Global Communication

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Global Communication

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Global Communication


Global communication can basically be defined as any other communication. It is a tool through

which a message is sent from one individual to another all around the world (Weedmark, 2018).

Almost every business is global in which some companies use partners or reseller and other have

the location around the world. This report has selected an international organization that has

effectively maintained its communication with customers as well as employees. Even in this

competitive business and facing new challenges, the company has always put effort towards

maintaining a good relationship. This report will provide some of the hurdles that Coca-Cola had

to tackle and how it used global communication effectively.

Coca Cola – Global Communication

Coca-Cola has a lot of competition all around the world, and the most competitive rival is Pepsi

Co. It has not been easy for the company to become a recognizable brand in the world. In the late

1900s, Coca-Cola introduced New Coke to respond to Pepsi’s new product (Chua, et al., 2020).

The hope was to communicate to customers that this product is better than any other drink. At

this time, Pepsi had launched an ad campaign in which customers were asked to take part in a

blind taste test to choose between Coke and Pepsi. In a shocking revelation, eighty percent of

people preferred Pepsi. 

Because of this shocking revelation, the company decided to reformulate the drink and create a

sweater product. The product either was not communicated wisely, or it did not taste as good.

From the start of the business, the company had communicated the products as less sweet and

more of a product that offers coca leaf extract. Hence, when the company offered customers a

product with a lot of sweets, the response was horrific. The consumers considered it to be a

national disaster. The advertisements for this product were also booed by the viewers. This

backlash decreased the company profit, and the original Coke was also sold at lower prices. 

New Coke was also dumped publicly by the customers into the sewers in many of the United

States cities. Even though this product was offered within the United States, the company had to

lose millions of dollars all across the world because of the backlash. Moreover, the research and

advertising costs also went in the drain. This was one of the hardest problems through which the

company had to come out. 

The main focus after this terrible problem, the company’s main aim was to inform and educate

their customers and buyers. Coca-Cola had to encourage others once again to like the company’s

products over those of the competitors. A lot of theorists believe that this failure was one of the

company’s plot. The reason is that the company strengthened its position quite easily. Coca-Cola

gained three times free advertisement as compared to Pepsi. It strengthened even more after the

commercial beverage tree (Angelica & Mrithula, 2019).

There have been many problems for the Coca-Cola company, but none had as much effect as the

“new coke” fiasco. The company conveyed its messages through Coca-Cola Advertising. The

marketing campaign was devised according to the communications that the company aimed to

convey. Each image, sound, and word that has been featured is perfect by the company’s

marketing professionals. Some of the messages that the company wanted to communicate to their

customers globally are as follows:

1. Coca-Cola wanted to Satisfy the Thirst.

The company has carefully communicated that its products can satisfy the thirst and the message

is so clear that customers have started to believe this in the best possible manner. Although, there

have been a lot of scientists that have been trying to make people realize that this “thirst” for

Coca-Cola is a fabrication created by the organization’s marketing professionals. 

2. Drinking Coca Cola is Fashionable and Trendy

A study was done by Kotler and Keller, in which they stated that an organization presents the

most effective marketing message as a solution to an issue that many customers experience

(Kotler & Keller, 2016). Hence, in one of the campaigns, the company’s slogan was “People are

motivated by the willingness to be great.” People viewed it as an issue and a need that has to be


Some customers may aim to satisfy the need of willingness to be great by trying to be trendy and

stylish. They would prefer to associate themselves with famous and successful personalities.

Hence, Coca-Cola used this aim and hired famous celebrities that people perceived as successful

in publicly associating themselves with its goods. As a result of this communication channel,

customers purchased the products to satisfy their desire to be stylish and trendy. 

3. Coca Cola is a Necessary Part of a Lifestyle


Coca-Cola has also tried to make its consumers believe that the products offered by the company

are a necessary component of everyday life. This is especially targeted to customers that do not

drink alcohol while having dinner. For example, this message has been targeted at Muslims of

different countries. Such customers have been exposed to intensive marketing campaigns

through various channels. 

All of these examples have been profitable for the company, and the success can be analyzed

through different criteria these messages. For example, the success can be seen through customer

loyalty, the amount of revenue, and market share that have been generated because of these

marketing messages. In 2017, Coca-Cola was rated as one of the most valuable companies. A lot

has improved since that horrible campaign of “New Coke.” 

If the company is evaluated based on market share criteria, it sells its products in more than 190

countries. It is currently the market leader in most of these countries. Currently, there are plenty

of ways that the organization is communicating with its customers. The communication channels

include direct marketing, advertising, internet marketing, public relations, sales promotions, and

sponsorship marketing. 

The most effective tool for communication has been advertising since the company’s consumer

base is global. In order to do this effectively and increase the market share, Coca-Cola uses

persuasive marketing techniques. The slogans and jingles of Coca-Cola are always relatable and

catchy that create a permanent impact on the viewers. 

If a new company that wants to offer beverages is looking for some tips from Coca-Cola, they

should look at its simplicity. Even though the company has grown and become a massive global

industry, the company has never strayed from its basic ideals. One strong and effective message

that the company gives to its customers is a pleasure. Each advertisement has slogans such as

“happiness” and “enjoy” that has never gone out of style and can easily be translated across the


Personalization is another factor that makes the company unique. Even though the company is a

global icon, it still finds a way to speak to its followers at a localized and personal level. Almost

every country’s offerings are customized to its language and local culture. The personalized

campaigns are the perfect example of effectively applying a localized positioning messaging

strategy to a global market. 


If a company wants to have long-term growth, it needs to have an effective integrated marketing

and messaging communications strategy. Coca-Cola has extensively relied on media and its

communication methods. The choice of media that the company uses includes billboards, the

internet, television, and cinema. 

Each image used while communicating to customers has identified the reason and its message.

The company has made customers believe that Coca-Cola satisfies their thirst, it is stylish to

drink, and it is part of a lifestyle. All of this has been achieved by continuous repetition. A

significant part of this company’s success is that it communicates itself as a brand rather than a

product. This means that Coke does not sell a drink in a bottle; rather, it offers “happiness” in a

bottle. Using each communication channel, Coca-Cola aims to offer customers the lifestyle and

experience associated with its brand. 


There is a lot to learn from this successful brand. The company has always tried to make a

human connection, creating branded experiences and staying true to simple principles. All of

these communication styles are global marketing techniques that have made the company an

industry leader.


Angelica, & Mrithula. (2019, April 2). Coca-Cola: Current marketing communications strategy.

Retrieved from



Chua, J. Y., Kee, D. M., Alhamlan, H. A., Lim, Y. P., Lim, Q. Y., Lim, X. Y., & Sing, N. (2020).

Challenges and solutions: A case study of Coca-Cola company. Environmental

Technology, 3(2), 1607-1613.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2016). Marketing management. Evanston, Illinois: Pearson.

Weedmark, D. (2018, June 7). A definition of global communication. Retrieved from

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