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listener can affect the storyteller, giving

instant feedback and reactions and
displaying understanding of the story. At
the same time, the storyteller can use
this feedback to guide the narration.
Storytelling can be used as an
effective tool to improve different
aspects of language learning. As
Natasha Malkina asserts, it meets the

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emotional, cognitive and psychological
demands of pre-school children.
The first and the most beneficial
aspect of storytelling that we’ve noticed
in our own classes is that it provides an
opportunity for the teller to practise the
skill of speaking in front of an audience
and for a good length of time, with the
Yaser Khajavi and Roohollah Heidari suggest added benefit of instantaneous feedback.
In the process, both teller and listeners
multiple strategies for storytelling. are able to develop their understanding
of vocabulary and discourse

torytelling is one of the oldest Today, the art of storytelling construction. Narration of a story can
human pastimes: it is as old as continues in different forms and we use involve a great variety of new words and
language itself, and since the different devices to convey a story. In the teller can practise using these words
dawn of human civilization, this article we will focus on oral story in context. This can greatly enhance
people have used it to fight off boredom. telling or oral reproduction of stories,
The art of storytelling evolved naturally and will explore the use of storytelling
because there were always some people in teaching programmes. At its simplest,
who preferred telling stories and some storytelling is the oral
who preferred listening to them. In many Storytelling in
cultures, people wanted to keep records reproduction of a story,
language learning
and memories of past events alive, so whether it be a past
storytelling acquired an important Storytelling has been widely used to
position and those who had a talent for enhance the oral, auditory and visual memory or a piece
it became highly respected members of capacities of people of all ages. Indeed, of literature
society. Archaeology suggests that the it is the oldest teaching method that
Egyptians were the first to write down has been widely and consistently used
their stories. The Romans are known in different societies throughout the both the storyteller’s and the listeners’
to have been particularly good at world. E M Pedersen argues that knowledge of vocabulary: they can get a
spreading stories – as are gypsies, storytelling is the original form of good sense of the primary and
whose nomadic lifestyle enabled them education, maintaining that a simple secondary meaning of words, together
to carry tales far and wide. Throughout narrative will always be the with a feel for the different connotations.
the Middle Ages, royal families hired cornerstone of the art of teaching. Another beneficial aspect of
storytellers or troubadours and they At its simplest, storytelling is the storytelling is that it can improve the
told tales of courtly love and heroic oral reproduction of a story, whether it storyteller’s awareness of grammatical
martial accomplishments. be a past memory or a piece of structures. Using appropriate tenses,
Besides providing entertainment, literature. In fact, it goes beyond mere paying attention to the references of the
storytelling has been used to pass on story reproduction as the good pronouns, using different types of clauses,
family lore, values, ideas and beliefs, storyteller tries to recreate the linking ideas, and so on are all involved in
common history and heritage – in fact, experiences in a story, not only through successful storytelling. Besides all these,
it has enabled the whole human words but also through such things as which could be described as the verbal
experience to be conveyed from one gesture, posture, intonation, eye contact, aspect of language, storytelling can also
generation to another and from one etc. What makes storytelling a unique help both the listeners and the
culture to another. As a result, it can be experience for the teller and the storyteller to improve their non-verbal
said that it is an inseparable part of listener is that both sides affect each abilities: the use of gesture and posture
human civilisation. other in a reciprocal manner. The to convey mood and meaning. 

• • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • Issue 77 November 2011 • 23

each of these intelligences here as this

7 Intrapersonal intelligence
has been done many times before in ETp. Get the students to discuss whether the
events in the story have an echo in your
1 Linguistic intelligence

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own lives. Ask your students to reflect
In order to help the students develop on the stories by finding similarities with
their linguistic intelligence, ask them to things that have happened to them or
retell and/or rewrite a story that has to people they know.
 It is often said that learning a been told to them in their own words.
language is learning a culture. By using In addition, you can ask them to try to 8 Naturalistic intelligence
stories from the language that is being choose adjectives which best describe Tell stories of how things in nature
learnt, we can help to bridge the gap the characters in the story. might have come to be as they are.
between two different cultures. As There are many stories which are
2 Logical-mathematical
Malkina puts it: ‘in early language teaching, related to animals and nature. These
storytelling can be one of the main tools for can be very helpful in activating the
children to become culturally literate’; or as Ask your students to look for rhythmic students’ naturalistic intelligence. ETp
Susan Craig et al argue: ‘storytelling is a patterns, repeated words, sequences
great way to bridge apparent cultural divide and recurring themes in the stories. It Pedersen, E M ‘Storytelling and the art of
by encouraging many interpretations of the can also be good to read them only the teaching’ English Teaching Forum 33 1995
core story the teacher is telling’. first part of a story and get them to Malkina, N ‘Storytelling in early language
Finally, a very important aspect of guess the rest. teaching’ English Teaching Forum 33 1995
class management is creating a positive Craig, S, Hull, K, Haggart, A G and
3 Musical intelligence Crowder, E ‘Storytelling: addressing the
atmosphere in which the students can
Play background music for the students literacy needs of diverse learners’ High
reveal their utmost abilities. Storytelling Beam Research (
can create this atmosphere; as Pedersen during the reading or retelling of stories.
1P3-72379878.html) 2001
points out, a story is a time to share Ask them to find a suitable rhythm for
Puchta, H and Rinvolucri, M Multiple
feelings. If a relaxed, happy relationship reading a story aloud. Suggest that they Intelligences in EFL CUP 2005
between storyteller and listener is try to find sound patterns in the story,
established, it draws them together and add rhythms to enhance the action and Yaser Khajavi is an ELT
builds mutual confidence. Teachers words, make some sound effects for the instructor and teacher
trainer. He currently
should provide a classroom environment story or tell the story in rap or rhyme. teaches English in high
school and at Islamic Azad
that will stimulate thought and feeling University, Izeh branch,
4 Spatial intelligence
while cultivating listening and speaking Iran. He is also an editorial
Let the students draw pictures board member of Theory
skills: stories can contribute to the and Practice in Language
establishment of just that kind of illustrating the events in the story in Studies. Articles by him
sequence or ask them to draw pictures have appeared recently in
environment. English Language Teaching
We would agree with Herbert of the characters. Use a concept and HLT magazine.

Puchta and Mario Rinvolucri that mapping technique to create a

students’ motivation relies to some summary of the story. Roohollah Heidari has an
MA in English literature.
extent on the atmosphere of the class He teaches English
5 Bodily-kinaesthetic
and on the relevance for the students literature at Islamic
intelligence Azad University, Izeh
of the activities set by the teacher. In a branch, Iran. He has also
class which is focused solely on Get the students to use movements taught English literature
linguistic exercises, those with strong and gestures instead of words to tell and translation courses at
Payam Nour Universtiy
linguistic intelligence will benefit, while parts of the story and to mime the and State University of
events of the story. Creating a dance Shahrekord, Iran.
others may do less well.
that tells the story can also be helpful.
One good idea is to roleplay the story,
Storytelling getting the students to play the

strategies different characters.

This brings us to the second part of Writing for ETp
our article, in which we suggest some 6 Interpersonal intelligence
Would you like to write for ETp?
strategies to strengthen, by means of Have a discussion about the social and We are always interested in new writers
storytelling, the different types of personal relationships of the characters and fresh ideas. For guidelines and
intelligence proposed by Howard in the story. Ask your students how advice, write to us or email:
Gardner in his theory of multiple they feel about these relationships and
intelligences. We don’t propose to define how they could be improved.

24 • Issue 77 November 2011 • ENGLISH TEACHING professional • •

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