Market Research

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Cañeza, Gewell D.
Cantor, Ninia Lyn DS.
Lanuza, Ginalyn B.
Romero, Benz Clark S.
San Luis, Kenneth Joel DC.
1 Executive Summary

2 Goals and Objectives

3 Problem Definition

AGENDA 4 Research Design

5 Data Analysis

6 Results,Conclusions,and Recommendations

7 Exhibits/ Appendices/ References

This market research study focused on understanding consumer preferences and
purchasing behavior in carinderias located near schools in the Philippines.
Through a combination of surveys and interviews, valuable insights were obtained to
assist carinderia owners and stakeholders in optimizing their offerings and improving
customer satisfaction.
The research findings highlighted key factors influencing consumer choices, such as
affordability, convenience, taste, and variety. Students and individuals near schools
showed a strong preference for affordable rice meals, chicken and pork dishes, and local
Filipino cuisine. Quick-service snacks and beverages were also popular choices.
The research emphasized the importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene and
food safety practices, as consumers exhibited varying levels of awareness and
consideration for these factors. Proximity to schools and positive word-of-mouth
recommendations played a significant role in consumers' decision-making process.

Back to Agenda 01
Based on the research findings, several recommendations have been proposed to
enhance the performance of carinderias near schools in the Philippines.
Firstly, carinderia owners should diversify their menu to include a variety of affordable
and popular food options that cater to the preferences of students and individuals. This
can attract a wider customer base and increase customer satisfaction.
Secondly, strict adherence to hygiene and food safety practices is crucial to maintain
consumer trust and confidence. Regular inspections, proper food handling, and clean
food preparation areas should be prioritized.
Thirdly, proactive marketing strategies, such as partnering with nearby schools, offering
student discounts, and implementing loyalty programs, can help attract and retain
By implementing these recommendations, carinderia owners can improve their business
performance, attract a larger customer base, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Back to Agenda 01
To identify the most preferred types of food and dishes among consumers in carinderias
in Penafancia, Naga City.
To understand the factors that influence consumers' decision-making process when
choosing a carinderia for their meals.
To analyze the frequency of visits to carinderias and the average expenditure per visit
among consumers in Penafancia, Naga City.
To examine consumers' satisfaction levels with the quality, taste, and price of food offered
in carinderias.
To explore the potential opportunities for improving the overall dining experience in
carinderias based on consumer feedback.
To determine the level of awareness and importance consumers place on hygiene and
food safety practices in carenderias.
To identify any gaps or areas of improvement in the current offerings and services of
carinderias in Penafancia, Naga City.

Back to Agenda 02

The aim of this market research is to gain insights into the

consumer preferences and purchasing behavior in carinderias
located in Penafancia, Naga City.
By understanding the factors that influence consumers' decisions
and their satisfaction levels, this research aims to provide valuable
information for carinderia owners and stakeholders to enhance
their offerings, improve customer satisfaction, and optimize
business performance in the local market.

Back to Agenda 03

This market research will employ a descriptive research design to

gather information about consumer preferences and purchasing
behavior in carinderias in Peñafancia, Naga City.
This design aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the
topic by describing and analyzing the current state of consumer
behavior without manipulating any variables. It will focus on
collecting data through surveys and interviews to capture a broad
range of insights.

Back to Agenda 04
Survey Interview Qualitative Analysis

The survey questions will be Researchers will observe This report will include a
focused on capturing factors such as food choices, detailed description of the
information about consumer seating preferences, themes and sub-themes
preferences, such as preferred interaction with staff, and identified, along with
types of food and dishes, overall dining experience. supporting quotes from the
frequency of visits, These observations will interviews. These insights will
expenditure patterns, and provide contextual insights help carinderia owners and
satisfaction levels. The surveys into the actual behavior of stakeholders understand the
may be administered in consumers in carinderias, underlying factors influencing
person or online, depending complementing the survey consumer behavior and make
on the convenience of the data and enriching the informed decisions to
participants understanding of consumer improve their offerings and
preferences and purchasing services.

Back to Agenda 04
Primary Sources Secondary Sources

Consumer Department of Trade and Industry. (2020). "Food Industry Trends and Statistics
Field Observation Report." This covers topics such as consumer behavior, market trends, and industry
Carinderia Owners developments specific to the Philippines.
Food Suppliers Foodservice Consultants Society International. (2018). "Consumer Trends in the Food
Local Community Service Industry." This explores evolving consumer preferences, emerging dining
trends, and factors influencing food choices in the context of food service
National Statistical Coordination Board. (2022). "Food Consumption Patterns and
Trends in the Philippines." This offers statistical data and analysis of food
preferences, consumption habits, and trends among Filipino consumers.
Perez, R., & Garcia, M. (2021). "Market Analysis and Consumer Preferences in the Food
Service Sector." International Journal of Business and Economic Research, 17(3), 278-
290. This research article focuses on market analysis and consumer preferences in
the food service sector. It presents findings from a study that investigated
consumer preferences.
Smith, J. (2019). "Consumer Behavior and Food Choices: A Review of Literature."
Journal of Consumer Research, 43(2), 182-195. This article provides a comprehensive
review of existing literature on consumer behavior and food choices. It explores
factors influencing consumer preferences and decision-making processes in the
context of food consumption.
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Back to Agenda 05
Consumer Preferences: The most preferred types of food and dishes among students
and individuals near schools were found to be affordable and convenient options such
as rice meals, chicken and pork dishes, and local Filipino cuisine. Quick-service snacks
and beverages were also popular choices.
Purchasing Behavior: Students and individuals near schools demonstrated frequent
visits to carinderias, with a significant portion preferring to have their meals in these
establishments. The average expenditure per visit was found to be within an
affordable range for most consumers.
Factors Influencing Decision-Making: Convenience, affordability, taste, and variety
were identified as the primary factors influencing consumers' decision to choose a
carinderia near their schools. Proximity to the school and positive word-of-mouth
recommendations also played a significant role in consumer choices.
Hygiene and Food Safety: Consumers exhibited a varying level of awareness and
importance placed on hygiene and food safety practices in carinderias. While some
consumers expressed concerns and considered these factors in their decision-making,
others prioritized affordability and taste over hygiene considerations.

Back to Agenda 05
Carinderias near schools in the Philippines play a crucial role in providing
affordable and convenient food options for students and individuals in the
Consumer preferences in these carinderias are largely driven by
affordability, convenience, taste, and variety. Carinderia owners should
consider offering a diverse menu that includes popular local dishes and
snacks to attract and retain customers.
The importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene and food safety
practices cannot be overlooked. Carinderia owners should prioritize these
aspects to enhance consumer confidence and satisfaction.
Proximity to schools and positive word-of-mouth recommendations
significantly influence consumers' decisions. Building strong relationships
with schools and implementing effective marketing strategies can help
carinderias attract a larger customer base.

Back to Agenda 05
Menu Diversification: Carinderia owners should consider expanding their menu to
include a variety of affordable and popular food options that cater to the
preferences of students and individuals near schools. This can help attract a wider
customer base and increase customer satisfaction.
Hygiene and Food Safety Practices: Carinderia owners should prioritize and
maintain strict hygiene and food safety practices. Regular inspections, proper food
handling, and clean food preparation areas should be emphasized to ensure
consumer trust and confidence.
Proactive Marketing: Carinderia owners should actively engage with nearby
schools to establish partnerships and promote their services. Offering student
discounts, sponsoring school events, and implementing loyalty programs can help
increase customer loyalty and attract new customers.
Customer Feedback and Engagement: Implementing a feedback mechanism,
such as suggestion boxes or online surveys, can provide valuable insights into
customer preferences and areas of improvement. Carinderia owners should
actively listen to customer feedback and make necessary adjustments to enhance
Back to customer
Agenda satisfaction.
Preferred Types of Foods and Dishes Percentage of Participants

Rice Meals 78%

Chicken and Pork Dishes 62%
Local Filipino Cuisine 44%

Frequency of Visits (per week) Average Expenditure (per visit)

1-2 times PHP 50-100

3-4 times PHP 100-150
5-6 times PHP 150-200
Daily PHP 200+

Primary Sources Secondary Sources
R Consumer Department of Health. (2020). Guidelines on Food Safety and Hygiene
E Field Observation
Carinderia Owners
for Food Service Establishments.
Department of Trade and Industry. (2020). "Food Industry Trends and
F Food Suppliers
Local Community
Statistics Report."
Foodservice Consultants Society International. (2018). "Consumer Trends
E in the Food Service Industry."
Johnson, A., & Nguyen, T. (2021). Exploring the factors influencing
R consumer choices in carenderias: A case study in the Philippines.
International Journal of Food Studies, 8(3), 67-85.

E National Statistical Coordination Board. (2022). "Food Consumption

Patterns and Trends in the Philippines." Published by the National

N Statistical Coordination Board,

Perez, R., & Garcia, M. (2021). "Market Analysis and Consumer Preferences

C in the Food Service Sector." International Journal of Business and

Economic Research, 17(3), 278-290.

E Smith, J. (2019). "Consumer Behavior and Food Choices: A Review of

Literature." Journal of Consumer Research, 43(2), 182-195.

S Smith, J. (2022). Consumer preferences and behavior in the food service

industry: A systematic review. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(2), 123-
Survey Questionnaire: Student Preferences and Dining Habits

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your responses will provide valuable insights
into student preferences and dining habits. Please answer the following questions to the best of your

knowledge and preferences.

1. Personal Information: a. Name: Optional b. Age: c. Gender: d. Grade/Year Level: e. School Name:
2. Dining Habits: a. How often do you eat meals outside of your home or school cafeteria? B.Daily C. 2-3
times a week D.Once a week
E 3. Carenderia Preferences: a. Do you often eat at carenderias near your school? A.Yes B. No
4. What factors influence your decision to eat at a carenderia near your school? (Select all that apply)
N A.Affordability b.Taste of the food c.Proximity to school d. Variety of food options e.Cleanliness/hygiene
f.Recommendations from friends Other (please specify) _________
D 5. What types of dishes do you usually prefer when eating at a carenderia? (Select all that apply) a. Rice
meals (e.g., adobo, sinigang) b. Noodle dishes (e.g., pancit,) c. Soup-based dishes (e.g., tinola, nilaga) d.
I Fried dishes (e.g., fried chicken, crispy pork) e. Vegetable dishes Others (please specify) _________
6. Satisfaction and Feedback: a. How satisfied are you with the quality of food in carenderias near your

X school? a.Very satisfied b.Satisfied c.Neutral d.Dissatisfied e.Very dissatisfied

7. Are there any specific improvements you would like to see in carenderias near your school? (Open-

Thank you for your participation! Your feedback is highly appreciated. 06

A Survey Questionnaire: Student Preferences and Dining Habits

P Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your responses will provide valuable insights

P into student preferences and dining habits. Please answer the following questions to the best of your
knowledge and preferences.

E 1. Personal Information: a. Name: Optional b. Age: c. Gender: d. Grade/Year Level: e. School Name:

N 2. Dining Habits: a. How often do you eat meals outside of your home or school cafeteria? B.Daily C. 2-3
times a week D.Once a week

D 3. Carenderia Preferences: a. Do you often eat at carenderias near your school? A.Yes B. No
4. What factors influence your decision to eat at a carenderia near your school? (Select all that apply)

I A.Affordability b.Taste of the food c.Proximity to school d. Variety of food options

e.Cleanliness/hygiene f.Recommendations from friends Other (please specify) _________

5. What types of dishes do you usually prefer when eating at a carenderia? (Select all that apply) a. Rice
meals (e.g., adobo, sinigang) b. Noodle dishes (e.g., pancit,) c. Soup-based dishes (e.g., tinola, nilaga)

d. Fried dishes (e.g., fried chicken, crispy pork) e. Vegetable dishes Others (please specify) _________


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