DEM-SPH Simulation of Rock Blasting

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Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164

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DEM–SPH simulation of rock blasting

Ali Fakhimi a,b,⇑, Mark Lanari a
Department of Mineral Engineering, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM 87801, USA
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A numerical model is proposed for the simulation of rock blasting. A bonded particle system is utilized to
Received 19 March 2013 mimic the behavior of rock. The particles interact at the contact points through normal and shear springs
Received in revised form 17 July 2013 to simulate rock elasticity. To withstand the deviatoric stresses, the particles are glued to each other. If
Accepted 27 August 2013
the applied force exceeds the contact strength, local failure occurs and microcracks are developed in
Available online 23 September 2013
the synthetic rock. For simulation of gas flow, the smooth particle hydrodynamic method is implemented.
The interaction of gas particles with the rock grains is assumed to follow a perfect plastic collision model
in which the initial momentum of the colliding particles is preserved. A detailed examination of the inter-
Rock blasting
Discrete element
action of gas with blast hole is investigated. It is shown that the proposed hybrid model is capable of sim-
Smooth particle hydrodynamics ulating the induced shock waves in the gas together with wave propagation in the rock material. The
Rock fracture model successfully mimics crack propagation in rock. In particular, the crushed zone around the bore-
hole, radial cracks, and surface spalling are all captured successfully. The results of numerical analysis
suggest that gas–rock interaction can, in fact, generate a few successive compressive waves in the rock
specimen, causing further extension of radial cracks with time as the weaker secondary and tertiary
waves interact with the crack tips.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to model rock fragmentation and heave in the blasting process.

Both stemmed and unstemmed bench blasts were simulated, and
Rock blasting is an important tool for removal of rock in mining the authors were able to study the effect of the free slope face on
and civil engineering industries. In particular, for tunnel excavation the fragmentation and heaving. Wang et al. [3] developed a
in hard material, rock blasting is very popular as an alternative to cross-format centered finite-difference procedure to study a
tunnel boring machines. During detonation of explosive material, problem involving spalling in a rock plate from an explosive and
high pressure gas is generated in a very short period of time that compared their results to an LS-DYNA simulation. The AUTODYN
can exert pressures on the order of a few GPa to the rock wall. 2D computer program was utilized by Zhu et al. [4] to model rock
The generated pressure is much greater than the tensile and com- fracturing of a cylindrical specimen with the blast hole at its
pressive strengths of rock, causing fracture propagation in rock. center. The authors investigated the effects of different coupling
While through this process rock breaks into small particles that materials placed between the explosive charge and the rock. Ma
can be easily removed by machines, improper design of blasting and An [5] implemented the Johnson–Holmquist model in
layout can cause undesired damage to the surrounding rock which LS-DYNA computer program to simulate fracture control tech-
can endanger the stability of the excavation. Therefore, for more niques in rock. In an attempt to provide some practical tools for
efficient and effective rock blasting, this phenomenon must be rock engineers, Wei et al. [6] used ANSYS-LSDYNA to evaluate
studied in detail. To this end, some efforts have been reported in the effect of loading density, rock mass rating, and weight of charge
the literature. Potyondy et al. [1] used PFC3D, a 3-dimensional dis- on rock mass damage induced by underground explosions. Re-
crete-element program, to simulate rock fragmentation. The explo- cently, Onederra et al. [7] used a fully coupled gas flow-lattice
sion was modeled as a time-varying pressure applied at the edge of model to study blast induced damage in rock. While their approach
a cylindrical region 3 times the diameter of the original borehole, seems to be promising in capturing many features of dynamic rock
to account for the region of crushed rock which would develop fracture, due to the confidentiality of their study, they were not
near the center of the detonation. Minchinton and Lynch [2] used able to provide details of their research work.
the combined finite element–discrete element program MBM2D Smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) was originally developed
in the field of astrophysics [8], but the simplicity and Lagrangian
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Mineral Engineering, New Mexico nature of the method encouraged the scientists and engineers to
Tech, Socorro, NM 87801, USA. quickly apply and diversify its applications to fluid and solid
E-mail address: (A. Fakhimi).

0266-352X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Fakhimi, M. Lanari / Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164 159

mechanics problems [9]. In many applications, it is convenient to In Eq. (3), d(x  xi) is the delta function and W is the weighting
combine SPH with another method, such as finite element (FEM) or smoothing function. In order to derive Eq. (3), the smoothing
or discrete element method (DEM). Combining SPH with FEM can function at point (i) has been assumed to have a circular compact
be accomplished by placing the smoothed particles closest to the support with radius 2hi; hi is called the smoothing length at point i.
finite element mesh on a grid and using grid stiffness to transfer By applying Eq. (3), the kernel approximations of Eqs. (1) for
forces between the particles and mesh [10]. A method that is better smooth particle i are obtained, which can then be written in parti-
suited to situations in which the smoothed particles are simulating cle approximation format within the supporting domain [9]:
a fluid is by applying a ‘‘penalty force’’ when smoothed particles
impact the finite element grid [11]. qi ¼ mj W ij ð4aÞ
In this paper, a hybrid SPH-DEM method is proposed for cou- j¼1
pled simulation of gas–rock interaction. Rock is modeled with a
bonded particle system. A bonded particle system is made of dis- Dv a  XN
Pi Pj
crete circular disks that interact with each other at the contact i ¼  mj 2 þ 2 þ pij W ij;a ð4bÞ
Dt  j¼1
qi qj
points. SPH is used to simulate the gas flow. The interaction of
the gas particles and rock grains (discrete elements) is achieved !

by considering an ideal plastic impact of the colliding particles Dea  1X N
Pi Pj
i¼ mj 2 þ 2 þ pij ðv aji  v ajj ÞW ij;a ð4cÞ
such that the initial momentum is preserved. The SPH model for Dt  2 j¼1 qi qj
gas flow and its interaction with discrete elements are imple-
mented in the computer program CA2 [12]. Some numerical exam- In Eqs. (4), mj is the mass of smooth particle j and pij is the
ples are presented which suggest the capability of the proposed Monaghan type artificial viscosity [9,13]. The so-called summation
model to analyze the problem of rock blasting. In particular, it is density (Eq. (4a)) is a popular SPH equation to enforce the balance
shown that with this model, the gas pressure on the rock wall of mass. In particular, it accurately models the shortage of smooth
may not result in a monotonic function of time. A monotonic gas particles when a free surface boundary condition is involved. On
pressure as a function of time is normally used as an approxima- the other hand, in a solid wall boundary situation, the wall bound-
tion for the applied gas pressure in the simplified numerical simu- ary occupies part of the smoothing domain and Eq. (4a) needs
lation of rock blasting. Furthermore, with the simplified models, some corrections. To this end, when part of the smoothing domain
gas penetration inside the induced cracks is not usually modeled. of a smooth particle is occupied by disks or rock grains, the nor-
malized form of Eq. (4a) is used:
2. SPH formulation of gas flow PN
mj W ij
qi ¼ Pj¼1
N mj
During detonation of an explosive material, the solid or liquid j¼1 qj W ij
explosive becomes a high pressure, high temperature gas in a very
Several different smoothing functions (Wij) have been reported
short period of time. The gas pressure can easily reach 10 GPa,
and used in the literature. The cubic spline function is utilized in
which can cause instant damage to the surrounding rock. In this
this paper. The cubic spline function is a bell-shaped function that
paper, a smooth particle hydrodynamic model is used to simulate
resembles the delta function as the smoothing length approaches
the gas flow. Since the interaction of gas and surrounding rock lasts
zero. This function has been the most popular smoothing function
for a short period of time (a few milliseconds), the gas flow is con-
in the literature [9].
sidered to be adiabatic. In addition, the hot gas is assumed to have
Eqs. (4b) and (4c) are coupled ordinary differential equations
a low viscosity, and thus the gas flow is considered inviscid. The
that are solved using an explicit finite difference method. The same
governing equations consist of conservation of mass, momentum,
numerical technique is used for solving the governing equations
and energy. When expressed in a Lagrangian framework, which
for discrete elements [14].
is more appropriate for SPH formulations, these equations are
þ qma;a ¼ 0 ð1aÞ 3. Discrete element model (DEM) for rock deformation
The rock is modeled using a discrete element or bonded particle
Dv a
q ¼ P;a þ qfa ð1bÞ system [15]. Rock grains are represented by circular cylinders that
interact through normal and shear springs (kn and ks) to simulate
De rock elastic behavior. To withstand the applied deviatoric stresses,
q ¼ Pv a;a ð1cÞ the disks are glued at the contact points. The normal and shear
strengths of a contact point are shown with nb and sb in this paper.
Note that repeated Greek letters in a term imply summation. In If the applied tensile or shear force exceeds the contact strength,
the Euler equations 1a, 1b, and 1c, q is density, P is pressure, e is contact failure occurs and both normal and shear bonds are set
internal energy per unit mass, t is time, va is the gas velocity com- to zero. A failed contact can no longer carry tensile force but it
ponent in xa direction, and fa is the body force per unit mass of the can resist shear forces if the contact normal force is compressive.
gas. A calorically perfect gas is assumed, whose equation of state is In this latter situation, the maximum tolerable shear force is ob-
P ¼ ðc  1Þqe ð2Þ tained using a Coulomb failure criterion with a friction coefficient
of l. In addition to the micromechanical parameters kn, ks, nb, sb,
where c is the ratio of the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure and l, the radius of the disks (R) and genesis pressure (r0) must
to that at constant volume. The SPH or kernel approximation for the be specified. The genesis pressure is the uniform pressure that is
partial derivative of a function g(x1, x2, x3) at point i is defined as applied to the particles during sample preparation to create a small
Z Z overlap of the disks at contact points. The small overlap can help to
hg ;a ii ¼ g ;a dðx  xi ÞdV ffi g ;a Wðx  xi ÞdV provide more realistic friction angle and ratio of uniaxial compres-
Z sive to uniaxial tensile strength of the synthetic material [12]. The
¼ gWðx  xi Þ;a dV ð3Þ bonded particle system with the above micromechanical
parameters is able to provide elasticity, pressure sensitivity, crack
160 A. Fakhimi, M. Lanari / Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164

propagation, and dilatational behavior similar to those observed in is 7.5 mm. The length of the shock tube is 2 meters, with the mem-
geomaterials without the need to resort to complicated constitu- brane situated in the middle. The density and energy of smooth
tive models that normally have many material constants. particles on the right and left sides of the membrane are 1.0 kg/
An important step in a bonded particle simulation of rock is the m3 and 5.0 J/kg, and 0.25 kg/m3 and 3.6 J/kg, respectively. The time
calibration procedure by which the micromechanical constants step was 0.0001 s and c in Eq. (2) is 1.4. The one-dimensional
have to be obtained based on the macro-properties of rock. This closed form solution of this problem exists in the literature [17]
procedure can be conducted using the dimensionless graphs and is used to illustrate the accuracy of the numerical model
reported in [16]. The mechanical properties that are used for cali- (Fig. 1a and b). Figs. 1a and b show how the gas pressure and
bration in this paper are elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, uniaxial density change along the shock tube at time 0.2 s; good agreement
compressive strength and tensile strength of rock. between the CA2 program results and the closed form solution is
4. Interaction between disks and smooth particles
5.2. Cylindrical gas expansion
When the solid explosive turns into gas in rock blasting, it ex-
pands rapidly and penetrates into the surrounding rock mass. In In the second example, the problem of gas cylindrical expansion
the simulation, the gas particles should be able to flow through is studied. A long cylindrical tube of TNT with radius of 0.1 m is as-
the microcracks and contact points between the disks, but they sumed to explode suddenly. The radial distance of smooth particles
must not penetrate into disks or rock grains. To this end and for is 0.005 m while they are 6 degrees apart in the tangential direc-
simplicity, the interaction between a smooth particle and a disk tion. In total, 1200 smooth particles are used for this simulation
is assumed to follow a perfectly plastic collision model. In this (Fig. 2a). The initial density of explosive material is 1630 kg/m3,
model, if a smooth particle collides with a disk, in a single numer- its intial energy is 4.29 MJ/kg, and c = 1.4. The numerical time step
ical time step the particles are brought to rest with respect to each was 5  108 s. The velocity vectors of smooth particles at 0.08
other along the line that connects the center of the particles such milliseconds are shown in Fig. 2b, which show radial gas expansion
that the initial momentum is conserved. It can be easily shown that at a maximum velocity of 3.53 km/s. The CA2 distributions of gas
the reaction force fn in such a collision is equal to pressure and density along a radial cut are compared with those
Dv n from the computer program MSC/Dytran reported in [9] (Fig. 3).
fn ¼   ð6Þ MSC/Dytran is a grid based computer program. Notice that the free
Dt mD
þ m1SP boundary condition at the gas expanding front has been correctly
simulated using Eq. (4a) for density calculation.
in which Dvn is the relative velocity along the contact line connect-
ing the smooth particle to the disk center, Dt is the numerical time
step, and mD and mSP are the masses of disk and smooth particle, 6. Numerical modeling of rock blasting
respectively. The contact force fn is decomposed into its compo-
nents along the coordinate axes and is used in the momentum A synthetic rock material was obtained by calibration of the
equations of disk and smooth particle (Eq. (1b)). discrete element model for Pennsylvania Blue sandstone. The lab-
Note that in the plastic collision of two particles, some energy is oratory tests on this rock suggest an elastic modulus (E) of 27 GPa,
lost that can simulate the damping effect. For two circular particles a Poisson’s ratio (t) of 0.15, a uniaxial compressive strength (qu) of
with initial velocities vD and vSP along the line connecting their 122 MPa, and a tensile strength (rt) of 9.9 MPa. Upon calibration of
centroids, the energy loss (EL) is: the discrete element model, the following micromechanical con-
1 1 1 stants were obtained: kn = 42.4 GPa, ks = 17.8 GPa, nb = 48 kN/m,
EL ¼ mD v 2D þ msp v 2sp  ðmD þ msp Þv 2com ð7Þ sb = 230 kN/m, l = 0.5, and R = 1.6–2.4 mm. These micromechani-
2 2 2
cal parameters were used in numerical uniaxial simulation of a
In Eq. (7), vcom is the combined velocity of the two particles after sample 1  2 m in dimension. The synthetic material shows the
the impact. following material properties: E = 26.5 GPa, t = 0.15, qu = 122 MPa,
and rt = 9.6 MPa. These values are in close agreement with those
5. Verification examples for the sandstone.
A circular specimen whose radius is 0.5 m was chosen for
The CA2 computer program is used for the numerical simula- numerical simulation using the above micromechanical properties
tions. CA2 is a hybrid discrete-finite element program to simulate for the synthetic material. The synthetic rock has a density of
static and dynamic problems in geomechanics [12]. The program 2600 kg/m3. A small hole with a radius of 20 mm was excavated
was modified by adding the features of smooth particle hydrody- at the center of the sample. The explosive material was modeled
namics to the code. The interaction of smooth particles and disks by 4800 smooth particles and was placed at the center of the hole.
is modeled using a perfect plastic collision concept discussed in The radius of the explosive material was 5 mm; a gap of 15 mm
the previous section. The accuracy of CA2 in solving discrete ele- was allowed between the solid explosive and the hole boundary
ment problems has been verified and reported elsewhere [12,16], to simulate decoupling (Fig. 4a). The explosive material was as-
but some benchmark problems need to be solved to verify the sumed to be TNT with initial density of q = 1630 kg/m3, detonation
robustness of the program when smooth particles are involved. energy of e = 4.29  106 J/kg, and ratio of specific heat at constant
pressure to specific heat at constant volume of c = 1.4 [9,17].
5.1. Solution of shock tube problem Fig. 4b depicts the interaction between gas particles and rock
grains at 5.5 ls, when the first impacts took place. Notice that since
An important problem in unsteady gas flow is the one-dimen- the smooth particles are not supposed to penetrate into the rock
sional shock tube problem. The tube is closed at both ends and grains, they change their path of motion in a direction tangential
in the middle a diaphragm is mounted that separates high and to the rock grains to be able to infiltrate into the rock through
low pressure gas. 534 and 133 smooth particles are used on the left the contact points and the induced microcracks between the
and right sides of the membrane, respectively. The distance be- grains. After 15 ls, the reaction forces due to rock grains cause
tween smooth particles on the left is 1.875 mm and on the right the expansion wave in the gas to bounce back toward the center
A. Fakhimi, M. Lanari / Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164 161

2.5 1.2
Theoretical solution Theoretical solution
SPH solution 1. SPH solution

Density kg m 3

Pressure Pa

0 0
0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Position m Position m

Fig. 1. Comparison of numerical and closed form solutions of the shock tube problem at 0.2 s. (a) Pressure distribution along the shock tube. (b) Density distribution along the
shock tube.

Fig. 2. Cylinderical gas expansion. (a) The initial arrangement of smooth particles. (b) The smooth particles and velocity vectors at 0.08 ms. The maximum radial velocity in
the figure is 3.53 km/s.

of the borehole. This is indicated by the velocity vectors of gas par-

1. ticles in Fig. 4c. At this time, the gas shock wave has induced some
Dytran solution
SPH solution microcracks between rock grains as shown in Fig. 4c; the tensile
0.8 and shear cracks are shown in red and blue, respectively.
Fig. 5a shows the induced cracks in the sample at 146 ls. The
Pressure GPa

0.6 damaged zone, as expected is made of a central crushed zone, some

radial cracks, and surface spalling. Note that both shear and tensile
0.4 cracks have been generated in the crushed zone as the radial stress
in this region is high and is compressive. Far from the crushed
0.2 zone, the induced cracks are all tensile. An important consequence
of the traveling wave in the circular specimen is the generation of
0 tensile cracks close to the specimen free boundary. The surface
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
spalling is the result of the induced tensile stresses after the com-
Position m
pressive wave is reflected at the free boundary. In Fig. 5b, the
cracks at 1410 ls are shown. Note that at this time, the reflected
Dytran solution wave from the free surface has caused further expansion of the ra-
SPH solution dial cracks; the radial cracks in general have a slower propagation
600 velocity compared to the velocity of the compressive wave. In
Density kg m 3

Fig. 6a, the openings of the cracks at 1410 ls are shown. A close-
up view of the opened contacts together with the smooth particles
400 is shown in Fig. 6b. The figure suggests that the smooth particles
have spread deeper into the opened damaged zones as expected.
The results of the computer program at 1410 ls suggest a density
range of 8.03–32.4 kg/m3 for the smooth particles indicating that
no unacceptable negative density due to tensile instability has
0 been generated.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
To examine the effect of discontinuities on the outcome of rock
Position m
blasting, the same specimen was studied with the exception that it
Fig. 3. CA2 and MSC/Dytran solutions of cylindrical gas expansion at 0.08 ms. (a) has a horizontal joint 0.1 m from the center of the blast hole
Pressure distribution along a radial cut. (b) Density distribution along a radial cut. (Fig. 7a). The contacts between rock grains along the joint are
162 A. Fakhimi, M. Lanari / Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164

Fig. 4. (a) The circular numerical specimen with the explosive material placed at its center. (b,c) Close-up views of smooth particles and their velocity vectors and their
interaction with the hole boundary at 5.5 and 15 ls.

Fig. 5. Induced microcracks at (a) 146 ls. (b) 1410 ls.

Fig. 6. (a) Opened up contacts in the rock specimen, (b) A close-up view of the damaged contacts together with the smooth particles. The elapsed time since the start of
blasting is 1410 ls.

assumed to have kn = 0.424 GPa, ks = 0.178 GPa, nb = 0.48 kN/m, 7. Discussion of the results
sb = 2.30 kN/m. These are equal to 1% of the corresponding param-
eters for the intact rock. Fig. 7b illustrates the developed cracks in There have been some attempts in the literature to study the ef-
the specimen at 912 ls. Contrary to the previous example, due to fect of blasting on rock. In many of these studies, the gas–rock
the presence of the weak joint in the specimen, the transmitted interaction is not fully modeled. Instead, an assumed gas pressure
wave has not been strong enough to create surface spalling in time history is assumed and applied to the borehole wall [1,5].
the top rock block. Nevertheless, some radial cracks have been in- Recently, more sophisticated techniques have been proposed but
duced in the rock block. On the other hand, the reflected wave at in some, the confidentiality of the subject has prevented the
the joint surface has caused extensive damaging to the specimen authors to elaborate on the method they used [7]. In particular,
at points below the joint surface and above the blast hole. As a con- the behavior of the explosive gas in the borehole has not been fully
sequence, a crater has been formed above the blast hole. The radial investigated. To elucidate this issue, a more detailed examination
cracks at the boundary of the crater have gradually curved down, of the first blasting exercise is discussed in this section. The time
resembling two wing cracks that eventually coalesce with the joint history of gas pressure at the center of the borehole is shown in
plane surface (Fig. 7c). Fig. 8. The high gas pressure of 3 GPa diminishes quickly due to
A. Fakhimi, M. Lanari / Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164 163

Fig. 7. (a) Circular specimen with a joint plane. (b) Induced cracks, (c) Opened up contacts at 912 ls.

surrounding rock. This phenomenon is confirmed by inspecting

the rock particle velocity vectors at 68.2 ls (Fig. 9c). Based on
the borehole gas pressure history (Fig. 8), there have already been
three induced shock waves on the borehole wall. Consequently,
three wave fronts are observed in Fig. 9c traveling toward the free
surface of the specimen. As discussed before, the radial cracks are
created due to the traveling compressive wave in the specimen.
The speed of radial crack tips is less than the speed of the compres-
sive wave. Therefore, it appears that further extension of radial
cracks is due to at least four contributing factors. These are the
Fig. 8. The gas pressure at the center of blast hole vs. time. stored energy at the crack tips due to the passage of the compres-
sive wave, the reflection of the compressive wave on the free
surface or joint surfaces, the following additional induced
the free gas expansion and decoupling effects. Once the gas hits the
compressive waves due to gas–rock interaction, and finally the
borehole wall, the expansion wave is reflected back as a shock
continued gas pressure on the borehole wall and its penetration
wave toward the borehole center. The wavy shape of Fig. 8 implies
into the rock damaged zones.
that in fact several expansion-shock waves are generated in the
The history of developed microcracks in the rock specimen is
borehole; the intensity of the shock waves within the gas decreases
shown in Fig. 10. The path from point A to B shows the growth
with time as the gas causes expansion of the blast hole and thus
of the crushed zone and the radial cracks with time. From point
increases in volume. The gas loses part of its energy during these
B to C, the rate of microcrack generation is reduced as the redial
impact episodes, which results in the reduction of the shock
strengths. To clarify, the gas velocity vectors at 43.7 ls are shown
in Fig. 9a. As the figure shows, the gas is reflecting toward the cen-
ter of the borehole. Eventually, the gas pressurizes at its center at
49.3 ls. This is consistent with the third peak pressure illustrated
in Fig. 8. In summary, it appears that at least when decoupling is
involved, the wall of the borehole is subjected to a few compressive
impacts before a more stable and uniform gas pressure is achieved
within the borehole. It is conceivable that for weaker rocks, the
number of gas–rock impact episodes would be less due to exten-
sive damage and expansion of the borehole wall upon the first
Because of multiple shock impacts to the blast hole, it is
expected that multiple compressive waves are induced in the Fig. 10. The time history of induced microcracks in the cylindrical rock specimen.

Fig. 9. Velocity vectors of smooth particles at (a) 43.7 ls showing the shock wave is reflecting back toward the borehole center, (b) 49.3 ls when the third peak pressure is
generated at the borehole center. (c) Multiple wave fronts within the rock specimen suggested by disk velocity vectors at 68.2 ls.
164 A. Fakhimi, M. Lanari / Computers and Geotechnics 55 (2014) 158–164

cracks gradually lose their initial momentum to extend (Fig. 5a). At The presence of a joint causes wave reflection at the joint sur-
point C there is a jump in the number of cracks. This point corre- face. As a consequence, the damaged zone is intensified between
sponds to the surface spalling that several cracks are created close the blast hole and joint surface. This can result in loss of blasting
to the free boundary instantly. From D to E, the crack growth slows energy with greater crushed zone around the blast hole.
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