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Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter Values and Religion 2 Religion 2 Name:________________________

Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Enumeration 1-5 Give the benefits of Prayer. 6-10 Give at least 5 apostles of Jesus Christ. Part II. Encircle the correct answer. (Pope, Apostles) (Church, Apostles) (John, Peter) (Pope, Church) (Benedict XVI, John Paul) (Philippines, Rome) (Holy Spirit, Holy Father) (Reconciliation, Eucharist) (Family, Parents) (Body, Blood) (Reconciliation, Eucharist) (Values, Catholic) (Priest, Parishioner) (Body, Blood) (Parish Priest, Parishioner) (Eucharist, Baptism) (Problem, Sin) (Baptism, Reconciliation) 1. First leaders of the church. 2. Followers of Jesus that formed a community. 3. First leaders of Apostles. 4. Who continue of carried the mission of Apostles Today? 5. The present Pope of Catholic Church 6. The chosen Pope stays in 7. We call the Pope as 8. This mean thanksgiving to God. 9. Church at home where faith-life begin. 10. Wine in the Eucharist symbolizes 12. This mean open to the whole world. 14. Word use to call the people who go mass. 15. The bread symbolizes the 17. We call our home as a Catholic as 18. We are part of the Catholic Church through 19. This separate us from God. 20. It here where we are friends with God again. of Jesus. . . of Jesus. 11. Through this sacrament, we ask forgiveness to Jesus. . . Date: ____________ Score:____________

(Parish Priest, Parish Church) 13. Where we worship, pray and meet God.

(Parish Priest, Parishioners) 16. The head of the Paris Church.


Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ VALUES 2 Part I. Enumeration (20 pts.) 1-5 Sense of responsibility as a child. 6-10 Kinds of Love. 10-15 How to show Love to Country. Part II. Matching Type 20 pts. A 1. Education 2. Shame 3. Health 4. Sense of gratitude 5. Camaraderie 6. Government 7. Religion 8. Leave to God attitude 9. Play 10. Close Family Ties Part III. Identification: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b. Bahala na. B

Date: ____________ Score:____________

a. Time for excitement and joy. c. It governs or rule the community. d. Expression of love and faith to God. e. Pagpapahalaga sa pamilya. f. A sound body or physical fitness. g. utang na loob. h.The great heritage of parents to children i. Hiya j. Pakikisama

Saying po or opo to elders We want to be like or belong to a group. We love our parents above all. We dont have courage or confidence to do a thing. Repaying good things done to us.

CHOICES:(close family ties,respect,camaraderie,shame, sense of gratitude)


Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter HELE 2 Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Enumeration (50 pts) 1-5 Recreational activities indoor. 6-10 Recreational activities outdoor. 11-15 Examples of Biodegradable wastes. 16-20 Examples of Non-Biodegradable wastes. Part II A. Multiple choice (30 pts) A. Go B. Glow C. Grow Date: ____________ Score:____________

1. Energy giving foods. 2. This is rich in Vitamins. 3. This is a body regulating food. 4. This food group protect the body from diseases 5. These are body building foods. 6. This food group supply the body with heat needed. 7. These foods are rich in protein. 8. Rice, bread, candies and butter. 9. Repair body tissue. 10. This food group is rich in minerals. 11. Milk, meat, and egg. 12. Make the body strong and healthy. 13. It helps in the growth of bone and muscles. 14. Guavas, carrots, kangkong and mangoes. 15. Help us to regulate our body waste regularly. Part II B. Multiple choice (20 pts) a. Living Room b. Bathroom c. kitchen d. Dining Room 1. It is where foods are prepared and cook. 2. Area of the house for rest and sleep. 3. It is a part where we do our personal hygiene. 4. A place where we receive our visitors. 5. A place where to eat aside from kitchen. 6. It is where we converse most of the time. 7. This place provides privacy to family members. 8. Storage area for food and cooking utensils. 9. We can see here toilet bowls and lavatory. 10. It where we celebrate family occasions. e. Bedroom


Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter Reading 2 Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Homonyms Direction: Give the homonyms of the following. (40 pts) 1. Tail2. Feel3. Pail4. Fun5. Steel6. For7. Were8. Dare9. Sleep10. FarePart II A. Calendar Reading (22 pts.) 1. 1 year= 2. 1 year= 3. 1 month= 4. 1 week= 5. 1 day= 6. 1 hour= 7. 1 minute= 8. 2 weeks= 9. 2 years= 10. 2 hours= 11. 3 minutes= Part II B. Direction: Write the months when to celebrate the following. (18 pts.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. New YearHoly WeekHalloweenChristmasNutrition month6. Labor Day7. Independence Day8. Valentines Day9. Buwan ng Wikamonths days days days hour minutes seconds days months minutes seconds 11. Hare12. Beat13. Meet14. Seat15. Live16. Weather17. Peace18. Write19. Rice20. TailDate: ____________ Score:____________

Part III. Direction: Write when, what, why, who, where to complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. will you invite me to your home? is the name of your dog? is the fieldtrip to Enchanted Kingdom? are you crying a while ago? will you go on Saturday? snack did you brought today? are the victims in the crime? will you spend your Christmas vacation? will assist you during the examination? are you eating in the classroom?

Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter Language 2 Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. A

Date: ____________ Score:____________

Direction: Complete the sentences by writing MUCH or MANY in the blanks. (20 pts.) 1. How bananas do you need? 2. How bottles of vinegar will you buy? 3. You must drink milk for you to healthy. 4. How flour will you use? 5. They served bowl rice a while ago. 6. My sister gave me candies. 7. She put powder on her face. 8. During Christmas Eve you can see socks in windows. 9. I put too water in the plant. 10. How can of butter did you sell? Part I. B Direction: Fill in the blanks with FEW and LITTLE. (20 pts) 1. Sister needs___________ salt for the vain 2. Mother bought _________vegetables for the salad. 3. There is_________typhoon during summer. 4. She put________ sand in the pot of soil. 5. We have________student in the school. 6. They bought_________gallons of water. 7. A child must eat________ice cream. 8. I need_________color pens for my art. 9. You must use _________shampoo when bathing. 10. She gave me___________ pieces of candies. Pat II. A Direction: Change the underline word to its correct pronoun. (20 pts.) Ex. She1. The waitress is beautiful. 1. Jose Rizal is our national hero. 2. Gomez, Zamora and Burgos are martyr priest. 3. Filipinos are hospitable. 4. Nida, Rey, Fe, and you are friends. 5. The Rabbit runs fast. 6. Yourself brought plants for science experiment. 7. Turkey, chicken and bird have feathers. 8. The lady is waiting for her fetch. 9. John, Felix and Keith are brothers. 10. The policeman met an accident.

Part II. B Direction: Encircle the correct object pronouns. (20 pts.) (them, him) 1. The doctor attends to his patients. (them, his) (her, she) (them, it) (it, them) (us, we ) (it, them) (it, them) (I, me) 2. The teacher scolded her student. 3. The principal want to talk to your mother. 4. They eat fresh fruits and vegetables. 5. The dogs are sleeping in the dogs houses. 6. Mother gave my sister and myself money. 7. The chicken eat the palays in the ground. 9. They build new house in front the school. 10. They gave the paper to myself.

(they, them) 8. The principal scolded Troy, Pat and Tina.

Part III. Put the correct apostrophe s/s. (20 pts.) Ex. The paper of Jose. Joses paper. 1. The father of Rizal is died. 2. The beach resort of Cruz us clean 3. The weeds of the garden are withered. 4. The fruit of the trees are ripe. 5. The button of the dress is lost. 6. The car of Chiz is new. 7. The wire of the phone is cut. 8. The web of the spider is amazing. 9. The shoes of the doll are lost. 10. The string of the shoes is mine.


Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter Grammar Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Direction: Differentiate each other. (25 pts.) 1. Noun-Pronoun 2. Adjective-Adverb 3. Preposition-Adverb Part II. Direction: Specify if what part of speech is the following. (20 pts.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choir Mine Beautiful Learning Fast Rapidly Below Faculty 9. O.M.G! 10. Itself 11. Come 12. Greed 13. Jump 14. New 15. The 16. Above 17. Them 18. Carefully 19. Alumni 20. On 21. And 22. Hurray! 23. Either or 24. Myself

Date: ____________ Score:____________

4. Conjunction-Preposition 5. Verb-Interjections

25. Sweet 26. Down 27. Yet 28. Angrily 29. Since 30. Ouch!

Part III. Direction: Recognize if what part of speech the underlined words belong, based it on how it is used in the sentences. 1. Ouch! You step on my toes. 2. I dont know if my students pass my subject or not. 3. She looked at me madly and shouted angrily. 4. The world is round. 5. She danced gracefully at the party. 6. Wow! You looked beautiful today. 7. The dog went under the table in front of the room. 8. Sherley finished her study because of her persivirance. 9. She has a low grade therefore she stopped studying. 10. The boy run fastly in the oval. 11. Destroy the bomb before it explodes. 12. The beautiful Rice Terraces is in Banawe, Ifugao. 13. Simplicity is beauty according to them. 14. They went swimming, for it was very hot. 15. The dogs fur is clean, silky and soft. !!!!!GOODLUCK!!!!!!

Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter T.L.E Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Direction: Define briefly the following. (25 pts.) 1. Convalescence 2. Leadership Date: ____________ Score:____________

3. Motion Economy 4. Work simplification

5. Organizational chart Part II. Enumeration (50 pts.) 1-4 Ways to improve diet for the patient 5-7 kinds of diet for the patients 8-12 Example of foods which not be eaten by sick person. 13-15 Theories of organization 16-19 Tools of management 20-25 Kinds of Leaderships Part III. Essay (25 pts) Direction: Answer the following briefly but comprehensively. 1. What does this line mean No manager is part to lead; he is paid to accomplish goals through his people 2. If you will manage an organization, what leadership will you prefer? Why? 3. What are the importances of motion economy?


Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter Speech and Debate Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Identifying the type of speeches. (30 pts) Choices :(Imprumptu,Extemporaneous,Reading the manuscript, Reading from notes, Memorized speech.) 1. Types of speech where you dont have time to prepare even for a short while. 2. You have ample time to prepare but will deliver it without memorizing and without notes. 3. Reciting of speech from memory. 4. You use manuscript on your delivery. 5. A type of speech where in you will use a note as guide. 6. This type of speech is useful in radio and public pronouncement. 7. You see yourself in unforeseen situation and required to give a quick response. 8. It is speaking extemporaneously but with a use of a guide. 9. Your effectivity as speaker depends on your ability to memorize. 10. The success of the speech depends on the art or style of reading in front an audience. 11. This type of speaking has this advantages of forgetting what is committed in memory. 12. The speaker is constantly in state of nervousness because he is not sure if his memory will fall him. 13. You keep glancing to a piece of paper while speaking. 14. The speaker has no audience impact because a straight reading. 15. The type of speech being practiced in beauty pageants. Part II. Essay (30 pts.) 1. What is the different between speaking from manuscript and speaking with notes? 2. What type of speech do you prefer most? Why? 3. If you want to improve things in yourself so that you will become an effective speaker, what are these things? Part III. Oral Test-Extemporaneous speech (40 pts.) Date: ____________ Score:____________


Maria Corrine College Binakayan, Kawit Cavite Long Quiz- Second Quarter Literature Name:________________________ Teacher: _____________________ Part I. Direction: Define comprehensively the following. (20 ps.) 1. Myths 2. Legends Date: ____________ Score:____________

3. Fable 4. Parable Part II. Enumeration (30 pts.) 1-5 General subjects of Myths 6-7 Importance of studying Fables, Legends and Parables 8-10 Importance of studying Myths 11-13 Examples of Parables 14-16 Examples of Fables Part III. Matching Type (20 pts.) Direction:Choose the letter of the correct answer. Column A Column B 1. Biag Lam-ang a. Tagbanoa 2. Kumintang b. Moro 3. Maragtas c. Ilocano 4. Dagoy at sudsud d. Visaya 5. Ta tuaang e. Tagalog 6. Lagda f. Bagobo 7. Indarapatra at Sulayman 8. Hari sa Bukid 9. Dara moke-A-Babay 10. Haraya Part IV. Essay (30 pts.) Direction: Answer the following comprehensively. 1. What are the similarities and differences between fable and parable? 2. How do Legends and Myths difter? 3. Elaborate or relate real life situation the parable of the sower.


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