Scholarship 280720235

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I)ircctoralc of' I lighcr fldir*rt ion,

I {aryilnaL, I)ar-rc:hku la

L The Ilrirr:ctor (icneral

Tcchrrical l,lclr:cation I)<.pilrtmcnt, I,laryana.
2. The I)rircci<tr,
Animill I {r_rsbancjry Dcpartmcnt, I Iaryana.
3. The I-rircctor Skills Devclopmcnt & Industrial Training Department
4. The Dircctor, Directorate of Medical Education & Research,
I Iaryana, I)anchkula.
5, Thc I)irt:t'trlr. ()cncral,
Avu sh l)t.ltirrtmcnt, I Iarr'..rnir

M<:mo Nro. KW t7 142-2022 SCII 2

I)atccl 2Q,OT.2023.

Subject: Regarrdi:ng opening of Centralized Scholarship portal fo:r post

Matric llcholarship Scheme and Other all Schemes fc,r the
year :2OtZ3-24 from O1.O8.2029
Kindl.r, pursLle thc subjcct <:itr_-d abovc.

I havt: bcct-r dircctcd to inform you that thc I)cpartment ol'IIigher

I'lclucation, IIetryanar has dccidcd to opcn thc Ocntralizcd scholilrship
portal for thc .ycar 2023-24 frr>m 0l.08.2023. Kindly appl.y on
(https: / lh,atch.hatra, porral under post Il4atric
lSt:holarshrp Scht:rnc o{' SC/l}C sLurit'r'rts arncl all 1;rhr:r scholarship schcmcs
lor thc l'cair 20.23-24.
Tl-rr:rclort', so ,v()u arc rc<|lcsLcd to inform all the students of
thcir applications and attach

Deputy Director Scfrolarship

Iror I)i rcctor I I i ghciTducation,
,2 Ilaryana, I)anchkula

Ilndst No l,l'u,r:n I)atcci, I)anr:hkula the. 28. o"l. ?-o 23

l. A Cop1, is
lirnva rdcd to l)rrc.r:tor Wclltrrc SC/BC I)cpartment
ll;rryana ,l)anchku la [br inf,<rrm;rti<ln and ncccssary act.ion.
En Cop:y is foru'itr dcd to I'l' Ccll, IIigh<:r lrlducation Dcpart.ment,
I)zrnchku l.a for infbrrmation and ncccssary action

t $cpJ') a-*'1
I)cputy Dirccror Spholarship
Ifor Director I IighelEducal ion,
C Haryana, panchkula

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