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Dialogue for question 1-2

Dika : what are you doing mom?

Mrs. Anita : I am cooking special menu for this evening
Dika : what’s that?
Mrs. Anita :fried chicken and plecing
Dika : Wow that’s great. Do you need a help.
Mrs. Anita :How kind your are, thanks. could you please to bring these into dining room.
Dika :Alright mom
1. Where does the dialogue take place?
In the dining room
In the living room
In the kitchen
In the family room

2. What does m]Mrs. Anita doing for her family?

She is preparing dinner

She is preparing lunch
She is preparing breakfast
She trying new recipe for barbeque

3. Have a look the picture

X : what is he doing right now

Y : …..
He is buying a new back pack
He is riding his bike
He is riding his driving a car
He is working in the farm

Read the following text for question 4-6

It is Sunday, my family and I are doing various activities after having breakfast. My mother
looks very busy, she’s washing the dishes, and clothes. My father is on his bicycle. He is going
to small shop to buy some house equipment. My oldest sister. Susi is mopping the floor and
listening to music using using her headset while working. My little jony brother and I are in the
garden. We have to clean the yard, watering the plants and feeding our pets
4. The text mostly tells about

Activities that had happened in the past

Events that will happen in the future
Events that was happening in the past
Events that happening at the present

5. Who is buying some house equipment?


We have to clean the yard….’’(line4)

6. The underlined word in the sentence refres to
A fsther and mother
Jonny and writer
Susi and jony
The writer and his sister

Dialogue for question 7

7. From the dialogue we know that the two speaker are..

Comparing their friends family

Comparing their friends hobby
Comparing their friends ability
Comparing their friends’ characteristics

Read the following dialogue to answer question 8-10

Reni : Hey! Look this bag. How cute it is
Vita : you are right! But I think this one is cutter than that one
Reni :how about the price
Vita :I think, it is the expensive bag here.
Reni :Lets buy the cheaper one?
Vita :Will you buy the cheapest one?
Reni :No, I won’t I just one to buy the cute bag but the price is cheaper than the most
expensive one
Vita :Okay, lets ask the seller
8. Where does the dialogue probably take places?
In shop
At school canteen
In a drugstore
In a restaurant

Hey ! look this bag . how cute it is..’’

9. The underline word in this expression can be replaced with

10. From the dialogue we can conclude that…

Vita busy the most expensive bag
Reni chooses a cute bag with the cheaper price
Vita chooses that cute bag with cheapest price
Reni prefer to choose the most expensive one rather than the cheapest one

Have a look the following table to answer question number 11-12


1 Salma 165 cm 30 kg 14 years

2 firza 160 cm 35 kg 15 years
3 liza 163 cm 40 kg 13 years

11. Who is the tallest of all

salma and firza

arrange the following words in meaningful sentence.

youngest girl them liza the among is
12. The best arrangement is…

Read the following text to answer questions 13-15

I want to tell you about my friends. I have three best friends. Their names are rico, noufar and
deny. Rico is tall, but noufar us taller than rico. Deny is very tall. He is the tallest of the three.
Three of them can play guitar well. Noufar plays better than deny. Rico plays very well. He is
the best guitarist at school. The three are clever. He is cleverer than noufar. Rico is very clever .
He is the cleverest student in the class they all like collecting stamp. Their stamp collection is
from Indonesia . as well as from other countries. Noufars collection of money is not very good.
Deny is better. Rico’s collections is the best
13. Who is the smartest student in their class
The writer

14. The last paragraph tells about

Their special ability

Their hobby
Their body
Their achievement

He is the best guitarist at school’’(ph2)

15. The underlined word in the sentence refresh to..
The writer
Read the following monologue to answer question 16-17

16. What does the speaker tell you about? She tell about?
Her baby
Her family member
Her past events
Her presents activities

17. How was her hair when she was a baby?

She had long hair
She was bald
She had short hair
She had curly hair

Dalogue for question 18-20

Linda : hi ross, where were you last Saturday morning? I called you but you weren’t at home
Ross : I went to the beach with my family.
Linda : really? I remember the weather wasn’t nine. Did you enjoy it?
Ross :yes. It was great! We played volley ball and walked along the beach. What about you?
What did you do?
Linda : I studied English in the morning , and in the afternoon I visited my grandfather.
Ross :oh I see, listen, the bell is ringing, let’s go to the class.

18. The dialogue take places…

At the beach
At a volley ball court
At linda’s home
At school

19. What did linda do on last Saturday morning?

She was at the beach
She played voleyy ball with ross
At linda’s home
She visited her grandfather

20. Ross wasn’t at home…linda called her yesterday


read the text to answer question 21 up to 25

An Outing Class at Botanic Garden
By Nida
On Thursday 24 April, year eight students went to the botanic gardens. We walked down got into
the bus.
After we arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the education center. We went to look
around. first we went to the orchid farm and Mrs. Rita read us some of the information. Then we
looked at all the lovely plants. After that went down to little spot in the botanic gardens and had
morning tea.
Next we took some pictures and than we went back to the education centre to have lunch. After
that we went for a walk. A lady took us around and introduced her self then she explained what
we were going to do. Next she took as in to the garden house. It was most interesting
Soon after we had finished we went back outside. Finally we got into the bus and returned to
school. We were tired but happy.
21. the text mostly tells about…

A tour to the Botanic Garden

Having morning tea in the garden
Lovely plants at the education centre
An interesting experience in the green house

22. Who took part in the outing class at Botanic Garden?

Mrs. Rita and her family
Nida and her family
All grade 8 students
A young lady

23. Where did they having morning tea?

In the education centre
At school
In the green house
In a little spot

‘’….she explained what we were going to do.’’

24. The underline word in the sentence refers to..
A lady
Mrs. Rita
All of students

Re-check the events in story.

1. A lady took us around and explained what we were going to do
2. We walked down to the education center as we arrived
3. We got in to the bus and returned to school
4. We went to the orchid farm
5. We went down to a little spot in the botanic gardens to have a morning tea
6. We went back to the education center to have lunch
25. The correct order of the events according to the text is

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