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Assalamualaikum wr wb.
By reciting Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, the flag raising ceremony in order to
celebrate Independence Day the 78th of Republik Indonesia
on Thursday, August 17th 2023 will soon be started.

1. Every participant leaders prepares the members.

2. Qur’an Recitation by Mr. Muhammad Siddiq Yusuf
3. The commander of ceremony comes into ceremony ground.
4. General salute to the commander of ceremony.
5. Report of every participant leaders to the commander of ceremony.
6. The inspector of ceremony, Mrs. R.A Farida as the manager of Lemabang
Area is welcomed to enter ceremony ground.
7. General salute to the inspector of ceremony.
8. Report of the commander of ceremony to the inspector of ceremony.
9. The flag raising followed by the national anthem of Indonesia Raya.
10. The moment of silence led by the inspector of ceremony.
11. UUD 1995
12. Proklamasi recitation
13. National song (17 Agustus) followed by all participants.
14. Prayers.
15. Report of the commander of ceremony to the inspector of ceremony.
16. General salute to the inspector of ceremony led by the commander of
17. The inspector of ceremony leave from ceremony ground.
18. General salute to the commander of ceremony.
19. The commander of ceremony leaves from ceremony ground.
20. Every participant leader dissmisses the members.

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