MR Rat and Raggedy Ann Compressed

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ili'f i1" t;F

??{E S?CltIi t}tr
XT?. tST and
t",1r"!{?H}:r AItTli

By Edlth SoS.omeia.

?.rr. Qat wag prop&rinH to go to s&&.r Svery &Etulsn ,!::r. Tat

prepa:red to g* to B8&rr ?o tha wapm lands. ?"5p. Rat didnft cere for
the soLti et ell so he baar.ded a fnelghter and left. *Iuet 3i,ke thet.
?,uf. E*t retu:'nod rr?:en tha roaet were bSoorclng
Rts f1r:.1 neme was Pack ?at. 1?o always paeked &h.lnga &trey,
?r1s own end evarycna elsets. Isrr Ret dtdntt stee3' thlngs,
he Jrrat tosk the"sn end he irad t}:e queerest assqrrtrfiant of odds arrd ends
la htu leclgt*gr t?rat ;;ou 1-iave eyar seent
?}rere ws.s sorrieone I s wedd lng, e thk::ble wlth ne erid in lt,
e nasdLe thres.des wlth waxed tfir"eed, tlwea shoe buttuns, sot?6 otPanrge
peeS-, e trit of wL:re, e pog fr:ow an e]-d vlolJ-n and manyr r*&nlr othor
thf"ngs. 11ls ?rsme was fLl:.eri up so tbat he di.dnrt }:ave xr,rstr rocel Left to
ulov6, and T ::at?:er *uspeet th*t was part CIf the reason for hls l"eav{"ug
eaeh feLL.
!ir. tat vas hts ftrr anr] wtrlskeru, and trylng
to s6e hluself ln a blt of b:noken ti:f.rror when thsre c&me e lrnoek on
?rls door.
&?fr :?at openod lt and there $ras Hr. ieasel-, hls land3.ord.
t' !.1r. I?et, vou hav* to leave {"n te,o nrlnutesrt, l:e seld.
S1r, llet wes rat?:er afrnkl of i,r]3" l:,'easel tn:t ha dldntt Llke to sh*w ttt
eo he Just sa1d, yery proudl-:r; tt r.iery we3-1, SLr. ,''.rlnatenen you wlsbile
and wal,ked ntght p*st ?,rnriril€&s6]. wlt?:out even saylngrt Exeilse m6$..&s
so$n as he wag crut of slght of l':r. lieasel, however, tre really rarlt
Fot untLl" he sot to the tlcctrrs where tl:e frelg-rhter Y{&s dlci he stop.
Hven tire* he ha{i th* ur6e to rqrn ss*lg sotr&, and oYer^y oncs in A whlle he
looked oye: hla slrou.l"der *s ha Snawed a ?tol-e Ln * erate thet ras gotng
to be loaded lnto the f::elg$ter.
?itt. I?at ancl l?aggecv &an, ehapter 3.E. Page Edtth So].omoa
$slralXy i;r?r T?&t ve$ veqv eai:efrr} w?:en he lvent lnto the werehcuse,
ne,king aure that t}:e er:ate lre got lnto w&s CIae thet s.ueLled of foed of
sont€ kfud. Thls tlme he dtdnrt haye the cllanee to be claoocey for great
cranes werg ptektng ap the er*tes anci boxes and swtnglng them :"Ilgh lnto
ttre air rnd tlr*n tnto the fretgfrter. Yiir' Rat eouLelnrt rsad so lte dldatt
lraorr t?rat ttro erafe he eas 1n ras flrlt of toys and honrsei?oLd thtngs t'het
rer6 beLng shlpryed to an etnigrnntts rerEll)n from ttrel.r *raad*n. The erete
trad a slgn en Lt thst raad,
?iI33 SIllg 11F.
ri.'IYT{ Cjlng"

TB wen* the ers.te a:}d &1r. itat !n ltr Bu$pf $umpl :t landed ln the }:old
on top of the $eny other ers*es. ?hare w&s a trot of confusion ur:ttrl the
fretghter flual-l-y gCIt undon $iri:.y, sway frevn the nolsy doele an* out to s6&r
},rgl. Be* was ?6rlr uneomfortable. se peared out sf tlte
holc trut t1:ere was onl:r an lnch *:" ss of r"ooxt }:etween trLs ancl the next
crato, so tre settl"od beclr a l"lttle farthor into th; cr*tet blrt tle rss
iltt:l unoomfontable and trled te squeero farttrer lnto It" F}r*rlllsr
etrd pushing,
tt$top pushlng.t satd a LtttLe volse'
tt i.!r.trL--utrt. thundered a big voL€6r EfF. i?at sen.lnebed dcwu'
?fi)Ea? &€ru'he t?:sr:€ht. tr ?hts neYer happeao$- to me CIn as}y (}f xry othar I wonder what ?<$.nd of, a crete I ?ravo gotten rxyself tnto?Ir'
H6 kopt qulet horveve::, Yer:f qulet end tnierl ncrt to pu'sh &t!:r rrore

tbtrug]: he rras *t11L Yor-\f uneomfortable. $o*n he got Yery ctlrlous


tha Ltttl"e volce and seid ln a loud t""hlsper,

rr ':,1h0 are yorr?'l
tt 'lriho sakl tl"et?rt botrmed the btg volee.

E{r. tat kept qulet end the btg Y0l"ce boomeel a$s.lBo
?',TF. L. Fage 3. EelLtle Solomon
.Bat end ,3aggedp, Arrn. *hapter
tfWtro sald that?!t... Iltte Eat pleked up hls courage ar!f, saLd,
u ft t 6 ma, ?u!r. Rat.
rr Ff.ea,se to be untl1 we decks 3*{R. Eattr, e*rmanded tite big

" -1'es Slrln s&t* T.,rr. Rat, yery reeekly, aJxd trl.ed *o snuggle int* & see
BoFner'r tt Haybell ho tirought to hlmself tt If I stay stil} I ulght be
able to get s LtttLe algop.{ Eut he dtdatt b*eaes* tl:e frelg}:ter
bBfiatl ta roek and ro1l" and roJI ar:d roek.
?Ir. Rat lletened *arof113.1y. E6ry tt saa startlng tc rain" *oon
t}:e wlnd stanted to blos h*rder and hardar. T{ardor and barder' ?hen
the thunrler eeme' '!?169 aolsli bursts af t*run<3ert ts?' Ret peeped out
of t?:e hole Xn the erate but rluekes baok I'n quLckl"y es tite ltglxtening
flasheci tn hts face.
n Dear sertt saLd I:lr.3at.slrei a llttLe afraitl of a etore
et gc&ft.

e.rrl*6trr.. bm:ned out th* blE volee,3Ir. flat serrlnehgd dowst


egaln 1ye didntt ^lq1,16w rhLeh he was tl:e most afreiel of, the Blg Storet or
The rlg 1le{.c61
'I]}re rtorn fict wo:rse and worse and a]-}. at onse ti:ore
nas a big
crastrt {not}*r crash. r thea lote of *rashlngt Srastiln6l Orashlr$'
Ln tha erate
$t?. 3et f,elt ttrs sea uatsr camfng ln through tho hsle
and poked hls t:ea{3 and ehouLders out. :'jLtb e blg }roave 1re
got free
and lnto tho uraterr. trTF, lIp he rent untlL l1e fi6t on *op of
t;ho erate'

Roxes anr3 erates Eer& bobbing up and down iin top
of t}:e water' ?he
and ?re ereuelre'J dosn
t?:under and trlghtenlng roa3-};i f:rl6htonet1 }:inr,
*gaLnn han-qing on wlth hia paws to the rope
that was tled arou**i the
,"re }runi5 orr anij s}:lveredn. 6,s the
erate, tl,rough the da:"}{nesg
w&sc T]re erate went on
flashed" 1,1e trled t* see wh*re ti:e freig[rter
l.F. riat errrl qegger=-y {}rn, f,hapter },. Fage 4. Edtth Sol*msn
&.fter a. loag ttse the rEtor:r. ei*seri up & }lttLe. ?he er&t€ dldntt
bob up and dorx es m.reh &s lt !:ad, 1.,rr' frat trleC to look around in fhe
darkness, but n#w t}:ere wesnlt an;r x.i$ltonln6 and he c*ul*ntt sa*
anythlrg. 5o he crouaheri dasn agala wlth hls pawe rtt1l on the ropal
th*t gey untll tho dssnlng eame and }re cou}d see s:$eiur
end sta,y'eil
There !tr*.s rrs slgri of the f?elghter', Junt sstse
errd crates floettnr on *he water' ?Ir' ?tat felt Ysry

Tho toy e:'ete drLfteil for" suclt a 1ong1

ttme untl]" *t
r'oeks and ontc
ftnaL),y a blgr waY€ ealEe aloag and llfted 5't Ova:p sslE6
a ].tttla tsland.
ca.Lm end t}:e gun c&$e out.

It rraentt lo:tg until the alr was !Ear$ fros the brlght raya
of the 81tnr }rxr. Pat stlll sean:xctlo'i dqrrs en the top of the
erB't6 and
i:u'4gr1i' but he
let ths warnt?: dr:' hl"s fhr. TTe was r'6aL15 tlrerr and
dldnlt moYen 116 was S$lnS ts get very w&rm fl'rst'
on lnsj.cje the e:rete" !',fP. *1at aquirme<l to the esge
oflt elxd pwred dosnt'*
'fre t;ad' g:r:*wed In lt"
tcrware! the hala
s&:rs a to;r aol'dlero
th{s wes real}.y scuothlngl *u* of; the hole
attentlon on t}:e ssnd'
ile rerarbled aut olr€r the rock* ar:el stood st
Anott.erto*,'go].dlercldthegaE€.Cneafterl*Isi{5*BEs$0ther,twenty,&s qq r
he Jumped up
tn alL. Ttren e&rse ?heSaptlatrl Xe se?aebLedt toor but
qulckLy as tle ecnr).r] rrhen trc reaehed the sanr? and s&td
tr Stnrnll n', tn the-ioudest of 1or:'r1 Yoice$'
rr oor]*:anded the toy eepslsxtr
rr. ss$e d0s* off that er*t*, Hf r Rat' s''rt

Eat rlght back and he seratlb}ed ds;rn fr+m t'tre

c 11*s str,r shsgted 3,{r"
*nr1 ?ock posl"tlon at tlle en* of t?rs ].lne ef so1d18?sr
T1:e toY Cepttan mede en lnsP*ctian'
tolr tt&t $?::d lt*ggeCy {nu. fhapte:r L. Pa-Se 5
It :lead up, 1o!1. '14t, sfu:. Hyes atralgirtl tt
},upr q&t ltftect lrls head and
kspt hl"s eycs Looklug rig$rt alread"
alL at one6 the G*ptLenrs ?:1g yolce beomec ag*la; tt &t sssstt,
Of eeurse $Jr. !t&t dldnrt knos rqhat tf at oaaett &eant, s ho stood wLth
hls head up anrS stsr.ed ctralg[t sheaci.
r! .llsunl,esttr fter:rte<I the toy Captl&n.
it Ysu ean reLax Bsw, ?j?r ?at?' gald tho *ely eeil-t3ien next to hlur, !r Srou

k:tffi* takc lt oa*-vl r

?frr tat *ook lt easy and salC thank you to tlq: toy soldier.
'ft:B smart llttle tov eaptian atood back and $Irvetsd t}:e ers.te.
?'tren ho peeed back andforth iin the sand. IIe kept hle heed ereet but hle
syss cianted trere *rd thor*. rr TTs doesntt mLsc a:rything. tl grumbled
!,{r!r Tlat to hlm*elf. tf fiBt* Just ll}re e ratta
Tt cias so$a tlnse before the toy CIap*lsn flrri"d:ed hle paalngr but he had
a*,de a declsl.onJ It sas e b3.g one lndecd-- T*y sol"dLers arrd IXr. Eat
r6re golng to ats're the toy erd*e. r !,x*rre tt to safet;1' -fros the waves and p
put tt sn the sand cloaer to the mltldle of bhe Lslaad. I
-ao wi??r toy Captien instrnxetlons
t'he toy soldlers soved
the sxallest of the rockr, put a Lo9 elose to t*e front of It, and edged
the bur:e cr*ta anto lt;. There wae latc of' puff lng* and !'1r' it*"t tuggeC
on t&e ropc, but they Earreged. ffoy Captl'an barker' ords s at t?:er*
loud and
long uutlL ttre erate was I'e*tlngl on the loii' only then dtd
he cal}. a hal$-
amd then onLy for a short tS"B€r
th*n tlre
fino*sr 1o5; waa 1-cld a few lnehes Esay from the ftrst one,
and ?.Jr ltat
rolllng begarl Tt:e toy solldlws pussed on the *rate agaLn
sEoulC take the
pu].led on the rops ancr tho ].oge roLled. The *o3- soldlers
baEk 1o5 *:d p}aee tt tn fro*t ofthe erete aad
then t?:e pushing; and
pu.}Ilng began again, then $o?e re33-l$55. It tootr* the$
all' until nlght fa}}
to gqet tlre er:ate lnto titn mldell"e of t*e isiand'
1?atre Jaws €8ir,e aehlt:g arrd eehLng from
tugglng on ttra foFsr
l?at arul !?agger?.l' ,inn $}:apter I, F'age Sr
Rut he ehee::ed ns Loudly ric t}:e rest crhen t'!"iay had flrrlksd.
Sary was uade el"osets the to;: erate. ?hore wCIr6 anl$ a fee eherny
treec on the f.slaad. ?he toy soleilers ta*ted the cherrLes aad fou*d they
wetr6 Sollree So aLI. ofthem wentto sleep irungry. 3.1r. ??at found e few 6ral"nr
ef wheat, T{o sas ver$ }.ue}ryl
T,I?. Qat wae verTr ta fLndo*.t w!:rat wg,s ln tiro creEe so }:e snesked
quietL:. to the hola he had gnawed. ,Eutthe toy eaptl*n hadntt eenned ltis
deceratlons for notlng, snd ses sr*art enor:gt: b hare pl.aeod e soldLer on
'l:r.&0 EOes there??? saLd the to-v soldier, &,s ?,38. itat poke* hls hoad

arr*untlthe €oFner,
tt Ttf s me aln, I,?r Ret Slr.rt
ttrrigtch l.*o1.1!3 -{ngltsr}rt and grt that i:*1e, triPr Bat}t
away from
tI yes rstrlt s:ail }lr. Rat{ }re ssrid |t$lrt? tc s]-l the toy so}"rtrlersi, Jerklng
lls 5csd baels anC loavl:rg ln a 1:r.:,::::yrf l:e fatr-n* & w&r& pJ'ace in tlre sand a
and went ta sle€p. Ila was the flrst *ne csteke hcrvevr, ffid raIr dowp to the
er*f,e. a;ttt & to-tr soldier was there just the satfl€r 31ke f i:ave said,
?o:: Dnptian sas a. smart ozter
$unrtse founc ntneteen ofti:o toy soLdiers{ one st113 gpardeci ti:e hoLe}
1lned up ln fr*ntof tov capftas. ?,rt'r. Fat was a liftl'e late whiejr dldntt
please the *l'o:r C*Ptlan a btt.
rt,fsrrllnes* wll-1 no$ be exeuser-i, IfPo Ratr$ ?re trarkedr
ilye!, $tr* sald $r. Eat, he staS.ed there- l{s ot}rer self-
encr wonderec wiry

respeeting T'&ek 'llat rr<x;rld l:are, he thou$rt'

sH*w bear tblstI' 'fshe toy erate
Ta,y captlan eal,Led o:'rt ln hls blg voice.
rllL be opened toela.:-, and all or er1:i i;rJ'flers wlLl bo sourt-rsartl"aled
- Ls that r.lnderstoccl?rr
?tYes .'-,itrrr ?1te3' all anstrered nt ou,C€e ?'if"
'nat dl"S'nlt trave tire s116i:test *Itr
!r*fe$ Slrlr? &s the reat beceuse
tdea what a court xnertlsl was s{) ?re said
tt sotraderl so 't*ftrlt

].iF" ltat and Eagge<Iy Ann $hapter 1, Page 7.
Thoa began the of t?:e Grate. Toy Cap$lan cletallod two soldlers
ts etend quard xrhII.e !rr. i?*t gnawec'l the ho}.e :rnreir 1ar6er, ( tt soexle* to
hlm that he wee thp onlv one dotn+r &$;1,. 1{oP1{) untl}. tt was Lx ge enoug$ to
get the pareela thnoggir, end tl:en toy C*pttan taLd Srim he ccffi1$ taks
a few mtllutes off aadsateh ttre toy so1d36" a brLnir out the p*reeLs ons
b*v ono.
Saeh peroel rras earefuLly on the grorrnd. The toy sol*lg' s
Bsre v6rF axe{.tet} but t!':e,. dLdnrt s}rovr l"t. T}re;'r r*l$ht as wel3 be eareyin
briekr, *r :'.'!:ubx-rb. r, ttrought I.Ir. Itat. IIe $ras gettlng veITi eager to s6e
w?rat wn.s ta the perce3.s. Fr:t toy captlanxa*drtt watebeel ltl'ra carerhlly
at al.l timas. :?!lr}o Fstr bad a feellng that lroy Captlan dldntt trtr'st hlre
v€r y wueh.
&t ls*t th11 to:l GSffgq crate was empty' ?o-l' eaptlan er$ered
tl:c toy s*klters ?o pl*oethe locls ln front of t}:e i:ols. I{o *ne knox
xhy. T'{sr tat tha*.g?tt l-t wou}cl :n&]c& an exea}}ent sheltern but he was
tsl f'er toe wtg+ t* s1'-:ge$? lt. r
one at a ttael n*?. ,?*t e;es almost frantlcl One
at a tk*et indeedt
to?r ,1'Ert $.:n,::' r?ggqer:tr-;- el!??i th*ntef 3 r;. Ed:tii Sslo$Oll
T}:e ff"rst pareel was CIp*nsr:: *a-r.*fullt>r, ?he $tr1n& wes trollrlt! itrto
a tlght 11t*1e ball and piaeed n*ar tlre logs Ln front sfth"e sr&te.
t'ha pspsr w&s smcothed *.nd folCeel end plece* benseth a rccL: so ttre w!nc?
co*ld y:ot e&rr:r It aee_v. liif. itat wae gettln3 r*oi'e an<l msre €,Heltari and txp
trrylng rn* ver3" hard not tei siro'w lt. Br-rtti:e 3:ar"cel E as ver:i c]leappatntlug,
holdinq *n1;; tr+a eeits *f s*lt and pepper shE*.kers and a whlsk broon:.
'r,o-r fa}:ttan wxs x*teci th* contents cr*.v.eff-r11::' ln l:i* eLnd. ?hen he told-
the toy solClrr"* to nut t}"r::-.," tlre ti-Sht llttie "relL of string cvt tJ.:e
tooll or'.lered ti:e t.o:,. Capttan. lIe was as ciisapp*1;',teri
t!'l?:o packaoe,

as the r*st but he dlCnrt shov,, lt anil calnL:t ordered' t3:e toy saldteps
to open the ge*ond p*r:kago. It reeieved ti:le ssde treetment cs the fi-rat
psrcel*-- string rollecj lnto a ti$:i:t li.t.l1e bal"l, ant-: paperu *moothed
a::d plecsC unctrer & stone" l1?. Rat would have give* an'rtr 5"n6 to poke }:iS
1167se intc t-he pareels ras fast as he c*irld, br:t to.'; captlan
stt}} ltept
watgh.lng ?iix.
Ehers $83 & lOild ttliuryah" rlSiseilf.tst? and t}:e toy eaptia* t*1i3 ti:e*
tt:e': could all eat. ft wes qulte a str*:g#1e te get the tin box o;'re::ed'
but tho.,' manaqe*. Oh :i"€sr qr.rlte w*1J"I
a b::193:&
It was xgu6rc11 t1':rite *.t f&nc..: ti* hi scu:.ts ?:ox, uLti: a pleture of
Dlrd q:f, llarteJise on- t"r:e fr*nt and *-not!:er cn ti:e j:ack' 4't eacl: end was
p*.lnted a boiigu*t of prett'r flowers, al-} colours, *t] * irl-aek t:8Sa'
xrunched *n the bi-sstri-ts.
on t?:e other p''*reels'
?Y" .fat wasntt tnte*stedt ?ie was ke*pJ'ni: hts e"';'es
ilru,*il anel dru'r:: sticl*s& A r*ggcdl'r €rnu
'iub1: a 1,:t *f, niee t?r i'n sl ti ta-lr
pi':l"r-s' a box *f bloeke, aP *Ld
dol-1{**a::}.'.' -r":*vri I sY}e dei*en new eSotl'ie *
cl'r:rncoal irsR.
i?. gat and aafige*"i 1rln f,a,CIte]- ? -rlaqe ?
?her*e was , *lso, cirallr ?:r>x, tw* caloure,.-l nrbb*r" ball-s, e box
e. u'coden
of c?:ee}:ars anC * boerd, & erieL;et ?rr:t, lstcllets, and *. paelret af
tea tr:ckerl Lnslde a fscthall ?rel:nat and firt*l]:: tled.. wlti: & t:roy,'trr shoelaee.
Inside two eardiio*rd br:xes w*re shoes and soells, for a g:ir3 anri "feir a k
boy, ar:d, sranped y"..iore carefull;"r i;}rr..n all t?ie pa.reels, s. st,*i:e ;ar rvith a
3lttle stielr*r sn it w?:lch read-* i,i,1]T,1 ,IAl:

?}r<;re sas anoti er lr:u.d 'ti{ur:'Ei}:t' uL:e:: the t*:, *rldierg ssw ti:e jan:: pot. t
].r?r i:lat vras quLte cii.sapl:oirited. lle bad at J-*:ast expe*terl a f,cw *xed
gumdropo $r p6ppsrr*tn*sl !;,r. ljat }:ec; si ver:r street t"octl:, and }:e just
lmew t!:at tc--iY CaptLar: r.roul-d keep a girard a- the blseuLts at al]* tlmes.
iie Just }:new t?:att ferr suret
llrt l:e went *1*rv1.-.;, sJ-crrh'r towsrds tl:e paycels. T}:e smell of t}:e
ehalk bcx fcelnrrte{ 1:1m, T{e Bu.si1gd l.t* it re"t'bLed. 1l*p.t.,ls}recr tt agaS-n.
Onee nore it r*ttl-ed. r.r* '',&s jg$t te lt ano*her push vri'rexr tc;r
0aptl.*rrr s v*1ce h*or*ecY out, ir?:;It. tat, 3J.f . !r
thg.rpl,f tr,rfr:3-**., l't,c :gt Sar,t 'i{}1r .ae-pt]l s Sirar:p 8ir,'e UpOn hlr:i, ef'Xl
sal::teC suartl1r, saylnr as l:e dtd, rr-\'es Sirg
llqiou wllL }<ir:r,?l.r refreln f:ronr touehinig ti'to parcels, ff]:. ,rlat'" :;tF"tt
Itwesr ll lri? gaid irr. '?&t.
,:i{: }'t." ?at j:rs'h s*t *yrr: lntatc,t*.i t}:o X$);," sc}dlers place ti.e dlffeg'-

ent thinss I:r:1** en* there Just were'1'0: e*p'L'ia::.$atd;i r*-iSt be pla*ed"
iici*e?.redl; to*;r the pa*}.iet *f tea f:'*r': tlle fnE:tb*.}l helmet ane set i't

cn t-'ap of t}"rel 1cfis. ?'F. 1*-t stsred- fasel-ne**f' Yi:ere sr*$ & pi*'*:r"e
of a f'*i-ne"so,qer"rtLe{prn G"r"} Ons s3,i* cfit. ?1r. itat rs*nt' ca'ref\:}1":,: tc w}:ere
he c*,1d $ee tire *tl::er sI<ie" "l'ilero sias & ::ietug$ nf '* $i:'in*se 1a';;': holdlrg
a. ps.neelbl.
he went snd Lo*1rec aq*j"n at ther ti:lx*** gcntLonan. l'€ sat

down oYl tl-re saec! and sta::ef snc! staT'ed3

I{e sha:t:e'j so 3*rrg tr:at :"t Seoeetl

ts hlm that the,lh.inese rentlen:all was staringr ri.girt back *t 3:'1r*l

?'f1. snt lnr1 trggq1fi-. {n;"t *hapter 3 AAge S
nThnttg gfi$rt thcu,q}rt l1l". lsrt. r?y*ro.. *drJ" an* h* conti-ynreil starlng
at tho nhtneeio fentlsxlan nnel tlie .XhJ-r:ese gsnt:-erra* keilt *^barlng x.igt:t
be*1r at hfu*.
?eut n*w Tcy Ceptatyr tfrrked e,n erfr*r and ?nr. I?at ran and j*ined tl:e
otlrers Ju*t ln ttme" f$y gept*l"n gave anotlter orCer to elose the blscult
b*x" rlftry t?;.at !-r" f;at edgeC t*ward.e th* chnSk bor *ga3.n, but trs: dldntt
fl6.t xl6r:iy- :t. 1t* Jtest felt ?*;; Saptaint* sharp e5's rlls hir'l so he went baei:
to t5o packel, of to* b:: 'Llle 3-ogs. ]ir]r Rat wss Eettlni grl.lte use* t.o ti:e
T*:,: g*O*ain bu.t il* trondee**d 3"f be rrier,l'1d sver g*t t'r:111<e hlm.
ilo;," g**Oatrr be,gcn p*clng up and <lawu end down and r-ip a.gain. $r. Hat
r*ited untll he $as at the far end sf tlre crate arrC rsas Just Sol S to
xtoye towerds tl:e *hslk b*s egai:r nhen tof Captain si:auted
All the tc.r' sriLClers an* I.?. Ila?. j:lr::peC tq: attenttc::'.
tt' Sa{* th6
fi'r'e ar* :o:.r1i: tc l&Uneh the t*:r evat* attd Sail out f:'On ?:43'e
fLncl *notber
t*:r -1apte.i.n. lrthsre ls not anr:rrg1': f*r:d tc last enrl me nsrsi;
1r*1elnr3 ov t&l,ie a eiranae *n get?'tng
piekei' t:p'!!
scr the to:;. et*te w&s rallsd to tlre edge of the
se&, and placer] hole slde
lnta tt' WJ"tlr the
,r,. Ttre p*rc*ls sere ne*tl-Tr .*rapp** a'i;al-* a::ld dr',ppelc,
the erlelset fl&6183r
exeoption of tr*e c]-oti:*s pins r:ta$geilit .s"nx and
would *snt 3ag;ied*'n &"nst
lj*. Itat enuLd not flg"rre oui; i'll:;' '1's-'' ^6'Pt*in
too was left *n tOP
outskle the to;: crnto and ]:c C,r-'lntt as1:' ?l:* Frl!*m ias:
}:ele,'t agaln' 'ihe fisY soidler*
?i:e tea pa*itet was tleC up in the foeths{ll
{}lr*s giverr tt:e rope to
witir thelr Septaln sc:"a:ablo* c;r top and 11''3:* llat
sal'i3l-e:'e hauLed on tl:o rope
to*r it a l-l-ttle hj.t **t t* ss&* 'hcn tlr* ta;r 'hluo
ti-iie-r sallec ou"'i; Orrt* t1:e big'
and prrL3.ed Tr11. fiai &Tl wtth tl:{}tl* i"YJeT
no]r {]apt*tn hac] pla*eJ "].36:ined}, i:rrl e;al'ngt t1:* ,Ta*:
i'ot and ti:e
th* l"lcie in tl''c *rate' Tl;e clciires pln* 6are r:ls-ced
e:r::tr-eket ltat$ t:vev
as*t1=r Ln fron'{:r:f Lhe vrlcltets'
irr*! flhaptor * Fage 4
T'lf" nat s.nd Rspr.s$y
It soulcl hava been vory nlce lf tire:r i:ad 3"rr::r Ldee. urhero tha_r Bers
goLng, bu* as t}re:r dtdnrtr ?olr eaptaLsr a L]'owe* *1:*m to wa]'k srorund
and talk to keep them h*pp-yr but he told tlren tr: ireep a sherp lookzut
f;a,t srx-lg3"eid up e#ie"lnst Ragge*y Arxr. She was Juet *.bout

aeleep r*.rhen t*y Capte.ln ea$xe up to hlm and sai.d,

t?}fr. I!at, Slrtt ln hLsbtg boarrrlngl voice.
r!tr'6s $ir:? se.ld tir. Hst juuplnfr up sme.ytly.
" f dontt llke t:.:re lootrrs of th*t eLoud Ln the ?rorttr':;'est, ?aiqe t'hose pina ar:C fasten ents !agE$d;.,-,irmtg Col"l"arc Thogt]1 keep
her afloat lf anythtns: happeRs*!.
't'r.:€rsl :,ilx'5t. sairi l:-f . Eat once :r|xain.

I.'h rs*snrt e:s;:i. i?a;91eri,1: ,1nn wouLdntt sta;'l stIl^l for ona thlng
enC ko'::t tr.i::nlr:l: her hea{ s.r'{,u*r t* se€} he pirureci tl:e cla*}res pl"ns
in Juet ti:e rigl;.t i:1aees. Sn t*.p of tl'iat she es" blm lteLrllEsiirr wl1&n
he dronp*C clne r:i' t;i:e:r:' It *ra* i-,srd not to t-1r*p cne w]:er: t?:c toi erate
wa.s tiebblg5t r-lp anri t-1Olyr:, *n-r'thin61 iuSt kept
l-'ut i':'r iat CLCnrt $3,',' I

on pegr4i3g t't-.e *loti: es plns onto h*r' 'lh*n h{} *t:'cidled sown b l


be*ide 'ner aqain.

i;p *n* dawn bl:* bo:: e3's.ts boi:t--ei and Very Sscn i'r. I?at wAg
f,ast *s1eap e]:'*a]:ting tir.r.t he ?!rrd opencd the c}:alk boxr
tlr, rs.i; arl{-: -ia,",'*i: s:rlri 11:a:;tcl" S, l}a:.{* 1. l
it sas Els.rk icl:sn lie riulct elx*ept for the scund of the
H$:ee Errtl '''Je:r"
g:'ol:n#" l"n the
Trrr-./{}s slr,:p}:in,1 ;1r,,:i'!li$t th* rr.,':,; $3o*.ii3r lje st*l'tell t* wa]k
j.-r:rrk-r;:tt ::s{,':ed-....tyrn g*td i}r* }gt *-ontt S* s}ws.;i' YtnI l"ryeY'e
xeeelng *1o {?&ri31? *
rls ::t1+. i?at Went ba*k. :{e was rtsrr'J.eil, VCI1lri$dr .it} gi}'Ll"idl;rt 'heai'
a t,hing except {:]:e sl*,p*g1gp CIi ti:e l:jgves. ,'itc}1.t}.fd&$ ?CIy eaptainT' el1d
whgrc wer& Lil*'Lo-'i sr:ltllere'i""' 'Ie pa**ed 51:1s r'l*"'{lnd t'::at:rgt
}:io*'r "ft1'1:'t}!I}8
t?:e rls::]<. iaut nol he soilldn;t seo a ti:-'r-ng.'Ie e'::*icntt
.,.1. to* sr::-rieil to wi..:-':'i: a:;':ut i?a5g*d; An::r bef"ng
,,oii, 1..1a. l&t vi&*
feeiln$ esetn
e$ld, ,-re uolirl i:ar t* i:* gi;i.Ii ari we:"; 1ocii:'-n'1 '!" rathBr.
cf one of tlsei:''
l.rr tl:e dslrk.;1,',ut he cor:.lcJ fini i)81": b'i-*e ::o:-'l-r?li::
r?,,he-.: $rf$t ?:x:tr* b€on gaSi:.ecl S*erb+a:ld'l, ?ie saj'tl i;l
li:1'n$+}f an.! "lrent bACk

?Er wi:*re' lre i:ad 1-.:f*; l'"'&6g€flir 'qrgr'

-inilggling d'twn hesl-de J'"ler i'e stsrted
tri''agbe l,-r36-'i fclil
]'rave li*pp*rre; to tt:etri"
'Lo t,rrLni: ahor.;t rrt:*'t *trtrltl

t?.rxr{}usvii t".i16 *j*&te:tiis t*}d hir:s*}f en{1 Elre$t *ar*I\:13-1r

i:-i$l& tv: tl-le t'*l,r
t* *1:e e::leke| bAtS } bee& $ver ti:e lrole' bu"Ln ttr:*ugir
{}vsr cl,here
i:* **l-i'lrlntt heap-ang*l**xg
fei* an$ felt all ar*r'rnd in t?:o darki:*s:3t
cf; t}':e ?ro}e' tautiar:s}y }ro
fer'l e criol{s* hat. rie dtd f*trl t}:e ed';-:e
.in:lJi]e ?:lrt he eeruidntt j:eay an.;ti:'ing ar:* .to ?ie e:,*wJ-ei] c:rt
*nd forr.ntl h:i g gia ' }:aclr to r'iagqecl'l 'i)nlr'
t,.e t*; Caate. ::1,c0n j-t l:agar: to get:i-19}xt
Cn i-n,ti t}n.Llle w&ves carrled
to i?} tiia cis,ga.::** l..e ggg1ll gt}t},{al(J tgo
an* i"r. !}at l*alcgi ou't s€J&r
*h* t&:; sci*i'ev'* 11:e]:'e sai-f i.*g -o::.
er,lelle't,x irattx flr:etlnr and
ti''eriii I{411l:qi at*a Ort C::'i*l;et l.'*-t r:afts
r1:erl 13&rl ,segerteeJ tl:er:tl le1t
lra:l ver"tr Yer:]r s111r'jir-li'
.a.r.rci rrsi-n$tlre wteket stick* I'$r oeiysl ?-r-" '-l*t
reun* on toT) r:t' tiie 'l*"i C::n1;*' {:}:l 11* s&$ atrg:'yl
!.* :te:rrr{]l tar,r.d
Iaq.,redy ,'1,::*lut hc:" s*ft 1"1tt3e A*X3 *3"r,1lt:.i* ?:.,".i-. A:tri g,-:lri$!ll*ntt Op;"r
i'"Fc Int. "'* 9t111 hg,ve the pL:"rra j iriit a

1,'Fr :tEtt r1r'J** l:is e.r*s witii l:i-g ;liiiy;3 &r;1 511f "'*.-,,}-t 5re a :)3rlai'€ fag S*1"1-,
'ia; g*:1*," tnn, an$ Tr= *r*r.1: qiari 'l:,,it -!:i:+'l .l1C;:tt l'all* y*'.r *1-*::g ','Yttjt
:,oor: !l:e s;n beqsr: tr: si:rlne ,rn'f :sai'E t,l:e;:i up. ?hlngs didnlt'geen eo
b*ri then. "ri-:e toy orate salllrlrl on and silr .ioon the 'sras a* nig-rr of the
teir soiell.e::s ancl th* *::lc,r** bat,g. Thel;'hail salleri alY&l{. 3a}" faF away.
,u?. tat w*nt t*ws"rC Bhe hsle, rle Eas Just goln,g to crawl the
?Ie Ilatenef aq*!n. ri: '!:rsst .iori:*b6<1y wa= ;3rna::i.ngl i'!:.
itet scvs'rlhled
j"n tire
dorm 1n*1d* tj:€ *:'&t* 1.I.I e b:.{i -li:ii'fB':; *nrl ti":ere, :'redge{ 3:oeci fir*t
footbali ?:.*k;iet i:estde the p*c)*et of t(}an fi&:3 pCIff 'fr:;l
i,Irr .ieb t**lt 1:*1q *f hi.:* b'r tite 3-*,11s amti prrllei and Btlllsd' blr-t it
'.,fJ 1?*.s * aO&r }:u-"rt To;,. sapta*nl
GuJ-ts g$}IIe 3tl-11 t,*:.: tr: qet, hj-a: 8Lt.[. C.:.:I
],.':|r Ist fOrgOt & out *6tr ]i-iiin€ ]r:irc anc iruncleci
tl:o po*r felloe sYer
lla:Aei:" Ann
trls s}.;*ulC-*r -q.n* uF ti:rcx.:gir tl:e h01e int+ ti"is fvesh s-ir:'
?:3?sor" poor l6&r'tr
gme*::ed so€e niut-T. Ja:n aa nl.sLJp* arrti ;rcpt S*igi-ng
itiuostro, psCIlt clea,rt't oYe?'*nd oY$13e
,1ft*:, s(}lyi& i;i.rn* t'r:'.;, Iai:t:i,?: 'tt*-pper: rrl*antng &fid $]v'o8"nlng
a*d t'l^ron }'e sai-d'
le"'hateve:'is t}ro
*r.{ei to sit up* li?. hel-pei? ?:'i'ir
rtf r.?*alt iJ'l-'?t {1'.lf{: I'rr' '?&tr tt'$re l"ast T -saw of
.8.1[*rrx ::r,o'fl ,
tns.... TJg:!# sr.iling r.n itrCI erl.*i:e{; l:at.g* I]lx,'t*
},1311r Yn6y1
I.l?l:a :.atsJ *a-ic san&&, j-tx. ifl:o tff c:lc*, !:?.' lfi'*qt '
lrrttle1n Iinr' iltl-'3en i:*'elng
Scon ?r:'; t*ptr: l:t l-r*i?*:': tr: fe+:L
up and riowtl *fa:,'r:.
?rFr rt*rfu ''lilci iis.grrcci}. .rr1111 Sl"rapt*i' 15, pege S
ttl"r. Tls.*r liLrl' seld lie. rrYr;s, :3:irlIl seid jr,:1*. !iat.
ii..:3t.l?etr f a*r fr*in6 ** I'itr,-l tile::i* t{v*ry ls*t tren J&ek *i t}t*e:!!, l:.e
w*l-t,r-l fr:r e r"orrent eRel tlier: sal.d, r'arit ht:s'irl. iiack at"rd ft:t"t?i lte pt:cod.
It IieI lIeI f- have lt , 3.iror ;tat, r"1fu6 {,:ha}k litrglr?
tr:r{}!i 1l"rtl,
tt'r'st31 bri"ng tt a:.p, T,rr. lat tlr.'i
:i$ eewn th* heie tiier rrent ai'te:= the *?raLtr* l3ox. u?t'iowrl! th*ugLlt F'r. ,?t}t

utIlll be alrl-e to see strat:s lnsieie i&!1.

rrew $1sC1:.r he t-relped 'Io:l Oaptain to bring iE *p tiEdugh blre i:oLe" ?ho

tws cf t::e"n: pi.aeei lt near tire eige of tlro To3 Cral,Bt And befdes ]'r'ir' ftat
COUId sirl,- an..t':tlng -'o;,, C&ptaln i.raC glven the *i:a1k -:elX a flip an*

Lt ra,*nt l*tr ti:a sore To-,r Caetatir j-rrmpeer anto ii, ar:d *i:c:utee:tiilontt
-*rsff'--7, :qsy'. .*At. il1l e*,tC]:, t}:O:"*gg|aLsli? &nrl i:e waner:i hLg SwSfd a"* he
i*crr: s*rrf ):r. 1&.t, il-e seir:lcl l:rgve Jr:*:;:eri 1* and started to '5{J1::rx

f].**te* fa:ether and farth€? &E81ir
f*r s' r*ssS'ng
Sx *n* iln *:r* 'ir:: il1'g,t* f}oa'beri. 'i'he-'; itept *n bhe }r:ciror:'t
th"e eveninS 0si6&e
shi,p, hut n*J natnlng at.*'11 *x**pt tbe se&t loon
"ss..g *$o}er then anci l:e ariel l}'agee<}g Awt
!r{?. Ent alga-:g 111so,,1 evenJ.nqs. Tt
xr*-rllr3 *altr, ft was rnuch to* hot *o talit 1::
tlie iia;;&-1-me wli*n t]'e su$ was *
ti:rai'nte e&* use?tl
t*, dn';t&n*. lsntt ther^e so$etliinil insi'<ie i:]le il::a*e
,'cxt.,r;1psfn;i ixtrc l'iat Went dor*zr to lOak' li€
ti:idrlr&::ilgur* anl';'o{ it wAs
gcr:d a*eug1h for sharie though ss h6 deelder t* tske
lt' all up $nd sss
vdra L "i1,,qa6*r; '"tl't': i:** to sl-lilriast.

i:1'. :'r&t &rt d r,C-gr1crr.i .,tI1 iilrilpte,i" S .r,&ige 4.

lie eO:.:3dntt Cg.rP",- an.rt]::lrrf'}er';,'t* trp b-; i.ri*:Self SCI *tg.#Sedy Ann csme
to i:i:e hole t* sse tf *re selr1d help. Poirtr:g l:er }:,eari lnsl^de, she sald
!r Jr:st plla *i:e stuff Ln t"!"1* *{?rner l:*ro *nd ti-syl ..rou *an *tantl on
,sor.ler af &t anrj pass tkre rclgt to r;6il.

rl:rst f,r:fng was the c}.:eeker bonrcl, then ti:e shoe i:oxes, &h.e
*.fid rr4n,-g11 s],'alrev'* an.i the:',ririgJr t::ony'i. irhe }:ax ef i:loeits and the f,eacy
b1se.uLt *1x, the :*trh?er ha11*, the f**the-Ll ire:-$il6t rsLth the packet &f tes
r\lt ti:e eh*roonJ. tron and r,?le d-run wera too ?:1g e prsbleri. ?.?. -lat
d*afd*d *r: J-esve t,hen dorrn ?'re irole wl-th th.e dnrm stlcks*
na.,,r".&d=i 3nn he.J just po:red iier head lntc,, the lt*}e to Se* if tltefe

wag an.ithJnr else left riorrn tjre'r"e when a bLg volce ]:*ornecl out-
rrr:tgt f?ogr$ crn her.e/,t

rITr everTr cre of t}:e tr:.; *o1e11e:.x i:;, thc .!anr p*t.
!t"'* i-s -ir'r" nat?tt lie s?',nr:ts:d. FagS*t};r .1n* reas too srrrp:'lued *r: talk.

lihc Just pr:tnteC tc th.-'1.c1$r. ry*:;; {al:taf,n st::*fe ovsr tq i;}:c i:,:1* &r:€
cir,- 11 r. 11;! :?I
,r. tv' ilat l.fLf I ,3Oiit,: {"ri:-,;, ftf 't-,-}.63-.6 t It* iiJ3r r5il: g;{,i'r-ia *f :-t Of th.n:'g

v$;,'i *l-avi1:* r"ro; l"'tpt,tr-i'r1 s*.?.d, "t'otl l-ef t lir.,r:r,:elf i"r1<3c t:}.)€r: t-,r; *tt*elrg
'i r. -a1" 1"' "rr:. trt! ! s'511', g;f '. i:ir-r- oii i*1rflilri?'?r llr. ':lr''i *-]1g',x&reTt. 'Ie Jrrst

hi'1n{ hlg!:3::.i:. 1'$ 'r'rf.}:!}tt 'i.r:{: ,sli:-5l r:1;e& *:: i:e ';vgg 13-$11 t}-.-at 'i'$1,- f&;-rtr'91:1
:,;f..t j,i:{:lf .-1f ,,.}ti(.,}i !:€, tholrht
fle t, Lt O'*ret- pnd tO"'I-d the '"rl'r q;gptrai.ff tr""'hat
very thin$'
the*:,1 l:r.r::' ?-.j$Rrr*C e1n(.! slid he t=as- lotf'. If he h*Cnrt dcnn tire rlt"ri:r*
r!,:'C l.j"l1 tey" ti:eR, sci:insi t:ist ":ou *-heuqhb a}:or-l-t ltrtt eaid, *.:,:1",1,f

r1g::. r.l*pta1n, r-'nd he 6avr:thr,. *::tr?e:: t* put elI t'i:e pr:-rcel* where t?:ey

wouL,j qiv* tl:r*:,1{:$t *1.iade. rl5 l.sY: }:}r ;?s"t rrg-s {ettJ'ttsr ver''' bix'ed of L!:e
.i*=]{*pt*lr,. T* fn*t },* ti-rerl *f ttr* tflf cr&t6 e'nd all the p*r*als

:rg;:gefi*:- itln' zut i't s*e*:*ei as if

an:- evc:,':'t1:Ln *r.oept i;"''r: Ij:a1k i1*>l *'n*
r".;--. .! a*'.:r*1- wJ.ttr
llCj ;!'.;r C ulvi
=* 1:* l:eq.vgd :'!:1ii *'T'gh a*C' went and *ng 5-'"
,jiraljr'.:ox, :,e pretentie* t* b+ sle*ping trt'1 -}-re Wasnltr ne l"ndeedj
!:Il: ?D.t w&* p1aff:i::g,. ?1r,atrs ;;hat 1re r:a-* do-{.ng. I'la:lning'
lrea*. 1I* t.}:ieugllt a,bc.u"t t}:.r.owlrrg
*b' tte i-*Lj all }ij-rr*s *f i;l*..r:* f:. ]':i*
dlclntt se&,* r1'g}t*t
ti:e t** $ol.{ile:r* e-+n* Tr:;i *rrptain r1or,:1 ti:s' }rol-e -butthat
r:{'-r'n1.* cll -'.-- flri:tl1':'l' li,:.lliYfal'r h'a*ntt
?:e €io&e
&r,* h* i..J.1E Still- g llttic
s*J'r'-'1*rs i:*c1:? :'$s .ilrl
b,- l:Lrr*e1f .*-r:ll lrrrE:1tr--:t S1.j-)1'1f t:tl* cf t:.:rsc t*1',
see 1&nd' i'* *oitj-d t"'sx*{:o€1it:
-l?}lt into tl:ie wgter an<}
lif 1::e eou.lei o:':1'' 'l'-*'a:i
sher: c*re *he t*-eat Tr'e toy
i;}re.* gnuJd;l*t t* sltrre sr:::elr'1": *''' tlfrct}:er'
tl:* Satret EXaCt3'yl
g*ldlerS haC sn*sl,,ed asa': .i: t:"1: filr"lqt:Lne' l'e Vr+r:'l"d' dc)
i"'t'r :}fl,t 1{eT}t }':{.* e$--eq t:j"*,*rrd nn* l9s"!-*edr:;f,}fin i?*.ftisd:,r,l:n ss.m* Lnd g8t
clftrn hesiC* hf.r'1. fine of the e3"*tl-ie* ,=:ins *n h*r t*u*hed hi-*
.tjclre anl.l lre *ne:t*d ?:Ls *=es sg.rl"nEi lt}e esre*.1} l.laflfied:,'l',fi:t"r. lro*tre
pol"tn,r: yr* tqf ?1. *he rl**lr,es n-{-}"'*rf ?er,iq*t!- , '.yts jyst t:c;i;r5 -tri F&lr
Itrt:r scFryrf. urterr ftnc nf t?:.* tf": goJ"* shc,.:tcC rrl chSf*.1r'!-4pt? end
t?. i'at anc? flgr.*q.rflr; sm f,toc'd::,p tc' if*sr ft real.l:'c's!: *::1"1p rnd. Tay
t*.ntal:: helr:tef i.,.'tC*l: e?: S; s5*l-e* *tj.*i: n"rrd r,.:ryeCl *.?:d ?Igve€c $OCr the

b.Ll :rhfu 1et *eerr e. l.lttl"* ]:cs,t ts p?ek '*p t1:e f'6-r'" {:*tsr
t.?crq'r?. art:'*i13,.: &{ri tc t'::i-n}t fagt" r:e gi:'ai:bed a erl*i:et, ?:at and

sl1-'r"lred :l* tnt* t::e rs'gter. Then he tol,d Ea.,i=ed." &nn t]:at ?:e rTar;
tc, gs3.r.t &ra-:'teeq.-r:ge ?':e:;'rvo":1{rrt l:la*t to }et a rat entt-= tl:e s}:i:ipr
=he"l ,IOnrt'!:other sltl: cns1I al:r+e.'I'.'tl:e:re,
br:t a strangO r3at !tre, nOl
"is 3a.1*;6; e,:::: ,ga!c ,tT ," "i* rri-'bh ;,r** anrl "r!r-j.Lei th.e ract $6re lx'tE;'
pacllt.1iq the ear*g"* awa":-1:: tl:re 1c1,* f::etc lagS*c.v qY:3]' 8.!:rd i'I}i* iai: slippsd
&$rtt-,. f:rt':: *he i!i.;!&r ?a'ig*C-'- .ur r1'l"gbe'l extp th* *:"l*ket
bat ar:d tliay
*J:At:1'1t"' ?At SU3'S eAffld
TI*?.S S 1.g*-g .iE-" 3"ri:X".- hlfCf"e t,'C-- I,'3i'C'*iilg*f,
c*lr}* r*eal3"i'ga*
{t fAst a::.d i:a izre}:t:i tli* *:''i*L;e1 ha?, as fasi e'q lle
:r5r-J {finttl:: c-i-{rtt i:.." a;i-t': j-:-:r;..: e"::rc ;.: ::r:i:*i1;'. t:'i-*fl tr"' utn;: ti:*lt''
n*:t,?rapS ::C *::!* 6.;.,t*1.1. ",:!,S:te' f,l1','llu +::::1t l:lm*
+;':c *l-:'t-'t waS
l,:". as,t.xas:*rl *nc1 lll$l*i1 gg ha':rt"l ::s l:e **i'"J*d "r'nt-"^r-
cyn,,t *f ,r1.&.t rin,i tiie.: li:+ t,t}lr.*-r.-1rub:4 o*tr
i'.lc *:'1c',;ct i*at* *Y} &rtji CIR
fo-L:' crrclr 'bmtts:" 'ir:aa lt
*':g." :l,.1.rit. ,t{1 f,E.:a.f-.1.-.. ioc*" anr1 t'r1*'-

mnt 4au.1, arli..l t;1:*,; ;:a* t* l:e e:et?e 3?_::e*.'.1. :14;.3od;." "{lnrr ',.:ias
stl}l afr:ald,

rffqin-*gnl]*ra*ta*id r];lpfod' *ff r";l:* e::-?"el:*t he't &nd
gfiri€:t,i:iyl'. +p1.'r1v6i[]'"- .ri.]

y;s1,s3, l::r.rt *l-r* fl.o"':ir:r{: fl-rdlt* *ir n*l TI*v

fee'L *oir*}-:er:l i;Ottomo
,in*c *l:* c$o:"
wetre al: I'andrll
'l'l:t; gto*f r:B ;li:d sqli€t3'e":ri' !t''"':r1.8 orl '"-&r:d 1-r' :':a"b'

l"p. "'rt &rr: tr.,..:c',j',- inn- a':11s.]')ti:r 4 pa,r:e 3

rlllt&nd Sttli tl,sn.ur $&td :.:r. "jirtr l::e f*l-t anroun:L witi.l one paqr on the
*rieket b*t Bo Lt s*uJ.dnrt fSoat awsi,r ;jhen ire t;as -qlars the; lreFe o:1
*€&+-r: i:€ S::ar6r;r3 tli* erleitet 'bat up c:x shors and st*nt i:ack to
r:ie.plr*rlT itnno i-'hera wa.s n*thlng tlre.,. esuld dtl Ln the dark ss tilel"

jusL 1*: tl:* *r:ft s$nd, anel u*l"tsti :rntl} da-,.]-igJ:t G&tlsr
L,h, l"t ',s*s si-r ;:ieo '41r -l-i* *n;ij. Aaelrr. :?aggo*''i llnn al1d i"tr* nat
looir** arg'*nti. ?i:* bir"is s,Ji39 br:31"::.:i.:S *tr $1tr8 nrrd ss&a E:0}} wer6
Chgttarisry:r13 -t11 *ir* t,3"€*,$e l-'lor1efg:i"r*fo'blO':ming atrL O'VC}: They:fan
un and rlorf* t?:e h*ao\. iT*w t1l# . 1;'isre sl-l1:e t':e=I wsve 'q'31n-i:. to 1':e alfi;ll-tr
ft ','ra* si)lt€l *j:r*: tirat l'r. lat leLl *sl-o*n :tnde:' the 'qirai'e CIf e s
gnsLl hu*l:. ::s1:l*r1,' l.nri ',ras ptel:ing b*:'rle s cJ'+sg ? 1"' l'je}J.r he was
nes:'1-., as:-o*p, w:l.tii one cilr ulost: to tha g;r*r:'::C, xri'el$
ir* thcutE*t t're
hcari,srl'1ttdg of e*t.i;]*s ruruiiil,1l, 1.-fi 13j';i ?'i-s c'&r'g'Js*r
** ti'* 6round
j'ri" ' i:*l-1s rinii5-::'61 arrd -ilii''rrt-"r-ngl
t.l,e iii&i: Ei, ho,L:*, i s 11sis";:t':1 a- *
'l;r't:'i': ';{}'i'&I'd t;i* :';'l-iSe '
-.,r ' }rr i e::.
'. i.-:'i ;,- l: j-lt -''.,., - i' '";j '-i "il '
tl' t'i:e
I';rer': ::e :i:*r1e,r:il:lt1:f :1.1- :Ag;.'i-c"l .il,i"'':':' ';':'e l:':.';' JrY(:'iil: ;]li :lci- 'llltr*

-j - €- -.-= .''ir
t L ";-'
L:l- ^ l-/1i '-r I

li"i";- 11''rj{1 l-"11::: ':lofe
L,-:.s.:is s. r-]oi:'rI i ,: 0*i::rJ ,ti: :;- j'i'.';;' i; jl '.'.1 l";s 'i':i l'-';:
::"4it-rfl l"e !l'6Ls
h-:illtir:,,1$. I '.',:* -:ttt::':.:s 'dirtlr$ *l*tti-l'., 1*uii'1' *Ti'-? 1i:{e::"
stt so$:e doel...'e. if ci:rrr'** ii{v *:;pg r't*r' t' '&t :''t: "r,r*':tI+.'].b::s
-l;ir:.; il-111-Lra'rdc:i.: ai:'i' al3.
re, i $oils k;t: .-116; itaiia,;lr ::;'.'l' iiir:':io
&ri*i.:cl.*l-. "1:" g;

',tlrii:$(}fl:li-lesandl'r:'sl:i}ts&irilJri;u5e:'tiic:"f:tos* !r:.i N',,qyg l-;: .* 3-<lt

s t:rrc o '*':"i:tci I '-i*r '*'' t ;l;'l''r'l1 *.: g:fii {1i''Wn

of lt&natn? crates We

r t ;';rcr-; ,oi:1.';,". 1,* "';a tl

j 9i-' *{l { '-i il,i.:. tr $r:(: Lt.

r.incr dowrr &r*ti up. }.c d ierl

:l:lp t't"'-n J,: il tl l:
j.Ia' 1 ' t : f 'c"' r rr snd tli ou"itt st'rrlc'^:


-lf: .ui:e *:"f{Lg? l:11i;;i-r.'' ':,'.r e.$: 3fr *i;:'*r:';

i': ' cio.q6t,*i0:itt
$re r* nct
:?.:,Ult l:ap,ti;irl, if:
Lhen 1:* 'q&id seft:.Y "
r.1*r 1&t 3nC :rg,....-t6r:r-r n
nn ,li,:eif t*2" 4 lr Sa,:e ,i:"

'rEd *o"r-{::-?t*.:intg hf:: vr}l*e seld lr;'r. lnt .jlt"** 11et ur* CIut of }rere at 53s
Onee, ni1l . rl
1:r. {?at iur"oed i:e"c}<. lj1s ',,?&* efr&l.d ta open tl,* crs"t* anc afr*id not
tO. .\tt 'be narlnrt f1:"g*tten &he$t tjte Chalk trOXr nr:t b.," &n$ $sens? So hA
Los:lre'J for tl:r* 1:o-1-e ni.'r-t feiund t?r*t $omsons had na:ll-ed a b*ar* ovsr Lt.
it tr:*k s" lf"ttitl tfu*c t,.n i:inat'r cr ?rc:l"e in i:he beiard, bu* sosn lt was
bi.L_1 e::,ou;if: f,:? til'.: iapt*in s.nd h,r-s sol{iters ta squssze t}rro*61"r, and &}ren

I.rp. :?s.t r*.i:d t,lte y'o*t qta.rcrj vsr..- q'uiell-1; hoi:lnd tl:* cr.ate waitng fi:r
nlghttf,rne ** cf,,r$&.

'''?. "{f 111ii ":v:ai'*gqd'r ",nn thnrrte:r Sr itg:,e 1. rleiit}: rr,o}sri:On

''-:d1 ,- -f_.r'-:-:r ,,i1::l .r1.q-.5ra: 'f1.-, tr::r: 1.r:Si.t -'.il1*:.e ?"3'r ':At ' lgft, !:teIr, 'bf:t Onll."

fr-." ,, "! + l-11p r'.'ir''lf r:. 'r4c?1 she ":trrNerl i* r,inllr ei-O!-lttd !t kee3:in,li ClCISS
n..',i:r :-el:flirl*l.3rr l-n:. nltorrf $e to ""r. ?&.t. :"::i,lt tl:e aftex"noon wor6 o1t
.1-1d :t:jll 1:r dirl:rflt, r'etrlt'n. -lg*q*ri*r.{nn belean to t?$f }r -iugt a }itt}e
:::..?-):,1 8.t f'trgt &Ti.r then a r.ip*6r", clt'l6 end so gho deelded tc foSi-*rti tho

i i.r:rl r: pni*'r
::::_;'.._::' cor**n fliled f*cr
ster-rr-*,!it,T *,1'r*:l n*.1 t1re *the:'r:llrer 'rhr*rrq-rJ.": the ltt'tle br:shes *nd pt-:ilnt3 ti:e

:*t:r:t -* lr:*t,i*: 1:rn rlnt,. -tn :lnd On un*il $OS?l S1le heArd the Sfillnd$; Lhe
},ug, .,:?r,l].,Js:f g.h!-rs 1;*11,*::i-nglnir eyid eilgtnss trunrning, Sl:re pas$ed the
?r:",ll1 rl 'i.:'!.: i':i. f s.'h tind .:.nij a**1:! $!le, Lr:o, fi'ls stanrllng +tr t'li*l

it r,r:.fl j.r,st t{n* 'i-'i-i,!-*i tjir. iifl-r, prr4::e{t f::'Jr"* h{}i,ixsi thc ?oy
31, +;ll,i.1

sa-'r'r.r n ,*e t-'iocl *'* att*aet l:e:r" crtt*'n"Ltcn

lx-rt 'iag;;*r1; I'nn
^:i:rt$ r:::j
r;',-p'!:r-. ii,,t ir''C i:,il l'''1ir :*ftCli tr'l'rgyq, I'h1'f tli'P011 S elOFftt WAS SS"ttlng'
".1-q.l.l-::,1 ,.::

*1,"::*-if .-.]-?1.l"rt:'r r*tnt fr:rr*:.rt t}$ lf h+ 1ryas {rs18a}. *'*s }e1 uas }:e1C o&t
ras'"ed:i:txrn *'oriJ'd see e lcilS
st..l^fJ-- l.:i f*ln-t r:f hlr *vr'?r t]':e Yrst4r and
*1eee l-f LJnr 51qn1l{nlt fl*rtta nls blg toe"
fi'\r) -11.,:Trn l.*r,lrtn t-,f, ga'v hoT" tiI,t?,1vBS t}:e trern*lg frea$ he s&td

'i: s*," a;l ';5,,-'*q:rl-- 'r]:'i t.1t-J:i!'lrv''r s!i:* r-1 l$1}r ! Sec *t &1f-t ii:g
'1 rrr
".; , .r,
,r' '1t
.q -

,JL, :f
-:::.,,] ':'tl. iit:*: :-':l'*i*? **:f1 t1 th3'n1'r Wit]: t.l"fOif h$'n[lS'
. ]
! L .5.,i

. i,:c r.,1i, . .-r, i?i '.,1;':i.ii: i.r..:-I':, ''r^'"-
*f t't*:n' ili'll-eC :eig sti-c)':1ng st'rat$rt
ln a bl"t of t}:o
,frl,.r *l.tirt-r:. iiiiri;, l1t r..tu,g:;a'''',":-t 1.rg1n1" c:r*Y'and tu-*}rerl
t1t'-:f'* r'3r:=p1;1'' 1nn *""r1r-l-ned to hLm lic'qr i&
E:rtti:u t:.':1 t !'.1'r :':!"'-i*'":1i:rir

';1"i;:l t.l'*r- l'i'rle' :"t'I'r'te';l t* c-r'T'' ')1ovrn pr:t ilrt [:i]rl s'rou'ad
-:-.r.6i, !:p. 1r,e31i]'I, rt
ilv:$ f i'rlri :'i*u':" ff 3'ene1 i'f ' llg't "
-1r,er arld sa 1:-r
:it.f:r,'4; 3: i i' Wr:
+T r 11 lr{-1
?tFr i?t-t .:fi(l :,:agi{G,.3*,r ':nn i.:}:il3lt€,y-. f, fege A.
l,e t';t v.3j siq:r'sl,' atrd nte;-t*C Aali:i-ng,; totrr*.rii tire ?,rui-l-dlng, the
ftrsi:ii,$ Line t:.*Llinq wetSy bal:lne: lii;n. lta,,;;:*c;' fr.rrn ks sar l,here wes
n* i:ro*k cn i:,]ic r;nr. of the li-n*" L'r:-t she junf tz'*tt.etI $:: tresl(ic hi.*:
and *iS$ntt Eal: *t1",'trr 1.*9.
'fl:* f;}-.r(Tr 1rys.-!"1{ed *.irect3-;r to th* t*;i ,S:rata and aft*r
ri&tix6 eareif\:.11:'or: i1 , Sjft*r'i rrp trric f*ot v;i*i: t}-,e fiehllne on lt
s.nri woun* t.1:* lLne aroutrii' snl:J-*:i::i.t'!: the *ns en* still *lcci av'or.rnd
1:1s t.*e; tfuen }"ie felt in 1'r1* b1g ha,{*iy p*nts a*d f,rom t}re pteisets drew
a pattr of ye3.itry s1-{.p*e:r,t rq1*h *. g1l*sTi pcls};poln or: the foss*
ttlietehe* th* *trrots tr,. yeI-}-or clostt sr:-1t!t btl *ol"c1 *Aggedy An:}'
ItI have a h*t tc natchtt, p,nd fl-own felt gn an*ther p**kst and ptr'lled
out i:" tal"i ;:*int*d tl*i'En h*t.
=&gg,tpri.r ^;it*
-sii* :lJ blrs;; i;*Lei:!i.1-l i,",-,3 *]io.u;, *h* CLrli:tt see ?,''i.F. Rat
'.1{ -l r..: -}4 *u.'-t ;OI} r:f tjf'e
-l-*.,irr r*.ri.: ..'Jur.Lr--;-.ll
:i:i:.rni I t,r ..,i;;: .lh., t,l
" *r,
rri;- .;,11.;-";.1
'-1'.' :-il a, tt* - - J-
.L.!, --!ii

1':tfn -.':*.r: 'i;.'i-L i.1,r '.::: i S itL:li* '- 3':';:;+S, af:'*i 5Uiltl;; t+U*}:ed
l;OX, .::h11* ;li;.

':'': i]j-rrVil," "*en-i; *l CfW-': t'Cl

,,e,;i::e,r:i ,. ,':.t1i11g -t:,t{:,': .5}:-:'f: lrll':: 'l-'",i:*;i':r'l ;:ll :}A';.' I i,i:;t ,,1

i;iiri l:tcl; *.1 t:l{:'lt:-'- li'ei,r': il*;1-l' #}--:tt{''

*:lJ- **I t-'i} !ir:iir'l t}:en

1,;1-, -Jti:j*,i{,r'' 'tit', j,-,:,*l1ei. g.,i :f f-r:i lii;1 : .'r'1 *1 r'' f1 '

he rse;:$ sL$'$:-: cn l"i: 1 '''."r""io

"1i:::':. t:1'.,'... .::t:'i ,,',:r}i'' tr:
:'. .,::f! s.",,: il i.'.lY], '..] -.;r}.. l}*, -.:..

:riit 1*'} l?* :i1*: ':*}''*ll1:;' J-l:'r'r''i tearg

fli-.1l:r ti{-;i'?", st:e *:-i-*. '?e':: :l* '''i'tn
-'?* :'l'i' pgtted
t*u'$:':t ,:;: ::':3' ':;'-:il':-l*:: 'r'' (':J'1r'till' ::-; '
fell- f:"c*, he:' ttt}3 &::'.
'' l,!ii i'l'(i 1' l; ' l.':1" i I' r'''l] l'r i'i
'3"r" ti:e i"f
i-r+p gi1 1l1illi*:, lai.t:l i,.ir l-.'*s pal!'i l'1
i:e&ci 3.
r':;':;li-j''i'J-r:l?:: nn* $ll'f1qeci i:3r
,,::* s:icTt r':sli !1,:** ;'i;q;r; :1:- ---eririr ::G}:lit''
'", :-'ii ': +
'.r,,t '.r!rr:.:^r. tl:,C qgli; n.'' ' A" ..'r''t:' ' :;':i,.J i:' :
::':ri-1 ':r':! ll-"*'1'f'1-"sr" 3
i"i 1;"li"n'l'l };ietl h1S
Tt y;ai; t,;r* ,"tnti":'.; 6f cTl f*}t : 'je;'I:-:.Ln
fi.$$e ',t1*.?"{l lnt* 1,1* r::rand1":*rel*icf .
r-r'. Ilat lyrf r&ifed:- finn l.hg::ter S :''aqe S
?]:en he p*lleC r.i tll-n:.r pael:et f-t,r)r hlr tunl* *nd $eJ.d rerrt},y, nfhls Ls

oal1ed a ho:rse?rLfe, l?a.gge*r}i Ann, tre ssid; then he

??eve:.-.rr sol-dl.*T- ]tas oner?

tsok q n**dle fr*rn the naelret and pr:t some tl-:r:ead tr: ttt and hefole You
lmew ft he wss down oa on@ ?enee sewins t:.p ?rer eotton ].eg v*ith vrelat ltttle
gr$s$ etl-tebes. Te *rre, the th::ead was blaek but ,I?*gger*y A:xr stopp6d

uohblhg, t?:sr:ker: hl$ verti *l.eel=.- arrd sal* n3lw Y*{r'63"srd Stvn not flIlad
w ltli s&r,riit-r grt. t?

T+y flapta$-g s*ld t!,:ie wlJ-l al"l. rest :x$Br !ir,. itelt 3ir. kr*S*
?ig,* Fr:.nst and ]11r. Je1ly wtl1 stan tig:r:ard. " And so thoy all reeted wlth
the tsn tog .1*3-die:,s pLac*f, $y1e at eacl-: end of the t*:: CratG* i''lf itat
ano:&€ifjo,,.,r i'rnn l*arier! a.qaLnst the builaing aneitl:e ta}.'s$]di€irs lined
,:1.r ***.irigf
q t/ q. r.r u tiie *,'i:te, -o.-.r flept311,1 '.lefd:e,j glo1ryl': ir:: ;l:C d$';;n};*tY'Ogn tlfefg
..'.^ r

fr'r" tr: s,!.en,r, }.ri1l, -l.i;,' :-:!-e .ir: s'i: tl*, to;-"' ;1+S;l' iIg JUSt
',-,F.*.: .r-.'.,{gr'
sl; *rii " ::'i lslld hi*
hsri i:n ret tf i:J'r.r:. {rl'rn-I11 To::! }r- .tlln$tJ-:'n hhr?r:t t?:at,
g*,.r 'i-!-tor:r*ht. -i-f i;ire': h;-"lrl ti-1"' krc eould
her"d cn h1s f.,cr,t-: rrrsrs Frr.,i t.l.errirJ:t
'[:Drrr *r' r"r"t 1l1g f]:f ]']: i?r:f tl:t"" 1
1i8 dirl''fttt lffi
gf:Ar,.r t'1i: ,.":rJ * 1\11";'61v !';1*. *.

{lll:*.1:'11 **Kr hi:t r}t"r*-alritl':il-ti'
t"h:rt ':r*n 'in t}ie teil *r*'te'
"r1'':' ;^'icn ! t tlf jtl rt dn 1;'i1r= l}*r'le ll''!'::I€! ri t rj h'e f n]tct agkr:d

l:-er:lntt beca
iia$g*11- tinl1 f1:i 4r ,I1a{l lini" \n' 1':*etc' 1t:1 l"::' I',*tts r-:]:1nei o l:'ho

elerpI.t:l: e3 !;li:sr:r ;iti'gt -'ir*:e1'1"n.g i''r:: e:'es

verl-i $tt''1:ttrr
r!,ri.€ s itlt, *+i* r's1 'ffepti6.1::r ".1-8 scolL *'r :t 1-* '11=ri:
*aptaln S1r"?{l
ttr. ,re)L;: '*ntd, t'I's*'ve 1* #peak* 353'E
-t:o!' r::' il'l 'T{t" lart'"'i"!n*
'r,.*.i-.,fi.,:.r -r'?-Cce, '"Y'. -:r'3'1 "'r
g* 1i/!:-* {'r:fl'ri1}'i'erfc i'h {;'li'1 i:r;t't'o1.{
rr"'6q11fntf. ti h* l:et*et: i-r'"*'" 'r&* ry:'{t':
!1"eg Qt-lf;* 'i!-r?
y.:* r,:' c *,1-l "r*'1":r f-:: ttrJ 1'1** t:':f flr
,...331 Jel j,.r: ':;as $o rr€4r
tl';l}y.-al t f-1.'.:r- t]] th. t"l{.... sr].r]]c:rs.
l,i16r.* g*s Er l'1,...i
trt{is-i:11. I-:'0fl.3,
.t'll* 1.,c'Lt!i:i of ti:e
.,,t .3i-.].i.':a i.$w,: l::.j gt-.a::t*1.;
pr.l:ird! t.n.l l f.
*Jt;l: iratei
i'f.. :iat jinr] Ing.sredy irlftn isilapLet' li fage 4*
3n ?i:*: t*ert:1-nE: tl:cre i,es n$t?:i::.g 3-oft in ti:e to;;' *r.ata, and xs slgn
of r3*.g,.;er:1r:lnn, tir. Eat **r er the *,o', soiCi.erg. ti:e;r haci every*
thlrtg bacir t* th-p ssa sh*ye arli aJ.l tirat wss ieft t* s}:*e ti::e.-v ha* bsen
around *.t alL wera tes* } in tl].e f,o)r' Crate.
??re sun '1r{}$ si.,ln}-ng ,**",y* or: th* $n*d" &LL t!:e paekets and
'b*xes ltrere pl-aeer ln a n**.t i:il,e. Iv*xr :'rir. itat c'Jrs tlrad'" ft hact bee:r
-naei* ahd
ysr{:* irarci brlnn5-ng ti:e thi.n:r,e s l-tt :}-e t'*.,'r' an*I ti:*:': g*i'nfi
hrt*,3Lng ettht,r ti:irigx untLi eYer';;''b Lng was *-t the S-lore' To; Capta{JI
wag tlrr:d, tCr, anri Setd seelr:g evez3fi:*nA se1r1l1-1t}' :!efe tileli eoutr* all
regt or p1-*.r ar iI* what t!:e;.r wl*herl.
?r3', llat ei'rose t* xleop, Cii* 03.* :-t a tlme. {a leept the *pon e'ir:
flxe;l *n ti,e i-il'l*.l,k rtlx* l:c i'eit ji€'3Ti fidgety li?tt he cliCnlt len*w

r-e t-...1i,t:e ,-i Li:l-:l "ii€'ei l: i -i'.: :.,t'' I :ll :'-i l:: t l"'i't' i':-tr;" lirtl.l i;l:"t*t scltcsne hed
.} :' i;

;:li,:r .i,l'::. t,.;& ,i3C:.ijr: i:=i:l,r i;:.i: j'"rl''i;.AL: i:CLr;E:f {-iti;' i;jie: il}:i::*r;e '}ent}**U

rr}g?ii" s i i-. i*," i g. l.r. L ...,;*rli'c i;*t,': h'-}"s e";-<i *,

t'ei*"}'r'; ';; lde"
'is{;s *tr+-r-3.t:1'
"ra Ji;si, sls-::cil r,.1ai-:* La;le ,,i l.,.li* ii;-.ii i:*;: e; ::;i' Bci'f* l":o tir"Etr;i ':'* i:gd
?TI lru;:}t': }ilt* b* 'rave e 'iir!} r:i'iiot
to L:l-i5k. Ie,":r.-,tri.if. ;.;rlsj" 8{i;
- CU:j, b;t jff *", then
*e.A a. t,*g.L ,-;iiilr-*... 1;:ll: :. ,:l,i$j"' 'sili: *:*i':;' a't sl,
';ii* i;i:tl-:'t* rc 'r;;ntlc"'il;i $ L;;-'pi ; i5-' L ou*
ti-i*J'e ,.?1 s : i '-ri;l 'r -'')c:':::r 9::;i:
Ol' l..r''rig''.:':-'.."r- :': 1-''; .:tC,:C;It'- i'- L'-')' :'' I r L

,i,ir\*?lll ";'Lr;iri i"rt, s*:"*, " "e'J s&'ili t::l ';;3"e +''*]"itu'
i,-'? .:h
.L'* i 1--j,i, '"'I.*a.CICl!
.':;j, l:'"t ";i:':' i::'-ilii}iS'3r"r
"-Jr.o . r_rt *i ,:i,,1 .* ,::,r-r- ri,,;:.. ? -.;,i,..: ii:,t-
j.l:,: ;1, *tc] e.i glrt'
,::1:.; ]:line ** *nt].c::.atr. stl3s}p, j :.:i.: ., j.;. : i i:.;;:: l. ll=:.ii

:'*: '-- ;--:'' ;-'*l -'ir'ii:'ii'c

I.ltti{:; t'l:.1-n**e ur*r:i'i:S yL';rii" :*'- -
',:,rr -iatr c r:,u.'L:: fel-i ";"id* *r?';r- it::ii' ':: t! -r"i:'r'1j t,.u".;' ii:"'tt;r'- ;.li'' 1"::":1:;:r'
jttie l"rLn ii c''/ili- ;i: i":''l 'll-ii':"Li: -' l)lr'' SriC "9' r;; i 'j-': ;;:t0
'l'jrc L ::-.*Y1 r':L;',:
l::';} * Ln;;*l's tt;i:i-n errC
{-i::: {r* qi-,r.i:
r('* i.ii*g: $. riic ,lh:.i-r;**e ,e ii'i..:-c;:ir"r:. sii::'li-1ll';r'
U -l .li *-r "v'

'-" i-w-l '--' :-' 1:l'f i"tiC 'l'i8.l"- -OE Wag

(a 1 c:a'-a
--ar.l ? r'
iru rrL/'_ ":l t': '
":n.il6ay::t- ii:] t:i;
rlj:e lli::.i-:.;"-r ''C'':.hJ-1.'::.I 'Llli't'; l--li-tl-+ *{';i}11eS
p:l-l *.1i0r.:.:,i t,:S ts&T'r:),lrtr
ga..i-f-e * &Tiiiili ver':r lf{}'e'ti q''t:'?"'i " '
"-31 . :.--r:'t_ '-'!:: ,.r:'.1 :':,ir'',.- " l-:.:: l} l'i i":.fjr: 5.
.lltrrlry..,"s-: "1
n", l.:qri rl*i,,FCr?trtr-,:i fi'j fr:tt, tl:,:lt l-]".,,t :'iiln'-l'I fes"l-1S* j"t we* thc
li'lr, 1.l: :r+r- tht.' i'rr 'i;*l:i;n ,tJ1.t': {-''r*,:,1. u'-.,, }'t* :i.':: s f?iIi"r:;'8 ::e tt:i-rl-g* FC:-:.l?$
rr-1t:{ r::d :l*:lcel-*d r"nC st.rrel+i n:'ri
*t..',.1 T,'*=- fa::l;&i.l"r cfin* mtt'r^-1!"6'1 rrLt?.I

h'i: s't*:ri i'?ra;,,',. t':ro. 'i3.t :{:111r? rr:t': te11 tri' t ?:*f }i 1'F:}Ff'cli f*r l:i.'-',r

ti' :1.{:i}ll -1-*.? ?ril '"y,. "'r.)::Si- -.rB $ st l-'1,..1 ,lq 'g{nq t':lt t* *rlq 'rl"ta" h 1' * nr:'-r't"!:' wldg
.*, i. :.

_'in*J-: .,r .,T" .-:.I.?1 fr'"lr ?1.-? 1 r;1{3er a.3* it'i:.rr inpte.ln lll-l:. Ttt * tire
1,::..lfj': -:F :i?*r *:1'':*^*t:zrl ta^ti tt, "i3yIt$
,t.,,,::{:*1, :-111:, -1r..1 I frr. ""-,. -,.liiSie ltIr '1 5a l4 'fl*':i' *gpte'1:1"

,:'-",.i-: ..i;',-t.-i I'!:.-l::;e rrrttll.C.I:AI-:. nn the 'rgal

-t'aCir'etr 'itY'll'
-'-'^ :r.t::':e'j '':q) *;'J}';r'i:''":: t;:': te t pnel;-rS'h Tf*'S k,SS
'1".C:-:.r,!-:j.r :ai': :.^{.f '4-'- rl 1l}tf:-1.'.'ir jr'1

*^':'-':r'::n']nt ;:i 'lr' !; Vi1:1 :'11::-ii-:' t"-;; pJt"*i{et

h.,f t {l:-1. ?l.,at '
1 -1--,fr.- ::i:1 ^j :, :.: | :"]'1'
itte itTS;;'lC:'i r';'13 ;)fTI
*.: n".r :-'" - .-.! *- .. "' '': -*. '' " i-' ' Iilr#il{}ec:rt f::T"
:.11- I

-. - t I ,-1r-. 11'i:r * .:1,- l.::'r.l i:'r., '1..f ir'.* 11'o

-,a1:1 .",,5-L :- - !"1:r :111^i i :',v':: 1-1; ,lli} :.a:1:',i:]l'lt '.1: ir) rii:* r";ll*t r;;g;f! Y'"1rrr"Lo

'' {''J:e 5p'i rl'?.{}'t'$ :ltood

"u ::,{ 3 'ht- 1':lll ll"1
.,,::, ^.i-=: ,
-.,.,,1.i1 {,.r:a ]-r-t? "'''1-,rj.::i "rt::]'re
r'Yr 1-'r^'rFn'a rt'flt
.:tj:e-:.t r*-,*1, :,.!-.r"' -11'
YE*YJr'"{irl-l- af*er t'}:ier:a'
.r,,i:*; ijl....: i.r.t-{.-31;1,'tt, i-}1" rrrJ-1-r. rrn'-?'rn B'--,rlc

r- a, yll-, i:le'r. l- .!j

'l-lr,r' 1"I4'11- ' r-'-i, ,ri^*
nn ? \r ' 1girt,1tn.
li. .l i:l .ii- i,ia ".rr'*- t: ii-i-'
,,..r,.1 :1f; ri.,cn;) i&i+*,e :-r:r i-n. tr-1**' cl, lvn"ir11 oflt$ 1i14 4"i'd-e1:glt

!"!:. -',at tncl *]:gr"t6g!':r u.nn Ilt;:pte:r 6 iafre 1. ;idith Sglor:ic,n
-h* erlcSset bat sail"erl for hou::s anC tlours. 1agis6,. an*
try,Es zetting vel11: wet. 1"F. ilst *ltlntt mlnd at $.L1, h.e:"ather ltked Lt.

'r-ho tc).,, soldtere s&l1g a marc?:tn6 ssrlg tc i-:el-p tc pase the ti:::e s.trr&J,r a${i

& sl,l:ell hreeae hlew tlren t*nard t}:e frast; ilr"et tho,, B*w rro slgn of bk:e
s&yrp&ric !i63" srt.r ct*.er kinci of boat. ?,iothlng $111-" ti:e s€&:
rr" I ?:acl a irnu:bugrt satsl i'?. Je1ly, aftel:: t?1e'.' ?rr:,ei been selilLnl; for


'flanel, Lan*trrt ris1-]s6! r'v. Pu**L" ;iu*rpLniq up quleklgt I"?. Jelly

f*rggot het want*d a h:mrhurl enri sl-:.*uteel it'-tr:::"&h f*r usl i1furv*,}: fo:"$ttr
sn* *l-'r::*r,E hts ltat up ln the &.ir. I1e ::earl:l felI off t'lie crlsket bat
when he eeught lt. ?'o1.r .ratr 1 regre? to teLl ,Ysttr Yer),' rr.rdelg JumperS

l6ter t]::e r:at*:r e.nc1 grwa:"* to shot'g. ?'e seampered all over as fast ag 1:'a
oould H$. 'lot"rnd and *oune! t?:at ls1and hle 1lttle legs tt'ent, but' he
dl.dnrt see &B*thtns and so he wsnt baelc to flnd the *trersr
,rh.s:{ srs!"s Just prrl-llng up ti::e crlcket b*t on sl:*re srh'en i:le

e&r*e upCItl t1:6ytt. !{agffed." &nl"r nas Smco*hlng hcr wet wooLy haj'r,
a*ei 1'6.*U

captaLn ssoliled htrn fErr 3-eavlng wtthoat p8rmLs5lon. i:f. i:tat was qr:lte
as?:erned of, hl-nsaLf s.nd hung ?:J"s krearS.
,Or rleBtairt gent the Soldleys to gotrut aroUnd and report

baelc Quteklrr. cf,T th$' 1?erlt, tea one wen: and ten the ot?:'er'
lrfr oUn*t cAr*cl runnin.n baek wt& tn a f,e-sr m nuteg. ile WAg sO eXgLted ]:e
saftrld h&.re}., talk. .r'or $aptaln wattod quletL:r. Trlnslly llr'
I'ur:si $*'id
rtf;aptaln <r.1r, ltrs theree I Tn a ltttle eoY&, jlr'?t
,!.",hattS tt -,1I. rUnS5 ':if?tr
ttThe se pan ':trr Juet the $&Ylp&YL"
?t}'ir' ftat
nip. !?at etarred to rtre txrt gtopiped whel1 To;',;' g*nta:!-n shouted
rr1."os'rlr CaptaLn 31rrt.
tr':o e&ref\rlly, l?r I?et *tr. t!
e aptalnt
?r1rs$ l,Lrrt s&ltt !'r. llat antl went slowL';' unttL he was ou't of i'oy

where Etol*a of ths

clghtl thon he re*L1-1' ran untLl he got to the eove
other sol,dLere were etrait5'ng fhrt?rer: orders'
"'f, sinf}
filfgpt$f 6
D{At lnC r*q.:el-.'.r." l*gO t
'Ihe seupan was htdden behtnd & roek. l'f,r 1ret lta{: paseed Lt befqlro
because he was [n suetl s. hurryr but tl:ene w&s $CI ghaLk nox, Just an
e$pty s8n p&ri. t:lo {l}rlnase rentLeaanr &0 }1t*1e aoc116$. }fre RAt set
darn on the sa:rd and slghed !!fih nyit'
Toy cepteLu came oY6r anc pI-aced hls }:and on l'13}r Rate
tt:r"ref],l flnd *he
S}*ul^der. rtlontt worry !,rIFo Iattt trre Se$.d C}:eefful1y'
Ih*}k Pox for Jr$u'r. i{3. lat clreered trp e }'1tt1e, Jxst a llttl'e'
ttfhere eau}d bave been enly
Eag4edy Ann g6lked s1ow15 up to t"irera'
b.nttana 1n tt :,fou trslow" $he sald to n"O one 1n pArtiguLar' i"'1rl' Rat

gaped et he?.
lnS{.de ls r:el&rer :1er6 gOr thenetl sal{} ToY Ssptalll'

*?bsy *&&$ e*d tffik 1t vrltlts&t re*ve. F*r th*t they shqr1 b6 rerntslr*&t'
as he seld lt and **ue$ed the handS'e
ysy ceptaln Soeked Ysry
hls lrw€rd es tf }ra sa; gelng t* ehep off, everlyonot * headt
t?le slr*resa
nRaatrly Il*" sald a strg,H€S tftlL*&r a'nd tlrera staod
&$ ha bod bafsrra azrd t,:e olght ll"*tle
rye*tls&e$l TEe m*p.aed hls flaser* I

up tbe, send ertth ths flhelk Bex on t}:elr sholtlde3r' YPs}sy

8s*116r atrffi
iu froat sf ?lre tcy sapsai* arrd ras baek to the *&Bp&B'
*et i* dams
tb *hi,,s$e *se*rs&#lr bewirg p*,xtely' *'t$s r*ade I
nrre y*-y s*rrrrs eald
*o1s ta tfee Brtrtg hoxq*a:rd bc qule**r as befars h€ Jumped I

a sls&sks,
re*-l$'aed e*&t' trad haFpeaed'*

ses befcra tlrr rest

lnts t*e sa*p*n aed se,n*
*&*ed tbers wlth tri-s
hsnd I
shlclr tr&$r Tof CIaptatu
helr *tuslc et*t *vcrry I

H*sFsm$uctg*t*ntrhed.lgBly&qr.RatecYe*.$trgt8httoiggrdtsI1e !

.chelk Rext dr*pped *3'ew3'y to I

Bseysr letud, ?,rr. B*tf eal"d rysy sss&a{.:t' ?4P' H*'? I

i-?,ex tls trl5ffed ruld rnl"ffed an*
1?. rlat $nd ,lageef:1 &xrr 0}:apton 6, I'ag* S.
tt,,rsrt] open th6 fhalk 1l6xlfi gairtr ?$y CapteiBc ttQpen lt, I ae1d, F-,?. I?at
T{ot gnaw a holel"u 1-t. Ftnd out 6nd }.1es the tlar,:b sl"ot la ltr }l1.r
Jo11y. rr

ffie tay sold{sre pllt}xed Fir. Je11;; to t!:e top sf ths box.
nfttu e* thet end $1r faptaln Slrlt
uyery we1}, Tr.o'nr Jell;p, you x?a:,' GomG down rlowe Ysu 1lr. Hatr Fut ;yeun teeth
Ln the tlarmb rlet ar:d baek t1p slorvl-1rr'r ssr.d fo;r Saptalil.
I,{r. 8*t put hls front par* on ths ecSge ofthe Ct}elk Box and prt trls teath
l"*ta ttre el-ot and pul-)-ed. Bhe 1"1e3 sltd fo:ruard a 3-lttle a.t a tLrce" Sooa
l.t off ard ?op Captai.n tol$ the sol{ilerc *c hold their ss,erds
was noarf.',i
unrler lt and Lslrer t.t sf,-6ff11," i,1*V Lt wss heav-5r-, but sooll It wag on the

saut! arrd all the tog soLdlens daneed around the frhalk
Bax Just se lf tt

had beo'n ft11ed rtth Lo].llpops'

of cour*e tY. liat hari to bo ti:e noq'r {}lt&r onee B1016 he
botli p&ss on the top adqe ofthe bo}t and peered ovsPr Poor l*lr'

1 donr t *e 1nk 6Y6n he hari an;,' l-dea wtrat i:e etuLd f 1n*' I
ratl:er sugp€st
i:ael marbles avrd stoBa
he us&s hopl"r:g for Jel-L:r bsans ol' mlnts, but t}e box
Ja*ks vslti: a dobber, twc or tL:ree halr
barrsttes &ed othe:: odds and ends
e- button on one of the
al-l- arou.nd a brlglttl:,. eoLored carelboard box wltl:
rrBlfflrt dowR tre weat'
tep eoryrep$. 1:rosryr }rl1. frat pressed the button an<1
*:.oad s?er t,ea kettl"e onto the sandand aLl the L1ttLe
toy eoldiere ;relled
itTttl 1q:ndyt ltrs nundS"t lla ha ha ha f?rs Brrnrsytm
r?et ?rl"s el.res and there, ovor tt:e top ofthe frhalk Eox' grtnB'-Bg
3.,1f,. opsned
fir,,]r ltm soYnsoas let uleotltt? ?re
&volind andslaped ti:etr lenreos and Hagger'ly Arrn Looked
The .to=r soLdlers ran
so pleased.
hts ,-re irad let hrndy out ancl
all he
the Ltttlest bit of nctiee af and
liwo gra&t blg tears rol}ed'
got was e :rnlffl? fon lt. iloor i:r. ltat'
ths sand. l," rollei, 0ver a,,d p*t 1:1s chl,. an ]rls paws anel sr"rlirec'
'l &ato . i,'*t .'.
11$ ":g.6qs.66rr1 -
i:xtn flhaptef 6, ps"86 4.
I:e wouldnrt s?en Lock or &rrT.oner ?{CIt even Rag6ed;'r Al1}l' }Is Slf
at an-,rt1.5.rtg

tTe Cectded tita.t wlf,i: the exe$ptl.o!! sf ]:lrr ,]6&$€1r hls Landlordr he
dlsllked .?tr:rd:,r m$st sf *;kl eyerybod;i. Yes $1rI &nd nlght et t}:at nomeht
he folt l:e wae the rsCIrt lsaossse LlttJ.e :rat 1rl tSre v&roJ.e world. ITe
began to sob a6qain.
.'luddenly he felt somaene e1:aklng ?rls sllou.J-de]:.
ttj,tf* rattt Sald ;; VOj-Ce. 1,If.!iet, "'elee Upl t'',r&kee Uptrt
$?. Iat ope*et3 hls s.ras snrl tl:el'q }:e lres stLLl 3.r: i:Ls owl} wea homclt
I{?" ..:€&seJ. rvas sa:rlgg !t'!'c&x lcnols yorr asked ne to be sure yotr got to the
boat os tlme lrr" eatr!.;r6srt yorr tn here bofore? nldnr! -r&r teI1 rre to get out ?'ir* ;"ies'se}?ri
rylr r'f 1.s!.1 txrlst have been clroar:tng" i'?. iiet. Eut hur|[.]i f,}ow' f hear ti:e
aL:lp rs w3:1st1e at ttre dockl rr
dldnrt h,e }:ed bee}} drea*rln5* I]e Looked aro'uzrd s'Sa1t} Just
!,{r. '':se$sl we.s eas.ln& :rIr11 }rsV e the plaee nlee and
slean for }ou w}ren
spnlngr T;lF. ItattrS and there en ti:e g'.'ound near
:Fau Ooce baek l"s1 t]:e
eolcnrred stona Jaeks-
str&w r:est ilEr & round whi-te dobbor avrd four brtghtL-l'
y"l? BTI

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