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“Bringing Social Work Review at your doorstep”


MOCKBOARD Questions for Licensure Examination for Social Workers 2023

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item corresponding to the letter of your choice.

1. “Helping people help themselves” is the most commonly cited primary purpose of social
work. Select the statements that BEST explain the meaning of this concept in the
context of social work.
I. Ability of the clients to make decisions and actively participate in the problem-
solving process.
II. Ability of the clients to examine options and decide which option is appropriate.
III. Capacity of the clients to control their social situations in favour of their self-
IV. Capacity of the clients to examine their own dysfunctional emotional and mental
a. II and IV
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I and II

2. Define the MAIN objective of a generalist social work practitioner.

a. Utilizing selected and specialized range of professional roles
b. Advocating for changes in the community/society
c. Empowering clients whether individuals, groups or communities
d. Applying planned change based on prescriptive approach to change

3. Selectively attending to specific topics is a challenging task for beginning practitioners to

avoid skipping vital areas of content and feelings:
a. Rapidly shifting focus from topic to another
b. Maintaining focus and keeping on topic
c. Selecting topics for exploration
d. Exploring topics in depth

4. The following list except one includes common types of client communications that may
challenge your efforts to focus in individuals, family and group sessions:
a. Responding with “I don’t know”, responding to questions with questions
b. Interrupting excessively
c. Passive aggression
d. Changing the subject or avoiding sensitive areas

5. Narrative style is the primary style for the social case record. It is the style which is good
for reporting of facts in a descriptive manner and the sequence of the interview. Facts do
a. Behavior
b. Behavior, events that are happening , interpersonal relationships
c. Interpersonal relationships
d. Events that are happening

6. A cardinal social work value that clients have the capacity to grow and change, to see
and develop solutions to their difficulties and the right capacity to choose responsibly:
a. Developing and utilizing resources
b. Affirming problem solving capacities and self-determination
c. Affirming uniqueness and individuality
d. Affirming the worth and dignity of the clients

7. One of the cardinal social work values that embodies unconditional positive regard,
positive warmth, acceptance, non-judgmental attitude, and respect:
a. Affirming problem solving capacities and self-determination
b. Developing and utilizing resources
c. Affirming the worth and dignity of the clients
d. Affirming uniqueness and individuality and safeguarding confidentiality

8. Responses that produce active resistance or retaliatory communication such as “you

better…. Or else”; “if you don’t you’ll be sorry”, covey:
a. Reassuring, sympathizing, consoling, excusing
b. Threatening, warning, counter-attacking
c. Using sarcasm or employing humor
d. Analyzing, diagnosing, labeling client’s behavior

9. One of the cardinal social work values magnifies when social workers adopt a strength-
oriented perspective, looking for positive qualities and underdeveloped potentialities.
This engenders hope and courage on the client’s part and nurtures self-esteem:
a. Affirming the worth and dignity of the clients
b. Affirming uniqueness and individuality
c. Developing and utilizing resources
d. Affirming problem solving capacities and self-determination

10. A social worker’s intake record of a client who was seeking help to procure medicines for
the heart operation of his father included the client’s identifying information that is, the
client is gay, currently has a sexual partner of the same sex and is sexually active.
Which principle in data collection and recording is violated in the social worker’s intake
a. Empowerment
B. Parsimony
C. Client Self-determination
D. Confidentiality

11. Phase of helping process which lays the groundwork for subsequent implementation of
interventions and strategies aimed at resolving client’s problems and promoting coping
a. Implementation and goal attainment
b. Exploration, assessment, planning, implementation
c. Exploration, assessment, planning
d. Termination, planning maintenance, strategies and evaluation
12. A cardinal social work value that affirms the experiences of the clients confirming or
validating those experiences thus fostering/ reinforcing the clients sense of personal
identity and self-esteem:
a. Developing and utilizing resources
b. Affirming problem solving capacities and self-determination
c. Affirming the worth and dignity of the clients
d. Affirming uniqueness and individuality

13. A starting point in building a statement of the problem is what is often referred to in
social work as the presenting problem. From the presenting problem, the worker
branches out to identify its various dimensions without:
a. What task the situation poses for those involved
b. Nature and scope of the social situation
c. How it is being experienced and evaluated by relevant individuals and groups
d. What resources, services or opportunities seem to be overflowing

14. Which of the following is not a facilitative condition or skill in helping relationship and the
rest are vital that social workers master these skills:
a. Authenticity or genuineness
b. Empathy/emphatic communication
c. Sympathetic responding
d. Respect or non-possessive warmth

15. Nonverbal behaviors strongly influence interactions between people (client and worker).
Nonverbal cues may produce leakage by transmitting information the sender did not
intend to communicate such as the following except:
a. Facial expression such as blush, a sneer
b. A look of shock or dismay
c. Warmth and concern
d. Verbalizing “what are you afraid you’d do wrong”

16. To enable clients to increase positive feedback, practitioners must be skilled in the
following except:
a. Engaging clients to in assessing the extent to which they give and receive positive
b. Teaching clients as to discern the needs for positive feedback
c. Educating clients as to the vital role positive feedback
d. Assisting clients to decrease levels of positive feedback

17. Who is the proponent of the problem-solving model in social work?

a. Florence Holler
b. Helen Keller
c. Helen Harris Perlman
d. Mary Ellen Richmond

18. Barriers that prevent the practitioner from being psychologically present with the client
are manifest by the following except:
a. By inner pressures to find immediate solutions to client’s problem
b. By warmth and concern
c. By preoccupied with oneself while practicing new skills
d. By preoccupation with judgment or evaluations about the client
19. Opportunities for affirming individuality and sense of self-worth are lost when
practitioners are blinded to the uniqueness of clients such as the following, except:
a. Prejudices
b. Pricing the differences among cultures
c. Stereotyped perceptions
d. Societal discrimination

20. The direction of problem exploration proceeds from general to specific client’s problems
have several facets and requires careful assessment such as the following except:
a. Open-ended responses
b. Closed-ended responses
c. Responses that seek concreteness
d. Self-directed responses

21. In social work this varies somewhat from setting, client to client, and from one phase of
the helping process to another:
a. Focus
b. Direction
c. Structure
d. Purpose

22. A system perspective emphasizes looking beyond the presenting problems of a client to
assess the complexities and interrelationships of problems. Through a system analysis
of a case, then comes the most effective intervention targets and strategies. They key
concepts of these systems are all of the following except:
a. Wholeness
b. Relationship
c. Parts
d. Balance

23. The terminal phase of the helping process involves all aspects except:
a. Evaluating the results of the helping process
b. Planning for maintenance of change and continued growth following termination
c. Assessing when individual/ group goals have been satisfactorily attained and
planning termination according
d. Plan goals

24. One of the values or principles in social casework defined as the practical recognition of
the right and need of clients to freedom in making their own choices and decisions:
a. Principle of client participation
b. Principle of client self-determination
c. Principle of acceptance
d. Principle of non-judgmental attitude

25. In the case management of incest, the social worker needs to work with a group of
professional except:
a. Reflexologist
b. Teacher
c. Psychologist
d. Psychiatrist
26. Treatment in casework is:
a. Prevention of social breakdown
b. Creation of growth and development opportunities
c. Activities to restore social functioning
d. The sum of all activities and services

27. Mutually negotiating goals to be accomplished in remedying the problem and mutually
formulating a contract is a vital process because of the following except:
a. Utilization of global interventions without attending to the uniqueness of client’s
b. It divests the helping process of mystery and clarifies for clients what they may
realistically expect from the worker and what is expected of them
c. What problem-solving process entails
d. What they will mutually be seeking to accomplish and in what ways

28. Social casework is a problem-solving and:

a. Helping process
b. Analytical process
c. Scientific process
d. Growth promoting process

29. The heart of the problem-solving process is the implementation, and goal attainment
phase also denotes the action oriented or change oriented phase. As work progresses, it
is important to monitor progress on a regular basis. The reasons are the following,
a. To guide client’s efforts towards goal attainment
b. To spend time unproductively and engage fruitless discussions unrelated to the task
at hand
c. To evaluate the effectiveness of change strategies and intervention
d. To keep abreast of client’s reactions to progress or lack of progress

30. You may process personal non-verbal mannerisms that are particularly helpful to you in
establishing relationships with other, such as follows, except:
a. Raising voice to establish authority
b. Friendly grin
c. Warmth in tone voice
d. Relaxed, easy manner

31. In assessment, the goal is to recognize the strengths, assets and abilities the client
brings to the helping relationship. Which does not belong?
a. Motivation
b. Capacity
c. Spiritual resources
d. Antagonism

32. As practitioners and client work together in solving problems, emotional reactions on the
part of either party toward the other may impair the effectiveness of working jointly due
to the following, except:
a. Policies and procedures that restrict client’s access to resources
b. Dysfunctional interactional patterns
c. Inappropriate attitudes and beliefs learned from relationships with parents or
significant others
d. Clients longing for closeness

33. All beginning interviewers experience moments of discomfort in their first contact with
clients, and nonverbal behaviors are an index of their behavior level as you review your
work, you may notice that under pressure you may respond as follows, except:
a. Fidget or manifest other nervous mannerism
b. With change of voice inflection
c. Assume a rigid body posture
d. Attentive and relaxed

34. Establishing rapport with client requires that social workers/practitioners manifest some
of the values and attitudes of the following, except:
a. Acceptance and respect for clients worth and dignity
b. Client’s right of self-determination
c. Objective and decision of worker
d. Non-judgment attitude

35. One of the following is a dynamic interaction and psychological interplay between the
worker and the client with their own particular attitudes and feelings in a particular
a. Problem-solving
b. Client-worker relationship
c. Counseling
d. Communication

36. Social works are bound by the Code of Ethics to safeguard this cardinal value, respect
the privacy of the clients and hold in confidence all information revealed by clients:
a. Safeguard confidentiality
b. Affirming the worth and dignity of the client
c. Affirming problem solving capacities and self-determination
d. Affirming uniqueness and individually

37. Another verbal barrier when practitioners ignore feelings and views of client such remark
as this: “taking that course of action will only get you in more difficulty”.
a. Advising and giving suggestions
b. Moralizing and sermonizing
c. Persuading, giving logical arguments
d. Judging, criticizing or placing blame

38. A concept that guides social workers in establishing and sustaining rapport and
maintaining psychological contact with the clients is:
a. Perceptiveness to client’s problematic situation
b. Starting where the client is
c. Explore the client’s problematic situation
d. Responding sensitively to client’s emotions

39. This phase lays the groundwork for subsequent implementation of interventions and
What casework intervention approach replaced treatment with the concept of service,
emphasizing the use of time as well as agency functions and services in helping clients
move toward their own development and welfare?
a. Direct Provision Model
b. Functional Approach
c. Brief Treatment Method
d. Task-Centered Approach

40. Other common barriers that prevent clients from pertinent information and working
problems are as follows, except:
a. Using sarcasm or employing humor
b. Reassuring, sympathizing, consoling, excusing
c. Analyzing, diagnosing, labeling client’s behavior
d. Non-threatening, non-counter-attacking

41. A verbal following skill generally used to elicit specific information which define a topic
and restrict the client’s response to a few words to a simple yes/ no answer:
a. Close-ended questions
b. Paraphrasing
c. Furthering
d. Open-ended questions

42. When client’s problem match the function of the agency clients expressed to proceed
further in helping process, it is appropriate to begin:
a. Negotiating goals and contract
b. Problem solving
c. Selecting attainable goals
d. Formulating specific goals

43. The facilitative condition also involves social worker being non-defensive and human
enough to admit errors to clients and to facilitate growth of client:
a. Sympathetic responding
b. Empathy/ emphatic communication
c. Respect or non-possessive warmth
d. Authenticity and goal attainment

44. The three phases of the helping process is as follows, except:

a. Networking of resource
b. Exploration assessment and planning
c. Termination and evaluation
d. Implementation and goal attainment

45. In establishing rapport, workers begin by some of the following except:

a. Non-acceptance attitude
b. Asking clients how they prefer to be addressed
c. Introducing oneself
d. Greeting the client warmly

46. Linking clients to other resources systems require careful handling. The following
guidelines will assist you in making referrals, except:
a. Making promises and reassurance about what another agency can do in assisting
the client resources is likely to be most beneficial
b. Checking and coordinating with the agency the availability of the service to which
you plan to refer the client
c. Determining together what resources best matches the need of the client
d. Ascertaining the client’s readiness for a referral by eliciting his/her feelings

47. The components of the casework’s controlled emotional involvement includes of the
following except:
a. Sensitivity
b. Understanding
c. Reaction
d. Responses

48. Another type of verbal following skill involves using fresh words re-state the client’s
message concisely:
a. Close-ended
b. Paraphrasing
c. Open-ended
d. Furthering

49. Social casework is a problem-solving and helping process, its functions is all of the
following except:
a. To mobilize capacities in the individual and resources in the community
b. To help individuals to cope more effectively with their problems in social functioning
c. To promote human growth and development, self-satisfaction and accomplishment
d. To center in the problems of the client

50. Using systems theory on an incest case would mean:

a. Assessing the impact of incest on sons/daughters
b. Assessing the impact of incest on client
c. Assessing the impact of incest on mother
d. Assessing the impact of incest on each member of the family

Situation 1- Erica has been in the center for some time now for protection and guidance. By this
time visiting her at the Center will enhance a feeling of acceptance and support. Her positive
stay at the center is a resource or strength to be tapped.

51. To gain increases control over emotions in order to reduce loudness of mouth or anger
outburst, the following tasks for you as her caseworker are, except ________.
a. Condoning, criticizing
b. Using internal dialogue that quells anger
c. Discerning cues that elicit hatred/anger
d. Employing relaxation procedures that counter anger

52. The final aspect of the problem solving process is to evaluate the results, to gage where
Erica and her family are now. Except for one of the following, evaluation is important
a. It enables workers agencies to respond to demands of accountability
b. The worker is able to monitor progress in achieving favorable outcomes
c. Evaluation ends with termination
d. The worker is able to the test the efficacy of interventions employed
53. To improve social relations of Erica since she is selective, as her caseworker, the
following specific tasks helps except _____________.
a. Furthering responses with warm regard
b. Employing listening skills
c. Encourage her to approach others and let her initiate interaction
d. Encourage her to approach others but make your own choices for interaction

54. You as Erica’s worker, may visit her at the center to explore her coping efforts to relate
with her group mates which at times she resorts to loud voice, but as a whole her stay is
a positive experience. The reason for exploration are as follows, except __________.
a. Coping methods used to give clues to levels of stress and functioning
b. Manifestation of marked deficits in coping skills
c. Employ avoidance patterns and ignore loudness of voice
d. Emotions strongly influence behavior

55. The changes shown by Erica so far will have to be established before the worker
terminates the case. The case may be terminated as follows, except _____________.
a. When the service has been completed and the goal achieved
b. When the client escapes or plays truant
c. The clients request termination
d. Nothing further is to be gained by continuing

Situation 2 - Anna, 12 years old, a street child was referred to a livelihood training center for
street children, for protection, shelter care and guidance. She was a victim of maltreatment,
neglect and abuse by her parents. She is stealing, gambling and engaging in other anti-social
activities. In the center she has been resistant to following rules and cleaning assignments. She
is antagonistic to correction, reminders and comments on her reactions.

56. What casework principle is operative in the helping process when you enhance Anna’s
dignity with your positive attitude and understanding of her?
a. Acceptance
b. Individualization
c. Non-judgmental attitude
d. Confidentiality

57. In the center, Anna is antagonistic to correction, reminders and comments, as well as
her peer groups, how are you going to handle this?
a. Allow her to look for a model
b. Role-play with her peers in the center and allow her ventilate her feelings
c. Allow her to confront her past and let her be
d. Stimulate her for self-direction

58. As Anna’s caseworker how will you handle her resistance to follow house rules or
cleaning charges?
a. Lower her resistance through a lengthy interview
b. Focused on her problem rather than on her strengths
c. Advise her to obey
d. Give her a supportive and non-judgmental attitude through role modeling

59. In establishing rapport with Anna, how is the principle of acceptance shown in the
helping process?
a. Advise-giving and counseling
b. Allow her to talk and express her feelings
c. Accept her for what she is and begin where she is at
d. Share with her my problems

60. If you were assigned to Anna as her caseworker how are you going to facilitate the
helping process?
a. Share with her my problem
b. Conduct intake interview
c. Advise her what to do
d. Establish rapport: use small talk

Situation 3 – Donna, with the consent and support of her parents, has filed a complaint in court
against her abductor. Likely, she will be required by the court to appear for subsequent
hearings, as per court order to be issued to the DSWD who will then advise the maternity home
to escort Donna to court.

61. In like manner, Donna’s parents maybe present during the court appearance of Donna
and of the abductor or accused, the following are useful guides except ___________.
a. Tell her how to handle her emotions
b. Role play a court hearing
c. Advise her what to do
d. Establish rapport: use small talk

62. As Donna’s caseworker, how are you going to prepare her appear before her abductor in
court, considering her fears, feelings or emotions?
a. Tell her how to handle her emotions
b. Support and affirmation
c. Role play a court hearing
d. Guidance and counseling

63. Your testimony will probably fall into more of three categories your preparation should be
different for each of these functions, which are, except _____________.
a. Reading investigative report
b. Expert conclusions
c. Using social work jargon or slang
d. Personal observations

64. Protective services social workers make frequent appearances in court. It is likely that
sooner or later, every social worker regardless of practice setting will face serving
witness, in the case of Donna, which of the following is called for?
a. Inform the attorney of Donna of any advice information
b. Dress appropriately
c. Appear pleasant and sincere
d. Organize your material and thoughts and be prepare to tell the truth

65. As the caseworker of Donna, how would you handle Donna’s apprehension regarding
court hearing, especially questions ask for her from judge and the lawyers?
a. Group discussion with her group mates
b. Follow-up of the role play on court hearing with Donna and her parents
c. Role play with her group mates at the Maternity home
d. Advice-giving and counseling

Situation 4 - Demi and her family posed a multi-problem or needs that have to be addressed in
the case management services for Demi’s family, those basic needs for housing, health care,
proper hygiene, income and the like need to link with essential resources in the community.

66. As the helping process progresses, you deal with the mother’s way of parenting and
enhancing self-esteem or family members thru the following, except:
a. Express genuine belief in their ability to improve situation
b. Impart hope in their coping capacities to do better
c. Creating incentives for participating in parents meeting/recollection at the center
d. Negative self-fulfilling prophecies

67. Since Demi’s family lives in a make-shift shelter in the side street near church, as the
worker, how will you handle the situation?
a. Engage in appropriate activities
b. Apply new strategies and interventions
c. Networking resources and the referral service for lot and housing
d. Encourage them to return to the province

68. To strengthen family relationship, as you continue with Demi’s family, you as the worker
would likewise improve the quality of parenting trough the following except:
a. Demonstrate responsibility in assuming continuous child care
b. Planning and preparing nutritious simple meals
c. Engage in neighborly talks and gossips
d. Maintaining sanitary/hygienic conditions

69. You as her worker, your task is to focus on the following except:
a. Food stamp
b. Parenting skill
c. Psychological matters
d. Communication problems

70. Except for one of the following, you as the caseworker of Demi and her family is
challenged to facilitate/improve communication by:
a. Assuming meaning attributions
b. Listening with interruptions
c. Expressing needs/wants to one another
d. Increasing frequency of positive messages

Situation 5 - Lani, a 15-year-old street child was sexually abuse by one live-in partner of her
mother. Neglected and abused, she was referred to a center protection and guidance. At the
center she displays a positive attitude towards her group mates, cleaning charges or works and
towards the staff. She relates well with authority figures, to her teachers in the school. She has
shown internet in her school assignments. However, she is easily provoked to anger and to
fights and shot outs foul language. With a sturdy look and boyish poise, her group mates fear

71. When you have established rapport with Lani and she is more at ease with you, and
verbalizes her being provoked to anger easily, what casework principle will you apply in
the helping process?
a. Confidentiality
b. Non-judgmental attitude
c. Client’s self-determination
d. Acceptance

72. When you enhance Lani’s worth and dignity through your understanding and positive
attitude, what is the casework principle is operative in the helping process?
a. Acceptance
b. Non-judgmental attitude
c. Confidentiality
d. Non-judgmental attitude

73. When you try understanding rather than judge Lani, her being easily provoke to anger, to
fight and to foul language and her efforts to relate well leading her towards healthy
adjustments to reality, you are applying the principle of:
a. Acceptance
b. Individualization
c. Confidentiality
d. Non-judgmental attitude

74. When you respond purposefully and appropriately to Lani’s feeling of anger the following
casework principle is operative in the helping process:
a. Confidentiality
b. Individualization
c. Controlled emotional involvement
d. Purposeful expression of feelings

75. How will you apply the principle of individualization as a right and as a need of Lani, your
casework client?
a. Compare her needs with other clients with similar problems as hers
b. Treat her as a person
c. Help must be differentiated to meet her problems
d. Help her use her own resources and ability to work out her problem

Situation 6 - As the helping process progresses and your counselling sessions are becoming
regular, you and Lani, as the worker and the client, enhance working relationship.

76. Treatment of sexually abused children involves many factors. It is critical to enhance
Lani’s damaged self-esteem, as shown in the fiery anger which end up in fight and fear
of her group mates, through the following except:
a. Trust in her capacity cope
b. Assist her to view the abusive episodes resulting from parent problem
c. Warm acceptance
d. Dissociate the experience of the abuse

77. Lani must have experienced emotional trauma being neglected and abused would need
a great deal of emotional support. As her caseworker you can maximize support by the
following, except:
a. Remaining calm and believing her
b. Using Lani’s words in discussing the molestation
c. Judgmental attitude
d. Responding sensitively as the manifest confusing emotions

78. What technique will you apply to focus or handle her being easily provoke to anger
which ends up in a fight or loud foul language?
a. Dialogue
b. Confrontation
c. Ventilation
d. Small talk

79. As both you and Lani, with her family, become participative in the helping casework
especially with the remedial actions and/or decisions for court actions, how will you
facilitate this?
a. Present a brief overview of the intervention
b. Clarify client role (Lani’s role)
c. Clarify worker’s role
d. Weigh alternatives and see them develop their strength

80. It is vital to discuss with Lani and her family, when you, as her caseworker consider
implementing intervention such as the following, except:
a. Elicit family reaction and that of Lani’s
b. Gain the consent of Lani and her family bearing in mind that contacting is ongoing
c. Worker’s decisions for the family
d. Present the overview basis of the intervention

Situation 7- Mikki is a 16-year-old drug user, who loitered around the street of the city. Her
mother with half-sister Lily, 9-year-old are candle vendors and sleep in the sidewalk nearby
church. Her mother had already 4 or 5 paramours and two of the five attempted to molest Mikki.
The latter was referred to child care center for protection and guidance. At the center she shows
interest in house charges as well as her school work. She is now third year high school and
displays talents in art works. She is selective with her friends and verbalizes that she hates
boys. Her mother, half-sister and step-father come to visit her at the center and participate
inmonthly parents meeting. Occasionally Mikki visits her family in a make-shift shelter along

81. In the helping process, you as the worker of Mikki is confronted to motivate latter actively
work toward her problems and solutions and especially with the following challenging
tasks, except:
a. Allowing a passive role and let the worker work out for them in their difficulty
b. Attempting to allow client to have knowledge and ownership of a problem
c. Creating an incentive to work on acknowledging problems
d. Neutralizing negative feelings

82. A pre-requisite for competent social work practice especially in handling the case
situation of Mikki are the functions of focusing skills which are as follows except:
a. Selecting topic for exploration
b. Maintaining and focus and feeling on topic
c. Exploring topics depth
d. Rapidly shifting focus from one topic to another
83. If you are assigned as the caseworker of Mikki and her family, phase one of the helping
process includes some of the following tasks to be accomplished, except:
a. Establishing rapport
b. Exploring Mikki’s problem
c. Making a compromise with the family
d. Enhancing motivation of client

84. In helping Mikki and her family, as their caseworker, what is the primary tool of influence
that you will employ in this time type of direct practice?
a. Questioning
b. Interviewing
c. Dialogue
d. Advice-giving

85. Exploration of Mikki’s problem may reveal that resources or services beyond those
provided by the center are needed to remedy presenting difficulties of Mikki’s
mother/family and would need the following guidelines, except:
a. Ascertain client’s readiness for referral and her need for referral
b. Determine together what resources best match the needs of the client
c. Explore viable options for referral with due respect for client’s self determination
d. Make promises or assurances what the welfare agency can do for them

Situation 8- Mang Cardo just return to the country for good, from Germany where he worked as
a family driver for 4 years. Without a family but with some savings he was hopeful that his
neighborhood “barkada” would welcome him back. He was found positive for HIV, the reason for
dismissal from work, a secret he vowed not to complete his job contract. The reason for his
sudden was a good guessing game among his peers which they did not openly among
themselves embarrassing Cardo no end. The once spirited Cardo was depressed. Often, his
friends would catch him looking blankly at the distance. He tried reach out to his friends but was
clumsy to speak. And he was afraid. One day, he confided his long-kept secret to Aling Tereasa
a foster sister. Unsure about what to do, she shared the secret with Cardo’s barkada and before
long, everyone in the barrio knew about Cardo’s condition. Cardo’s sparkled a conflict among
his barkada, while some took pity on Cardo, others avoided him as he was a plague. At this
point, a social worker enters the picture.

86. As the worker, you are faced with a splintered group to mediate. What you should do?
a. Encourage the members to discuss the causes of the group breaking up offers
b. Encourage them by showing a film of AIDS
c. Get the members to discuss their feelings about AIDS and towards Cardo
d. Encourage the members to visit Cardo

87. Cardo is disillusioned that people once close him no longer cared. What is the most
probable caused?
a. Cardo no longer shower them gifts
b. Social stigma attached to HIV/AIDS fear of infection
c. Cardo’s long absence alienated him
d. They discovered that Cardo was gay

88. You are the worker, how do you initially handle the situation?
a. deal with Cardo’s feelings
b. deal with Cardo’s feelings and have an open discussion with the group about HIV
c. Look of another group that can accept Cardo
d. educate the group about AIDS

89. This intra-group conflict may be addressed through a social progress called ________.
a. Amalgamation
b. Assimilation
c. Acculturation
d. Accommodation

90. How can you give Cardo, in his present condition, a more emotionally caring help?
a. Refer him to a hospital for terminal care
b. Work in his barkada to take him up
c. Use media to drum up support for him
d. Help him join other AIDS/HIV patients for a group therapy and support

Situation 9: Mr. Derek, a 55 year old male patient came to the OPD-MSS office and demanded
that he be given immediate assistance for his laboratory work-ups and medicines. He is
diagnosed to have kidney stones and is undergoing laboratory work-ups in preparation for a
possible operation. He did not want to fall in line, he wanted for his turn to be served (the social
worker at MSS-OPD office attends to approximately 200 patients a day). When the patient was
informed of the “1st come 1st serve policy”, he became so angry and criticized the policy as
“bulok na sistema”. He also made the social workers realized that service should be given fast.
“Sayang ang buwis naming na ipinasuweldo sa inyo. Ang tatanga at ang babagal niyo”.
The patient is ambulatory, he is not in pain which will warrant immediate attention. With his
tough built and height, he appeared to be strong physically.

91. In dealing with the particular patient what is the first principle that you should observe?
a. Acceptance
b. Individualistic
c. Non-judgmental attitude
d. Controlled emotional involvement

92. In work with individuals there are basic concepts relevant to practice. In this case the
client concept of ______ is highly noted in the client’s behavior.
a. Concept of social role
b. Concept of stress
c. Concept of ego
d. Concept of mode of adaptation

93. The direction of problem exploration proceeds from general to the specific. Client’s
problems have a number of facets and requires care assessment such as the following,
except ______.
a. Open-ended response
b. Responses that seek concreteness
c. Close-ended questions
d. Self-directed responses

94. Establishing rapport with client requires that social workers/practitioners manifest some
of the values and attitudes, except ______.
a. Acceptance and respect for client’s worth and dignity
b. Client’s right of self-determination
c. Object and decision of worker
d. Non-judgmental attitude

95. A concept that guides social workers in establishing and sustaining rapport and
maintaining psychological contact with the client is ______.
a. Perceptiveness to client’s feelings
b. Start where the client is
c. Explore the client’s problematic situation
d. Responding to client’s sensitivity to client’s emotion

96. All beginning interviewer experience moments of discomfort in their first contact with
client’s nonverbal behaviors are an index of their comfort level. As you review your work,
you may notice that under pressure, you respond as follows, except ______.
a. Fidget and manifest other nervous mannerism
b. With change of voice inflection
c. Assume a rigid posture
d. Attentive and relaxed

97. One of the following is a dynamic interaction and psychological interplay between the
worker and client with their own particular attitudes and feelings in a particular situation.
a. Problem-solving process
b. Client-worker relationship
c. Counseling
d. Communication

98. In situation where there is a clash between workers values, attitude and behavior, and
that of the client’s, one of the following is called for on the part of the helping person.
a. Sincerity
b. Non-judgmental attitude
c. Openness
d. Self-awareness

99. One of the core conditions of the helping relationship which supports the belief that all
clients are persons of value and treating them with dignity regardless of appearance,
behavior or life circumstances.
a. Geniuses
b. Empathy
c. Positive regard
d. Understanding

100. ______ refers to the qualities of emotional and personality make-up, of

intellectual and physical endowment that the individual has and can use in the task of
a. Personality
b. Capacity
c. Ability
d. Client’s strengths

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