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Fundamentals of Agile

Ceedee Doyle
Agile Consultant

To do: On separate post-its,

write 3 things you want to
know about Agile and put by
“What I want to get out of this
course” on the wall.
Course Objective

To understand the Agile principles, the mindset, and basic

practices, so you can participate in an agile environment.

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
History & Mindset
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

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Origins of Agile


Scrum DSDM

Specification by

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Prevailing management approach

•Plan to execute, execute the plan

•Focus on
• removing variability
• economies of scale

• Efficient mass production
• Inability to change
• Long lead times
• Business becomes predictable

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"Scientific Management”

•Frederick Taylors key beliefs:

• Workers work less than they could
• Management fails to structure work effectively and provide incentives.

•Taylors solution:
• Sub-divide the work into tasks
• Analyse each task & schedule for optimal efficiency
• Assumption: reconstructed tasks = an efficient job.
• Management arrange work & pay for the tasks completed
Taylor promised to reconcile labour and
capital. Shop Management (1903), is
considered the first book on management

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Degrees of complexity – the Cynefin Framework

everything is known
More is known than unknown
More is unknown than known
Very little is known

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The Iron Triangle


Resources Schedule
(Cost, budget) (Time)

Variability is inherent in complex work. Choose where you would like to place

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Methods and
Scrum DSDM

Specification by


Core set of Values and Principles

People are central

Agile challenges us to think differently

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The move to Agile
Planning Analysis Specialists
Design Building Testing Release Individuals

? ? ?

✓ Multi-Disciplined

✓ Teams
Business Value
✓ Working application

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Agile Manifesto - 2001
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:

individuals and interactions over processes and tools

working software over comprehensive documentation

customer collaboration over contract negotiation

responding to change over over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right,

we value the items on the left more.

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Origins of Agile
Lean has
evolved in
isolation from
Kanban Agile but has
Scrum DSDM had a profound

FDD impact in recent
Specification by years.

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Principles of Lean

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• Take an econom
Flow • Actively manag
• Reduce Batch S
• Apply WIP cons
• Cadence and
• Exploit Variabili
• Fast feedback
• Decentralise co

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Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
The Rise of the Agile Mindset

Thirst for knowledge


Willingness to fail

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Experiencing the mindset - Ball Game

• Rules
• You are one team.
• Each ball must pass through each team member’s hands at
least once.
• Dropped balls are not counted.
• Each ball must have air-time and go up before it goes down
• You cannot pass a ball to someone directly to your left or right
• The end point must also be the start point.
• You cannot pass the balls in a container.
• You are welcome to use anything in the room
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
Ball Game

• Objective = throughput with quality

• Initial one-off planning meeting: 1 minute
• Then 5 Sprints made up of
− Sprint = 2 minutes
− Retrospective = 1 minute
• I will record your progress
Sprint Planned itActual Quality Retrospective
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Agile In Context - phases of learning

Shu Ha Ri

Follow the Break You are

rules the rules the rules

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Individuals & Interactions
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Shift in Roles – Team

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Shift in Roles – Self Organisation

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Shift in Roles – Self Organisation

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What makes a great team?

•Highly focused
•Shared standards and expectations
•Total appreciation of each individual
•Draw strength from their differences
•Brutally honest
•Always learning

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How to interact with the team

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Shift in Roles

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Tools to help us develop mutual learning mindset

Advocacy Inquiry

State your
Ask open
views with

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Open Questions

… you idiot

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Examples of open questions
● What’s the benefit of this problem?
● What did you learn?
● What’s the worst that could happen?
● Who else will benefit?
● If you weren’t scared, what would you
● What are you grateful for?
● How would you like it to be?
● What would help look like?
● What’s in the way?
● What will your impact be 100 years from
● What’s stopping you?
● What does this mean to you?
● What assumptions could you have made
● What would you do if you had
unlimited resources?
● How can you learn what you need to
● What’s the best that could happen?
know about this?
● In the bigger scheme of things,
● Where would you like this conversation
how important is this?
to go?
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Creating Shared Understanding 20

Self-organise into 4 groups.

Select reading material in workbook:
1. Physical work environments 1. Reading (5 mins)
2. Preparing (10 mins)
2. Sharing Knowledge
3. Presentation/poster
3. Techniques for shared understanding
4. Understanding communication barriers

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Section wrapup

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Value Driven Development
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Understanding and Measuring Value

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Copyright 2016

Value is…

• Relative worth, merit, or importance
• To consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

View of a Scrum Project

Sprint review
• Are we still building the right
Business Value

• Is ROI still valid?

• Has market changed?
• Is this project still justified?
• Is margin cost of next feature
> marginal benefit?

Spend ($)
80% of features delivered
for 20% budget – release
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
Business Value Game

Vera Peeters
Pascal Van Cauwenberghe
Portia Tung

© Vera Peeters and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe

Download from
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Fill in the blanks Increment - actual MIN

Product Owner - the working stuff

person who is responsible produced during Team – the people doing
‘Scrum’ is used in two ways: for the outcome of the the sprint the work
• a framework to be agile work the team produces.
• a daily stand-up meeting
Review/Show&Tell - meeting
Sprint - a timebox during which where the team show what
Release planning - the team do work usually they’ve completed to anyone
meeting where the team between 1-4 weeks who has an interest
works out the big picture
for the next few sprints Scrum Master - the person who keeps
an eye on the agile process and makes Product Backlog - the
sure it’s working list of work to be done
Sprint Backlog - the list of work the
team commits to doing this sprint
Retrospective - a meeting at the end of Sprint planning - meeting at the
a sprint where the team thinks about start of a sprint where the team
Stand-up - a daily time where the what’s working and what isn’t and adapt works out what they will do
team coordinates their work their process to suit themselves

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Scrum Review

Product Sprint Daily

Owner Backlog Scrum
< 1 month
Fixed duration
Ordered & Refined

Scope negotiable
Planning DONE

Retrospective Sprint
Development Review
Product Team
Backlog X-functional &

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Day 2
Fundamentals of Agile

Ceedee Doyle
Agile Consultant
Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda

Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

How agile is your organisation?

Business Delivery Operations Customer

Waterfall Scrum Waterfall
Large, up front plan batch Minimise change
Fixed requirements Break-fix culture
Fixed project budgets Cost centre culture
Change discouraged ITIL
“No stuff-ups” culture Process in batches
“Don’t challenge” culture

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

How agile is this organisation?

Business to validate Delivery Operations Customer
assumptions &
Lean Planning test market Scrum Continuous Delivery

Concept/Vision Quality infrastructure

Accept ambiguity Automation
Strong customer focus Value centre
Incremental budget Flow driven delivery
Safe-to-fail culture Customer focus

empirical business decisions measure

Validated learning: reduced business risk, stronger customer focus

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Iterative & Incremental

1 2 3

© Jeff Patton, all rights reserved,

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Iterative & Incremental

1 2 3 4 5

© Jeff Patton, all rights reserved,

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Minimum Viable Product

Figure 4.5 ,Lean Enterprise; Humble, Molesky and O’Reilly; , 2014

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Sound familiar?

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How does it work?

Kanban = Signal Card



Kanban Kanban

Rate of inflow always equals rate of outflow in this system

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Work In Progress

34 11 42

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Kanban Board

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Batch Size - cost of stored up releases

Waiting for release


Production batch size Transfer batch size

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Section wrapup – Value-driven development

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Customer & User Involvement
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016


• Bad feedback is not useful

• Good or bad feedback at any stage can be useful.
• You don’t have to act on all feedback.
• Without feedback you can’t act on it.
• Collecting feedback will have a cost to it.
• Users are more than just end-users and include service /
support, administrators and integrators.

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Defining the Customer

● Internal User $$$

● Buyer
● Business Owner/ Sponsor
● External User

Who pays the bill?

What do they need?

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User Involvement

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

3 simple truths

1. You can’t gather all the requirements up front

2. The requirements you do gather will change
3. There is always more to do than time and money will allow

- Agile Samurai, Jonathan Rasmusson

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Planning – From Vision to story




(15 min

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Vision - Lean Canvas

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The big picture - Story Mapping/MVP

By arranging story cards spatially, we can tell bigger stories

Add task-centric stories in under each activity in chronological order left to



Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

The big picture - Story Mapping/MVP
By arranging story cards spatially, we can tell bigger stories

Overlap user tasks vertically if a user may do one of several tasks at

approximately the same time


© 2006-2008 Jeff Patton, All rights reserved,

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
The big picture - Story Mapping/MVP

Identify releases in a Story Map by slicing horizontally

less first release

optional second release

more third release


© 2006-2008 Jeff Patton, All rights reserved,

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
What is a Product Backlog?

 A prioritised features list

 Contains short descriptions of all desired functionality
• Can be a User Story, use case, feature, function, requirement,
enhancement, or fix

first release
 Single source of requirements
 Evolves and changes over time as more is learnt
 Is a vehicle for starting conversations

first release

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Who can add items to the backlog?

? ? ?

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The Product Backlog Iceberg

Fine-grained, detailed requirements

Sprints ready for consumption in the next High priority
iteration e.g. small user stories

Medium-grained requirements
Release e.g. larger user stories

Coarse-grained requirements
e.g. epics Low priority
Future Release

Original content copyright (c) Kane Mar and used with permission.
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016
Invisible backlog

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Visible backlog

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Breakdown work

Epic Feature

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What are User Stories?

The three C ’s of User Stories:

•C ard

•C ondition(s) of satisfaction

•C onversation

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Story Anatomy - Description

As a [role]
I want to [goal]
So that [benefit]

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Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Breakdown work
Id: 1
Title: Search courses
As a potential student
I want to search for courses
So that I can find courses that interest me

Acceptance Criteria:
1. When searching by topic, I am shown all courses with a topic containing the search text.
2. My Search test may contain multiple words
3. I am shown a helpful message if the search test is too short

Scenario: Search by topic

Given there are 240 courses which do not have the topic "biology"
And there are 2 courses A001, B205 that each have "biology" as one of the topics
When I search for "biology"
Then I should see the following courses:
| Course code |
| A001 |
| B205 |

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Estimation & Velocity
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Agile Estimation

• Human are not good at “out of thin air” estimating

• Human brain better suited to comparative techniques
• Many perspectives useful

• Common Story Point scales:

− Dogs (Chihuahua, Fox Terrier, Lab, St Bernard…)
− Tee‐Shirt Sizes: S, M, L, and XL
− Fibonacci sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

Original content copyright (c) Kane Mar and used with permission.
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
Affinity Estimating
• Used to estimate large number of user stories
• How
− Arrange the stories in order of size, without
− Then place some “number categories”
around the list of stories
• Benefits
− Quick and easy
− Feels very natural
− The entire decision making process is very
− Positive experience rather than a
confrontational one
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
Story Points

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Planning & Adapting
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

What is Velocity?

• Measure of Team’s progress per iteration

• Number of “Done” Story Points per Sprint

• Used ONLY for

− Capacity Planning
− Deriving possible project duration and extrapolating schedule

• Estimating Velocity:
− Use historical values – we prefer empirical methods!
− Make a forecast then run an iteration (last resort)
Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014
The Burndown Chart

• Daily summation of work remaining (not work completed) in Sprint

• Post for high visibility

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

The Burndown Chart

time per
Time on
time on
on project

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Enhanced Product/Release Burndown

Effort in story points

Sprint – Average velocity 40 story points/sprint

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Section wrapup – Planning & Adapting

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

Fundamentals of Agile: Agenda
Immersion Exercise
Introduction Quality
History & Mindset Customer & User Involvement
Individuals & Interactions Backlog
Value-driven Development Estimation & Velocity
Scrum Planning & Adapting
Immersion Exercise

Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2016

Reality Check

“The problem we face has nothing to do with process and technology, but
with people

Scrum and Agile are based on the hypothesis that there is no meta-solution
for software development, just a framework within which we will be empirical
– inspect and adapt

This is very frustrating to those looking for procedures and final answers”
- Ken Schwaber

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Fosbury Flop, 1968 Olympics

• In 1968, Dick Fosbury came out of obscurity

in Oregon to win the high jump by 3.5 inches.
Jumpers now needed the Fosbury Flop to

• Changing from the old style was so hard that

even by 1980, there were only a handful of
people who had perfected the technique,
despite the reward of winning.

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• - the home of Scrum and the Scrum Guide –

• Jeff Sutherland -
• Mountain Goat Software -
• Networks - Agile Professionals Network

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Assurity Consulting Limited • Commercial in Confidence • Company Presentation Nov 2014

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