Milena Workshop 2001

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Milena Workshop

November 23, 2001

City Hall
Primatial Palace
Primaciálny nám. 2
814 99 Bratislava

The role of women in a virtual society –
the case of the Czech and the Slovak Republic and

Women’s Office of the City of
Europaforum Wien
Background and Orientation

The Milena Workshop “IT-GAP” is following up the International Conference “ITech-

Women”, jointly organized by the Women´s Office of the City of Vienna and
Europaforum Wien. The intention of the workshop is to make the results and
contents of the conference accessible and utilizable for the countries of the
Milena Region - in particular for Hungary, the Slovak and the Czech Republic - and
to outline possible concepts and strategies for the development of the awareness
in these countries. For participants of the workshop we recommend to take a look
at the papers of the conference that are available on /

The increasingly fast development of the new technologies is changing our

societies and our personal and professional lives dramatically and lastingly. The
“ITech-Women” Conference preceding the Workshop will address the different
societal fields affected by the increasing use of IT, especially concerning effects
on the labour market, new demands in the field of education, training,
qualification and life-long learning, challenges and opportunities brought about by
the changes in the professional world, as well as questions on how to achieve
more and better participation and influence in decision making processes – with a
view to the specific impact and consequences of these developments for women.

The Milena workshop provides a forum to jointly discuss and analyse the findings
and conclusions of the conference for the Milena region. Another integral part of
the workshop will be the discussion of the specific background and
conditions/reasons for the lack in sensitisation for IT-gender issues, as well as the
lack of consciousness concerning new challenges and possibilities for women
brought about by the spreading of new technologies.

The impact and significance of a gendered IT-discussion for the labour-market,

for the education and training system and not least for the competitiveness of
the CEECs in the process of EU-enlargement shall be assessed. The questions
to be dealt with will focus on possibilities of agenda-setting, defining actors
and levels to carry such a process forward, as well as finding multipliers at
different levels.

City of Bratislava
Research Institute for Labor, Social Affairs and Family
Coordinating Committee for Women´s Issues of the Slovak Ministry of Social
Affairs and Family
Association of Slovak Regions

10.00 Registration / coffee and refreshments

10.30 Welcome & Introduction
Daniela Lessing
Head of Women´s Office
City of Vienna, Austria

of co-operation partners in the Slovak Republic

11.00 Session 1
Women in male-dominated professions in Hungary
Katalin Koncz
Head of Women Studies Centre
Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Hungary

11.45 Session 2
Strategies for the informatisation of the Slovak society
Darina Mrvova
Head of Informatisation Department
Slovak Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic

12:30 Visit of the historical Primatial Palace and

lunch break

14.15 Session 3
Women´s Development and Possibilities in a Virtual World
Magdalena Třebická
Commercial Executive
ECC - European Consulting Company, s.r.o., Czech Republic

15:00 Open discussion and conclusions

Ulrike Weissenbacher
Deputy Managing Director
Europaforum Vienna, Austria
16:00 End of the Workshop

Katalin Koncz
Director of the Women´s Studies Centre
Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Hungary
Ms. Katalin Koncz is engaged in cross-cultural analyses and comparison. In her
teaching profession at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences Ms. Koncz
works with students on issues like “Women in the Labour Market”, “Women in
Hierarchy” and “Communication skills for women”. She has worked out special
“train-the-trainer programs” for women managers, entrepreneurs and gypsy
women as well as a assertive behaviour program for women.
In her speech, Ms. Koncz will focus on the situation of women in male dominated
professions in Hungary with a special view to telework, engineering and
informatics. The issues will be addressed from the angle of the labour market and
the educational systems.

Darina Mrvová
Head of the Department for Informatisation of the Slovak society
Slovak Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic
As a programmer, Ms. Mrvova has experienced herself what “being a women in
the male dominated informatics sector” means. For 15 years, she has been
working in the Slovak Ministry of Education in the field of information
technologies. Currently, Ms. Mrvova is working on the elaboration and realisation
of strategies for the informatisation of the Slovak society.
Her presentation will focus on these strategies and measures of the Slovak
government towards the information society in the Slovak Republic.

Třebická Magdalena
Commercial executive
European Consulting Company (ECC), s.r.o., Czech Republic
The European Consulting Company is concerned with the implementation and
distribution of information technologies and the consulting in these processes.
Over the last few years, the focus was drawn especially towards the support for
the implementation of internet technologies, e-business and webdesign. ECC is
additionally consigned to introduce the European Computer Driving Licence
Project in the Czech Republic.
Ms. Třebická will look at the changing demands and possibilities that women meet
in the new virtual reality, especially concerning their personality, their
entrepreneurship and the development of their gender specific skills.
Assistance in Czech, German, Hungarian and Slovak can be provided
Due to limited number of participants may we ask you to return your
registration to Europaforum Wien by e-mail ( or
fax (+43 1 585 85 10-30)
by November 14, 2001.

I will participate in the workshop IT-GAP on November 23,

2001 in Bratislava

Surname Title

First name (s) Telephone

Organisation Telefax

Postal code – City e-mail

Mailing address Country

For accommodation (at your own expense / prices are reasonable) in the Old
Town Palace you can contact the Centre for further education of the Economic
University of Bratislava,
Mrs. Adamyova: tel.+ fax: 421 2 544 14 308.

Frauenbüro der Stadt Wien Europaforum Wien

Women’s Office of the City of Center for Urban Dialogue and
Vienna European Policy
Friedrich Schmidt Platz 3 Rahlgasse 3/2
A-1082 Vienna A-1060 Vienna
F: +43-1-4000-99-83 538 F : +43-1-5858510-30

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