Billy Elf and The Naughty Pink Fairy-Compressed 1

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ii ll .-


But soon the happy dwarf came to a hollow 1og.

He tapped on the 1og and said, r1Qpen for the Pretzel with the pot on it down on the Sround' IdaughtSr Pink Fairy

little elves
It vras while the:r lYere resting under a leaf that four

r. i,l.

E1f t,oo!: lreughty Pink Fairy by the hand and theY started out

They passed the big tree and the big rock but t'rhen they reaeired,
the eecond

. t.


-t{l I *:
' -'**J tt1 r'i fl?ril tllfina.ujt:-:* ;..lnir lh3_fyr
*hnpt*::ll.,'flife ffr
]*:rrt ir. Ve1"\: 1*VSl_*,r lfte-.f:":*n ::nirr 1;-tt411: t}:erlatft'j.f* *ii:.:!i: ,If"i:r:",
-i,:l1g"q:' ieb

'L*i* ::iJ-3:i 1.'l"f tc] elJ-tni; '*:: cr:t,o i-r*:' blci:. 'i'l:t>:: :,rl:r ;al* t-lt trtLi
Fa$"r-, t.o f'l--r r:F cntp l,113";;".ilgrs *l:*t::'ticr'r]lrl i'1:c" ,'3.*"iu;1'lr:r-'i:"r''i'll tils
$sft fxy'lrnrss.
r'{nlr ,:.--1t"rr ri':Ls -B 1J.tE3e afr*3.d s-xtil c3.uni1 t5.'}:t,3."r1 to ,ii

:31L1..," I;]"f's s&re

i:e tnere3 si:':uted Jtrmy 3el?. snd surs ofistrgli
'1"'e 's:?-J.l- n*':n
..'tsrk ,'i:Lr-,: rt:lr-l .':Li}-;,- .if ss';I t?]CI }3"gl-ltning trugo { *}:ey rsel"}y ar6
fa3.r;.3nnt*i,:r,.r -ro,i rr::oyJ i fLie:{sr'lng Sy} & off an* off nn'j o?} end
r,trrtrrietg ::'tr5"sTr l"ari,,l B* :rerlr b::3.3ht and prstty.
iLnny -r.t 3et tho'n dow:: i:1r the *]ffiEps of, i:}ue iie}-ls, t,i:en
*?re g;evo ti:o* bat?:r r 1:3.s." nr::r.1 llew & il-li to her houe ?:ef,or"e ilt}ly }IIf
entl ,'tc{i ircrf-r; eoulii sB€s[ s8,'1:- t]:r:nil 'iou to ber'
i,1n3,r iraf.e',i tr:ok ho-Lti of .313"3y ill-f rs }:end ancS tlrey beth
tlppy toed cowyl *he patS:tfl tl.]e faj":';r dell". T}ttt tiley *ouldntt
en$ yOU
tQe ttrrsri::*.r t}:.-t '*,3*aLtsQ tl:ere wa$ thB Fatny ''1!e681 tfs-l?l$S'
6en b@1"16V€ AS sh6 lotas ?ery' vsry eYl$Blr
lr ].,111y:i:,flll 8-.he gald rl Yott aro e v€!6y naugh*y E}s andsg
now t$
ys:-l s&neot $tq,: ln I'alrT t:nc' Just Leave rl$t
'f;]'; l-' l:'s eikLnlt
rg{r-.;}enrl. clilEl h* v;r}.s fee3--ing $* so-Jrr- ic'r' h:: sol
i:esld"e hS'm an$' ]re
$otj"ss the i.1mrght;;; i-'!nk lal.xT,r f3"71ng rl;irt alon6
wts so $'*vp?:l.sefr i'.'ile'ti he i:oar* l::or ''ia:;"
lr ;]{:Y!f t *YTir i31.3].y :}f. li .1.11.1 rv$.th

.,'.{''!l-. :l-'!,f ,-1ftr-r ',i-S -1:1i1*;:1i * Art{ tl'e tt'ra :;f 'l'lr':"1 *At irir t}:e p*rt}f':la;r

and .:,,l"trqed fi1]r:ir1 e{xi.r,m ,.:liciv sirorrl-t3

g*:i$t: tttet llt3-1;r lill'f eor"rlelntt
ltnl';-l;'$1r11r pror,ldntt t{s be*&,,se
!t wae a}1"
:i* bo*k ?,* "ei*'rlrqn* and

hev f,ault tn t'b'o f*rst PI-aco'


I , _i-,.


.-' , -' -r -,':. .

fhey rea1ly <lidnt t lcnow Ji:-st v/hat they wa:rted or
wh'ere they

live* rlorl that thel cor:"'r''C not lhre in Fa'lr'rland'


al-l about ttrem tt said the '-aughty Pink Fai-i-l'y.

ttl{ot f or a whilett seid }I1"' i6ouse ' n I have several little

get together before lve start on our journe;t.1r He got uP
time so
seat and said. Now this ls going to take quite some
Ln too much of a hurrY; rr

?ink FairY sat ^and vreited w


alot of objects ar"ound. Some had been glven to hLm, othens

filouse ]:ad
he had found. Some he had made.
fhere was a 1lttle nutmeg grater hanglng onto a peg of
&,e tree. A llttle breeze r{as swLnging lt back and forth and the Naughty
Pink Falry flerru up on top and olened 1t, Thene, lnside was a nut shaped

f . i


l,ir. liouse his little bundle all ready for the Journeyp Ee

had paeked everythlng infr0 a little home made straw basket. Through
the handlos he looped a rope, ':lso n:ade of straw and ttren called
to Bi}l;r E1f and the S'fiughty ?lnk Fainy.
8111y El-f woke up with a start. Naughty Pink Falry took anctlre*
look at the nutmeg anC flew dor*'n, not bottrering to close the nuh"aeg
ThonB.gry nutmeg reached up to elose the liG and at tlee same
tinre peeped out. The::e was r$r. I{ouse read;r to take a trlp! QuLckly
nutmeg popped out of the grater and ro}led under a small leaf out
of sight,
After they had been travell{ng fo'r qoEle tlme Naughty Pink
Falry suddenly asked, ?r },ir. &Iouse, is a nr:.trneg?lr
tIIt|a a.. it's a.- where d.ld you See a nutmeS.?tl.
,,Up ln a funny holder on the tree at your homet] said the llaughty
plnk F6.try. f, I dldnrt close the l1d eltlter.rr
$,{r. I,{ouse was ver}rr very ah$r}r
tt I brought the mrtmeg rnrith ri:e from the South Sea Islands many
.iears ago. lr11 h ave to go back and see i-f het s alrlghttt
l,riean,vhl-1e the tl-e litble nutmeg had been foll
ov'rd'ng them'

nutmeg grater'
them and wqtched wbile they looked into the enrpty
1,{r* }r{ouse sighed' Oh, dear' after a1}
thls tl"melt
. ttHe was verlr rudelt said the lrTaughty Plnk
Fairy '
I,{r. J,;To1rse stanted. out agi-n after closing the nutmeg

Chapten 5. Page2.
Nutmeg was very careful to keep out of stght and if one of ttrem looked
bach he v.lould dodge undep a leaf until they looked away' F{e
r''ras a

yery sharp l1ttle rintmeg. Actually he was tired of having been cooped
1_1p i n th-t old tln nutmeg grater for
so long and was really enjoyi"ng

himself. !{e wou.ld dearly have liked to come across another nutmog
but the nearest he carne to finding anything even l|ke him sas &Il

i{e kept on hoping ju-st t}re saue r

lTaught-v Pink Fairy ':as beginning to get very
tired Blhen

all at once I{r. }:louae said'

vYhat alovelrlrplacelt r,ras! Sunsltlne lvas maklng all the goldd dust
Rainbow Picxies'
on the litt1e pebble h.ouses shine. A1] the little
came to meet them.
t}rem wh;r they had been sent
vranted to live threre with them' I{e to}d
and vrent into a hu.dcile whlle they
ta-}ked. rt seeme<l to take theu a

long tlme before they made up their mind'


happy land theY sald'

1ed them l:ack to his homeo follovred by the
$o IJIr l,iouse
on wtlerever he wanted to and no one vrouLd
nutmeg" IJe could bave sone
but nutm'g Yias very fond of },{r. 1,1ouse and secretl,hoped
trave known,
and 0a ck into ttre nutmeg
to be found PoPPeo

The;r settled down at 1{r. },1ouse&home but lt wasnrt happy anSr more. I{F.
I.{ouse vras stlIl feeling very sonr}r that ttre nutmeg had gonb end Naughty
Ptnk Fatry was reaIly very n:rrch ashamed that s}}e had left the Lid
up on ttre nuttr:eg grater. The nutmeg gatchod them all, making suIte that
they didntt see him!
I,{r i,louse thanght for a while a.nd decl-ded that he uould
get another nutmeg. lie v,rould tatrre anothi:r trip to the south sea
Is1-ands just to get olfe .
At this idea the nutmeg lcecame really upsetl so vll"tbrout
Ir{ouse YJaS SO glad to
thinking -he popped up ln front of }ir. L'{ouse' }{r'
see hlm he forgot to put b.1m back lnto the nutmeg
grater' 8'I1d put him
ni-cer place to be
into the home made straw basketr v,'trich v'Ias a rrmctr
in, indeedl
foI}owed }:"1.m
-meg still in it and Bill;r Elf and Nauglrty Pink Fair:y
nJ'ce pLace to lLve'
d.own the 1it+,le pathway. The;r still had to find a
ri t
fI.I ,i-nc ot.r,i: of the cave sr'-inr
"Ti-nny F&t was
very fond of i--nrtneg'
rr0f eourse "rol,' c'lont t ! tt saicl I'1r
' T'tiouse

the cave, .'lflri-ch t''asntt very polite at a'11!

a vlee aouse hole' They Trent
follow fhem I'r. l'{o'trse --]-ec tlle'-'cloun

TiF. i"oitse rit-'l; ''i;lic 1-''oL'ne rnade st:"alv basicet d'

took out a' colli'1eof ;rains
61 .i;1,;1 ,-1..:or.,rrd for :i. fer'; rnirrrJ''r'os* Then he
of vlheat and began to eat ';l-rel'' si-ciii;"
'hhe llr'lughty Pink Fairy ancl
,1ii-i-;r ;1-f , url, :^ bcl.rlr fo:r
theil b&th sat i;1.,n 1],esic]e I;1r j!...l.f. and ate vrhile
hirriself and"uptoil::"].lo'lso.I]elovec]ili]:..IouserVer
i:',.Ll Cr.1 .

bachj-nto the baslcet' After" tlnat iro starbeci out a'gain
but put mrtitieg
fifle' an'1 soon'ee let tl:c ile'ught;r ?ink
trut no'r, cluite so fast t'iris '
the bas-1iet' She did have verTi tiny feet' ride on -,,lie eciSe of
}il1y E1f
,,'.t,ere al?e we going, T1r' Iflouse?ti ashaqi

' ' l'c

, sa](
It r'
s\''-f"e "
n L cr,on I t lino\',, f ^r'
soYne Place , rlontt :'ou

ttle brook and tvent

. ::el:e:.'T/ i'ou-se pll
I --

ther slde of tL:e br

a l ittle rnrhi 1e . i!
i,ir. Frog had iris f ii,L;Ie .i,ir j-11, lined uP on bhe

a very loiv Ir nohrr ':hen he nO-; j_ceC- ilr. I;1oL1set,


t'Cood day, T:lr. I{ouseit he said. ItL'1 very A ah ah

\,. .


He had a lot of patience,

Oneoi tho l-:rl-tt1e f:'ogs liePt l:ol-r]irig his brea
little white vest l"ookeC lifte it was goin;, to pop at any t
Irj-nk Fair;r watehed and r,,ratche$.but it never d:'-d. Not onc6t
Soon she Lgot t,ired of watclr'ing ti:em and wen
see wha.t Bi.13-;1 E1f .,,,as o,oing. iie anc l,i::. i;lottse lvorc fast a
the tree ancl nutmeg trras ou.t of tlae basi'let, snuggl-ecl up clo
pul' }rbr tiny tOWS into
I,{or-rse. ,lllar:glrt:r- l-r'nl. i:airli went --o t::e L'rook andr

She 1ool,;ec1 up at the slqy and there vras Jinny Bat fl;iing
around looi:llnr lat'r f,h,ril!
up to lir House. i{e tras still'
T:laughtv ?i.r:}r Fai-ry fleor
half asleep'l:ut h.e qu.ickl-.1 picked irp nutmeg and pokeC h{m under tl:e
other th.i-ngs in ti:e }:aome made straw baskep, then, hoi<llng on to the
to follow hirn and they all started to ]''Lllf, fast and faster!
kept on going, turning up one tunnel and cor"'n anctl:.r'er. 8111;r E1f
and. the narrgh,t-rr Pink F':iry had o,uite a ti::e tr;ring to
lceep up vrith

Finally IHr T.louse stopped and '.,:litec. f ol" "hhort io gr'i"Jb 11p
ruith lni.ii:. Bill;r E1f vas all puffed out rvlth r:unning so he'rd and
fast, , ,*.nd T.raughty PinLr Falry YIas velxr ti-::ed evn thoriSl-r she

1r o,,:! long ln the darL:
on !,i1e oli;r l;ir:l- s 'i, ime a,nd n ame

he loolced aroune-l

frph yes3"Irm really sory)r about !}:atntl sai.d the lrau3jrt)'

.r:inl; -::,iry, ItBgt I think nutmeg likes being out'11
tfAs long a'31 Jinny Fa"t doesnrt aet him and

..rr.:icl l:1.3-).;r ;l-f , 1:sr:-3iri;y iinl< 'rair;r thought

about that

TIaughtY !ink FairY sniffedl

trftts Trrs f:ccl;zcI n'*trfltt sa'id -lil1y E1f'
nT,,,ir. llretzel llwarf l?r sei-'J ti:e 1ia:ght;r ;inlc Fairy' Thelr ran around

'Lhere he lvas' cooking pretzels

a. bend 1n ti:e pathrua;i and

1ittle pot" Tlea.rr fuapp-'z I''::" lretzel Dwa-rfl


Tltey all sa.t a:r.ouncl the 1itt1e fire and talketl and talked"
ifr. Ilouse told lir. .l:etzel r],.l,:r.::f all ai:out the nutneg and Jinny
Bat. and about trll11r Elf and tl:r"e lTaugh.t;r Fi-nic Fa-ir-r;'r tr;rin* to
f jnd a place to l-l-ve.
!t0hI OhItt sa-id iir. Pretzel Drvarf . "This ca.l-']-s for a and lol'. Iretztil lwarf pulleci out a willoi'; wiristle frour his


"j'.r. said ytp. llretzel Dv,rarf, also very slowly- rr'*?e of

nwarfland have decid"ed -iou mal.r ruake your home lvith us lf y611
sh to .
r,r,'i ?r

ftThank lrou very It said T,{r. ?',{ouse. trTtrat "riill be very nice

for Naugtrty Pink Falny and Bill;r Elf . Rut I have decidedl Jrm
going to take nutmeg back to the -qouth sea Islands, because it ie
lonesome and dangerous for him here'rr
Ilaughtrr :rink Fairy jumpeo up forgetting that she was the
one who qrantei ''L,o settle down and said eagerly, rrPlease, &1r. I{ousel
Please tako us with yout rr

looked at }Taughty Pinlc trairr-, t}:en at Bl}-Iy

1.{F. l'Iouse

Elf- ttllery wellr'r he said. ttl,{e must plan to start out Ln the
morning. rr

Brt when mornLng eame the nutmeg was gonell

t,Jinny Bat must have got hlm in the night"trsaid the NAughty
Plnk Fairy.
I -.!


spread BI-\r wings wj-der when -Euggy 0w1 Ca,III€ at me' I just had to f1y
an fl;rl !Ir Jinny Bat really upsetl

Rxt nutme.q ha<l not gone Plunk! ingthe middle of the lake'
I{e had landec r:lght on the edge of the lekel Rlght
near the path-
and got
way that led to }nr. lrousers homet He just r;'ient there
right b-ck into the nutmeg grater and closed the 1id corrrn
and all the
I,rir. }{ouse, the l,Taughty pink Fairlr, Bi}Iy Effr
see hlu-Poor
dwarfs looked and looked for nutmeg, but they couldnt'r'
T'{r'r Mouse. He was so sad. But after a w}rll-e he thanked the dwarfs
and took Bill-y trlfand the T.Iaughty Pink Falry by the hand and ttrey
v'ralkecl slotily to the Oak tree homsr
:-r,.rhen tre sa-Tr the nutmeg $rater, 1,{r' Mouse began
to cry

and cf-\r'
Eld patted him and the lTa,ughty Pink Falry 8ot him
some julce- and soon he stopped crying and sald;
rtrrrsfl, the nutmeg grater Ls no good uri-thout a nutmeg"
ItlL just have to go and Set another oneltl
But tlutmeg rlidnrt like that at a1ll and tre llfted the
lld and hopped rlght out of the nutmeg grater! Hoppety sklp.
Just like that.
]jil . I\,Iouse vuas So surprized he never even scolded'
N:* one little bit' I{e vras much too happy to see him'
Tifaughtv Plnk Fairrr and Bi11y Elf hugged and trugged .hlm.
They were happy, toor" and l,llr, I.qouse knew he could never
take nut-
meg hack to the touth sea rslands beeause he
didnr t want to Leave

him there I

a llJerlltal<eourtimeanc.t}renEielyon'te,ettootired"'l
31"-i1..: "l"f &HCl the :'':rtrgl:rt}r 1'!pi1 }cLir';i
C}:rrptor ? ngo 4

il,o .t5.13"1,. r,llf f*1l*l;ccl l:or r:ound $i.i* irS.gtr rocil crnci up tl:e
tils.: sn-T:is to tlte i:l;l elr.aurp af $1uebe}}e*
.]."?.tti-c *anr'l"i pnth-vqr r-ryr*"ll
.'augl:ty ' li*i i::j.ry lvas ss 5,:Lnci to s*o t];:es sl le nllY} enri tL::IlLed
nr:S twinlrle* sver'r ] tttLe one of *ire::: :rnd ElLL;r Iil-f trer:t and i:clpccl hor'
They 1,*u,',,1:eu1 nnrl l-n.uryher1 and *lapl:ed ti:e13' tannds enrl ii"'l'ggerl
'l:l':o l:i-ttle
el.r*pot?rer. {,1}:r, hou nlce it wa* to i:e hacir aga!-n. 'liI
tlvos:.r:d r-aty.5cs rtr',ne erlt to p3r-'r w:i'th t}:eu:rnd l"n ti:e evenlng

be<1s ti:g'" lLad

l1*t of tirei fns.r.,r l"anterns iJ-ovr ovor t}:elr l-lttle lloss
m&*s .,s1r1 ever",ithtn'- vr::rs i:csr3':l c's brlgi:t
as lt w*s fur Fafry3"encl"
?rl,.ey $.='6 st:"1:- €}eere, and urrLess tlae T{auglrty Plnk tr&ffi

S'f tii:e
restSess ag{i tnto troubl-o a.;ain, t}rey wi'll ssay t}rera*Eut

a..*j'E}; IiCIu cs"n be very

doos gct lnt,o t:'c:ubLe aRel *hey 3:avo to i::ovo
::L}L:: lllf vslLl r:L6bt a]'ong Juet to proteet **r* aare for
sure that 5o
1':,e::, al.L of the t5ee.

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