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History and Aesthetics of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge

Michael Barelli1; Joshua White2; and David P. Billington, Hon.M.ASCE3

Abstract: This paper is a study of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge. Othmar Ammann’s bridge, completed in 1939, has strong similarities
to the ill-fated Tacoma Narrows, sharing many structural characteristics. While the New York bridge has served well for two-thirds of a
century, the deck has oscillated noticeably for most of its lifetime; in attempts to calm these motions, the Whitestone has undergone an
unusual number of retrofits—in 1940, 1946, 1988, and a new retrofit begun in 2003. From a historical perspective, these retrofits have kept
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pace with the development of suspension bridge technology, each representing the state of the art at the time they were implemented. We
can therefore view the Whitestone as a valuable physical record of developments in the profession’s understanding of structural vibrations
and aerodynamics. The goal of this paper is to place these retrofits in context, as well as to evaluate them on technical and aesthetic levels.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1084-0702共2006兲11:2共230兲
CE Database subject headings: Bridges; suspension; Aerodynamics; Vibration; Bridge maintenance; Retrofitting; New York.

Introduction of Westchester and Long Island were booming. At the bridge’s

opening ceremony in April of 1939, Robert Moses described it as
Several recent Scandinavian bridges have experienced noticeable “architecturally the finest suspension bridge of them all, without
oscillations in the wind, and have been retrofitted to improve their comparison in cleanliness and simplicity of design, in lightness
aerodynamic performance 关Krokeborg 共2001兲; see pp. 99–105兴. and absence of pretentious ornamentation” 共Moses 1939兲. What
In light of this recent experience, the writers felt a study of the Moses meant, of course, was visually, not architecturally, since
1939 Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, and its four retrofits, would be the design was that of an engineer 共Fig. 1兲. The opinion of the
timely and useful to the profession. A continual challenge is posed engineering community was embodied in the words of Othmar
to engineers to learn from the observation of built structures. The Ammann: “The new structure breaks no records for length of
Bronx-Whitestone, having served well for 65 years, represents span but it embodies a number of departures in design that
long experience in improving the vibration performance of emphasize, more strongly perhaps than mere increase in size, the
suspension bridges, a challenge that will remain for all future rapid progress that is taking place in the bridge-builder’s art”
long-span bridges. Furthermore, this study is useful as an inquiry 关Ammann 共1939b兲; see p. 217兴.
into the long-term maintenance of the built environment and our Unfortunately, the gossamer deck that worked so wonderfully
aging infrastructure, a second challenge for the future of the in the heavy span of the George Washington was less than
engineering profession. adequate in the Whitestone. Although Ammann applied all the
The 2,300-foot Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, a model of engineering knowledge of his day, his designs, like other bridges
elegance, was the first bridge that Othmar Ammann designed of the 1930s, neglected aerodynamic effects. Within months, the
de novo since his innovative and spectacular George Washington dramatic collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge would cast a
Bridge. Built in preparation for the New York World’s Fair of spotlight on the Bronx-Whitestone’s deficiencies and call into
question such “rapid progress…in the bridge-builders art.”
1939 and the opening of the North Beach 共LaGuardia兲 Airport,
Ammann’s design is fascinating both for what he considered
the bridge’s lines evoke the forward-looking optimism of both
and what he did not. His application of the deflection theory,
events. Unlike the George Washington, which New Yorkers
his innovative use of a plate girder stiffening system, and his
had to share with New Jersey, this bridge was theirs alone.
appreciation of the “English type of suspension bridge” repre-
It seemed to be a structure created for their pleasure, built at a
sented the state of the art in the interwar years. After the collapse
time when automobile ridership and excursions to the parklands
of the Tacoma Narrows in late 1940, however, the bridge
engineering profession entered a period of damage control and
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton Univ.,
conservatism similar to that seen in John Roebling’s time, after
Princeton, NJ 08544.
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton Univ.,
the wind-induced failures of the very “English type” bridges that
Princeton, NJ 08544. Ammann so lauded.
3 This paper attempts to show that the retrofits of the Bronx-
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton
Univ., Princeton, NJ 08544. E-mail: Whitestone Bridge reflect the evolution of the bridge engineering
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2006. Separate discussions profession in response to Tacoma. According to Blair Birdsall, a
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by major figure in suspension bridge design, “two schools of
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
thought” emerged during this era. One solution, a “brute-force”
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-
sible publication on August 2, 2004; approved on December 23, 2004. approach, was to increase the stiffness of the deck, returning to
This paper is part of the Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, previous designs that had proven resistant to the dynamic and
March 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0702/2006/2-230–240/$25.00. unpredictable forces of the wind. The other solution, based on


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

Birth of the Form

As Triborough Bridge Authority 共TBA兲 Chairman, Robert Moses

commissioned roads and bridges that would provide access to the
parks that he had developed on Long Island. In the face of stiff
congestion on the Triborough Bridge, the enticing possibility of
developing Flushing Meadow’s 1,346 acres, and the upcoming
1939–1940 World’s Fair, he anticipated the need for another high-
way crossing of the East River. In 1937, the TBA began issuing
bonds to pay for construction of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge,
and Othmar Ammann, as its chief engineer, began design.
He was given a simple mission: to connect two shores of
equal, low-lying elevation with a structure that was graceful,
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functional, and economical. The bridge that Ammann created was

the fourth longest suspension span in the world at the time, its
river span of 2,300 feet being exceeded only by the 3500-foot
George Washington, the 4,200-foot span of the Golden Gate
Bridge, and the 2,310-foot spans of the San Francisco–Oakland
Bay Bridge 共Freeman 1939兲. In terms of technical refinement and
grace of form, however, Ammann’s Bronx-Whitestone Bridge
was unmatched.
The entire profile of Ammann’s bridge, including anchorages
and approach spans, was in clear view “so that the structure as a
whole 关would兴 be visible to an extent that is true in no other case”
关Embury 共1938兲; see p. 265兴. This visibility prompted special
concern for the aesthetic impact of the bridge. The result was
held up as the greatest example of structural art in long-span
bridges for students at Ammann’s alma mater, the ETH in Zurich,
in the late 1940s 关Billington 共2003兲; see p. 101兴. Many of the
structural innovations—the use of a single plate girder as a stiff-
ening system and the rigid-frame towers devoid of diagonal
bracing—contributed to its pleasing aesthetics. Such a modern
Fig. 1. Bronx-Whitestone original configuration 共1939兲 共courtesy bridge was the result of Ammann’s years of experience in bridge
of the New York Transit Museum兲 construction and design. It comes as little surprise that the
design specifications for the Bronx-Whitestone would be, “with
few modifications, 关those兴 used for the George Washington
Bridge” 关Ammann 共1939b兲; see p. 218兴. After doubling the
world’s longest suspended span in 1931, Ammann continued to
aerodynamics, was to create a bridge cross section with a shape push long-span bridge design to new lightness and structural
less conducive to the phenomena that might lead to catastrophe simplicity.
关Birdsall 共1983兲; see p. 66兴. This paper will illustrate that both In short, the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge was a forward-looking
schools of thought are represented in the evolution of the Bronx- structure unencumbered by constraints of the past. Economic and
Whitestone Bridge, making each retrofit a subject for evaluation aesthetic considerations drove the design, a philosophy that
on both structural and aesthetic levels. In essence, the Bronx- Ammann had advanced in the George Washington Bridge.
Whitestone Bridge is a physical record of the development of Its beauty grew out of its efficiency, for as Ammann stated in
suspension bridge engineering since 1930. 1939, deck “flexibility offers material economic advantages,
Each rehabilitation project is framed by related theories of besides aiding the designer to produce more graceful structures”
dynamic wind action. The success of each is evaluated in terms 关Ammann 共1939a兲; see p. 625兴. In his Civil Engineering report on
the “Planning and Design of 关the兴 Bronx-Whitestone Bridge,” he
of performance as well as aesthetics. Every retrofit of the Bronx-
stressed the “graceful appearance and structural simplicity” of his
Whitestone Bridge has marred its original grace in some way,
design. He attributed this economy, beauty, and simplicity to the
while still being only partially successful at calming aerodynamic
Bronx-Whitestone’s evolution of the tradition that he began with
motions. The current project undertaken by the Metropolitan the George Washington:
Transit Agency 共MTA兲 Bridges and Tunnels Department aims It is now well established that long-span suspension bridges
to restore the span to its original splendor, to account for dynamic for modern highway traffic may have a relatively flexible stiffen-
wind action, and to reduce the adverse effects of past rehabilita- ing system, and that the degree of flexibility has a material
tions on the bridge superstructure. This project is a welcome effect upon the economy of the design. In this respect the Bronx-
development that, unlike every rehabilitation project before Whitestone marks another radical departure from past theories
it, displays aesthetic sensitivity. It also represents the fusion and practice. Its stiffening girders have greater flexibility in
of Ammann’s theories of stiffness and torsional rigidity— relation to span length than any other suspension bridge built in
the most refined manifestations of Blair Birdsall’s “first school recent years, except the George Washington in its present state
of thought”—with 50 years of experience in the design of aero- with only a single unstiffened highway deck. The latter bridge,
dynamic deck sections—Birdsall’s “second school.” however, with a present roadway capacity equal to that of the


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, has a suspended dead weight per linear Table 1. Dimensions of Long-Span Suspension Bridges Built from
foot 2.5 times greater, a center span 56 percent longer, and side 1900 to 1940
spans somewhat shorter, all of which factors contribute to the Main span Span/width Span/depth
greater rigidity of the unstiffened cables. Bridge Year 共ft兲 ratio ratio
It was the aim of the writer, on esthetic as well as structural Williamsburg 1903 1600 24 40
and economical grounds, to restrict the floor structure to a mini- Manhattan 1909 1470 15 61
mum, to avoid trusses, and to keep the top at such an elevation Bear Mountain 1924 1632 27 54
above the floor as not to obstruct the view of the landscape from Delaware 1926 1750 20 63
passing vehicles. A depth of 11 feet for the stiffening girders was Ambassador 1929 1850 28 84
found to be sufficient and to fit best into the floor structure. This St. Johns 1930 1207 23 67
is only 1/210 of the length of the center span and 1/70 of the side George Washington 1931 3500 33 —a
span 关Ammann 共1939b兲; see p. 218兲兴.
Transbay 1936 2310 35 77
In this paper, Ammann advanced two important tenets of long-
Triborough 1936 1380 14 68
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span suspension bridge design, much as he had done at George

Golden Gate 1937 4200 47 168
Washington. The first was the extreme flexibility of the deck, and
Lions Gate 1938 1550 39 104
the second was the consideration of experiencing the bridge, both
Thousand Islands 1938 800 27 133
from a distance and from a vehicle moving along the span.
Bronx-Whitestone 1939 2300 31 210
Ammann and engineers like David Steinman and Leon
Deer Isle 1939 1080 46 166
Moisseiff designed their suspension bridges according to the pre-
Tacoma Narrows 1940 2800 72 350
cedent set by the George Washington Bridge and its minimization a
of deck stiffening, justified by the deflection theory 共Billington Note that the George Washington, as built in 1931, had no stiffening
1977兲. They considered the use of stiffening trusses a relic of
a misguided era, even though these trusses had prevented the
harmonic oscillations and excessive deflections that had brought Roebling’s era. He was correct, and his experience at George
down many early suspension spans. John Roebling, in response Washington assured him that he was correct, for automobiles
to a series of suspension bridge failures in the early 19th cen- could negotiate larger grades than rail cars. Nevertheless, his
tury, had revolutionized bridge design by advocating their use decision to reject Roebling’s experience, along with the stiffening
关Steinman 共1945兲; see p. 503兴. The truss along with cable stays on truss, had ramifications greater than local deformations of the
his 1855 Niagara span ensured strength, rigidity, and stability not carriageway.
only against the useful loads to be carried, but also against the During the interwar years, engineers accounted for horizontal
destructive forces of wind and storm. deck stiffness by treating wind forces as horizontal static forces to
The deflection theory revealed that some of the prior spans had be carried by a horizontal wind truss. This static approach left
been proportioned with needlessly excessive depth and section. them free to reduce vertical deck stiffness, as seen in Table 1,
The previously trusted elastic theory, unlike the deflection theory, which shows the early 20th century trend toward shallow decks.
did not account for the dead load cable stiffness. To Roebling and In contrast, Roebling had “hoped to avoid with deep stiffening
other adherents of the earlier theories, the stiffening truss solved trusses, massive towers, and inclined cable stays,” the mysterious
the problem of stiffness 共Buonopane and Billington 1993兲. Am- dynamic phenomena that he had witnessed 共Rothman 1984兲.
mann, on the other hand, believed that the stiffening truss was Ammann had designed the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge with
unnecessary when cable stiffness was accounted for in the design. the world’s first plate-girder stiffening system, encouraged not
This appealing nonlinear theory led to the conclusion that a more only by the placidly massive George Washington Bridge, but also
flexible deck would result in smaller moments and thus smaller by the theory of elastic distribution, advanced by Moisseiff and
stresses. The cable could therefore assume the funicular shape to Lienhard 共1933兲 in a paper entitled “Suspension bridges under the
carry the traffic pattern, and the deck itself could, in theory, be action of lateral forces.” Those writers demonstrated that the stiff-
built without geometric stiffness. In the words of Leon Moisseiff, ness in the main cables, transmitted by the hangers, would absorb
up to one-half of the static wind pressure pushing a suspended
the elastic theory was “grossly in error” and “atavistic” 关Moisseiff
structure laterally. Like the deflection theory, which accounted for
共1935兲; see pp. 1205–1209兴. Engineers recognized that in long-
a vertical equilibrium position resulting from the dead load of the
span suspension bridges, a stiffening truss required by the elastic
suspended structure and the stiffness of the cables resisting that
theory would limit span lengths, illustrated by the Bear Mountain
force, their theory of elastic distribution determined a horizontal
and Williamsburg Bridges, in which their stiffening systems equilibrium displacement resulting from the static wind force
appear more as rival structures than as ancillary ones. pushing it laterally and the stiffness of the cables resisting that
So emboldened by the new theory, Ammann also advanced the force. And just as the deflection theory had justified a decrease
theory that the truss served only to “prevent excessive gradients in vertical stiffness—manifested in the shift from the deep truss
of the floor due to deflection of the cable,” not to resist the dy- to the plate girder—Moisseiff and Lienhard justified lower lateral
namic influence of the wind 共Rothman 1984兲. Such a philosophy stiffness as shown in the lighter horizontal wind trusses and
is evident in his design of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge. When narrower decks of the era. The lateral bracing at the Bronx-
completed in 1939, its vertical flexibility was such that the 11-ft Whitestone is particularly skimpy because of its shallow deck
deep stiffening girders exerted “but little restraint upon the section, which lowered the static wind design pressure that it had
deformation of the unstiffened cables” 关“Bronx-Whitestone” to resist. Bolstered by the deflection theory and the theory of
共1939兲, see p. 488兴. Ammann was justified in believing that the elastic distribution, Ammann’s design for the Bronx-Whitestone
stiffening truss was a dinosaur, and that highway bridges did considered only rigidity under moving traffic and static wind
not require the same level of stiffening as the railroad spans of forces.


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

Table 2. British and American Bridges Damaged or Destroyed in Wind
Span Failure
Bridge Location Designer 共ft兲 date
Dryburgh Abbey Scotland John and William Smith 260 1818
Union England Sir Samuel Brown 449 1821
Brighton Chain Pier England Sir William Brown 225 1836
Montrose Scotland Sir William Brown 432 1838
Menai Straits Wales Thomas Telford 580 1839
Wheeling United States Charles Ellet 1010 1854
Niagara-Lewiston United States Edward Serrell 1041 1864
Niagara-Clifton United States Samuel Keefer 1260 1889
Tacoma-Narrows United States Leon Moisseiff 2800 1940
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The engineering profession changed its viewpoint after the between the deck and tower, and temporary guy wires from the
failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge on November 7, 1940. cables to the girder at midspan. He expected that the increased
That bridge had a 2,800-foot main span, only 8-foot-deep plate dead weight due to the pouring of the roadway concrete would
girder stiffening, and a 39-foot wide roadway. Its low width-to- dampen the movements, but this proved to be of little assistance.
span and depth-to-span ratios were unprecedented and made this The bridge opened in April 1939 with the temporary devices still
the most flexible long-span steel bridge in history. As Professor in place.
Farquharson later observed in his report on the collapse, Early in 1940, engineers commenced measurements of the
“the success of most modern structures in withstanding wind bridge’s movements in order to inform the design of a permanent
loads quite naturally directed attention away from any warn- stabilizing system. Instrumented observations confirmed motorist
ings which might have been derived from experience in the and pedestrian accounts, showing maximum vertical oscillations
growing field of aerodynamics” 关Farquharson 共1949兲; see p. 13兴. of 14 in. up and down or 9 in. in one direction, with a period of
The five modern bridges that have exhibited wind-induced 5–6 s. No tilt, twist, or lateral movement was observed 关Stays and
oscillations were designed in the 1930s following the lead Brakes 共1940兲; see p. 55兲兴.
of the George Washington Bridge—Fykesund in Norway, Golden Ammann’s permanent solution, based on simulations con-
Gate, Thousand Islands, Deer Isle, and Bronx-Whitestone. ducted at Princeton University by Professor E. K. Timby, was
Farquharson’s report emphasized this neglect of history by installed in the summer of 1940 共prior to November’s events at
including data on the early British bridges and others that had Tacoma兲. The first elements of the oscillation control system were
experienced failures similar to Tacoma 共Table 2兲. adjustable friction brakes at the towers capable of providing a
In 1953, Ammann reflected on his design of the Bronx- bearing pressure up to 450,000 lb. The second components of the
Whitestone, saying that he was encouraged by the flexible George system were diagonal stays between the towers and stiffening
Washington and unconscious of the danger of dynamic wind girders. Cables leading to the tower bases would obviously
action. His confidence led him to design “suspension bridges have had more effect in holding down the roadway, but Corps
with progressively lower degrees of girder stiffening coupled of Engineers regulations prevented narrowing the horizontal
with progressively smaller weight of the suspended structure” clearance of the navigational channel.
关Ammann 共1953兲; see p. 231兴. He spoke from experience when he At the time, the problem of oscillations was proclaimed
said that “the combination of deficiency in these two most potent solved, and the autumn passed without complaint. In November
factors which produce rigidity proved to have its limitations.” of 1940, however, the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows threw the
Only the greatest designers have the courage to describe their Bronx-Whitestone’s oscillations back into question. In December,
own oversights. Ammann reported,
In the years that followed November 7, 1940, the owners We have had to deal with very small movements, and would
of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, first the Triborough Bridge have felt no concern about them had they not tended to produce
and Tunnel Authority and later the Metropolitan Transportation discomfort in some persons under unfavorable conditions. No
Authority, have undertaken four significant structural modifica- question of safety of the bridge is involved. Its width, weight, and
tions. The first was the addition of stays and brakes in 1940, the the shortness of its side spans assure it of adequate rigidity for
second was the addition of a 14-foot-deep Warren truss to the all conditions. To remove all possibility of discomfort or feeling
existing plate girder stiffening in 1946, the third was the addition of insecurity on the part of passengers, however, we believed
of a tuned mass damper in 1988, and the fourth is the primary that the restraining and damping devices should be provided to
focus of this paper—the current removal of the truss, the addition limit the natural elastic movement to an amount that would be
of a streamlined fairing, and the alteration of the span’s lateral imperceptible 关Stays and Brakes 共1940兲; see p. 56兴.
bracing. Ammann was attempting to convince the public that the
small-scale oscillations should not be interpreted as omens of
First School In application, the cable stays and brakes proved “partially, but
not entirely, effective.” Ammann reported that they made the
The Bronx-Whitestone’s troubles began before construction Whitestone Bridge “much less sensitive” to wind excitation, for
was even complete. As the installation of the floor grid was pro- noticeable or objectionable oscillations had only occurred under
ceeding, engineers began to notice sizable vertical oscillations. higher wind velocities and at less frequent intervals. Nevertheless,
Ammann’s prescription for the problem included buffer blocks a double-amplitude greater than 10 in. was recorded on average


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

it would have been difficult to erect and it involved a complex
stress relationship with the existing stiffening girders. The second
proposal, which was eventually adopted, was for a composite
girder-truss design in which the existing stiffening girder would
act as the bottom chord of a new 14-ft-deep truss 共Fig. 2兲. War-
time shortages, however, delayed the work until 1946. This
scheme increased the maximum moment of inertia per girder or
truss more than sevenfold from the original 2,650 to 19,850
in.2 · ft2 共Ammann had the habit of using the units in.2 · ft2 instead
of the more standard ft4兲. This increased rigidity came at the
expense of increased dead weight, which grew 14.5% from
10,940 to 12,600 lb/ft of bridge 关Ammann 共1946兲; see p. 103兴.
Another part of the 1946 work involved the removal of the side-
walks and the widening of the roadway to a full six-lane capacity.
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According to Moses, this made it appear to travelers that the

trusses were merely part of a widening operation 关Moses 共1970兲;
see p. 195兴. In the end, Ammann was satisfied with the new form
that his bridge had taken: “While the truss members will undoubt-
edly detract somewhat from the extreme simplicity of the original
design, with its plain shallow girders, they will not be sufficiently
Fig. 2. Bronx-Whitestone, with cable stays 共1940兲 and truss 共1946兲 conspicuous to mar the graceful appearance” 关Ammann 共1946兲;
共photograph by J. Wayman Williams, Princeton Ammann Archive, see p. 103兴.
with permission兲

Stiffness Index
six times a year. Also, on four occasions between 1940 and 1946,
the double amplitudes exceeded 20 in., once reaching 30 in. In 1941, Ammann published a report with Glenn Woodruff and
共Ammann 1946兲. Even though contemporaneous commentators Theodore von Kármán on the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows.
claimed “satisfactory stabilization” and “imperceptible oscilla- Ammann’s role was primarily to investigate the structural aspects
tions,” in the long term the bridge continued to undulate. of the Tacoma design. He nevertheless kept a critical eye on
It did not take long for the motoring populace of New York the wind tunnel tests being performed. The investigation was
to become frustrated with movements. After the Tacoma Ammann’s first introduction to the field of aerodynamics and its
Narrows failure, these oscillations began to scare them. In his implications for future bridge designs. The 1941 report contains
autobiography, Robert Moses recalled that shortly after the a full series of wind tunnel tests, as well as a complete mathemati-
Tacoma Narrows catastrophe, a lady in a small car driving cal analysis of the vibration of suspension bridges. Interspersed
towards Queens saw a lamppost on the bridge moving up with the mathematical and scientific complexity, however,
and down. Remembering Tacoma, she became frightened. She Ammann felt it was pertinent to compare the simple static deflec-
jammed on the brakes, jumped out, and began running the tions of various bridges. Traditionally, the necessary stiffness of
remaining distance to Whitestone. Other motorists, seeing the suspension bridges was based on the ratio of live-load deflection
woman running for her life, leaped out and followed. The chair- to span length. The design live-load for the Tacoma Narrows
man called Ammann soon after this panic, pressing him to rectify design was only 1,500 lb/ft, compared with 3,000 for the Bronx-
the situation. Ammann kept reassuring Moses, in his “Swiss Whitestone and 4,000 for the Golden Gate 关Ammann et al.
brogue,” that “the britch is safe, the britch is safe.” Moses kept 共1941兲; see p. 77兴. The slenderness of the Tacoma Narrows design
replying that “it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference if drivers resulted from its smaller design load.
won’t use it!” 关Moses 共1970兲; see p. 194兴. Ammann began to realize, however, that even if the bridge
In Ammann’s eyes, the bridge movements created negotiable did not have to deal with tremendous traffic loads, a minimal
gradients for automobile suspensions, and they were not life absolute stiffness was required in order to deal with wind-induced
threatening to the structure. In Moses’ view, however, these oscillations. The Tacoma Narrows collapse had shown that the
motions were psychologically distracting and potentially traditional measure of bridge stiffness was inadequate. “It has
damaging to the bridge’s toll collections. In the end, Moses been a general practice to use the ratio of live load deflections to
prevailed over Ammann’s objections and planning for the addi- span length as a criterion and limitation of ordinary bridge
tional stiffening of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge began in 1941. types…. This criterion evidently does not apply to the rigidity of
E. L. Pavlo, the chief engineer of the firm charged with the prepa- long-span suspension bridges under wind action” 关Ammann et al.
ration of the stiffening truss plans and specifications, agreed with 共1941兲; see p. 75兴. Thus bridge designers needed a new set of
Ammann that the stiffening satisfied “a psychological need,” even criteria.
though he recognized that the floor stays installed in 1939–1940 As a designer, Ammann knew that great designs do not stem
were not reducing the magnitude of “objectionable movement” from overly complex analyses. He wanted a simple way to predict
关Pavlo 共1947兲; see pp. 98–101兴. a bridge’s dynamic behavior, and one that could be used as a
Despite the initial opposition from Ammann, a proposal was guide to safe design. Ammann found himself in much the same
hammered out. The first plan called for 25-ft-deep trusses on the position as Roebling a century earlier, seeking to move the
inside of the existing stiffening girders, in the sidewalk space, profession forward in the face of failure. To do so, Ammann
and to have them work in tandem with the girders. Ammann and seized on the importance of adequate stiffness, an idea firmly
the other consulting engineers rejected this idea for two reasons: grounded in Birdsall’s “first school.” By 1943, he summed up his


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

Table 3. Bridges Ordered by Stiffness Index
L f q ·I Cable Girder Side span
Bridge 共ft兲 Ls / L 共ft兲 共lb/ ft兲 共in2 · ft2兲 term term correction S
Wheeling 1,010 — 72 910 — 104 — 1.00 104
Union 449 — 30 400 — 109 — 1.00 109
Brighton 243 — 16 250 — 128 — 1.00 128
Niagara-Clifton 1,258 — 91 460 2,000 41 112 1.00 153
Tacoma I 共1940兲 2,800 0.39 232 5,700 2,600 201 6 0.76 159
Deer Isle 1,080 0.45 108 2,400 840 182 86 0.73 196
Menai Straits 580 0.48 43 2,280 — 435 — 0.71 310
Golden Gate 4,200 0.27 475 21,600 88,000 373 40 0.84 346
Thousand Islands 800 0.44 80 3,200 500 328 171 0.74 367
Bronx-Whitestone 共1939兲
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2,300 0.32 200 10,940 5,300 449 27 0.81 384

Tacoma II 共1951兲 2,800 0.39 280 8,678 95,700 254 218 1.00a 472
Bronx-Whitestone 共1946兲 2,300 0.32 200 12,600 39,700 517 199 0.81 578
George Washington 共1931兲 3,500 0.19 316 26,035 168 676 0.2 0.89 600
Verrazano 4,260 0.29 390 36,650 80,000 771 77 0.83 702
George Washington 共1962兲 3,500 0.19 326 40,000 66,000 1006 62 0.89 949
Transbay 2,310 0.50 231 18,800 56,000 667 767 0.70 1004
Bear Mountain 1,632 — 200 11,500 30,000 472 2,566 1.00 3037
Williamsburg 1,600 — 178 16,800 310,000 774 6,622 1.00 7396
The second Tacoma Narrows was built with unusual deck-to-tower brackets, making the use of the side span correction factor seem inappropriate to the

new understanding of dynamic bridge behavior with the develop- the performance history of previous designs. He doubled the
ment of a “stiffness index,” essentially a simple measure to coefficient in front of the truss term in order to better account for
determine which bridges needed additional stiffening 共Ammann, damping, and also added a correction term to account for the side
unpublished manuscript, February 1943, Princeton University span’s length Ls
Ammann Archive兲. The stiffness index was by no means an exact
tool, but nevertheless it proved that stiffness was “unmistakably”
a “major factor influencing 关bridge兴 behavior” 关Ammann 共1953兲,
see p. 132兴.
S= 冉 8.2q
共10−3 · L兲4
冊冉 1 − 0.6
冊 共3兲

In deriving the index, Ammann began by considering the The stiffness index represents, according to Herbert Rothman,
simplest model of a suspension bridge, a beam supported by a one of Ammann’s partners at Ammann and Whitney, Ammann’s
parabolic cable. He then calculated the half-span uniform load attempt to “distinguish those bridges that ‘behaved’ well from
which causes a one-foot deflection at the quarterpoint of the main those that did not” 关Rothman 共1984兲; see p. 127兴. An index above
span. He chose this unusual loading condition because it simu- 370 was desirable, and one above 600 was optimal. As a direct
lates the deflected shape of a bridge in its first assymetric mode result of his investigations, Ammann added stiffening trusses
共a complete derivation is presented in the Appendix兲. Professor to the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, raising its stiffness index from
Wilhem Ritter, Ammann’s professor at the ETH, had attempted 384 to 578. He continued to use the stiffness index throughout his
a similar sort of analysis in his articles on suspension bridges career, applying it on all his later bridges.
共Ritter 1883兲. In concrete bridges, Robert Maillart had used a The stiffness index is characteristic of Ammann’s Swiss
half-span loading analysis in his study of the deck-stiffened arch, education, for its genius lies in its simplicity as well as in its firm
assuming that the arch would be thin enough that it would take empirical foundation. The index is intended to be proportional
essentially no bending 关Billington 共1997兲; see pp. 97–129兴. to a bridge’s antisymmetric stiffness, since Ammann knew that
Ammann arrived at a formula which breaks the bridge stiff- antisymmetric vibration was the most easily excited mode. It
ness into two terms, one representing the cable component and makes sense that Ammann would rely on such a formula when the
one the stiffening girder component study of bridge dynamics was a new field. It is a testament to the
importance that Ammann placed on his stiffness index, however,
8.2q 2457.6EI that he continued to use it even in his late career, at a time when
S= + 共1兲
f L4 the dynamics field was reaching maturity.
Ammann’s investigations into the stiffness index were an
Using E = 28· 106 psi
attempt at establishing guidelines for long-span suspension bridge
8.2q 0.07I design. The George Washington Bridge had a main span more
S= + 共2兲 than twice that of any bridge built in the 19th century. It was
f 共10−3 · L兲4
entirely unstiffened, yet remained stable in even the highest winds
where q⫽weight of the suspended structure 共lb/ft兲; f⫽cable sag due to its large dead weight. Applying the stiffness index to
共ft兲; I⫽moment of inertia of the stiffening girders in 共in.2 · ft2兲; the dimensions of the George Washington, these facts become
and L⫽span length 共ft兲. apparent 共Table 3兲. The extremely low truss stiffness term of 0.2
Although he derived his equation analytically, Ammann then is supplemented by a very large cable stiffness term of 676,
treated the formula empirically and modified it to better fit with resulting in a satisfactorily high index value.


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

In 1953, Ammann wrote that the Tacoma Narrows “repre- Table 4. Energy Absorption for First Symmetrical Torsion Mode
sented a great projection of the experience gained in the 19th Energy Total
century.” He expressed regret at the dearth of “experience Element Component 共%兲 共%兲
on intermediate structures,” lamenting the lack of a method
Cable Tension 43.2 74.3
to “project or extrapolate the behavior of the earlier” bridges.
“Experience,” Ammann believed, was “the most important and Dead load 31.1
reliable source of information presently available to the profes- Truss Chords 10.2 10.7
sion for the purpose of deriving safe design criteria” 关Ammann Webs 0.5
共1953兲; see p. 236兴. The stiffness index that Ammann introduced Girder 4.5
was necessary to the engineering community, for it would provide Laterals 1.0
such an experience-based method. Stay ropes Center span 0.01 1.7
D. B. Steinman, in his 1943 paper “Rigidity and aerodynamic Side span 1.7
stability of suspension bridges,” presented his own method of Tower 4.8
calculating the “spring constant” K of a suspension bridge, using
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Roadway slab 2.8

a conservation of energy method 关Steinman 共1943兲; see p. 1361兲. Suspenders 0.2
For a bridge vibrating in a mode of n equal segments he presented Total 100
the formula
␲2 4␲
K = n2 H q + n EI 共4兲 sent bridge engineers back to Roebling’s time, Ammann softened
L2 L4 the blow and advanced the profession by proving the importance
If we look at the first asymmetric mode, of experience. The stiffness index, manifested in the 1946 retrofit
of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, was his response to Tacoma, and
n=2 it came to represent the first school of American suspension
bridge design in the modern era.
Hq =
共5兲 Second School
␲2 q
2 f
冉冊 EI
+ 16␲4 4
冉 冊 Even after the addition of the truss in 1946, the Bronx-Whitestone
Bridge has defied efforts to suppress its aerodynamic motion. For
Steinman’s formula takes the same form as Ammann’s Eq. 共1兲, more than three decades, the bridge continued to excite nervous
except with different coefficients motorists. In November of 1968, 22 years after the addition

S = 8.2 冉冊
+ 2,457.6 4
冉 冊 of the truss, a storm with 70 mph winds caused the bridge to
sway vertically enough to cause a “bizarre panic” in which 30
frightened motorists abandoned their vehicles and fled the span.
The important parameter, however, is the ratio of these coeffi- It also continued to frustrate engineers, who had become less
cients, or the relative importance of the cable-to-girder terms. satisfied with the previous retrofits as more accurate analyses of
In Steinman’s case, this ratio is 316. In Ammann’s case, this ratio the bridge’s behavior became possible. Wind tunnel tests in the
is 300—nearly the same. Steinman and Ammann were highly early 1980s indicated that, at Whitestone, symmetrical vertical
competitive with each other and rarely agreed. It is fascinating, oscillations peaked at wind speeds around 40 mph. Symmetrical
then, that two giants of bridge engineering would both develop torsional vibrations, on the other hand, did not seem to climax—
comparable stiffness indices. Both would also go on to examine they increased with the wind 共Harmonizing 1984兲. This is typical
torsional stiffnesses. Each of them recognized that the profession of a bridge made torsionally unstable by negative aerodynamic
was in dire need of such simple tools that emphasized the criteria damping, showing the need for further consideration of the
for structurally stable bridges. Whitestone’s motion 共Rothman 1995兲. Both modes of vibration
In application, Ammann’s index has been accurate. Table 3 proved that long-term fatigue was a threat to the steel of the
shows the application of the index to several suspension bridges, Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, and the latter warned of catastrophic
which for the most part is a good indicator of the performance of antisymmetric torsional vibrations reminiscent of those seen at
the spans. The index is not perfect, of course; the value for the Tacoma in 1940. Despite Ammann’s 5,300 observations of bridge
second Tacoma Narrows is a little low, given its satisfactory motion, during which not one appreciable torsional motion was
performance. The replacement bridge is equipped with a variety seen, engineers decided to err on the side of caution.
of devices to ensure its stability, including tower-to-deck brackets, Thus there were two vibrations—vertical and torsional—
a vented deck, and especially high damping. Ammann’s index for which one solution was required. Herbert Rothman, chairman
cannot account for these factors, nor can it distinguish between of Weidlinger Associates, was put in charge of the rehabilitation.
deck sections that are prone to aerodynamic problems like the Rothman had worked with Ammann since 1945, and was
squat H sections of the first Tacoma Narrows or the Bronx- Ammann & Whitney’s chief bridge engineer when he left in 1977
Whitestone. Nevertheless, given its simplicity, the index is sur- to join Weidlinger. Rothman decided against stiffening any
prisingly revealing about the behavior of different configurations. component of the bridge because the cable, as predicted by the
Ammann, being deeply concerned with the economy and deflection theory, so greatly dominates the structural response
scale of his suspension bridges, fostered the creation of graceful 共Table 4; Rothman 1995兲. He rejected “beefing up” the center
and safe structures throughout his career. He did so at George connections between the deck and cables to counter antisym-
Washington and he did so with the stiffness index at Bronx- metric torsional oscillations because this remedy would not
Whitestone. And while the Tacoma Narrows failure may have reduce symmetrical torsional vibrations. Strengthening the lateral


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

bracing was deemed inadequate and too costly, and streamlining such as the plate girders of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge. Such
the deck with fairings was rejected as too expensive as well. forms disrupt the normal pattern, and flow separation occurs
At the time, Rothman believed that the most practical solution to without reattachment. Two thin, unstable layers interact to create
the Bronx-Whitestone’s dual aerodynamic weaknesses was the vortices that are shed alternately in rows off the upper and lower
installation of a tuned mass damper 共TMD兲 at midspan. downwind sides of the bluff body. “If their shedding frequency
Concern about the safety of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge excites a structural frequency, the structure displaces rhythmically
did not end there, however. The annual inspection of the bridge and begins to control the vortex production” 关Scanlan and
in 2000 indicated that the bridge had become dangerously heavy Vellozzi 共1980兲; see p. 249兴. What occurs is the “lock-on” of the
for its current supporting cables. Like most suspensions bridges shed vortex rhythm to the structural rhythm, which the latter
in the United States, over time the wires of the Bronx-Whitestone controls. However, the phenomenon is often broken up, with
have suffered from corrosion and subsequent hydrogen embrittle- the separate rhythms reappearing, as wind velocity changes and
ment. On top of this, since the installation of the Warren truss, the vortex and structural rhythms disengage. The vertical motions
annual traffic on the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge has grown that have been observed in the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge through-
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/16/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

from 8.6 million to 40 million vehicles. Truck traffic within out its existence have been attributed to this type of motion.
the New York metropolitan area has grown, and the Whitestone The TMD that was installed in 1988 did not eliminate vortex
Expressway corridor in Queens has been aggressively shedding and lock-on, but it did reduce their effects through
developed—shopping malls and the New York Times printing inertial damping.
facility occupy the site of the former Flushing Airport, LaGuardia Flutter, a wind-induced oscillation that is more dangerous
Airport’s flight limits have been raised, and the Long Island than vortex shedding excitation, is a case in which the structural
Expressway, Van Wyck Expressway, and Grand Central Parkway motion is so influential that it alters the local flow over the body
all converge nearby. Thus traffic volume as well as the design to the point where the net wake vortex rhythm becomes and
dead load have increased, while the main cables and suspenders remains that of the structural motion. In bridges, there are two
have degraded in strength. It thus came as little surprise that kinds of flutter, the classical type and the single-degree-of-
the 2000 inspection revealed a number of breaks in the wires freedom torsional type. Classical flutter involves coupled bending
comprising the main cable and hangers. and torsion motions, and it is only seen in streamlined bridge
In the summer of 2002, MTA Bridges and Tunnels began decks. It is rarely seen because it requires high wind velocities
a $286 million overhaul to remedy this situation and not only that are not often encountered 共up to 125 mph兲. This is the pri-
bring the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge closer to its original design, mary reason why streamlined bridges have a desirable form, and
but also prolong its useful life. The primary goal is to relieve why the current rehabilitation has affixed a fairing to the plate
the stress on these cables while reducing the bridge’s dynamic girder of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge.
response to the wind. The renovations hope to extend the service On the other hand, unstreamlined bridge decks such as a squat
life of the suspension cables by more than 20 years, time to H section resembling the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge are subject to
develop a plan for the eventual replacement of the suspenders. single-degree-of-freedom torsional flutter. A particularly impor-
The project has two phases, and is expected to be completed in tant case of this is separated-flow torsional flutter which, like all
2008. First, representative of Birdsall’s “second school,” is the types of flutter, is self-excited. In other words, “once a structural
replacement of the 1946 Warren truss with wedge-shaped fiber- motion is set up by any cause, that motion causes wind pressures
glass fairings on the outside of the stiffening girders. The second of a destabilizing nature to build up and enhance that motion”
phase lowers and replaces the chevron-braced wind truss with one 共Scanlan and Vellozzi 1980兲.
made up of x braces of varying sections. When a section like the Bronx-Whitestone’s is not moving it
Each phase of the $286 million project brings the Bronx- may trip vortices above and below the deck. Flow separation
Whitestone Bridge closer to its original grace and further away increases when even a small amount of torsional motion causes
from its original instability. The weight of the suspended structure the deck to rotate. In this case, the vortex closest to the deck
will decrease through the removal of the 1946 truss and the during flow separation creates a high suction tending to further
replacement of the existing 4.5 in. concrete-filled grid deck and twist the deck. “At some critical velocity, the vortices travel
1.25 in. asphalt wearing surface with an orthotropic deck. The across the deck in a rhythm of destabilizing action” 共Scanlan and
resulting weight savings are substantial, for the truss added 1,700 Vellozzi 1980兲. If the response of the structure is in phase with the
lb/ft to the dead weight of the bridge, and the extant roadway frequency of the shed vortices, the deck reverses its direction of
weighs 72 lb/ft2 as opposed to the 36 lb/ft2 of the new decking. rotation and the wind then acts on it in a manner that reinforces
Thus the total dead weight will drop from 12,000 to 10,264 lb/ft. the elastic response. Unlike vortex shedding excitation, in which
The renovations will leave the bridge lighter, and its stiffness disengagement occurs when the wind velocity increases, flutter-
index lower, than it was on opening day in April of 1939. Othmar induced motion actually increases with increasing velocity. If
Ammann often held the weight of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge unchecked, flutter can be catastrophic, as shown by the collapse
up as a feature that protected it from the catastrophic oscillations of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
that doomed the lighter Tacoma Narrows. In the lighter bridge, For the Tacoma Narrows the critical velocity to initiate flutter
then, one must raise the question of aerodynamics. How will the was absurdly low—between 13 and 25 mph. Tests at the bound-
Bronx-Whitestone be protected from wind-induced motion? ary layer wind tunnel in London, Ontario have set the Bronx-
The fiber-reinforced polymer composite fairing, which Whitestone’s flutter speed at 50 mph 关Scott 共2001兲; see p. 355兴.
stretches 3,700 ft from anchorage to anchorage, will reduce the Both bridges have such low flutter speeds that one wonders why
possibility of dangerous wind flow patterns 共Landers 2002兲. the Tacoma Narrows did not collapse sooner and why the Bronx-
Winds passing over a streamlined body such as a wing generally Whitestone has not collapsed yet. The reasons are much the same
hug its surface and reform in its wake. If the wind separates for both spans. First, flutter is checked at the Bronx-Whitestone
from the surface, it may reattach before passing off the body in a Bridge by the TMD as well as by cable ties from the main cable
relatively smooth flow. This is not the case with bluff bodies to the deck at midspan, and was checked at Tacoma Narrows


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

by the latter until their failure left the bridge susceptible to a
catastrophic mode. Second, the natural wind is turbulent and
incoherent across the entire span. Finally, the Bronx-Whitestone
Bridge is special because quartering winds are the strongest gusts
it encounters—rarely does a gale buffet the bridge at right angles.
Nevertheless, though it is uncommon for storms to blow perpen-
dicular to the Whitestone span, it is not out of the question. And
while the center cable ties remain intact, it is not impossible to
imagine their failure.
The Bronx-Whitestone is highly sensitive to a change of wind
direction. The bridge is sensitive to wind directions within small
angles near east or west whereas the prevailing wind direction at
the site is the south, which is a favorable one for this bridge
共Tanaka 1992兲. The Bronx-Whitestone Bridge is therefore advan-
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Fig. 3. Bronx-Whitestone, with fairing 共2003兲 共photograph by

tageously sited. In their decision to install the fairing, engineers at
J. Wayman Williams, Princeton Ammann Archive, with permission兲
Weidlinger have shown a knowledge of these possibilities and
understanding of the aerodynamic phenomena at work on the
bridge. The stream-lined form of the fascia creates a leading edge Tacoma Narrows, and it will never meet such a fate. It began its
for the deck section that encourages the adherence of the wind useful life as a generally stable structure subject to periodic
flow to the structural surface—a contrast with the bluff body, unsettling motions. In the 1940s its actions were calmed—
flow-separating characteristics of the existing plate stiffening inefficiently—by an unintended truss. The current rehabilitation
girder. Fairings therefore inhibit the discharge of the leading edge does little to change Ammann’s original design; the profile of the
vortex by changing the angle of attack when the deck is stationary bridge, its weight, and its simplicity will remain intact. Ammann’s
or even slightly rotated. Furthermore, experience at the Little Belt 1939 bridge was only deficient in one respect—aerodynamics.
suspension bridge in Denmark has shown that by gradually The fairing is an acknowledgement of this fact, for it accentuates
“streamlining” the rectangular box, i.e. by fitting of cantilevered the shallowness of the plate girder that Ammann intended to be
decks or wedge-shaped fairings successively, it is possible to the bridge’s only stiffening member. And while the fairing
more than double the critical wind speed of the proposed box obscures the original plate girder it succeeds, as other streamlined
section 关Ostenfeld and Larsen 共1992兲; see p. 6兴. decks do, in showing the new structural system, which is in effect
In summary, the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge’s deck section will an aerodynamic box section.
be transformed into a quasi-winged box similar to that of the Much of the structural beauty that will be created by the
Severn River Bridge in Great Britain. One drawback seen in the current retrofit may be attributed to Othmar Ammann’s original
latter structure is the deflection and concentration of the wind design, for the truss removal and fairing addition is essentially an
stream into the traffic paths, which renders the span inoperable in attempt to return to that structure. An image of the new fairings
high winds. After a wind storm in the mid-1990s that upended shows a bridge that appears correct and tightly designed 共Fig. 3兲.
tractor trailers on the Throgs Neck Bridge—situated only 2 mi It is the Bronx-Whitestone’s simple geometry and minimal orna-
northeast of the Bronx-Whitestone–this phenomenon bears a mentation that allows the fairing to blend so well. It does not
closer look that may expose some dangers of the fairing design. seem to be an addition or an affectation, rather it seems as though
This analysis has emphasized aerodynamics, but the impor- it were always intended to be there. Therefore, the latest retrofit
tance of structure cannot be overlooked. “Since torsion is the will do much to improve the appearance of the Bronx-Whitestone
essential motion in flutter, any means of inhibiting it is valid, and Bridge and it will also come close to restoring its original grace.
high structural stiffness 共high natural frequency兲 in torsion is such In essence, this rehabilitation will be the redesign that
an approach. In fact, bridges with intrinsic flutter tendencies aero- Rothman rejected in 1988 when he decided to install the tuned
dynamically but high torsional stiffness can still be safe” 共Scanlan mass damper at midspan. Of that decision, he wrote
1979兲. The current rehabilitation of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge The cable so greatly dominates the bridge that stiffening any
is designed both to decrease its “intrinsic flutter tendencies” other component is of little value. Changing the cable is imprac-
through the addition of the fairing and to increase its torsional tical, and changing the bridge weight is hopeless. The only
stiffness through the addition of a lower lateral system. choices available were: streamline the bridge or increase damp-
Thus the current retrofit of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge ing. The second alternative was selected because it was far less
is representative of Birdsall’s “second school” because of its expensive, did not interfere with traffic, and preserved the bridge
concern with the form of the suspended structure as a means to appearance 共Rothman 1995兲.
reduce aerodynamic excitation. In order to reduce the stress in the Rothman was talking about the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge as
bridge’s suspenders, a reduction in weight was necessary, but this described by Table 4. His current proposal for the Bronx-
posed vibration problems that even the original span had not Whitestone will leave the contribution of the cable relatively
faced. The solution was something about which Ammann could unchanged despite the reduction in dead weight. The laterals and
only speculate in 1953 when he introduced his stiffness index. roadway slab participation will account for the elimination of the
He recognized the importance of “the structural form which stiffening truss, and most importantly, the fairing will reduce the
determines the dynamic wind forces acting on the structure,” but possibility of the first symmetrical torsion mode’s occurrence.
advised against relying on anything but “adequate vertical In summary, the current rehabilitation will reduce the weight
stiffness” for resistance to vibration 共Ammann 1953兲. of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, it will increase its torsional
The rehabilitation is necessary and welcome from an esthetic stability, and it will restore the span to its highly acclaimed
standpoint as well, for it shows the wisdom and beauty of original form. For the first time since its construction the Bronx-
Ammann’s original design. The Bronx-Whitestone Bridge is not Whitestone Bridge will have torsional rigidity, provided by a


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

torsionally stiff open box structure whose form will reflect its
function. The fairing is the primary feature that differentiates this
bridge from the original 1939 span, but it appears timeless and
correct nonetheless. In engineering terms, it is an “aerodynamic
enhancement” that represents the second school of thought de-
scribed by Birdsall earlier in this paper. In visual terms, it is a low
profile addition that does not obstruct views from the bridge deck
and maintains the narrow line of the suspended structure across
the East River.
The Bronx-Whitestone Bridge has changed greatly over its
Fig. 4. Half-span loading p broken into symmetric and assymmetric
63-year history, and its continuously evolving form has reflected
the changing concerns and considerations of bridge engineers
since Tacoma. It is no coincidence that many New Yorkers call
the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge the “sister bridge” of the Tacoma
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Narrows. This paper has shown that they were born of the same EI␩⬙ − H␩ = − M p 共6兲
theory and that the Bronx-Whitestone is the closest surviving
This equation relates the deflection ␩ of the bridge’s truss to the
relative of the doomed span. Its gossamer leap across the East
overall bending moment M p. There is an additional term, how-
River was justifiable in 1939, for the deflection theory permitted
ever, which takes into account the relieving moment provided by
such shallow decks. Tacoma’s collapse a short time later forced
H, the horizontal component of the main cable tension.
the profession to focus, as Birdsall observes, on stiffness and
The half-span loading p can be thought of as the sum of two
torsional rigidity in the early years and aerodynamic sections in
full-span loadings—a symmetric load and an antisymmetric load
the modern era. The Bronx-Whitestone Bridge has never been a
of p/2 共Fig. 4兲. Only the symmetric load will cause an increase in
galloper, but because of its heritage it has always been closely
the cable tension. We can therefore break the horizontal tension
force H into two components, one from self-weight and one from
Therefore it is fortunate that the current rehabilitation succeeds
the symmetric live load
in approaching a clarity of form unmatched by previous retrofits.
The ethereal quality of Ammann’s Bronx-Whitestone will be
restored. It will be a manifestation, in steel, of a wind-weary
structure’s newly lightened deck as well as its recognition that
冉 冊
H = Hq + H p/2 = q +
p L2
2 8f

wind has indeed become “the dominant dynamic force which will where L and f are the main span and cable sag, respectively.
hereafter control the design of long-span suspension bridges” Ammann thought of the additional live load p as some small
共Ammann 1953兲. percentage of the self-weight of the bridge—in this case, 5%

p = 0.05q
The writers would like to acknowledge the considerable help H = 1.025 共8兲
and advice of Herbert Rothman. Also, part of this study has 8f
been sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant No. Returning to the equation of bending, we can imagine two limit
0095010, by the Council on Science and Technology at Princeton cases. In the first, we set EI⫽0 and consider the deflection of the
University, and by documents given to the Princeton Maillart cable acting by itself. We call this load that is taken solely by the
Archive by Margot Ammann-Durrer and Lawrence Ammann. cables pc. Again assuming no cable elongation, only the antisym-
metric load will cause a deflection. At the quarter-point of the
span, this deflection is
Appendix. Stiffness Index Derivation
p cL 2
To arrive at his stiffness index, Ammann considered the simplest ␩max =
model of a suspension bridge, a truss, or beam of stiffness EI
connected to parabolic suspension cables. The entire self-weight q
of such a bridge is taken by the cable system, while the truss 64H 8.2q
remains undeformed. Under the action of live loads, however,
pc = 2 ␩max = ␩max 共9兲
L f
both the cables and the truss share in the work. Ammann ignored
In the other limit, we set H⫽0 and look at the load pt taken by the
the elongation of both the suspender and main cables and so could
stiffening truss. In this case,
assume that the deflections of the truss and main cables were
5 p tL 4
In order to simulate the deflected shape of the bridge’s first ␩max =
vertical, assymetric mode, Ammann imposed a uniform live load 12,288 EI
p over half of the span. He then calculated the magnitude of p that
would create a unit deflection at the quarter point of the span—the 12,288EI EI
origin of the term “stiffness” index 关Stüssi 共1974兲; see p. 72兴. pt = ␩max = 2,457.6 4 ␩max 共10兲
5L4 L
Ammann felt that the resistance a bridge offered against assuming
certain mode shapes would be a natural indicator of the bridge’s Adding these two contributions together and normalizing by ␩max,
dynamic stability. He began with the equation of bending we arrive at Ammann’s stiffness index


J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

pc + pt q EI Billington, D. P. 共2003兲. The art of structural design: A Swiss legacy,
S= = 8.2 + 2,457.6 4 共11兲 Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
␩max f L Birdsall, B. 共1983兲. “The Brooklyn Bridge at 100: The centennial of John
Ammann set E = 28· 106 psi, and thought of the main span in units Roebling’s Brooklyn Bridge.” Technol. Rev., 86, 62–69.
of 1,000 ft “Bronx-Whitestone Suspension Bridge, No. II.” 共1939兲. Engineer (Lon-
don), 168, 488.
Buonopane, S., and Billington, D. P. 共1993兲. “Theory and history of
8.2q 0.07I
S= + 共12兲 suspension bridge design from 1823 to 1940.” J. Struct. Eng., 119共3兲,
f 共10−3 · L兲4 954–977.
Embury, A. 共1938兲. “Esthetic design of steel structures.” Civ. Eng. (N.Y.),
The beauty of this formula is the separation of the “stiffness” into
8共4兲 261–265.
two separate contributions, cable and truss, making their relative
Farquharson, F. B. 共1949兲. Aerodynamic stability of suspension bridges:
importance obvious.
Part one, University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash.
Ammann then treated this formula empirically, modifying it to Freeman, G. L. 共1939兲. “Deep caisson work at the Whitestone Bridge.”
better fit with historical data. He doubled the 0.07 coefficient to Eng. News-Rec., 123共5兲, 55–59.
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better account for the natural damping of the truss. He also added “Harmonizing with the wind.” 共1984兲. Eng. News-Rec., 213共17兲, 12–13.
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S= 冉 8.2q
共10−3 · L兲4
冊冉 1 − 0.6
冊 共13兲
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E ⫽ elastic modulus; dynamics.” Proc., 1st Int. Symp. on the aerodynamics of large
f ⫽ cable sag; bridges, Allan Larsen, ed., Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
H ⫽ horizontal component of main cable tension; 3–22.
I ⫽ moment of inertia; Pavlo, E. L. 共1947兲. “Widening and stiffening Whitestone Bridge.” Eng.
K ⫽ Steinman’s spring constant; News-Rec., 139共14兲, 466–469.
L ⫽ main span length; Ritter, W. 共1883兲. “Statische berechnung der versteifungsfachwerke der
Ls ⫽ side span length; hängebrücken,” Schweiz. Bauzeitung, 1, 1–10.
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the era of the Brooklyn Bridge to today.” Bridge to the Future;
p ⫽ distributed live load;
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q ⫽ distributed self-weight; Sci., 424, 107–128.
S ⫽ Ammann’s stiffness index; and Rothman, H. 共1995兲. “Aerodynamic stabilization of the Bronx-
␩ ⫽ deflection. Whitestone Bridge.” Proc., Structures Congress XIII on Restructuring
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sion bridges.” Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 104, 625. responses of long-span bridges to wind action.” Long-Span Bridges:
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J. Bridge Eng. 2006.11:230-240.

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