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Legaspi, Danica Marie T.

BS Entrepreneurship 3A - BME 101


My friends wanted to attend the Bagat Dagat Festival that will be held at
Matayum, Cataingan, Masbate, which is a 2 and a half hour ride from City Proper of
Masbate. I told them my Mother will not let me, but it’s a one in a lifetime opportunity
(telling her that I will not go next time if she let me this time). So, we planned the trip.
My friends have other acquaintances that will join us for the trip, which we approved
because the more the merrier. We woke up very early for the trip, and met at Social
Center. Our ride was mostly motorcycle, the other is a tricycle. Once we were complete,
we hit the road. We had to stop over two times because of something that I cannot
share (very private), but I’ll tell you this. The road to Matayum doesn’t want to make me
go back. One of my friend almost got hit because we can’t see the other end of the road.
It’s so high! But other than that we arrived at Matayum safe.
When we arrived, we hangout near the man-made lagoon where games are
being held, like boat race. There’s also a bike race, boat ride, and a carnival. We tried
the foods, we also tried the boat ride (which is fun if you ask me). That afternoon, my
friends suggested to stay for the night, because it’s getting dark and they’re afraid
something might happen to us along the way (and because there’s a concert that
evening). We told our parents, there’s a whole lot of bickering happening, but eventually
said “Stay safe and be alert at all times”.
The concert was fun! Other than the fact that the stage is at the other side of the
lagoon. Even we can’t see the big screen ahead, but it’s fine. One of my friend was heart
broken at that time so she really felt the songs. After the concert, we went back to our
place for the night and slept the night away (it’s 2 in the morning btw). Waking up the
next day, we hit the road once again. On the way home, we saw the Mayon Volcano. It
was huge in Cataingan, what more in Albay. Omg I can’t wait to see it nearer, soon.
That’s it! That’s mostly my summer getaway. Nothing happened special for the rest of
the summer. Thank you for reading this! xoxo

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