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Welcome to the Science 10 class! This learner's handout is designed to provide you with
essential information about the course, its structure, assessment methods, and expectations.
Please read through this document carefully to ensure a successful learning experience
throughout the course.


Learning Facilitator : AL AR – JOHN T. TIMENIA, LPT, MSc
Rank/Designation : Teacher 7/ Chair, Academic Affairs/ Chair, Student Affairs
Phone Number : 0919 098 4789 | 0961 275 3318
Messenger : Aaj Timenia
Telegram : Aaj Timenia | 0961 275 3318
Educational Background:
 Licensed Professional Teacher (September 2017) with PRC License Number 1592636
 Taking up the graduate studies course – Doctor of Philosophy in Development Education
at Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
 Graduated Master of Science in Education (Major in Educational Management) at Central
Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
 Graduated as Cum Laude with the degree – Bachelor of Secondary Education (With
Specialization in Physical Sciences) at Central Luzon State University, Science City of
Muñoz, Nueva Ecija


At the end of Grade 10, learners realize that volcanoes and earthquakes occur in the same places
in the world and that these are related to plate boundaries. They can demonstrate ways to ensure
safety and reduce damage during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

Learners acquire more knowledge about the properties of light as applied in optical instruments.
Learners also use the concept of moving charges and magnetic fields in explaining the principle
behind generators and motors.

Learners will have completed the study of the entire organism with their deeper study of the
excretory and reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic information
is passed from parents to offspring, and how diversity of species increases the probability of
adaptation and survival in changing environments.

Learners can explain the importance of controlling the conditions under which a chemical
reaction occurs. They recognize that cells and tissues of the human body are made up of water,
a few kinds of ions, and biomolecules. These biomolecules may also be found in the food they
Science 9

Tuesday & Thursday_ 10:00-12:00

GRADING SYSTEM (per DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015)

Summative Tests
Short Quizzes/Chapter Tests
Reflective Journal Entries
Activity Folder


Performance Checks/Mini Tasks
Culminating Performance Tasks


Preliminary Examination (5%)
Quarterly Examination (15%)


1. Respect: Treat your fellow classmates, teacher, and guests with respect. Everyone's opinions
and ideas are valuable.
2. Punctuality: Arrive on time for each class. If you're going to be late or absent, notify the
teacher in advance if possible.
3. Active Participation: Engage in class discussions, ask questions, and share your thoughts.
Active participation enhances your learning experience.
4. Cell Phones and Devices: Keep your devices on silent mode during class. Use them only for
class-related purposes with the teacher's permission.
5. Classroom Environment: Maintain a clean and organized classroom. Help keep the space
conducive to learning.
6. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and cheating are unacceptable. Give credit to sources and
uphold the highest academic standards. There will be an Academic Honesty and Integrity
Contract that each one is required to sign at the beginning of regular classes.
7. Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of your classmates during discussions. What's shared in
the classroom should stay within the classroom.
1. Safety First: Follow all safety instructions given by your teacher. Wear appropriate safety gear
when instructed.
2. No Horseplay: Science experiments require focus and attention. Avoid any kind of disruptive
behavior in the laboratory.
3. Equipment Care: Treat laboratory equipment with care. Mishandling equipment can lead to
accidents and damage.
4. Clean-Up: Always clean up your workspace after completing an experiment. Dispose of
materials properly.
5. No Food or Drinks: Consumables are not allowed in the laboratory, to prevent contamination
and accidents.


 As your teacher arrives, EVERYONE must be inside the classroom. Be sure that everyone
is sitting on their respective seats and be sure that the chairs are arranged properly.
 Start and end every session with a prayer. The Class President must assign the prayer
leader for the day. The prayer leader will also serve as the board member for that day.
 Observe SILENCE and DISCIPLINE as the teacher starts the facilitation of the lesson proper.
 ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in the activities prepared by the teacher.
 Be mindful and write the following information in ALL YOUR CLASS WORKS:
 Name (LAST NAME, First Name MI.)
 Grade and Section (Gr. 10 – St. Catherine of Siena)
 Present Date / Date of Submission (FULL DATE) (Day Month Year)
 Learner’s Reference Number (LRN)
 Prepare 2 pieces of the following for each session:
 whole sheet of paper
 ½ sheet of paper (both crosswise and lengthwise)
 ¼ sheet of paper
 blue pen
 Always prepare for a short quiz and formative assessments right before the session ends.
 Summative assessments are ALWAYS ANNOUNCED.


1. Materials: Bring the following to each class.
a. Rex Bookstore’s Science Links 10
b. Learning Packets (Handouts/Learning Prompts/Activity Sheets)
c. Activity Folder, Formative Assessments/Short Quiz Envelope
d. Scientific Calculator (Chemistry and Physics Classes)
e. Lecture Notebook
f. Graphing and Coloring Materials: Ruler, Protractor, Pencil, Eraser, Crayons (8
colors), Pens (Black, Blue, Red, Green)
2. Laptop: Each group is required to have access to a laptop for in-class activities and
assignments. This is crucial for utilizing word-processing software necessary for group
laboratory reports.
3. Group Collaboration: You'll often work in groups for research projects. Collaborate
effectively, share responsibilities, and communicate openly.

1. Active Learning: This class emphasizes hands-on learning. You'll have opportunities to apply
concepts through practical exercises and real-world projects.
2. Challenging Material: Quantitative research involves complex concepts and statistical
analysis. Don't hesitate to ask questions when something isn't clear.
3. Critical Thinking: Develop your analytical skills to interpret data, identify trends, and draw
meaningful conclusions from your research.
4. Time Management: Balancing class assignments, projects, and other commitments is crucial.
Plan your time wisely to excel in both academics and extracurricular activities.
5. Feedback and Improvement: Expect to receive constructive feedback on your work. Use this
feedback as a tool for growth and improvement.
6. Open Communication: If you're facing difficulties, have concerns, or need clarification, don't
hesitate to approach the teacher. We're here to support your learning journey.

Remember that learning is a collaborative effort between students and teachers. If you
have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher. Let's
work together to make this a successful and enriching science learning experience!
~ ser aja.


I have read and understood the information written in this Learning Course Orientation Handout.
I also listened and understood the information discussed during the Learning Course Orientation.
I agree to uphold the principles of academic integrity and honesty outlined in this handout. I
understand the consequences of violating these and am committed to maintaining the highest
standards of ethical conduct in my academic pursuits.


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