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First class Saturday

May 15th , 2010.


Goodmorning Goodafeternoon Goodevenin Hey / hi / helo Howhaveyoubeen ? How are you ? Nice tomeetyou. Hi, there

Bye /goodbye See you later / next time Seeya ! (aus) Goodnight Takecare


I am Renato/ My name is Renato. Iam a student inglish, im study computer tecnician in etesp. Im 32 years old. Im from Caieiras, but i live on San Judas, So Paulo. Im work in Telefonica.Imeletronictecnician. Im married. My weding was on December 1st , 2007

Comands How do spell_______? How do you say ______ in english? Open your book , please. Open/Close your notebook please. Do you repeat that, please.? / I dont understand.


Roof Fan Stove Pan

Cobertura F Fogo Panela

Ceiling Fan Fridge

Teto Ventilador Geladeira

Eu Tu/voce Eles/elas Ns Eles/elas I am/ im You are He/she /it We are They are Imnot Youre not/you arent not Hes not/he isnt Were not/we arent Theyre not/they arent Am i Are you Ishe Are we Are there

Question Am I teacher? Are you married? Is he lazy? Who I am? Am I woman?/Am I man. Am I old? ?

Phrase of the day. Turn the light on/off.

Second class Saturday

May 22nd , 2010.

Whats your bag?

A pills/medicine A notebook A pen An umbrella A Ruler

A bag A key A pencil A Hair brush/comb A Curtain

An apple A wallet A book An Eraser A blend

A moisturizing A cell fone A lipstick A Calculator


What is this? This is a fan. What is these? These are dictionary. Is this your backpack? Yes, its. Are these your pants? No ,

Plural and singular.

Singular Final (s,k,ch,sh,x,o) Bus Clock Dish Box Potato plural Put (es) Buses Clocks (excesso) Dishes Boxes Potatoes Singular Final (Y) Crazy Cry Final (fe) Plural PUT (ies) Crazies Cries Put (ves)

Irregulares Man Woman Child Person Men Women Children People

Contries Thailand Canada Korea Europe

Nacionality Tai Canadian Korean European

Contries Switerland England Cuba


English Cuban

Are you from Cuba ? No ,im not .I from Grece. Is he from China?

Question with WH Place: Where are you from? Where is he from ? Things: what is to homework? What are these things? Person: who is he/she/it. Who are you. Who is this guy/girl.

Clothes Dress Shirt Sneakers Scarf Hat Sandals Boxers Gloves Boots Pants Jacket Socks Jumper Skirt Thongs/flip-flop Bra Belt Suit t-shirt Shoes Shorts Cap Singlet Undies Swin suits Tie

Questions Whose keys are these/is this ? They/it belongs to__________.

Possessive case

This pen is Eluise ./this is Eluises pen. This is hers. This is my pen. This pen is mine. Personal pronouns I He She It We They You Possessive adjtives My His Her Its Our Their Your Possessive pronouns Mine His Hers Its Ours Theirs yours

I dont like my car , but she likes hers. I dont use our book, they use theirs. Whose Whose Pen is this ? This is Eluises pen./its belongs Eluise.

June 12 th ,2010. Valentines days.

Soccer expression.
A goolie making a save. A soccer player taking a corner kick. Kicking the ball and heading the ball. Dribbling. A referee handing out a red /yellow card. A referee blowing his whistle. A referee calling a time out. A referee calling a penalty. A referee arguing with a player soccer. June 19th ,2010. Prepositions I live in diadema. I live on conceio avenue. I live at 176, conceio avenue. I live at 80 , Roberto Mange street. I live on Roberto Mange street. I study on conceioave and Tiradentes station. Toronto is in Canada. New Zeland is in OceanianContinente. I work in Brigadeiroave. My teacher lives in Diadema.

Phrases with prepositions. 123456789China in box is very good, its address is at 432 , Luis Rocha Street . This Itau building is located on Conceio Avenue. I was higicopos, here on the corner. My Car is park on Jos da Silva Plaza. I study english on Alberto Leal. I eat sushi at 332 , Luis Rocha Street at night. I will go to Italy in june. Shes going to France at 8 0clock. We went to chicago on june19th ,2010.

Imperatives. Sit down Get to bed Take out the remote control Dont go away Dont lie me Dont to smoke Go to bed Clean to house Listem to the music now Don t drive today Stop to sleep Dont smoking Dont smoke Dont answer cell phone in class Tell me your name, please Dont be afraid Stop sleeping Close cars doors.

June 26th, 2010 whats your sign ? Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces from March 21st to April 20th from April 21st to May 20th from May 21st to June 21th from June 22nd to July 23rd from July 24th to August 23rd from August 24th to September 23 rd from September 24th to October 23rd from October 24rd to November 22nd from November 23 rd to December 21st from December 22nd to January 20th from January 21th to February 19th from February 20th to March 20th

what s day of the Week ?

Hour 5:30 am 6:30 am 8 am Midday 5 pm 6 pm 8 pm Between 10 pm and midnight Go to house Have dinner Go to sleep go to bed = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Sunday Moday Awake Start working = Tuesday = = = Wednesday Thursday = = = = = = Friday = = = Go to house Saturday Awake Class uns =

Awake Have lunch

Dates (prepositions)

In June. On June 26th /Saturday. At 8 am

Unit 1 A- Complete com to be 12345678910California [ ] a state. It [ ] in the usa. Mark [ ] single. Nancy and Richard [ ] married. They [ ]American. Carlos and Maria [ ] Peru. They [ ] students. I [ ] a good student. He [ ] a soccer player. My dog [ ] beautiful.

B- Complete com he/she/we /it or they 12345Nancy is from Boston. [ ] is a doctor. Carlos is student. [ ] is from Peru. Los angeles is a city. [ ] is in California. Sarah and I are students. [ ] are friends. Mark and Carlos are students. [ ] are teenagers.

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