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Job Fair Butwal - Notes

1. Details of visit

Date of visit: 31st December 2016

Place of visit: Job Fair, Butwal, Rupandehi

Purpose of visit: Monitoring and generate learning of Job Fair at Butwal.

2. Key Achievements

Job Fair is Butwal organized as part of Trade Fair organized by Butwal Chamber of Commerce between
December 23, 2016 to January 7, 2017. The actual figures of achievements could not be ascertained at
this time.

 Average of 70-80 job seekers per day are registered.

 Employer organizations are registered.
 Vacancy notice have been published at the Job Fair.
 Job seekers matching the requirement of vacancy notices are referred for job.
 Interview of Shiva Shakti Bio Plant is planned at Labour Office, Butwal.

3. Analysis

Key Areas On field information Areas for Improvement

Publicity 1. Newspaper advertisement 1. Evidences of radio jingle and
2. On stage announcements newspaper advertisements should be
3. Brochures were printed made visible.

2. Local medium of advertisement such as

micking can be done to promote Job Fair.
Visibility 1. Coverage by various media 1. Industries in the trade fair should be
2. Information flex at the entrance visited for promotion of ESC services
3. Job Fair stall was placed right at the
entrance. 2. Information flex and its content can be
4. Most people visiting the Trade Fair were improved.
informed about Job Fair.
3. Job Fair stall can be managed to
provide services to job seekers and
employers separately.
Operation Registration
1. Job seekers registration forms 1. Collection of feedback could be
2. Job seekers registration register introduced at job fairs from all visitors.
3. Employers registration register
4. Referral service registration register

Interviews and Counselling 2. Provisioning of such space can promote

1. Interview and counselling desks were not and enhance intended objectives of Job
provisioned at the stall. Fair.
1. One staff member from ESC and one 3. Volunteers shall be provisioned at least
staff from Butwal CCI were present at the refreshments and certificate of
stall along with 3 volunteers on daily basis. appreciation.

1. Information about Job Fair and its 4. Counselling service should be ongoing
objectives at all Job Fairs.
2. Information about Employment Service
3. Information about interest of employers
to job seekers and vice versa
4. Referral to employers
Management Pre event meeting
1. Meeting at Labour Office Butwal for 1. Pre event meetings after conceptual
understanding of concept and goals of job clarity needs to be scheduled regularly to
fair in presence of ESC staff. decide on staff provisions, procedures
2. Meeting with Butwal CCI for conceptual and operational guideline should be
clarity and regular coordination with ESC organized frequently.
for implementation.

During event meeting

1. No formal or informal meeting could be 2. During event meetings to deal with
organized. Only short conversations among challenges faced shall be organized both
ESC and Butwal CCI happened. at Labour Office and Butwal CCI or jointly.

Post event meeting

NA 3. NA

4. Additional suggestions for improvement

 Information flex with donor visibility was suggested and requested to be changed on 31st
December 2016.
 Separate space for providing services to employers and job seekers can be partitioned at the Job
Fair Stall. This could regulate counseling service. It was suggested to request for table and chair
with Butwal CCI.
 If counseling service cannot be regulated during the Job Fair, booking time to conduct
counseling at ESC office after job fair can also be done. It was suggested accordingly.
 Visit all industries at the Trade Fair to promote ESC services.
 Conduct meeting at Labour Office to address issues of involvement of other ESC staff during job
5. Pictures of Job Fair

Job seekers visiting Job Fair stall Registration of Job Seekers

Labour Office Butwal Chief interacting with job seekers

Sample of referral slip to employers

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