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Learning of the Week


Important incidents of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h


(The Miraculous Night Journey from Makkah to the Farthest Mosque in
Jerusalem, and the Ascent through the Spheres of Heavens)

The last days of the Makkan phase As for its exact date, it is still
of the Prophet’s life are noted for controversial and no common consent
alternate fortunes ranging between has been reached. However, the
two extremes: gradual success and majority of jurists is in favour of a
continual persecution. However, date between 16-12 months prior to
glimpses of propitious lights were migration to Madinah.
looming on the distant horizon, to The following is a epitome of the
ultimately materialize in the event of details of that miraculous event
the Prophet’s Night Journey to narrated on the authority of Ibn Al-
Jerusalem and then Ascension Qayyim.
through the spheres of the heavens.
The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) was carried in body from the Sacred
Mosque in Makkah to the Distant Mosque in Jerusalem on a horse called Al-Buraq
in the company of Gabriel, the archangel. There he alighted, tethered the horse to
a ring in the gate of the Mosque and led the Prophets in prayer. After that
Gabriel took him to the heavens on the same horse. When they reached the first
heaven Gabriel asked the guardian angel to open the door of heaven. It was
opened and he saw Adam, the progenitor of mankind. The Prophet (Peace be
upon him) saluted him and the other welcomed him and expressed his faith in
Muhammad’s Prophethood. He saw the souls of martyrs on his right and those of
the wretched on his left.

Ar Raheeq Al Makhtum
[The Sealed Nectar]

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