EN Training WeightedJumpRope Ebook Freeletics

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t r a i n i n g w i t h

jump rope
Table of

1 E x e r c i s e s

Starting poin
Single Under
Alternating Leg
Right / Left Leg Jump
I n t r o d u c t i o n Double Under
How to incorporate
jumping rope

The origin of jump rop into your Freeletics Coac

How the jump rope Defeat the Gods 

improves my healt
The unique advantages

of the Freeletics

Weighted Jump Rop

Jump rope body area focus

W h a t Y o u

N e e d t o K n o w

Before you begin: Safety firs

Getting to know

your equipmen
Adjusting your jump rop
Tips to start jumping rop
Starting: Warmup
T h e O r i g i n

o f t h e J u m p R o p e

Jumping rope is usually

associated with high-level boxers
preparing for a competition

or as a fun children’s game.

While there is no clear answer

of when we as humans began

using jump ropes, drawings
dating back from Ancient Egypt
and the medieval age depict
humans jumping over rope.

After Dutch settlers brought

the activity from Europe

to the US, it became increasingly

popular in the 70s as an effective,
inexpensive, and entertaining
means of staying healthy

and improving physical

H o w t h e J u m p

R o p e I m p r o v e s
First, it is a practical way to stimulate
the cardiovascular system. Studies
m y H e a l t h

have shown jumping rope can burn

at least as many calories, if not more, The unique
To correctly use a jump rope
than other traditional cardiovascular
requires performing a fundamental
advantages of the
activities such as running or biking
and essential movement; jumping.
Jumping rope also improves Freeletics weighted
This movement is part
coordination and agility, J u m p R o p e

of our evolutionary history

as it constantly requires you to jump
as we continuously adapted
at the correct time in order not to trip All those unique benefits of using
to ever-changing environments.

on the rope a jump rope can be even further

Jumping rope is very practical: amplified by using a heavy jump rope.
it is cheap, can be brought wherever There are two main advantages of using
you want to train, and engages both the Freeletics Weighted Jump Rope
the cardiovascular system, as well
as many different muscles such as Heavy jump ropes are easier
T h e M a n y B e n e i t s
your calves, legs, core, and shoulders for beginners. It is common to trip
o f J u m p i n g R o p e

Furthermore, it can be very motivating up on your rope when learning a

to try to learn and master many new
cool jump rope tricks novel exercise, like Double Unders.
Jump ropes are a versatile piece
Often, this is because your rope is
of equipment that can be brought Finally, using a jump rope also does
wherever you want to train.
more than improve your physical too light, and does not give you
Incorporating a jump rope
abilities. It also serves to connect enough feedback on its position
into your training routine results
the body and mind as it strengthens around you. The Freeletics Weighted
in several health benefits,
coordination, proprioception, Jump Rope helps you get more
both mentally and physically.

and concentration. Proprioception feedback from your rope, and that

is the ability to sense the position improved feel makes it easier to
and the movement of the body properly coordinate your leg and arm
in space.

Each of these skills can be transferred After some time when using a jump
to all of your daily Free Athlete activities, rope, the common jump rope
helping you become stronger, sharper, exercises may start to feel very easy.
and more focused.

Using a heavier cable is a perfect way

Portable, versatile, and lightweight, to keep reaping as many benefits as
a jump rope will fit perfectly in your possible from your jump rope. Your
Rainshield gym bag, and can be used muscles need to work harder in order
(Photo of Gymbag + to add variety to your training. (Photo to swing a heavier rope. As a result,
heavyweight jump of Gymbag + heavyweight jump rope you burn more calories, while also
rope on a training on a training ground) challenging your muscles more.



Jump roping also engages your core. In order to stay upright while jumping
continuously, it is necessary to tightly contract the abdominals, lower back,
and glute muscles with every jump.

Grip, Forearms,

and Shoulder

J u m p R o p e
While jumping rope primarily reinforces the lower body and the core, it can
also engage upper body muscles. For example, the forearm and shoulder
B o d y A r e a F o c u s

muscles are continuously engaged to rotate the rope. 

For additional benefits, using the heavier cables and/or performing more
When used properly, a jump rope advanced jumps like the Double Unders, is a sure way to feel the burn in your
can serve as a complete workout shoulders, biceps, triceps, and forearm muscles.
that engages several muscle


As it continuously requires
you to stay on the ball
of your feet, jumping rope places
great demand on your calf
muscles. Located at the base
of the body and engaged
with each step you take, stronger
calves will help you be more
stable, jump higher, and jump
repeatedly for longer periods.

t r a i n i n g w i t h

jump rope
B e f o r e

y o u b e g i n :

S a f e t y fi r s t

Training in a Safe Area:

For your safety, be sure


that your rope can move freely Weight (per pair): 235 g (+/-).

around you without any obstacles Our team put in the research and work to build a jump rope
or people in the way. The cable with just the right balance. The handles are ideally weighted
can go quite far in front
to support your wrists during rotational movements.

of and behind you.

If you are training indoors, Cables:

be sure that the ceiling is high The Freeletics Weighted Jump Rope starter pack consists of 2
enough so as not to interfere different cables:

with the rope.

4 mm/ 100 g

6 mm/ 180 g

G e t t i n g t o k n o w

y o u r e q u i p m e n t

An additional heavier cable can also be purchased separately:

8 mm/ 315 g

The aim of this E-book

is to provide you with all We chose to offer you fixed cable lengths, for more durability
the relevant information
and efficiency.

to get started with your jump This means that you may have to cut the excess cable length
rope. To do so, it is important for an optimal experience. 

to understand the equipment

you are using. Our Weighted
Jump Rope gives


you the opportunity to train

and progress anywhere
and at any time.


A d j u s t i n g Y o u r R o p e

T a k i n g C a r e o f Y o u r R o p e

Measuring the correct


cable lengt

To clean your jump rope and the handles, simply wipe

Wear shoes that you will train in with a moist cloth.

Step with one foot onto the cable

Pull both ends of the cable up. Storage:

They should be just below

your armpits.

To be sure that your jump rope stays in perfect

conditions, ensuring proper storage is mandatory. 

Cable Length Adjustmen Avoid bending or wrapping the cables too tightly

when storing them.

Remove the cap on one end

of the cable with the Allen key (Usage for Longer) Lifetime

Use pliers to cut the cable

to the desired length To ensure that your jump rope lives long, use it only

Replace the cap on the free end on hardwood, polyurethane, vinyl, or rubber floor
of the cable. Tighten it securely surfaces or even a special mat for jumping rope.

with the Allen key.

Avoid using your Freeletics Weighted Jump Rope 

This process should be replicated on concrete or asphalt surfaces, as those will wear
for all cables.

down the rope’s coating over time.

 Bonus Tip

Cutting the cables is a non-reversible
In order to prolong the lifetime of your rope, if you have
Cutting the thickest cables may require to use it on concrete or asphalt surfaces, use it on top
special tools.

of the Freeletics No Excuses Workout mat.

T i p s t o S t a r t
J u m p i n g R o p e

Find Your Place

If you’re new to jumping rope, finding

the right rhythm can be a challenge.
Especially, the right coordination
between the jumps and the rope can Posture

be tricky to achieve at first.

Keep a straight, upright position throughout the movement. Bounce on your forefoot

As an exercise, start by bouncing on and avoid letting your heel touch the floor. Keep your head straight and your shoulders
your toes and count to 5. Practice this relaxed.

at a steady rhythm without a rope.

Next, do the same, while taping on the Arms Position

sides of your thighs with your hands

at each jump.
Keep your elbows steady and close to your body at all times. The jump rope movement
Finally, do the same with your rope. 
should originate from wrist rotations and not from the shoulders.

(Illustration of proper starting


How to Hold Your Jump Rope

Breathing Techniques

How you grip your rope can have tremendous importance on the efficacy of your
exercises. People often tend to grip the handle too low, or too close to the cable.

As for every physical activity, a proper The most efficient position is to grab the handle between your thumb and your index
breathing technique is essential. finger. Keep your wrists relaxed. 

in continuously through your mouth

and nose, and exhale through your

S t a r t i n g : W a r m u p

Skipping Jumps / Jumping Jacks

Now, it’s time. Prepare yourself mentally for this session. At the moment, your training
These exercises gently warm up

is all that should be on your mind. Start with 5 deep breaths and focus on the moment. the entire body, similar to the jump
Free Athlete, you’re ready. Every good warmup should start with some sort of rope. The Jumping Jacks add a
cardiovascular activation. For example, you could do some Skipping Jumps and Jumping coordination component that is also
Jacks. It is a warmup, so perform controlled movements. Do not focus on speed.
needed to properly jump rope. 
Next, you can mobilize the different joints that you will use during your workout with a
heavy jump rope. Rotate your wrists and ankles. Five rounds in each direction.

Lastly, you can focus on the muscles that are specifically targeted by jumping rope.
Perform some controlled repetitions of exercises like Squat Jumps or Calf Raises
Wrist rotations 10x clockwise and counterclockwis
Ankle rotation 10x (per ankle) clockwise and counterclockwis
Skipping Jumps 20
Jumping Jacks 20
Squat Jumps 10
Calf Raises 20x

Wrist Rotations / Ankle Rotation

Make sure to warm up the joints

that are heavily involved in jumping rope,

namely the wrists

and the ankles. To do so, rotate

them in both directions. Do each ankle


S q u a t J u m p s / C a l f R a i s e s

F i n i s h o ff yo u r w a r m u p ro u t i n e w i t h s o m e S q u a t J u m p s a n d

C a l f R a i s e s . T h e s e p re p a re yo u r b o d y f o r t h e j u m p i n g a s p e c t

o f u s i n g yo u r F re e l e t i c s We i g h t e d J u m p Ro p e . F o r t h e C a l f

R a i s e s , yo u c a n h o l d o n t o a s t a b l e o b j e c t f o r e a s i e r b a l a n c e .
S i n g l e U n d e r s

This is the most common jump rope

exercise. Simply jump once as the rope
passes under you. 

Once you feel more comfortable,

you can play with the rope’s speed.

This will automatically alter how high
or low you jump.

 (Illustration of wrists rotation,
Remember - you don’t need to jump
ankle rotation. Former
too high, but rather: just high enough
illustrations can be used)
so as to not trip on the rope! Ideally,
your feet should leave the floor

with just enough space for the rope

to pass under. 

A l t e r n a t i n g L e g s

This exercise is a slightly more

advanced variation of jumping rope.
This one will challenge

your coordination. Only allow one foot

to touch the floor, and alternate

 (Illustration of at each jump. Find a nice rhythm

alternating legs. Former and get going!

illustrations can be

R i g h t / L e f t

EXERCISES L e g J u m p s

This one is a sure way to feel a nice

burn in your calf muscles! Make sure
S t a r t i n g P o i n t

to target both legs equally! Contract

your core more than usual, as in all
Start all your jump rope sets
unilateral exercises!
standing upright, the rope behind
you, with your arms close

to your body. Don’t forget

that the movement originates

from wrist rotations and not from
the shoulders.
D o u b l e U n d e r s

Double Unders are probably the most famous advanced jump rope exercise.

And for a good reason: they are not so easy to master. However, once you can
perform them easily, you’ll notice that they are not so difficult, after all! Make sure
to keep your elbows close to you and aim to jump higher than when performing
Single Unders. Once you can perform them easily, switch to a heavier cable:

the burn in your shoulders and forearms is guaranteed!

How to incorporate
jumping rope into your
F r e e l e t i c s C o a c h

Ready to reap the benefits jumping rope

has to offer? Don’t forget to tell your Coach

you have this piece of equipment. To do so,
click on the Coach tab, then to the setting
icon in the top right corner, then select
“Equipment.” Here, make sure to check

the Jump Rope.

D e f e a t t h e G o d s

Some of our iconic God workouts include

exercises using a jump rope. You can find
them in your Explore tab. Are you ready

to take on the challenge

t r a i n i n g w i t h

Weighted Freeletics GmbH


jump rope
Straße 111, 81673




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