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Corporation Law

Handout 1A
1. Definition of Corporation Corporation Code (NDC vs. Phil.
Veterans Bank, 192 SCRA 257).

1. A corporation is an artificial being 6. The same provision of the Constitution,

created by operation of law, having the however, allows the creation of
right of succession and the powers, government-owned or controlled
attributes and properties expressly corporations by special laws even if
authorized by law or incident to its organized to pursue a proprietary or
existence [Sec. 2, Revised Corporation Code private purpose of the government
of the Philippines (RCCP) (RA 11232), provided its formation is economically
effective February 23, 2019]. viable and is in the interest of the
common good. Public corporations
2. The statutory language employed owes (local political subdivisions e.g.
much to Chief Justice Marshall, who provinces, cities and municipalities) are
defined a corporation precisely as "an likewise created pursuant to a special
artificial being, invisible, intangible, and law (Ibid).
existing only in contemplation of law"
(Tayag vs. Benguet Consolidated, Inc., 26
2. Classes of Corporations
SCRA 242, citing Dartmouth College vs.
Woodward, 4 Wheat, 518 [1819]).
1. As to existence of dividends
3. A corporation is a juristic person,
resulting from an association of human i. Stock corporations – a corporation
beings granted legal personality by the in which capital stock is divided
state (Ibid). into shares and is authorized to
distribute to holders of such shares
4. A private corporation as defined in the dividends or allotments of the
RCCP is created by “operation of law.” surplus profits on the basis of the
It is not created “by law” but “by shares held (Sec.3, RCCP)
operation of law.” This means that it is
created by tolerance of the law or by Even if there is a statement of
authority of the law through a general capital stock, the corporation is still
law. This general law is the Corporation not a stock corporation if dividends
Code [BP 68, Effective May 1, 1980; NDC are not supposed to be declared,
vs. Phil. Veterans Bank, 192 SCRA 257]. that is, there is no distribution of
retained earning [Collector of
5. Sec. 16, Article XII of the Constitution Internal Revenue vs Club Filipino De
prohibits the formation of private Cebu (1962)].
corporations by a special law, i.e. a law
specifically enacted to create a private ii. Non-stock corporations – a
corporation and which applies to that corporation which does not have a
same corporation. Congress may capital stock or does not issue
provide for the formation, organization stocks and goes not distribute
or regulation of private corporations dividends or allotment of surplus
only by a general law like the profits to its members (Sundiang Sr.

and Aquino, Reviewer in Commercial temporalities of any religious
Law, 2019 ed., p.209). denomination, sect or church (Secs,
107 and 108, RCCP).; and
iii. Many government
instrumentalities are vested with iii. One Person Corporation- a
corporate powers but they do not corporation with a single
become stock or non-stock stockholder, who may be a natural
corporations, which is a necessary person, a trust or an estate (Sec. 116,
condition before an agency or RCCP). No other person/ entity,
instrumentality is deemed a outside those mentioned in the said
[GOCC]. Examples are the Mactan section may form OPC.
International Airport Authority, the
Philippine Ports Authority, the 3. As to whether they are for religious
University of the Philippines and purpose or not:
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. All
these government instrumentalities i. Ecclesiastical Corporation or one
exercise corporate powers but they organized for religious purpose.
are not organized as stock or non- Under the Code, religious
stock corporations as required by corporations may be incorporated
Section 2(13) of the Introductory by one or more persons. Such
Provisions of the Administrative corporations may be classified into
Code. (Republic v. Heirs of corporations sole and religious
Bernabe, et al., G.R. No. 237663, societies (Sec. 107 RCCP); or
October 06, 2020; J. Caguioa)

2. As to number of persons who compose them: ii. Lay Corporation or one organized
for a purpose other than for
i. Corporate aggregate- a corporation religion. Lay corporations, in turn,
that is formed by and is composed may be either eleemosynary or
of two or more stockholders or civil.
members (Sundiang Sr. and Aquino, 4. As to whether they are for charitable
Reviewer in Commercial Law, 2019 purpose or not:
ed., p.209);
i. Eleemosynary corporation or one
ii. Corporation sole - a corporation established for or devoted to
that is organized and formed by charitable purposes or those
one person (who may be a chief supported by charity (De Leon,
archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, Corporation Code of the Philippines
rabbi or other presiding elder of Annotated, p.42); or
such religious denomination, sect
or church) This applies to religious ii. Civil Corporation or one
corporations where a corporation established for business or profit,
sole is allowed for purposes of with a view toward realizing gains
administering and managing, as to be distributed among its
trustee, the affairs, property and

members (De Leon, Corporation Code NOTE: The presumption is that all
of the Philippines Annotated, p.42). corporations are de jure, in terms of rights and
privileges, performance of powers, which the
5. As to laws of incorporation: law confers upon de jure corporations, de facto
may still do the same.
i. Domestic corporation- corporation
formed, organized or existing De jure De facto
under Philippine Laws (Sundiang Corporation Corporation
Sr. and Aquino, Reviewer in a. Created in a. Colorable
Commercial Law, 2019 ed., p.209); or accordance with the compliance with the
requirements of the requirements of the
law law
ii. Foreign Corporation- a corporation
b. No defect in b. Defective in the
formed, organized or existing
incorporation manner of
under any laws other than those of c. Those which have incorporation
the Philippines and whose laws strictly or c. An attempt, in good
allow Filipino citizens and substantially faith, to form a
corporations to do business in its complied with the corporation
own country or state (Sec. 123, statutory according to the
RCCP). requirements for requirements of
incorporation law.
6. As to their legal right to corporate d. Right to exist cannot
existence: be successfully One which actually
attacked even in a exists for all
direct proceeding practical purposes
i. De jure corporation - a corporation by the State . as a corporation but
which has no legal
organized in accordance with the
right to corporate
requirements of law (Sundiang Sr.
existence as against
and Aquino, Reviewer in Commercial the State.
Law, 2019 ed., p.207); or
d. Right to exist can be
ii. De facto corporation- a corporation successfully
where there exists a flaw in its attacked in a direct
incorporation. The requisites for its proceeding by the
existence are: State (Quo
a. The existence of a valid law Warranto)
under which it may be (Sundiang Sr. and
Aquino, Reviewer in
Commercial Law,
b. An attempt in good faith the
2019 ed., p.212).
c. Use of corporate power (Sec.
Bar 2012: The Articles of Incorporation of AAA
19, RCCP; Sundiang Sr. and Corporation was approved by SEC. After the
Aquino, Reviewer in receipt of the Certificate of Approval from the
Commercial Law, 2019 ed., SEC, AAA Corporation decided to immediately
p.207.) start the operation of its business despite the fact
that it has no approved By-Laws. What is the
legal status of the AAA Corporation?

a. A de jure corporation; lease of its properties or other
b. A de facto corporation; control device (Ibid, citing E.L.
c. A corporation by estoppels; Kohler, A Dictionary for Accountants,
d. An unregistered corporation. 1975 ed., p. 26).

Suggested Answer:
9. As to whether they are for public or private
a. A de jure corporation.

i. Public corporation or those formed

7. As to whether they are open to the public
or organized for the government of
or not:
a portion of the state for the general
good and welfare; or
i. Close corporation or one which is
limited to selected persons or
ii. Private corporations or those
members of a family (see Sec. 95,
formed for some private purpose,
RCCP); or
benefit, or end. This includes:
ii. Open corporation or one, which is
1. Government-owned or
open to any person who may wish
controlled corporations or
to become a stockholder or member
those created or organized by
thereto (De Leon, Corporation Code
the government or for which the
Annotated, p. 43).
government is the majority
8. As to their relation to another stockholder. When the
corporation: government engages in a
particular business through the
i. Parent or holding corporation or
instrumentality of a corporation,
one which is so related to another it divests itself pro hac vice of its
corporation that it has the power, sovereign character, so as to
either directly or indirectly, to elect subject itself to the rules
the majority of the directors of such governing private corporation
other corporation (Ibid); (Philippine National Bank v.
Pabalan, 83 SCRA 595).
ii. Subsidiary corporation or one
which is so related to another 2. Quasi-public Corporation or
corporation that the majority of the private corporations which have
directors can be elected, either accepted from the State the
directly or indirectly by such other grant of franchise or contract
corporation. It is one in which involving the performance of
another corporation owns at least a public duties but which are
majority of the shares and thus has
organized for profit (1 Fletcher,
control (Ibid); or p. 216, cited in De Leon,
Corporation Code Annotated, p.
iii. Affiliated corporation or one
related to another by owning or by
being owned in common
management or by a long-term

NOTE: To determine whether a duties maintainable at law
corporation is government owned or (Sundiang Sr. and Aquino,
controlled or private in nature, use the Reviewer in Commercial Law, 2019
Charter Test. ed., p.208)

2. Corporation by estoppel or a
Charter Test – If it is created by its own
group of persons which holds
charter for the exercise of a public
itself out as a corporation and
function, or by incorporation under the
enters into a contract with a third
general corporation law.
person on the strength of such
If the corporation is created by the appearance cannot be permitted
State as the latter’s own agency or to deny its existence in an action
instrumentality to help it in carrying under said contract (Sec. 20,
out its governmental functions, then RCCP).
that corporation is considered public;
otherwise, it is private (Philippine A person who contracted with an
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to officer who signed for
Animals vs. COA, September 25, 2007). corporation prior to the
corporation’s incorporation may
10. As to whether they are corporations in a also be estopped from saying
true sense or only in a limited sense: that the contracting party is not
the corporation. Both the
i. True Corporation or one which corporation and the other
exists by statutory authority (De contracting parties are bound
Leon, Corporation Code Annotated, p. (Paz vs New Environment
46); or Universality, Inc., 2015).

ii. Quasi-corporation or one which Bar 2013: Unknown to the other four
exists without formal legislative proponents, Enrico (who had been given the
grant (Ibid): task of attending to the Articles of Incorporation
of the proposed corporation, Auto Mo, Ayos Ko)
1. Corporation by prescription or misappropriated the filing fees and never filed
one which has exercised the Articles of Incorporation with the SEC.
corporate powers for an instead, he prepared and presented to the
proposed incorporators a falsified SEC
indefinite period without
certificate approving the Articles. Relying on the
interference on the part of the
falsified SEC certificate, the latter began
sovereign power and which by
assuming and discharging corporate powers.
fiction of law is given the status Auto Mo, Ayos Ko is a ______.
of a corporation (1 Fletcher, p. A. De jure corporation;
415); B. De facto corporation;
C. Corporation by estoppel;
A corporation that was not D. General partnership;
formally organized as such, but E. None of the above.
has been duly recognized by
immemorial usage as a Suggested Answer:
corporation, with rights and

c) Corporation by estoppel— if the term “latter” citizens (Sec. 11, Art XII, 1987
refers to the incorporators. Constitution).

e) None of the above—if the term “latter” refers c. The ownership of mass media shall
to Enrico.
be limited to Filipino citizens or
corporations wholly owned (100%)
3. Nationality of Corporations and managed by Filipino citizens
(Sec. 11(1), par. 1, Art. XVI, 1987
a. Control Test
d. Corporations engaged in advertising
1. The Control Test determines the must have Filipino control of at least
nationality of the corporation by the 70% of its capital (Sec. 11(2), par. 2,
nationality of the controlling stockholders. Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution).

2. Shares belonging to corporations or b. Grandfather Rule

partnerships at least 60% of the capital of
which is owned by Filipino citizens shall
be considered as Philippine nationality 1. The "grandfather rule" is a method of
(Opinion No. 018, s. 1989, January 19, 1989, attributing the shareholding of a given
Department of Justice, cited in Dissenting corporate shareholder to the second or
Opinion of Justice Velasco, Jr. in Gamboa vs. even the subsequent tier of ownership to
Teves, 652 SCRA 690). determine the ultimate ownership in a
corporation. This is consistent with the
3. Although the Incorporation Test is the rule that the “beneficial ownership” of
primary test of nationality in the corporations engaged in nationalized
Corporation Code, the control test applies activities must reside in the hands of the
in certain cases (for investment purposes) Filipino citizens. (Sundiang Sr. and Aquino,
Reviewer in Commercial Law, 2019 ed., p.193)
In the cases of a multi-tiered corporation,
a. In the exploitation and development the stock attribution rule must be allowed
of natural resources, the State may to run continuously along the chain of
enter into a joint venture with ownership until it finally reaches the
Filipino citizens or corporations or individual stockholders (Narra Nickel
associations wherein at least 60% of Mining and Development Corporation vs.
its capital is owned by Filipino Redmont Consolidated Mines, April 21,
citizens (Sec. 2, par. 1, Art. XII, 1987 2014).
2. The "Grandfather Rule" is applied
b. In operation of public utilities, the specifically in cases where the Filipino
operator must be a Filipino or the equity is less than 60% of the outstanding
corporation must be organized under capital of a corporation that owns shares
Philippine laws and with at least 60% in a partly nationalized enterprise- at least
of its capital is owned by Filipino 60% of which must be owned by
Philippine Nationals (Ibid).

3. Apply Grandfather Rule only when the c. 7
60-40 Filipino-foreign equity ownership is d. 5
in doubt (i.e. in cases where the joint
venture corporation with Filipino and Suggested Answer:
foreign stockholders with less than 60%
b. 6
Filipino stockholdings [or 59%] invests in
other joint venture corporation which is
Bar 2013: Bell Philippines, Inc. (BelPhil) is a
either 60-40% Filipino-alien or 59% less public utility company, duly incorporated
Filipino). Stated differently, where the 60- and registered with the SEC. its authorized
40 Filipino-foreign equity ownership is capital stock consists of voting common
not in doubt, the Grandfather Rule will shares and non-voting preferred shares, with
not apply (Narra Nickel Mining and equal par values of P100/share. Currently, the
Development Corporation vs. Redmont issued and outstanding capital stock of
Consolidated Mines, G.R. No. 195580, BelPhil consists only of common shares
April 21, 2014). shared between Bayani Cruz, a Filipino with
60% of the issued common shares, and
Bernard Fleet, a Canadian, with 40%. To
4. Illustration: Assume that in ABC
secure additional working fund, BelPhil
Corporation, 69% of the shares are owned
issued preferred shares to Bernard Fleet
by XYZ Corporation while Filipinos own equivalent to the currently outstanding
31% of the shares. XYZ Corporation on the common shares. A suit was filed questioning
other hand has the following ownership: the corporate action on the ground that the
47% Filipino owned and 53% Alien foreign equity holdings in the company
owned. May ABC Corporation engage in would now exceed the 40% foreign equity
the development of natural resources in limit allowed under the Constitution for
the Philippines (In other words, is 60% of public utilities.
its capital Filipino owned)?
Rule on the legality of Bernard Fleet’s current
Under the grandfather rule there is a need
to determine Filipino ownership in ABC
Suggested Answer:
Corporation. Thus, 47/100 multiplied by
69 = 32.43% (Filipino owned capital of The holding of Bernard Fleet equivalent to
XYZ Corporation in ABC Corporation). the outstanding common shares is illegal. His
This should be added to the given 31% holdings of preferred shares should not
Filipino ownership in ABC Corporation. It exceed 40%. Since the constitutional
appears that 63.43% of the capital of ABC requirement of 60% Filipino ownership of the
Corporation is Filipino owned. It is capital of public utilities applies not only to
qualified under the Constitution. voting control but also to beneficial
ownership of the corporation, it should also
apply to the preferred shares. Preferred
Bar 2011: The Articles of Incorporation of
shares are also entitled to vote in certain
ABC Transport Co., a public utility, provides
corporate matters. The State shall develop a
for 10 members in its Board of Directors.
self-reliant and independent national
What is the prescribed minimum number of
economy effectively controlled by Filipinos.
Filipino citizens in its Board?
The effective control here should be mirrored
across the board on all kinds of shares.
a. 10
b. 6

4. Corporate Juridical Personality as a distinct legal entity and as a result of a
conscious policy decision to promote
capital formation, a corporation incurs its
a. Doctrine of Separate Juridical own liabilities and is legally responsible
Personality for payment of its obligations. In other
words, by virtue of the separate juridical
personality of a corporation, the corporate
1. Law invests a corporation with a debt or credit is not the debt or credit of
personality separate and distinct from the stockholder. This protection from
those of the persons composing it as well liability for shareholders is the principle of
as from that of any other legal entity to limited liability (Philippines National Bank vs.
which it may be related. Mere ownership Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation,
by a single stockholder or by other 693 SCRA 294; Zomer Development
corporation of all or nearly all of the Company, Inc. v. Special 20th Division of the
capital stock of a corporation is not of Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 194461,
itself sufficient ground for disregarding January 07, 2020).
the separate corporate personality (Elcee
Farms, Inc. vs. NLRC, 512 SCRA 602). 5. A corporation is a juridical entity with a
legal personality separate and distinct
2. The corporate legal structure draws its from those acting for and, in its behalf,
“economic superiority” from key features and, in general, from the people
such as a separate corporate personality. comprising it. Thus, as a general rule, an
Unlike other business association such as officer may not be held liable for the
partnership, the corporate framework corporation's labor obligations unless he
encourages investment by allowing even acted with evident malice and/or bad faith
small capital contributors to be part of a in dismissing an employee. (Symex
big business endeavor made possible by Security Services, Inc. v. Rivera, G.R. No.
the aggregation of their capital funds 202613, 8 November 2017, J. Caguioa).
(Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs.
Morning Star Travel & Tours, Inc., G.R. No. 6. The following are the consequences of the
198436, July 8, 2015). separate personality of the corporation:

3. When the separate juridical personality of a. A corporation can acquire property of

a corporation is used “to defeat public its own, enter into transactions,
convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud, business dealings, contracts or any
or defend crime, the law will regard the other contemplated juridical acts under
corporation as an association of persons.” its own name;
(Granada vs. People, G.R. No. 184092,
February 22, 2017). b. The obligations and liabilities arising
from said contracts are regarded as
4. A corporation is an artificial entity created that of the corporation and not those of
by operation of law. It has a personality the individual members or of the
separate and distinct from that of its officers of the corporation. Obligations
stockholders and from that of other of the corporation are not to be
corporations to which it may be regarded as obligations of its members.
connected. As a consequence of its status

Conversely, personal obligations of its against unreasonable searches and
members are not regarded as seizures.
obligations of the corporation;
g. There are, however, constitutional
c. Properties of the corporation are not to rights which do not apply to a
be considered as property of its corporation. For instance, the
individual members or shareholders guarantee against self-incrimination
and vice versa. Following this theory, would only extend to a natural person
it is improper for a shareholder to (Bataan Shipyard vs. PCGG, 150 SCRA
intervene in any action involving the 181).
assets and properties of the
corporation. Conversely, it is improper Bar 2019: In 2016, X Corp. obtained a loan worth
for the corporation to intervene in any ₱50,000,000.00 from J Bank, which was secured
action or proceeding involving by a third-party mortgage executed by Y, Inc. in
personal properties of its members or favor of X Corp. Since X Corp. was not able to
settle its loan obligation to J Bank when it fell
due, and despite numerous demands, J Bank
foreclosed the mortgaged properties. The
d. The interest of the shareholder in the
properties were sold in a foreclosure sale for
properties of the corporation is ₱35,000,000.00, thereby leaving a ₱15,000,000.00
inchoate only, not direct and actual. A deficiency. For failure of X Corp. to pay said
direct interest arises only when after deficiency, J Bank filed a complaint for sum of
liquidation of corporate assets, a money against X Corp., its President, Mr. P, and
particular property is assigned to the Y, Inc.
With respect to Mr. P, J Bank argued that he
e. If a stockholder passes away, the should be held solidarily liable together with X
Corp. because he signed the loan document on
properties registered in the name of
behalf of X Corp. in his capacity as President.
the corporations organized by the
On the other hand, J Bank contended that Y, Inc.
deceased before his death are not to be
should also be held solidarily liable because the
included in the inventory of the estate shareholdings of both corporations are
of the deceased. The personality of the identically owned and their operations are
corporation is distinct from those who controlled by the same people; hence, Y, Inc. is a
organized the corporation (Lim vs. CA, mere alter ego of X Corp.
323 SCRA 102).
(a) Should Mr. P be held liable? Explain. (2.5%)
f. A corporation is considered a person
under the Constitution and enjoys the Suggested Answer:
protection afforded by the due process
Mr. P is not liable. The corporation being a mere
and equal protection clauses. The term
artificial person can only act through its
“person” in the Constitution
representative. The corporate representative is
encompasses even juridical persons. not liable for any act taken on behalf of the
Hence, a corporation cannot be corporation unless he acted in bad faith or with
deprived of its life without due process gross negligence in directing the affairs of the
of law. It is also entitled to protection corporation or made himself liable solidarily
with the corporation. In this case, P, as

President, signed the loan document not for two companies have the same set of corporate
himself but on behalf of X Corporation. Nothing officers. After 2 years, X Corp. dismissed its call
in the facts indicated show that he bound center agents for no apparent reason. The agents
himself liable with the corporation or he acted in filed a collective suit for illegal dismissal against
bad faith or with gross negligence. both X Corp. and Y Corp. based on the doctrine
of piercing the veil of corporate fiction. The
(b) Should Y, Inc. be held liable? Explain. (2.5%) latter set up a defense that the agents are in the
employ of X Corp. which is a separate juridical
Suggested Answer: entity. Is the defense appropriate?

Y, Inc. is not liable. Interlocking shareholders, a. No, since the doctrine would apply, the two
directors and officers, per se, is not enough companies having the same set of corporate
reason to set aside the separate legal officers.
personalities of X and Y. b. No, the real employer is Y Corp., the pizza
company, with X Corp. serving as an arm for
Piercing the corporate veil based on the alter ego receiving its outside orders for pizzas.
theory requires the concurrence of three c. Yes, it is not shown that one company
elements, namely: completely dominates the finances, policies, and
business practices of the latter.
1) Control, not mere majority or complete stock d. Yes, since the two companies perform two
control, but complete domination, not only of distinct businesses.
finances but of policy and business practice in
respect to the transaction attacked so that the Suggested Answer:
corporate entity as to this transaction had at the
time no separate mind, will or existence of its c. Yes, it is not shown that one company
own; completely dominates the finances, policies, and
business practices of the latter.
2) Such control must have been used by the
defendant to commit fraud or wrong, to Bar 2012: X sold all his shares in AAA Hotel
perpetuate the violation of a statutory or other Corporation to Y. X owns 99% of AAA Hotel
positive legal duty, or dishonest and unjust act Corporation. As the new owner, Y wanted a
in contravention of plaintiff’s legal right; and reorganization of the hotel which is to include
primarily the separation of all existing
3) The aforesaid control and breach of duty must employees and the hiring of new employees.
have proximately caused the injury or unjust Which statement is most accurate?
loss complained of [Development Bank of the
Philippines v. Hydro Resources Contractors a. With the change in ownership, in effect there
Corporation, G.R. No. 167603, March 13, 2013]. is a new juridical entity and therefore all
employees are considered separated;
Control then is not enough. The facts do not b. Despite the change in shareholder, there is
show that the control over the corporation was actually no change in the juridical entity and
used to perpetuate fraud or violate a positive therefore existing employees cannot
legal duty in contravention of the J Bank’s right automatically be considered separated;
and that such control and breach of duty was c. Y, as the new shareholder, has the right to
the proximate cause suffered by the Bank. retain only those employees who in his
judgment are qualified;
Bar 2011: X Corp. operates a call center that d. For as long as the existing employees are
received orders for pizzas on behalf of Y Corp. given their separation pay, they can be
which operates a chain of pizza restaurants. The terminated.

Suggested Answer: issued the Alias Writ of Execution.

b. Despite the change in shareholder, there is In its Resolution, the RTC relied on the
actually no change in the juridical entity and following facts: 499,995 out of the 500,000
therefore existing employees cannot outstanding shares of stocks of D-Securities are
automatically be considered separated. owned by FB; FB had actual knowledge of the
subject matter of litigation as the lawyers who
Bar 2012: X owns 99% of the capital stock of SSS represented D-Securities are also the lawyers of
Corporation. X also own 99% of TTT FB. As an alter ego, there is no need for a finding
Corporation. SSS Corporation obtained a loan of fraud or illegality before the doctrine of
from VVV Banks. On due date, SSS Corporate piercing the veil of corporate fiction can be
defaulted. TTT Corporation is financially applied. The RTC ratiocinated that being one
healthy. Which statement is most accurate? and the same entity in the eyes of the law, the
service of summons upon D-Securities has
a. X being a controlling owner of SSS bestowed jurisdiction over both the parent and
Corporation can automatically be held wholly-owned subsidiary. Is the RTC correct?
personally liable for the loan of SSS Corporation;
b. TTT Corporation, owned by 99% by X, can Suggested Answer:
automatically be held liable;
c. SSS Corporation and TTT Corporation, No, the RTC is not correct. The court must have
although both are owned by X, are 2 distinct first acquire jurisdiction over the corporation(s)
corporations with separate juridical involved before its or their separate
personalities hence, the TTT Corporation cannot personalities are disregarded; and the doctrine
automatically be held liable for the loan of SSS of piercing the veil of corporate entity can only
Corporation; be raised during a full-blown trial over a cause
d. The principle of piercing the veil of of action duly commenced involving parties
corporation fiction can be applied in this case duly brought under the authority of the court by
way of service of summons or what passes as
Suggested Answer: such service.

c. SSS Corporation and TTT Corporation,

i. Liability for Tort and Crimes
although both are owned by X, are 2 distinct
corporations with separate juridical
personalities hence, the TTT Corporation cannot 1. Liability for Crimes. A corporation itself
automatically be held liable for the loan of SSS cannot be criminally liable for felonies
Corporation. described in the Revised Penal Code or in
special laws because it cannot perform
Bar 2014: In an action for collection of a sum of
physical overt acts of a crime. It cannot
money, the RTC of Makati City issued a decision
even be imprisoned. Nevertheless, the
finding DSecurities, Inc. liable to Rehouse
Corporation for P10 M. Subsequently, the writ officers of the corporation may, in their
of execution was issued but returned unsatisfied individual capacities be liable for crimes
because D-Securities had no more assets to done in behalf of the corporation. While
satisfy the judgment. Rehouse moved for an the act of the officers may impose certain
Alias Writ of Execution against Fairfield Bank obligations on the corporation because of
(FB), the parent company of DSecurities. FB the criminal act of its officers, the officer
opposed the motion on the grounds that it is a who performed the criminal act must
separate entity and that it was never made party assume the criminal liability (Executive
to the case. The RTC granted the motion and
Secretary vs. Court of Appeals, 429 SCRA 81;

Singian, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan, 478 SCRA indispensable to its commission
348). (Sec. 171, RCCP).

2. A corporation’s personality is separate b. Accordingly, the penalty of

and distinct from its officers, directors, payment of fine can be imposed
and shareholders. To be held criminally on the corporation itself under
liable for the acts of a corporation, there the RCCP. Thus, the penalty of
must be a showing that its officers, fine may be imposed on the
directors, and shareholders actively corporation under:
participated in or had the power to
prevent the wrongful act. (Securities and i. Section 161(RCCP)- on
Exchange Commission vs. Price Richardson violation of the duty to
Corporation, G.R. No. 197032, July 26, 2017). maintain records, to
allow inspection or
3. A corporation cannot be arrested and reproduction thereof;
imprisoned; hence, cannot be penalized
for a crime punishable by imprisonment. ii. Section 165 (RCCP)-
However, a corporation may be charged corporations that
and prosecuted for a crime if the conducts its business for
imposable penalty is fine. Even if the fraud;
statute prescribes both fine and
imprisonment as penalty, a corporation iii. Section 166 (RCCP)-
may be prosecuted and, if found guilty, corporations that is used
may be fined (Ching vs. Secretary of for fraud or for
Justice, 481 SCRA 609; Ong v. Court of committing or concealing
Appeals, 499 Phil. 691; W.H. Small & Co. graft and corruption;
v. Commonwealth, 120 S.W. 361).
iv. Section 167(RCCP)-
4. The existence of the corporate entity does involving a corporation
not shield from prosecution the corporate that appoints an
agent who knowingly and intentionally intermediary who
caused the corporation to commit a crime engages in graft and
(Republic Gas Corporation vs. Petron corrupt practices for the
Corporation, 698 SCRA 666). corporation’s benefit or
5. Criminal Liability under Revised
Corporation Code, effective February 6. Corporate criminal liability seems to be
2019: recognized in the Anti-Money Laundering
a. If the offender is a corporation, Law of 2001. The term “offender” under
the penalty may, at the the AMLA refers to any person who
discretion of the court, be commits a money laundering offense. It
imposed upon such corporation then defines a “person” as “any natural or
responsible for the violation of juridical person.” The penalty clause of
the provisions of the Revised the law also mentions a corporation as
Corporation Code or offender (Sec. 14, AMLA).

7. If the violation or offense (under the Trust a tortious act is committed by an officer or
Receipts Law [PD 115]) is committed by a agent under express direction or authority
corporation, partnership, association or from the stockholders or members acting
other juridical entities, the penalty as a body, or, generally, from the directors
provided for in this Decree shall be as the governing body (Philippine National
imposed upon the directors, officers, Bank vs. Court of Appeals, 83 SCRA 237).
employees or other officials or persons
therein responsible for the offense, 9. The directors, however, are personally
without prejudice to the civil liabilities liable if they acted with malice or bad faith
arising from the criminal offense (Crisologo in illegally terminating the services of
vs. People, G.R. No. 199481, December 3, their employees (Polymer Rubber
2012). Though the entrustee is a Corporation vs. Salamuding, 702 SCRA 153).
corporation, nevertheless, the law
specifically makes the officers, employees 10. The settled rule is that, a corporation is
or other officers or persons responsible for invested by law with a personality
the offense, without prejudice to the civil separate and distinct from those of the
liabilities of such corporation and/or persons composing it, such that, save for
board of directors, officers, or other certain exceptions, corporate officers who
officials or employees responsible for the entered into contracts in behalf of the
offense. The rationale is that such officers corporation cannot be held personally
or employees are vested with the liable for the liabilities of the latter
authority and responsibility to devise (Saludaga vs. Far Eastern University, 553
means necessary to ensure compliance SCRA 741; Powton Conglomerate, Inc. vs.
with the law and, if they fail to do so, are Agcolicol, 400 SCRA 523).
held criminally accountable; thus, they
have a responsible share in the violations 11. The Court notes that the wording of the
of the law (Ching vs. Secretary of Justice, 481 RCC reinforces the xxx interpretation that
SCRA 609; U.S. v. Park 421 U.S. 658, 95, a violation of Section 31 of the [Old]
S.Ct. 190; Trust Receipts Law [PD 115]). Corporation Code, now Section 30 of the
RCC, is not covered by Section 144 of the
8. Liability for Torts. A corporation is civilly [Old] Corporation Code, now Section 170
liable in the same manner as natural of the RCC, there is now Section 158 on
persons for torts, because "generally administrative sanctions, xxx that the
speaking, the rules governing the liability Commission can impose if, after due
of a principal or master for a tort notice and hearing, it finds that any
committed by an agent or servant are the provisions of the RCC has been violated.
same whether the principal or master be a Thus, under the RCC, the Commission has
natural person or a corporation, and now the authority to impose any or all
whether the servant or agent be a natural [administrative] sanctions in case “any
or artificial person. All of the authorities provision of [the RCC,] rules or
agree that a principal or master is liable regulations, or any of the Commission’s
for every tort which he expressly directs order has been violated xxx taking into
or authorizes, and this is just as true of a consideration the extent of participation,
corporation as of a natural person. A nature, effects, frequency and seriousness
corporation is liable, therefore, whenever of the violation. (UPCB v. Sec, of Justice,

G.R. No. 209601, 12 January 2021, J. 4. Exceptions under jurisprudence:
a. A corporation may have a good
ii. Recovery of Damages reputation which, if debased or
besmirched resulting in social
humiliation, may be a ground for
1. Moral damages include physical suffering, recovery of moral damages and
mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, attorney’s fees (Mambulao Lumber Co. vs.
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, PNB, 22 SCRA 359; People vs. Manero, 218
moral shock, social humiliation, and SCRA 85). HOWEVER, this statement in
similar injury. Though incapable of PP vs Manero and Mambulao Lumber vs
pecuniary computation, moral damages PNB that a corporation may recover
may be recovered if they are the moral damages if it has a good
proximate result of the defendant's reputation that is debased resulting in
wrongful act for omission (Art. 2217, New social humiliation is an OBITER
Civil Code). DICTUM (ABS-CBN vs Court of Appeals,
2. A juridical person is generally not entitled
to moral damages because, unlike a b. Nevertheless, (the Corporation’s) claim
natural person, it cannot experience for moral damages falls under item 7 of
physical suffering or such sentiments as Article 2219 of the Civil Code. This
wounded feelings, serious anxiety, mental provision expressly authorizes the
anguish or moral shock (People v. Manero, recovery of moral damages in cases of
Jr.,218 SCRA 85). libel, slander or any other form of
defamation. Article 2219(7) does not
A corporation may claim damages if it qualify whether the plaintiff is a natural
falls under item 7 of Article 2219 of the or juridical person. Therefore, a juridical
Civil Code. This provision expressly person such as a corporation can validly
authorizes the recovery of moral damages complain for libel or any other form of
in cases of libel, slander, or any other form defamation and claim for moral
of defamation. Article 2219 (7) does not damages (Filipinas Broadcasting Network,
qualify whether the plaintiff is a natural or Inc. vs. Ago Medical and Eduacational
juridical person (Filipinas Broadcasting Central-Bicol Christian College of Medicine
Network, Inc. vs Ago Medical, January 17, [AMEC-BCCM], 448 SCRA 413).
c. Exception to exception: But a
3. Although in some recent cases we have corporation whose credit reputation is
held that the Court may allow the grant of not exactly something to be considered
moral damages to corporations, it is not sound and wholesome cannot be entitled
automatically granted; there must still be to a big amount of moral damages (Asset
proof of the existence of the factual basis Privatization Trust vs. CA, 300 SCRA 579).
of the damage and its causal relation to
the defendant’s acts (First Lepanto-Taisho NOTE: When confronted with an issue on
Insurance Corporation vs. Chevron whether private corporations are entitled
Philippines, Inc., 663 SCRA 309). to moral damages, look at the alleged

basis of the damages. If the basis is enough justification to pierce the veil of
physical suffering, mental anguish, corporate fiction in the absence of fraud or
serious anxiety, wounded feelings, moral other public policy considerations.”
shock or similar injury, then a corporation (Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corporation vs.
cannot seek for moral damages. If it could Morning Star Travel & Tours, Inc. G.R. No.
be shown however, that it is claiming 198436. July 8, 2015).
damages for its, reputation, which had
been unduly besmirched by the 4. The doctrine of piercing the veil of
defendant, and if it could be shown that corporate fiction applies with equal force
indeed the latter performed the alleged to a One Person Corporation (Sec. 130,
act, then a claim for moral damages is in RCCP).
5. The veil of corporate fiction may be
b. Doctrine of Piercing the pierced attaching personal liability against
Corporate Veil responsible person if the corporation's
personality "is used to defeat public
convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud
i. Grounds for Application or defend crime, or is used as a device to
of Doctrine defeat the labor laws (Dutch Movers, Inc. et
al., v. Lequin et al., G.R. No. 210032, April
1. Doctrine of piercing the veil stems from 25, 2017).
the theory / attribute that a corporation is
a legal entity distinct from the persons 6. Where it shows that business entities are
composing it. This theory was adopted for owned, controlled, and conducted by the
the purpose of convenience and to same parties, law and equity will
promote the ends of justice. BUT, when disregard the legal fiction that they are
this veil of corporate fiction is used as a distinct and shall treat them as one entity
shield to perpetuate fraud, to defeat in order to protect the rights of third
public convenience, justify wrong or persons (Leo's Restaurant & Bar Cafe v.
defend crime this fiction shall be Bensing, G.R. No. 208535, October 19, 2016).
disregarded (pierced) and the individuals
composing it will be treated identically 7. When the separate juridical personality of
(Sundiang Sr. and Aquino, Reviewer in a corporation is used “to defeat public
Commercial Law, 2019 ed., p. 198 citing Cruz convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud,
vs Dalisay, July 31, 1987). or defend crime, the law will regard the
corporation as an association of persons.”
2. The doctrine of piercing the veil of The Sandiganbayan has proven beyond
corporate fiction applies to both stock and reasonable doubt that petitioners
non-stock corporation (International conspired with each other to forego the
Academy of Management Economics vs. required bidding process and to purchase
Litton and Company, December 13, 2017). grossly overpriced construction materials
from Geomiche. There is sufficient basis to
3. The Supreme Court (SC) has held that the pierce the corporate veil, and Dela Cruz,
“existence of interlocking directors, as Geomiche’s president, should be held
corporate officers and shareholders is not equally liable as her coconspirators.

(Granada vs. People G.R. No. 184092. However, mere ownership by a single or a
February 22, 2017). small group of stockholders of nearly all
of the capital stock of the corporation is
8. The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil not, without more, sufficient to disregard
applies only in three (3) basic areas, the fiction of separate personality (Mayor
namely: v. Tiu, G.R. No. 203770, November 23, 2016).

a. defeat of public convenience as when 11. The mere existence of interlocking

the corporate fiction is used as a directors, management, and even the
vehicle for the evasion of an existing intricate intertwining of policies of the two
obligation; corporate entities do not justify the
b. fraud cases or when the corporate piercing of the corporate veil xxx, unless
entity is used to justify a wrong, there is presence of fraud or other public
protect fraud, or defend a crime; or policy considerations. To stress, the Alter
c. alter ego cases, where a corporation is Ego Doctrine cannot be casually invoked
merely a farce since it is a mere alter nor presumed. (Tiangco v. Sunlife Financial
ego or business conduit of a person, or Plans, Inc. et al., G.R. No. 241523, October
where the corporation is so organized 12, 2020)
and controlled and its affairs are so
conducted as to make it merely an 12. In violation of labor laws, the veil of
instrumentality, agency, conduit or corporate fiction can be pierced, and
adjunct of another corporation responsible corporate directors and
(Philippine National Bank vs. Hydro officers or even a separate but related
Resources Contractors Corporation, 693 corporation, may be impleaded and held
SCRA 294; Gesolgon, et al. v. CyberOne answerable solidarily, even after final
Ph., Inc., G.R. No. 210741, October 14, judgment and on execution, so long as it is
2020). established that such persons have
deliberately used the corporate vehicle to
9. In the above cases, the courts will not unjustly evade the judgment obligation, or
hesitate to disregard the separate have resorted to fraud, bad faith or malice
personality of the corporation. In doing so, in doing so. The key element is the
the courts are said “to pierce the veil of presence of fraud, malice or bad faith. Bad
corporate entity” and “look into the faith, in this instance, does not connote
substance” of the corporation, not into its bad judgment or negligence but imports a
corporate form (Villanueva vs. Andre, 172 dishonest purpose or some moral
SCRA 876; Francisco Motors Corporation vs. obliquity and conscious doing of wrong; it
CA, 309 SCRA 72). means breach of a known duty through
some motive or interest or ill will; it
10. The alter ego rule or conduit theory is a partakes of the nature of fraud (Guillermo
rule which states that where a corporation v. Uson, G.R. No. 198967, March 07, 2016).
is so organized and controlled, and its
affairs conducted, so that it is in fact a
mere instrumentality or adjunct of the ii. Test in Determining Applicability
other, the fiction of corporate entity of the
instrumentality may be disregarded.

13. Piercing the corporate veil based on the 15. Effects of piercing the veil of corporate
alter ego theory requires the concurrence entity are the following:
of three elements:
a. When the corporate existence is
a. control of the corporation by the pierced, the law will treat the
stockholder or parent corporation, corporation and its members,
b. fraud or fundamental unfairness stockholders or officers as one and the
imposed on the plaintiff, and corporation will not be considered as
c. harm or damage caused to the plaintiff having a separate personality.
by the fraudulent or unfair act of the Consequently, the officers or
corporation. The absence of any of stockholders or members may now be
these elements prevents piercing the held liable for the liabilities of the
corporate veil (Philippines National Bank corporation and vice versa (Matugina
vs. Hydro Resources Contractors Integrated Wood Products vs. CA, 263
Corporation, 693 SCRA 294). SCRA 490; Aratea vs. Suico, G.R. No.
170284, March 16, 2007).
14. In this connection, case law lays down a
three-pronged test to determine the b. “Piercing the veil” removes the barrier
application of the alter ego theory, which between the corporation from the
is also known as the instrumentality persons comprising it to thwart the
theory, namely: fraudulent and illegal schemes of those
who use the corporate personality as a
a. Control or Instrumentality test - shield for undertaking certain
Control, not mere majority or complete proscribed activities (Francisco Motors
stock control but complete domination, Corporation vs. CA, 309 SCRA 72).
not only of the finances but of policy
and business practice in respect to the c. It must be remembered that in order to
transaction attacked so that the justify piercing the veil of corporate
corporate entity as to this transaction entity, the wrongdoing must be clear
had at that time no separate mind, will and convincing. It cannot be presumed
or existence of its own; (Matugina Integrated Wood Products vs.
b. Fraud test - Such control must have CA, 263 SCRA 490; Del Rosario vs.
been used by the defendant to commit NLRC, 187 SCRA 777).
fraud or wrong, to perpetuate the
violation of a statutory or other d. The requisites before a director or
positive legal duty, or dishonest and officer or a corporation can be held
unjust act in contravention of personally liable for corporate
plaintiff’s legal rights; and obligations are that:
c. Harm test - The aforesaid control and
breach of duty must proximately cause i. The complainant must allege in the
the injury or unjust loss complained of complaint that the director or
(Ibid; see also Concept Builders, Inc. vs. officer assented to the patently
National Labor Relations Commission, 326 unlawful acts of the corporation, or
Phil. 955, 966; Virata vs. Ng Wee, G.R. that the officer was guilty of gross
Nos. 220926, July 5, 2017). negligence or bad faith; and

ii. The complainant must clearly and (100%) Filipino owned. S is a Filipino, 16 years
convincingly prove such unlawful of age, and daughter of Y.
acts, negligence or bad faith. A. Who can be incorporators? Who can be
B. What are the differences between an
5. Capital Structure incorporator and a subscriber, if there are any?
Suggested Answer:
a. Number and Qualifications of X, Y, Z and T could all be incorporators and
Incorporators subscribers. Note, however, that Section 10 of
the Corporation Code requires that there must
be at least 5 but not more than 15 incorporators
1. Incorporators must comply with the (who must all be natural persons) and that a
following requirements: majority of the incorporators must be residents
of the Philippines. S, being a minor, could
a. Any person, partnership, association neither be an incorporator nor a subscriber.
or corporation person, singly or GGG Corporation, CCC Corporation, and KKK
jointly with others; Corporation could not be incorporators as they
are not natural persons. However, they could be
b. Corporators must not be more than
Some of the differences are as follows: first, all
the incorporators are required to sign and
c. If the corporation is a stock acknowledge the Articles of Incorporation while
corporation, each incorporator must the subscribers, as such, are not subject to the
own or be a subscriber to at least one same requirement; second, the incorporators are
(1) share of the capital stock (Sec. 10, all required to be natural persons while the
RCCP). subscribers could either be natural or juridical
persons; and third, the number of incorporators
Natural persons who are licensed to cannot exceed 15 while the number of
subscribers could be more than 15 (subject to
practice profession, and partnerships
compliance, in the appropriate cases, with the
or associations organized for the
requirements of the SRC).
purpose of practicing profession, shall
not be allowed to organized as a
corporation unless otherwise provided b. Subscription Requirements
under special laws. Incorporators who
are natural persons must be of legal
Under the Revised Corporation Code, Stock
age (Ibid.)
corporations shall not be required to have a
minimum capital stock, except as otherwise
Bar 2012: X is a Filipino immigrant residing in
Sacramento, California. Y is a Filipino residing specifically provided by special law (Sec .12,
Quezon City. Z is a resident alien residing in RCCP)
Makati City. GGG Corporation is a domestic
corporation—40% owned by foreigners and 60% The requirement that 25% of the authorized
owned by Filipinos, with T as authorized capital stock as stated in the articles of
representative. CCC Corporation is a foreign incorporation must be subscribed at the time
corporation registered with the Philippines SEC, of incorporation, and at least twenty five
KKK Corporation is a domestic corporation (25%) per cent of the total subscription must

be paid upon subscription, was DELETED giving it perpetual existence, unless its
under the Revised Corporation Code. application for revival provides otherwise
(Sec. 11, RCCP).
c. Corporate Term
d. Classification of Shares
1. General Rule: A corporation shall have
PERPETUAL EXISTENCE unless its i. Preferred vs. Common Shares
articles of incorporation provides
1. Preferred shares are those, par value
shares, which are given preference in the
2. Corporations with certificates of
distribution of dividends and in the
incorporation issued prior to the effectivity of
distribution of corporate assets upon
this Code, and which continue to exist, shall
liquidation, or such other preferences as
have perpetual existence, UNLESS the
stated in the Articles of Incorporation.
corporation, upon a vote of its stockholders
(Sec. 6, RCCP).
representing a majority of its outstanding
capital stock, notifies the Commission that
A preferred share may be preferred
it elects to retain its specific corporate term
cumulative. In this type of share, if the
pursuant to its articles of incorporation
dividends are not paid for any year, the
unpaid dividends shall be added to the
dividends for the next year and the holder
A corporate term for a specific period may
of such share shall be entitled to be paid
be extended or shortened by amending the
the accumulated dividends before
articles of incorporation: Provided, That no
dividends shall be paid to the holder of a
extension may be made earlier than three
common share. If the preferred share is
(3) years prior to the original or subsequent
non-cumulative, its preference for any
expiry date(s) unless there are justifiable
given year is lost by the failure to pay the
reasons for an earlier extension as may be
dividend for that year.
determined by the Commission: Provided,
further, That such extension of the
A preferred participating share
corporate term shall take effect only on the
participates in the distribution of
day following the original or subsequent
dividends equal to the dividend paid to
expiry date(s).
the holder of a common share even after
the holder of the preferred participating
share already received his dividend for
A corporation whose term has expired
the preferred share. If the articles of
may, apply for a revival of its corporate
incorporation do not expressly provide for
existence, together with all the rights and
this type of share, then the preferred stock
privileges under its certificate of
is deemed non-participating.
incorporation and subject to all of its
duties, debts and liabilities existing prior to
2. A common share is the ordinary share of
its revival. Upon approval by the
the corporation entitling the owner to a
Commission, the corporation shall be
pro-rata dividend, without priority or
deemed revived and a certificate of revival
preference over other shares.
of corporate existence shall be issued,

While it is true that under the Revised creditors and to answer for operations.
Corporation Code, only preferred shares (Republic Planters Bank vs Agana, 1997).
and redeemable shares can be deprived of
voting rights, as an exception to this rule, A redeemable share like a preferred share
under the following instances, a common maybe deprived of voting rights in the
share can be deprived of voting rights: Articles of Incorporation, unless otherwise
provided in the Code.
a. When shares are declared delinquent;
and Once redemption is made, the shares, which
b. When shares have already exercised are redeemed, are automatically retired
appraisal rights. (cancellation of such shares from the
statement of authorized capital stock) unless
iii. Founder’s Share the articles of incorporation would expressly
allow re-issuance of redeemed shares, then
for the meantime, they would form part of the
Founder’s shares are shares classified as such treasury stock of the corporation.
by virtue of a provision in the articles of
incorporation, which may be given certain
rights and privileges not enjoyed by the v. Treasury Shares
others. However, if the right is the exclusive
right to vote and be voted for as director, it Treasury shares are shares which have been
must be for a period not exceeding five (5) previously issued and fully paid for but were
years counted from the date of issuance of a subsequently reacquired by the issuing
certificate of incorporation by the SEC (Sec. 7, corporation by purchase, redemption,
RCCP). donation or some other means. (Sec. 9, RCCP).

iv. Redeemable Shares 6. Incorporation and Organization

Redeemable shares are shares issued by the

a. Promoter
corporation, which it may redeem or
purchase from their holders upon expiration
of the period fixed, whether or not there Promoter is one who, acting alone, or with
exists unrestricted retained earnings in the others, takes initiative in founding and
corporate books (Sec. 8, RCCP). This principle organizing the business or enterprise of the
is contrary to Section 40 of the Revised issuer and receives consideration therefore
Corporation Code, which authorizes a (Sec. 3, Securities Regulation Code).
corporation to acquire its own shares
provided the corporation has unrestricted Promoters could not have acted as agent for a
retained earnings. Redeemable shares should projected corporation since that which no
be considered as an exception to the rule in legal existence could have no agent (Cagayan
Section 40 of the Code. Fishing Development vs. Sandiko, 65 Phil. 223).

Unrestricted retained earnings is not i. Liability of Promoter

necessary before shares can be redeemed but
there must be sufficient assets to pay the

Contracts by the promoter for and in behalf of After incorporation and organization: The
a proposed corporation generally bind only contract must of course be one such as the
him, subject to and to the extent of his corporation can make itself. A corporation as
representations and not the corporation a legal entity cannot assume the obligation of
because a corporation, until organized, has no an ultra vires contract [see Sec. 45 (now 44)]
being, franchises or faculties. A corporation made by its promoters any more than it can
should have a full and complete organization legally initiate such contract (18 Am. Jur. 2d
and existence as an entity before it can enter 600-601; see Cagayan Fishing Development vs.
into any kind of a contract or transact any Sandiko, 65 Phil. 223; cited in De Leon,
business, would seem to be self-evident (Ibid). Corporation Code of the Philippines Annotated,
ii. Liability of Corporation for Promoter’s
Contract In the event the corporation is not duly
incorporated: Investors who are not the
“moving spirit” behind the organization of
Before incorporation and organization: Since
the corporation, but who were merely
a corporation cannot before its organization,
convinced to invest in the proposed corporate
have agents contract for itself, or be
venture on the basis of the feasibility study
contracted with, it is not liable upon any
undertaken, are not liable personally with the
contract which the promoter attempts to
corporation for the cost of such feasibility
make for it prior to its organization unless the
study. The most that can be said is that they
contract is expressly or impliedly adopted or
benefited from such services, but that surely
ratified by it after organization is completed
is no justification to hold them personally
or liability is imposed by statute (De Leon,
liable therefore (Caram, Jr. v. Court of Appeals,
Corporation Code of the Philippines Annotated, p.
151 SCRA 372).

It should be pointed out, however, that the b. Subscription Contract

Supreme Court did not say in the case of
Cagayan Fishing Dev’t. Co. vs. Sandiki that the A subscription contract is any contract for the
rule is absolute. It will be noted that acquisition of unissued stock in an existing
American courts generally hold that a corporation or a corporation still to be
contract made by the promoters of a formed. It is considered as such
corporation on its behalf may be adopted, notwithstanding the fact that the parties refer
accepted or ratified by the corporation when to it as purchase or some other contract (Sec.
organized (Rizal Light & Ice Co., Inc. vs. Public 59, RCCP).
Service Commission, 25 SCRA 285).
From the moment of subscription, the
When the corporation, after it has come into stockholder has all the rights and obligations
existence, derived benefits from the contract, of a stockholder even though he has not fully
it is only proper to compensate the promoter. paid the subscription. Note the term,
Failure to compensate would result in a “unissued” in Section 59 of the Revised
situation wherein one party is unjustly Corporation Code, which signifies that
enriched at the expense of another. previously issued shares and which went
back to the corporation by any lawful means

like treasury shares cannot be the subject of a months from the date of subscription
subscription contract because such shares are unless:
no longer unissued shares. a. All other subscribers consent to
the revocation;
Bar 2011: It is settled that neither par value nor b. If the corporation fails to
book value is an accurate indicator of the fair incorporate within the same 6-
value of a share of stock of a corporation. As to month period or within a longer
unpaid subscriptions to its shares of stock, as period stipulated in the contract
they are regarded as corporate assets, they
of subscription (Sec. 60, RCCP).
should be included in the
a. Capital value.
3. Pre-incorporation subscriptions cannot be
b. Book value
c. Par value. revoked after the filing of the Articles of
d. Market value. Incorporation with the SEC even if the
filing is prior to the expiration of the 6-
Suggested Answer: month period (Sec. 60, RCCP).
b. Book value.
Bar 2013: The BIR assessed ABC Corp. for
d. Consideration for Stocks
deficiency income tax for taxable year 2010 in
the amount of P26,731,208.00, inclusive of
surcharge and penalties. Shares of stocks and bonds may be issued in
The BIR can _______. exchange for any or a combination of any two
a. Run after the directors and officers of the or more of the considerations enumerated in
ABC Corp. to collect the deficiency tax and Section 61 of the Revised Corporation Code.
their liability will be solidary; The following limitations must be noted:
b. Run after the stockholders of ABC Corp. and
their liability will be joint;
a. Actual cash paid to the corporation;
c. Run after the stockholders of ABC Corp. and
their liability will be solidary;
b. Property, tangible or intangible, actually
d. Run after the unpaid subscriptions still due received by the corporation and necessary
to ABC Corp., if any; or convenient for its use and lawful
e. None of the above choices is correct’ purposes at a fair valuation equal to the
par or issued value of the stock issued;
Suggested Answer: c. Labor performed for or services actually
rendered to the corporation;
d. Run after the unpaid subscriptions still due d. Previously incurred indebtedness of the
to ABC Corp., if any. corporation;
e. Amounts transferred from unrestricted
c. Pre-incorporation Subscriptions retained earnings (in case of stock
1. This is a subscription made before the f. Outstanding shares exchanged for stock in
corporation is incorporated (Sec. 60, the event of reclassification or conversion;
RCCP). g. Shares of stocks in another corporation;
h. Other generally accepted form of
2. A pre-incorporation subscription is consideration.
entered into before the incorporation and
irrevocable for a period of at least six (6) • Shares of stocks and generally
accepted form of consideration are

NEW considerations added by the i. Contents
Revised Corporation Code.
• Promissory notes or future services are
NOT valid considerations. The Articles of Incorporation must
• Corporation cannot off-set the unpaid substantially contain the following matters,
subscription with the unpaid salaries except as otherwise prescribed by the
of the share-holder employee. Corporation Code or by special law:

Considerations provided above applies to a. The name of the corporation;

b. The specific purpose or purposes for
which the corporation is being formed.
e. Articles of Incorporation
Where a corporation has more than one
stated purpose, the articles of
The articles of incorporation of every duly incorporation shall indicate the primary
registered corporation constitutes as its purpose and the secondary purpose or
charter and the basis to judgment whether it purposes: Provided, That a non-stock
exists for legal purposes (Villanueva, Philippine corporation may not include a purpose
Corporate Law, p. 184). which would change or contradict its
nature as such;
The best proof of the purpose of a corporation
is its articles of incorporation and by-laws. c. The place where the principal office of
The articles of incorporation must state the the corporation is to be located, which
primary and secondary purposes of the must be within the Philippines;
corporation, while the by-laws outline the
administrative organization of the d. The term for which the corporation is to
corporation, which, in turn, is supposed to exist, if the corporation has not elected
insure or facilitate the accomplishment of said perpetual existence;
purpose (Gala v. Ellice Agro-Industrial Corp.,
418 SCRA 431) e. The names, nationalities, and residence
addresses of the incorporators;
Bar 2011: The Articles of Incorporation must be
accompanied by a Treasurer’s Affidavit f. The number of directors, which shall not
certifying under oath, among others, that the be more than fifteen (15) or the number
total subscription paid is: of trustees which may be more than
fifteen (15);
a. Not less than P25,000.00
b. Not more than P5,000.00
g. The names, nationalities, and residence
c. Not less than P5,000.00
d. Not more than P25,000.00 addresses of persons who shall act as
directors or trustees until the first
Suggested Answer: regular directors or trustees are duly
elected and qualified in accordance with
c. Not less than P5,000.00 this Code;

h. If it be a stock corporation, the amount

of its authorized capital stock, number of

shares into which it is divided, the par f. Corporate Name; Limitations on the Use
value of each, names, nationalities, and of Corporate Name
residence addresses of the original
subscribers, amount subscribed and paid
by each on the subscription, and a 1. No corporate name may be allowed by the
statement that some or all of the shares Securities and Exchange Commission if
are without par value, if applicable; the proposed name is identical or
deceptively or confusingly similar to that
i. If it be a nonstock corporation, the of any existing corporation or to any other
amount of its capital, the names, name already protected by law or is
nationalities, and residence addresses of patently deceptive, confusing or contrary
the contributors, and amount to existing laws. When a change in the
contributed by each; and corporate name is approved, the
Commission shall issue an amended
j. Such other matters consistent with law certificate of incorporation under the
and which the incorporators may deem amended name (Sec. 18, Corporation Code;
necessary and convenient (Sec. 13, see also SEC Memorandum No. 14, series of
RCCP). 2000 and SEC Memorandum 21, series of
ii. Non-Amendable Items
2. To come within its scope, two requisites
must be proven, namely:
The SEC rules that there are certain portions
in the articles of incorporation which are a. that the complainant corporation
beyond the power of the stockholders or acquired a prior right over the use of
members to alter or change, because they are such corporate name; and
accomplished facts (‘fait accompli’) at the time b. the proposed name is either:
of incorporation. Such items would include
the following: i. identical; or
ii. deceptively or confusingly similar
a. Names of incorporators; to that of any existing corporation
b. Names of the incorporating or to any other name already
director/trustees; protected by law; or
c. Names of the original subscribers to the iii. patently deceptive, confusing or
capital stock of the corporation and their contrary to existing law (Philips
subscribed and paid-up capital; Export B.V. v. Court of Appeals, 206
d. The Treasurer-in-trust elected by the SCRA 457).
original subscribers;
e. Member who contributed to the initial Bar 2011 : A, the proprietor of a fleet of 10
capital of a non-stock corporation; taxicabs, decides to adopt, as his business name,
“A Transport Co., Inc.” May this be allowed?
f. Witnesses and acknowledgement thereof
a. No, it would be deceptive since he is a
(SEC Opinions dated July 10, 1990, Mr.
proprietor, not a corporation.
Rodrigo A. Deloso; July 9, 1990, Mr. Eugenio b. No, since “A” is a generic name, not suitable
S. Noriego; July 31, 1979, Mr. H.A. Reyes; for registration.
May 24, 1983, Luzviminda Padilla) c. Yes, since his line of business is public

transportation. 6. Anent the second requisite, in determining
d. Yes, since such name would give his business the existence of confusing similarity in
a corporate identity. corporate names, the test is whether the
similarity is such as to mislead a person
Suggested Answer:
using ordinary care and discretion and the
a. No, it would be deceptive since he is a
Court must look to the record as well as
proprietor, not a corporation.
the names themselves (Ibid).

3. Doctrine of Secondary Meaning - A word 7. The jurisdiction of the SEC is not merely
or phrase originally incapable of exclusive confined to the adjudicative functions
appropriation with reference to an article provided in Section 5 of P.D. 902-A, as
on the market, because geographically or amended. By express mandate, it has
otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless absolute jurisdiction, supervision and
have been used so long and so exclusively control over all corporations. It also
by one producer with reference to his exercises regulatory and administrative
article that, in that trade and to that powers to implement and enforce the
branch of the purchasing public, the word Corporation Code, one of which is Section
or phrase has come to mean that the 18 xxx. It is the SEC’s duty to prevent
article was his product (Lyceum of the confusion in the use of corporate names
Philippines v. Court of Appeals, 219 SCRA not only for the protection of the
610). corporations involved but more so for the
protection of the public, and it has
4. As regards the first requisite, it has been authority to de-register at all times and
held that the right to the exclusive use of a under all circumstances corporate names
corporate name with freedom from which in its estimation are likely to
infringement by similarity is determined generate confusion. Clearly therefore, the
by priority of adoption (Industrial present case falls within the ambit of the
Refractories Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 390 SEC’s regulatory powers (Ibid).
SCRA 252).
8. The effect of the change of name was not a
5. In other words, while the appellant may change in corporate being. The changing
have proved that it had been using the of the name of a corporation is no more
word 'Lyceum' for a long period of time, the creation of a corporation than the
this fact alone did not amount to mean changing of the name of a natural person
that the said word had acquired is begetting of a natural person. There is
secondary meaning in its favor because only a change of name, and not of being
the appellant failed to prove that it had (Philippine First Insurance Co., Inc. v.
been using the same word all by itself to Hartigan, 34 SCRA 252).
the exclusion of others. More so, there was
no evidence presented to prove that 9. The name of a dissolved firm shall not be
confusion will surely arise if the same allowed to be used by other firms within
word were to be used by other three (3) years after the approval of the
educational institutions (Lyceum of the dissolution of the corporation by the
Philippines v. Court of Appeals, 219 SCRA Commission, unless allowed by the last
610). stockholders representing at least majority

of the outstanding capital stock of the 4. If a corporation does not formally
dissolved firm (Indian Chamber of organize and commence its business
Commerce Phils., Inc. v. Filipino Indian within five (5) years from the date of its
Chamber of Commerce in the Phils., G .R. No. incorporation, its CERTIFICATE OF
184008, August 3, 2016). INCORPORATION SHALL BE DEEMED
REVOKED as of the day following the end
g. Registration, Incorporation and of the five-year period.
Commencement of Corporate Existence
However, if a corporation has commenced
its business but subsequently becomes
1. A person or group of persons desiring to inoperative for a period of at least five (5)
incorporate shall submit the intended consecutive years, the Commission may,
corporate name to the Commission for after due notice and hearing, place the
verification. If the Commission finds that corporation under delinquent status. (Sec.
the name is distinguishable from a name 21, RCCP).
already reserved or registered for the use
of another corporation, not protected by Bar 2014: A corporation organized under the
law and not contrary to law, rules and Corporation Code commences to have
regulations, the name shall be reserved in corporate existence and juridical personality
favor of the incorporators. The and is deemed incorporated:
incorporators shall then submit their a. From the date the application for
articles of incorporation and bylaws to the incorporation is filed with the SEC.
b. From the date the SEC issues a certificate of
incorporation under its official seal.
c. 30 days after the date the application for
2. If the Commission finds that the incorporation is filed with the SEC.
submitted documents and information are d. 30 days after the date the SEC issues a
fully compliant with the requirements of certificate of incorporation under its official
this Code, other relevant laws, rules and seal.
regulations, the Commission shall issue
the certificate of incorporation. Suggested Answer:

3. A private corporation organized under b. From the date the SEC issues a certificate of
this Code commences its corporate incorporation under its official seal.
existence and juridical personality from
Bar 2014: Guetze and his wife have 3 children:
the date the Commission issues the
Neymar, 25, who is now based in Rio de
certificate of incorporation under its Janeiro, Brazil; Muelter, 23, who has migrated
official seal and thereupon the to Munich, Germany; and James, 21, who
incorporators, stockholders/members and resides in Bogota, Colombia. Neymar and
their successors shall constitute a body Muelter have since renounced their Philippine
corporate under the name stated in the citizenship in favor of their country of
articles of incorporation for the period of residence. Nearing 70 years old, Guetze
time mentioned therein, unless said decided to incorporate his business in
period is extended or the corporation is Binondo, Manila. He asked his wife and 3
sooner dissolved in accordance with law children to act as incorporators with 1 share of
stock each, while he owned 999,996 shares of
(Sec. 18, RCCP).
the 1,000,000 shares of the capital stock.

Assuming all other requirements are met, A stockholder or member who
should the SEC accept or reject the Articles of participates through remote
Incorporation? Why? communication or in absentia, shall be
deemed present for purposes of quorum.
Suggested Answer:
(Sec. 23, RCCP)
Yes, the SEC should accept the Articles of
3. The following are certain principles in
Incorporation. If the Articles of Incorporation
substantially comply with the statute and all connection with the election of the
other requirements are met, the SEC has no members of the board:
discretion, but may be compelled by
mandamus to file them. The discretion a. During the meeting in which the
exercised by SEC does not extend to the merits election shall be held, the owners of
of an application for incorporation, although it the majority of the outstanding capital
may be exercised as to matters of form. stock must be present either in person
or by proxy. In case of a non-stock
h. Election of Directors or Trustees corporation, majority of the members
entitled to vote must be present;
b. Voting through remote communication
1. Except when the exclusive right is or in absentia is possible provided it is
reserved for holders of founders’ shares authorized in the bylaws or by a
under Section 7 of this Code, each majority of the board of directors or
stockholder or member shall have the election is by ballot if requested by any
right to nominate any director or trustee voting stockholder or member;
who possesses all of the qualifications and c. In stock corporations, cumulative
none of the disqualifications set forth in voting shall be observed; and
this Code d. The candidates receiving the highest
number of votes shall be elected (Sec.
2. At all elections of directors or trustees, 23, Corporation Code).
there must be present, either in person or
through a representative authorized to act 4. In stock corporations, stockholders
by written proxy, the owners of majority entitled to vote shall have the right to vote
of the outstanding capital stock, or if there the number of shares of stock standing in
be no capital stock, a majority of the their own names in the stock books of the
members entitled to vote. When so corporation at the time fixed in the bylaws
authorized in the bylaws or by a majority or where the bylaws are silent, at the time
of the board of directors, the stockholders of the election. The said stockholder may:
or members may also vote through remote a. vote such number of shares for
communication or in absentia: Provided, as many persons as there are
That the right to vote through such modes directors to be elected;
may be exercised in corporations vested b. cumulate said shares and give
with public interest, notwithstanding the one (1) candidate as many votes
absence of a provision in the by-laws of as the number of directors to be
such corporations. elected multiplied by the
number of the shares owned; or

c. distribute them on the same d. 3
principle among as many
candidates as may be seen fit: Suggested Answer:
Provided, That the total number a. 6
of votes cast shall not exceed the
Bar 2012: The term 1 year of the Board of
number of shares owned by the
Directors of AAA Corporation expired last
stockholders as shown in the
February 15, 2012. No new election of the Board
books of the corporation of Directors was called, hence, the existing
multiplied by the whole number members of the Board continue as Directors in
of directors to be elected: hold over capacity. Which statement is most
Provided, however, That no accurate?
delinquent stock shall be voted.
a. This is allowed provided there is a valid and
5. Unless otherwise provided in the articles justifiable reason for not calling for an election
of incorporation or in the bylaws, of the new members of the Board;
b. This is not allowed because the term of the
members of nonstock corporations may
directors must only be for a period of 1 year;
cast as many votes as there are trustees to
c. The positions of the members of the Board of
be elected but may not cast more than one
Directors will be automatically declared vacant;
(1) vote for one (1) candidate. Nominees d. Acting as member of the Board of Directors in
for directors or trustees receiving the a hold over capacity must be ratified by the
highest number of votes shall be declared stockholders.
elected. Suggested Answer:
a. This is allowed provided there is a valid and
6. IF NO ELECTION IS HELD, or the owners justifiable reason for not calling for an election
of majority of the outstanding capital of the new members of the Board.
stock or majority of the members entitled
to vote are not present in person, by 7. Any provision in the by-laws or the
proxy, or through remote communication practice of the corporation giving a
or not voting in absentia at the meeting, stockholder a permanent seat in the board
such meeting may be adjourned and the of directors or trustees would be against
corporation shall proceed in accordance the provisions of Sections 27 and 28 of the
with Section 25 of this Code (Sec. 23, Revised Corporation Code, which require
RCCP). members of the board of corporation to be
Bar 2011: EFG Foundation, Inc., a non-profit
organization, scheduled an election for its six
member Board of Trustees. X, Y and Z, who are Bar 2013: In the November 2010 stockholder’s
minority members of the foundation, wish to meeting of Greenville Corporation, 8 directors
exercise cumulative voting in order to protect were elected to the board. The directors
their interest, although the Foundation’s Articles assumed their posts in January 2011. Since no
and By-laws are silent on the matter. As toeach stockholders’ meeting was held in November
of the three, what is the maximum number of 2011, the 8 directors served in a holdover
votes that he/she can cast? capacity and thus continued discharging their
a. 6 powers. In June 2012, 2 of Greenville
b. 9 Corporation’s directors—Director A and
c. 12 Director B— resigned from the board. Relying

on Section 29 of the Corporation Code, the d. Actually serving in the board but
remaining 6 directors elected 2 new directors constituting a quorum
to fill in the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Directors A and B. Stockholder X questioned Suggested Answer:
the election of the new directors, initially,
through a letter-complaint addressed to the b. As fixed in the articles of incorporation
board, and later (when his letter-complaint
went unheeded), through a derivative suit
i. Adoption of By-laws
filed with the court. He claimed that the
vacancy in the board should be filled up by the
vote of the stockholders of Greenville 1. By-laws are rules and regulations or
Corporation. Greenville Corporation’s private laws enacted by the corporation to
directors defended the legality of their action, regulate, govern and control its own
claiming as well that Stockholder X’s
actions, affairs and concerns and of its
derivative suit was improper.
stockholders or members and directors
Rule on the issued raised.
and officers in relation thereto and among
themselves in their relation to it, by-laws
Suggested Answer: are indispensable to corporations in this
jurisdiction. These may not be essential to
The remaining directors cannot elect new corporate birth but certainly these are
directors to fill in the two vacancies. The board required by law for an orderly governance
of directors may fill up vacancy only if the and management of corporations.
ground is not due to expiration of term, Nonetheless, failure to file them within the
removal or increase in the number of board period required by law by no means tolls
seats. In this case, the term of the two directors
the automatic dissolution of a corporation.
expired after 1 year. They remained in office in
a hold-over capacity only until their
resignation. The hold-over period is not part of
By-laws may be necessary for the
their term. The vacancies should be filled up "government" of the corporation but these
by election by the stockholders. The derivative are subordinate to the articles of
suit was improper. In a derivative suit, the incorporation as well as to the
corporation, not the individual stockholder, Corporation Code and related statutes.
must be the aggrieved party and that the There are in fact cases where by-laws are
stockholder is suing on behalf of the unnecessary to corporate existence or to
corporation. What stockholder X is asserting is the valid exercise of corporate powers
his individual right as a stockholder to elect (Loyola Grand Villas Homeowners [South]
the two directors. The case partakes more of an
Association vs. Court of Appeals, 276 SCRA
election contest under the rules on intra-
681; See also Ching v. Quezon City Sports
corporate controversy.
Club, Inc., G.R. No. 200150, November 7,
Bar 2014: To constitute a quorum for the 2016).
transaction of corporate business, only a
majority of the number of Board of Directors is 2. For the adoption of bylaws by the
required: corporation, the affirmative vote of the
stockholders representing at least a
a. As fixed by the corporate by-laws majority of the outstanding capital stock,
b. As fixed in the articles of incorporation or of at least a majority of the members in
c. Actually serving in the board

case of nonstock corporations, shall be a) The time, place and manner of calling
necessary (Sec. 45, RCCP). and conducting regular or special
meetings of the directors or trustees;
A corporation which has failed to file its b) The time and manner of calling and
by-laws within the prescribed period does conducting regular or special meetings
not ipso facto lose its powers as such, and and mode of notifying the stockholders
may be considered a de facto corporation or members thereof;
whose right to exercise corporate powers c) The required quorum in meetings of
may not be inquired into collaterally in stockholders or members and the
any private suit to which such manner of voting therein;
corporations may be a party (Sawadjaan vs. d) The modes by which a stockholder,
Court of Appeals, 459 SCRA 516). member, director, or trustee may
attend meetings and cast their votes
3. By-laws may be adopted in two ways, to (newly inserted);
wit: e) The form for proxies of stockholders
and members and the manner of
a. By filing the by-laws prior to voting them;
incorporation; or f) The directors’ or trustees’
qualifications, duties and
b. By filing the by-laws after responsibilities, the guidelines for
incorporation. setting the compensation of directors
or trustees and officers, and the
In the first, it is required that such by-laws maximum number of other board
be approved and signed by all the representations that an independent
incorporators and submitted to the SEC, director or trustee may have which
together with the articles of incorporation. shall, in no case, be more than the
In the second, the affirmative vote of the number prescribed by the
stockholders representing at least a Commission;
majority of the outstanding capital stock, g) The time for holding the annual
or of at least a majority of the members in election of directors or trustees and the
case of non-stock corporations, shall be mode or manner of giving notice
necessary (Sec. 45, RCCP). thereof;
h) The manner of election or appointment
Since by-laws operate merely as internal and the term of office of all officers
rules among the stockholders, they cannot other than directors or trustees;
affect or prejudice third persons that deal i) The penalties for violation of the
with the corporation, unless, they have bylaws;
knowledge of the same (PMI College vs. j) In the case of stock corporations, the
NLRC, 277 SCRA 462). manner of issuing stock certificates;
(i). Contents of By-Laws k) Such other matters as may be
necessary for the proper or convenient
transaction of its corporate affairs for
A private corporation may provide the the promotion of good governance and
following in its bylaws: anti-graft and corruption measures.

the power to amend and/or adopt new
An arbitration agreement may be provided in bylaws, duly certified under oath by the
the bylaws pursuant to Section 181 of this corporate secretary and a majority of the
Code (Sec. 46, RCCP). directors or trustees.

(ii). Binding Effects 3. The amended or new bylaws shall only be

effective upon the issuance by the
Commission of a certification that the
In all cases, by-laws shall be effective only same is in accordance with this Code and
upon the issuance by the Securities and other relevant laws (Sec. 47,RCCP).
Exchange Commission of a certification that
the by-laws are not inconsistent with this 4. The power to adopt the first original by-
Code. laws cannot be delegated to the board of
directors or trustees. Only the power to
(iii). Amendment or Revision adopt new by-laws that will supplant the
old by-laws can be validly delegated
(Villanueva, Commercial Law Review, 2009
1. A majority of the board of directors or
Ed., p. 603).
trustees, and the owners of at least a
majority of the outstanding capital stock,
Bar 2011: In a special meeting called for the
or at least a majority of the members of a
purpose, 2/3 of the stockholders representing
nonstock corporation, at a regular or the outstanding capital stock in X Co.
special meeting duly called for the authorized the company’s Board of Directors
purpose, may amend or repeal the bylaws to amend its By-laws. By majority vote, the
or adopt new bylaws. The owners of two Board then approved the amendment. Is the
thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital amendment valid?
stock or two thirds (2/3) of the members in
a non-stock corporation may delegate to a. No, since the stockholders cannot delegate
the board of directors or trustees the their right to amend the By-laws to the Board.
power to amend or repeal the bylaws or b. Yes, since the majority votes in the Board
was sufficient to amend the Bylaws.
adopt new bylaws: Provided, That any
c. No, because, the voting in the Board should
power delegated to the board of directors
have been by a majority of a quorum.
or trustees to amend or repeal the bylaws d. Yes, since the votes of 2/3 of the
or adopt new bylaws shall be considered stockholders and majority of the Board were
as revoked whenever stockholders secured.
owning or representing a majority of the
outstanding capital stock or majority of Suggested Answer:
the members shall so vote at a regular or a. No, since the stockholders cannot delegate
special meeting. their right to amend the By-laws to the Board.

2. Whenever the bylaws are amended or j. Effects of Non-Use of Corporate

new bylaws are adopted, the corporation Character
shall file with the Commission such
amended or new bylaws and, if
applicable, the stockholders’ or members’ 1. If a corporation does not formally
resolution authorizing the delegation of organize and commence its business

within five (5) years from the date of its 2. An individual has absolute right to fully
incorporation, its certificate of use, enjoy and dispose of his properties, to
incorporation shall be deemed revoked as perform all acts and to make all contracts
of the day following the end of the five- without any control except when they are
year period. forbidden by law. Since a natural person
and an ordinary partnership do not owe
2. DELINQUENT CORPORATION. their existence to the State, they can
However, if a corporation has commenced perform an act not prohibited by law (De
its business but subsequently becomes Leon, Corporation Code of the Philippines
inoperative for a period of at least five (5) Annotated, p. 266).
consecutive years, the Commission may,
after due notice and hearing, place the b. Specific Powers;
corporation under delinquent status. Theory of Specific Capacity

A delinquent corporation shall have a

period of two (2) years to resume A corporation has no power except those
operations and comply with all expressly conferred on it by the Corporation
requirements that the Commission shall Code and those that are implied or incidental
prescribe. Upon compliance by the to its existence. (Premium Marble Resources,
corporation, the Commission shall issue Inc. v. CA, 264 SCRA 11).
an order lifting the delinquent status. a) Express Powers – Those expressly
Failure to comply with the requirements granted or authorized by law (Sec. 2,
and resume operations within the period RCC. For example, those powers
given by the Commission shall cause the which are conferred by the Revised
revocation of the corporation’s certificate Corporation Code under Sections 35,
of incorporation. 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43.
b) Implied or Necessary Powers –
3. The Commission shall give reasonable Powers which are reasonably
notice to, and coordinate with the necessary to execute the express
powers and to accomplish or carry
appropriate regulatory agency prior to the
out the purpose for which the
suspension or revocation of the certificate
of incorporation of companies under their corporation was formed (De Leon,
special regulatory jurisdiction (Sec. 21, Corporation Code Annotated, p. 268; See
RCCP). Sec. 35(k), Revised Corporation Code).
c) Incidental Powers – Powers which a
corporation can exercise by mere fact
7. Corporate Powers of its being a corporation and are,
therefore, impliedly granted. As
powers inherent in the corporation as
a. General Powers;
a legal entity incidental powers exist
Theory of General Capacity
independently of the express powers
(De Leon, Corporation Code Annotated,
1. The term ‘power of a corporation’ has p. 270; See Secs 2 & 44, Revised
reference to the corporation’s capacity or Corporation Code)
right under its charter and laws to do
certain things (6 Fletcher, p. 230).

c. Power to extend or shorten corporate SCRA 269citing 8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia
term Corporations, Perm, ed., 1931, pp. 559-560).

3. The filing and recording of a certificate

1. A private corporation may extend or of extension after that time cannot relate
shorten its term as stated in the articles back to the date of the passage of a
of incorporation when approved by a resolution by the stockholders in favor
majority vote of the board of directors or of the extension so as to save the life of
trustees, and ratified at a meeting by the the corporation (Ibid).
stockholders or members representing at
least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding 4. The contrary is true, however, and the
capital stock or of its members. Written
doctrine of relation will apply, where the
notice of the proposed action and the delay is due to the neglect of the officer
time and place of the meeting shall be with whom the certificate is required to
sent to stockholders or members at their be filed, or to a wrongful refusal on his
respective place of residence as shown in part to receive it (Ibid).
the books of the corporation, and must
either be deposited to the addressee in Bar 2011: The corporate term of a stock
the post office with postage prepaid, corporation is that which is stated in its
served personally, or when allowed in Articles of Incorporation. It may be extended
the by-laws or done with the consent of or shortened by an amendment of the Articles
the stockholder, sent electronically in when approved by majority of its Board of
accordance with the rules and Directors and:
regulations of the Commission on the
use of electronic data messages. In case a. Approved and ratified by at least 2/3 of all
of extension of corporate term, a
b. Approved by at least 2/3 of the stockholders
dissenting stockholder may exercise the
representing the outstanding capital stock.
right of appraisal under the conditions
c. Ratified by at least 2/3 of all stockholders.
provided in this Code. (Sec. 36, RCCP). d. Ratified by at least 2/3 of the stockholders
representing the outstanding capital stock.
2. Since the privilege of extension is purely
statutory, all of the statutory conditions Suggested Answer:
precedent must be complied with in d. Ratified by at least 2/3 of the stockholders
order that the extension may be representing the outstanding capital stock.
effectuated. And, generally these
conditions must be complied with, and Bar 2011: T Corp. has a corporate term of 20
the steps necessary to effect the years under its Articles of Incorporation or
from June 1, 1980 to June 1, 2000. On June 1,
extension must be taken, during the life
1991 it amended its Articles of Incorporation to
of the corporation, and before the
extend its life by 15 years from June 1, 1980 to
expiration of the term of existence as June 1, 2015. The SEC approved this
original fixed by its charter or the amendment. On June 1, 2011, however, T
general law, since, as a rule, the Corp. decided to shorten its term by 1 year or
corporation is ipso facto dissolved as soon until June 1, 2014. Both the 1991 and 2011
as that time expires (Alhambra Cigar & amendments were approved by majority vote
Cigarette Manufacturing Co., Inc. vs. of its Board of Directors and ratified in a
Securities and Exchange Commission, 24 special meeting by its stockholders

representing at least 2/3 of its outstanding Non-stock corporations may incur or create
capital stock. The SEC, however, disapproved bonded indebtedness, or increase the same,
the 2011 amendment on the ground that it with the approval by a majority vote of the
cannot be made earlier than 5 years prior to the board of trustees and of at least two-thirds
expiration date of the corporate term, which is
(2/3) of the members in a meeting duly called
June 1, 2014. Is this SEC disapproval correct?
for the purpose (Sec. 37, RCCP).
a. No, since the 5-year rule on amendment of
corporate term applies only to extension, not
shortening, of term. Bar 2012: If ABC Corporation will increase its
b. Yes, any amendment affecting corporate authorized capital stock, the Corporation Code
term cannot be made earlier than requires—
5 years prior to the corporation’s expiration
date. a. The approval of the majority of the Board of
c. No, since a corporation can in fact have a Directors only;
corporate life of 50 years. b. The approval of the majority of the
d. Yes, the amendment to shorten corporate stockholders and the Board of Directors;
term cannot be made earlier than c. The approval of 2/3 of the shareholders of the
5 years prior to the corporation’s expiration outstanding capital stock as well as the approval
date. of the SEC;
Suggested Answer: d. The approval of the majority of the Board of
a. No, since the 5-year rule on amendment of Directors and approval of the shareholders
corporate term applies only to extension, not holding 2/3 share of the outstanding capital
shortening, of term. stock.

Suggested Answer:
Examinees should be given full credit for
d. Power to increase or decrease capital
whatever answer they gave as the question is
stock or incur, create or increase bonded vague.

e. Power to deny pre-emptive rights

No corporation shall increase or decrease its
capital stock or incur, create or increase any
bonded indebtedness unless approved by a 1. Pre-emptive right refers to a
majority vote of the board of directors and by shareholder’s right to subscribe to all issues
two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital or disposition of shares of any class in
stock at a stockholders’ meeting duly called proportion to his present stockholdings (Sec.
for the purpose. Written notice of the time 38, RCCP).
and place of the stockholders’ meeting and
the purpose for said meeting must be sent to 2. All stockholders of a stock corporation
the stockholders at their places of residence as shall enjoy pre-emptive right to subscribe to
shown in the books of the corporation and all issues or disposition of shares of any class,
served on the stockholders personally, or in proportion to their respective
through electronic means recognized in the shareholdings, unless such right is denied by
corporation’s bylaws and/or the the articles of incorporation or an amendment
Commission’s rules as a valid mode for thereto (Sec. 38, RCCP).
service of notices.
3. The broad phrase “all issues or
disposition of shares of any class” in the

above provision is construed to include not include it in its application (See also SEC
only new shares issued in pursuance of an Opinion, January 14, 1993, XXVI SEC
increase in capital stock or from the unissued Quarterly Bulletin 16 [No. 2, June 1993]).
shares which form part of the authorized
capital stock, but also covers ‘treasury shares.’ Bar 2019: In June 2018, DEF Corp. sent notices
Treasury shares would come under the term to its stockholders informing them of the
‘disposition.’ Likewise, considering that it is corporation's issuance of new shares of stock.
not included among the exceptions The notice included a reminder that, pursuant to
DEF Corp.' s Articles of Incorporation, any
enumerated therein, where pre-emptive right
stockholder who fails to exercise his or her pre-
shall not extend, the intention is to include it
emptive right within three (3) weeks from
in its application (See also SEC Opinion,
receipt of notice would be considered to have
January 14, 1993, XXVI SEC Quarterly Bulletin waived the same.
16 [No. 2, June 1993]). Ms. Z, a stockholder of DEF Corp., failed to
exercise her pre-emptive right within the said
4. In close corporations, the coverage is period. However, she claimed that she did not
clear and extends to re-issuance even of validly waive her right to do so because a
treasury shares (Sec. 101, RCCP). waiver must be expressed in writing.
(a) Explain the concept of pre-emptive right
5. The pre-emptive right may be denied under the Corporation Code. (2 %)
Suggested answer:
by the articles of incorporation or by an
A pre-emptive right is the shareholder’s right to
amendment thereto. Even if not denied, the
subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares of
pre-emptive right does not exists in certain
any class in proportion to his present
cases like the following: stockholdings, the purpose being to enable the
stockholder to retain his proportionate control
a. Shares issued in compliance with laws in the corporation and to retain his equity in
requiring stock offerings or minimum surplus. (Sundiang and Aquino, p. 246)
stock ownership by the public; Pre-emptive right is intended to protect both the
b. Shares issued in good faith with the proprietary and voting rights of a stockholder in
approval of stockholders representing a corporation. It allows him to retain and
two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding maintain his proportionate interest in the
corporation, thus, preventing dilution of a
capital stock; and
stockholder’s shareholdings in the corporation.
The pre-emptive right of stockholders, being a
The broad phrase “all issues or disposition
common law right, is always available even if
of shares of any class” in the above not expressly granted or recognized.
provision is construed to include not only (b) Is Ms. Z's contention correct? Explain. (3%)
new shares issued in pursuance of an Suggested answer:
increase in capital stock or from the Z’s contention is not correct. Pre-emptive right is
unissued shares which form part of the not absolute. It may be waived expressly or
authorized capital stock, but also covers impliedly. Failure of the stockholder to exercise
‘treasury shares.’ Treasury shares would his right within the period set forth by the
come under the term ‘disposition.’ corporation amounts to a waiver of pre-emptive
Likewise, considering that it is not
included among the exceptions
Bar 2011: ABC Corp. increased its capital stocks
enumerated therein, where pre-emptive
from P10 M to P15 M and, in the process, issued
right shall not extend, the intention is to
1,000 new shares divided into Common Shares

“B” and common shares “C”. T, a stockholder stockholders’ or members’ meeting duly
owning 500 shares, insists on buying the newly called for the purpose.
issued shares through a right of pre-emption.
The company claims, however, that its Bylaws 3. In non-stock corporations where there are
deny T any right of pre-emption. Is the
no members with voting rights, the vote of
corporation correct?
at least a majority of the trustees in office
will be sufficient authorization for the
a. No, since the by-laws cannot deny a
shareholder his right of preemption. corporation to enter into any transaction
b. Yes, but the denial of his pre-emptive right authorized by this section.
extends only to 500 shares.
c. Yes, since the denial of the right under the By- 4. The determination of whether or not the
laws is binding on T. sale involves all or substantially all of the
d. No, since pre-emptive rights are governed by corporation’s properties and assets must
the articles of incorporation. be computed based on its net asset value,
as shown in its latest financial statements.
Suggested Answer:
A sale or other disposition shall be
deemed to cover substantially all the
a. No, since the by-laws cannot deny a
corporate property and assets if thereby
shareholder his right of pre-emption.
the corporation would be rendered
incapable of continuing the business or
f. Power to sell or dispose of corporate accomplishing the purpose for which it
assets was incorporated.

1. Subject to the provisions of Republic Act 5. Written notice of the proposed action and
No 10667, otherwise known as “Philippine of the time and place for the meeting shall
Competition Act”, and other related laws, be addressed to stockholders or members
a corporation may, by a majority vote of at their places of residence as shown in the
its board of directors or trustees, sell, books of the corporation and deposited to
lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, or the addressee in the post office with
otherwise dispose of its property and postage prepaid, served personally, or
assets, upon such terms and conditions when allowed by the by-laws or done
and for such consideration, which may be with the consent of the stockholder, sent
money, stocks, bonds, or other electronically: Provided, That any
instruments for the payment of money or dissenting stockholder may exercise the
other property or consideration, as its right of appraisal under the conditions
board of directors or trustees may deem provided in this Code.
6. After such authorization or approval by
2. A sale of all or substantially all of the the stockholders or members, the board of
corporation’s properties and assets, directors or trustees may, nevertheless, in
including its goodwill must be authorized its discretion, abandon such sale, lease,
by the vote of the stockholders exchange, mortgage, pledge, or other
representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the disposition of property and assets, subject
outstanding capital stock, or at least two- to the rights of third parties under any
thirds (2/3) of the members, in a contract relating thereto, without further

action or approval by the stockholders or 10. Contracts or acts of a corporation must be
members. made either by the board of directors or
by a corporate agent duly authorized by
7. Nothing in this section is intended to the board. Absent such valid
restrict the power of any corporation, delegation/authorization, the rule is that
without the authorization by the the declarations of an individual director
stockholders or members, to sell, lease, relating to the affairs of the corporation,
exchange, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise but not in the course of, or connected
dispose of any of its property and assets if with, the performance of authorized
the same is necessary in the usual and duties of such director, are held not
regular course of business of the binding on the corporation (AF Realty &
corporation or if the proceeds of the sale Development, Inc. v. Dieselman Freight
or other disposition of such property and Services, Co., 373 SCRA 385).
assets shall be appropriated for the
conduct of its remaining business. (Sec. 39, g. Power to Acquire Own Shares

8. Under these provisions (Sec. 23 and 36) 1. Provided that the corporation has
(now 22 and 35), the power to purchase unrestricted retained earnings in its
real property is vested in the board of books to cover the shares to be purchased
directors or trustees. While a corporation or acquired, a stock corporation shall
may appoint agents to negotiate for the have the power to purchase or acquire its
purchase of real property needed by the own shares for a legitimate corporate
corporation, the final say will have to be purpose or purposes, including the
with the board, whose approval will following cases:
finalize the transaction. A corporation can a. To eliminate fractional shares
only exercise its powers and transact its arising out of stock dividends;
business through its board of directors b. To collect or compromise an
and through its officers and agents when indebtedness to the corporation,
authorized by a board resolution or its by- arising out of unpaid
laws (Spouses Firme v. Bukal Enterprises and subscription, in a delinquency
Development Corporation, 414 SCRA 190). sale, and to purchase delinquent
shares sold during said sale;
9. Investments of a corporation in another and
corporation in the form of shares of stock c. To pay dissenting or
constitute part of the assets or property of withdrawing stockholders
the investor corporation, and cannot be entitled to payment for their
legally disposed of by mere endorsement shares under the provisions of
of the President, since such shares fall this Code.
within the disposition of properties being
part of the management power of the 2. A corporation may re-acquire or
Board of Directors (SEC Opinion, dated 21 purchase its own stock under the
August 1995, XXX SEC Quarterly Bulletin following conditions:
12 (No. 1, June 1996, in Villanueva, a. Its capital is not thereby impaired;
Philippine Corporate Law, p. 232).

b. A legitimate and proper corporate Bar 2012: ABC Holdings Company, a Hong
objective is advanced; Kong company, owns 10% of XYZ Bank.
Because of the peace and order situation in the
c. The condition of corporate affairs Philippines, ABC Holding Company wanted to
warrants it; sell its shareholdings in XYZ Bank.
d. The transaction is designed and carried Unfortunately, nobody is interested to buy a
out in good faith; 10% shareholdings in a bank. The board of
e. There is intended and there results no directors of XYZ Bank thought that it would be
undue advantage to a few favored a good idea to buy back the shares owned by
ABC Holding Company. Which statement is
stockholders at the expense of the
most accurate?
f. The rights of creditors are not a. Buying back the shares by XYZ Bank is
jeopardized; absolutely not allowed;
g. There must be unrestricted retained b. Buying back the shares may be allowed
earnings to acquire the same (SEC provided it is with the approval of the
Opinions dated 27 March 1995 [to Atty. Monetary Board and disposed of within 6
Marietta Turingan], 12 October 1992 [to months;
Mr. Lauris L. dela Pena], 11 September c. Buying back the shares may be allowed
1985 [to Tierra International Construction provided such shares will be disposed of
Corporation] and 15 December 1982 [to within 10 years;
d. Buying back the shares may be done
Trident Development Corporation]).
anytime provided the Board of Directors will
approve the same.
3. In contrast, Redeemable shares may be
issued by the corporation when Suggested Answer:
expressly provided in the articles of
incorporation. They are shares which b. Buying back the shares may be allowed
may be purchased by the corporation provided it is with the approval of the
from the holders of such shares upon Monetary Board and disposed of within 6
the expiration of a fixed period, months.
regardless of the existence of
unrestricted retained earnings in the h. Power to invest corporate funds in
books of the corporation, and upon another corporation or business
such other terms and conditions stated
in the articles of incorporation and the
1. A private corporation may invest its funds
certificate of stock representing the
in any other corporation or business or for
shares, subject to rules and regulations
any purpose other than the primary
issued by the Commission (Sec. 8,
purpose for which it was organized when:

4. The corporation may pay dissenting a. Approved by a majority of the board

stockholders who exercise their of directors or trustees;
appraisal right the value of their b. Ratified by the stockholders
shares. In doing so, the corporation representing at least two-thirds (2/3)
acquires its own shares (Sec. 81, RCCP). of the outstanding capital stock, or by
at least two thirds (2/3) of the
members in the case of non-stock

corporations, at a stockholder's or 2. Any cash dividends due on delinquent
member's meeting duly called for the stock shall first be applied to the unpaid
purpose; and balance on the subscription plus costs and
c. There is prior written notice of the expenses, while stock dividends shall be
proposed investment and the time withheld from the delinquent stockholder
and place of the meeting shall be until his unpaid subscription is fully paid
addressed to each stockholder or (Ibid).
member at his place of residence and
deposited to the addressee by mail or 3. No stock dividend shall be issued without
served personally (Sec. 41, RCCP). the approval of stockholders representing
not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the
2. Any dissenting stockholder shall have outstanding capital stock at a regular or
appraisal right as provided for in the special meeting duly called for the
Corporation Code (Ibid). purpose (Ibid).

3. The approval of the stockholders or 4. Stock corporations are prohibited from

members shall not be necessary where the retaining surplus profits in excess of one
investment by the corporation is hundred (100%) percent of their paid-in
reasonably necessary to accomplish its capital stock, except:
primary purpose as stated in the articles of
incorporation (Sec. 41, RCCP). a. when justified by definite corporate
expansion projects or programs
4. The term “funds “under Section 42 approved by the board of directors; or
includes any corporate property to be b. when the corporation is prohibited
used in the furtherance of the business, under any loan agreement with any
and consequently when the property is financial institution or creditor,
devoted in any business other than whether local or foreign, from
pursuit of the primary purpose for which declaring dividends without its/his
the corporation was incorporated, it consent, and such consent has not yet
would need the ratificatory vote of two- been secured; or
thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital c. when it can be clearly shown that such
stock of the corporation (XXIX SEC retention is necessary under special
Quarterly Bulletin 2 No. 2, June 1995, in circumstances obtaining in the
Villanueva, Philippine Corporate Law, p. 260). corporation, such as when there is
need for special reserve for probable
i. Power to declare dividends contingencies.

1. The board of directors of a stock 5. Where the financial statements of the

corporation may declare dividends out of corporation show surplus profits in excess
the unrestricted retained earnings which of 100% of paid-up capital, it shall explain
shall be payable in cash, in property, or in by footnotes that the same has not been
stock to all stockholders on the basis of declared as dividends; if the explanation is
outstanding stock held by them (Sec. 42, not satisfactory, the SEC shall direct the
RCCP). corporation to distribute the excess as

dividends (Sec. 2, SEC Rules Governing the representing the outstanding capital stock
Distribution of Excess Profits of Corporation). applies.
d. The same rule of 2/3 votes applies.

6. Any declaration of dividends, whether Suggested Answer:

cash or stock, shall be reported to the SEC
within fifteen (15) days from the date of b. A mere majority of the quorum of the Board
declaration. For corporations whose of Directors applies.
shares and securities are listed in the stock
Bar 2015: DEF Corporation has retained
exchange or registered and licensed under
surplus profits in excess of 100% of its paid in
the Securities Regulation Code, the report
capital stock. However, it is unable to declare
shall be filed with the SEC before or dividends, because it had entered into a loan
simultaneously with the release or agreement with a certain creditor wherein the
publication of the notice of declaration of declaration of dividends is not allowed
dividends to stockholders (Sec. 3, Ibid). without the consent of such creditor. If DEF
Corporation cannot obtain this consent; will it
be justified in not declaring dividends to its
7. No bank or quasi-bank shall declare stockholders? Explain.
dividends, if at the time of declaration:
Suggested Answer:
a) Its clearing account with the Bangko
Sentral is overdrawn; or Yes. Stock corporations are prohibited from
b) It is deficient in the required liquidity retaining surplus profits in excess of 100% of
floor for government deposits for five their paid-in capital stock except among
others, when the corporation is prohibited
(5) or more consecutive days, or
under any loan agreement with any financial
c) It does not comply with the liquidity
institution or creditor; whether local or foreign,
standards/ratios prescribed by the
from declaring dividends without the consent
Bangko Sentral for purposes of of the creditor and such consent has not been
determining funds available for secured (Section 43 of the Corporation Code).
dividend declaration; or
d) It has committed a major violation as
j. Power to enter into management contract
may be determined by the Bangko
Sentral (Sec. 57, General Banking Law of
2000). 1. Management contract is an agreement
whereby a corporation undertakes to
Bar 2011: The rule is that no stock dividend manage or operate all or substantially all
shall be issued without the approval of of the business of another corporation,
stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the whether such contracts are called service
outstanding capital stock at a regular or special contracts, operating agreements or
meeting called for the purpose. As to other
otherwise (Sec. 43, RCCP).
forms of dividends:

2. No corporation shall conclude a

a. A mere majority of the entire Board of
Directors applies. management contract with another
b. A mere majority of the quorum of the Board corporation unless such contract shall
of Directors applies. have been approved by the board of
c. A mere majority of the votes of stockholders directors or trustees (in case of a non-stock

corporation) and ratified by stockholders incorporation and except as necessary or
or members owning at least the majority incidental to the exercise of the powers
of the outstanding capital stock of both the conferred. (Sec. 44, RCCP).
managing and the managed corporation,
at a meeting duly called for the purpose. 2. An ultra vires act is one which although
not prohibited by law but which a
The management contract must be corporation cannot perform because it is
approved by the stockholders of the not within its expressed, implied or
managed corporation owning at least two- incidental powers (Republic vs. Acoje
thirds (2/3) of the total outstanding capital Mining Co., G.R. No. L-18062, Feb. 28,
stock entitled to vote, or by at least two- 1963).
thirds (2/3) of the members in the case of a
non-stock corporation in the following 3. Corporate acts that are outside those
instances: express definitions under the law or
articles of incorporation or those
a. Where a stockholder or stockholders "committed outside the object for which a
representing the same interest of both corporation is created" are ultra vires. The
the managing and the managed only exception to this rule is when the acts
corporations own or control more than are necessary and incidental to carry out a
one-third (1/3) of the total outstanding corporation's purposes, and to the exercise
capital stock entitled to vote of the of powers conferred by the Corporation
managing corporation; and Code and under a corporation's articles of
b. Where a majority of the members of incorporation (University of Mindanao, Inc.
the board of directors of the managing vs. BSP, G.R. No. 194964-65, January 11,
corporation also constitute a majority 2016).
of the members of the board of
directors of the managed corporation 4. The term ultra vires include those that may
(Ibid). ostensibly be within corporate powers but
are, by general or special laws, prohibited
3. No management contract shall be entered or declared illegal (Twin Towers
into for a period longer than five (5) years Condominium Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 446
for any one term (Sec. 43, RCCP). Phil. 280).

Service contracts or operating agreements

5. An ultra vires act is not necessarily illegal
which relate to the exploration, development,
but an illegal act is always ultra vires; the
exploitation or utilization of natural resources
following summarizes the distinctions
may be entered into for such periods as may
between ultra vires acts vis-a-vis illegal
be provided by the pertinent laws or
regulations (ibid).
In sum, ultra vires act may be in the form
k. Ultra vires doctrine of the following:

1. No corporation shall possess or exercise a. Acts done beyond the powers of the
corporate powers other than those corporation as provided in the law or
conferred by this Code or by its articles of its articles of incorporation;

b. Acts or contracts entered into in behalf corporation is estopped from denying the
of a corporation by persons who have officer's authority if it knowingly permits
no corporate authority; and such officer to act within the scope of an
c. Acts or contracts, which are per se apparent authority, and it holds him out
illegal as being contrary to law to the public as possessing the power to
(Villanueva, Philippine Corporate Law, p. do those acts.” (Agro Food Processing
176). Corp. v. Vitarich Corp., G.R. No. 217454,
11 January 2021, J. Caguioa).
6. Where the act is merely ultra vires and not
illegal, it may be ratified. A valid Applicability Of Ultra Vires Doctrine
ratification requires the concurrence of the
following elements:
1. The test to be applied is whether the act in
a. The act to be ratified must be question is in direct and immediate
consummated or already done; furtherance of the corporation’s business,
b. The corporate creditors are not fairly incident to their exercise. If so, the
prejudiced; corporation has the power to do it ;
c. The rights of the State and the public otherwise, not (Montelibano v. Bacolod-
are not involved or affected; and Murcia Milling 1Co. 5 SCRA 36).
d. All the stockholders must give their
consent (Maria Carla vs. De la Rama 2. Who may invoke ultra vires?
Steamship Co, Inc., December 29, 1954).
a. State – Ultra vires acts, whether
7. When a contract is not on its face otherwise wrong or not, are a breach of
necessarily beyond the scope of power of the condition that when a State creates
the corporation by which it was made, it a corporation, the grant of the charter
will, in the absence of proof to the is on the implied condition that the
contrary, be presumed valid (Carlos v. corporation shall act within the powers
Mindoro Suger Co., 57 Phil. 343). conferred on it.

8. Ratification is a voluntary and deliberate The State may proceed by quo warranto
confirmation or adoption of a previous to obtain a judgment merely ousting
unauthorized act. It converts the the corporation from further exercise
unauthorized act of an agent into an act of of the unauthorized power (7 Fletecher,
the principal. It cures the lack of consent at p. 604-605; see Sec. 121). The SEC may
the time of the execution of the contract suspend or revoke the certificate of
entered into by the representative, making registration of a corporation for
the contract valid and enforceable commission of ultra vires (see Sec. 6[1],
(University of Mindanao, Inc. vs. BSP, G.R. PD 902-A).
No. 194964-65, January 11, 2016).
b. Stockholders, except when barred by
9. The Doctrine of Apparent Authority is laches, participation in ultra vires acts,
determined by the acts of the principal or consented thereto, when
and not by the acts of the agent. As stockholder benefited from such act
applied to corporations, the doctrine of (De Leon, Corporation Code of the
apparent authority provides that "a

Philippines Annotated, p. 377, citing 7 When an ultra vires contract has been fully
Fletcher, p. 600-6003). performed on both sides, neither party can
maintain an action to set aside the transaction
c. Strangers – Except where it is or to recover what has been parted with (De
otherwise provided by statute, it is a Leon, Corporation Code of the Philippines
general rule, subject to certain Annotated, p. 373).
exceptions, that a plea of ultra vires
cannot be interposed by a stranger not When an ultra vires contract has been
a party to the contract, at least if he is performed on one side and the other received
not injured by such act or contract benefits by reason of such performance,
(Ibid). recovery (or payment of reasonable value) is
permitted in most courts on behalf of the
d. Competitors in business – A former on the ground that it would be unjust
competitor cannot attack acts of a to sanction the retention of benefits coupled
corporation as ultra vires, where such with refusal to perform (Ibid, citing 7 Fletcher,
acts are neither public nuisances or p. 620).
trespasses. The only injury of which he
can be heard in a judicial tribunal to l. Doctrine of Individuality and
complain is the invasion of some legal Indivisibility of Subscription
or equitable right (Ibid, p. 378).

e. Creditors – Judgment creditors, may A subscription is one, entire and indivisible

impeach an ultra vires contract as in whole contract even if two or more shares are
fraud of creditors, the same as any covered. The subscriber is not entitled to the
other contract. But creditors of the certificate for part or all of certificates covered
corporation whose rights are not until full payment of the subscription price
infringed by the ultra vires contract plus interest and expenses in case of
cannot attack it (Ibid). delinquent shares (Sundiang, Sr. and Aquino,
Reviewer in Commercial Law, 2019 ed., p.282).
3. When the doctrine cannot be invoked
when it would defeat the ends of justice or m. Doctrine of Equality of Shares
work a legal wrong (Coleman v. Hotel de
France, 29 Phil. 323).
General Rule: Each share shall be equal in all
respects to every other share, EXCEPT as
4. Defense of ultra vires cannot be set up or
otherwise provided in the articles of
availed of in completed transactions (7
incorporation and in the certificate of stock.
Fletcher, p. 652).
(Sec. 6, RCCP).

Consequences of Ultra Vires Acts Section 6 of the Revised Corporation Code

authorizes the Board to “classify its shares for
An ultra vires contract, while executory on the purpose of insuring compliance with
both sides, cannot be enforced by either party constitutional or legal requirements,” and
thereto (7 Fletcher, p. 607); “when authorized by the articles of
incorporation, fix the terms and conditions of
preferred shares of stock or any series

thereof.” Section 6, however, contains a corporate creditors, who are preferred in the
proviso: “that such terms and conditions shall distribution of corporate assets. The creditors
be effective upon the filing of a certificate of a corporation have the right to assume that
thereof with the Securities and Exchange the board of directors will not use the assets
Commission.” Thus, a preference or of the corporation to purchase its own stock
restriction on shares may be valid and for as long as the corporation has outstanding
effective only if the same has formally been debts and liabilities.
registered with the SEC and thereby becomes
public records binding on the public There can be no distribution of assets among
(Villanueva). the stockholders without first paying
corporate debts. Thus, any disposition of
n. Trust Fund Doctrine corporate funds and assets to the prejudice of
creditors is null and void (Turner vs. Lorenzo
Shipping Corporation, 636 SCRA 13, G.R. No.
Trust fund doctrine enunciates a rule that the 157479 November 24, 2010).
property of a corporation is a trust fund for
the payment of creditors, but such property The Court recognized two instances when the
can be called a trust fund ‘only by way of creditor is allowed to maintain an action
analogy or metaphor.’ As between the upon any unpaid subscriptions based on the
corporation itself and its creditors it is a trust fund doctrine: (1) where the debtor
simple debtor, and as between its creditors corporation released the subscriber to its
and stockholders its assets are in equity a capital stock from the obligation of paying for
fund for the payment of its debts (Halley vs. their shares, in whole or in part, without a
Printwell, Inc., 649 SCRA 116, citing 42A, valuable consideration, or fraudulently, to the
Words and Phrases, Trust Fund Doctrine, p. 445, prejudice of creditors; and (2) where the
citing McIver v. Young Hardware Co., 57 S.E. debtor corporation is insolvent or has been
169, 171, 144 N.C. 478, 119 Am. St. Rep. 970; dissolved without providing for the payment
Gallagher v. Asphalt Co. of America, 55 A. 259, of its creditors. (Enano-Bote v. Alvarez, et.
262, 65 N.J. Eq. 258.). al., G.R. No. 223572, 10 November 2020, J.
Under the trust fund doctrine, a corporation
has no legal capacity to release an original Bar 2015: Define: Trust fund doctrine. (2015)
subscriber to its capital stock from the Suggested Answer:
obligation of paying for his shares, in whole By the trust fund doctrine subscriptions to the
or in part, without a valuable consideration, capital stock of a corporation constitute a fund
or fraudulently, to the prejudice of creditors to which the creditors have the right to look for
(Ibid). satisfaction of their claims. The scope of the
doctrine encompasses not only the capital
The trust fund doctrine backstops the stock but also other property and assets
generally regarded in equity as a trust fund for
requirement of unrestricted retained earnings
the payment of corporate debts (Halley v.
to fund the payment of the shares of stocks of
Printwell, GR No. 157549, May 30, 2011; Ong v.
the withdrawing stockholders. Tiu, 401 SCRA 1).

Under the doctrine, the capital stock,

property, and other assets of a corporation are
regarded as equity in trust for the payment of

8. STOCKHOLDERS AND MEMBERS 5. Right to recover stocks unlawfully sold for
delinquent payment of subscription; and

a. Fundamental Rights of a Stockholder 6. Right to file individual suit, representative

suit, and derivative suit.
1. Direct or indirect participation in
• It is well-settled that the ownership of
shares of stock gives stockholders the
2. Stockholders (whether with voting or non-
right under the law to be protected
voting shares) haves inherent right to vote
from possible mismanagement by its
for the:
officers (Terelay Investment and
Development Corporation vs. Cecilia
a. Amendment of the articles of
Teresita G.R. No. 160924, August 5,
b. Adoption and amendment of by-laws;
c. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge
• A "stockholder of record" is defined as
or other disposition of all or
a person who desires to be recognized
substantially all of the corporate
as stockholder for the purpose of
exercising stockholders' right and must
d. Incurring, creating or increasing
secure standing by having his
bonded indebtedness;
ownership of share recorded on the
e. Increase or decrease in the capital
stock and transfer book. Thus, only
those whose ownership of shares are
f. Merger or consolidation of corporation
duly registered in the stock and
or other corporations;
transfer book are considered
g. Investment of corporate funds in
stockholders of record and are entitled
another corporation or business in
to all rights of a stockholder (Guy v.
accordance with this Code; and
Guy, et al., G.R. No. 184068, April 19,
h. Dissolution of corporation (Sec. 6,

3. Right to elect (Sec. 23) and remove b. Participation in Management

directors or trustees (Sec. 27);

i. Proxy
4. Proprietary rights:

a. Right to dividends (Sec. 42, RCCP); PROXY - Stockholders and members may
b. Appraisal right (Sec. 80, RCCP); vote in person or by proxy in all meeting of
c. Pre-emptive right (Sec. 38, RCCP); stockholders or members.
d. Right to inspect books and records
(Sec. 73, RCCP); When so authorized in the bylaws or by a
e. Right to be furnished with the most majority of the board of directors, the
recent financial statement (Secs. 73 & stockholders or members of corporations may
74, RCCP); also vote through remote communication or
in absentia: Provided, That the votes are

received before the corporation finishes the
tally of votes. Suggested Answer:

A stockholder or member who participates a. 10,000 shares

through remote communication or in
absentia, shall be deemed present for
purposes of quorum.

Proxies shall be in writing, signed by the

stockholder or member and filed before the
scheduled meeting with the corporate
secretary. Unless otherwise provided in the
proxy, it shall be valid only for the meeting
for which it is intended. No proxy shall be
valid and effective for a period longer than
five (5) years at any one time (Sec. 57, RCCP).

ii. Voting Trust


more stockholder of a stock corporation may
create a voting trust for the purpose of
conferring upon a trustee or trustees the right
to vote and other rights pertaining to the
shares for a period not exceeding five (5)
years at any one time. However, the trustee
can also be voted as director.

If the voting trust was a requirement for a

loan agreement, period may exceed 5 years
but shall automatically expire upon full
payment of the loan (Sec. 58, RCCP).

Bar 2013: Dennis subscribed to 10,000 shares of

XYZ Corporation with a par value of 100 per
share. However, he paid only 25% of the
subscription or P250,000. No call has been
made on the unpaid subscription. How many
shares is Dennis entitled to vote at the annual
meeting of the stockholders of XYZ?

a. 10,000 shares;
b. 2,500 shares;
c. 100 shares;
d. 0 shares;
e. None of the above.

iii. Cases When Stockholders’ Action is Required & Votes Required

Majority vote of All stockholder’s vote

2/3 vote of stockholders is required stockholders is required is required
a. Amendment of the articles of a. Election of directors or Ratification of ultra vires
incorporation (Sec. 15, RCCP); trustees (Sec. 23, RCCP); acts (Sec. 44, RCCP).
b. Removal of directors or trustees (Sec. b. Vacancies in the office
27, RCCP); of director or trustee
c. Dealings of directors, trustees or (Sec. 28, RCCP);
officers with the corporation (Sec. 31, c. Compensation of
RCCP); directors (Sec. 29,
d. Disloyalty of director (Sec. 33, RCCP); RCCP);
e. Power to extend or shorten corporate d. Power to enter into
term (Sec. 36, RCCP); management contract –
f. Power to increase or decrease capital proviso (Sec. 43, RCCP);
stock; incur, create or increase bonded e. Adoption of by-laws
indebtedness (Sec. 37, RCCP); (Sec. 45, RCCP); and
g. Sale or other disposition of asset (Sec. f. Amendment to by laws
39, RCCP); (Sec. 47, RCCP)
h. Power to invest corporate funds in
another corporation or business or for
any other purpose (Sec. 41, RCCP);
i. Power to declare dividends (Sec. 42,
j. Power to enter into management
contract (Sec. 43, RCCP);
k. Amendment to by-laws - delegation
(Sec. 47, RCCP);
l. Approval of merger or consolidation
plan (Sec. 76, RCCP); and
m. Voluntary dissolution where no
creditors are affected (Sec. 134, RCCP)
or where creditors are affected (Sec. 135,

Shareholders/members alone Board alone Shared

a. Election of directors or a. Unless otherwise a. Amendment of the Articles of

trustees (Sec. 22, RCCP); provided, the corporate Incorporation (Sec. 15, RCCP);
powers of all corporations
b. Removal of directors or formed under the Code b. Power to extend or shorten
trustees (Sec. 27, RCCP); shall be exercised, all corporate term (Sec. 36, RCCP;
business conducted and
c. Compensation of directors all property of such c. Power to increase or decrease

(Sec. 29, RCCP); corporation controlled capital stock or incur, create or
and held by the Board increase bonded indebtedness
d. Dealings of directors, (Sec. 22, RCCP); and (Sec. 37, RCCP);
trustees or officers with
the corporation (Sec. 31, b. The directors or trustees d. Sale or other disposition of
RCCP); and officers to be elected assets (Sec. 39, RCCP);
shall perform the duties
e. Contracts between enjoined on them by law e. Power to invest corporate
corporations with and the by-laws of the funds in another corporation
interlocking directors (Sec. corporation (Sec. 24, or business or for any other
32, RCCP); RCCP). purpose (Sec. 41, RCCP);

f. Disloyalty of director (Sec. f. Power to declare dividends

33, RCCP); and (Sec. 42, RCCP); and

g. Adoption of by-laws (Sec. g. Power to enter into

45, RCCP) management contract (Sec. 43,

c. Proprietary Rights 4. Stock corporations are prohibited from

retaining surplus profits in excess of one
hundred (100%) percent of their paid-in
i. Right to Dividends capital stock, except:

d. when justified by definite corporate

1. The BOD of a stock corporation may
expansion projects or programs
declare dividends out of unrestricted
approved by the board of directors; or
retained earnings which shall be payable
e. when the corporation is prohibited
in cash, property, or in stock to all
under any loan agreement with any
stockholders on the basis of outstanding
financial institution or creditor,
stock held by them (Sec. 42, RCCP).
whether local or foreign, from
declaring dividends without its/his
2. Any cash dividends due on delinquent
consent, and such consent has not yet
stock shall first be applied to the unpaid
been secured; or
balance on the subscription plus costs and
f. when it can be clearly shown that such
expenses, while stock dividends shall be
retention is necessary under special
withheld from the delinquent stockholder
circumstances obtaining in the
until his unpaid subscription is fully paid
corporation, such as when there is
need for special reserve for probable
3. No stock dividend shall be issued without
the approval of stockholders representing
5. Where the financial statements of the
not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the
corporation show surplus profits in excess
outstanding capital stock at a regular or
of 100% of paid-up capital, it shall explain
special meeting duly called for the
by footnotes that the same has not been
purpose (Ibid).

declared as dividends; if the explanation is the fair value of the shares in the following
not satisfactory, the SEC shall direct the instances:
corporation to distribute the excess as
dividends (Sec. 2, SEC Rules Governing the a. In case an amendment to the articles of
Distribution of Excess Profits of Corporation). incorporation has the effect of
changing or restricting the rights of
6. Any declaration of dividends, whether any stockholder or class of shares, or of
cash or stock, shall be reported to the SEC authorizing preferences in any respect
within fifteen (15) days from the date of superior to those of outstanding shares
declaration. For corporations whose of any class, or of extending or
shares and securities are listed in the stock shortening the term of corporate
exchange or registered and licensed under existence;
the Securities Regulation Code, the report b. In case of sale, lease, exchange,
shall be filed with the SEC before or transfer, mortgage, pledge or other
simultaneously with the release or disposition of all or substantially all of
publication of the notice of declaration of the corporate property and assets as
dividends to stockholders (Sec. 3, Ibid). provided in this Code;
c. In case of merger or consolidation; and
7. No bank or quasi-bank shall declare d. In case of investment of corporate
dividends, if at the time of declaration: funds for any purpose other than the
primary purpose of the corporation.
a. Its clearing account with the Bangko (Sec. 80, RCCP).
Sentral is overdrawn; or
b. It is deficient in the required liquidity b. Manner of Exercise of Right
floor for government deposits for five
(5) or more consecutive days, or
c. It does not comply with the liquidity The dissenting stockholder who votes against
standards/ratios prescribed by the a proposed corporate action may exercise the
Bangko Sentral for purposes of right of appraisal by making a WRITTEN
determining funds available for DEMAND on the corporation for the
dividend declaration; or payment of the fair value of shares held
d. It has committed a major violation as within thirty (30) days from the date on
may be determined by the Bangko which the vote was taken: Provided, That
Sentral (Sec. 57, General Banking Law of failure to make the demand within such
2000). period shall be deemed a waiver of the
appraisal right.
ii. Appraisal Right
If the proposed corporate action is
implemented, the corporation shall pay the
a. When available stockholder, upon surrender of the certificate
or certificates of stock representing the
stockholder’s shares, the fair value thereof as
Any stockholder of a corporation shall have of the day before the vote was taken,
the right to dissent and demand payment of excluding any appreciation or depreciation in

anticipation of such corporate action (Sec. 81, iii. Right to Inspect

Bar 2011: In case of disagreement between the 1. Every corporation shall keep and
corporation and a withdrawing stockholder carefully preserve at its principal office
who exercises his appraisal right regarding the all information relating to the corporation
fair value of his shares, a three member group including, but not limited to:
shall by majority vote resolve the issue with
finality. May the wife of the withdrawing a. The articles of incorporation and by-
stockholder be named to the three member laws of the corporation and all their
b. The current ownership structure and
a. No, the wife of the withdrawing shareholder
is not a disinterested person. voting rights of the corporation,
b. Yes, since she could best protect her including lists of stockholders or
husband’s shareholdings. members, group structures, intra-
c. Yes, since the rules do not discriminate group relations, ownership data, and
against wives. beneficial ownership;
d. No, since the stockholder himself should sit in c. The names and addresses of all the
the three-member group. members of the board of directors or
trustees and the executive officers;
Suggested Answer: d. A record of all business transactions;
e. A record of the resolutions of the
a. No, the wife of the withdrawing shareholder
board of directors or trustees and of
is not a disinterested person.
the stockholders or members;
Bar 2011: The rule is that valuation of the shares f. Copies of the latest reportorial
of a stockholder who exercises his appraisal requirements submitted to the
rights is determined as of the day prior to the Commission; and
date on which the vote was taken. This is true g. The minutes of all meetings of
stockholders or members, or of the
a. Regardless of any depreciation or board of directors or trustees.
appreciation in the share’s fair value.
b. Regardless of any appreciation in the share’s 2. Corporate records, regardless of the form
fair value.
in which they are stored, shall be open to
c. Regardless of any depreciation in the share’s
inspection by any director, trustee,
fair value.
d. Only if there is no appreciation or stockholder or member of the corporation
depreciation in the share’s fair value. in person or by a representative at
reasonable hours on business days, and a
Suggested Answer: demand in writing may be made by such
director, trustee or stockholder at their
a. Regardless of any depreciation or expense, for copies of such records or
appreciation in the share’s fair value. excerpts from said records. xxx

A requesting party who is not a

stockholder or member of record, or is a
competitor, director, officer, controlling

stockholder or otherwise represents the five (5) days from receipt of such report,
interests of a competitor shall have NO the Commission shall conduct a summary
RIGHT TO INSPECT or demand investigation and issue an order directing
reproduction of corporate records. xxx. the inspection or reproduction of the
requested records. (Sec. 73, RCCP).
Any officer or agent of the corporation
who shall refuse to allow the inspection 3. Rights of Stockholders; The Corporation
and/or reproduction of records in Code provides that a stockholder has the
accordance with the provisions of this right to inspect the records of all business
Code shall be liable to such director, transactions of the corporation and the
trustee, stockholder or member for minutes of any meeting at reasonable
damages, and in addition, shall be guilty hours on business days. The stockholder
of an offense which shall be punishable may demand in writing for a copy of
under Section 161 of this Code: Provided, excerpts from these records or minutes, at
his or her expense. (Philippine Associated
• That if such refusal is made Smelting and Refining Corporation vs. Lim
pursuant to a resolution or order of G.R. No. 172948. October 5, 2016).
the board of directors or trustees,
the liability under this section for 4. The right to inspect under Section 74 of
such action shall be imposed upon the Corporation Code is subject to certain
the directors or trustees who voted limitations. However, these limitations are
for such refusal: expressly provided as defenses in actions
• That it shall be a defense to any filed under Section 74. Thus, this Court
action under this section that the has held that a corporation’s objections to
person demanding to examine and the right to inspect must be raised as a
copy excerpts from the defense: 2) the person demanding to
corporation’s records and minutes examine and copy excerpts from the
has improperly used any corporation’s records and minutes has not
information secured through any improperly used any information secured
prior examination of the records or through any previous examination of the
minutes of such corporation or of records of such corporation; and 3) the
any other corporation, or was not demand is made in good faith or for a
acting in good faith or for a legitimate purpose. xxx Good faith and a
legitimate purpose in making the legitimate purpose are presumed. It is the
demand to examine or reproduce duty of the corporation to allege and
corporate records, or is a prove with sufficient evidence the facts
competitor, director, officer, that give rise to a claim of bad faith as to
controlling stockholder or the existence of an illegitimate purpose.
otherwise represents the interests The confidentiality of business
of a competitor. transactions is not a magical incantation
that will defeat the request of a
If the corporation denies or does not act stockholder to inspect the records.
on a demand for inspection and/or Although it is true that the business is
reproduction, the aggrieved party may entitled to the protection of its trade
report such to the Commission. Within secrets and other intellectual property

rights, facts must be pleaded to convince in good faith or for a legitimate purpose in
the court that a specific stockholder’s making his demand (Sec. 73, RCCP).
request for inspection, under certain
conditions, would violate the 8. When the corporation denies the
corporation’s own legal right (ibid). stockholders of the right to inspect, the
latter could then go to court and enforce
5. The submission that the stockholder's their rights. It is then that the corporation
"insignificant holding" of only .001% of the could set up its defenses and the reasons
corporation's stockholding did not justify for the denial of such right. Thus, the
the granting of his/her application for proper remedy available for the
inspection of the corporate books and enforcement of the right of inspection is
records is unwarranted. The Corporation undoubtedly the writ of mandamus to be
Code has granted to all stockholders the filed by the stockholders and not a
right to inspect the corporate books and petition for injunction filed by the
records, and in so doing has not required corporation (Philippine Associated Smelting
any specific amount of interest for the and Refining Corp. vs. Lim, G.R. No. 172948,
exercise of the right to inspect. Ubi lex non October 5, 2016).
distinguit nee nos distinguere debemos
(Terelay Investment and Development 9. The right to inspect may be denied under
Corporation vs. Cecilia Teresita G.R. No. the following instances:
160924, August 5, 2015).
a. Obtaining of information as to
6. Section 74 (now 73) contemplates a business secrets or to aid a competitor;
situation wherein a corporation, acting b. to secure business "prospects" or
thru one of its officers or agents, denies investment or advertising lists;
the right of any of its stockholders to c. to find technical defects in corporate
inspect the records, minutes and the stock transactions in order to bring "strike
and transfer book of such corporation. xxx suits" for purposes of blackmail or
When what is sought to be enforced is the extortion (Terelay Investment and
proprietary right to be in possession of Development Corp. vs. Yulo, G.R. No.
such records and book, such right, though 160924, August 5, 2015).
certainly legally enforceable by other
means, cannot be enforced by a criminal 10. The right to inspect shall be available even
prosecution based on a violation of after the expiration of the corporate term.
Section 74 (Yujuico vs. Quiambao, G.R. No. Sections 122 and 145 of the Corporation
180416, June 2, 2014). Code explicitly provide for the
continuation of the body corporate for
7. It shall be a defense to any action under three years after dissolution. The rights
this section that the person demanding to and remedies against, or liabilities of, the
examine and copy excerpts from the officers shall not be removed or impaired
corporation's records and minutes has by reason of the dissolution of the
improperly used any information secured corporation. Corollarily then, a
through any prior examination of the stockholder's right to inspect corporate
records or minutes of such corporation or records subsists during the period of
of any other corporation, or was not acting

liquidation (Chua vs. People, G.R. No. iv. Pre-emptive Right
216146, August 24, 2016).

11. STOCK AND TRANSFER BOOK (Sec. 73, 1. This refers to a shareholder’s right to
RCCP) - Stock corporations must also subscribe to all issues or disposition of
keep a stock and transfer book, which shares of any class in proportion to his
shall contain a record of all stocks in the present stockholdings (Sec. 38, RCCP).
names of the stockholders alphabetically
arranged; the installments paid and 2. All stockholders of a stock corporation
unpaid on all stocks for which shall enjoy pre-emptive right to subscribe
subscription has been made, and the date to all issues or disposition of shares of any
of payment of any installment; a class, in proportion to their respective
statement of every alienation, sale or shareholdings, unless such right is denied
transfer of stock made, the date thereof, by the articles of incorporation or an
by and to whom made; and such other amendment thereto (Sec. 38, RCCP).
entries as the by-laws may prescribe. The
stock and transfer book shall be kept in 3. The broad phrase “all issues or disposition
the principal office of the corporation or of shares of any class” in the above
in the office of its stock transfer agent and provision is construed to include not only
shall be open for inspection by any new shares issued in pursuance of an
director or stockholder of the corporation increase in capital stock or from the
at reasonable hours on business days. unissued shares which form part of the
authorized capital stock, but also covers
A stock transfer agent or one engaged ‘treasury shares.’ Treasury shares would
principally in the business of registering come under the term ‘disposition.’
transfers of stocks in behalf of a stock Likewise, considering that it is not
corporation shall be allowed to operate in included among the exceptions
the Philippines upon securing a license enumerated therein, where pre-emptive
from the Commission and the payment of right shall not extend, the intention is to
a fee to be fixed by the Commission, include it in its application (See also SEC
which shall be renewable annually: Opinion, January 14, 1993, XXVI SEC
Provided, That a stock corporation is not Quarterly Bulletin 16 [No. 2, June 1993]).
precluded from performing or making
transfers of its own stocks, in which case 4. In close corporations, the coverage is clear
all the rules and regulations imposed on and extends to re-issuance even of
stock transfer agents, except the payment treasury shares (Sec. 101, RCCP).
of a license fee herein provided, shall be
applicable: Provided, further, That the 5. The pre-emptive right may be denied by
Commission may require stock the articles of incorporation or by an
corporations which transfer and/or trade amendment thereto. Even if not denied,
stocks in secondary markets to have an the pre-emptive right does not exists in
independent transfer agent. certain cases like the following:

a. Shares issued in compliance with laws provides that each of the existing stockholders
requiring stock offerings or minimum will have preemptive rights to the extent of
stock ownership by the public; their existing shareholdings.
b. Shares issued in good faith with the
Bar 2011: ABC Corp. increased its capital
approval of stockholders representing
stocks from P10 M to P15 M and, in the
two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding
process, issued 1,000 new shares divided into
capital stock; and
Common Shares “B” and common shares “C”.
c. Shares issued in exchange for property T, a stockholder owning 500 shares, insists on
needed for corporate purposes or in buying the newly issued shares through a right
payment of a previously contracted of pre-emption. The company claims, however,
debt (Sec. 38, RCCP). that its Bylaws deny T any right of pre-
emption. Is the corporation correct?
The holder of delinquent stocks shall not
be entitled to any of the rights of a a. No, since the by-laws cannot deny a
stockholder except the right to dividends shareholder his right of preemption.
b. Yes, but the denial of his pre-emptive right
unless he pays the full amount due. Thus,
extends only to 500 shares.
he cannot vote or be represented in
c. Yes, since the denial of the right under the
meetings, cannot examine the corporate
By-laws is binding on T.
books, and exercise his pre-emptive right d. No, since pre-emptive rights are governed
and other rights. by the articles of incorporation.

Bar 2012: So that ABC Corporation could Suggested Answer:

venture into more projects, it needed to raise a. No, since the by-laws cannot deny a
funds by issuing new shares to increase its shareholder his right of pre-emption.
capitalization. X, Y, Z, J and G are the 5
existing shareholders of the company. They
hold 20% each. How will the additional shares
d. Remedial Rights
be divided among the existing shareholders?

a. The existing shareholders can subscribe to i. Individual, Representative, and

the new shares equivalent to their existing Derivative Suits
shareholdings because the Corporation Code
provides that each of the existing stockholders
1. Individual suits are filed when the cause
will have preemptive rights to the extent of
their existing shareholdings;
of action belongs to the individual
b. The existing shareholders’ preemptive rights stockholder personally, and not to the
is equivalent to the percentage that they want; stockholders as a group or to the
c. Each of the existing shareholder can exercise corporation, e.g., denial of right to
their right of first refusal against each other; inspection and denial of dividends to a
d. Preemptive rights and right of first refusal stockholder (Florete vs. Florete, G.R. No.
are one and the same. 174909, January 20, 2016).

Suggested Answer: 2. If the cause of action belongs to a group of

stockholders, such as when the rights
a. The existing shareholders can subscribe to
violated belong to preferred stockholders,
the new shares equivalent to their existing
shareholdings because the Corporation Code
a class or representative suit may be filed

to protect the stockholders in the group directly committed wrongs
(Florete vs. Florete, supra). inflicted against a group committed
against him. of stockholders. against it, or
3. Derivative Suits; A derivative suit is an protect or
action filed by stockholders to enforce a
corporate action. It is an exception to the
general rule that the corporation’s power
whenever the
to sue is exercised only by the board of officials of the
directors or trustees. Individual corporation
stockholders may be allowed to sue on refuse to sue,
behalf of the corporation whenever the or the ones to
directors or officers of the corporation be sued, or has
refuse to sue to vindicate the rights of the control of the
corporation or are the ones to be sued and corporation.
are in control of the corporation. It is
allowed when the “directors [or officers] 5. A stockholder may suffer from a wrong
are guilty of breach of . . . trust, [and] not done to or involving a corporation, but
of mere error of judgment.” In derivative this does not vest in the aggrieved
suits, the real party-in interest is the stockholder a sweeping license to sue in
corporation, and the suing stockholder is a his or her own capacity. The
mere nominal party. (Villamor, Jr. vs. determination of the stockholder's
Umale, G.R. No. 172843. September 24, appropriate remedy—whether it is an
2014). individual suit, a class suit, or a derivative
suit— hinges on the object of the wrong
4. When the object is a specific stockholder done. When the object of the wrong done
or a definite class of stockholders, an is the corporation itself or "the whole body
individual suit or class/representative suit of its stock and property without any
must be resorted to. When the object of the severance or distribution among
wrong done is the corporation itself or the individual holders," it is a derivative suit,
whole body of its stock and property not an individual suit or
without any severance or distribution class/representative suit, that a
among individual holders, it is a stockholder must resort to (Florete, Jr. v.
derivative suit that a stockholder must Florete, et al., G.R. No. 174909, January 20,
resort to (Florete vs. Florete, supra). 2016).

Individual Representative Derivative 6. Derivative suit is not based on any express

suit suit suit provision of the Corporation Code, or
Brought by Brought by the Brought by even the Securities Regulation Code, but is
the stockholder in one or more impliedly recognized when the said laws
shareholder behalf of stockholders/ make corporate directors or officers liable
in his own himself and all members in for damages suffered by the corporation
name against other the name and and its stockholders for violation of their
the stockholders on behalf of fiduciary duties. Hence, stockholder may
corporation similarly the
sue for mismanagement, waste or
when a situated when a corporation to
dissipation of corporate assets because of
wrong is wrong is redress
a special injury to him for which he is

otherwise without redress. In effect, the the corporation must allege in his complaint
suit is an action for specific performance before the proper forum that he is suing on a
of an obligation owed by the corporation derivative cause of action on behalf of the
to the stockholders to assist its rights of corporation and all other shareholders
action when the corporation has been put similarly situated who wish to join him.
in default by wrongful refusal of the
directors or management to make suitable Bar 2019: In May 2018, ABC Corp. entered
measures for its perfection. The basis of a into a merchandising contract which terms
stockholder’s suit is always on equity (Ang and conditions were totally lopsided in favor
vs. Sps. Ang, June 19, 2013). of the counterparty, XYZ, Inc. As a result,
ABC Corp. suffered tremendous financial
7. Five Requisites for Filing a Derivative Suit.—
a. He was a stockholder or member at the
A year after, or in May 2019, Mr. X became a
time the acts or transactions subject of stockholder of ABC Corp. Learning about the
the action occurred and at the time the circumstances surrounding the
action was filed; merchandising contract, Mr. X filed a
b. He exerted all reasonable efforts, and derivative suit against ABC Corp. 's directors
alleges the same with particularity in to claim damages on behalf of ABC Corp. due
the complaint, to exhaust all remedies to their mismanagement.
available under the articles of
incorporation, bylaws, laws or rules (a) What is a derivative suit? (2%)
governing the corporation or
Suggested answer:
partnership to obtain the relief he
A derivative suit is an action filed by the
c. No appraisal rights are available for stockholder in the name and on behalf of the
the act or acts complained of; and corporation to enforce a corporate right or
d. The suit is not a nuisance or cause of action to set aside wrongful acts
harassment suit. In case of nuisance or committed by its directors and/or officers
harassment suit, the court shall [Ang, for and in behalf of Sunrise Marketing v.
forthwith dismiss the case. Ang, G.R. No.
e. The fifth requisite for filing derivative 201675, June 19, 2013; Florete v. Florete, G.R.
suits, while not included in the No. 174909, January 20, 2016].
enumeration, is implied in the first
Note: This is an exception to the Business
paragraph of Rule 8, Section 1 of the
Judgment Rule.
Interim Rules: The action brought by
the stockholder or member must be “in An individual stockholder is permitted to
the name of [the] corporation or institute a derivative suit on behalf of the
association. . . .” This requirement has corporation wherein he held stock in order to
already been settled in jurisprudence. protect or vindicate corporate rights,
(Villamor, Jr. vs. Umale, G.R. No. 172843. whenever the officers of the corporation
September 24, 2014). refuse to sue, or are the ones to be sued or
hold the corporation. (First Philippine
Among the basic requirements for a International Bank v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
115849, January 24, 1996; Filipinas Port Services
derivative suit to prosper is that the minority
v. Go, G.R. No. 161886, March 16. 2007; Yu v.
shareholder who is suing for and on behalf of
Yukayguan, G.R. No. 177549, June 18, 2009)

(b) Was Mr. X's filing of a derivative suit board, and later (when his letter-complaint
proper? Explain. (3%) went unheeded), through a derivative suit
filed with the court. He claimed that the
Suggested answer: vacancy in the board should be filled up by
the vote of the stockholders of Greenville
No, Mr. X’s filing of a derivative suit was not Corporation. Greenville Corporation’s
proper because there was no showing directors defended the legality of their action,
from the facts that he exhausted all available claiming as well that Stockholder X’s
intra-corporate remedies. derivative suit was improper. Rule on the
issued raised.
Bar 2012: X is a minority stockholder of CCC
Corporation. Y is a member of the Board of Suggested Answer:
Directors of CCC Corporation and at the
same time he is the President. X believes that The remaining directors cannot elect new
Y is mismanaging CCC Corporation hence, as directors to fill in the two vacancies. The
a stockholder and in behalf of the other board of directors may fill up vacancy only if
stockholders, he wanted to sue Y. which the ground is not due to expiration of term,
statement is most accurate? removal or increase in the number of board
a. X can institute a derivative suit in behalf of seats. In this case, the term of the two
himself as a stockholder; directors expired after 1 year. They remained
b. A derivative suit must be instituted in in office in a hold-over capacity only until
behalf of the corporation; their resignation. The hold-over period is not
c. Derivative suit is an exclusive remedy that part of their term. The vacancies should be
X can institute; filled up by election by the stockholders.
d. Derivative suit is not the remedy in this The derivative suit was improper. In a
situation. derivative suit, the corporation, not the
individual stockholder, must be the
Suggested Answer: aggrieved party and that the stockholder is
suing on behalf of the corporation. What
b. A derivative suit must be instituted in stockholder X is asserting is his individual
behalf of the corporation. right as a stockholder to elect the two
directors. The case partakes more of an
Bar 2013: In the November 2010 stockholder’s election contest under the rules on intra-
meeting of Greenville Corporation, 8 corporate controversy.
directors were elected to the board. The
directors assumed their posts in January Bar 2014: A, B, C, D and E were members of
2011. Since no stockholders’ meeting was the 2003-2004 Board of Directors of FLP
held in November 2011, the 8 directors Corporation. At the election for the 2004-2005
served in a holdover capacity and thus Board of Directors, not one of them was
continued discharging their powers. elected. They filed in court a derivative suit
In June 2012, 2 of Greenville Corporation’s on behalf of FLP Corporation against the
directors—Director A and Director B— newly-elected members of the Board of
resigned from the board. Relying on Section Directors. They questioned the validity of the
29 of the Corporation Code, the remaining 6 election as it was allegedly marred by lack of
directors elected 2 new directors to fill in the quorum, and prayed for the nullification of
vacancy caused by the resignation of the said election. The 2004-2005 Board of
Directors A and B. Stockholder X questioned Directors moved to dismiss the complaint
the election of the new directors, initially, because the derivative suit is not proper.
through a letter-complaint addressed to the Decide.

Suggested Answer: i. Consents to the issuance of stocks
for a consideration less than its
The derivative suit is not proper. The party- par or issued value-including
in-interest are the petitioners as stockholders, those issued without
who were members of the 2003-2004 Board of
consideration (bonus share) or
Directors of FLP Corporation. The cause of
issued as fully paid when the
action devolves on the petitioners, not on FLP
corporation has received a lesser
Corporation, which did not have the right to
vote. Hence, the complaint filed by A, B, C, D sum of money than its par or
and E is a direct action by the petitioners, issued value (discounted share);
who were the members of the Board of
Directors of the corporation before the ii. Consents to the issuance of stocks
election, against respondents, who are the for a consideration other than
newly-elected Board of Directors. Under the cash;
circumstances, the derivative suit filed by
petitioners in behalf of FLP is improper. iii. Having knowledge of the
insufficient consideration, does
e. Obligations of Stockholders not file a written objection to the
corporate secretary (Sec 64,
1. Liability for failure to create a corporation
(Sec. 10, RCCP); c. “Water” in the stock refers to the
difference between the fair market
2. Liability for dividends unlawfully paid value at the same time of the issuance
(Sec. 42, RCCP); of the stock (not at the time of
discovery of the inadequate
3. Liability to the creditors of a corporation consideration or at the time of demand
for unpaid subscription (Sec. 60, RCCP); for payment) and the par or issued
value of said stock. Subsequent
4. Liability for watered stock (Sec. 64, RCCP): increase in the value of the property
used in paying the stock does not do
a. Watered stocks are those issued not in away with the “water” in the stock.
exchange for its equivalent either in The existence of “water” is determined
cash, property, share, stock dividends, at the time of the issuance of the stock
or services; thus the issuance of such (Villanueva, Philippine Corporate Law,
stocks is prohibited (Sec. 64, RCCP). 2001 Ed., p. 808).

b. Directors are liable for watered stocks. d. Three theories have been advanced as
A Director or Officer of a corporation basis for holding stockholders and
shall be liable to the corporation or its officers liable for watered stocks, to
creditors, solidarily with the wit:
stockholder concerned for the
difference between the value received i. Subscription contract theory;
at the time of issuance of the stock and ii. Fraud theory; and
the par or issued value of the same, if

iii. Trust fund doctrine (Villanueva, creditors of a corporation have the
Philippine Corporate Law, 2001 right to assume that the board of
Ed., pp. 384-386). directors will not use the assets of the
corporation to purchase its own stock
e. The subscription theory holds that the for as long as the corporation has
subscription contract is the source and outstanding debts and liabilities.
measure of the duty of a subscriber to
pay for his shares. If the contract There can be no distribution of assets
releases him from further liability, the among the stockholders without first
subscriber ceases to be liable. paying corporate debts. Thus, any
disposition of corporate funds and
f. The fraud theory holds that a assets to the prejudice of creditors is
shareholder is liable for watered stock null and void (Turner vs. Lorenzo
on the basis of tort or Shipping Corporation, 636 SCRA 13, G.R.
misrepresentation. According to the No. 157479 November 24, 2010).
theory, the wrong done to the creditor
is fraud or deceit in falsely Bar 2015: What is “watered stock” and what is
representing that the par value has the legal consequence of the issuance of such
been paid or has been agreed to be stock?
paid in full. It shall be presumed that
Suggested Answer:
subsequent creditor without notice has
been deceived by this
Watered stocks are stocks issued for a
misrepresentation but prior creditors
consideration less than its par or issued value
with notice are not protected. or for a consideration in any form other than
cash, valued in excess of its fair value. Any
g. The trust fund doctrine holds that all director or officer of a corporation consenting
corporate creditors would have a legal to the issuance of watered stocks or who,
basis to recover against stockholders having knowledge thereof, does not forthwith
and guilty officers. In Philippine express his objection in writing and file the
jurisdiction, the trust fund doctrine on same with the corporate secretary shall be
watered stock prevails (Philippine Trust solidarily liable with the stockholder
concerned to the corporation and its creditors
Corp. vs. Rivera, 44 Phil. 469).
for the difference between the fair value
received at the time of issuance of the stock
The trust fund doctrine backstops the
and the par or issued value of the same (Section
requirement of unrestricted retained 65 of the Corporation Code).
earnings to fund the payment of the
shares of stocks of the withdrawing 5. Liability to the corporation for interest on
stockholders. unpaid subscription if so required by the
by-laws (Sec. 65, RCCP); and
Under the doctrine, the capital stock,
property, and other assets of a 6. Liability to the corporation for unpaid
corporation are regarded as equity in subscription (Sec. 66-79, RCCP).
trust for the payment of corporate
creditors, who are preferred in the - oOo –
distribution of corporate assets. The


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