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Projects in controlled environment, in sum Prince2, is a process based managing approach of

a project. This approach manages a project very strictly from the starting to ending. Princ2
explains all the questions related to a specific projects such as the purpose of the project,
starting date, execution procedures, support, duration and costs of the project. On the other
hand, this approach involves two parties in its procedures one is project manager and other is
project board which consists of customer, user and supplier. Project manager manages all the
activities of the project and reports to project board always. Finally, prince2 has seven steps
to complete a project.

Prince2 approach is very useful for any projects because it has several benefits and strengths
which exceeds other approaches. This approach guides the project manager and board from
start to end of a project. So, everything remains under controlled. That’s why, every projects,
either large or small, becomes easier to complete with a good quality outcomes. Prince2
approach defines the purpose, procedure and roles of a project at the beginning. So, there is
no misguidance and ambiguity for completing the project. This approach is involves several
stages to complete a project which ensures good quality outcomes. It continuously assess the
performance and controls everything related to the project. Prince2 uses common language
which improves communication among stakeholders and saves time.

As other project management approach, prince2 is not above limitations. This approach has
some limitations which reduces its acceptance. First, Prince2 approach states that project
manager should report to the board and not need to work regularly on the project. This is very
illogical assumption as it may create chaos. Second, it doesn’t focus on costs and budget of a
project much. Third, the assumption of management-by-exception is not very logical because
project manager doesn’t think project success is his responsibility. Fourth, Prince2 approach
has no stated delivery strategy which hinders many projects to start.
Agile methodology
Agile is a methodology which involves several stages to continuous improvement of
management of a project. This methodology starts with analysing the purpose of a project
and how the project will benefit the users. Then it starts a iterative process like planning,
executing and evaluating which improve the final output continuously. Agile prioritise the
collaboration among stakeholders. It is very flexible method which responds to any employee
quickly. Moreover, this method priorities interaction among individuals over process which
enables workers have more motivation and energy. Agile has many frameworks which are
useful for different types of projects. In a nutshell, this methodology continuously tries to
improve developing a project which provides best outputs to the user.

Agile approach has many strengths which makes it very attractive for any project and
environment. First, this approach has a lot of flexibility which enables it to be adaptable to
any difficulties. Second, it ensures high quality products or services because it always run a
iterative improvement process which helps to identity faults and correct those faults. Third, it
focuses on stakeholder collaboration and satisfaction. Fourth, agile prioritises the need of
customers and continuously works for providing better outcomes and satisfaction. Finally,
this approach reduces wastes like human energy and other resources which save money.

Agile approach has some drawbacks which impedes some projects to become successful .
Agile approach allows too much flexibility which may not work on some organisations where
there are a lots of processes and policies. So, it is become unsuitable for those organisations.
This approach would not be useful if team members or project managers are inexperienced.
This is a big limitation of this process because team members and project managers are the
key drivers of this process. On the other hand, this approach may assist developers by
continuous improvement process but may not provide end experience to the customers which
is very big problem.
Contrast between Prince2 and Agile approach
Prince2 has a set of process and tools which enables the project managers justify a project.
This approach helps to understand the purpose of the project which is very important for
Brexit issue. Because this issue may alter the economy of United Kingdom. So government
must understand the purpose and benefit of the project of Brexit issue. Moreover, Prince2
approach defines the risks and costs of a project. It is another important matter of
consideration for the government of UK to understand the related risks and costs, which the
country would face, of Brexit project. On the other hand, Agile approach doesn’t focus on
whether the project is valuable or not rather it focuses on users' need and develop high quality
products by continuous development process. This may not very helpful for Brexit issue
because the government of UK needs to realise the afterward reaction of Brexit project.
Afterward reaction can differ from the expectation of the government.

Moreover, Prince2 is predictive approach, that means it considers future goals and obstacles,
while Agile is adaptive approach, that means it is focused on recent users' requirements. In
this case, Prince2 is also preferable because the government needs to analyse the prediction
of Brexit project like effects on economic, life style of citizens etc. As these effects are long-
term focused, Agile might not provide effective results. Furthermore, as Prince2 is a
predictive approach, it cannot adapt to changes. So it becomes very costly to manage. Agile is
very adaptive in this case because it considers every recent requirements of users. So, it is
very easy for Agile approach. At this point, Agile approach is useful for Brexit project. But
Brexit project is not a short term project. It is related to life style of citizens, economic
behaviour of the country, inflation and trade contracts of the country. That means Brexit issue
is a long-term decisions which can effect various aspects of UK. So, Prince2 project
management approach is very useful for Brexit project.

Finally, using both approach together can be most effective for Brexit project. Prince2
defines the objective of the project while Agile defines the development process of that
objective. In this case, the direction and structure of Prince2 approach and the responsiveness
of Agile approach make the best output for a project. This will be very helpful for Brexit
project because the UK government needs a well planned structure for this project and needs
to adjust all the changes to the project. As the Brexit project is related to every aspects of the
country, it needs to have a well defined direction so that project members can understand
their roles and goals. Again, some difficulties like exchange rates, inflation and trade policies
may arise. So, responsiveness of Agile approach will help to solve all these difficulties. In
case of fix or flex question Prince2-Agile approach has good explanation for Brexit project.
The time and cost may be fixed for the Brexit project but for provide best outcome service
quality of Brexit project and scope should be flexed. The other two progress targets such as
risks and benefits should be fixed or flexed according to the future changes of Brexit project.
This is how hybrid approach provides most benefit than single approach.

Project management is a very important matter for successful completion of a project.
Without well plan and direction, no projects can fulfil its goals. There are many approaches
which helps project managers successfully complete a project. Prince2 approach and Agile
approach are two of them. Prince2 is a well descriptive and well controlled approach. It helps
to monitor all the activities of the employees from inception to delivery. On the other hand,
Agile is a process which helps to deliver a products by continuous improvement of that
products. It is iterative process which focuses on customers' demand and tries to deliver
products which met that demands.

Different projects need different approaches for successful completion. Similarly, Princ2 and
Agile are two different approaches with different expectations. Princ2 outlines a long-term
structure for a project while Agile outlines a short-term structure for a project. Agile is very
responsive to recent changes and adaptable to those changes while Prince2 needs formal
announcement for changing structure. So these two approaches affects Brexit project
differently. But the combination of these two approaches play most effective role for this
project. The combination of well direction and ability to adjust with any changes provides
good outcomes for the Brexit project. So, hybrid approach will be a best decision for Brexit

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