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Chapter II


◼ Trigonometry is derived from the Greek words “trigonon” (three angles) and
“metrein” (to measure). Hence, trigonometry means the measurement of

◼ Trigonometry had its dim beginnings in ancient Egypt and Babylonia, although
there are no accurate and complete historical records of these developments.

◼ Hipparchus is believed to have constructed the first trigonometric tables and

thus bestowed the title “Father of Trigonometry.” He is believed to be the first
to divide the circle into 360 equal parts which paved the way to the use of 360 o
as the measure of one complete rotation or revolution.

◼ The Hindus introduced the “sine function” about the fifth century A. D.

◼ An Arab named Nasir Eddin (1201 – 1274) wrote the first treatise on plane and
spherical trigonometry. He treated this subject as branch of mathematics
independent of astronomy.

◼ Regiomontanus (1436 – 1476) wrote the “De Triangulus Omnomodis”, the first
European work where trigonometry is treated independent of astronomy.

◼ George Joachim Phaeticus (1514 – 1576) introduced the right triangle as the
basis of the definitions of the trigonometric functions.

◼ Finally, Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783), a great Swiss mathematician, treated

trigonometry as a branch of analysis which resulted in the distinction and
separation of this subject as a system of mathematics.

2.2 A N G L E S
◼ An angle is the union of two rays meeting at a common point called vertex. The
two rays are called the terminal and the initial sides of an angle as shown in figure

Initial side

◼ Usually the right ray of the horizontal line (x-axis) is the initial side. The terminal
side of the angle may lie on any of the four quadrants.

◼ Angles between 0o - 90o is said to terminate in quadrant I; 90o – 180o in quadrant

II; 180o – 270o in quadrant III; and 270o- 360o in quadrant IV.

◼ An angle with its vertex at the origin of the rectangular coordinate system and
one of its sides in the positive position of the x-axis is said to be in the standard

-x +x

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◼ An angle in the standard position belongs to the quadrant where its terminal side
is located.

◼ An angle is usually named by three letters, such as angle ABC shown in the figure
below, where A and C are points on the initial and the terminal sides of the angle
respectively, while B is the vertex. An angle may be also named by a single
letter, usually the vertex. The angle ABC may be referred to as angle B.

∠𝐴𝐵𝐶 or ∠𝐵

2.2.1 Generation of an Angle

 In trigonometry, an angle is mathematically defined as the amount of

rotation that the generating ray makes around the vertex, starting from the
initial side to the terminal side. C


 The complete revolution or rotation of the generating ray makes an angle

of 360o.


 If the rotation of the generating ray is counterclockwise, the angle is

positive (+). If the rotation of the generating ray is clockwise, the angle is
negative (-).


 The rotating ray may turn any number of times about the vertex and
generate an angle greater than one revolution (360o or -360o).


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 Generally, angles will have different terminal sides though they may have
the same initial side. However, angles in the standard position having the
same terminal sides are called coterminal angles.



2.2.2 Kinds of Angles

There are several kinds of angles according to angular measure, as


a. Acute Angle – an angle measuring between 0o and 90o.

0° < ∠𝑨 < 90°

b. Right Angle – an angle measuring exactly 90o.

∠𝑨 = 90°

c. Obtuse Angle – an angle measuring between 90o and 180o.

90° < ∠𝑨 < 180°

d. Straight Angle – an angle measuring exactly 180o.

∠𝑨 = 180°

e. Reflex Angle – an angle measuring between 180o and 360o.

180° < ∠𝑨 < 360°

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2.2.3 Units of Angular Measure

 There are two most commonly used system of angular measurement: the
sexagesimal and radian system.

 In the sexagesimal system, the fundamental unit of measure is the

degree (o). A degree is defined as the measure of a central angle that
subtends an arc equal to 1/360 of the circumference of a circle wherein one
circumference of a circle (revolution or rotation) is equal to 360o. For
greater accuracy of measurement one degree is divided into 60 minutes
(60’) and one minute is divided into 60 seconds (60”). A summary of the
relationships of these units is presented below :

1 revolution (1 rev) = 360 degrees (360o)

1 degree (1o) = 60 minutes (60’)
1 minute (1’) = 60 seconds (60”)

 In the radian system, one circumference of a circle (revolution) equals 2

radians. A radian (rad) is the measure of a central angle of a circle which
subtends on the circumference an arc length equal to the length of its

1 rev = 2π rad

 Based on the definition of the radian, the measure of a central angle (in
radians) is equal to the quotient of the subtended arc length divided by the
radius of the circle.

Arc Length
Angle (in rad) =
Radius (of circle)
By actual experimentation, the circumference (arc length) of a unit circle
(a circle with radius of 1 unit) has been found to be 2 units. Hence, the
angle (in radians) generated by one revolution (1 rev) is:

1 rev = 2 units / 1 unit = 2 rad

 From the foregoing, the sexagesimal and radian systems of angular

measure are related by the following :

1 rev = 2 rad = 360o

 rad = 180o
1 rad = 180o /  = 57.2958o
1o = /180 rad = 0.01745 rad

These relations are used in the conversion of angle measure from degrees
to radians or radians to degrees.

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2.2.4 Length of a Circular Arc

 Based on the relationship between the central angle (in radian measure),
the radius of the circle and the length of arc subtended by said central
angle, the length of arc (s) can be determined by the equation:


wherein “r” is the radius of the circle and “” is the central angle opposite
the length of arc.

 The formula above can be manipulated into:


to solve for the radius of the circle or arc when the length of arc (s) and
the central angle ( in radians) are given.

 The formula above can be manipulated into:


to solve for the central angle ( in radians) when the length of arc (s) and
the radius of the circle or arc are given and are expressed in the same

2.2.5 Algebraic Operations with Angles

 Addition, subtraction, and division can be performed between angles

provided they have same units (all in degrees or radians). However,
addition and subtraction cannot be performed between an angle and a

 The addition and subtraction of angles are quite different from the simple
addition and subtraction of numbers, especially when the angles are
expressed in a combination of the three different units of the sexagesimal
system – degrees, minutes and seconds. Addition and subtraction are
performed between the same unit of angle measure, that is degree ±
degree, minutes ± minutes, and seconds ± seconds.

 In the addition of angles, after the minutes and the seconds are added,
the resulting sum is adjusted so that the numerical values for the minutes
and seconds do not exceed 59.

 In the subtraction of angles, when the minutes and seconds of the

minuend is less than that of the subtrahend, 1 degree (60 minutes) and 1
minute (60 seconds) is borrowed from the numerical values of the degrees
and minutes and added to the numerical values of the minutes and
seconds and then the operation is performed.

 Multiplication and division can be performed between an angle and a

number. However, multiplication cannot be performed between angles
and division cannot be performed between a number and an angle.

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A. Sketch the given angle in the standard position and give two coterminal angles
(one positive and one negative).

1. 30o 390°
2. - 45o
-330° 30° -405°


3. 150o 150° 4. - 120o

510° 240° -480°

5. 195o 195°
6. - 210o

-165° -210°

7. 315o 8. - 330o
675° 30°

-45° -330° -690°

9. 3/8 rad 10. - 5/6 rad

3π/8 rad 7π/6 rad
-13π/8 rad 19π/8

-17π/6 rad
- 5π/6 rad

B. Convert each degree measure to radians, correct to three (3) decimal places:

1. 60o 2. - 150o
Solution: Solution:
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝝅 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝟓𝝅
60° x = radians - 150° x =- radians
180° 𝟑 180° 𝟔
or 1.047 radians or -2.618 radians

3. 255o 4. - 350o
Solution: Solution:
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝟏𝟕𝝅 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝟑𝟓𝝅
255° x = radians - 350° x =- radians
180° 𝟏𝟐 180° 𝟏𝟖
or 4.451 radians or -6.109 radians

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5. 32o 16’ 6. - 110o 10”

Solution: Solution:
1° 10" 𝑥 1°
32°16’ = 32°+ (16’ x ) = 32.267° -110°10”= − [110° + ( 3600′′ )]=-110.003°
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
32.267° x = 0.563 radians - 110.003° x = - 1.920 radians
180° 180°

7. 222° 33’ 44”

1° 1°
222° 33’ 44” = 222° + (33’ x ) + (44" x )= 222.562°
60′ 3600′′
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
222.562° x = 3.884 radians

8. - 345° 54’ 43”

1° 1°
- 345° 54’ 43” = − [345° + (54’ x ) + (43" x )]= - 345.912°
60′ 3600′′
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
- 345.912° x = 6.037 radians

C. Convert each radian measure to degrees, minutes and seconds:

1. 7/6 rad 2. - 19/18 rad

Solution: Solution:
7 rad 180° −19 rad 180°
x 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 210° x 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = - 190°
6 18

3. 8/7 rad

8 rad 180°
x 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 205.714°
205° + (0.714° x ) = 205° 42.857’

205° 42’ + (0.857′ x ) = 205° 42’ 51.43”

4. - 2/11 rad

−2 rad 180°
x 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = - 32.727°
− [32° + (0.727° x )] = - 32° 43.64’

− [32° 43′ + (0.64′ x )] = - 32° 43’ 38.18”

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5. 1.2345 rad

1.2345 rad x 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 70.732°
70° + (0.732° x ) = 70° 43.90’

70° 43’ + (0.90′ x ) = 70° 43’ 53.90”

6. - 0.777 rad

−0.777 rad x 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = - 139.86°
− [139° + (0.86° x )] = - 139° 51.6’

− [139° 51′ + (0.6′ x )] = - 139° 51’ 36”

D. Find the result of the indicated operation:

1. 105° 47’ + 87° 26’

105° + 47’
+ 87° + 26’
192° + 73’ = 192° + (60’ + 13’) = 192° + 1° + 13’ = 193° 13’

2. 2° 59’ 49” + 3° 49’ 49”

2° + 59’ + 49”
+ 3° + 49’ + 49”
5° + 108’ + 98” = 5° + (60’ + 48’) + (60” + 38”) = 5° + (1° + 48’) + (1’ + 38”)
= 6° 49’ 38”

3. - 4° 8’ 16” + (- 10° 25’ 50”)

- (4° + 8’ + 16”)
+ - (10° + 25’ + 50”)
- (14° + 33’ + 66”) = - [14° + 33’ + (60” + 6”)] = - 14° 34’ 6”

4. - 30° 40’ 50” + 18° 36’ 54”

- 30° - 40’ - 50” = - (30° + 39’ + 60” + 50”) = - (30° + 39’ + 110”)
+ 18° + 36’ + 54” = = 18° + 36’ + 54”
= - (12° + 3’ + 56”)
= - 12° 3’ 56”

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5. 231° 15’ - 127° 38’

231° + 15’ = 230° + 60’ + 15’ = 230° + 75’
– 127° + 38’ = = 127° + 38’
= 103° + 37’
= 103° 37’

6. 30° 40’ 50” – 60° 50’ 40”

30° + 40’ + 50” = = 30° + 40’ + 50”
– 60° + 50’ + 40” = 60° + 49’ + 60” + 40” = 60° + 49’ + 100”
= - (30°+ 9’ + 50”)
= - 30° 9’ 50”

7. - 34° 45’ 56” + (- 43° 32’ 21”)

- (34° + 45’ + 56”) = - (34° + 45’ + 56”)
+ [- (43° + 32’ + 21”)] = - (43° + 32’ + 21”)
= - (77° + 77’ + 77”) = - (77° + 60’ + 17’ + 60” + 17”)
= - 78° 18’ 17”

8. - 34° 45’ 56” – (- 43° 32’ 21”)

- (34° + 45’ + 56”) = = - (34° + 45’ + 56”)
– [-(43° + 32’ + 21”) = - (42° + 60’ + 31’ + 60” + 21”) = - (42° + 91’ + 81”)
= 8°+ 46’ + 25”
= 8° 46’ 25”

9. 2 (33° 44’ 55”)

2 (33° + 44’ + 55”) = 66° + 88’ + 110” = 66° + 60’ + 28’ + 60” + 50”
= 66° + 1° + 28’ + 1’ + 50”
= 67° + 29’ + 50”
= 67° 29’ 50”

10. 3 (- 11° 22’ 33”)

3 [-(11° + 22’ + 33”)] = - (33° + 66’ + 99”) = -(33° + 60’ + 6’ + 60” + 39”)
= - (33° + 1° + 6’ + 1’ + 39”)
= - (34° + 7’ + 39”)
= - 34° 7’ 39”

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11. (44° 33’ 22”) / 2

(44° + 33’ + 22”)/2 = 22° + 16.5’ + 11” = 22° + 16’ + .5’( ) + 11”
= 22° + 16’ + 30” + 11”
= 22° + 16’ + 41”
= 22° 16’ 41”

12. (58° 59’ 59”) / 3

(58° + 59’ + 59”)/3 = 19 1⁄3° + 19 2⁄3’ + 19 2⁄3”
1° 60′ 2′ 60′′
= 19° + 3 ( 1° )+ 19’ + 3 ( 1′ ) + 19 2⁄3”
= 19° + 20’ + 19’ + 40” + 19.667”
= 19° + 39’ + 59.667”
= 19° 39’ 59.667”

13. 132° / 12°

132° / 12° = 11°

14. (- 90°) / (22° 30’)


- 90° / (22° 30’) = - 90° / [22° + (30’ x )]
= - 90° / [22° + 0.5°]
= - 90° / 22.5°
= - 4°

E. Solve the following problems applying the formula for the length of arc:

1. How many degrees are there between the hands of the clock (a) at 5 o’clock
and (b) 10 o’clock ?

Since 5 min.
of the Clock
Since 5 min. is 30°
of the Clock = 2 x 30° 60°
is 30°
= 5 x 30°

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2. Through how many degrees does the minute hand of the clock moves in (a)
15 minutes? (b) 40 minutes? (c) 3 hours?

= 3 x 30°
= 90°

= 8 x 30°
= 240° = 3 x 360°
= 1080°

3. Through how many radians does the second hand of the clock moves in (a)
35 seconds? (b) 115 seconds? (c) 2 minutes?

𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
=7x = (1 x 2π) + (11 x ) = 2 x 2π
6 6
rad 𝟐𝟑𝝅 = 4π rad
𝟔 = rad

4. The radius of a circle is 15 cm. How long an arc of the circle does a central
angle of 72o subtend ?
r = 15 cm
θ = 72°
S =rθ
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
= (15 cm) (72° x 180° )
= 6𝝅 or 18.850 cm

5. From point 1 to point 6 in a clock, the tip of the minute hand travels a circular
arc measuring 20 cm. What is the diameter of the clock (cm)?


S = r θ = (d/2) θ d/2 = r = ?
𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
20 cm = (d/2) (150° x 180°
5𝜋 S = 20 cm.
20 = (d/2) ( ) θ = 5 x 30°
6 = 150°
d = 2(20)(5𝜋)
d = 15.279 cm

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NAME : ___________________________________


A. Sketch the given angle in the standard position and give two coterminal angles (one
positive and one negative):

1. 15o 2. - 135o

3. 205o 4. - 290o

5. 5/8 rad

B. Convert each degree measure to radians, correct to two (2) decimal places:

1. - 450o 2. 195o

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3. - 65o 43’ 4. 111o 22”

5. 321o 32’ 21”

C. Convert each radian measure to degrees, minutes and seconds:

1. - 25/18 rad 2. 19/12 rad

3. - 0.125 rad 4. 3.69 rad

5. 1.3579 rad

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D. Find the result of the indicated operations:

1. 86o24’ + 69o 16’ 2. 123o 45’ 56” + 59o 59”

3. 143o 43’ – 134o 54’ 4. 90o – 66o 55’ 44”

5. 3 ( 36o 24’ 12”)

E. Solve the following problems, applying the formula on the length of arc:

1. Through how many degrees does the hour hand of the clock move in (a) 3 hours?
(b) 45 minutes? (c) 7.5 hours

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2. The minute hand of a clock is 10 cm long. Find the distance its tip travels from
12:00 noon to 12:45 pm.

3. Assuming that the earth’s radius is 6,500 km, find the length (meters) of one
minute arc of the equator.

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◼ Trigonometry literally means triangle measurement. A triangle is a plane figure

which has three (3) vertex angles, the opposite of which are three (3) sides. The
sum of the three angles is always 180 o.

◼ The triangle is the polygon having the least number of sides. It is considered the
most stable polygon. Further, the triangle is said to be a special polygon because
it has the most number of practical applications.

◼ Generally, there are two (2) types of triangles, namely:

 Right Triangle – a triangle with a right angle. The sides which are
perpendicular to each other are called legs and the third side is the

 Oblique Triangle – a triangle without a right triangle.

◼ There are two (2) special right triangles, which are:

 30o-60o-90o Triangle

90° 30°

 45o-45o-90o Triangle

90° 45°

◼ There are two (2) kinds of oblique triangles, namely:

 Acute Triangle – an oblique triangle whose angles are all acute angles.

 Obtuse Triangle – an oblique triangle having one (1) obtuse angle.

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◼ Triangles are also classified according to number of congruent (equal) sides or
angles, as follows:

 Scalene Triangle – a triangle having no congruent sides or congruent angles.

 Isosceles Triangle – a triangle having two congruent sides or angles. The

congruent sides are called the legs while the third side is called the base.
The angles opposite the legs are called base angles while the angle between
the legs is called the vertex angle.

 Equilateral or Equiangular Triangle – a triangle having three congruent or

equal sides or angles.

◼ Triangles have three special segments, as follows:

 Median – is a segment that connects a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite
side. A triangle has three (3) median segments which intersect at the center
of the triangle.

 Altitude – is a segment from one vertex to the opposite, in such a way that
this segment is perpendicular to the opposite side.

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 Angle Bisector – is a segment from a vertex to a point on the opposite side,
such that this segment divides the vertex angle into two congruent angles.
θ/2 θ/2

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