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Invoice Date 97B Manukau Road,

4 May 2023 Epsom, Auckland
Invoice Number
Pui Ying INV-0483
21 Thomas Avenue
Te Atatu Peninsula
21 Thomas - Extra
Auckland 0610 Foundation Work
GST Number

Description Quantity Unit Price Amount NZD

Labour Cost

Nick Zhou- Delivery 4.50 55.00 247.50

Bill 56.50 55.00 3,107.50

11/04 8:00-17:30 9H
12/04 8:00-17:30 9H
14/04 8:00-17:30 9H
17/04 8:00- 18:00 10H
19/04 7:30-18:00 10H
20/04 7:30-17:30 9.5H

Yang 29.50 55.00 1,622.50

17/04 8:00- 18:00 10H
19/04 7:30-18:00 10H
20/04 7:30-17:30 9.5H

Material Cost

Loventools - 432787-1 1.00 567.16 567.16

Place Makers - 5179336 1.00 23.46 23.46

Bunnings -950201359908 1.00 83.91 83.91

Bunnings - 952101535083 1.00 95.59 95.59

Bunnings - 951001505823 1.00 45.94 45.94

Loventools - 434374-1 1.00 16.90 16.90

Subtotal 5,810.46

TOTAL  GST  15% 871.58

TOTAL NZD 6,682.04

Due Date: 11 May 2023

The invoice payment term is 7 days from invoice issued date. The full amount is required by due date.

Payment Options:

Direct Credit: Made payable to Kolin Construction Limited with invoice number as reference
Bank: ANZ Bank Account : 01-0277-0808272-00

Cheque is not acceptable

Customer Pui Ying
Invoice Number INV-0483
To: 97B Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland Amount Due 6,682.04
Due Date 11 May 2023
Amount Enclosed  
Enter the amount you are paying above

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