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Put the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Many people read this writer's articles.

2. Jackie milks the cows every morning.

3. Benny never understands the new teacher.

4. Everyone follows the rules.

5. Kids love candies.

6. The American people elect the members of Congress.

7. Does the mechanic check the brakes regularly?

Make passive sentences using the words given.

1. (TV / invent / Baird)

2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians)

3. (coffee / grow / in Brazil)

4. (chopsticks / use / in China)

5. (plants / water / every day)

6. (the thief / arrest / policeman / yesterday)

7. (the injured man / take to a hospital / now)

8. (my car / repair / tomorrow)

9. (your letter / send / last week)

10. (my favorite bike / steal / last night)

Choose The Present Simple or The Present Continuous tense to complete the sentences.

1. It usually___________in this time of the year, yet it _________right now. (rain)

2. My father __________as a teacher. He _________English. (work/teach)

3. Jane often ________basketball after school, but he _____to play today. (play/want)

4. I _________coffee right now, but I actually _________tea. (drink/prefer)

5. Every day I _________to work. It _________half an hour. (drive/take)

6. The children ________in their bedrooms at present. They usually _________

a nap at around this time. (sleep/take)

7. I still ________a pain in my arm, but it _________better. (have/get)

8. I almost always _____________by car when I _________on a vacation. (travel/go)

9. Our neighbors aren't French. I ________they ________from Belgium. (believe/come)

10. Every afternoon, my son _____________lunch in the school cafeteria and he _________

a book in the backyard. (have/read)

Put the verbs in the correct forms, present continuous or present simple.

1. Let's go out. It (is not raining) (not/rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at languages. She __________ (speak) four languages
very well.
3. Hurry up! Everybody ________ (wait) for you.
4. _________ (you/listen) to the radio?
No, you can turn it off.
5. __________(you/listen) to the radio every day?
No, just occasionally.
6. The River Nile _________ (flow) into the Mediterranean.
7. Look at the river. It ___________ (flow) very fast today - much faster
than usual.
8. How is your English?
Not bad. It ______ (improve) slowly.
9. Ron is in London at the moment. He ________ (stay) at the Park Hotel. He
_________(always/stay) there when he's in London.
10. Can you drive?
I ____________ (learn). My father ____________ (teach) me.

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