vigor than usual.

It feels like something heavy, and somehow my movement also become slow.

Thinking about nothing, I continue to gaze at the sunrise for a while.

It is a little dazzling, but because of [Ultra Light Resistance], I can see it normally.

After regaining some vigor, i tried to get up.

The desire to finish the [Holy War] and lazily rest is rising but the clean up is more

Before I can enjoy the hot springs, there are some various things to do from now on.

Frankly speaking, from now on the age of civil war is coming.

The lost of powerful [kyuusei] is big but the important thing is the majority of
warforce called [Hero] is also lost. Thanks to that, the protection of the [Holy
kingdom] also become impossible to do.

Vassal country can't refuse the request from the [holy kingdom] but with no good
result and only losing the precious [Hero]...... [Rotten one] is still living but from now
on dissatisfaction and anxious from the small country is accumulating.

104 | 213
Not only the [Emperor] and the one that followed him [Masaru], along with talented
elites is lost, but until the next generation of emperor is decided, various confusion
will continue and easily expected by the [Magic Country] and [Beast kingdom].

Also, the Empire and [cloud hero] has lost more than half of their [Hero]. The lost of
their warforce is at the level that can't be ignored.

And other countries will sieze the opportunity of the reduction of warforce to change
their international approach. Especially the countries that are far away from the holy
kingdom that will plan to take the land.

The Holy Kingdom still have [Sages], therefore, it will not be easily defeated. However,
until now, they have history of brutally attacking and trying to conquer other

There are many local people that are holding grudges. Those in the conquered lands
may try to rebel and make a new country. Originally, the source of flame is already

This [Holy War] triggered that flame.

A Holy War that incites greed and violence.

The sounds of those footsteps are heard, quietly but surely.

Those strayed ones works in favor of me, it may even give birth to a new [Hero].

That is what I thought of, but before taking any action, cleaning up after the party
takes priority.

I stand from the chair and see the surrounding, there are many miserable dead drunk
people lying down.

[Holy war] is decreasing but this time there are approximately 2000 people attending
this party.

There are a few people that are weak to alcohol but the majority here is Demon
species that are big eater and drink alcohol like water.

105 | 213
Also, there are giants that drank the different amount of alcohol, Dragon people like
Ramuna and Uwabami so the cost for foods and drinks are quite costly.

Fortunately, the ingredient for cooking, "Dragon King" and "Dragon Emperor" can be
obtained in mass amount from the mountain. If that is not enough, we can just use
[kikoku gate] and collect [Shokuhora seafood from the demon of totoki] as much as
we need to.

But the problem is alcohol.

To provide alcohol for 2000 people means a large amount of alcohol is necessary. Also,
each one of them are not a half-assed drinker, as expected to make sure these people
satisfied, it is harsh even for someone like me who have a large amount of alcohol

Up until now we collect alcohol by going into labyrinth and sometimes bought it but
because of the [Holy War], we often do party the night before so the alcohol that are
storaged become less and less.

I still have enough if only for these kind of party but i dont know whether this amount
can make them satisfied or not.

Maybe i need to replenish it between the party.

But since i already completed the [Psalm], i got 3 kind of demon liquor as a reward.
That may solve the problem.

although the taste is a little mild compared to the demon liquor that i obtained back
then, the ability to replenish itself overtime is the same. And also, i already put it in
the large barrel so i have a large amount of it.

In other words, i have endless supply of alcohol.

This is good, while lining up the demon liquor and binging.

There are a few drunk people brawling but regardless of race, people are laughing,
exchanging drink, remembering about the fallen comrades, and laugh again.

106 | 213
Such party will eventually faded out in the morning but as a result, there are mountain
of dead drunk people.

They experience [Holy war]. there are some demon species's ritual that are drinking
to ease the grief of eternal farewell but i think they drank too much.

They feast until even the strong ones are down, various dirty things like vomit are
scattered everywhere. it mixed with the smell of alcohol, and it is a little irritating.


Anyway, i will ask [Seiji] to recover them from this dead drunk state.

Seiji agreed and release a radiant warm light and soon the people are waking up one
after another. They start to clean up the scattered dragon meat dishes.

I drink my alcohol from the golden wineglass while watching them.

The alcohol that i drank is the one that i got recently [Demon liquor-Demon god that
sit in heaven] . It has color like the sky and a unique dry alcohol.

At first, it has refreshing taste, in the middle it has a strong stimulus taste.

And it works well along side the grilled Dragon meat with "shiden radish"

Its juicy when chewed. The dragon meat alone will have a very strong taste but with
spicy refreshing taste from the "shiden radish", and the dry taste of the alcohol, it has
excellent compatibility.

Mmmnnh, with this rich flavour in my mouth, no matter how much i ate it, i can't get
tired of it.

Unintentionally, my cheeks loose and my drink pace is increased.

I still want to eat but the clean up are almost finished so i endured and moved.

First, i must return them to their post.

107 | 213
Some of the 2000 remaining member before the [Holy war] are working in the local
shop, and some of them are even dispatched from the "Great Forest"

Right now, the member who are not participate in the [Holy war] are doing their best
to work but their work increase just because there aren't enough people.

This event already ended and we also took a rest, it's time to return them. The member
who have been working deserve some rest. I will order them to finish the preparation

As a part of the preparation, we also bring gifts. A chunk of dragon meat is the main
gifts but we also bring 3 kind of demon liquor in a bottles and barrels.

Even if we don't meet up, all member will surely enjoy it.

But the amount of food they receive is low compared to the one that participates, they
must understand the difference because these guys risk their life for it.

Anyway, we will also return by diving to [Demon gate] and through the nearest
labyrinth but this time is very noticeable time. We must split into a smaller group and
sequentially move out.

After that, first i will send black dragon as a messenger to each country.

And then briefly talk about victory and defeat, i will tell them [What a great fight, lets
put that into consideration and have a good sleep, when we wake up lets enjoy a good

It's like the [Demon King] that conquer the world---- it truly exist in this world but
doesn't seem to have the ambition to do that i think. For now, these kind of things is

Rather than making plans left and right, the simple one is easy to understand and easy
to deal with if the confusion is happening.

After also giving various instruction other than that, we dive with [Demon gate] to
[Rock Hero]'s place.

108 | 213
With this degree of [Holy war], the surviving member from both Alliance forces and
Coalition forces are few.

[Kyuusei] become white sand, [Emperor] alongside his subordinate died, majority of
[Hero] were scattered.

The one remaining is [Cloud hero] who ran away with [Lightning hero], [aifu] who
have common ground and the best [Rotten Hero] who overcome [Holy war], the [Rice
Hero] that i already captured, and [Rock Hero] who are tied with secret agreement
and now in [Demon gambling parlor] prior the event.

Among these 4 [Hero], Rock hero is the one i have very less information.

For now, annihilation issues are ordered but i don't tell the detail explanation because
it is too troublesome.

But that leave some small problem, even though it is a facade, I have the obligation to
explain when [Rock Hero] return.

Other countries wil highly pursue because of suspected relationship with me, there
are many things he has to know.

And after explaining about it, when we dive into [Demon gate] to welcome him. we
found [Rock Hero] in the place where the previous avenger participate in the
gambling arena.

But, [Rock Hero]'s condition are quite different than the one before.

He hide his face with Gray ash made by iron rock mask and shamelessly show off his
hefty body with boomerang pants figure. He doesn't seems to wear any wearable
armorlike armor, he is fighting with seems like iron rock hammer with one hand.

The enemy is the dungeon monster, golem species called "Black Dra-goyle". Mix of
dragon and gargoyle, its like rock statue that the surface is dyed with black.

The combat power itself is not that high but, whether it is because of my presence or
not, it seems even though it is a rock statue, it is greater than magic metal.

109 | 213
With a half assed weapon, you can't make a scratch on it, and surprisingly it is difficult
to defeat the 3 meter tall "Black Dra-goyle".

It is challenged and already defeat many.

Not only that, the multiplication rate is high, and it reward appropriately to the

I wonder why that "Black Dra-goyle" and Rock hero is fighting.

There must be something, and that reason lies in the visitor seat. When we asked
[Rock Hero]'s comrade that seems to have more jewelry than before, it seems Rock
hero bet various things in the slot and lost continuously. It seems he bet his body to
earn some funds.

For now, it seems he don't bet his armor nor he lost his power.

It seems he regained his self-control at the last minute but to see the serious [Rock
hero] fallen figure reminded me of certain father elf.

But, father elf is better. He spent on hot spring and massage.

In contrast, [Rock Hero] has fallen into a swamp of gambling.

For now, i will advice him to not fall more than this.

After that, somehow i sent [Rock hero] to kingdom.

Even when i said sent, it is only diving to [Demon gate] to the [demon waterfall] in
empire, it's not troublesome. They already prepared skeleton spider to move him.
After several hours, he should have made it to empire.

At that time, i asked the tomboy princess to bring the gifts.

It would have been better if i bring it myself but if someone confirmed that i have been
in kingdom, i can't escape when they questioned whether i am connected to the
kingdom in the back by other country .

"Just coincidence" is too suspicious, i can't give that excuse to them.

110 | 213
So that's why, until other country are not pursuing kingdom i can't meet tomboy
princess for a while. That's why i bring luxurious gifts to her.

After that and doing some chores, i slept.

111 | 213
Most of our members have gone back to their workplace, some, such as I and Kanami-
chan remain at the Parabellum HQ to continue work on the aftermath of the war.

I am reviewing the battle results of those members who participated in the war, to
distribute the rewards accordingly.

There was a lot of work to be done after the war, but it was much simpler with the use
of parallel thinking, clones, and office capable workers such as Kanami-chan and Red

I am proud of that I can make a decently balanced decision, but on what to do with all
the [Sacred Treasure] obtained from the war. Frustration is all that comes to mind.

Do I leave it in my item storage to gather dust? Eating them all at once is also another
option. Should I distribute it out to the deserving members?

Distributing the [Sacred Treasure] will raise our war potential, and even though our
members are not the original owners they still might be able to unlock/draw out some
of its powers, ones that may have been sealed before.

I would not know without trying first, but if I do intend on eating the [Sacred treasure]
I have no doubt that they would be delicious.

Though there are some disadvantages, the pros greatly outweigh the cons.

The possibility of losing the weapon in battle is not something I would want, but if it
had been lost the enemy would not be able to draw out its full power due to it being
lent out. (I wasn’t too sure what this meant)

I have decided to lend them out, but I am still debating on who to give which [Sacred

Obviously, those that risked life and limb will get priority over them.

112 | 213
Well I am still going to keep more than half of the [Sacred treasure] obtained in war.

I will discuss this with members who already own [Sacred treasure] of their own, such
as Minokichi-kun, if they wanted them, and they could decide who to lend them out to
within their own corp.

Thinking about it that way, it seems that almost all the [Eight Demon Generals]
decided to keep them for now.

However, the exception being Aifu-chan who had been immersed in talk of her
hobbies. Although she is my friend I would feel better if she didn’t have one. (I am
guessing that Aifu-chan still scares Rou so he doesn’t want to make her stronger)

When it comes to other high ranking members like Avenger and Netsuki-kun
(Blaze/Fire Lord-kun), Red Head and Akitainu (Kobold Shogun); even Auro and Toro
(I have no idea who Toro is I’m guessing he is new) have higher rights to them. (The
higher ranked you are means you get dibs on rewards)

Avenger defeated Insect Hero, who is a sworn enemy of fate, and his [Sacred treasure]
seems unnecessary. I feel nauseous just by having it, I can now understand the weight
that Avenger carries. (I am guessing that this specific [Sacred treasure] messes with
your mind making you stronger, but at the price of sanity or something)

There were also some Heroes that had mixed feelings and converted to our side.

Netsuki-kun was proof of that when the Wolf Hero wanted to work under him. Since
he said he wanted to be enslaved I allowed it. (Netsuki-kun had some relation to the
Wolf Hero or their fates were connected and he decided to become part of Parabellum
which Rou allowed)

I also have some personal interest, and he would be a good addition to our forces. I
will work him hard.

Red Head had some interest in the equipment she won off Ring Hero, after bloodily
massacring him, so I gave it to her.

Since I have been eating many strong opponents regularly, I of course am strong, but
the opponents are also becoming much stronger than before.

113 | 213
I have wounds all over my body, but I avoided any fatal injuries by a hair’s breadth.
Gloating doesn’t seem totally unreasonable.

I might want to subdue the opponents later which will be a little troublesome
considering my strength now combined with the [Sacred Treasure].

Akitainu, who alone fought many opponents at the cost of an arm, wanted some

He stated while bowing “With this, I will devote myself even further and prove my
Lord’s strength more than ever before.”

His straightforwardness and loyalty makes me pleased to have such a loyal member.

His injured arm, resembling a mushed piece of meat, was treated by Seiji-kun
perfectly, though he shouldn’t be at full strength.

With rehabilitation and practice, it will be stronger than before, which eases my mind.

In the battle, Auro killed the Bird Hero, and she wanted her weapon; I permitted it.

When testing out the abilities, it seems you can control surrounding birds like your
own limbs, and temporarily view through their eyes.

This is a benefit to Auro to have an observational ability especially since her attack
style is to shoot from long distances.

Finally Toro (still don’t really know who this is) got a lucky kill on Ox Hero, and
wanted his weapon.

Toro is a commander of 100 (his ranking in the army to have control over 100
members) under Minokichi-kun’s corp Anger/Revolution. He has the strength and
unique skill much like a Giant Troll.

His style was very similar to Minokichi-kun, by holding a shield in one hand and a
large weapon in the other. If I were to give him an ax type [Sacred Treasure] there
would be no problems on his end.

This is what is expected in the future.

114 | 213
Well as I finished, most of the members decided to accept the gifts, but that was
obvious from the start.

It is a powerful magical item and a trophy of sorts from defeating a strong opponent.
You would also want to have it because it might be an upgrade to your equipment.

Honestly, it wasn’t too difficult as to decide who gets what because I just went by their
contribution to the war; other miscellaneous work ended without incident.

Well, who is appropriate? (I’m guessing Rou is still deciding on some of the rewards
to distribute)

115 | 213
Early in the morning, Minokichi kun want to meet new [Shishio] was born in the beast
kingdom, it has been said.

For the time being and ask why it seems "Lionel and his own will, and finally verbal
promise Kara". Its contents did not tell me in detail with Rashiku secret, apparently
there is a need to really meet.

Listening to it, I was satisfied that I see.

We shared the dense time about it.

A result of fighting in the best bet their lives to each other, in a complex emotion,
probably respect was born.

And the last wish of such a partner, it is natural to think that I want to come true by
all means.

If that'll grant that wish or would not in Shin'yu.

While I'd like to ask you to do meet, into action by holding a jerk their feelings.

First of all, I need to prepare is to prepare the place for meeting.

After all, the current of the new [Shishio] Asuti is busy.

Minokichi kun is the daughter of the superb Uchito' was before [Shishio] Lionel end
of mortal combat, Asuti was the most was strong [Chitorakiba Masaru Tigusu-
Bifarogu] in [Shishikibasho] is, the ability of [Emperor Psalms] became the new
[Shishio] by is one [Emperor inheritance].

116 | 213
However, there is the beast kingdom is also a person who not convinced whether is
high likely. Alternatively, such as those who move in only that it is they rise in the
world a chance, it was able to confirm via were submerge minute body.

It has replaced the top of the country. Large and small myriad of mess will not escape.

However, also to lead contrary to initial expectations, it might be much nor in the
previous story.

Originally Asuti had resound the name in the country as the movers and shakers.

Lie falsehood is not in its ability, to have been hammered in the body as the person of
the beast kingdom of the central, since it is understood to be allowed to sag by the
force also will Hirugaeso the standard of revolt, beating some of the rebound crush
Baaruteido will be effortless.

Well, political power, such as the initiative of the policy to enrich the beast kingdom
but unknown, as keep next to because it does not matter right now.

I want to see of Minokichi-kun, in order to fulfill a wish that is, we need back work.

Or Arekore using the minute body, this also or Arekore by appropriately to [parasitic]
to criminals, to various. The grant, also will be a few days later.

Minokichi kun asked ready end to some extent of, and are small pause, I have said this
time Kanabi chan want to meet new [Mattei] of magic empire, and.

When I heard the story, it was almost the same reasons as Minokichi kun.

I would get in to be advanced even the ready, the son of the previous [Mattei]
Hyuruton, formerly the first is a one seat [Jushiro Masaru Herubyi-vias] of [six-fold

117 | 213
Masaru], same [Emperor and Asuti If by inheritance] of Vasukia became the new
[Matei] is, we need seems a little time unlike Asuti.

Even Unlike beast kingdom brain muscle that most of the cases would be resolved if
there is a force, just pure fighting ability in the magic empire is often not resolved.

Something Yara interest, speculation and desires are at stake in the complex. Before
was a long-lived [Mattei] and a variety of cases have been hidden under the Hyuruton
plotting also, would be come lifted.

Well, it would the ordinary.

Anyway, Kanabi chan still there will be a need to have to wait a little.

Other than doing the chores, it was quickly asleep.

118 | 213
Although I have been staying in the still [Anburasse-time para base Lamb No.] today,
after the early morning of training, the move to the kitchen with her MeshiIsamuItaru.

Here of the kitchen's the dungeon monster of white cook chef type is located, but
temporarily it is also because you can to obtain the special dishes and ingredients to
increase the variety of status, very useful facilities in the dungeon It is known as one.

The aim of the food and the food here in a concentrated manner, but seems to have
also capture who that resell outside is a major work, it aside in outline.

To manipulate the is part of this time, from the outside was there I're in a private room
that was prepared so that the internal do not know.

Here stove that can be operated freely in the firepower, refrigerator Okeru to save the
food, such as various types of knives and pot, such as for meat and fish, cooking
utensils are substantial.

Other than me and MeshiIsamu party, anyone not stay here.

I do not even thing hide separately, but before going back to the base of a large forest,
there are things that must be kept doing.

So, you can cook a lot of [EiIsamu] our corpses Uchito'.

Before [Shishio] Lionel and before [Mattei] Hyuruton might also need to be cooked,
but would be First is better to treatment here in large quantities.

By say, one day today continued the loosening in the innocent.

119 | 213
MeshiIsamuItaru also once to judge the fellow was that's our corpse was disgusting
likely, and that without saying, was began to cooking to flow and snappy is impressive.

When I heard so was worrisome little, anyway if when you are alive, it is not to think
too late because he already dead, apparently the fact that.

Is amazing Warikiri.

And we clone [EiIsamu] that has been replicated by white Lord without anything in
the gut, a very beautiful, clean past and, because she can understand that it's not in
those who themselves know, had said Tomo .

But it seemed to some place where I think only truly a little and get the real thing, but
still proceeds cooking without problems.

Crunchy munch, and while cherry-pick, cooked memorabilia at a phenomenal rate

goes packed the item box.

It was a day of such spadework today.

120 | 213
Moderately while knob clone [EiIsamu], wield silently black spear in a single demon
in [Kikoku God volcano].

Psalms clear was that two of the black spear that got in the ---- is my [sacred
treasures], or the also first I thought, but seems a little different.

This black spear is still one of growing the middle, before the magic items made to the
sacred treasures], and I wonder if I should say.

Use ripe, so it is possible to exert its true value becomes [sacred treasures] formal for
some conditions are met thing, that kind of stuff.

Anyway, first repeat the type using two of the black spear.

Black spear as if was the case from the beginning, but familiar with the hands

It can be treated with a sense such as on the extension of the hand. Weight also may
be the balance of the center of gravity, it will no doubt be the future of the dependable

Only tried to use a little, I could be convinced otherwise.

Anyway, it was silently training about three hours.

After that, although he Minokichi kun who was also good at the other, today because
I felt somehow dangerous was training of combat form the dragon empress was
blackened been influenced by me to the other party.

121 | 213
As a result, to use in training the black spear is too dangerous, and believe the black
dragon empress extinct breath in front.

If Ugate in [black spear Gediheruda lead to demise], to change something about the
surrounding five meters of black sand-like.

If Ugate in [black spear Kasutiheruda leading to the source], as the surrounding five
meters is changed to red liquid, such as blood.

Black Dragon Empress was bored the whole body each place by such black spear,
nearly the whole body except the head is in the red-black muddy.

It is a result of the black sand is mixed with the red liquid, and try sipping I scoop to
try, taste is neat, but such as the texture is getting better is smooth and texture.

Well, would there be such a cooking method.

While I think like, I think sincerely that it was good not a training partner to Mino Gil-
kun us.

This black spear is deadly if hits.

Because he was not allowed even Ugate it seems resistance resistance even in the
black dragon empress, it would Kiwamarinai danger in even Mino Gil-kun our level.

In order to become liquefied or sand At the stage after inflicting the wound, you can
not even want to do hold back.

And other than to be like there is a lot of capacity it, it is for the time being today walk
around the [Kikoku God volcano], deepen a more understanding in that around
hunting around the dungeon monsters.

122 | 213
After a large number of dungeon monsters in dark red mud, return to the bottom of
the spiral volcano, is cut from the base of the right leg by deforming the Gin'ude.

Cut surface is smooth as if they were fit almost cut off the molecular bond, but gently
likely will be attached Damn if you put along with the right leg it just up to the muscles
and nerves.

In fact, it is going to be so etc. If you try this, but allowed to play the right leg by
consuming magic at the time being [Inochisei of Mujin Naru Ryutei].

And after the blood overflowing from the cross section of the cut right leg to the
minute body, to observe their body structure that has become a moment [demon]
from a cross-sectional.

Incidentally skin was cut, also confirmed such as the muscle of the lead, finally
changing to dark red mud pierce in black spear.

And I tried sipping it, but it was honestly delicious.

Speaking of easy-to-understand, is a delicious equal to or higher than that of the

[sacred treasures].

It has been eaten the many times myself in the past, or would not than previously has
become increasingly delicious than.

While swallowing it was Gokurigokuri and myself, we'll later to also drink red hair

For now, the amount of both legs Sunset content is already secured.

123 | 213
Because should it did do in outline, today is fed back to the large forest along with the
amino Gil-kun our key members from the morning.

Another is the number of Kanabi chan our Hachioni, because it reduced to ten a few
people with red hair short and children only, enjoyed the air travel often riding on the
Tatsu Shiro.

By the way, it flew in the Magic Empire normally but the previous difference, it also
was not to be tracked to the soldiers of the magic empire.

I wonder still is mess of [Emperor inheritance] have affected.

While recovered shoot down the appropriate flight-type monster, was able to come
back to a large forest in the early afternoon.

But seems to have more green is deeper than before while you do not see for a while,
in the surrounding base can be well understood that it from the sky that has spread
the hand of development.

However unprincipled rather than to cut down trees, but ingenuity suggests
structure, such as easy to life even while making the best use of the natural terrain.

Trees, such as in the way of the traffic has been cut down, but above a certain nature
is left, it is easy to defend on the livable.

Once also base was Orcs of «mine», is to represent the city that is in a large forest, and
even had to be in the proper state is now.

124 | 213
While satisfied with the steadily expanding to go base, landing on «airfield» at the
summit that was developed.

A long time given the mass of the dragon king meat to Tatsu Shiro that are somewhat
tired flight, after stroking as shave a face covered with scales in Gashigashi and silver
arm, large-scale special specifications that came while making a rumble and sound in
order to distinguish it from the other, from the skeleton train and the next to signage
- - skeleton truck headed down ride.

Skeleton train hundreds of people can ride with a margin along the rail that has been
laid in the internal base, proceed almost gently without any vibration.

By the way, rail is more than before, but has also followed in such mineral resources,
which is one of the new facility, which pioneered a little distant mountain for the
collection «first coal mine», it is now put.

It was good even if the round with Gulli to confirm the change of the base because he
came back, but in the meantime decided to go back to my our house.

While made hardly even sleeping from home, I usually either because the blacksmith's
we are living in, the feeling that somehow settle down to.

And have some time to organize your luggage, smith's work clothes wearing what has
been rounding up the work came back.

And sister's our apron is in the back, woman knight of just finished training. Then and
Mr. Dorianu who was the education of subordinates, already not only began to walk
on their own, alchemist's is present that holding a Nicolas know if simple words
second daughter.

Since had been contact us in advance and go home, but so it had started to return at
the time of confirming the appearance of Tatsu Shiro.

Since it was glad that was me to come back to see all the way, decided to spend in the
mansion forget the other work, while talking about a lot of things at all today.
125 | 213
Because the rare opportunity, slower than the only child the growth rate of the other
in that it is human in children, is a mother of outright leave the child care contact with
the alchemist's little Nicola a knee wrote Cross-legged put on top, touching on the soft
had cheeks and limbs and Punipuni.

I have I have Furea' thus does not hide the forgotten and indeed shock it is a parent,
but Nicola is without the unpleasant face, on the contrary has been asked only to fawn.

Or tattoo is interesting in my body, it is impressive that come to touch the relentless

and Petapeta.

Or because they have a [vocational and coat of arms surgery nurse crest maker] was
born, it might be instinctively drawn the interest.

While I think that will go around the various places along with the other kids if large,
Oro and Argento, do not forget physical contact with the other of the children, such as
Oniwaka and Opushi.

Minute in contact with severely in the usual training, when these gradual will be'll

It was one day at home feeling today.

126 | 213
After a morning of training was doing with the children, go around the base in Kanabi
chan and two-demon.

Extension of the base is continued day-to-day, had become a mono and fulfilling than
ever before.

Nevertheless, plenty of room for improvement are many and. While using day-to-day
right now, it is the stage, such as we find the problems to be more easy-to-use.

After turning to some extent, outsiders beyond the inner wall was built so as not to
enter, it was to be directed towards the «Torino Palavela hot spring village» a person
who other than the team members gather.

Is to come to previous use here, it was the only elves.

Such as father elf and daughters elves, the first is that the elves are good neighbors
now although there is some dispute, enjoy also unchanged hot spring today, steeped
and soak in gambling of the swamp that was just newly introduced, such as slots,
which melts in the paradise of oil massage.

«Torino Palavela Onsen» is aimed Street, in the table will be a place for maintain good
neighborhood relations, it becomes a place where you can ensure stable the
memorabilia that can not be made only part of the elves, such as mithral and elixir is
in the back, steady growth Was.

Such «Torino Palavela hot-spring village» But, in recent years are beginning to more
and more people who come in addition to elves.

It is mainly the kingdom and a few tribes and of the beast who is wandering the thin
local ties are countries, such as the such as empire, nitrous people who lived in a
remote location in internal large forest.

127 | 213
I do not have my best regards so much of the information is spread, but a thorough
also the defense of the base is now, and it is possible to prepare the bases in various
places, not the information regulations and thorough about the old days.

We have been warning about the kind of "grass spy" because it was Hisoma prima
facie minute body, plans to resolve the use of force If you find the problem, but so far
the problem has not come out.

Anyway, these changes are a tidbit.

To some extent patrols, it headed slowly to the hot springs.

Today also spent a leisurely, was to cultivate the excellent talent.

128 | 213
St. kingdom of the frontier and the neighboring countries have gradually kina began
to smell.

Ran through the impact of the "defeated [EiIsamu At holy war", he has began a
peristaltic sect that was lurking in the darkness in the confusion.

Etc. and try to express, but still become conflagration would need time. Now a small
pilot flame is Tomo', do you think that

St. kingdom of thing Well put, after today's morning training, was to be a hunt in the
large forest along with the children.

Even though, monsters that live already in a large forest is not a threat.

I was Nagiharaeru in the aftermath that shook lightly arm, not to tear a piece thin skin
even under the best of the attack on defenseless.

On the contrary, in the state and we do not assimilate signs about not notice also stay
in front of the eyes around, would no longer stay one animal insect.

Indeed children although not reached until there, it is possible to slaughter in the
margin of the herd of Hind Bear alone.

Nicola only'm an exception, but not impossible, such as to be hurt because I have to
bear in a piggyback ride string of golden thread.

So to say that the hunt, Emono favorite as I usually do not use.

It emono that this time I we have is a bow and arrow that elves me made.

Use it, I go hunting monsters while hiding the sign.

129 | 213
There may be too late sense, such as hunting with bow and arrow, but is not the only
purpose hunting separately.

Or find a trace that can be when the wild monster has passed, you can own a trap that
uses such as plants in the large forest, such as assessing the possible things or not,
those of eating, the point is much to learn in non-combat .

Children and later generations, but has been in education in many ways, has also
become the bias tends to combat surface.

But it is also incorporated, such as field training, survival ability to survive when
isolated is the level that will still worry as a parent.

Although knowledge is put, it can practice but also the fact that a different problem.

So as the opportunity now that there is time, was to try to not actually do and discount

And was back anything to the kettle and matching base at dusk, hunting outcome is a
very best.

The corner of the horn rabbit to two, was larger body fourteen animals the "double
horn Rabbit".

The higher species of eight animals a "black iron Railways Yoroitanuki" such as hard
blackened Yoroitanuki.

The higher species of "poison Cocco" six birds was a big Cocco in purple, which makes
birth to eggs in the base every day.

Colorful rainbow bat to increase the size of the, twelve animals more of the added-
level species color "FILL UP rainbow bat".

130 | 213
Others also were able to kill a lot.

Somewhere nostalgic, but a little different game we would say to represent vividly
that a large forest is growing.

Pass triumphant and the outcome of today's sister who gave a hand to the cooked
memorabilia while being leaders in rice Isamu.

I do not wonder delicious from the smell of the stage, and I thought, but it was
delicious than you think of if you eat a bite.

None was delicious, but in particular I liked would be steak of black iron Yoroitanuki.

In-used to have the back of the meat that was provided in just under the hard shell,
softer than other parts of the body or to absorb the shock, and yet it is the thickness
what has been trained.

Such meat is through the well fire degree overall, are in medium rare to enjoy the
difference in the surface that has been burned to the red center and firmly of half a
lifetime, have been multiplied by the demi-glace sauce of sister's our specialty.

Overflowing in one bite is, it is rich and mellow taste. Without leaving the taste of
meat, there is a strength to convey to eat mono.

Skilled skills and accumulated knowledge of this time has been cooked by cuisine,
honesty, among which I ate in Omori forest, Red Bear and one is even nostalgic now,
or would not is a delicious with which compete two.

And by the teachings of MeshiIsamu sister's our cuisine comes to improve this much,
I must say to expect more in the future. With the dragon meat is much more choice
ingredients than this time, must Itareru to further perfection.

While poly-crunching sound, and black crustaceans fried also knobs, try to describe
the obedient or impressions.

131 | 213
Yeah, still delicious rice is it rubbed good.

However, it came out likely to Ascension too delicious, but I wonder okay.

132 | 213
Even after finishing the training of the morning today, I went to hunting with her

Although using a bow and arrow yesterday, this time decided to use a corner of the
horn rabbit Recall the original intention.

Can not only corner that pierce with a length of about dagger nostalgic, reminds us
before nearly a year.

I mean, or try amazed while too late to be not yet past than a year.

I think Toka few years if normal, Toka several decades, or is currently, such as all kinds
that will not experience is concentrated, and honesty if.

Well, I will repeat the same thing in the future.

And retaken care, often stroll.

It seems to have been slow even children to be unfamiliar, but it seems interesting in

Happily frolic Oro and Oniwaka, a chide Argento is struggling. Opushi across jewelry
Dark beast Romp around, Nicola being piggybacked depicts digging something A
pattern on the corner in the magic that is contracted to the fingertip.

Lively and act in such a such a fundamental, creeping quietly turn off the sign if
perceive the signs of prey.

Basic performance is so good children also succeeded in hunting while unfamiliar, had
imperceptibly come to the village of elves and are suitably walking a large forest.

133 | 213
But it just came in before the holy war in the village of elves, toward the father elves
of the house because just good.

Since the contact. I have not had to say that "at any time good, but come without
hesitation", trying to prey hunted this time to what body or souvenir. I thought, but
apparently, his father elves away.

Again, it seems to idiot in the «Torino Palavela hot springs».

Why not be helped, the souvenirs in and say things passed to the servant elf, and you
go home, daughter elf's gave me entertainment coming out from the back.

Because it would have tired, who also put out snacks along with the tea in the fact
that. While children also vegetables center, snacks souvenir was also used seemed
was calling for mind, and eat the Bakubaku and delicious.

While watching it, I eat out a or replace the diaper of Nicola, had been pre-cooked
from the item box cuisine.

Although it was endless left to the alchemist's, because the minute body way were
watching, or middle. Cleanly is not good, but I have thought, such as it is now put.

Daughter Elf's also sprinkled, often to stay with the story of the holy war.

If in time, I wonder enough three hours. Because too slow more than expected,
decided to go home before dusk.

At that time, we also put put three kinds of demon liquor was placed in a new hand

Without also frowned on sudden visit, it returns that were asked to the entertainment
that has been consideration to a fine place.

While I think that it was the middle. Meaningful day, smack in the sister's cooking of
MeshiIsamu supervision.
134 | 213
Oh, it is useless. Safe base from which there is a hot spring and delicious cuisine.

I do not also do not feel that a little corruption.

135 | 213
So likely to corruption and the environment is good, make the Minokichi-kun and
Kumite from morning.

Assault at the bottom of the holes that were dug deeply so as not out damage around,
kicking beat is repeated with only pure physical ability.

Hard huge fist of Minokichi-kun meat collapse if Ukere also prevent perfectly, there is
a power of about I think bone has been crushed. I am blown away every defense if
Ukere such as a poor kick, must be drilled the continuous attack of angry waves with
a fatal gap.

So we bear in mind that the parry as much as possible but, or come to break the
posture of here so also has been improved earlier as compared to technology, was
supposed to come to sudden unexpected behavior.

And anyway tough, muscle of armor would have received most of the blow attack. So
go attack around the penetration system sounds inside and bit by bit, but it seems not
very effective.

Overall, although I was still winning the last minute, because there is no big difference
in the resilience of the amount of damage and the Minokichi-kun to give, to settle
would be necessary anyway time.

Since went on end until it without lunch to rest from the time being in the morning,
the whole body is wet in sweat and mud and blood, is full of blue bruises.

I also a degree also Minokichi-kun heal quickly if allowed to stand, but was
determined to to enter the hot spring in order to clue so keep on standing is feeling

Onsen It is [hot water of demon] to enter. And slowly soaked from wash the body with
the chitin, such as fatigue accumulated in the internal go out melting dreamy.

136 | 213
There is a feeling that will heal even small injuries of the body in the hot water of
efficacy, but a little itchy, and is feeling as if going to like reborn.

Divulge the voice of ecstasy not think "Oh". Minokichi-kun comfortably likely as

While leisurely soak, drinking demon drink a clone English Isamu in knob, soaked
from noon to lazy and hot springs.

[Learning the completion of the pieces] capability names ability [wisdom]

[Learning completion of ability name [presence deterioration]]

[Learning completion of ability name [EiIsamu pedigree]]

[Learning completion of ability name [reproductions Brave Hero replica of EiIsamu]]

Drinking is what was good that the progress in hand to PacPac a knob, could be

Well, I had eaten a fine number. Is where I thought is soon kana, and.

So but this time the learned ability, easier to use [EiIsamu pedigree] and [piece of
wisdom], [presence degradation] and [reproductions of EiIsamu] seems there needs
to be a special use.

So sides in the c'mon think that, or can not be learning on the other, trying to be wait
while consuming patiently stock.

Had been chatting only in Mino Gil-kun and two-demon while soak in hot springs, the
topic becomes Mino heard a few days ago Gil-kun of "I want to meet with the current
[Shishio]", roughly preparation can Speaking from conclusion ing.

137 | 213
Since the unexpected work was easy, speaking of go at any time, he said Minokichi
kun go to see tomorrow [Shishio] Asuti in snap judgment.

Because we say go with also Asue-chan from the front, foot of available would be
sufficient if I purification dragon per head. If you go flying, you can arrive much faster
than land.

But since it came up that I want to do before that, is I was out of the hot spring was
taken out [Labyrinth of seed] from the item box.

Got to win the [holy war] [Labyrinth of seed] was tinged with magical power to
become even dragged is likely to where and staring, but black jewel sparkling in the
palm-sized suspicious.

This, try the time being planted in the garden of the mansion.

Then, if you black crystal body from where you planted the seed and it has raised, the
tube that extends from the crystal body pierce my body, not only the vast magical
power from the body, good momentum in the small but filled up [divine power] seed
do not go sucked.

It as deprived of the life force itself from the depths of the body, accompanied by
severe fatigue, unpleasant sweat was spouting from the whole body.

Although weakened the momentum to be absorbed missing the tube if for a while,
seemed made in connection invisible Apparently, there is a feeling that has been
sucked to continue in the crystal body.

Then the time being duplicated invoke the ability, while recovery and gulp the hot
water of the hot springs, to image the [Teleport Gate] to try.

Then, [Teleport Gate] in front of the mansion has been formed.

138 | 213
So, that should not able to build if it is not within the labyrinth [Teleport Gate]

Briefly, magic also [Divine Power] is also still not enough, although not perfect just
born, base by [Labyrinth of seed] is the translation became natural siege type of
dungeon, places like.

Just because energy is insufficient, it does not mean that is fingered freely set so far.
Well, as around here it is going to be patient because it is a problem that will resolve
the time.

From the beginning to be a thing with its own dungeon that I make, however, I never
would have guessed.

Overcoming [Holy War], I think that was really good.

Such as this in the movement, because he became very convenient.

Or other also various settings, to recover the magical power to spend the night while
or try poured.

Thing to do is increased, it is now also busy become likely.

139 | 213
Finished the morning of training, after you enjoy the dragon meat dishes MeshiIsamu
and sister's who made me, saw off the happily dive Minokichi-kun and Asue chan
[Kikoku Gate] bases.

Two of demon is headed in the first [Kikoku Gate] it is, but [Anburasse No.-time
Parabellum] of appearance, such as the luxury liner.

[Anburasse No.-time Parabellum] is still because it is anchored in the vicinity of the

labyrinth city «Dur and gas-Varaia» which is in contact with the ocean, was good it is
something convenient.

I mean, it can be said that it much only options were not.

After all, where you can move using the [Kikoku Gate] in the beast kingdom is now
two - because there is only - [Anburasse No.-time Parabellum] and [Totoki seafood
Shokuhora of demon].

It made towards the [Totoki seafood Shokuhora of demon] is closer to land, but here
is the entrance is in the water. It might be vital capacity if the margin of the two-
demon, but because it is not good race to a little water Both demon, it is up to this
happens with nature.

Nioni which has moved to the board in such things, toward the land equipped with a
magic item "Mizukagami of over shoes" of the shoe type that from there to allow the
water walking, in accordance with the navigation by the minute body of then
Iyakafusu, inconspicuous as much as possible I have been planning to go to the
location that you specified while act like.

However, the two demons to say that so as not to stand out is a huge form.

140 | 213
If the move is the presence of a magnitude such as the house, will be able to recognize
that neither a compelling imaginary only person.

Prima facie, the two demons way to hide the signs from the hunting experience of a
large forest but still better than normal because it is mastered, so somehow become
stage is too long ago.

Speaking at inconspicuous noticeable, there is only referred to as a very noticeable.

As there noticeable thing is unavoidable, it is engineered so as not to know that it is

Minokichi kun.

Method is simple.

Not stick thin minute body to the whole body of the two-demon, only to disguise the
appearance by changing its shape.

No need for time and effort in doing so, would unusual is recognized as also no giant
species of the couple can not stay. Even as this if was Mino Gil-kun it is even attention,
not Bale is that it Minokichi kun us.

Because I have to be no problem even been recognized as Minokichi kun us, is only
coming quickly back do it that do after.

If even if there was a problem, would be in what because it will think that the giants
who live in the beast kingdom.

By the way, because the existence of to a great extent When you have to be fathom
this impersonation, do not think that far. It is much less likely to encounter with such
presence, because there is only give up that there is no other way if this happens.

Anyway, thus two demon disguised is a translation progresses towards the


141 | 213
To move up before, now also I performance also is much easier if you can lend
labyrinth firm hand of «tail Deneb-Darufimu of dolphin» that is stretched out on track,
but in «tail of dolphin» consider the future because I want to have in a position to not
know that there is ours and the relationship as much as possible, this is supposed to
not help.

Well, to nice to say that physical fitness fool Both demon, would be all right because I
continue to Disrupt also even Morioka in the wasteland if someone were so inclined.

The first place is also there to be an enemy of the two demon he does not stay on the
periphery, the end to the groundless be Arekore worried about would be the punch

While prayer that to achieve a prima facie Mino Yoshi-kun purpose, worry about the
base was labyrinth of today.

While so as not tampered is man-made labyrinth [velvet hidden Treasury] spread in

the basement of as much as possible sites, Toka adjustment of the nutritional balance
of the «large farmland» of the earth, in every direction in the base so easy to get the
characteristics of the four seasons Toka, Toka become «external training grounds»
easy to increase the Members of our resilience, try toying with Chimachima in a range
that can be.

But can it is still small, and I do is there if available, but there is no problem apart from
without, but only those effects also leave something to be desired and so on.

But this is also present condition Surely the case way.

Currently, or rather it runs the bases was labyrinth of, the energy source that is
moving to the presence of the second pattern and my magic [divine power].

142 | 213
In the past when that has been variously toying the gods dungeon which has been
plundered by [Labyrinth looting Dungeon plunder, Kikoku alien world] has been
using the [divine power], which is basically stored.

So I never plagued the head in the current issue of energy shortage.

But still [divine power] held by the I'm for small to continue to set the various of the
labyrinth, magic is in the management of the site has been mainly used.

It is magic can be easily recovered by the ability, but that Sosogikome a considerable
amount at a time, efficient in [divine power] is a status quo that has been struggling
since the fall far short.

Easily, and loosely and try to quantify [divine power] for one, magical power is ten
thousand need, whether it be nice if you.

To run a maze only magic is not realistic past the tough.

Well here began springing natural hot springs, because lot of useful components
therein are mixed, whether than other places I would get in or are equipped with
much better conditions, it is now put.

Yeah, a problem that will resolve the time what to white.

It is a translation that came out personal conclusion that it is not the time being need
to hurry, but also serves as a replenishment of that was reduced when [holy war] in
the previous [divine power], decided to eat one of the [sacred treasures].

The chosen this time, is ## Tamashiaratame Aboga-Muferu Noriyuki formula God]

that got to defeat the number Isamu.

About three meters if to express a word of length white - or white bar - and would be
this [sacred treasures].

143 | 213
At its both ends is embedded jewels, such like a red fruit, a distinctive geometric
pattern to almost reminiscent of the trees have been engraved on the periphery.

Is a small number or symbol if you look well the A pattern, but might be a some kind
of mathematical formula, it could not be honest understanding.

When I shook lightly jewel in the red light is conceived, something like Usura and
numbers appeared on its surroundings.

Also try to turn a while round and round, it is not particularly something happens.

The feeling I have used for a while, like a white surface, such as a tree has been a little
rough, but grip comfort is not bad, easy to handle and there is also good of decent
weight and balance.

You can either as equipment of the novice, there is no problem as the equipment of
the skilled person, or would not be a pretty easy to use is good [sacred treasures].

I was doing a one way type, but did not know about the red light.

So things Come to tapping the rock that was in the neighborhood about to try,
penetrate into the rock with a red light for a moment, rock if you and whether you
were like a sand as if it was so from the beginning.

While a little surprised with the "Oh", the next is try to hit another rock, this time
would be lost in the blink of an eye from the spot.

Honesty, meaning do not know. I just can not understand.

Well, the ability of the [sacred treasures] because usually such things as, but might be
waste only think deeply.

Anyway, I decided to try a little more various and try before you eat.

144 | 213
By the way, if you check its performance using the [tool-level appraisal All Appraisal
Magic item], is as follows.

Name: [Tamashiaratame 竄棍 Aboga-Muferu Noriyuki formula God]

Category: [sacred treasures / Nagara weapon]

Grade: [fantasy] class

Ability: [Tamashiaratame 竄棍 Aboga-Muferu Noriyuki formula God] [treasure

Verdot-Izeira formula]

[Mathematical formula tampering Aga Fell] [forbidden fruit Arb wells]

[Transient Mugen La Wels-Runessu number of phantom] [mathematical formula Irma

Vel Usu that God loved]

[Eggs of numerology] [pagan damnation]

[Capacity expansion] [No penetration]

Note: night Tendoko is «pagan heretic / Psalm awakening's epic Away training / main
person main cast» and of the eschatological Esukatoroji Conquest war Conquest War]
fantasy grade obtained by victory in Kami.

Gods that exist in the world will take three forms of «sacred treasures / ■■ / ■■» is a
sacred treasures, which is one of the, has a shape reminiscent of the World Tree.

Night can be touch to this Tendoko is only the person who obtained the forgiveness
of the person or night Tendoko, to those who have touched without forgiveness would
be unimaginable disaster will befall.

Because it is a sacred treasures, destroyed except for the exception, absolutely


Furthermore Are you sure you want to view the information?

«YES» «NO»

145 | 213
It has become.

Unlike the [sacred treasures] that got to overthrow the Avenger and MizuIsamu is ##
EiIsamu], the ability of column would be the evidence that there is much merit what
is all open.

Anyway, as a result of the earlier of the phenomenon that occurred in the rocks
[Transient phantom number of Mugen La Wels-Runessu] or [equation Irma Vel Usu
God loved] around manipulating the probability to derive some sort of formula, rock
There probably was lost or Sunaka, leading to the idea.

But to say many times, I do not know honestly. Would surely there is cod Yeah difficult
Koba. As details will be omitted because it is cumbersome, but the area just to the
mouth in order to eat.

As usual [sacred treasures] is hard, but must be repeated chewing again and again,
Gorigorigori, the texture and crunchy to enjoy a long period of time become a habit
no matter what someone says. And finally slightly scraped, through the throat to
absorb from the pieces that were sent to the stomach [divine power] is comfort to
attend to the whole body. The cells of the body one by one, such as if reborn, strange
feeling, such as new me is going to be built. And whether from modeling that reminds
a tree, basically it has to taste, such as the "tree of cake Baumkuchen". Part of the jewel
in the both ends apple Ppoku, part of the formula is as somewhere chocolate, and
overall classy finest sweetness, such as has been furnished in maple syrup, is
characterized as a sweetening different for each site tired of not arrived even have
eaten there. Honest, speaking in a sweet taste that was eaten in this world,
[Tamashiaratame 竄棍 Noriyuki formula God] had by far. In the brain and the "Oh Oh
Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" is likely to cause to the explosion in the sweetness and sense of well-
being, is this temporary to spend the time that fulfilling the body and mind in the
words there are things that it is difficult to express. When Tashinamu the Onishu at
odd moments, not this also likely to be stopped by to bring out the goodness of both.
Really Do not I great, [Tamashiaratame 竄棍 Noriyuki formula God] is because I'm full
of flowing out and taste from the beginning to the end. ...... Well, but if there is a
disadvantage, or would be its length. Indeed to eat the 棍 of about three meters, I think
the picture surface to very surreal.

146 | 213
If you think the time that has been targeted to if there is something any chance
[Labyrinth of seed], Hisomaru on the ground surrounding the minute body about
number field.

In [demon overload] and current I of minute body of which became, and dragon
because the meat was also grown using, Emperor class is Will not be able defense can

If you up there, the mess the setting of the base is, came to an end all for now.

I mean, it's just that can use energy we can do too little has been limited.

Well, because of the remodeling of the site carried out by the street team members
who up to now, not a problem to rush to tampering.

All will solves the time.

Finished the thing to do in outline, in peace today, we decided to put a force in the
pursuit of [蠱毒] using the generated body typified by a black skeleton.

Because, can not be too much calm so far, of it but to undead who have the ability to
produce has been left a long period of time, the pattern will be exhausted spear
roughly, because I have been a little stagnant.

Of course, not all that bad.

Repeated trial and error, it's important to do a number. The production Even
strengthened individuals is also the outcome, it is also true that forces are increasing.

147 | 213
But the width that can be generated is increasing than before, has been increasing
combinations that must be trial and error.

Because I was able to much trouble time, it is why you have decided to try a little

Generating body [presence evolution] - seems difficult than usual, but - so that no
even generation of the specific time limit if it has been found, as the forces ensure,
deepen the understanding because it is quite efficient technique I wanted to leave.

While it referred to as, and [generation] in large quantities along with the Kanabi-
chan, but I had just to watch much of the battle of the producers who unfolds in the
large hole.

Even so, it rubbed good to spend the even way while enjoying the carefully and wine.

I because it was busy with [holy war] relationship recently.

Because I was settled down also finished post-processing, it is those who want to
enjoy the time and spacious.

[Learning completion of Tamashiaratame Aboga-Muferu] Noriyuki capability names

ability [formula God]

[Ability name [learning the completion of the treasure Verdot-Izeira] of the formula]

[Learning completion of ability name [formula tampering Aga Fell]]

[Ability name [learning the completion of the fruit Arb wells] forbidden]

[Ability name [Transient learning completion of Mugen La Wels-Runessu] the number

of phantom]

[Ability name [learning completion of a formula Irma Vel Usu] who loved God]
148 | 213
[Learning the completion of the egg] capability names [numerology]

The results continued to eat and Gorigori, were safely able to learning.

Divine power is also increasing number of ability, it was able to be relaxed.

149 | 213
Following yesterday, we decided to work on experiments using [蠱毒].

Currently, the large hole for [蠱毒] located in a dedicated space in the direction of the
back among the base, as well as black dyed undead system, a variant of the devil and
the wide variety of demon species, such as the small size of the dragon species and
giant species It is more and more turned on.

[Lower undead generation] and leave the individual that has been generated by the
[lower giant generation] of instinct, movement with full force in order to kill in front
of the enemy the only th to buy the farm life.

[Upper level demon species generating] and taking advantage of the [large devil
purification] and [true dragon purification] height of intelligence equipped
individuals that are generated by, flexibly while to determine the tactical situation, as
well to kill the front of the enemy's eyes running at full power on.

After all, but I mean you are moving only to kill other than your own, the minute that
a growing number of tribes that kill each other again, lot of drama occurs.

Black black small demon black goblins that were fighting picked up the black bones
of the skeleton, instant death a blow of the ax that black pig demon black oak that has
been approached from behind the swings down in response to the head.

Eyeball momentum jumped well, fluid in brain was scattered around. Curran, a black
bone sound fall to the earth is drowned out in the periphery of the battle sounds.

Although the black pig demon who killed the black small demon tries to pull out the
ax immediately, it took much time to pull what telescoped deep, the heart by the body
spear three prong having to hand a gray Lesser Devil been caught off its chance It was

150 | 213
In the nearby, rotting in a terrible sharpness while spilled eye and internal organs
sharp blade tail and blade claws alive neck hunting Kabaneusagi vorpal Undead
Bunny was feeding from the blind spot blow, no neck knight shield sword equipped
dullahan is Mukaeuchi, it was abruptly ground to reverse.

Scattered vigorously Carrion of undead bunny is, in scattered around, the cut without
putting Kanpatsu's yellow demon who load.

Zig-zag shape of the living sword reminiscent of the lightning is to have in their hands.
In similar thunder sword demon Thunder Road and Chiken'oni Bloody Road, a kind
of superior sword demon to lightning and the sword.

The lightning sword of such Thunder Road, dullahan is prevented by the shield.
Moment intense lightning sword and shield is in contact strikes the dullahan, but
without any particularly worked state, to fight back immediately.

Bargaining unfolds tens between relative was dullahan and Thunder Road is blink.
Not ceded both retaliate of slashing filled with a sense of urgency that breathtaking.

And it has raised the demon spirits because not obediently interesting in one hand
look, after all last was Nagiharawa by a small fire dragon breath in both battered both.

Range of breath is widely, the ash also collectively such as Goblin punk that had
flocked to the cave giant Cave giant there is a stature of about six meters, the bottom
of the large hole was a sight like a burning hell.

Those who burned to death and burned at a high temperature of the fire, of course,
painfully gasping person seek oxygen often.

If Hanate in covered around in the wall space, well, it will also say that it is a natural

Integrally generated body that had survived the large hole lost the unbearable
firepower, also lay fallen To heck, a small fire dragon was alive and well among the
issues a Kishin Houkou of victory.

151 | 213
Move person because he was not there on the other, it will not be helped even if I won
a small fire dragon.

However, a small fire dragon is penetrated to the myriad of tentacles with sharp nails
protruding from the suddenly his own shadow, desperately violent but is constrained
to be climbed all over the whole body to the octopus, is unsatisfying stifle.

Off guard that was won, which is the result of leading to death at the last minute.

Surviving of this time, it seems the "altar of the devil Alter Devil".

It has the ability to lurk in the shadows of the living, bearded the tentacles of the
octopus of the profile from the back, Alter Devil with the appearance, such as the black
clergy, have the ability to causative the souls of those who were killed.

Physical combat capability is not high up there, but by a variety of magic and special
abilities, is a devil of a nasty category.

Winning once out outside the Alter Devil was, ordered to rest for a while while
appreciation, continue to put the next generation body in the large hole.

That it helps me also Kanabi chan when, but Kanabi chan can not be generated only
undead, is I any other generation of the generated.

After that is a repeat of almost the same thing until the day sunset.

But also children of the other party, such as Oro and Argento, Naa basically was
endless it takes to [蠱毒].

152 | 213
Minokichi kun're crush the bandits and thieves of the population found along the way,
but there is while wait-and-see and derived dungeon, seems to be going well.

Also it would be encountered if a few days later.

It was a good, this time trying to be touch only a little to the situation of each country.

I mean, but only not able to speak, especially today.

Anyway, first for the kingdom.

Here there is no particular problem.

It came a messenger from St. kingdom, but so was told this and that about the [holy
war] of earlier, I wonder about it.

The following is about empire.

But here was happening uproar that has lost a large number of [EiIsamu], to remain
ranking first place is still, of the lost six people, was taken by four people [fate looting
Fate plunder] [ EiIsamu] it.

That is always the loss of strength was originally enemy, painful it is costly, but only
was born and raised in the empire [EiIsamu] was not lost only two people, will people
still say.

It seems to be this and that in politics, so the sides will not come so great relationship.

The following is the magic empire.

153 | 213
In the magic empire, steadily new [Mattei] Vasukia is at the helm, it does not mean

Well, there is a variety of mess.

It becomes longer if talk in detail, as eliminate so troublesome, and ultimately would

need to wonder a little time govern is Vasukia.

The following is the beast kingdom.

Here is already stable began.

Tekken negotiations if there is a commotion new [Shishio] Asuti is in person

immediately, got seated in it of repetition.

It is a better-than-expected brain muscle the first time.

Persists all what a person who has the power, but the rough technique just does said
to get.

Below for distant countries.

The current location basis of the country, Shikoku other than the countries mentioned
above, in the majority across the St. kingdom other side.

The kingdom as is or there is also such a small country that is in the opposite direction
across the large forest, so the sides are also to now.

Distant countries, there was a frightened against the mighty St. kingdom. It was
inferior to the quality as well as the number of [EiIsamu], from the difference between
the simple national power and general soldiers of average quality, it will not be how
this is so.

In some cases to become a vassal state with bent head, the United Nations was
launched Beku compete with St. kingdom - Ahito by «Haizekusu alliance» and military

154 | 213
state of the principal «Harendia federal »-- but or a jumble such as, Anyway, to know
the outcome of the [holy war], we have started to move a lot.

That said, it is still ahead when it comes actually move.

After the move to it, would the Holy Kingdom are targeted first and foremost.

Finally for the Holy Kingdom.

By already black dragon who I had sent, consequences of the [holy war] of this time
is known throughout the majority of the people.

Therefore, what is happening is chaos in the country. There is also that country is
wide, the scale is much larger than the surrounding countries.

Governance to have greatly upset to church officials, which is also the nobility and the
spiritual pillar, now is the surface still in the work of the assignment have been
soldiers in the country quiet, but the person who was annexed lost the war in the back
movement has begun.

King Seong you perceive it, it was dispatched to immediately around the subordinate
that you can trust.

St. kingdom as lost a large number of [EiIsamu] is a powerhouse.

The number of [bless possession] that has the potential to become a [EiIsamu] of the
next generation is also still many, also a large number of soldiers to be a force.

Dangerous signs can be seen, or By preferentially deployed, such as in the city is likely
to happen is something future, it seems to be trying to Osaekomo before that becomes
a conflagration burning the country.

Will come out full of even much to it, and from the competence of King Seong, might
mayhem is smaller than expected.

Well, the world would be nice if you and are beginning to move gradually.

155 | 213
Regardless of the intention and desires of individuals, because the only world
continues to move.

156 | 213
After the finishing the training of the morning today, is in a large forest elves called a
«Arebasura» was to be fishing in a big lake in about a third.

Arebasura is located in the place where the river that flows through the various parts
of the large forest intersect are four, there is a decent size and depth.

Water is reasonably clear, and go, I was able to recognize the various sizes signs of
fish that swim in the water. Since it was confirmed also snake-based monster of a
small crab-based monsters and aquatic in addition to fish, it might also interesting
fish eyeing the neighborhood about there.

Blue sky under which clear and serene, entered the shadow created by the branches
of trees that spread overhead, wait and jitter prey it will take in the fishing rod of the
Labyrinth production sitting in a chair, which was installed on a lake.

While listening to the hum of voices and insects of singing birds in the distance, going
past the time that was quite a relaxed. In peace itself, it is not bad Also a time.

And because the signs of prey that take the bait will know the way to take in hand, the
fishing that would caught almost infallible, me sister's who is fielding on the spot.

Forty centimeters likely river fish "Renbomasu" is cleanly removed the internal
organs, were side-by-side bites Tetsukushi in front of the charcoal fire.

Seasoning's only salt, but the fat that was riding with plenty, only that has been
trained and Pukuri. Smell drifting from the rainbow trout that were burned and
Juwari over charcoal was piqued appetite until intense.

I extent that drinking Gollum, and the spit involuntarily.

157 | 213
What was aroused the appetite, to follow me to raise one after another, Kanabi chan
and blacksmith's, Mr. woman knight and Dorianu, Oniwaka and Opushi us Oro and
Argento were also fired up.

Alchemist's is also coming, but the alchemist's are sitting on the couch for the
outdoors hugging Nicola.

So, it's also serves as some sort of family service today.

This is why, spent to enjoy the barbecue or fishing today.

158 | 213
Boriboribori, and while eating a [EiIsamu] clone knob, and the Akita dog [Shogun
Kobold] coming with his fully prepared to die if necessary from before the eyes of an
alloy 棍 for two of training, the Ramla's [thunder dragon people] to the other party to.

Akita dog to the hand, large sword type magic item [month heaven 闘狼] gave
previously. Sharpness sharp, there is the ability to generate a slashing like 闘狼 from
the blade, such as the beautiful moon.

The Ramla's is in hand, the shape of the living body spear, such as the halberd.
Wearing a Shiden, could be burned from the inside with an electric shock if touches, a
kind of deadly Kaminariyari for most organisms.

Both are serious, is Emono to hand there is only the sharpness bisect the training for
the alloy 棍 that I have.

It does not receive the order directly, it was always addressed dropped hitting the

Before both the violent attack approaching from the front, while poised and Don
without OJ fine movement from the first position, also to deal with the two demon of
Netsuoni kun and Kazeoni who came approaching from behind.

Just two of the alloy 棍 is to use. The remaining two of the silver arm you do not use
is also not also used abilities and other capabilities, three meters To little to deal only
with a little long alloy 棍.

Divert. play. Entwined take.

Being attacked from all sides, still battle continued without incurring even a single

159 | 213
If there is a chance the launch from under the chin of the Akita dog, then fall down
Hook the foot of Mr. Ramla, put against a dove-tail of Netsuoni kun, blow hit the ass's

Because it was loose recently, but I have a training in which the members of the
executive class to the other today, was able to feel that is up is everyone's level as
compared to the previous.

It was enough in 棍 earlier if wooden, but because there is a need to use the steel alloy
is now.

Many points should fix still Aredo, only I had to change the Emono to use, before and
will not be compared.

Then for a while Akakami Yara woman knight bear Jiro Yara black Saburo Yara Yara
short, Limbaugh's chair-Hur's Yara without neck knight dullahan of sword 闘王 Yara
boss monkey Yara mantis type instep 蟲人 Yara, anyway certain level or more of the
team members who collectively they went to the other party.

Although only one day had crushed it, while realize the growth and Umuumu, I
exhausted all of the corpse - but do not of course dead - go beyond.

Even if this time is more strictly, would go if this.

Maybe. perhaps. surely.

160 | 213
After severe morning training as yesterday's continuation, decided to get down to
work on the treasure that Tamekon.

In just the fact that the hand is open, the assistant smith's and the alchemist's, and
sister-san told me to raise the bid.

Previously, the minute there is a experience that was the hawkers, four people of help
honestly grateful.

Such as the blacksmith's if armor and ore in it, such as if the magic drugs and
formulated material alchemist's, such as the sister's if food and fiber material, because
each specific field is divided, sharing is the smooth.

Thankfully, while representing the actual behavior to that I think, to defeat Yara
dungeon boss Yara hierarchy boss led the items obtained from the treasure box that
was dropped, continue to fill in all the numerous treasures book.

Well, because it's also roughly the past had been classified, but this time it a more
finely, but to go scheduled for more detail.

I say if in the more frequently actually, but the number is fed up only to a few, is always
urging that had been in rough has been doing with this now.

Retribution and wonder if I should say.

Anyway, it is removed from the item box to organize, also was repeated for housing
in the item box.

Kind of magic drugs and material types the number also conspicuously many,
preferentially selected because of the high frequency of use.

161 | 213
The level of goods which I think is too early armor of the kind will give the team
members a lot, no problem even if the release was decided to quickly release.

Other also too the content is little things, too long and talk there to the detail.

It becomes the contents of the treasure box obtained from the gods dungeon dungeon
boss and hierarchical boss speaking by force, because the number is too high also this
time, trying to be talk, even when it becomes necessary.

One day today quickly gone, drop the tired immersed in hot spring.

From now, I will try to a little more frequently.

162 | 213
Today in the morning, still time zone that it does not ascended the sun.

Minokichi kun safely encounter with the new [Shishio] Asuti, and Uchinomeshi up to
smithereens and development in the battle, it is so attached to the return because
doing things to do.

To report that I heard almost at the same time and wake up in the morning, I got a
little surprise, also convinced.

When I heard the full story, do not you apparently Mino Gil-kun met once in the
"daughter from before [Shishio] Lionel. Nde Yoo, me doing it to show on the To Choi.
Without killing if possible, seems there they'll miss want was told, but Do not "thing.

Apparently Lionel wish to become more strongly daughter Asuti, also so as not to be
conceited, it seems destined to hit a formidable enemy that Minokichi kun.

I think also whether directing the presence of enough to kill an ordinary myself, force
what justice, might have wanted to know the strong presence than his likely Lionel to
just pure There is a belief that.

Dead would of if it up to things. The experience if survive us become the future of the

So I think, I wonder if such it was thought thought that of Asuti Nari until the last

I do not know if you know such a feeling, aside Mino Yoshi-kun battle, won.

Was confirmed by the minute body, bones of the whole body of Asuti enters the
fracture or cracks, in the terrible plight and or viscera twist or rupture, muscle and

163 | 213
skin is or tear or rupture, massive bleeding regardless of inside and outside It seems
to have become a critical condition of the half alive were.

Although life had been tethered by the tremendous life force, of the extent life it was
certainly not if left as it is hurt.

But so it was allowed to recover in the elixir of labyrinth production after Mino Gil-
kun has been completed, and complete recovery without sequelae if for a while
resting, it should rather be healthy.

However, not at the level of injury, such as move soon to say that the healed.

Whole body does not move for a while decent, just consciousness only seems to have
directed to the Mino Gil-kun.

Rolling on the ground, with respect to Asuti looking up the Minokichi-kun, Minokichi
kun kill its own Lionel, also [sacred treasures] of Lionel - [Shishishin'notamashi
Tsuyoshimukuro Birusuforuga] because they have, if you want also challenged is
Come, it seemed to say that such.

The intent of Minokichi kun can roughly guess, but did not dare listen to it.

Since probably have an idea of Nari Minokichi-kun, I just decided to believe the

Although there has been a shocking report from the morning, it is no other is that
particularly unusual.

Because the day was to be spent on training, trying to letting Kisa challenged in
earnest to Members us.

Training that began in such thing, was held at the «external training field».
164 | 213
Noroiyari my armed this time halberd to the right, to the left hand. Since the sub-arm
of the left and right does not have anything, basically only the two.

Everyone else is, but each of serious equipment.

This time will be quite serious things, they are asked to stand so that it can be treated
at any time to Say 冶 kun.

If the preparation is appointed, it was to be quickly started.


By Works take heavy feeling in the whole body, shallow nature and breathing, faster.

Without saying a palm without saying and back, cold sweats ejected from the whole
body is going to run off with Tutu.

Countless veteran who Shi gathered in «external training field», even while
surrounded thick aunt Akira just Ichioni, had vision of the end of its own.

Pierced if put, it is Nagiharawa if thrown, crushed Slapping if rush.

Increase the level of experience value, and training while discharging the Chihedo,
difference of Higa has been fought risking the life that feels only by confronting
therefore is, will know clearly enough exercise if Kitaere.

But, still, why veteran're hold the Emono.

Nejifuse fear, was a fledgling to their length, which has accumulated countless times

"Consequences Aaaaa!"

165 | 213
Raise the Kishin Houkou that stain somewhere beast, shining in platinum [Shogun
General] red hair short equipped with a series precedes alone.

Red hair short and aunt distance of Akira is packed in the blink of an eye, it dwells a
red phosphorescence to [Shogun large kitchen knife general chopper] of the right
hand to be swung down and put the momentum of the sprint.

- Combat Maneuver Arts [Kiyoshijuuchidan Sutiruma-Burainesu]

Only [vocational and eating Holy Beast] those with is one that is of combat maneuver
that can unleash, its destructive power from nature that put our best to blow is
enormous, with a single blow in such example dragon species if hit slaughter thing it
is possible.

But the minute that consciousness to attack is concentrated, there is a drawback that
it is absolutely defense become neglected.

Although red hair short is to reduce the gap in that set up the [Shogun kite shield
general shield] with the left hand, but still the choice of this time would say almost
desperate of suicide.

Even while to understand it, Oba Akira slightly smile. To look at it, it was aimed at the
neck of the extent to leave behind the sound with a smile also red hair short slashing.

For slashing aim at beheaded, Oba Akira shook the left hand of the curse spear.

The pike collision with the [Shogun large kitchen knife], movement or a thought was
the moment forces to deflect slightly different direction, the minute there was no
shock that I thought that there at the time of collision, the red hair short body slightly

Cause there is only a slight chance, Obaro is feeding the [foot pay] in the right hand of
halberd not miss it, hooked a foot of red hair short.

166 | 213
Quite conscious to have did not attack delayed the corresponding red hair short will
fall, but before taking around passive immediately, approaching the trampling of Oba
Akira is a pursuit.

"-... Kunu' notch Uno' Choma'!"

To barely avoid it rolling in succession, but the giants of the trampling of state that
such destruction and [hammer of the earth shake] to generate a small earthquake and
a [棍砕 cinch] were overlapping triggered as hammer is repeated relentlessly It was.

Just know that sorry is just if Rarere trampled, red hair short is desperate while
becomes muddy.

But hardly move because the ground is shaking, it would seem to get after captured
by a little.

"Tono, your readiness Tsu"

From the right side of the Oba Akira aiming the red hair short, in turn, come to assault
the Akita dog.

Akakami short on its chance to save, the blade of the month heaven 闘狼] wield Akita
dog draw an arc aimed at the torso.

Slightly faster than the blow of the previous red hair short, but was a sharp blow,
Obaro killed the momentum in 巨水 blade that caused by shaking the halberd, was
directly played the blade.

And a slight delay the kick before the fed-out Oba Akira not miss that occurred.

Akita dog was twisted himself trying to avoid in the moment, but can not be avoided
that the golden thread that was ejected from the toe of the foot of the Oba Akira was
binding on the whole body.

167 | 213
"Nuguo'! This is Masa Ffun'!"

To recognize the golden thread entangled in the whole body, with the inevitable
decided preparedness, first one of the Akita dog is the ability of the soul sealing
surface Perudiosu mask raid Noriyuki Kamen] which was equipped as Kabuto -
[masked ball use the meeting masquerade], it was to soften the own body.

The first place is the mask, which is a tool to become something different.

If you can master the a [sacred treasures] [soul sealed surface Noriyuki Kamen] of
[God of Kamen] not only to another organism, it is also possible to Sunaka and
liquefaction, from the restraint of yarn if so it also would have been easy to get out.

It can not be that far because the Akita dog is not yet good command, but much
become flesh with flexibility, such as the slime was able somehow.

Then softened Akita dog, was to move the abdomen in orbit before the kick.

Not only softened flesh, damage than the subject in the body if other sites are covered
with bio-armor, such as armor seems to have determined that small.

Receiving a kick powerful unmatched pre-in hard living body armor, impact parry
using the whole body softened.

And Miseru endured if blow, the Akita dog accepted the attack while weakness fully
prepared to die if necessary.

But also allowed not be blown away by the golden thread, also the power of before
kick of the fed-out Oba Akira so that the impact on the internal to penetrate was
beyond imagination.

168 | 213
Living body armor is greatly deformed, softened have the Akita dog's body is bent in
the shape of "Ku", extending the more become any moment thousand cut likely.

Broken bones throughout the body, the skin of the whole body is cut by hand, if
attacked by severe pain and shock, such as agitated the internal organs in the mixer,
death would normally, will become crouched and lesbian couples be alive.

In fact Akita dog, it was almost collapsed and stripped the white of the eye.

"Gufuggeboo! - But, but, still or Gahyu'!"

Akita dog pulled back the consciousness in the fighting spirit but also without
stopping the movement while vomiting violently from the mouth, I tried to bath the
[moon heaven 闘狼] again.

Arm of the remains is softening is bending like a whip, the tip was more than lightly
the speed of sound.

But grabbed his hand by the right vice arm of Oba Akira, the next moment was shake
the figure of Akita dog.

It was [throwing] without during the reaction by Oba Akira.

At the tip of enigmatic stone gravel parallel to fly go Akita dog and the ground, there
are Ramla, who had been living body has been spear with a rushed, such as the

"Cho, Tsu Tsu"

The total weight of such as a biological armor were also included Akita dog is more
than lightly hundred kilometers and it is coming towards momentum of enough to fly
horizontally to the ground.

169 | 213
Direct hit even as it hefty thunder dragon who indeed if, in Ramla, who is a woman
would not be one reservoir.

Therefore, Ramla Mr. receive the Akita dog from the beginning, did not the fact that.

To avoid that lie down just like crawl on the ground.

Akita dog in the winding occur wind when passing overhead Ramla's hair shimmer,
far behind in the slime is sounded strange sound like was slammed to the ground.

"Whew ...... want - Gutsu'!"

[Throwing] has been the Akita dog was superb avoiding show was Ramla's, but is
blocked by the stature of the past the overhead Akita dog, had lost sight of Oba Akira
had with Mai release the eye.

Already figure is not, there is no sign when the visibility is opened again. But Ramla's
the instinct, threw himself to the moment forward.

But slightly slower, if you whether Shiden was SPILL violently in the back of Mr.
Ramla, Ramla's body as if it had received a direct hit of the shells are blown to the
front, delicate stature of Mr. Ramla is rumbling and the ground the go rolling.

Without missing a moment lost sight of appearance, but Oba Akira moved behind's
Ramla that yelling slapping the back fist of the left sub-arm.

"Yeah? This is, oh, I see. Discharge what he skived the momentum."

Oba backfist of wax, or break the spine and ribs if hit, the power of the only crack at
least would have had.

170 | 213
But Ramla's supposed to have been rolled violently rise immediately by using the
momentum, not even stop the movement while frown quite painful to face.

And although it was Oba Akira who smiled a question only for a moment, the moment
you enter the back fist, Shiden that occurred at the back of Mr. Ramla to understand
that it was cutting the momentum, did "well. It floated like I was impressed with the
good's decision "smile.

"Ha Aaaaa Aaaaa up!"

"Uoooo Ooooo covered!"

Woman Knight and Dontetsu knight approaching from the left and right of such Oba
Akira were both feeding attacks using combat maneuver arts.

- [Sakuraarashi Haimasuto-Regefu of 憐輝Shi] combat maneuver

- [Kibatsume撃 Mar Blaze Faro of war iron Beast] combat maneuver

Take away the power of those who were touched, continuous piercing harboring the

Continuous slashing like fangs claw of four-legged beast is coming attacked without

Both are powerful combat maneuver to repeat the attack of high power in a
continuous, but its entirely is prevented by the halberd and Noroiyari that continues
to move at a high speed, it does not reach to the only aunt Akira.

The hands of the woman but Knight and Dontetsu knight of attacks did not stop.

The aim of the earlier and compared both the name you are sword itself improve
enough not to things is to contain weapons of Oba Akira.
171 | 213
Body itself is not attached hand and already applied to weapons to Oba Akira is a
lethal weapon. Whether it is possible to seal it, because it becomes the first thing is to
Oba Akira capture.

Or because I have focused aim a weapon, first had pressed woman knight and
Dontetsu knight in the attack of the angry waves. But the tide If noticing is overturned,
will increase gradually wounds to the extremities.

"Tsu Tsu! Kuwuuuu!"

"Gu sew Ooooo Oppland"

Groan voice of the woman Knight and Dontetsu knight.

Had been desperately endure, Oba Akira is to increase the speed of the attack, like
when the continuous attack, such as a muddy stream is fed will do slightly defense
Hokoron, that moment, received a [rounded up uppercut] that jumped from the
bottom respectively It was launched into the sky on.

Although it prevented what hit in Emono and shield, respectively, in the air is blown
to the far can not also be how to.

"Ukyi Ooooo Oppland"

At that moment, it was Odorikaka' boss monkey from behind aunt Akira.

The aim of the boss monkey approaching with no hand just one. With Oba Nishigami
Akira from behind, it was the only thing that is also bound by slightly.

Followed by red hair short, it is a desperate second edition.

172 | 213

"Oro sister, continues to shoot Tsu"

That said, of the otherwise boss monkey desperate would have been in vain death.

It was the left and right of the sub-arm that is still vacant, are visible to the Oba Akira
also behind anything else. I had no trouble, such as that catch the boss monkey come

However, in order to disturb it, silvery white partisans of the sub-arm only eyeing Oro
of magic cannon and Argento was emitted to burst.

"Oh, I Do not have raised also the arm of the shooting. But still, sweet sweet"

Is Oba wax obediently rejoice the growth of the children, but not as sweet as anything
attacked without.

Vice arm of usually from the fingertip that no black curse bullets used rarely - [curse
out Cars shoot] the out shot, to intercept the magic bullet and partisans approaching.

[Curse out] a magic bullet-like black bullets exploded in cryptic fireworks in the air,
was sprinkled colorful flash.

Play skipped the partisans is, go flying enigmatic meteor.


While receiving the aftermath of the blast, the boss monkey screamed.

And assault in desperation for the fellow, a fellow of the attack to cover the it had been
unsatisfying powerless.

173 | 213
That is to be on the watch the boss monkey, it comes to Oba Akira trimmed the

It is the same with certain suicide.


Oba wax is changed to shield the shape of the side arm, [Tatekabe Shield Wall]
increase the strength, the boss monkey with overlapping invoke the [shield hitting
Shield Bash] and [Se撃 back attack] "Hayama靠TenzanKo - was feeding the "alias"
Tetsuzan 靠 Tetsuzankou ".

Boss monkey attempts to defense in its thick arms, but the meaning is not.

Arms are folded pressure, blew while flew the whole body. Its momentum is stronger
than anyone, leaving the orbital flying fresh blood so the spray of blood.

Death of the boss monkey - of course dead is not - or things to waste, launch a veteran
who also attack that remains like that, but the dominance of the Oba Akira as meaning
of course that did not collapse.

Netsuoni kun equipped with [Tamashikibaken Urufarosu Noriyuki wolf] chair Her san
and you sickle both arms thrust, but was Nagiharawa with halberd and Noroiyari like
a repeat of something.

Woman warrior along with the resurrected Akita dog let out a sharp slashing from the
shadow of fellow also, does not hit been fathomed in Oba Akira.

Oba Akira is a blow of Oniwaka paid out along with the fighting spirit crowded holding
with one finger, biceps jewelry Meijuu that Opushi's shot is telescoped on the ground

174 | 213
[Sunaushi Noriyuki soul angle ax Nusutufu-Rabyusu] swinging down to decide the
upper to Toro heavy jaw floated its big frame, Naguritobasu the bone bodies of
Scarface supposed formidable strengthening and improvement has been subjected.

As you get playful, but usually if fatal to throw Tomoe bear Jiro that feed the rush,
shook the brain while stroking the three of head of black Saburo coming attacked
along with the subordinate from all directions.

Each member in order to defeat the Oba Akira go challenged by taking a collective
effort, but the wall was to realize the endless high chunky thing.


Endlessly repeated training, gradually tinged with heat.

But still there was a margin The first one, but from the second half of the Kanabi chan
and Burasato san and around the space star's entered the war, it was quite the last
minute in a life-or-death implications.

That Miki must have seemed willing to kill me. I would have died no doubt if you do
not 's me.

Anyway, is training with a feeling that was too much pretty, at first was going to only
some of the leaders.

But repeated allowance to hold back because it is much trouble, decided to try to
actually fighting with Members of the bottom, such as five-length Yara ten length.

Well, rather than fight, would be accurate is anyone who was doing playing lightly. It
fell in a gale that occurs in one Nagi of hand, because he can not even be approached

I still because I can feel the power of the top in the skin, reputation is a very best.

Labor is also less because it to the other party in a hundred units, birth Festival -
because the long-awaited, birthday approaching plans for the festival - or would not
than to say that as a previous sideshow.

175 | 213
Today's synthetic result.

[Takosumi of black should be repellent] + [Takoawa repellent black acid should be]
[Acid bubble breath] =

[Fireproof mucus secretion] + [Sumireao fluid Iolite Liquid] = [fireproof viscosity blue

[The Black Knight clothing black undead Knight Cross of immortality group] + [blue
shrimp steel shell] + [Yoroijo shell of Fuwa [multiple shell] + = [Yoroimatoijo shell of
Hue become demon]

176 | 213
Are Iribita' at the alchemist's from morning today.

Speaking of what you are doing, but experiments to reproduce the taste of memories.

And sister's if to reproduce the taste of the food, is the certainty who involving also
MeshiIsamu us if now.

But this time towards the alchemist's is a perfect person.

- It is abrupt, but the I was the first time eaten since the reincarnation is or will
remember something.

White well-rounded a soft and flabby, nutritious ingredients.

So, it caterpillar.

That's cave that once lived, is a caterpillar that was able to get relatively easy if digging
the wall.

Will miss is suddenly of that taste, but he was eaten to find a caterpillar, something
that, thin I mean, I deep there was no taste.

Why are different taste? And incline the Kokubi.

But Come to well well recalled, also feel like it was such a feeling to caterpillars caught
in the previous yourself. I at that time did not think deeply until there, but did not
especially care because were not many things that eat into the other like a now, the
difference if the tongue is discerning now has been found in the clear.

- I wonder is this what it.

177 | 213
When I use the [Wisdom of old demon] that takes into hand eaten the gob old man
thought to so doubt, that seems to have given to the caterpillars to somehow dilute
the special of the poison that gob old man is [arrow poison of Goblin] Knew.

Becomes the mellow taste of the caterpillar in doing so, it seems to become delicious
to the rich, ass.

That was not eaten in at that time, it was not an ordinary caterpillar.

When the poison is to be required, it is unprofessional in the sister's and


Although MeshiIsamu also make if medicine Zen, poison truly is unreasonable.

That is why, it is of the alchemist who was skilled in the production process, such as
poison is singled out standing.

In order to reproduce such a such a taste that, I and Renbara stone made of mortar
that there is a surprisingly long the historic [medicinal rise effect, was made of wood
that "India"TatekineI EmotionThe use, several kinds of poisonous plants a few days
the sun that are native to the neighborhood about a Gorigori and large forest - "Ghost
drunkenness treeAnsebi"Leaf of,"Spine AsakusaIgurashisa"The roots of,"Isshi
realIsshimiSuch as the fruit of "- the had ground.

[This, etc. were born oursVillage of gnomesGoblin communityIn], it is a traditional

magic items that the oldest person has been taken over the years clans.

Previously's goods gob old man had been favorite but, gob old man has been
enshrined in everyone used without warehouse from the dead.

Because if you look only at the effect of other better have a lot of, also have been put
away in the warehouse Surely the case way.

178 | 213
Tool in the fact that reproduce this time also I will try to prepare the same things, are
using pulled out from the warehouse.

Next time may not be used because would have been found also approach if there is,
trying to be explored or not used to something future because it is long-awaited.

Anyway, it is advised to alchemist's, continue to work while asked to occasionally


Although poison can work comfortably because I in effect is not, I think in gob
grandfather, Do was doing well a quite difficult preparation, such as self-destruct if
one step make a mistake, actually to try and.

Anyway, a few hours that struggle while adjusting the amount by pouring the water.

Failure there is also lack of experience a lot, again had several times.

The bastards of poison it was me undertake it willingly the alchemist's processing

seems find use in, but vowed to heart and at the same time is always success and

It was not want to end up with a failure.

Accustomed been, finally so could it - like the poison is in the mortar - apparently has
been referred to as the [arrow poison Goblin] - were taken, to reduce a certain

[Goblin arrow poison of] is also in the possible later use, pour the sap of high
detoxification effect to mortar the contents is low "Battera".

Then white smoke went up while producing Shuwashuwa and sound.

White smoke is gaining in one place using the [universe] so that it does not appear the
damage around so toxic, add water in the mortar.
179 | 213
Then white smoke was gaining more momentum.

Little has decreased after a while, poison Usuma' from blue to light blue remains.
When coming up to this toxicity is weak, it will poison the remainder is no use.

Among such, it was dropped as the number ten animals a caterpillar.

Sipping poison in the mortar, rapidly grow caterpillars we are wriggles.

When the poison is almost eliminated, from the wash and quick using the [universe]
and remove the caterpillars, eat a rip-off.

Puyo and the body is provided with a reasonable elasticity that was angrily, such as
shrimp, juicy and rich fluid fills the mouth.

Would inferior to the dragon meat. Not the win to other labyrinth ingredients.

But like to remind the old days something, it is nostalgic taste.

Since the meantime procedure has been found, I think to try and distribute them to
everyone to mass production. Since the mass production likely alchemist Mr. us to
help, we will be able to easily.

Oh, but, really nostalgic taste.

180 | 213
Which wields knife at the Mr. sisters today.
The next there is a sister's our form of apron, MeshiIsamu party is present across the

MeshiIsamu party and prepare the main meal, has been instructed to teach cooking
to the sister's're in when you have time.
This time is me in it are bother you, I mean that.

[Conditioning pot seaweed GodTangurea PotterStarted], [The conditioning with

foodCooking OzeruIt there is a [sacred treasure] class of cookware such as], have
such [seaweed cuisine initiation into the secrets] and [special grade seafood cooking
Since the food is I've been also until now, if decent food, can you give me to tell things.

Time when I thought, such as there was in me.

've Been cooking like a decent, also it has been a help to this.
But it seems too differences without permission and also the top level.

Rapidly flowing process. Site running in second increments. The difference was too
clear taste to come out with a slight difference.
Vividly dismantling technology ingredients. Charge to maximize the goodness of the
ingredients. Serve show ingredients deliciously.

There is also a lot to the other, but I had imagined, mono was here beyond that.
And sister's we seem to have reached indistinguishably to level up there.

Feel free to it may be better to is sealed to help in the future.

But it can be as harmonious if a little cooking, must not only get in the way at the time
of rice.

There is that I think a lot, but still enjoy the was able delicious cuisine.
Yeah, it rubbed good after all the I sister's our homemade.

181 | 213
He is chosen [God of the sun] [hero of sunlight], to destroy the village in which he was
born and raised, where the living were villagers, killing the above all lover had loved
dearly vengeance who has vowed to avenge the enemy.

Real name, Sigurd-Eighth-Sven.

The first time I met the he killed in front of the lover, fight to remain in the sworn
enemy and anger, was when you accidentally escape without being completely

He dyed his hatred of at that time, probably all around had been visible to the enemy.

Once as [Berserker Berserker] to mount an attack regardless of friend or foe if

Abaredase, has been attacked I was at that time the apostle demon A post Le load
remains the runaway.

But is dominated by feelings of anger, the movement was linear in monotone. But
what was certainly faster because was running at full power we do not think of
consequences, just deal because only it is relatively simple, consisting in that defeat
easily without struggling as a result.

He then returned to sanity, asked the force to sincerely revenge, and my subordinate
signed a phrase contract.

Then trained their day-to-day, along with a new companion who met while there
twists and turns, leading to the battle to be the enemy in the [holy war] in the previous

And I have Cleave the higher the vast number of Ma蟲fill the decisive battle field was
prepared, even at the end, while wounded fellow together killed蟲英that became a
variant of the huge Ma蟲, played brilliantly revenge.

182 | 213
And after finishing the [holy war], and departure alone in order to visit the tombs of
the lover broke up with fellow, the morning of today that a few days have passed, but
it was he returned to the large forest base along with the sunshine.

Came back with the sunshine he is, the earlier had become like a different person like.

Earlier he was wearing a constantly gloomy atmosphere, was a man who was honest

In the eyes dwell the light stained revenge and madness, the consciousness is honed
towards the revenge target, approaching the poor had only the sharpness hesitate.

Kogare seeking power greedy, in the specific field of battle that had been signed a day-
to-day hot discussion led by such Dontetsu knight.

Nothing but to push forward in order to revenge, was a man, such as living for the.

But he already etc. no such remnants is that feedback, just like say even with the [hero
of sunshine], was had become a good young man to become the fresh morning sun.

Honestly, I can not hide the surprise is in the transfiguration the first time.

Who's this guy.

"Good morning, master with a refreshing smile. The moment that was said, such as it
is going to be a good day ", I'm as I had defensive unconsciously.

Ni bad What is this feeling.

There was a sense of discomfort about goose bumps.

183 | 213
Eyes he is in front of the while suspicion mind whether not the fake observed until
thoroughly and detail, was listening to the various story, apparently this is the original
of him, leading to the conclusion that.

This means that he is no longer in the avenger in that played the revenge would be to
say that has regained its original appearance as [hero of sunlight] chose the [God of

But it is a change of about this.

If not, the minute body [parasitic] to Avenger amended YoIsamu, is the level of doubt
that it is the garbage was a spy.

But there is also a dark atmosphere to show the moment casual, it can be seen that
the existence of YoIsamu also suit also dark part refreshing part is formed.

As the front and back of the coin, two sides with anyone.

If you do so, I am convinced that it's a kind of thing.

I was surprised in the morning, but retaken care, tried fighting YoIsamu in the
morning training.

Defeat the蟲英, it seems to further raise the one-stage ability. No difference to us

become even more strength in the future.

After completing the training of the one way YoIsamu, lunch sister's who made me
from the taste carefully, using the [Kikoku Gate] to [Totoki seafood Shokuhora of
demon] with Kanabi chan moved.

[Kikoku Gate] ahead leaving the are present in a submarine cave, it shall be deemed
to be replaced Room.
184 | 213
Here Members who came out from [Kikoku Gate] which is installed in the center of
the room, the entire area was prepared in order to prepare to move freely in the
[Totoki seafood Shokuhora of demon] that becomes the water, horizontal and vertical
height There is a square room of about thirty meters.

Because only team members who to basically use here, the road that leads directly
outside as an outsider is not Mayoikoma a mistake of something does not exist, there
is no way to only enter and exit using the warp gate.

Here to say, even with such a secret of the room, going to prepare for this time
accompanied the Kanabi-chan.

Kanabi chan race to poor underwater - unconsciously wear there is also a danger that
could freeze the surrounding zone in the cold - so, put it in the previous hand, [it
remained placed in the item box Mizu妖outer shell: Okutorupu decided to get with

This is a [relic] class of magic items that were put in hand to clear the previous
[frontier Psalm [Mizu妖Okutorupu]], the effect seems to be wearing the exoskeleton
of shapes, such as Okutorupu high.

This in a translation that can work without problems in the water, but the time was
very much before I can use seems different shape.

It my time was shaped like a nearly Okutorupu high, but he came to the female body
and Kanabi chan use.

The head comes with something like coronet tiara made of bone of shark, it grows
tentacles like tentacles and octopus, such as moray eels from the back, lower body is
like the reverse-like spread casually as dress and it has a shape such as became sea

185 | 213
Although the upper body is so much change is not, such Kanabi chan there is
atmosphere, such as the queen to almost dominate the ocean, but I I do not mind at
all because there are also different Iroppo of the everyday, this is will on earth What
does it UGA.

Because I tried to think of a moment I did not know after all, also I have retaken the
mind wears which is one [placoid scale of Kaminarisameryuko] of [enhanced

This is also been spotted from the men and women of all ages a wide range of other
cheats's in, no difference in kind of magic I'm using the item, seems to be.

Other than to duplicate trigger the ability of such [aquatic], moving at warp gate along
with the Kanabi-chan.

The destination is quite towards the back when from the original entrance, but
compartment pillar of the myriad of rock is mushrooming.

Warp gate should keep caution so as not to be seen, just say so here if cheats who
seldom Yatteko.

To move while I think so, to confirm quickly around.

No other signs all around, it seems not been seen anyone. In outline with peace of
mind, if you look at the whether it is Kanabi chan, seemed a little surprised by the
strange feeling that appear suddenly in the water.

But [water妖外shell: Okutorupu] breathing is to be by, so swim faster than fish by a

characteristic movement using the lower body of the part, it seems no particular

Still a little [water妖外shell: Okutorupu] from practicing how to use, I we went to

collect the items in the food system while enjoying the sea dating.

186 | 213
I is there just had to put a force on the more food-based items from the put in hand,
the number of fish-based monsters that swim around than before Many, such as
seaweed and shellfish also kinds amount is also in abundance.

The time being the result of continuing to collect the noticeable item about two hours,
the item box has become that a large amount of food is ensured.

In outline I think it would be good at this, elaborate fancy and normally underwater
dating from it.

Such as small school of fish swim like having a beautiful scales, to interesting to watch,
it became a good atmosphere.

Then various Gad and Kanabi chan from up to land, a day and spacious.

187 | 213
Early in the morning, the site of a large forest since the night in the luxury hotel - was
named [Kikoku forest builders start], it would be easy to understand more of the base
- after the returned, was the morning of training, rice was travel to «workshop» the
blacksmith's who is present from eaten.

It swung down a hammer while hanging «workshop» In craftsmen Asemizu,

constantly hear the sound of breathing life into metal while scattering sparks.

Members our armor of production, or here that have been carried out on a daily basis
is an important job of maintenance, to the help of the blacksmith's who is my main job

And also to say, in the same way as not Kuwaware to culinary sister's us, not put out
a hand directly to the blacksmith of the smith's.

From now of smith's level of, it will be pulling the foot in my degree to which hair is
growing in amateur.

I the will is, so far of about one hundred and several dozen from the dozens that were
mining and taken from each dungeon magic metal uptake in Gin'ude, numerous,
including, such as armor utensils and made by us of «workshop» the artisans as
desired of the alloy was to be produced in the ingot.

Originally, to the magic metal alloy it is necessary to prepare for accordingly.

Although still it is somehow If you study with a small amount, quite difficult when it
comes make the alloy in large quantities.

But in the case of me once it captures a wide variety of magic metal in Gin'ude, is only'll
change into ingots while changing the respective ratio.

188 | 213
An analogy easy to understand, or would be close to the sense to build anything or
even mass knead the clay.

Accuracy is much more precise than the example, this is close as the rough image.

So it is too easy to do, but more than half came to a visit to tour all of the work, it still
this would not have is meaningful in this.

Me have tried various made while changing the ratio in a short period of time alloy,
led by master dwarf that play a huge hammer, the carefully carefully various armor is
blacksmith's our serious enough can not imagine expression in everyday continue to

Each Komori in a dedicated workshop, incessantly flame is leaking from the furnace
using a spirit stone.

High-pitched sound of hammer hitting the magic alloy, violently flying sparks

Slowly and gradually, the work which the soul has put the craftsmen will be built.

Certainly there was craftsmanship in there.

So far technology has been cultivated by the practice, inherited and has been tradition,
it is to go finished the results that were found at the end of many of trial and error
learn even impressed.

Characteristics and of the magic metal that is used as a raw material, or by

[profession] that [blacksmith], the armor that made magic is conceived, will be
sublimated into a magic item that was better than just armor.

High fever the harbor in Long Sword with improved sharpness, tower shield to
prevent the wearing attack the wind, automatically staff would generate a gravel sling,
189 | 213
such as Mace Komu hitting at the same time lightning strike and conflict, it is made
work a wide range.

Seriously sight that the blacksmith is simply fun to watch, or are inspired by it, I also
decided to try to build a lot.

Just, because some children of a blacksmith's Oniwaka was there in the workshop
which is in a corner, wield a hammer with Oniwaka.

Material to be used is the one my corner, it is suitably magic alloy extracted from

Since the magic alloy are larger amount blended mithral, it is slightly bluish.

And what kettle and a while are advised to smith's it or shake the hammer for a while.

Is was finished by trial and error with Oniwaka, was a thick knife, such as a hatchet.

It just polished my corner, was fitted with a magic alloy handle, but the material is
sharpness only to the material's outstanding.

It rocks expires by its own weight only, or there is also [automatic repair] Toka
various capacity. Toka dismantling knife at the time of dismantling the prey, it would
not be just to say to such a user-friendly deputy armed.

The one that was first completed and presented to Oniwaka made together, the rest
of the children - Oro and Argento, for Nicola and Opushi, we decided to continue the
blacksmith again.

Because the way was already possible, after the end and Papapa'.

Anyway still Nicola can not be used because the baby, so me other Miki also pleased,
let me good.

190 | 213
This time also, but things that want to build something.

191 | 213
Today went visited each facility of the base.

However, «airport» is to particular problem also did not look in a little before that is
the air base by purified dragon who, in particular also «original mines» and
«residential» that is the Members our settlements things not seen.

Large-scale combat training possible «external training grounds» is not also like to
visit too late because it uses well in training, I just went with yesterday to «workshop»
the blacksmith's we are.

Although it is worth to «Torino Palavela hot spring village» If the visit also customers
of non-elf began to increase but little in recent years, because it is going to be a little
longer, it also would be good at a later date.

So was headed to the current visit is -

Dorianu's and agricultural dwarf Poreviku who is managing «large farmland»

«Tsukai magic» and such as wolves and horses, bears, monsters that are bred as
domestic animals such as Big Cocco «ranch» have a such as free-range

«factory» has been mass-produced goods in the black line production system by the
skeleton mechanism

such as the selling of Ringai Omori produced goods, also serves as a training for the
time to work outside «mall»

and pioneered a little distant mountain «first mine»

- is five places.

First we headed «large farmland» But, here are growing a wide variety of vegetables
on land that pioneered the woods.

192 | 213
Here or benefit by the force of the harvest can be vegetables land that a large forest,
or whether the effect of such improvements and spirits stone soil, or by all those acts,
the growth rate even faster than the other, but above all quality.

Which vegetables mined here are also delicious, even in the outside has become quite
a popular products, it has become one of my our financial resources.

Originally vegetables such as delicious freshly caught is the best, but he falls is Hodoaji
that goes over time, the strength of ours in the Ikeru have far in a short period of time
than usual because there is a means of airlift there were.

Since recently it has become famous as the brand vegetables, either going to contract
directly with such well-known restaurant, it is being considered as such.

Us to produce a quick and large amount of high-quality food here, ours of is willing to
contribute greatly to the food self-sufficiency rate, it is one of the important facilities.

Here worked What is mainly agricultural dwarf Poreviku us, there is nitrous people
of the acquired human and plant systems, etc. [farmer Farmer] to assist it and the like.

Everyone is there just to say that I prefer farm work than such dangerous combat or
troublesome Kyakushobai, while hanging Asemizu even when I went to visit, I found
working with a smile cheerfully.

Or are plowing middle-aged man with a body that has been trained in agricultural
work is swinging down the hoe along with the youth of the younger, or have been
harvesting the crop at a rate of phrase Poreviku is enough doubt the eyes, green
Wanda It is or has been the breeding of vegetables gathered.

It would not be bad for a work environment.

Finished the visit of such a «large farmland», then headed for is a «ranch».

Here began the «Tsukai magic», livestock us and Big Cocco and Boruforu have been

Or look into the barn, while looking at the growth condition, look through the
documents Members submitted that work here.

193 | 213
And to improve livestock our taste even a little in the documents, trial and error,
which is repeated in the day and night «ranch» has been written.

That is, the research material.

The research materials begins with the "taste of the changes due to the feed given to
livestock us", "what to do in an environment without making stress", "or taste by the
level up is to change", "plague list should be addressed in advance." such as, have
ranged widely.

Eyes ran over to it, etc., were instructed to continue also thereafter.

None to thing you will need is time, not only do while failure.

Members're as in the past, good in it if me good luck.

Although not say that missing the lazy and the gas, because the bonus issue if put out
the result, will not or do or do is up to the team members.

By the way, stay here also bear Jiro and black Saburo, was attached playful to me who
came to visit. Since coming Suriyo' to back, appropriately to the other party.

Other Kumakichi and of Mino Gil-kun, but such as are favorite horse of no turn thin
sense of presence Kanabi-chan, it is now put.

After «ranch» has been toward the «factory», silently products will be produced like
a machine.

Constant quality is ensured, it can be mass-produced at a fixed price.

I often if you want to do it on the individual things over the goods that are produced
here, but better because it provides cheap if as a commodity.

Here the production of such goods, it seems there is no particular problem.

Or try to build a line of new products for development, plus the improvement while
listening to Members our desire to work here.

In «factory» of next went «mall», that is not to say in particular.

194 | 213
Senior originally here, but I facilities for when you work outside of the store, the
information of the outside is always shared by Iyakafusu, How it works as a clerk or
come back out from the outside, was or is guidance to smith's us Members have
completed a mechanism to guide the junior team members.

Because only see there, we went to the «first mine» from seeing to some extent.

Because until the «first mine» is a little away, often you can ride a skeleton truck.

At the tip of the straight penetrate as laid a line in the woods, there was a decent size
of the mountain that does not particularly different from other.

Here originally, it is one of the mine located in the large forest mining favorite Asue-
chan was the first to find.

I Asue chan was found in the middle of taking a walk is digging the larger the number
hundred meters in one demon, but had been left for a while in particular and it was
interesting no ordinary mine, because there was also to do the other.

While not rare magic metal is mined, but mine is a mine. Attempts to re-use because
there's much trouble, it has now been advanced mining by Members who became
such as "mine demon ground load" in the fact that.

There are also things that are dug in advance deeply by Asue-chan, so much does not
take time and effort, it is likely to be going to an increasing number of such facilities
in the future.

To accumulate know-how is now for the future, trying to be careful, etc. to the cave-
in accident.

Traveling to end the visit, around a large forest dyed red with the setting sun, and are
spent with lazy in front of the mansion while eating a munch and Caterpillar, [Kikoku
Gate] from Mino Gil-kun and Asue-chan came back.

So just say, decided to eat the caterpillar of nostalgia together.

Me and Kanabi chan, then a four-demon of Mino Yoshi-kun and Asue chan, rise in the
story of gnomes goblins and Chuoni hobgoblin era.
195 | 213
After one year from the incarnated goes a little bit.

Goblin and Hobgoblin era was short in terms of the period, was felt somewhere
distant as of old.

196 | 213
Today when a synchronous birthday was cut down tomorrow with us and the start
system of the born festival which is planning to continue for three days were held.

Even if I say the start system, we don't assume that it's loose for an endless talk, and
they bring to an end short and break up quickly.

This festival be up to now, a battle isn't a main demolition derbies.

No, there is a quarrel tournament competition certainly, and this competition will
plan to be developed tomorrow, but even if it's done such as assuming that it's that
according to the class, almost all result can be expected.

It's probably apparent to rise, but though it's a special born festival, it's probably
wasteful that it isn't too different from usual.

So the street stall where an easy dish is made in ACHIRAKOCHIRA in a base in addition
to a quarrel tournament is here and there here and there this time and the game place
where a mark aim seller and a quoit seller can have a free gift according to the result
is built.

[Foreigner] but the place where the one brought in or the sport system playing really
similar to badminton and basketball can be enjoyed was also prepared. A free gift
competes for the individual who participated and a team, and goes out by the order,
so there is a member challenging by the member with he's on good terms here and

Anyway when saying easily, it's a festival like a mixed festival day variously.

It's the festival begun from such morning, while enjoying a sport badminton with
children in the morning, the neighborhood.

DARADARA has time while taking a walk properly from the afternoon.

When I'll go around briefly, a preliminary meeting place of the quarrel tournament
which becomes Maine of tomorrow is prospering most, the street stall the feed

197 | 213
courage is taking out and the sport system tournament meeting place where the drop
item made in a labyrinth was made a free gift, the same, I eat and it seems to rise.

There is also a thing popular with couples such as the street stall where excellent
silver work by the smithery chief dwarf is sold and the street stall where alchemists
sell magic medicine for night.

That a dish and liquor were also prepared for this day, everywhere is hearing cheerful

What is it also to say by oneself, but isn't it a good festival?

By the way, today and tomorrow are the festival performed only by a relative
perfectly, so the elf and the animal people which are a visitor of≪ para wrasse hot
spring village≫ don't participate.

The person who can put a father elf and the trust with which he has a daughter elf etc.
acquaintance may be invited, because there is no intention which puts an outsider of
an unspecified number in the base in anything but a division of≪ para-wrasse hot
spring village≫.

But, a special festival.

Even≪ para-wrasse hot spring village≫ does an entertainment, and the last day is
planning to cut the price.

It would be better to share a good affair and enjoy itself.

198 | 213
Today is ours synchronization of birthday.

Early one year after reincarnation. Suddenly a lot in retrospect, really lot of a storage
of dense year crosses.

That night, which is also in the beginning is the end, I was killed in Aoi Aoi was a little

Also try to look back on now thus calm, incline the Kokubi and I wonder now why this.

I It totally is not willing to sizzle Aoi who killed me, there is even worried that have
been arrested as that after the murderer.

If there is a complaint, there was what in my own tameness was killed frankly.

Even as was stabbed in the stomach in a surprise to Aoi is almost relatives, as well as
the murder weapon is a kind of military weapons, it'll be made a little more

When Why that more - when you wake I think, memory is hazy. Memory of that time
is not clear.

Whether it is interfering with something, but the question of floats, thinking to give
up one o'clock became so troublesome.

Well, anyway, after that was killed for some reason incarnated in small demon
goblins, engaged in a survival struggle, we have experienced a variety of meeting and

There has been able to realize the raw. There has been able to experience the death.

Looking back on many things, including the Minokichi-kun and Kanabi-chan, [there
evolution] also including those who quality is had stopped at the small demon goblins
without, eat a caterpillar that becomes a breakfast and munch in synchronization of
all members.

199 | 213
Body was angrily, spilling fluid.

Now I know the [sacred treasures] and dragon meat is not comparable, but
reminiscent of the days of the newborn, was a nostalgic special taste.

While immersed in deep emotion, see everyone's face that has been sitting in a circle.

It seems to have eaten the caterpillar while thought something each.

Simply those who enjoy a caterpillar. What decision was such a person. Those who
are tinged with sorrow. Those who look up at the sky and the distant eye. Those who
are smiling. A really different.

Caterpillar that was distributed to synchronize the order of a few animals per Ichioni.

Since there is only in an amount no immediately, I to Shuhai after eaten is to have

everyone go pouring one of the direct demon liquor.

The amount is about sake cup. Although there is a sense of injustice since the size of
the body is different, it can not be helped because of a small amount of the demon
drink. Here we get patience.

Then, when poured into Shuhai of all, I drank all at once everyone.

Same as when you eaten a caterpillar, the reaction is also'm different.

But those who loosen the cheek to that drink simply delicious sake. Person who tears
of gratitude drinking choice demon drink that can not be class to everyday drink. Who
Kakeru ascended to the impact of non-experience. Those who shiver in ecstasy.

And even I had a such as those who drink like me.

Had a look at a little distant we are not subjected to sitting in a circle in a place
Burasato san and space star's we are envious in here, unfortunately, birth Festival is
ours is the main.

Only the seat of the protagonist is not negotiable today.

200 | 213
While there is such a one-act from the morning, spend fun as yesterday, around

Among the red dyed world, the finals of the quarrel tournament that is most excited
by the birth festival was held.

Location duel field that has been installed in the «external training field».

Since it is possible to also reduce the damage fighting here if everything that has been
improved anyway seek robustness, it is possible to abandon fight.

And surviving in the tournament, was hit in the finals was YoIsamu and red hair short.

A combination of good and bad is it, fight of both that went on winning ability, but
became a thing Rashiku finals intensely hot, progresses from beginning to end
remains YoIsamu is advantage.

Are there any agreement between the two of, each unique ability is hardly used, was
fighting only in combat technology trained with the pure physical ability.

If Come in only the performance of the body, the difference between the two is not

Such as Ryoryoku and endurance would outweigh better of YoIsamu by gender, but
will exceed better of if red hair short agility and flexibility.

Move around the YoIsamu that actually set up comfortably at high speed, the tactics
for disrupting red hair short was selected.

Both legs as well, that continue to capture the red hair short for the movement, such
as the expected difficult beast using also both arms at the field of view, must have been
difficult in the narrow duel field.

If Misere a chance even slightly, Soga of red hair short as carnivores would have taken
scraping the neck of YoIsamu.

But previous Unlike, prevent all the attacks of red hair short in the absence of
movement of the waste is YoIsamu has changed as fell inherent, or parry, was Nejifuse
201 | 213
At birth Festival, was splendidly victory was YoIsamu.

It is a pity that was lost this time because I personally support, but still the growth
rate of the red hair short is a degree comparable to the Mino Yoshi-kun and Kanabi
chan us.

Initially not help but think that although it was so much weaker, and.

You might win next time maybe, no matter expect.

Anyway, pass the prize to a winner YoIsamu, it was carried out as it is the birth festival
second day the last of the entertainment.

Its content is simple, that hit the attack to me who is in a circle with a diameter of
about three meters within the time limit.

That is, it is the basis applied to me to target.

A is I also of course resistance is specific, since it is not possible to move from within
the circle, it can either to the simultaneous attacks participants from long distance,
dare I also challenged the close combat.

If it is possible to put in a single blow because anyway say anyone, the success come
true to the extent that come true items and was obtained from such class boss, or the
equivalent of desire and it, you can win prizes such as.

The last event that began to do so, close the middle act of success.

While troubled a large forest in the noise incessant though it is night, the last to spend

Mess to have been or would not be a way of ending that seems Speaking seems to us.

By the way, the first to have cleared the last of the event is Kanabi chan.

If it is an attack, such as freezing the space, it could not prevent indeed.

And whether Kanabi chan was what the demand.

202 | 213
It is also, by the fact that if there is a chance.

203 | 213
Birth Festival, the last day.

I'm at the «Torino Palavela hot spring village» that is vibrant without what time in the
morning, had received Dorianu's oil massage.

The next there is a figure of the father elf that become a regular customer.

The facial expressions, such as the fall out dignity, is that of a sloppily melts and is

Did not it stick to its indescribable appearance since had already familiar, but had
been just to say Buchibuchi and bitches and instead.

Briefly summarized, it seems "here two days, was struggling to remonstrate with the
elf and beast people drawn an interest in a cheerful voice heard from within the base."
If today «Torino Palavela hot spring village» in the unprecedented event is carried
out, and if it is not notice, must have been Tsumeyora and the like or do not you put
inside, the leak also.

Father elf is only in relationship with me, I wonder petition there were many.

I had to say My condolences like, and only.

And Gununu, and it has been, but also doing the father elf looking good until the
desperate. I had to remember the frustration rather.

That sort of will to do is pretty child, such as daughter elf.

Such as Well put, after receiving a massage, I look around the state of the festival,
which was transferred to the venue in «Torino Palavela Onsenkyo» along with the
father elf.

If I have elf smiling smile in the fun, specifically against or beast who has been in
chagrined is stay lost, etc., such as Butaoni oak that has issued a like a pig bone ramen
cuisine in the stalls there, Although a variety of chaos had been to everyone happy.

204 | 213
And attraction by the skeleton mechanism built for today - the roller coaster beetle
and merry-go-round beetle - is one of the sections that are most crowded, it seems
matrix is made.

Members who work as staff move around happily, «Torino Palavela Onsenkyo» would
have flooded about ever in humans.

Today is the last day, rather than ours, such as elves and beast people, it has become
a festival where the local residents in the main.

It was also good to do just ours all three days, but your neighborhood association
would also be important.

We hope the purse string is loosening in the festival, but there are other reasons as
well, such as, is no doubt the main reason the case for the fellowship.

Just because it can not be put into internal base, but a translation of the «Torino
Palavela hot spring village» that can freely enter and leave instead the venue,
suggesting that even a look at the state of the festival it was the correct answer.

By the way, are we working in offices inside, or the processing of the garbage that
came out in the festival, is present, such as those who are or move the stalls that are
no longer needed in a different location, or slowly from the tired rest but, it is now

After around the crowded «Torino Palavela hot-spring village», go to the special
compartment that is prepared, signed drinking elf wine along with the father elf.

Knob I MeshiIsamu has issued the memorabilia that was cooking the food and dragon
meat of labyrinth production, but father elves seemed liked very, drink often in silence
to eat, not eat was drinking.

The amount is I still say because there, but I wonder if not a little more refrain.

If you think put her, she began gathering well as Minokichi kun and Asue-chan.

An increase in the number of gather gradually, became like a little banquet.

205 | 213
So eat and drink is to be able to be in a different location, would be the place that is
the same thing if you look.

Anyway, I signed drinking fun sake.

Also today, the sound of binge continued sound in large forest until night.

206 | 213
Cleaning will wait after a festival.

≪ The trash can in which trash is put is installed in para-wrasse hot spring village≫
in ACHIRAKOCHIRA, so throwaway is hardly, so the cleaning is easy.

There is a case that trash also has gone out and removes cleaning in a street stall and
decoration variously by a banquet with that freely.

It was special, so it was just cleaned to do overall day by day inside the base.

A member is cleaning the place where one is active mainly respectively and each
house mainly.

I rallied a part body and cleaned a house in bringing to an end and going around at the
smithery teacher, the alchemist, Ms. sister and Mr. DORIANU readily.

If it was seen feel, everyone seemed to be cleaning briskly, but still there was dirt you
can't finish taking.

I make controlled liquid sink into from acidity into alkalinity by [own body fluid
nature operation] according to the place where I knit gold thread, do like cloth and
clean, and I'm rubbing.

Then dirt was coming so that it was fascinating. A medium also had the stubborn dirt
which doesn't fall easily, but the most part can be taken easily.

Stubborn dirt may use a part body and the magic medicine an alchemist made may be

A cleaned fact for one day using various methods.

Collected dirt and dust are taken, and they seem able to get to quite good sleep today.

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After the [holy war], do the birth festival, was washed out also accumulated dirt.

Sonaruto, or trying to do next, and although he comes to say, here is how would not it
should be searching for the ingredients also become unknown.

Because, are going to for a while quietly in this continent.

Or get the [gods dungeon] in a convenient place to move in the interior of the Holy
Kingdom and the beast kingdom, I want to challenge the [Okami] class [gods dungeon]
in the middle of the around the continent, such as that you want to do still although
there is, now I want to put a little time.

Again, the large impact of the [holy war] ahead.

And ours is the center now, rather than activities clarity, was allowed to stand it is
interesting will likely feel.

If and, now, than to work in this continent, we should look to another continent.

Yet unseen food is, because there in no place of that went still.

Although saying that, such as difficulty to go to another continent is not a terribly high
mono for us.

It becomes voyage while scattered kick the heinous marine life by the otherwise
armed convoy, but ours to have a «Anburasse-time Parabellum issue».

Some even at the same time [Kojiro dungeon] If it is a huge ship «Anburasse-time No.
Parabellum» to without going to have such a monster that comes attacked - in the
home was a place, but it will not be a problem - I're free it is possible to go to another
continent with such route.

And even as «Anburasse-time Parabellum No.» did not work, Madou armored
medium-sized vessels, which are manufactured by ours were put in before hand to
the Madou armored medium-sized ship manufacturing kit] is also five vessels.

208 | 213
Madou armored medium-sized vessels, reform, the size of the Mashirubesen the total
length of about one hundred and sixty meters.

Power is run by Madou engine to an energy source the magic, Madou armor made
with magic metal there is a defense force of only Hajikikaesu the attack of monsters
coming attacked from the sea.

Further, in order to intercept not only protect, various armed has been added
mounted by blacksmith length dwarves produced.

As a typical thing, [acoustic爆針-Activision Nar] have been installed in the ship's

bottom, [shock Maho-Buradokanon] of small-sized, which is installed on the deck
twelve gates and a large [spirits Maho-Emerioru Canon] Sanmen, and there is a [spiral
beak-Harudesunoa] provided in the bow.

There is also such as [through銛銃-Hairado] that bombarded the [capture network-

Supanesu] and harpoon out shoot the cast net to other, but it is now put.

Mashirubesen to hold more combat capability armed ships and equal to or doing a
trade with another continent in convoy, even as one of [God迷遺production artifact]
obtained in truly [gods dungeon] I wonder should I say.

This, etc. will be able to sail the ocean, which was fraught with danger alone.

And if there is such a means, not the hand you do not use.

There is also to be come immediately back in the [Kikoku Gate] if you try to Koyo back,
future goal is a foray into another continent.

Well, also it is busy now likely.

209 | 213
Preparations are developed variously, and I go to go to another continent.

But it would be nice is heard speaking of, or did not have to be up there because there
is a [Kikoku Gate].

It supplies can be prepared by the «Anburasse-time Parabellum No.», should I move,

such as in offices when it comes.

So is not that much to say.

This is why, one day today just do a job, each was left, it is not that particularly

Asemizu to train while passing, playing with children to approach and tell me how to
fight, hit a smack in the cuisine of MeshiIsamuItaru, enjoy an elegant evening and
Kanabi chan us.

While the day before going to a new ground, nor was particularly unusual, is a day of

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Waking up and doing morning training as usual, and after taking a bath and having a
good sweat, it's a thing before noon that I ate a feed, arranged preparations and
matched in front of [ghost's wail gate].

Additionally children are the group by which red hair shortstops are tens of main
members Yaki, Auro and Argento Mr. grilled chicken tripe good luck and the Japanese
syllabary beauty with me at the head for their gathering.

When preparation is finished, I have passed through the [ghost's wail gate] and have
moved to≪ ANBURASSEMU Parabellum number≫.

It's possible to be the bowl city I appear on the ocean≪ where the harbor where trade
is popular asks ANBURASSEMU and a Parabellum number≫ vanity and see≪ DURU
moth VARAIA≫ which is also a maze city at the same time.

Apparently, the one more cheerful than usual even understood the long time ≪ state
of DURU moth VARAIA≫ well from a far place.

Or barker's voice sounded in ACHIKOCHI like a festival just like some ceremonies, and
smile had spilled from the people who take the way.

In advance≪ ANBURASSEMU Parabellum number≫, soon, during, the whistle which

knows to depart is rung and an anchor is also drawn up, so I'll make sure merrily that
it can be seen off anytime until that.

Because that there is not≪ ANBURASSEMU para vellum number≫ surrounded the
world periodically any more must also be an ideal event for them.

Anyway I move to behavior after I'm bathed in sea breeze for a while.

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The last whistle rings big more, and a huge screw is increasing the number of rotation
gradually. A hull like a hill goes up speed certainly slowly and but, and a bow is facing
to the vast ocean slowly.

I'd hear a whistle and notice this state.

A≪ DURU moth and VARAIA ≫ "RESONACHESURENA" where you assume vanity

wished that sailors finish sailing safely, and that RESUTONAREISU where the past is
famous [minstrel] wrote writing the words have begun to be played.

I mix with the sound of the musical instrument and am also hearing men's voice in a
bold sea.

I'm cheerful, hear bold that and please.

The delicious ingredients which don't meet well yet while being seen off magnificently
are purchased, and it's to a new continent.

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