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real attachments to their puppets and

gave them detailed personas. This
increased their sense of ownership of
the puppet and the language it was
producing. It also led to enthusiastic,
lively speaking on the part of the

learners as they experimented with the
language through their puppets. I even
had classes request homework which
involved their puppets – showing that
children’s creativity is not limited to or
by the classroom.
Puppets may also offer solutions to
more practical problems. As Sarah Phillips
notes: ‘If you have real space problems,
puppets may be a solution.’ In a classroom
with limited space, kinaesthetic learners
Devin Unwin gives his students a helping hand. can be catered for by allowing them to
use their fingers or hands. This is true of

his article aims to answer the day or their family (relatively freer older children as well as their younger
questions why, how and what about practice). Puppets can thus be seen as counterparts. Puppets, especially ones
puppets. It was conceived after a an interactive resource which can made by the students themselves, offer
workshop about using puppets in encourage the students to use the more physically-oriented learners an
ELT primary classes was given at our language in a number of different ways. opportunity to use their hands while
school. After numerous hours of For a fairly comprehensive list of practising the language. Thus, puppets
classroom experimentation, and after activities which can be done with allow for more physically active
consulting with the colleague who led the puppets, see ‘Using a class puppet with activities without the need for the
workshop, I feel ready to share my ideas. very young learners’ by Carol Read, students to stand up and move around
We teach at an ELT extracurricular which is available on her website at the classroom, with all the disruption
school in Madrid, and we work with and time wastage that setting up these
students over a range of ages and levels, According to Stefan Chiarantano, a types of activity can entail.
as young as five (pre-A1 CEFR) and as puppet ‘actually introduces another Finally, creativity breeds creativity.
old as 18, some preparing for their native speaker in the classroom’. This is Teachers who bring their own creativity
proficiency exam (C2 CEFR). Obviously, a great advantage in an ELT context, to the classroom, even in limited ways,
puppets are best suited to younger YL since we are trying to create a language- may inspire their learners to do likewise.
classes but, that said, there may also be rich environment for our young learners. Students who are encouraged to use
scope for using them with older A puppet may thus give the teacher English in a creative and meaningful way
learners. More on this later, though. another option when it comes to are more likely to engage with the
teacher talking time – why not have language on a deeper and more personal
your puppet say it for you? level. Puppets may be a practical way to
Why? When placed in the hands of young begin to bring more creative freedom
Puppets can have a variety of uses with learners, puppets can become a way of into the class, by allowing the students to
real benefits for young learners, if the encouraging second language use. see creativity as something constructive
teacher invests time and effort in using Mistakes made while speaking can be and beneficial.
them in the classroom with a proper attributed to the puppet, rather than
pedagogic aim in mind. Most young the student. Puppets can, therefore,
children find puppets engaging so, first of offer a level of security to younger How?
all, they are a great way of grabbing their learners, and they can also encourage Depending on the teacher’s needs,
attention. The teacher can then have the quieter students to take more risks. more than one puppet might be
puppet interacting with the students, Young learners also seem more open to appropriate in a class. This would mean
either giving instructions or taking part peer-correction when they are that the different puppets could have
in a spoken exercise. For example, the interacting through their puppets. different roles. Although a teacher
puppet, rather than the teacher, can Children have an amazing capacity could have one all-purpose puppet, they
model pronunciation during drill work for imagination and creativity; puppets could just as easily have one puppet for
(completely controlled practice) or the can act as a key to unlock this potential classroom management and another to
puppet can ask the students about their in class. I have had classes who formed practise pronunciation and speaking.

• • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • Issue 96 January 2015 • 23

Puppets during roleplay activities. This may
encourage quieter students to
participate, and may even work with
themselves, eg planning a birthday party
or a shopping spree. A good first activity
for older young learners, which can be

inprimary older groups of children and teenagers.

The obvious benefit for kinaesthetic
learners has already been mentioned.
done as a warmer, goes as follows. First,
give your students some pictures of faces,
and ask them to speculate in pairs or
This raises the question of whether Puppets can also be put into the small groups about these people: name,
the puppets should talk, make noises or hands of students to practise things like age, nationality, occupation, hobbies, etc.
remain silent. Any of these is a possibility, prepositions. The teacher can say Second, select one of the faces for each
depending on the purpose of the puppet. ‘Now let’s put our puppets under our student (or let them pick their own).
A colleague recently mentioned a spider tables. Good. OK, everyone, where are our They have to make up details about their
glove-puppet which she uses for pointing puppets?’ With a little planning and character and introduce themselves to
things out on the board or in the book, creativity, puppets can be used to the group or perform a speaking activity
which is an excellent example of how practise productive as well as receptive as their persona. If classes enjoy this
puppets can be used silently to focus skills – which is great for very young YL activity, it’s a small step to introducing
the students’ attention. classes where the students may not the idea of using puppets to represent a
If you are planning to use a speaking have much productive language yet. persona that the learners themselves
puppet, a key consideration is the puppet’s As a final thought on how to use have come up with.
voice. As a general rule of thumb, don’t puppets in class, remember that routine Puppets can also be a way to
make the puppet’s voice too different is essential in a young learner classroom. introduce drama into older YL classes.
from yours or difficult to perform for So make sure that you use your puppet If your students enjoy using puppets,
sustained periods. The puppet’s voice regularly and consistently with your why not let them write a puppet show
definitely shouldn’t strain your normal classes. Remember that the sooner the to be performed for the class? As with
voice. It is also worth bearing in mind students get used to having a puppet in younger learners, a teacher must enter
that your puppet’s personality will be the classroom, the sooner you will start into the spirit of using a puppet with
expressed largely through its voice, and to see the pedagogical benefits which older classes, and it is highly
you can decide how the class will interact these simple props can provide. recommended that teachers also use a
with it: is it a light-hearted, fun-loving puppet of their own if they want
puppet or a stricter, gruffer character who What if ... students of any age to follow suit.
demands better pronunciation? Avoid
you don’t have access to a
putting on an accent which is not your
‘real’ puppet?
own, as this may make consistency
This is a fair question but, as Carol Read I hope this article has given you some
more difficult. If you are embarrassed or
points out, with a little creativity on the useful ideas and shown how puppets are
nervous about using a puppet for the first
part of the teacher quite a number of a multipurpose tool that can be used for
time, try practising at home alone first.
everyday household items can be used as a variety of reasons in a young learner
Also think about having a silent puppet,
a puppet. Things like soft toys or novelty classroom. Teachers certainly shouldn’t
which is introduced to the class as such.
oven mitts which look like animals are shy away from experimenting with them
Remember, your classes will only ever
perfect. Homemade puppets are also a in their YL classes. So whatever their
be as invested in the puppet as you are.
definite possibility, and these can purpose in your classroom, let’s give
Silent puppets are also excellent for
generally be put together on a shoestring puppets a big hand!
classroom management, since they can
be timid creatures who are scared by budget, with a little imagination on the
loud noises and rowdiness. part of the aspiring puppet maker. For
those teachers with a bit more time or Chiarantano, S ‘A bag of tricks for the
An obvious use for a talking puppet traveling YL ESL teacher’
is to have it interacting with the students. capital, and the inclination, the internet
Why not, then, have two puppets that offers a range of options either for Retrieved 14/10/2013

can interact with each other, with you, making professional-looking puppets or Philips, S Drama with Children OUP 2003

the teacher, and with your class? Another simply ordering them online.
Devin Unwin has been
option would be to have your students you have older students? teaching English since
2008. He has a Trinity
make their own puppets in class. This With teenagers, it is crucial to explain the ELT Diploma, a
could be done as a project task, possibly post-graduate degree in
pedagogic purpose of the puppets in the English literature and is
one which involves the students classroom, so they don’t feel patronised. currently completing an
following English instructions given by MA TESOL. He started
Explain that a puppet gives them a working at the British
you in order to construct their puppets. persona through which they can use the Council Madrid Young
Learners Centre in 2010.
They could then customise their puppets, language in roleplay situations. These
before making them act as characters
situations, as far as possible, should be
ones in which the learners might find

24 • Issue 96 January 2015 • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • •

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