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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
FOURTH QUARTER EXAM in Media and Information Literacy
School Year 2022-2023

Name: ____________________________ Score: ___________________

Grade/Section: _____________________ Date: _____________________

Test I Multiple Choice: Write down the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What particular set of rules that governs what conduct is socially acceptable in an online or digital situation?
a. Copyright b. Faire Use c. Netiquette d. Digital Divide
2. What particular limitation and to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work that includes
commentary, search engines, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship?
a. Copyright b. Faire Use c. Netiquette d. Digital Divide
3. What particular set of rights granted to the author to restrict others’ ability to copy the content?
a. Copyright b. Faire Use c. Netiquette d. Digital Divide
4. Which among the given statements is not considered a situation of Cyber Bullying?
a. It takes place online, or using electronic technology such as cell phones, computers, and tablets over communication tools
including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
b. Examples of cyber bullying are text messages or emails composed to insult or demean; rumors or false statements spread by email
or posted on social networking sites; and humiliating photos, videos, websites, or fake profiles deliberately shared across social media.
c. It is an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization.
5. What particular gap between groups, broadly construed, in terms of access to, use of knowledge, skills and even attitude in
information and communication technologies?
a. Copyright b. Faire Use c. Netiquette d. Digital Divide
6. What is more commonly called problematic internet use that refers to excessive computer use which interferes with daily life?
a. Copyright b. Visual Self c. Internet Addiction d. Cyber Bullying
7. What particular violation that refers to the use of information technology to harm or harass other people in deliberate, repeated, and
hostile manner?
a. Copyright b. Visual Self c. Internet Addiction d. Cyber Bullying
8. What do you call the digital identity or assumed identity in the virtual world?
a. Copyright b. Virtual Self c. Internet Addiction d. Cyber Bullying
9. What is aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web?
a. wearable technology b. online course c. video file format d. Cyber Bullying
10. Which among the given statements is excluded in recognizing Haptics technology?
a. It is a feedback technology using computer applications that takes advantage of the user’s sense of touch by applying force,
vibrations and / or motions to the User.
b. It is used in game controllers, joysticks and steering wheels and is becoming more common in Smart phones.
c. Imagine your doctor operating on your local hospital from his computer in Australia.
d. It is used in computer programs to detect malware of the system.
11. What are smart electronic devices with microcontrollers that can be worn on the body as implant or accessories?
a. wearable technology b. online course c. video file format d. Cyber Bullying
12. What letter D stands for in 3D user interaction with computer or other device?
a. dimension b. online course c. Cyber Bullying d. Cyber Bullying
13. Which among the given statements is categorizing other stakeholders?
a. The information sent from a source to a receiver.
b. The group of consumers from whom a media message was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
c. The person engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media product.
d. Libraries, archives, museums, internet and other relevant information providers.
14. What do you call the targeted online dating service focusing on specific groups?
a. People Media b. online course c. video file format d. Cyber Bullying
15. What is a repertoire of competencies that enable people to analyze, evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of media
modes, genres, and formats?
a. Media literacy b. online course c. video file format d. Cyber Bullying
16. Which among the given statements is categorizing an audience?
a. The information sent from a source to a receiver.
b. The group of consumers from whom a media message was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
c. The person engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media product.
d. Libraries, archives, museums, internet and other relevant information providers.
17. What is a type of file format for storing digital video data on a computer system?
a. Media literacy b. online course c. video file format d. Cyber Bullying
18. What is a kind of computer file that is structured as a sequence of lines of electronic text?
a. jpeg file b. ppt file c. text file d. message file
19. Which among the given statements is categorizing the message?
a. The information sent from a source to a receiver.
b. The group of consumers from whom a media message was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
c. The person engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media product.
d. Libraries, archives, museums, internet and other relevant information providers.
20. In media and information, what is described through a visual aid as the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be
read or looked upon?
a. Visual communication b. Audio communication c. Textual communication
21. Which among the given statements is the producer of media content?
a. The information sent from a source to a receiver.
b. The group of consumers from whom a media message was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
c. The person engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media product.
d. Libraries, archives, museums, internet and other relevant information providers.
22. Audience is the group of consumers for whom a media text was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the text.
a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
23. Analyze the given statements and select the inappropriate strategy.
a. Put quotation marks around everything that comes directly from the text and cite the source.
b. Paraphrase, but be sure that you are not simply rearranging or replacing a few words and cite the source.
c. Keep a source journal, a notepad, or note cards- annotated bibliographies can be especially beneficial
d. Use the industry manual and copy its procedures during the publication of the journal.
24. Blog is a website, usually maintained by one person, where he or she posts commentary, descriptions of events, pictures or videos.
.a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
25. Interpret the given statements and choose the best one recognizing the Electronic Age.
a. This period deals with cave paintings, clay tablets, Dibao, Papyrus and Acta Diuma.
b.. This period deals with the printing press, newspaper, typewriter, and motion pictures.
c. This period deals with the Transistor radio, TV, Large electronic computers, Mainframe and personal computers
d. This period deals with the web browsers, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Google Hangouts and search engines.
26. Digital Dimension is a digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.
a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
27. Interpret the given statements and choose the best one recognizing the Industrial Age.
a. This period deals with cave paintings, clay tablets, Dibao, Papyrus and Acta Diuma.
b.. This period deals with the printing press, newspaper, typewriter, and motion pictures.
c. This period deals with the Transistor radio, TV, Large electronic computers, Mainframe and personal computers
d. This period deals with the web browsers, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Google Hangouts and search engines.
28. Editorial independence is a professional freedom entrusted to editors to make editorial decisions without interference from the
owner of the media outlet. a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
29. Interpret the given statements and choose the best one recognizing the Pre-Industrial Age.
a. This period deals with cave paintings, clay tablets, Dibao, Papyrus and Acta Diuma.
b.. This period deals with the printing press, newspaper, typewriter, and motion pictures.
c. This period deals with the Transistor radio, TV, Large electronic computers, Mainframe and personal computers
d. This period deals with the web browsers, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Google Hangouts and search engines.
30. Media produced and delivered to audiences. a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
31. Interpret the given statements and choose the best one recognizing the Information Age.
a. This period deals with cave paintings, clay tablets, Dibao, Papyrus and Acta Diuma.
b.. This period deals with the printing press, newspaper, typewriter, and motion pictures.
c. This period deals with the Transistor radio, TV, Large electronic computers, Mainframe and personal computers
d. This period deals with the web browsers, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Google Hangouts and search engines.
32. The information sent from a source to a receiver. a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
33. Analyze the following statements and select the best one featuring the essence of Media Literacy.
a. An individual is getting the latest news
b. An individual has valued traditional and digital media
c. An individual has sharing his/her feedbacks.
d. An individual has an access to navigational skills
34. Analyze the following statements and select the best one featuring Technology Literacy.
a. An individual is getting the latest news
b. An individual has valued traditional and digital media
c. An individual has sharing the appropriate, reliable, and accurate contents .
d. An individual learns how to use mass media platforms such as TV, radio, and internet.
35. News media would have content organized and distributed on digital platforms.
a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
36. Analyze the following statements and select the best one featuring Information Literacy.
a. An individual is getting the latest news
b. An individual has valued traditional and digital media
c. An individual has sharing the appropriate, reliable, and accurate contents .
d. An individual has an access to navigational skills
37. Media consisting of paper and ink – reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
38. Why does an individual need to become literate in technology?
a. An individual needs to work independently. He/she must appropriately deface technological tools.
b. Using the technological tools, an individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information
39. The concept of one’s welfare or benefit in private as a whole is the value of Media and Information Literacy.
a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree
40. YouTube is a video-sharing website where users upload videos on any topic of interest to them.
a. Strongly Agree b. Undecided c. Strongly Disagree

Test II. Essay

Choose one social networking media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and discuss the benefits and challenges it can create in the
education sector.

Uses of _____________ (Social networking media) in the Education sector.

Benefits (5 points) Challenges (5 points)

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