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A business is a formally and legally organized and recognized profession or organization aimed to
provide goods services or both to consumers, business professionals, and others concerned in
exchange for some gains. Communication, in simple words, is the transmission of
messages/information sent from one person, party, and place to another person, party,
and place.


While observing the operational activities of an organization, we notice that people spend much of
their time communicating rather than doing anything else. People are seen as either listening and
talking or doing other equally important things(thinking, reading, writing) which involves physical and
mental exercises. The first (Listening and Talking) intends to know, learn, and accumulate
information from various sources. The second intends to transform the preconceived and well-
planned thoughts into well-structured formats for the implementation of organizational plans and

Business communication is the study of all aspects of organizational operations and information
networking systems that take place in the most complex and changing business world distinctly
affected by scientific and technological innovations.

Objectives of Business Communication

To disseminate information.
To promote interpersonal relations between/among the communicators.
To convey the message/s from one party to another party.
To make others (receivers) understand the message conveyed.
To achieve common organizational goals.
To discuss various aspects of specific problems and work out solutions.

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Components/Elements of Communication

Source or Sender: (A single speaker, a group of person, an organization, non-verbal

information source)
Target or Receiver: (A single person, a group of persons, and a non-verbal information
source) is the end-polarity of communication.
Message: (The contents of communication, matter sent and delivered from the sender to the
Response: (Reactions expressed)
Channel/Medium: It is the means of communication. It is an established network of
communication that serves as a medium of transmitting a message from one party or place to
another. Channel can also be understood as a point through which communication passes.

Ways of Communicating Effectively at Work

Pay attention to body language
Consider preference of means of communication
Consider your tone
Don’t be too casual
Check your grammar
Keep criticism constructive
Restate what you hear

Role of Business Communication

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