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Project 3: Ticket to the unknown

The Conquest
of America
Read in your worksheet about "La Empresa de
Conquista" and then answer the next page questions.

Continue to the next page and start learning about

Hernán Cortés, and answer the questions about him.

Start learning more about the Conquest of Mexico and

Peru with this presentation while you answer the
Hernán Cortés, the
conquest of Mexico
In 1519, Cortés led an expedition to Mexico
with the goal of exploring and establishing
Spanish colonies.
Upon reaching the Yucatán Peninsula, he
encountered indigenous groups, he learned
about the powerful Aztec Empire, and set
his sights on conquering it.
Hernán Cortés' army

Despite being a small army, Cortés formed alliances with indigenous enemies of
the Aztecs, who did not like the Aztecs to rule and wanted to be free of
them, they taught them superior tactics and how to use weapons.

They earned the trust of "Malinche" (or Doña Marina) who helped them with
translations and advising them on the best way to defeat the Aztecs.
The trip to the Empire

This new army formed by

indigenous and spaniards,
traveled by land to the Aztec
city of Tenochtitlan, which at
that time was ruled by

Montezuma welcomed him and thought at first that the Spaniards were
gods, due of their clothing, weapons and horses.
What happened to
The Spaniards took advantage of the peaceful reception they were given and
took Montezuma as prisoner and he was killed, in circumstances of which there
is no agreements, on how the events occurred.

This provoked a huge fury on the

part of the Aztecs, leading to a
great battle known as "La noche
triste" (The sad night), a massive
uprising in which a large part of the
Spanish "hueste" was killed.
What happened next?

The survivors took refuge in Tlaxcala and a year later placed the city.
Cuauhtémoc, the new emperor, could not organize an effective defense because
a smallpox epidemic reduced the strength of the Aztecs.

In 1521 Tenochtitlán was destroyed and occupied.

The Aztec
Empire had
Francisco Pizarro, the
conquest of Perú.
n ow n
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A story
as a y al
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Once upon a time, there were two characters from two
totally different worlds.
Spaniards arrived to the Peruvian
The encounter with Atahualpa
They first met Atahualpa that was in the middle of a civil war against his
brother Huáscar.

Seeing Atahualpa's potential and that he was winning the war, Pizarro decided
to join him in the city of Cajamarca.
Pizarro set a trap and took him prisoner, in exchange for releasing him he told
him that his "hueste" was going to help him win the war but Atahualpa had to
give him all the gold and silver they had.
What happened next?
Atahualpa gave Pizarro all the gold and silver he demanded, but Pizarro
betrayed him and ordered the execution of the ruler, situation that facilitated
the advance of the Spaniards towards Cusco, capital of the empire.

The city of Cusco was

sacked and occupied in
Now you know about
the conquest of the
great American
empires. !!!
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