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This pack adds a number of new options to your games of Five Klicks, allowing the game to be
expanded with new character options, more firepower and new challenges.

The focus has been on things that can be added to a campaign with minimum distortion. In
other words, you should be able to mostly play the game as you have so far, while using the
new rules.

The new options are for the most part independent. You can choose to try out any of them
without having to use the entire package.

Guilty parties

All writing and design by Ivan Sorensen.

Please direct suggestions, feedback and questions to me at

Thank you to the Discord for donating images and generally being helpful. 

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This section adds the opportunity to acquire new special abilities to your characters, granting
them bonuses both on and off the battle field.

Talents and leveling up

When a character reaches experience Levels 4, 8 and 12, you may roll for a Talent.

Roll 1D20 on the table below. Once you have determined the Talent in question, you may opt
to take it in place of the normal instead in a Skill or Ability score. 

Each time a Talent is selected, it must be marked off the list. If you roll a Talent you already
have marked off, treat the roll as the next available Talent on the list (wrapping around as
needed). If you opt not to take a Talent when it is rolled, it is kept on the list.

The list is reset once the campaign comes to a close.

Talents and new recruits

Any time a character joins your squad for any reason, roll 2D6. On a combined score of 11 or
12, they come with a randomly selected Talent in addition to their base profile and skill
bonuses. This CAN be one that has been marked off previously.

D20 Roll Talent

1 Gun slinging
May fire 2 Pistols at the same time against the same target or two targets within
2” of each other.

2 First aid
When taking the Rally Non Combat Action, if the character is not themselves
Wounded, they may roll 5-6 to remove a Wound token from an ally within 3”
and line of sight.

3 Charismatic
When making Speech checks, you may re-roll 1’s, as long as this character is
part of the squad present. They do not have to be the one to make the check.

4 Courage under fire

The character is never Pinned.

5 Infiltration
After setting up but before taking the first turn of the game, this character may
be moved up to 10” in any direction.

6 Recruiting
When recruiting, roll normally to find the value of the recruit. After determining,
you may roll an additional D10 on the table. If it provides a better result, you can
pay 1 Scrap to take that result.
7 Treasure hunter
If a battle would award only a single Loot roll, roll 1D6. On a 4+, you receive a
second roll.

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D20 Roll Talent

8 Fortunate
When rolling for post-game injuries, treat a result of Dead as Critical.
9 Sharp shooter
When firing only 1 shot, add +1 to the hit roll.

10 Tough as scrap
Any time the character would be Wounded, they receive a 4+ saving throw.

11 Dirty fighting
During Brawling combat, if the fight ends in a draw, this character wins.
12 Tactical sense
When rolling for Initiative, you may roll 1 additional die, then remove 1 die from
the pool before assigning them to characters.

13 Nimble
Do not reduce movement speeds due to terrain.

14 Fearsome
When this character kills an opponent in Brawling combat, if the Enemy testing
for Morale is removed from play, the nearest Enemy to them must also check
Morale. This does not in turn trigger more Morale tests.

15 Careful shooter
When making Ammo checks, this character always counts as if they fired 1 shot
less than they actually fired.
16 Busy beaver
The squad earns 1 additional Activity Point every campaign turn.

17 Dodge
When struck by any attack (but not hazard), roll 1D6. On a 5-6, the attack is

18 Sprinter
Dash move is equal to normal move distance.

19 Careful deployment
After both sides have set up, you may select 1 Suspicious Activity marker to
remove from play.

20 Sense of adventure
If rolling 1-2 Nothing on the Suspicious Activities table while this character is
within 10” of the marker, you may choose to re-roll once.

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If you find the current encounter table to be a bit too easy-going for your post-apocalyptic
tastes, you can use this replacement table. It adjusts several encounters to make them a little
tougher, as well as adding advantages or special capabilities to some Enemy types.

Roll Enemy Number Speed Com Tough Armor Nerve AI

1 Nomad war party +3 5” +1 3 0 3 Tactical

A patrol of resolute waste nomads looking for spoils, captives or honor.

2 Hunting rifles. 2 Scrap rifles. Rest with Muskets (1-3) or Bows (4-6)

All carry a Light melee weapon.

-1 penalty to Seize the Initiative.

No movement reduction in plant features.

2 Nomad scouts +2 5” +1 3 0 2 Cautious

Nomad scouts acting for one of the clans.
1 Hunting rifle. 1 Scrap rifle. Rest with Muskets (1-3) or Bows (4-6).

All carry a Light melee weapon.

-3 penalty to Seize the Initiative.

No movement reduction in plant features.

3 Scrags +4 4” +0 3 0 1 Cautious
A gang of poorly armed fools trying to make a name for themselves in the dust.
2 Scrap rifles. 2 Pistols+Light melee weapon. Rest armed with Muskets.

+1 bonus to Seize the Initiative.

Poor Shots

4 Raiders +4 4” +0 4 1 2 Aggressive
Manic psychos coming to burn and destroy.
1 Shotgun. 2 Sub machine guns. Rest with pistols.

1 Pistol Raider has Heavy melee weapon. 1 Pistol raider has Hafted weapon.

Rest have Light melee weapons.

If you win roll 1D6. On a 5-6, you can track their camp. Next turn, if you opt to go to their camp, you will
automatically fight Raiders again, adding +1 to the number encountered.

If you win, you earn 1D6 additional units of Scrap and 2 additional Loot rolls.

5 Angry settlers +3 4” +0 3 0 2 Cautious

Members of a nearby settlement looking to settle some score.
1 Hunting Rifle.1 Shotgun. Rest armed with Scrap rifles.

Count as Nerve 3 for recovering when Pinned.

6 Trained militia +3 4” +0 3 1 2 Cautious

What passes for military forces these days.
1 Hunting rifle. 1 Machine pistol + Light melee weapon. Rest with Scrap rifles (1-3) or Civilian carbines

Do not test Morale after the first casualty they suffer in the battle.

7 Ragtag militia +4 4” +0 3 0 2 Cautious

At least they have uniforms.
1 Shotgun. 1 Pistol + Light melee weapon. Rest with Scrap rifles (1-4) or Civilian carbines (5-6)

Do not test Morale after the first casualty they suffer in battle.

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Roll Enemy Number Speed Com Tough Armor Nerve AI

8 Hardened militia +2 5” +1 4 0 3 Tactical
Hardened veterans of several encounters.
1 Hunting rifle. 1 Sub machine gun+Heavy melee weapon. Rest with Civilian carbines.

-1 penalty to Seize the Initiative.

After setting up but before the battle begins, the militia figure with Hunting Rifle receive a free shot at the
closest visible target.

9 Hooligans +4 4” +0 3 0 1 Psycho
Loud-mouths looking for excitement.
1 Hand cannon. 1 with Pistol and Hafted weapon. Rest have Pistols and Light melee weapon.

Poor Shots

10 Warlord troops +2 5” +1 3 2 3 Tactical

Dedicated henchmen of one of the numerous self-proclaimed warlords out here.
1 SAW. 1 Sharp shooters rifle. Rest with Military rifles.

2 rifles have Heavy melee weapon.

During the first turn of the battle, all Warlord troops count as being in cover.

11 Petty bandits +3 4” +0 3 0 2 Cautious

Looters and thieves. Not really up for a determined fight.
2 Pistols. 2 Muskets. Rest with no ranged weapon.

All have Light melee weapons.

Claim an extra piece of Scrap if you win.

12 Prepared bandits +2 4” +1 3 1 2 Aggressive

Well equipped gang prowling for opportunities.
1 Shotgun. 2 Machine Pistols. Rest with Pistols.

All have Light melee weapons. 1 has Hafted weapon.

+1 Loot roll if you hold the field.

13 Desperates +5 4” +0 3 0 3 Psycho
Bereft of food and clean water, the desolate wastelands have rendered them mad.
2 Pole weapons. Half of rest with Bow (1-3) or Musket (4-6). Remaining with Sling (1-3) or Light melee
weapon (4-6).

+1 bonus to Seize the Initiative.

Do not test Morale due to Brawling casualties.

14 Outcasts +4 4” +1 3 1 2 Aggressive
When someone is so vile nobody will take them in, they must be rather bad indeed.
1 Scrap cannon. Rest have Scrap rifles.

1 rifle has Heavy melee weapon. 2 have Hafted weapon. Rest have Light melee weapon.

When rolling for post-battle Injuries, all item Durability checks are at -1.

15 Tainted +4 5” +0 4 1 3 Aggressive
Must have gone into the Zones unprotected. Now their bodies show rampant distortion.
Half have Pistols+Hafted weapon. Half have Bows+Light melee weapon.

+1 Loot roll if you hold the field.

No pain.
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Roll Enemy Number Speed Com Tough Armor Nerve AI

16 Crawlers +5 6” +1 4 0 4 Psycho
Slithering lizards, oversized rodents and other vermin collectively known as “Crawlers”.
Claws or fangs (Damage 1, Penetration 1)

No movement reductions due to difficult terrain.

All incoming shots are -1 to hit, unless the Crawler is within 8”.

17 Hunter bugs +4 5” +1 4 2 4 Psycho

Predatory insects big enough to knock down a door.
Claws or fangs (Damage 2, Penetration 0)

Thick shells

18 Infected dogs +5 6” +0 3 0 2 Psycho

Dog and coyote packs have a habit of roaming into the Zones and coming back worse.
Claws or fangs (Damage 0, Penetration 1)

Hard to hit

19 Snarler beasts +1 4” +2 5 1 4 Psycho

Scientists suspect these clawed horrors may once have been bears.
Claws or fangs (Damage 3, Penetration 1)

-1 to Seize the Initiative.

Size 2.

20 Blanks +6 3” +0 4 0 NA Psycho

Eyes vacant, these husks of mankind simply stagger towards their victims to choke them.
Choking hands (Damage 0, Penetration 1)

You Seize the Initiative automatically.

No Loot.


Hard to hit Any modified player hit roll below a 5 always misses, regardless of skill and
Poor shots Fire from these Enemies only hits on a natural 6.
Thick shells Ignore weapon penetration modifiers.
No pain Do not Stagger from hits.

Mindless Unaffected by Morale.

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Story Points allow you to tweak things to fit the on-going narrative better, as well as simply
smooth over a streak of bad luck if needed.

Of course, you can also utilize Story Points to make things harder for yourself or simply more

Starting points

When beginning the campaign roll 2D6. The higher of the two dice is how many Story Points
you begin the game with. Write this down on a piece of paper or an index card.

Earning more

You earn 1 additional Story Point each time any of the following events occur:

* A Squad member dies of their injuries.

* Every 5 battles where you Hold the Field at the end.

You can also make donations to the community. Every 5 Scrap donated earns you 1 Story


There are two approaches to Story Points, depending on your style of gaming.

If you prefer a more open-ended approach, a Story Point can be used to make almost any
change you feel would make sense (or be fun). Have a character show up unexpectedly in a
battle, fight a combination of two opponent types, create a super-tough boss enemy to battle

If you like the idea behind them, but prefer a more regimented approach you can use the
choices below instead.

* Immediately add 3 Activity Points.

* Immediately add 3 Trade Points.

* Avoid an Event or Encounter.

* When rolling for post-game Injuries, roll twice and pick the better result.

* Allow a squad member who didn’t accompany you into battle to show up on a table
edge of choice.

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Tinkering with your armaments is a good way of gaining an edge in a fire fight.

You may spend 1-3 Activity Points to perform gun upgrades. Each point allows one attempt at
upgrading a weapon. You cannot attempt to upgrade the same weapon more than once per
campaign turn.

Select the desired upgrade and roll 1D6, attempting to score the indicated number or higher.

You may spend up to 1 unit of Scrap to grant a +1 bonus to the roll.

A given weapon can have a maximum of 2 successful upgrades applied and cannot take the
same type of upgrade more than once. F.x. a gun could upgrade both range and add a Trait
but could not add 2 Traits.

Range increase 4+
Ranged weapon only.

Pistols increase range by +4”

Heavy weapons increase range by +8”

Other weapons increase range by +6”

Damage increase 5+
Damage 0 weapon only.

Increase Damage rating to 1.

Penetration increase 5+
Penetration 0 weapon only.

Increase Penetration rating to 1.

Adjust Traits 5+

Remove Lack penetration

Remove Hard to maintain

Replace Heavy with Bulky

Replace Bulky with Heavy

Replace Recharge with Hard to maintain

Add Hail (unless Precise or Area)

Add Precise (unless Melee)

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When you have won the campaign, you may opt to continue playing with everything you have
achieved so far instead of starting over.

Doing this does not allow earning additional Veteran Bonus Points but does allow you to use
your battle-hardened squad for a while longer.

Note that these changes do not apply while playing encounters that are part of a scenario
pack, only when using encounters generated by the main rules.

Starting over

You will start over with a new Home: Your Stability, Security and Resources are all reset to 1.

You retain all current Squad members.

Encounter changes

Several changes are made to encounter set-up as indicated below:

* When rolling to see if a Condition applies to the battle (step 6) a Condition is applied on a roll
of 3+.

* When placing Suspicious Activity markers, place on additional marker on the table. It is
placed 6” from the center of the table, towards the opposing table edge.

* When rolling to Seize the Initiative, you must apply a -1 penalty to the roll.

* When setting up, each encounter has one additional figure added. They are considered to be
a Brute character (+1 Combat Skill, Toughness and Armor) and are always armed the same
way as any unspecified fighter in the group.

For example if an encounter says that 2 figures carry one weapon type and the rest carries
another, the extra Brute would be armed with the second weapon type.

* All encounters have a time limit to complete them. If the Enemy force has not been cleared
from the table by turn 8, the encounter is lost.

Additional rewards

If you Hold the Field (by clearing the table of Enemies in 8 turns or less) you may select one
squad member that remains standing. They receive +1 XP.

When making post-battle Loot rolls where you Held the Field, if all items are Mundane rarity,
you receive one additional item rolled normally. Only one additional item is awarded, even if it is
also Mundane.

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