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Write the chemical formula for each of the substances below.

Substance Formula Substance Formula Substance Formula

Hydrochloric acid Calcium hydroxide Magnesium oxide

Nitric acid Sodium carbonate Calcium oxide

Sulphuric acid Zinc metal Copper(II) oxide

Ethanoic acid Ammonium sulphate Lead(II) oxide

Sodium hydroxide Hydroxide ion Sodium nitrate

Potassium oxide Sodium carbonate Potassium sulphate

Ammonium ion Carbon dioxide Barium hydroxide

Sodium metal Copper(II) carbonate Sodium chloride

Calcium carbonate Water Magnesium

Hydrogen gas Sodium oxide Magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium Lithium nitrate Ammonia gas



1. An acid is a chemical substance which ionizes in ……………………. to produce ………………………… ions.

2. The hydrogen ion combines with a water molecule, H2O to form a ……………………………….

ion H3O+.

3. For example, when hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water, hydrogen chloride will ionise in
water to produce hydrogen ions, H+ and chloride ions, Cl-.

4. Hydrogen ions, H+ produced will combine with the water molecules, H 2O to form hydroxonium
ions, H3O+.

5. ……………………………… which are free to move in water, enable an acid to show its acidic

6. Write the ionization equation for the following acids:

Name Formulae Equation

Nitric acid

Sulphuric acid

Ethanoic acid

Phosphoric acid

Methanoic acid HCOOH

7. Acid can be classified as a ……………… acid, …………… acid or a ………………. acid based on its basicity.

8. Basicity is the number of ionisable ………………………………… atom per molecule of an acid.

Write the ionisation equation for the

Basicity Meaning
following acids

Monoprotic acid Hydrochloric acid

Nitric acid

Ethanoic acid

Diprotic Sulphuric acid


Triprotic acid Phosphoric acid


1. A base is a substance that reacts with an acid to form a ………………………. and …………………. only.

2. Bases include metal hydroxide and metal oxides

3. Example of bases are : ZnO,CuO,CaO,Li2O,Na2O, NaOH, MgO, Mg(OH)2, Zn(OH)2

4. Example for reaction of base with acid:

- Sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride(salt) and water

Equation: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

- Copper(II) oxides reacts with sulphuric acid to form ……………………………………. salt) and water

Equation: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Most bases are not soluble in water.

6. Alkali is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Bases that are ……………………………… in water are alkali

8. Example : NaO, NaOH, Ca(OH)2, Na2O, K2O, KOH, NH3 solution, Ba(OH)2



9. Write the ionization equation for the following alkali :

Name Formula Ionization equation

Sodium hydroxide

Potassium hydroxide

Ammonia solution

Magnesium hydroxide

10. The properties of alkalis are due to the presence of ……………………………………… ions in them.

11. Uses of acids, bases, and alkalis

a) To use as ……………………………………… reagent

Example: sodium hydroxide solution, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid

b) To …………………………………………………….

Example: Ethanoic acid (vinegar), benzoic acid

c) To make various ……………………………………………….

Example: Magnesium oxide in antacid medicine, Ascorbic acid in vitamin C

d) To produce ………………… detergent and ……………………………….

Example: Sodium hydroxide to make soap and detergent

Magnesium hydroxide is added to toothpaste

e) To manufacture dyes, ………………………., ……………………………………., and drugs

Example: ………………………………………………...

f) Used in rocket fuels

Example: ………………………………………….


1. An acid only shows its acidic properties when dissolve in water

2. In the presence of water, the acid ionizes to form …………………………………. ions that are free to move,
hence can show the …………………………. properties.

3. Without water, an acid still exists as…………………. and there are no …………………………… H + ions present.

4. Other solvents cannot replace water to enable an acid to show acidic properties.

5. In the absence of water(dry form/anhydrous/glacial) or in organic solvent

- The acid molecule does not ionize, dissociate to form hydrogen ions, hence does not show acidic

Experiment : To study the role of water in showing properties of acids


Problem statement






Results Contents Observations

Solid oxalic acid, C2H2O4


Solid oxalic acid, C2H2O4 + water

Interpreting Data 1. State the change in colour of the blue litmus paper that used to detect
the acidic properties.

2. Based on the observations, state a suitable inference

3. What are the conditions needed for an acid to show its acidic properties?


Discussion 1. Name the ion that is responsible for showing the acidic properties.

2. Solid oxalic acid, C2H2O4 had differences in observation compared to the

solid oxalic acid, C2H2O4 that has been dissolved in water. Give a reason.

3. What is the operational definition for the acid in this experiment?

Complete the following table to show the role of water in acidic properties

Effect on blue litmus Inference

Condition of ethanoic acid

Glacial ethanoic acid

Ethanoic acid in water

Ethanoic acid in dry propanone

(organic solvent)

6. Explain why hydrogen chloride, HCl gas will only shows its acidic properties when dissolved in water?

7. In organic solvent (ether/methyl An

In water

HCl acid in …………………………….. will ionize to

HCI acid in…………… solvent exists as neutral produce………………………... ions that are freely
Ionisation equation:
No ……………….ions. Acids remains in the form
of …………………………………… ………………………………………………………….

Do not show acidic properties The presence of free ………………………. hydrogen

ion enables it to show acidic properties

alkali only shows its …………………………… properties when dissolve in ………………………………

8. In the presence of water, the alkali dissociates to produce ……………………………………… ions that are
responsible for the ………………………………………….properties.

9. Other solvents cannot replace water for an alkali to show its alkaline properties.

10. In the absence of water (dry form/anhydrous/or in organic solvent) alkali does not show its properties.

Experiment : To study the role of water in showing properties of alkalis








Contents Observations

Sodium hydroxide pellet

Sodium hydroxide pellet + water

1. Based on the observations, state a suitable inference

2. What is the condition of the litmus paper needed to detect alkaline
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 10


1. Name the ion responsible to show alkaline properties.

2. Explain the difference in observation between using a pellet of sodium

hydroxide, NaOH and sodium hydroxide solution.


3. Give the operational definition for alkali in this experiment.

Complete the table below the role of water in alkaline properties

Effect on red litmus Inference

Condition of ammonia


Aqueous (dissolved in water)

Dissolved in propanone
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11. Explain why ammonia gas will only show its alkaline properties when dissolved in water?
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In organic solvent In water

Ammonia gas in ……………………………… solvent Ammonia gas in ………………………….will ionize to

exist as neutral ………………………. produce …………………………. ions that are freely move

No ……………………………. ions. Alkali remains Ionisation equation:

in the form of molecule
Do not show alkaline properties
The presence of ……………………………. ions enable it to
show ………………………………. properties

Properties Hydrogen chloride, HCl in gas chloride, HCI gas
in water in

Effect on dry litmus paper Reaction ……………… Blue litmus paper turn
No change

Observation on Reaction ……………… Bulb ……………………….

bulb/voltmeter’s needle No change
Voltmeter’s needle ………………………………
(Electrical conductivity)

Reaction with zinc metal Reaction ………………………. Bubbles ………………….

……………………………………………………………. No change

Equation : ………………………………………………

Reaction with calcium Bubbles of ……………………………………….

Lime water turns …………………………………. No change

Equation: ……………………………………

Reaction with sodium Reaction occurs

White ……………………………………………. is formed No change

Equation: …………………………………………………….

pH values
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The pH scales.

Fill in the blanks with correct words

1. The pH scale ( 0 to 14 ) is used to indicate the degree of ……………………or ……………… of a solution.

2. pH value less than 7 , indicates an ……………………………. solution

pH value equal to 7 , indicates an ………………………………. solution

pH value more than 7 , indicates a ……………………………..solution

Acids Neutral Alkalis

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Acidity …………………………………….

Alkalinity ……………………….
4. pH value is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, H .

 The lower the pH value the ……………………. the concentration of ………………………….ions,

the higher its …………………………………….

 The higher the pH value, the ……………………….the concentration of ………………………….. ions,

the higher its …………………………………………….

pH meter indicator

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Increasingly acidic Increasingly alkaline

5. In Chemistry, pH is a logarithmic measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in aqueous


Formula : …………………………………………………..

Where log is logarithm of base 10 and [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in mol dm-3 of the

Solve the problems below:

A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 14

Calculate the pH value of nitric acid, HNO3 with 0.5 mol dm-3 of hydrogen ion, H+

Calculate the pH value an acid with the concentration of hydrogen = 3.5 x 10 -3 mol dm-3

Calculate the pH value of 0.01 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid

Determine the molarity (concentration) of hydrochloric acid, HCl with pH value of 2.0
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 15

pH value of nitric acid is 3.30. Calculate the concentration of hydrogen ion in the acid

6. pOH measure the concentration of ……………………………………………………………………….

Formula : ……………………………………….

Where [OH-] is the concentration of hydroxide ions in mol dm-3 of the solution.

The sum oh pH and pOH are equal to ……………………………………………

pH + pOH = 14

pH = 14 - pOH

Solve the problems below:

A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 16

Calculate the pH value for sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH with 0.1 mol dm-3 hydroxide ions, OH-

Calculate the pH value for potassium hydroxide, KOH that has 0.01 mol dm -3 hydroxide ions, OH-

Determine the molarity of lithium hydroxide, LiOH with pH value 12.0

Stomach acid is a solution of hydrochloric acid. The concentration of hydrogen ion in the acid is 1.2 x
10-3 mol dm-3. What is the pH value of stomach acid?
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 17

What is the hydroxide ion concentration in a solution that has a pOH value 0f 5.70?

Blood has a pH of 7.3 (slightly alkaline). Calculate the concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide
ions in the blood.

Water exposed to air contains carbonic acid, H2CO3 due to the reaction between carbon dioxide and

CO2 + H2O  H2CO3

A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 18

The concentration of hydrogen ion air saturated water caused by the dissolved CO 2 is 2.0 X 10-6 mol
dm-3. Calculate the pH of the solution

The pH value can be measured using indicators such as litmus paper, methyl orange, phenolpthalein,
universal indicator and pH meter

Universal Red/orange/yellow Green Purple


Litmus paper Red Purple Blue

Methyl orange
Red Yellow

Colourless Pink

Methyl red
Red Orange

Experiment : To study the relationship between concentration of hydrogen ions, H + and

pH value of acid.
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Problem Statement






Result Concentration of hydrochloric acid , HCl 0.1 0.01 0.001

(mol dm-3)

Concentration of hydrogen ions, H+ (mol dm-3)

pH value

Interpreting data 1. Based on the results obtained, how does the pH value change when the
concentration of hydrochloric acid, HCl decreases?

2. State the changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions, H+ when the

concentration of hydrochloric acid, HCl decreases?

3. What is the relationship between the concentration of hydrogen ions, H +

A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 20

and pH value?


Discussion 1. When an acidic solution is diluted, what are the changes in the :
(a) Concentration of hydrogen ions, H+

(b) pH value

(c) Degree of acidity of the aqueous solution.

2. State the relationship between the concentration of hydrogen ions, H+,

pH values and degree of acidity of an acidic aqueous solution.

Experiment : To study the relationship between concentration of hydrogen ions, H + and pH value
of acid.


Problem Statement





A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 21

Result Concentration of sodium hydroxide solution 0.1 0.01 0.001

(mol dm-3)

Concentration of hydroxide ions, OH-

(mol dm-3)

pH value

Interpreting data 1. Based on the data obtained, how does the pH value change when the
concentration of sodium hydroxide, NaOH decreases?

2. When the concentration of sodium hydroxide, NaOH decreases, what are

the changes that occur to the:
(a) Concentration of hydroxide ions, OH-

(b) pH value

(c) Degree of alkalinity of sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH.

3. State the relationship between the concentration of hydroxide ions, OH -,

pH value and degree of alkalinity of sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH.
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 22


7. When the concentration of acid increases, more acid molecules ionise to produce hydrogen ions,

The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, H+, the …………………………. the pH value.

Acidity increases when the pH value of the acid solution …………………………….

8. The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, OH-, the ……………………….the pH value.

Alkalinity …………………………………..when the pH value of the acid solution ……………………………….

Concentration of hydrogen ions, H+ pH value

Concentration of hydroxide ions, OH- pH value


 Strength of an acid and an alkali depends on its degree of …………………………. (ionization) in

aqueous solution
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 23

 The higher the degree of dissociation of an acid, the higher the concentration of …………………….
ions, the ……………………………………….. the acid

 The higher the degree of dissociation of an alkali, the higher the concentration of ………………….
ions, the …………………………………… the alkali



Degree of dissociation

Concentration of hydrogen ions


Ionisation equation



Degree of dissociation

Concentration of hydroxide


Ionisation equation

Answer the following questions:

a) What is the relationship between pH value and concentration of hydrogen ion in strong and weak
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 24

 In strong acid, the concentration of hydrogen ion is …………………. the pH value is ……………

 In weak acid, the concentration of hydrogen ion is ………………. the pH value is ………………….

b) What is the relationship between pH value and concentration of hydroxide ion in strong and
weak alkali?

 In strong alkali, the concentration of hydroxide ion is ……………. the pH value is ………………

 In weak alkali, the concentration of hydroxide ion is ……………. the pH value is ……………..….

c) Explain why these two acids have different pH value although their concentration is the same.

Solution 0.1 M HCl solution 0.1 M CH3COOH solution

pH value 1 4

Hydrochloric acid Ethanoic acid

Hydrochloric acid is a …………………. acid Ethanoic acid is a …………………. acid

It dissociates …………………. in water to It dissociates …………………. in water to

produce ………............ concentration of produce …………………. concentration of
…………………. ions …………………. ions

Ionisation equation : …………………………………. Ionisation equation :

Thus, its pH value is …………………. as the …………………. …………………………………………

concentration of hydrogen ion is ………………….
Most of the …………………. acid remains as
neutral covalent molecules

Thus, its pH value is ……………………. as the

concentration of hydrogen ion is …………………

d) Explain why these two alkalis have different pH value although their concentration is the same

Solution 1.0 M NaOH solution 1.0 M NH3 solution

A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 25

pH value 13 10

Sodium hydroxide Ammonia

Sodium hydroxide is a ……………………….alkali Ammonia solution is a …………………… alkali

It dissociates ……………………………. in water to It dissociates …………………in water to produce

produce ………………………… concentration of ……………… concentration of ……………… ions
…………………………………. ions
Ionisation equation :
Ionisation equation :
Most of the …………………………. remains as
Thus, its pH value is ……………………. as the covalent molecules
concentration of hydroxide ion is ……………….
Thus, its pH value is ……………. as the
concentration of hydroxide ion is ………………….
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 26


Reaction of acid with base / alkali
Acid reacts with base /alkalis to form …………………………………………………………. (neutralization)

Application of reaction: Preparation of soluble salt (Topic Salt)


1. Black solid dissolves

2. Colourless solution turns ………………….

Inference :

1. Copper(II) oxide ……………………. with

sulphuric acid
2. The blue solution is ………………………….

Equation :


Write the chemical equation for the reaction involving acids and bases

Aluminium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid Sodium hydroxide react with nitric acid

Barium hydroxide react with nitric acid Magnesium oxide react with ethanoic acid

Zinc oxide react with sulphuric acid Potassium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 27

Reaction of acid with reactive metal.

Acid reacts with reactive metal to produce ………………………………………………….

Application of reaction: Preparation of soluble salt


1. The grey solid ………………………….

2. Colourless gas bubbles are released.
3. When a burning ……………………………. is
placed at the mouth of the test tube
……………………………………will be heard.

Inference :

1. Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid

2. ……………………….gas is released

Chemical equation :


Write the chemical equation for the reaction involving acids and reactive metal

Magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid Lead reacts with hydrochloric acid

Calcium reacts with sulphuric acid Calcium reacts with ethanoic acid
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 28

Reaction of acid with carbonate metal.

Acids react with metal carbonates to produce ……………………………………………………………………..

Application of reaction: Preparation of soluble salt and confirmatory test for carbonate ion


1. The white solid dissolves

2. Bubbles of …………………… gas are released
3. The lime water turns …………………………….


1. Calcium carbonate reacts with nitric acid

2. Carbon dioxide gas is released

Chemical equation:


Write the chemical equation for the reaction involving acids with metal carbonate

Copper (II) carbonate reach with hydrochloric acid Zinc carbonate react with hydrochloric acid

Lead (II) carbonate react with nitric acid Magnesium carbonate react with sulphuric acid
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 29


Reaction of alkali with acid
Alkalis react with acids to form ………………………………………… only (neutralization)


1. The white solid powder…………………

2. Salt crystals are formed


1. Benzoic acids react with sodium

hydroxide solution.
2. The salt is …………………………….



Write the chemical equation for the reaction involving alkali with acid

Sodium hydroxide react with benzoic acid Sodium hydroxide react with hydrochloric acid

Barium hydroxide react with nitric acid Potassium hydroxide react with sulphuric acid
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 30

Reaction of alkali with ammonium salt

When a mixture of an alkali and an ammonium salt is heated ………………………………. gas is liberated


1. The white solid powder ……………………….

2. Gas with pungent smell is released. The

gas turns the red litmus paper ……………….


Equation: 1. Ammonium chloride reacts with sodium

hydroxide solution
2. The gas released is ammonia gas. The gas
will react with HCI to produce white
smoke/fume (ammonium chloride)

Write the chemical equation for the reaction involving alkali with ammonium salt

Ammonium sulphate with potassium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide react with ammonium chloride

Ammonium chloride react with sodium hydroxide Barium hydroxide react with ammonium nitrate

Reaction of alkali with metal ion.

Alkalis react with most metal ion solutions (cations) to produce the insoluble metal hydroxide (precipitate)


1. Blue precipitate is formed.


1. Cu(II) hydroxide is formed.



Write the chemical equation for the reaction involving alkali with metal ion
A C I D , B A S E & S A L T | 31

Copper (II) chloride react with potassium hydroxide Iron (III) sulphate react with potassium
to produce potassium chloride and hydroxide to produce potassium sulphate and
copper(II) hydroxide. iron (III) hydroxide.
Chemical equation: Chemical equation:
………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..
Ionic equation: Ionic equation :
………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..

Iron (II) chloride react with sodium hydroxide to

produce iron (II) hydroxide and sodium chloride
Chemical equation:
Ionic equation:

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