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Subject: TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education)

Grade Level: Grade 7

Objective: Select and use farm tools.

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Science - Students can explore the scientific principles behind the use of farm
tools, such as leverage and force.

2. Math - Students can calculate measurements and distances when using farm

3. Filipino - Students can discuss the importance of farm tools in the agricultural
industry in the Philippines.


- Ask students if they have ever seen or used any farm tools.

- Discuss with students the importance of using the right tools for specific farming

- Share a short video or show pictures of different farm tools and ask students to
identify them.


1. Show and Tell: Ask students to bring a picture or actual farm tool and share its
purpose with the class.

2. Brainstorming: Divide the class into groups and have them brainstorm as many
farm tools as they can within a given time frame.

3. Think-Pair-Share: Ask students to think about a time when they saw someone
using a farm tool, pair up with a classmate, and share their experiences.


Activity 1: Farm Tool Scavenger Hunt

Materials: Pictures or actual farm tools, clue cards, timer, paper, and pencils


1. Hide pictures or actual farm tools around the classroom or school grounds.

2. Divide the class into teams and provide each team with clue cards.

3. Set a timer and have teams search for the farm tools based on the clues.

4. Once a team finds a farm tool, they should record its name and purpose on their

5. The team with the most correct answers wins.


- Correctly identified farm tools (5 points)

- Accurately described the purpose of each farm tool (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the purpose of a hoe?

2. How is a rake different from a shovel?

Activity 2: Farm Tool Design

Materials: Art supplies (paper, pencils, colored pencils, markers)


1. Introduce the concept of design and its importance in creating effective farm tools.

2. Ask students to imagine a new farm tool that could make farming tasks easier or
more efficient.

3. Have students sketch their design and label its different parts.
4. Encourage students to think about the materials that would be needed to create
their farm tool.

5. Allow students to share their designs with the class.


- Creativity and originality of the design (5 points)

- Clear labeling of the different parts of the farm tool (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. Why is it important to consider the materials used in creating a farm tool?

2. How does your farm tool design address a specific farming task?

Activity 3: Farm Tool Demonstration

Materials: Various farm tools, demonstration area


1. Select a few common farm tools and demonstrate how to use them properly.

2. Explain the purpose and correct handling of each farm tool.

3. Allow students to practice using the farm tools under supervision.

4. Provide feedback and guidance to ensure proper technique and safety.


- Demonstrated proper use and handling of farm tools (10 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What safety precautions should be observed when using a sickle?

2. How can the correct use of a plow affect farming efficiency?


1. Lecture: Provide a brief lecture on the different types of farm tools and their
purposes, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right tool for the task.

2. Demonstration: Show students how to use a specific farm tool and explain step by
step the proper technique and precautions to take.


1. Group Discussion: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a different
farm tool. Have them research its history, development, and modern variations. Each
group should present their findings to the class.

2. Role-Playing: Assign roles to students and have them act out different scenarios
where farm tools are used. Encourage students to demonstrate proper technique
and safety precautions.


1. Written Assessment: Provide a written test with multiple-choice and short answer
questions about farm tools and their uses.

2. Practical Skills Assessment: Observe students as they use different farm tools and
assess their technique, safety awareness, and efficiency.


- Organize a field trip to a local farm or agricultural center where students can
observe and interact with farmers using various farm tools.

- Invite a guest speaker, such as a farmer or agricultural expert, to share their

experiences and insights on the use of farm tools in the industry.


Research and write a short report on the importance of one specific farm tool in the
agricultural industry. Include its history, uses, and any advancements or made to
improve its efficiency.

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