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Section 08-03-12
PROCEDURES Subject Number

Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere

Purpose To inspect segments of pipelines exposed to the atmosphere for evidence of

corrosion or coating damage that may result in an integrity threat.
Legislation United States
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49 – Transportation:
• Part 195.581 – Pipelines protected against atmospheric corrosion
• Part 195.583 – Atmospheric corrosion control monitoring
Related Standards Company
Book 3: Pipeline Facilities
• 05-01-01 Overview of Pipe Anomaly Assessment & Remediation
• 05-03-06 Assessing Metal Loss
• 05-03-08 Determining Remediation Method
• 08-02-03 Corrosion Prevention
Engineering Design Standards
• D04-102 Painting, Coating and Lining

Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
• CSA Z662— Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems, Section 9.1.5

International Organization for Standardization (ISO):

• ISO 9223 - Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of
atmospheres — Classification, determination and estimation
• ISO 4628 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of
coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of
intensity of uniform changes in appearance
• ISO 12944-5 - Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint systems — Part 5: Protective paint

Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC):

• SSPC-VIS 2, Standard Method of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on
Painted Steel Surfaces

Related Software Company

• American Innovations – Pipeline Compliance System (PCS):
Atmospheric Corrosion Module (ACM)

Requirements Prerequisites
Atmospheric surveyors must have one of the following qualifications:
• NACE Certified CIP 1
• NACE Certified Corrosion Technologist
• Individual with 2 years of document experience conducting
atmospheric inspections, with approval from PI Corrosion Prevention
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Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere BOOK 3

• Paint – in accordance with D04-102
• Coating – in accordance with D04-102
• Transition Inspection Zone – inspection of piping within 152 mm (6
in.) of the air-to-soil or air-to-water interface
• For atmospheric corrosion inspection asset definitions, see Table 1.

Procedure Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to the Atmosphere

Survey (see Figure 1)
1. Using approved datalogger, locate asset to be inspected in accordance
with the route file.
2. If asset is removed or buried:
− capture photos of area showing removed/buried asset
− set the following inspection fields:
− UnableToInspect = TRUE
− NoIssuesObserved = TRUE
− RankingValue = 0
3. If asset cannot be inspected due to a temporary circumstance (e.g.,
flooded vault):
− capture photos showing temporary circumstance
− set the following inspection fields:
− UnableToInspect = TRUE
− RankingValue = (blank)
4. Complete inspection in accordance with Table 1 and Table 2:
− capture the following photos:
− side overview of asset location
− closeups (with ruler for scale) of asset condition for all sides of
5. If Fusion-Bonded Epoxy has been identified and is exposed to the
− perform 3 dry-film thickness measurements at 5 locations on
the exposed FBE
− record these in the following inspection fields:
o FBE Thickness_1_1 o FBE Thickness_4_1
o FBE Thickness_1_2 o FBE Thickness_4_2
o FBE Thickness_1_3 o FBE Thickness_4_3
o FBE Thickness_2_1 o FBE Thickness_5_1
o FBE Thickness_2_2 o FBE Thickness_5_2
o FBE Thickness_2_3 o FBE Thickness_5_3
o FBE Thickness_3_1
o FBE Thickness_3_2
o FBE Thickness_3_3
− additional dry-film thickness measurements can be recorded at
the surveyor’s discretion

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BOOK 3 Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere

6. If there is measurable pitting on the asset (does not apply to pipe

− measure and record the deepest pit in the following inspection
o MaxPitDepth
− perform ultrasonic wall thickness measurement on an intact
(i.e., non-pitted, undamaged) section of the pipe
− record thickness in the following inspection field:
o WallThickness
− if exposed substrate cannot be accessed and there is visible
pitting, asset rank must be updated in accordance with Table 2
7. Search surveyed area for assets that are missing from datalogger route
file. If new/missing assets are found, add to datalogger route file and
return to Step 3. Assets under construction do not apply.
8. Verify datalogger route file is complete (i.e., all assets are inspected or
marked as being unable to inspect)
9. Submit completed datalogger route file to PI External Corrosion
Prevention representative.
1. The PI External Corrosion Prevention representative must review
inspection data with the ability to accept or reject the inspection and
perform the following:
a) Unable to inspect (unranked)
o for assets unable to be inspected due to temporary
circumstance (e.g., construction activities, flooding,
water in vault), asset must be revisited within 9 months
of previous inspection or as deemed practical by PI
External Corrosion Prevention
o for assets marked as unable to inspect, an overview
picture should be taken to assist in recommendations
for follow up inspection
b) Ranking value of 0
o if asset has been removed entirely and no longer exists,
it can be removed from future inspections and
inspection record must be deactivated within ACM
o if exposed pipe or span has been covered or
remediated, asset must be inspected once more on a
basis of its regular inspection cycle and, on this visit, if
site conditions are stable and asset remains covered or
remediated, inspection record must be deactivated
within ACM database
c) Ranking value of 1, 2, and 3
o no additional assessment is required until next
scheduled atmospheric inspection cycle
d) Ranking value of 4
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Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere BOOK 3

o requires review and possible integration of supporting

data, including but not limited to:
 in-line inspection data
 pulsed eddy current
 short and long range ultrasonic current
 guided wave inspection data
 corrosion growth rate
 damage assessment reports
 cathodic protection structure to soil potentials
 local corrosivity
 atmospheric corrosion rates – ISO 9223
 other integrity data
o review to be completed prior to next inspection cycle
and recorded as ‘Engineering Review’ under
assessment type category in PCS database
e) Ranking value of 5
o Pipeline Integrity or Facilities Integrity (as appropriate)
to determine repair method and timeline and assign to
appropriate department to execute repair

Records Retain the following records in accordance with B1_04-02-02

Recordkeeping (see B1_04-02-02-A1 Operations & Maintenance
Recordkeeping List for specific retention information):
• Atmospheric Corrosion Inspection Report
• RFID site location map/site (bubble) drawings

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BOOK 3 Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere

Routine Atmosp heric

Corrosion In spection

1. Locate asset per

datalogger route file

Set the following inspection fields :

2. Asset Removed or • Unable to Inspect = TRUE
Yes Capture photos of area
Bu ried? • No Issues Ob served = TRUE
• Ran kingValue = 0


Set the following inspection fields :

• Unable to Inspect = TRUE
3. Unable to Inspect
Capture photos sh owin g • Ran kingValue = blank
Due to Temporary Yes
temporary circumstance
Add an inspection comment des cribing the
temporary circumstance


4. Set all ins pection fields

requested by datalogger
according to Table 1 an d
Table 2

4. Capture Photos:
• Site overview of asset location
• Closeu ps (w/ ruler) of coating / substrate
condition for all sides of asset

Perform 3 d ry-film thickness measurements at 5 locations on the

exp osed FBE and record in th e following ins pection fields:
• FBE Thicknes s_1_1 • FBE Thicknes s_4_1
• FBE Thicknes s_1_2 • FBE Thicknes s_4_2
5. FBE Coatin g • FBE Thicknes s_1_3 • FBE Thicknes s_4_3
Exp osed to Yes • FBE Thicknes s_2_1 • FBE Thicknes s_5_1
Atmosphere? • FBE Thicknes s_2_2 • FBE Thicknes s_5_2
• FBE Thicknes s_2_3 • FBE Thicknes s_5_3
• FBE Thicknes s_3_1
• FBE Thicknes s_3_2
• FBE Thicknes s_3_3

Perform a UT wall thickness measu rement

Record deepest pit in the following in spection adjacent to the deep est pit
6. Measurab le Pittin g? Yes field
• MaxP itDepth Record in the followin g inspection field
• WallThickness


7. New Asset
Discovered that is
Add the new asset to the datalogger route file
Missing from Yes
and retu rn to Step 3 to complete in spection
Datalogger Route File?


8. Datalogger Route
File Complete?


9. Submit completed
datalogger route file to PI


Figure 1
Atmospheric Corrosion Inspection – Field Survey
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Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere BOOK 3

Table 1
Atmospheric Corrosion Inspection Asset Definitions
ACI Asset Type Definition Inspection Notes
Insulation Thermal insulating material covering the Removable insulation: where possible,
asset to be inspected. coordinate with Regional Operations to
remove the insulation to inspect the asset
for corrosion.
Non-removable insulation: if inspection
ports do not exist, but there is evidence of
corrosion, indicate this in the inspection
Pipe Exposure Pipe exposed to the atmosphere but If the pipe is shallow, the entire exposure
contacts the supporting soil or other requires a Transition Inspection. The
support medium. Transition Inspection Zone extends
laterally along the pipeline within 75 mm
(3 in.) of the air-to-soil or the air-to-water
interface. All exposures are classified as
‘Pipe Exposure’ and do not have separate
inspection(s) for transitions.
Pipe Span Piping with an interstitial space between Pipe spans are inspected as the piping
the pipeline and the supporting included within the span. Separate
substrate. inspections are required for other ACI
o Engineered spans: intentionally location types included in the span
exposed segment of pipeline, segment such as transitions (2 per span)
typically crossing ditches, water or pipe supports
features, or other abrupt elevation
o Natural spans: spans that did not
exist when the pipeline was
constructed and later became
classified as a span
Pipes Above-grade pipe segments that are not N/A
classified as any other ACI location
Pumps Mechanical device using suction or N/A
pressure to raise or move liquids.
Valves Mechanical device installed in a pipeline N/A
to control the flow of gas or liquid.
Whistles/Vaults Underground structure that may be Conduct whistle/vault inspections as
entered and designed to contain piping follows:
and piping components. o Arrange with Regional Operations to
get access to whistle/vault and to
remove water if whistle/vault is
submerged, if possible.
o If whistle/vault is submerged and
removal of water is not possible,
record an ON pipe-to-soil potential

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BOOK 3 Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere

ACI Asset Type Definition Inspection Notes

in the ‘Whistle/VaultONP/S’ field.
o Capture inspection data via data
logger with a photograph of the open
vault, showing the asset below.
o Use a camera mounted to an
extendable monopod arm to lower
into the vault.
Note: Whistles/vaults are confined spaces
and require appropriate training and
permits to enter.
Pipe Supports Designed element that transfers the load The pipe support inspection is specifically
from a pipe to the supporting structure. focused on identifying any evidence of
corrosion at the area between the pipe
support and the carrier pipe (the regulated
asset), not the supporting structure itself.
Transitions Pipe at soil-to-air interface or deck/wall All transitions must include the surface of
penetration or splash zones the pipe within 152 mm (6 in.) of the soil-
to-air or water-to-air interface.

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Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere BOOK 3

Table 2
Atmospheric Ranking Criteria
ACI Location Type Insulation
Ranking Value 1 2 3 4 5
SSPC Vis 2 Rust Scratch / gouge causing metal loss,
No observed issues SSPC Vis 2 Rust Grades 4 - 3 SSPC Vis 2 Rust Grades 2 - 0
Grades 6 - 5 dent
Visible pitting but unable to access /
SSPC Vis 2 Rust Pitting corrosion <15% of Measurable pitting corrosion ≥15% measure it (i.e., Measurable
Grades 10 - 7 nominal wall thickness of nominal wall thickness Corrosion is TRUE, Unable to
Inspect is TRUE)
Evidence of Corrosion Present is
ACI Location Type Pipe Exposure
Ranking Value 1 2 3 4 5
Coating Damage NOT to Coating Damage to Substate Scratch / gouge causing metal loss,
No observed issues N/A
Substrate OUTSIDE of Transition Zone dent
Visible pitting but unable to access /
Pitting corrosion <15% of Measurable pitting corrosion ≥15% measure it (i.e., Measurable
nominal wall thickness of nominal wall thickness Corrosion is TRUE, Unable to
Inspect is TRUE)
Unable to inspect due to non- Coating Damage to Substate
removable item covering pipe INSIDE of Transition Zone

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Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere BOOK 3

ACI Location Type Pipe Span, Pipes, Pumps, Valves, Whistles/Vaults

Ranking Value 1 2 3 4 5
SSPC Vis 2 Rust Scratch / gouge causing metal loss,
No observed issues SSPC Vis 2 Rust Grades 4 - 3 SSPC Vis 2 Rust Grades 2 - 0
Grades 6 - 5 dent
Visible pitting but unable to access /
SSPC Vis 2 Rust Pitting corrosion <15% of Measurable pitting corrosion ≥15% measure it (i.e., Measurable
Grades 10 - 7 nominal wall thickness of nominal wall thickness Corrosion is TRUE, Unable to
Inspect is TRUE)
Coating is rated for below grade
application - Coating material not
suitable for prevention of
atmospheric corrosion
Pipe Supports
ACI Location Type
Note: Inspection of Pipe Supports to review area between support and carrier pipe, not the pipe support itself.
Ranking Value 1 2 3 4 5
Evidence of Corrosion Present is Scratch / gouge causing metal loss,
No observed issues N/A N/A
TRUE dent
Criteria OR OR
Corrosion extending under pipe
support is TRUE
ACI Location Type Transitions
Ranking Value 1 2 3 4 5
Coating damage is TRUE but Scratch / gouge causing metal loss,
No observed issues N/A Coating is NOT rated for transition
not to substrate dent
Coating Damage to Substrate
INSIDE of Transition Inspection

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Inspecting Pipeline Systems Exposed to Atmosphere BOOK 3


Version 15.0 Wording Version 16.0 Wording Justification

To align with definitions and
inspection field updates to PCS-
ACI module database.

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