Lesson Plan 2

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English Club- Lesson Plan

1st Meeting on 21 & 28 of September 2022

5 pupils in front of the class doing introduction in turn:
Good ….
My name is ….
My favorite animal is ….
It is (color)
It is (size)
It says (sound)

Main content:
Discuss farms and what is grown on a farm. Brainstorm with pupils.
- Tell pupils that wheat is grown on a farm.
- Use the flashcard to teach the word wheat.
- Ask pupils: What do we make with wheat? Elicit: bread, cakes, cookies,
spaghetti, etc.
●Tell pupils that people on farms work very hard.
- Ask pupils: What kinds of work are done on a farm?
- Ask pupils if animals work on a farm.

Use the flashcards to talk about how animals help on a farm:

- The hen lays eggs.
- The dog watches the other animals.
- The cat eats the mice that destroy the wheat and other things growing in
the fields.
- The horse pulls the wagon.
- The cow gives milk.
- The sheep gives wool to make sweaters and clothes.
●Encourage pupils to volunteer more ideas.
●Make sure pupils understand that on a farm, as at home, everyone must help.

●What's in the Bag? (game #14)

- Put all the animal flashcards in a bag. Pass the bag around. Have a pupil take out a card and
make the animal sound so that the class can guess what it is.
- Model the activity once or twice before doing it with the whole class. When the pupil makes
the sound, ask: Is it a _____? The pupil answers: Yes, it is or No, it isn't.

First Reading
●Read the story and act it out using intonation, motions and gestures as much
as possible.
- Do not worry too much about new words - let the pictures and key words
tell the story.
- Make sure you point to pictures while you read.
- When you get to eating the bread, hold up the real bread and make the
motion of eating.
- Encourage pupils to begin to fill in words in the story and answer the hen's
questions by saying: Not I !
- Stop at page 13 and ask: Do the dog, duck and cat want to help eat the
- Ask pupils: What do you think will happen now?

After First Reading

●Retell the story through pictures and discussion.
- Go through the pages again and elicit descriptions by asking questions:
What is the dog doing? What is the cat doing?
- Tell pupils: The hen works very hard! Ask: Do the other animals also
work hard?
- Teach pupils the word lazy.
- Ask: Does the hen or do any of the characters remind you of someone
you know or a character in another story? Give examples from real life
of similar situations where one person does all the work for others.
- Ask pupils: Do you think it was fair that the hen did not share her
bread with her friends?
- Ask pupils: What would you do if you were the hen?
- Emphasize that sometimes there are problems between friends.
- Ask: Do you think the friends were really good friends?
- Show pupils the page where the hen is thinking about all the work she did
alone. Tell them: The Little Red Hen worked very hard. Ask: What work
did she do?
- Teach pupils the actions by pointing to pictures in the book: planting the
wheat, cutting the wheat, making the flour, making the bread, eating the bread.

Ask pupils to conclude the lessons of the day.
Goodbye song:
The English Club is over, The English Club is over, The English Club is over
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!

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