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IA Feedback

Ebenezer International School

School M o d e r a t o r : 170445
Subject: BIOLOGY Level: HL/SL Component:

Accuracy of marking

Criterion PE accuracy

Criterion Ex accuracy

Criterion A accuracy

Criterion Ev accuracy

Criterion C accuracy

Comments on sample work

Comments on accuracy of teacher's application of assessment criteria

The Evaluation criterion was generally awarded too generously. Candidates are expected to make a
detailed comparison to the findings of published studies that are relevant to their finding. The
extension needs to be described in detail, giving a brief summary of the methods that will be using,
not simply the IV and DV. To reach the higher band, the improvements should be specific to the
investigation (not simply more trials, more conditions) and should not the control of variables that
should have been considered from the outset.
The Analysis criterion was also generously awarded. Candidates should include at least a sample of
their raw data in the main body of the report. The calculation of the R^2 alone, with no further
processing nor comparison to critical values should not be awarded with more than 3 points.
With regard to the Exploration criterion, the higher band should not be awarded unless the
candidate has included detailed information on species under investigation in the background.
Moreover, candidates need should be supported in developing focussed Research Questions that
state the range of the IV and describe how the DV will be measured.

Comments on suitability of the work

Candidates should be encouraged to design investigations that allow them to investigate five
different conditions and to carry out five repeats. This will enable them to process the data further
and test the significance of the data that they obtain.
Many of the investigations submitted did not allow candidates to collect sufficient data. In terms of
Communication, candidates should be discouraged from including a title page.

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