TOR Character Creation Alternate A3

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Ӳ  Select a Heroic Culture (p.32-43) By selecting Ӳ  War Gear (p.47-48) Pick the war gear described
a culture, you enter the following information o n your 13 below:
Ӳ  Weapons: Choose a weapon for each Combat
Ӳ  Characteristics/Cultural Blessings: are special Proficiency for which you have a rating 15 .
Ӳ  Armour: Pick any armour and helm you wish,
abilities specific to this culture 1 . CHARACTER GEAR
Ӳ  Standard of Living: Your wealth is an abstract but beware of its load 16 .
Culture History Ӳ  Shield: Pick any shield as you wish 17 . It
value defiend by your culture 2 .
Ӳ  Attributes: Pick an Attribute from the table either Blessing
1 35 provides additional Parry 7 .
by picking a combination up or rolling a die. Enter
the selected strength, heart and wits values in to the Treasure Ӳ  Load: Armour and Shield burdens you. If your
Rating box 3 . Living 2 19
Load exceeds your current endurance you become
Ӳ  TN: Stands for Target Number, 4 the thresh- Patron 24 26 Weary 18 .
old you need to overcome by rolling dice when you Features 12 Ӳ  Travelling Gear (p.49) Clothing etc has only a
attempt to use a skill. It is calculated by:
Shadow roleplaying effect, write if you wish 19 .
[ 20 - Attribute Rating]
Ӳ  eg. If you have 6 rating for strength, it's TN
Flaws 34 Ӳ  Useful Items (p.49) Useful Items grant a 1d6
will be 14. bonus to a associated and non-combat skill check
Ӳ  Derived Stats: Calculate them according to the STRENGTH HEART WITS ENDURANCE 19 . See the table at p.49 to determine how many
formula given the chosen culture's table. 20 21 RATING RATING RATING
useful items you may have according to your Standard
of Living rating and Culture. Examples are shown in
Ӳ  Endurance: Shows how much damage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
from attacks or fatigue from the journey you Valour
Heart TN
Wits TN Poor Fair Good Great Poor Fair Good Great Poor Fair Good Great
5 18 27 p.50.
can absorb 5 , as well as the load you can
3 3 3 Maximum Current Load Fatigue Ӳ  Mounts (p.50) Pick a mount 19 according
Ӳ  Hope: You can use Hope 6 to gain a
dice boost to your skill or combat attempts.
29 28 25 4 4 4 to your Standard of Living 2 . Its Vigour value
decreases your fatigue when travelling.
Ӳ  Parry: Defines how hard it is for your to hit HOPE
Strength Target Number Heart Target Number Wits Target Number
you 7 . Adventure Skill Fellowship
Points Points Points 20 - Rating 20 - Rating 20 - Rating

6 31 32
Ӳ  Skill Ranks: Copy the listed skill ranks of your
culture in the sheet 8 . Check a box for each REWARDS
rank. & VIRTUES
Ӳ  Favoured Skills: Choose one of the red Maximum Current Shadow Scars Ӳ  Starting Reward and Virtue (p.51) Here you
Awe Enhearten Persuade
marked skills as Favoured 9 (Where you get 1 rank both in valour 20 and wisdom. 21
Athletics Travel Stealth They both can be used as a skill, and also grant you
can roll twice) and check the box next to it.
Ӳ  Combat Proficiencies: Copy the listed Combat 22 23 Awareness Insight Scan
CONDITIONS something special:
Proficiency ranks of your culture in the sheet 10 . Hunting Healing Explore Miserable Weary Wounded
30 Ӳ  Valour: Your glory grants you a prestigious
gear. Lets you pick 1 Reward from the list in page
Check a box for each rank.
Song Courtesy Riddle 79. Reward is an upgrade to the War Gear you
Ӳ  Distinctive Features: Pick 2 from the given list
Craft Battle Lore have 22 . Don't forget to add its effect to your
12 . These define your characters personality for
roleplaying purposes.
9 8 9 8 9 8
gear stats 15 16 17 .
Ӳ  Wisdom: Your wisdom grants you a Virtue, a
Ӳ  Pick a Name: According to your culture 13 .
COMBAT special ability of your pick from page 80 23 .

WAR GEAR Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Load

7 F
Bows 16
Ӳ  Select a Calling (p.44-46) It defines your Parry Protection
character's style and specialization and gives specific Spears 15 Ӳ  Company (p.51) You are a company with your

bonuses. other fellow players and pick some stats together:
Ӳ  Favoured Skills: Choose two of the given skills as
Swords Base Shield Other Armour Helm Other Ӳ  Patron: Pick a Patron from the list in p.52. A
favoured 9 . This is in addition to what you pick patron grants Fellowship Point bonuses and addi-
at your Culture before. tional special Fellowhip abilities 24 .
Ӳ  Additional Distinctive Features: Add the given Ӳ  Fellowship Score: You can spend Fellowship
Designed by Jez Gordon for The One Ring 2nd Edition RPG, using graphic elements from the official rules. For personal use only. Reset Form
distinctive feature 12 . Points to recover Hope points when resting 25 .
Ӳ  Shadow Path: Later in the game if you start to The starting value is the number of group members,
develop more shadows, this shows how it affects FURTHER EXPERIENCE AND DEVELOPMENT plus bonuses from virtues, culture and patron. They
you 14 . refresh at every game session.
Ӳ  Fellowship Focus: Choose another member of
Ӳ  Experience: You gain 3 Skill and Adventure Fatigue: During a Journey, journey Events make you Ӳ  Conditions: Conditions give you negative effects Ӳ  Flaws: When you reach the maximum Shadow
C Points at the end of each game session. You may
advance max 1 rank in 1 skill at a time.
tired 27 . If your Load and Fatigue total exceeds
your current Endurance, you become Weary 30 .
until they are removed 30 .
Ӳ  Injury: You may gain an Injury if you receive a
points you can have, you receive a flaw. You are
ill-favoured with the skills relevant to your flaws.
the group as your focus, helping them grants 2d6
instead of 1d6. But you receive 1 Shadow Point if
your focus is Wounded, suffer Madness, or serious-
Ӳ  Skill Points: 28 Improve Skill Ranks 8 . Ӳ  Shadow: Some situations increases your Shadow Piercing Blow, describing how many days you need 34 . ly harmed. 26 .
Ӳ  Previous Experience (p.46) Skills and Combat to rest until you lose the Wounded condition 33 Ӳ  Treasure: Note the value of treasures you gain in
Ӳ  Adventure Points: 29 Improve Combat Profi- points 31 . If your Shadow exceeds your current
. Wounded heroes do not recover any Endurance
Proficiencies you received from your Culture had a fix
ciency and Valour or Wisdom 10 20 21 . Hope, you become Miserable 30 .
points in short rest and reduces the Endurance your adventures here 35 .
value. Here you have 10 points to spend on each field Ӳ  Shadow Scars: You may choose to take a per-
to customize your character further. Use the table in recovery to your strength score in the long rest,
menant shadow point to remove current ones 32 . instead of maximizing it.
this page to increase your ranks further 8 10 .

This document is designed by Hazar Çamtepe for use with The One Ring 2nd Edition using graphic elements, which is the property of Free League Publishing. The use of The One Ring and associated trademarks in this document is used without permission, and does not represent any challenge to the ownership of those trademarks. This document is intended for personal use only and may not be sold or distributed without the express written consent of Free League Publishing.
Version 1.0

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