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Pinnacle- The highest leadership accomplishment is developing other leaders to level 4. Not only is
leadership at this level a culmination of leading well on the other four levels, but it also requires both a
high degree of skill and some amount of natural leadership ability. It takes a lot of effort to develop
other leaders to Level 4; that is what leaders who reach the pinnacle level do. Individuals who reach
Level 5 lead so well and for so long that they leave a leadership legacy in the organization they serve.

- Most leaders who reach the Pinnacle do so later in their careers. But the Pinnacle level is not a
resting place for leaders to stop and view their success. That is why they must not forget that
there is always more to learn and to maintain focus in the vision.

How do you use the pinnacle as a platform to do something greater than yourself

- Remain humble and open to learning- Level 5 leaders remain humble and open to learning so
they won't forget what they went through before reaching their position
- Create an inner circle to keep you grounded- Level 5 leaders maintain as what they become
- Create room at the top- Level 5 leaders lift up the level 4 leaders so that they can reproduce and
to become like them
- focus on what only you can do- Level 5 leaders have their own strength on their own paths.
- plan your succession and your legacy- Level 5 leaders plan their succession and their legacy to
continue the high degree of skill and leadership ability that they gain throughout their

“Leaders don't rise to the pinnacle of success without developing the right set of attitudes and habits;
they make every day a masterpiece.” - John Maxwell

The quote explains that level 5 leaders setting their attitudes and habit for them to make the most of it
while they can. With gratitude and humility, they should lift up as many leaders as they can, tackle as
many great challenges as possible, and extend their influence to make a positive difference beyond their
own organization and industry.

“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become
more, then, you are an excellent leader.”- Dolly Parton

The quote explains that level 5 leaders crave for more because they want to be an excellent leader for
them to encourage others. Also, they crave for more because when you have attained this level of
leadership, you generally have greater visibility, greater reach of your message, and greater influence
with a large number of people.

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