SOK Explanation - Franchisee Meeting Edited 7 Aug

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Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Dr Liana from MIS Department.

It is with great pleasure that we

extend a warm welcome to each one of you. Today, we gather here to emphasize the crucial role our IT
Support Services play in empowering Marrybrown business and ensuring smooth operations <Insert
slide 1>.

As your reliable tech allies, we are committed to being your first line of defense against any IT challenges
that may arise. <Insert slide 2> From resolving technical issues to offering proactive solutions and
guidance, our mission is to keep the systems running efficiently 365 days from day to night, including
your LED Menuboard, POS system, Payment Gateway for Credit Card/DebitCard/TouchNGo payments,
SOK Self-Ordering Kiosk, Emails, Xilnex Inventory program and so on.

. From troubleshooting technical challenges to implementing innovative solutions, our IT team is always
ready to assist, ensuring that our franchise restaurants thrive and provide exceptional experiences to the
customers. With this stellar full-time and in-house support system in place, our franchisees can focus on
delivering excellence while we handle the technological side, fostering success throughout our network.

In the Quick Service Restaurant or QSR industry, self-ordering kiosks or SOK have emerged as a
revolutionary and customer-centric innovation. <Insert slide 3> Self-ordering kiosks have become
increasingly popular due to their speed, efficiency, and accuracy, transforming the way customers
experience fast-food dining. Customers no longer need to wait in long queues; they can swiftly browse
through the menu like using a mobile phone, customize their meals, and make payments effortlessly by
Debit Card, Credit Card, and even Touch&Go. SOK is easy to use, reduces waiting times <Insert slide 4>
leading to a smoother and more satisfying customer experience and I would like to inform you that 50%
of Sales are by SOK! This proofs that this is what our youngster wants!

Moreover, self-ordering kiosks significantly improve ordering accuracy. With the interactive
interface, customers can precisely select their preferred menus and options, check their order before

Apart from benefiting the customers, SOK can reduce labor cost by automating the order-taking
process, our crews can focus on food preparation, maintaining cleanliness, and providing exceptional
customer service. This reallocation of labor improves overall operational efficiency and helps reduce
labor costs and training cost.

Adakah anda tahu bahawa SOK boleh membantu anda meningkatkan jualan? SOK menyediakan
peluang peningkatan jualan yang konsisten dengan menggunakan visual yang menarik dan strategik,
pelanggan lebih berkemungkinan untuk meneroka item menu tambahan, yang akhirnya membawa
kepada peningkatan dalam cek Purata atau Average check RM26 kepada RM35, iaitu kenaikan sebanyak

<Insert slide 5> HQ Marrybrown telah mengatur perjanjian istimewa dengan Xilnex untuk
menawarkan SOK dengan pelan pembayaran komitmen 2 tahun, dengan pembayaran setiap 6 bulan.
Kami komited untuk menjadikan perjalanan pelanggan yang luar biasa ini dapat diakses oleh semua
orang. Ini bermakna pemegang francais kini boleh menikmati kemudahan dan kecekapan SOK ini tanpa
beban pembayaran sekali sahaja. Dalam beberapa minggu, kedai anda boleh mula menikmati servis dan
ketepatan pesanan yang lebih baik, pemeriksaan purata serta kos buruh yang lebih baik.
Kesimpulannya, SOK adalah masa depan; pendigitalan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menarik
pelanggan muda kami. Marrybrown komited untuk berada di barisan hadapan dalam inovasi dan
memastikan anda kekal berdaya saing. Terima kasih. <Insert slide 6>

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