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Dossier of lesson activities


Vénos | KAJ/4152 | 12.2.2023

1. The story about the Moon
Target group: 8-10 years old (3rd, 4th,5th grade)
Time: 10-15 minutes
Props: worksheets
Aim of the activity: Students are able to recognize and describe the Moon and be capable
of finding the information from the given text.
Developed skills: Memory, reading comprehension

This split worksheet works as a reading exercise about a certain topic – The Moon. On one
side, students read a text from which they can retrieve the information, and on the other
side, they solve the questions. In this activity, students learn about the Moon.

2. Guess the riddle!

Target group: 8-12 years old (3rd-7th grade)
Time: 5 - 10 minutes
Props: whiteboard/blackboard, paper with answers
Aim of the activity: Students are able to guess the given riddles, this is supposed to be an
easy warm-up activity activating passive vocabulary and an ability to think “differently”
Developed skills: Memory, comprehension, creative thinking

3. Mystery box
Target group: 8-12 years old (3rd-7th grade)
Time: 5 - 10 minutes
Props: a box, several small objects (depends on the vocabulary)
Aim of the activity: Students are able to guess the item they are holding in their hands
Developed skills: speaking, vocabulary

One by one, students take turns feeling inside the box. As they feel, ask them questions
about the size, shape, texture, etc. Once everyone has had a turn, review the answers
students gave while feeling and elicit guesses as to what is in the box. As students guess

items correctly, pull them from the box. If no one can guess some items, end by showing
them to the class.

4. Weekend activities
Target group: 6-7 years (1st-2nd grade)
Time: 5 - 10 minutes
Props: picture with activities (with words)
Aim of the activity: Students are able to present what they did on the weekend (such a
young children yet able to talk about the past)
Developed skills: speaking, vocabulary

Due to talking about the personal topic, the students could be more open to the
discussion. The teacher could work with words used in the discussion.

“How was your weekend? What did you do? Did you enjoy it?”

“What activities can we do on the weekends?”

- pictures with descriptions (camping, picnic, go running, go for a walk, play tennis)
- saying those words out loud, spelling with the class (1st graders)

After going through the activities…

- each student will get the blank paper with the task to draw a picture of what they did
on the weekend with writing a sentence about it below (the name of the activity would be
enough for 1st graders)
- encouraging students to say the sentence out loud, presenting their weekend.

5. Acrostic poems
Target group: 8-10 years old (5th grade)
Time: 10-15 minutes
Props: whiteboard/blackboard
Aim of the activity: Students are able to think outside the box for creating something
connected with abstract objects such as emotions and characteristics
Developed skills: creative thinking, vocabulary

Writing the word vertically, students can go down the letters and write a short word or
phrase that starts with each letter. Acrostic poems help students write within a structure
and theme, so it’s easier for them to get started.

“Who do you love? Do you love your family? Pets?... And why?”

- the teacher will start with a discussion, which gives students opportunity to warm-up
before the task and come up with some ideas.

“Let’s write a creative poem about something or someone we love”
- the students can choose from pets (cat/dog/rabbit/fish) or their names (Rex, Lisa,
Nemo) (1st grade)

“The poem should demonstrate your feelings about the chosen topic or their features you
like about them”
C – cuddly A - adventurous
A – acrobatic L - lovely
T – tenacious E - enchanting
S – softly purring C – caring

6. Spelling Game
Target group: 8-12 years old (3rd-7th grade)
Time: 10-15 minutes
Props: whiteboard/blackboard, a list of words
Aim of the activity: Students are able to think outside the box for creating something
connected with abstract objects such as emotions and characteristics
Developed skills: listening, writing

The teacher will divide the class into two/four teams. One student from each team comes
up to the whiteboard and takes a marker. The teacher says a word and each student has to
write it on the board. The first student to do it correctly gets a point for their team. This
game should continue until each student has had a chance to play 1-2 times. The older the
students are, the more difficult words can be (+ adding to use the word in a sentence)

7. Guess the word!

Target group: 6-10 years old (1st-5th grade)
Time: 10 - 15 minutes
Props: Cards with words (10+ cards for each group)
Aim of the activity: Student are able to say the words on the given card, without using the
exact word (using synonyms)
Developed skills: creative thinking, improvisation, speaking

The class will be divided into 2/4 groups, each group will get the 10+ cards for their team.
One student from each group will be holding a card without showing the word to the rest
of the group. The group has to guess the right word. Each card means one point. The
fastest group wins.

8. Who are we talking about?
Target group: 6-10 years old (1st-5th grade)
Time: 10 - 15 minutes
Props: Cards with words or projector with pictures and their words
Aim of the activity: Student are able to describe their colleagues and later use it for their
HO (describe your family member)
Developed skills: creative thinking, improvisation, speaking

Student get divided into 2/4 groups, each group has to choose one student from the whole
class to describe, each student in the group has to come up with one descriptive sentence.
If the whole group is able to give a proper description and the rest of the class will guess it
right, the describing group and guessing group gets the point.

9. Can you…?
Target group: 8-12 years old (3rd-7th grade)
Time: 15-25 minutes
Props: Bingo cards
Aim of the activity: Student are able to ask questions, answering questions and use modal
verbs (of ability) to play this game
Developed skills: creative thinking, improvisation, speaking

“Can you…?”
“Yes, I can.” // “No, I can’t.”

The student will get a bingo card each, the teacher will go though the language on the
cards and check if the students understand every given ability. Student then will go
around the classroom asking “Can you…?” – if the student says “Yes, I can.” He/she has to
perform the activity. If the ability is performed, the student asking can write the
performers name on his bingo card and moves to another. The first student to get the five
names in row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) shouts “Bingo!” and everyone has to
stop playing. The answers are checked by asking those five students to perform their
activities. If they do this successfully, the bingo student wins. – For older students, this
can be played till the bingo card is entirely full.

Target group: 6-12 years old (1st-7th grade)
Time: 10-15 minutes
Aim of the activity: Student are able to ask questions, answering questions and present the
achieved information
Developed skills: creative thinking, improvisation, speaking

The teacher will give student pairs time to interview each other, either on a specific topic
or just in general, and then let them share any interesting facts they discovered with the
rest of the class at the end of the discussion period.

11. Expert talks

Target group: 8-12 years old (3rd-7th grade)
Time: 10-15 minutes
Props: papers, whiteboard/blackboard, computers, projector
Aim of the activity: Student are able to wrap up a topic they went through on their lecture
– able to conduct their own lecture.
Developed skills: creative thinking, improvisation, speaking, cooperation

Student will get divided into a groups, each group has to make own lecture on the topic
they went thought on the lesson, each group has a different part of the lesson. Each group
will prepare a presentation a then give a two-minute presentation to the rest of the class of
their newfound knowledge.

12. In other news

Target group: 8-12 years old (3rd-7th grade)
Time: 10-15 minutes
Props: papers, whiteboard/blackboard, papers, mobile phones
Aim of the activity: Student are able to give a short presentation about the news they have
found by themselves online
Developed skills: creative thinking, improvisation, speaking, cooperation

Divided into the groups, each group must look for their own information online, each
group has to choose different topic to prevent from the same presentation. Each group
will present with the stack of notes they can prepare for the presentation, facing the class
at a desk. Students could cover an environmental issue, a current or past exciting scientific
discovery or present on a historical event as if it happened that day. The topic should be
chosen wisely for each age group.


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