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Five Parsecs errata, clari cations and tweaks.

Version 1.03

Greetings space travelers. Please insert your Unity-standard Mark 4 ID chip for veri cation.

This document o ers a number of clari cations and corrections to the Five Parsecs From
Home rule set. They can be viewed as “o cial” in the sense that they are how the rules are
intended to be played. As always, at your own gaming table you can do things in any way you

The rst section covers the rules as they currently stand:

Clari cations are explanations of how a given rule works.

Corrections provide an answer to mistakes.

Updates are additions to the rules.

Rule 1:
The game rules are generally written to be interpreted in a fairly literal sense.

If you are unsure about something, read the rule carefully and see if it applying it exactly as
written will solve your problem.

If not, you are welcome to reach out at

Correction: The ability score descriptions
Miniatures and scale: say that you have to roll over Toughness to
damage a target. The combat rules say equal
or above. The latter is correct.

Clari cation: Nordic Weasel games are

almost always tested with 15mm miniatures
initially. However, the distances that I feel are Update: An Area weapon can be targeted at
appropriate for 15mm gures tend to match a point on the ground. This means the Shots
the distances that are common in 28mm on the weapon pro le are wasted (as there is
games. As such, there is usually no need to nothing to hit) but the Area attack is resolved
change distances for movement and normally.
weapons to accommodate a particular range
of miniatures.
Set up and encounters:
Updates: If you want to play on a smaller
space, I recommend either:
Clari cation: The rules do not specify an
*Replacing all distances for the same exact distance from the tabletop edge since
number of centimeter (so 4” becomes 4 cm). you will often want to place the enemies in a
This is ddlier but allows you to play on a way that looks cool on the tabletop: Behind
tiny amount of table.
barricades, on top of towers or similar.

*Cutting all distances in half (so 4” becomes Since you must have 18” between the two
sides, to ease deployment measure that out
in advance and then let each side set up
Both of these options work well using “behind” this no mans land. For example if
smaller miniature scales.
your table is 30” across, each side would
have 6” from the table edge to set up within.

Combat rules:
Clari cation: On the Unique Individuals
table, the Enemy Bruiser, Enemy Heavy,
Clari cation: Enemies with built-in weapons Enemy Boss entries use the base pro le of
(like claws or fangs) have the Melee weapon the enemy type you are facing, applying the
trait and thus receive the +2 bonus to modi ers listed in the table.


1.03 Clari cation: Shots do not Campaign rules:

automatically hit on a 6 or miss on a 1.

Clari cation: You do not have to decide and

Clari cation: Characters with multiple assign all your crew actions before resolving
usable weapons (Pistol or Melee trait) must them. If you like you can select one crew
select one weapon to use in a Brawl. They member and carry out their action before
may only use the bonus from that weapon selecting the next one. The game example
and will in ict any hits with that weapon.
assigns them all up front but you are not
required to do so.
Clari cation: When a weapon with multiple
Shots is red at a character with Luck points,
resolve each shot one at a time. Any
movement from Luck “dodging” is done
before the next shot is taken, which might
move the character out of sight, preventing
any further shots.

Clari cation: There is no di erence between Simply skip the battle sequence and all
Rumors, Quest Rumors and what was called reward sections (loot, pay, injuries, XP).

Clues in previous versions. Regardless of

how they are obtained, they are always
added together in a single pool:

If you do not currently have an active Quest, Characters:

they are checked in pre-battle step 5:
“Resolve any Rumors”. If you receive a
Clari cation: Bot characters are not
Quest here, all Rumors are discarded (they
a ected by any events that would not a ect
were all related to this Quest).

Soulless characters.

If you have an active Quest, all Rumors you

acquire are related to completion of the Correction: In a few cases there are
Quest. This is checked in post-battle step 3 discrepancies between the species rules
“Determine Quest Progress”.
section and later rules text referencing the
Once the roll on this table is a 7 or greater, rule. The rules in the character creation
discard all Rumors you have accumulated. chapter are generally correct unless
Any Rumors you obtain from this point on otherwise stated in the FAQ.

will be towards obtaining a new Quest (as

the process starts over).
Correction: Soulless characters CANNOT
install Bot upgrades.

Clari cation: Patrons received during

character creation will automatically grant Update: When adding a new character to
you a job o er in the rst campaign turn. your crew, roll on the normal character
Additionally, even if you do not accept the creation tables as you would when starting a
job they are added to your list of known new game but ignore all Credits that would
have been awarded normally. Any Rivals are
added to your roster immediately. Any
Clari cation: Any Patron you successfully Patrons are added to the list known and will
do a job for is added to your list of known award a job o er next turn automatically.

Patrons. This is used when taking the Find a

1.03 Update: The Bio-Upgrade character
Patron crew action.

sub-type will always begin the campaign

with one randomly generated Implant (Loot
Clari cation: You can turn down a job from table p.133).

a known Patron without any consequence.

They remain a known Patron.

1.03 Update: The XP award for “First

character to in ict a casualty” is awarded to
Correction: Failing a job you have accepted the rst crew gure that in icts a casualty
from a known Patron causes them to be AND is capable of obtaining XP. Bots are
removed from your list of known Patrons.
ignored for the purpose of this award.

Update: If you are o ered more than one

Patron job at the same time, you can accept Equipment:
all of them but pay attention to the time-
frames. Failure to nish a job in the allotted
time counts as a failure.
Clari cation: The book says Mods and
sights cannot be assigned to single-shot
Update: Normally you have to undertake a weapons. This means grenades and other
new mission every campaign turn. If you limited use weapons, not weapons with only
wish to lay low and rest up, check for Rival 1 Shot per round on their pro le.

attacks normally. If you are not attacked, you

can pay 1D6+1 Credits to stay in town.
Clari cation: If a weapon has both Focus Correction: The book references a Psycho
and Area (such as the Hand Flamer) resolve AI type. This is actually the Rampaging AI
all Shots on the weapon pro le rst. Then type.

resolve the bonus Area shots against targets

within 2”.
Correction: The Battle Round Reference
sheet in the back of the book is missing one
Clari cation: Using the Lucky Dice to entry on the Firing table: Targets in cover but
gamble does not require a crew action. You within 6” are hit on a 5+. The main rules on
can do this at any time while taking your p.44 are correct.

crew actions.

Clari cation: The Duplicator creates a copy Encounters:

of a single item. A weapon with a gun sight
and a mod is three separate items, even if
Clari cation: When deploying for a battle,
they are glued together. Therefore the
the enemy is set up rst. Once you have set
Duplicator would copy one of the items in
up the enemy gures in positions that look

good, your crew sets up at least 18” from the

enemy. To avoid accidentally spacing
Clari cation: Colonist ration packs: The yourself out of the table, its habitual to set up
Story point is awarded when you use the the enemy near one table edge but on a
rations (your crew has lunch together and larger table this is less important.

gets some downtime to relax)

Clari cation: For “animal” type enemies that

Correction: The way the Analyzer is used is only carry natural melee weapons,
unclear. When rolling pre-battle to see if you Specialists are treated as normal
nd a quest you count as having 1 Rumor combatants. Lieutenants receive +1
more than you actually do. For example if Toughness as described in the book.

you have 2 Rumors, you will nd a Quest on

a roll of 1-3.

When rolling post-game to determine quest

progress, simply add +1 to the roll.


Clari cation: Defensive AI considers any

terrain within one move to be “Adjacent” for
the purpose of its AI instructions.

Clari cation: If the gure a Guardian AI

protects is slain, the Guardian will adopt the
AI mode used by the main enemy force.

Clari cation: Unless constrained by a

special rule, the AI is assumed to always be
aware of your characters and should act
accordingly, even if they are behind a terrain
feature. You may of course opt to role play
this di erently if you like.

Five Parsecs balance tweaks
Version 1.01

This section o ers a number of proposed tweaks to how the game functions on a balancing
level. These changes are intended to produce a game that is more interesting, more fun and
more challenging without requiring large rules changes.

They are not currently o cial but are items to consider for a future update of the game rules.

Background, motivation, class (p.25-27)

Change all instances of 1D6 Credits to Repair your kit. Change “On a 6+ the item is
1D6-1. Change all instances of 2D6 Credits repaired” to “On a 5+ the item is repaired”.

to 2D6-2.

Resolve any rumors (p.85)

Saving throws (p.46) Add “When a Quest is received, add 1 Story
A successful saving throw does not result in Point immediately”.

the gure being Stunned. If using this roll,

any saving throws should be rolled before Enemy tables (p.94-103)
making the Toughness roll.
All enemy entries with BOTH Combat Skill +0
and Toughness 3 increase Numbers by +1.

Weapons table (p.50)

Shotgun. Change to 8” - Shots 2 - Damage 1 All enemy entries with Panic 1-3 increase
- Critical.
Numbers by +1.

Weapon traits (p.51) The standard terrain set (p.109)

Area. Change to “Resolve all shots against Add 2 to the number of Small and 1 to the
the initial target. They cannot be spread. number of Linear features for all table sizes.

Then roll 1D6 for every gure within 2” unless

completely covered by hard terrain (such as Resolve Rival status (p.119)
behind a building wall) causing a hit on a Change “Add +1 if you killed a Unique
Individual” to

“Add +1 if you killed a Unique Individual or

Pistol. Add “Within 6” Pistols always count Lieutenant”.

as Aiming”.
Experience and Character Upgrades
Equipment (p.53) (p.123)
Bipod. Add “can only be used if the Change XP costs and maximum levels to the
character did not move”.
following (This matches the Slower
Progression option in Expansion 1)

New world arrival steps (p.72)

Check for Rivals. Change “On a 5+ they opt
to follow you” to “On a 4+ they opt to follow Reactions - 8 XP - Max 4

Combat Skill - 8 XP - Max +3

Speed - 5 XP - Max 8”

Savvy - 5 XP - Max +5

Crew tasks (p.78)

Toughness - 8 XP - max 5

Track. Change “If the result is a 6 or higher”

Luck - 10 XP - Max 3

to “If the result is a 5 or higher”.

Roll for a Campaign Event (p.125)
Add “Crews that nished a Quest this
campaign turn will receive two Campaign

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