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S.A.T., 1201 St-Laurent

9am : Day 1 Morning Session

Coffee/Registration/Informal Networking Opening: Welcome! Tune-up and Prelude to the Summit Backstory of Our Community Since 1995 12:15pm : Lunch across the street at the Monument National

Explanation of Open Space Forum Open Space Forum: Co-creating the Summit Agenda What Is Our Next Chapter? Creative Solutions in Small Groups Evening News

1pm : Day 1 Afternoon Session

S.A.T., 1201 St-Laurent

9am : Day 2 Morning Session

Coffee, Informal Networking Morning News Creative Solutions in Small Groups 12:15pm : Lunch across the street at the Monument National

1pm : Day 2 Afternoon Session

A Quick Look at Our Creative Solutions How Do We Move There? Opening Space for Collaborative Initiatives Planning of Collaborative Initiatives Creative Presentations of Initiatives Personal Action Planning and Summit Evaluation Closing Circle 6pm-9pm : Closing Reception, September Schmoozer & Book launch for Guernica Editions Minority Report: An Alternative History of English-Language Arts in Quebec Centaur Theatre, 453 St-Franois-Xavier Flip to the back cover for details of Saturday and Sunday events!
State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.3


Dear State of the Arts Delegate, Thank you for coming out to participate in State of the Arts Summit 2011, and welcome. It has been seven years since the Englishlanguage arts community came together at the 2004 Quebec Arts Summit. All artistic disciplines have grown considerably in numbers, creations, ambitions and needs. Is this a bubble waiting to burst? Or are enough pieces in place to move this community to the next level? State of the Arts Summit 2011 brings together some of the most active and influential cultural professionals within the English-speaking arts community alongside a variety of community partners. Together, we will imagine and articulate a community development strategy for the next 5 - 10 years. All the delegates to this Summit have been identified by their peers as people with ideas, energy and a track record of making things happen. I look forward to seeing where our collective ideas will take us. Charles Child ELAN President


Dear State of the Arts Delegate, When the community came together seven years ago, many of us did not know one another and it was a revelation to discover so many talented people successfully pursuing careers in other disciplines and regions of Quebec. ELANs Recognizing Artists: Enfin Visibles! project provided further evidence that many people are choosing to stay in Quebec or have returned after living in other parts of the world. The history pages included in this kit provide examples of just how many new producers, presenters and partners have appeared in recent years. For the next two days we will think about why this revival of English-language arts and culture is taking place. More importantly, we will think about how to ensure the stability of what we have built, and how we can continue developing audiences and increasing the visibility of the work we do. The back cover of this booklet outlines the Friday schmoozer, Saturday panels and Sunday concert. These events will celebrate the current State of the Arts - and there is much to celebrate - but first we need to spend time thinking about where we want to be in ten years and how to get there. Guy Rodgers Executive Director
State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.4


Esther is a consultant in collaborative management and organizational or community development. She has been in business for over 15 years, and established her reputation with creative, enthusiastic, efficient and transparent consulting. She is fluent in both English and French and works with organizations fro the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Esther uses highly participative approaches (Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, Whole Person Process Facilitation, U Process) to help her clients draw on the rich knowledge, ideas and experience of staff and partners to devise and implement the best possible action plans. Be it in the context of strategic planning, organizational diagnosis, teambuilding or others, these approaches open communication and foster collaboration. Esther has facilitated or co-facilitated many events gathering between 5 and 200 people for organizations such as RIDEAU, Conseil qubcois du thtre, Fdration canadienne pour lalphabtisation en franais, Oxfam, Montreal Womens Health Center, Bombardier Aerospace, the General Consulate of Canada in New York and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. She was also invited to speak to international MBA students of the Institut Suprieur de Gestion as well as students of Milano The New School of Management in New York City. She can be reached at 450-955-1693 and has a website at


Author of Open Space Technology (OST), Harrison Owen Open Space Technology, A Users Guide, 3rd Ed., 2008 International OST Community and Resources Information and tools: World Map and facilitators:

(English and French) Rseau francophone Forum ouvert, membre de lOSIC Open Space Training: Diane Gibeault Esther Matte

Chat List:

Examples: Open Space Institute of Canada (OSIC)


Open Space Technology in 30 sec: Open Space in 2 min:

State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.5


1990 1991 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Founding of Studio 303 and the AELAQ (Association des editeurs de langue anglaise du Quebec). City of Montreal develops nonc de politique de soutien lindustrie culturelle. Founding of Montreal Fringe Festival, The Other Theatre, Choeur Maha, Roger Sinha Dance and Agora de la dance. Quebec adopts Arts and Culture Policy (Arpin Report). Creation of le Conseil des arts et des lettres (CALQ).

Founding of the Federation of English-language Writers of Quebec (FEWQ), and Village Thatre West (later renamed Hudson Village Theatre). QDF and QSPELL organize Celebration 93. Founding of Festival Accs Asie.

Founding of Montreal-based record label Alien8 and the Quebec Communities Groups Network (QCGN) .

Centaur creates Wildside Festival. Mel Hoppenheim donates $1M to Concordias School of Cinema. Founding of Montreal Review of Books (mRb) and Constellation record label. Merger of QSPELL and FEWQ to become Quebec Writers Federation (QWF). Theatre 1774 becomes Infinitheatre. Founding of Fantasia Film Festival, Turbo Recordings, and VivaVoce. Founding of Blue Metropolis Literary Festival and record label Blue Skies Turn Black.

Jeffrey Moore wins Commonwealth First Book Prize for Prisoner in a Red-Rose Chain. Founding of MUTEK Festival, and music venues Casa del Popolo & Sala Rosa, both home to the Suoni per il Popolo festival which launched the same year. Founding of Pop Montreal, Porte Parole Theatre, Expozine and Distroboto. Barry Lazar publishes Underestimated Importance: Anglo-Quebec Culture. Department of Canadian Heritage and Canada Council consultations on the official language minority arts community in Quebec. Yann Martel wins Man Booker Prize for Life of Pi. Creation of Canada Council and Canadian Heritage matching grant program for minority language artists between (known as IPOLC or Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official-Language Communities). Founding of Culture Montral.

State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.6


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Founding of Semprini Records. Formation of Mile End Memories group, which organizes a dozen activities per year (walking tours, lectures and presentations) before its official foundation in 2010. David Solway wins the 2004 Grand Prix du livre de Montral for Franklins Passage. Quebec Arts Summit takes place. Founding of Carte Blanche online literary review. Creation of Thtre Ste-Catherine. Quebec Citys Jeremy Peter Allen is the first Anglo filmmaker invited to open the Rendez-vous du cinma qubcois with his film Manners of Dying. New York Times notices Montreals Explosive Music Scene. Creation of ELAN, MainLine Theatre, Tableau dhte and Montreal-based music publishing & licensing company Third Side Music. Opening of Parisian Laundry art gallery and FoFA Gallery within Concordia University. Author Mavis Gallant is awarded Quebecs prestigious Prix Athanase-David. Spin magazine proclaims Montreal as the Next Big Scene. Darling Foundry opens 13 studios for art creation and production, including three studio apartments for resident artists. Founding of OFFTA and DHC/ART gallery. Semprini Records creates sub-label Signed by Force. Festival de thtre des Amriques (FTA) revocationed to become the Festival TransAmriques which includes dance and performance. Montreal author Heather ONeill wins the CBC Canada Reads competition for her novel Lullabies for Little Criminals. QCGNs Greater Montreal Community Development Initiative (GMCDI) recommends the implementation of a multi-year strategy for promoting the cultural resources of the English-speaking communities. Segal Centre for the Performing Arts totally renovated (replaces Saidye Bronfman Centre). Release of Bon Cop, Bad Cop. Rawi Hage wins IMPAC Dublin Prize with De Niros Game. Founding of Rover Arts, Battat Contemporary art gallery, Wakefield Piggyback Fringe Festival, and Galerie PUSH. Commissioner of Official Languages Report on Federal Government Support to the Arts and Culture of Official Language Minority Communities. Bernard Lord Report on the Government of Canadas Consultations on Linguistic Duality and Official Languages. The arts and culture emerged as a unifying thread of the consultations. CIRLM study on The Vitality of the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec: From Community Decline to Revival. Chapter 6, The Artistic and Cultural Vitality of Englishspeaking Quebec.


State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.7


2009 2010

Release of Jacob Tierneys The Trotsky. Creation of Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN) in association with Concordia University and Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities. ELAN begins CRTC advocacy work. Kate Hall wins Griffin Poetry Prize for The Certainty Dream and Johanna Skibsrud wins Giller Prize for The Sentimentalists. Louise Pennys Bury Your Dead (set in Qubec City) wins Agatha Award (her fourth) for best mystery book in US, Arthur Ellis Award for Best Crime Novel in Canada, and was named Best Mystery of 2010 by the American Library Association. Release of Reel Injun and Richlers Barneys Version Actor Paul Giomatti receives Golden Globe award and praises Montreal. ELAN/Telefilm survey. Minority Language work group for English-speaking artists established with the Department of Canadian Heritage, Canada Council, Telefilm, CBC, National Film Board and the National Arts Centre. Association of Canadian Studies: The Deep Diversity of English-speaking Quebecers. Chapter 4, Quebecs English-speaking Artists: Reinventing a Cultural landscape. CROP/Community Health and Social Services Network study. Arcade Fire wins Grammy award and shouts out Merci Montral. The National Assembly passes a unanimous motion recognising the contribution of artists francophone and anglophone - as cultural ambassadors. Release of films Funkytown, Good Neighbours, The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mother, and The High Cost of Living. ELAN launches Recognizing Artists: Enfin Visibles! 154 profiles of artists, 24 videos, histories of each discipline and an interactive map. First issue of LITLIVE.CA, a national web magazine for spoken word and poetry ELAN publishes Community Broadcast Strategy. Department of Canadian Heritage publishes A Portrait of the English-speaking Communities of Quebec. Guernica Editions publishes the ELANs histories as a book in their essays series.


Backstory of Our Creative Community

The preceding three pages provide samples of significant events in all disciplines. The list is far from exhaustive and contains only success stories. There have been also events that were negative such as the closing of Paragraph bookstore. The exercise this morning is to identify one or two events that have significantly impacted your discipline positively or negatively and reflect on ingredients (players, partners) and factors (context, funding) that caused these events to happen.
State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.8


State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.9


follow us on:


Our planning committee members: Jane Needles (Chair), Chuck Childs, Dave Cool, Anna Fuerstenberg, Peter MacGibbon, Lori Schubert, plus the other members of the board of directors: Tim Brady, Amy Blackmore, Keiran Crilly, Tagny Duff, Ian Ferrier, Bettina Forget, Juliana Espana Keller, Vicki Marcok, Gabrielle Martin, Shelagh Plunkett, Lucy Ravinsky, Sarah Spring, Andrew Tay, Tod Van Dyk, Kate Wisdom, plus ELANs Advisory Board: Paulina Abarca Cantin, Harry Gulkin, John Hobday, Linda Leith, Peter MacAuslan, David Price, Michael Prupas, plus community partners: Quebec Drama Federation, Quebec Writers Federation, AELAQ, Playwrights Workshop Montreal, the Segal Centre, Cinema Space, Playwrights Guild of Canada (Quebec), Stephen Orlov, Elsa Bolam, Nicole Fournier, and event volunteers: Emily Comeau, Sarah McIntosh, Melissa Paulson, Natalia Lara, Daniela, Speranza Spir, and Keira Pannell. ELAN Staff: Guy Rodgers (executive director), Geoff Agombar (office manager), Jessica Lemus-Coto (communications) and project staff: Dimitri Nasrallah (project manager), Esther Matte (facilitator), Ann Clarke, Victoria Laberge, Atif Siddiqi, and Julia Kater.

Open Space Technology

Topic Initiators Responsibilities Initiator______________________ Topic_________________________________________________ When its time, post your topic and start time at your discussion site. Circulate this sheet in the group to create a participants list and keep it for the report. You can explain why you offered this topic and invite others to share their thoughts. Capture key points of the discussion for the report. Posting flip chart notes on the wall can help bumblebees catch up. To enter your report on a computer and to obtain a report number, register at the Newsroom. A model of the report is available. You can team up with others from your discussion group to make the report! Be ready to be surprised!

List of Participants Print full name legibly Return this list to the initiator when completed. Continue list of participants on reverse side Take space and make space for others
State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.12

Open Space Technology

Discussion Report Topic Initiator Participants Discussion Important elements

Conclusion/Recommendation Take space and make space for others
State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.13

Place milie-Gamelin Nyata-Nyata, Montral by Night Friday, Sept. 23 at 5.30pm Monument-National, 1182 Saint-Laurent, Studio Hydro-Quebec bande interdite, Lcho des les Sept. 22-24 at 8.30pm & Sept. 25 at 4pm. Le Kingdom Gentlemans Club, 1417 St-Laurent La 2e porte gauche, Danse 10 - until Sept. 26 at 7pm. Studio 303, 372 Ste-Catherine W., suite 303 Diego Pin, Mexican Butoh Ritual Friday, Sept. 30 at 5.30pm.


MainLine Theatre, 3997 St-Laurent Processed Theatre, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Sept. 22-24 at 8pm. Segal Centre, 5170 Cte-Ste-Catherine Domy Reiter-Soffer, EQUUS until Oct. 2 Thtre Ste-Catherine, 264 Sainte-Catherine E. Damien McRae, India Kim Sept. 22, 23 and 24 at 8pm. Sunday Night Improv Sunday, Sept. 25 at 8pm. Montreal Improv, 3713 St-Laurent, suite 202 Smackdown Friday, Sept. 23 at 8pm Improv Ronin Saturday, Sept. 24 at 8pm

Atwater Library, 1200 Atwater Reading: Molly Peacock, The Paper Garden: Mrs. Delany Begins Her Lifes Work at 72 Thursday, Sept. 22 at 12.30pm Drawn & Quarterly, 211 Bernard W. Book launch: Anders Nilsen, Big Questions and Craig Thompson, Habibi Thursday, Sept. 22 at 7pm Atwater Library, 1200 Atwater, auditorium Dramatic reading: The Search for Eileen Sullivan Friday, Sept. 23 at 7pm Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., H-110 auditorium Lecture: Art Spiegelman, What the %&*! Happened to Comics? Saturday, Sept 24. at 4pm.

State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.14


POP Montreal Music Festival Sept. 21 to 25 music, visual art and film Free Arcade Fire concert Place des Festivals of Quartier des Spectacles Thursday Sept. 22 at 9pm The Season - A musical by Socalled - Thtre Outremont - Sept 25 at 8:30pm Redpath Hall, 3461 McTavish Street -- VivaVoce and La Rose des Vents, Dinner with the Dukes of Bavaria, Saturday, October 1 at 7:30 p.m.

Visual Arts
Lcole des beaux-arts de Montral, 3450 St. Urbain Marcel Dzama, installation presented by Pop Montreal Vernissage: Friday Sept. 23 at 5pm Belgo , 372 Ste-Catherine W. Galerie Donald Browne, suite 528 Shari Hatt, The Studio Visit until Oct. 1 Galerie Trois Points, suite 520 Olga Chagaoutdinova, In the Time of Sakura until Oct. 1 Maison Kasini, suite 408 David Todaro, Switch until Oct. 15 Optica, suite 508 Sarah Greig, More Different than Same, until Oct. 16 & Raymonde April, My Glance Is Clear Like a Sunflower until Oct. 15 Galerie SAS, suite 416 curator, Nicolas Mavrikakis, Dclic 70 until Oct. 15 Pierre-Franois Ouellette Art Contemporain, suite 216 Adad Hannah, The Russians until Oct. 22 Joyce Yahouda Gallery, suite 516 Alana Riley, You Are the Work until Oct. 22 Muse dArt Contemporain, 185 Sainte-Catherine W. Kora Van Den Bulcke and Thomas Soetens, Projections Series: RealTime Unreal until Oct. 2 Centre Clark in collaboration with Le Mois de la Photo Montral, 5455 Ave De Gasp, suite 114 Cao Fei, Whose Utopia and Massimo Guerrera, Introspections photosensibles until Oct. 8 Oboro, 4001 Berri, suite 301 Shari Hatt I just want to be taken seriously as an artist and Clown Portraits until Oct. 22

Film and Video

Montreal International Black Film Festival Sept. 22 to Oct. 2 Maison de la Culture Marie-Uguay, 6052 boulevard Monk Parabola Films, St- Henri, le 26 Aot Sunday, Sept. 25 at 1:30pm

State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.15


State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.16

Personal commitment

State of the Arts Summit: Creative Solutions for a Creative Community From these Summit discussions, I have learned: About myself:

About my discipline as a community:

About our English-Language artistic community as a whole:

What Ive learned has lead me to make the following decisions: Im going to start

Im going to let go of

Im going to continue

State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.17


As an artists network, ELAN helps artists share resources, ideas and inspiration across all disciplines. We provide various services to our members and to the community as a whole, including surveys which assess the status of the arts in Quebec.

2006: Minority Anglophone Artists Project I

The goal of the Minority Anglophone Artists Project (MAAP), a combination survey/ awareness campaign, was to identify the needs of English-speaking visual artists in Quebec and to build a service directory.

2008: Minority Anglophone Artists Project II

The purpose of MAAP II was to reach out to the music and dance communities across Quebec to inform them of ELANs mandate and services and to assess the needs of Anglophone artists working in these communities.

2010: Survey of the English-Language Film/TV/Media Industry in Quebec

Partially funded by Telefilm Canada, this survey offered a report on the role of Englishlanguage film, television and media industries in Quebec and the ways in which their minority status affects their work.

2010: Association for Canadian Studies: Reinventing a Cultural Landscape

A study on the remarkable transformation of Quebecs cultural landscape in the first decade of the 21st century. Many English-language artists have been reluctant to self-identify with the Anglophone minority and their efforts to integrate with the Francophone majority have not always been reciprocated.

2011: Seeing Ourselves: Imagining a Media Strategy for Quebecs Official Language Minority
ELAN received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage to trace a portrait of the current audiovisual production landscape in English Quebec. From this portrait, ELAN developed a media strategy for Quebecs English-speaking community.

To consult the results of these studies, please visit the Document Archives on

State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.18


State of the artS Summit, Sept 22-23 2011 - p.19

Friday, September 23, 6-9pm at Centaur Theatre (453 St-Franois-Xavier) ELAN, Telefilm & Guernica Editions present Sunday, September 25, 8pm at Thtre Outremont (1248 Bernard W.) ELAN & POP Montreal present

Reception & Book Launch

MINORITY REPORT: An Alternative History of English-Language Arts in Quebec FREE & Open to All These essays place the current artistic renaissance in its historical context, outlining major characters, events and previously undocumented stories. With essays by Dimitri Nasrallah, Lucinda Catchlove, Tao Fei, Marianne Ackerman, Melora Koepke, Joel Yanofsky, Lori Callaghan, and an introduction by Guy Rodgers
This event also serves as ELANs September Scmoozer a great occasion to make new contacts and re-connect with old friends.

A Musical by Socalled
Tickets $20 Available now on The Season is a puppet-heavy indie musical fable for the 21st century, featuring some of Montreals finest dancers, musicians, singers, actors and artists including Katie Moore, Yves Lambert, Narcy, Joe Cobden & Hanako Hoshimi-Caines, in an original, genre-bustin, one-night-only production.

The Season

Saturday, September 24, 12-4pm at Conseil des arts de Montral Atrium (1210 Sherbrooke E.) Moderated by our spokesperson Anne Lagac Dowson FREE & Open to All 12pm: Many Peoples, One Official Language 2pm - Invisible or Too Visible? What is the future of an English minority During a year in which Quebec-based artists claimed the Giller Prize, Sobey Prize & Album of community, which is increasingly bilingual? the Year at the Grammys, English-speaking artists Under what conditions can an Englishspeaking minority be full partners in building are suddenly very visible. Are attitudes shifting? What is the place for English-language artists in Quebecs future?
21st-century Quebec? Andr Courchesne, Chair of Arts Administration at cole des hautes tudes commerciales & former Director of Canada Council Arts Division Jack Jedwab, Executive Director of Association for Canadian Studies Brendan Kelly, Variety, Gazette, CBC Philippe Couture, Le Devoir, Jeu, D.Kimm, Artistic Director of Les Filles lectriques & Festival Voix dAmriques Janet Lumb, Artistic Director of Festival Accs Asie

State of the Arts Talks

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