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Unit 3: It was painted by da Vinci.

Video Worksheet A
Pair with Conversation Lesson on page 17

1. Watch the video. Check (✔) True or False for each statement. Correct the false
statements with a partner.

True False

1. Kelly and Emily are looking at a painting. ◻ ◻

2. Kelly and Emily are at a museum. ◻ ◻
3. Kelly likes the painting. ◻ ◻
4. Emily’s mother did the painting. ◻ ◻
5. Emily did a painting in junior high. ◻ ◻
6. Emily doesn’t go to museums very often. ◻ ◻

2. Watch the video again. Complete the sentences with the form of the verb in
parentheses that you hear.

1. Did you that, Emily? (do)

2. But actually, it by my grandmother. (do)
3. Some of her paintings at the local museum a few years ago. (show)
4. I think I a sculpture once in junior high. (do)

3. With a partner, take turns asking and answering the questions below. Take notes.
Then get together with another pair and tell them what your partner said.

1. What kinds of art do you like?

2. Do you think you’re artistic? Why or why not?

3. Do you like to create art? Why or why not?

4. Do you like to visit museums? If yes, what museums do you like to visit? If no, why not?

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. Level 3

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