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2nd semester PAPER II: INDIAN PHILOSOPHY - II Unit 1 Samkhya Philosophy: The theory of Satkaryavada, The theory of evolution, Arguments for the existence of Prakrti and Purusa, Plurality of Purusa, Bondage and Liberation. Unit 2 Nyaya Philosophy Theory of four pramana - Pratyaksha, Anumana, Saba and Upamana. Unit 3 Advaita Vedanta: Nature of Brahman, Atman and Jagat,Doctrine of Maya and the concept of Moksha. Unit 4 Vishistadvaita Vedanta: Nature of Brahman, Isvara,Atma and Jagat, Refutation of Maya by Ramanuja and the concept of Moksha. NOTES 1. In this unit you will find the Sarnlchya’s theory of causation, distinction between purusa and prakrti, discussion on the gunas of prakruti, sattva, rajas and tamaj, and a few more issues. Sarkhya Philosophy argues for the cause of evolution of the world, the role of purusa and prakruti for the creation of the universe, valid sources of knowledge, and on the existence of God? The Sarhkhya Philosophy is one among the oldest school in India Philosophy. This is so because the basic tenets of Samkhya can be seen in Nyaya, Vaisesika, Yoga, Jainism, and Vedanta. The founder of Sarhkhya Philosophy is ‘Kapila’ who has written the script Sarhkhya Sutra’. This script is widely known as Sarhkhya Philosophy. It is commented by many scholars, out of those the significant commentary is known as sarhkhya Karika by Isvarakrsna. 1. There are two views on the origin of this school. Some are believed that the word Sarnkhya is derived from the word Sarhkhya which means number as well as right knowledge. right knowledge is about understanding the reality by specifying the number Others viewed that Sarnkhya means ‘perfect knowledge’ and that is about the reality. With these introductions now let become monkey and jump into Sarikhya’s metaphysics METAPHYSICS Sarhkhya Philosophy is regarded as dualistic realism. It is dualistic because it holds the doctrine of two ultimate realities; Prakrti nd Purusas.Purusas (self) and the existence of matter, hence, treated as pluralistic Sarhkhya school expresses that the self (Purusa) and the non-self (Prakriti) are radically different form each other, as like, subject and object. As subject can never be the object, similarly, an object can never be the subject. some question addressed here. 1. what is the ultimate cause of an object? 2. what are the constituents of the universe? In simple words, what is the ultimate stuff of which the various objects of the world are made? Sarnkhya replies that Prakriti is the ultimate (first) cause of all objects, including our mind, body and sense organs.Cause and effect are two inseparable components stand for all sorts of creation in the cosmos.all objects of the world are bounded in the chain of cause-effect relation. This relation Sarhkhya named as satkaryavada or theory of causation. Remember every philosophy have some base and in samkhaya philiosophy satkaryavada or theory of causation is the base of this philosophy. THEORY OF CAUSATION (satkaryavada) Sarnkhya theory of causation is known as satkaryavada.explains the effect exists in its material cause prior to its production. For example, curd was existing in the milk before comes into existence. Example: Clay and Pot In the context of pottery, we can understand the relationship between clay and a pot from a Samkhya perspective. 1. Cause (Karana) Clay In this example, the cause is the clay. The clay represents the material cause (Upadana Karana), which means it is the substance from which the effect is produced. However, in its raw form, the clay does not resemble a pot. 2. Effect (Karya) Pot The effect is the pot, which is formed using the clay. The pot represents the manifested form of the cause. It becomes evident through the process of shaping, molding, and firing the clay Example: break-up or in simple(kaatna) In the context of pottery, we can understand the reason of break-up from a Samkhya perspective 1. Cause (Karana) girlfriend and boyfriend in this example cause of break-up is girlfriend if you don't have loyal girl and boy then effect acre 1. Effect (karya) then effect is break-up or kaatna is confirm 100% that why 'be AKHAND SINGLE" Gunas and the Manifest World: The Gunas—Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas—are integral to understanding the manifestation and functioning of the material world. Prakrti, composed of these Gunas, undergoes constant interaction and transformation, giving rise to the diversity of phenomena. Sattva represents purity, harmony, and illumination; Rajas signifies activity, desire, and passion; and Tamas symbolizes inertia, darkness, and ignorance. The interplay of these Gunas shapes the ever-changing reality we perceive. NEXT TOPIC IS GOING ON AbhishekSinghEVERNOTE,COM.

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