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Changing life roles

SBA Task - Term 3 Project



● Define the concept of ‘life roles’.

● Identify the diversity of life roles present in your own life and the lives of others.

● Describe the evolving nature of responsibilities within different life roles.

● Illustrate strategies for handling different life roles.


1. This activity comprises five main questions.

2. Complete all questions in the order that they are presented to you.

3. The maximum mark for this assignment is 90.

4. This project is a formal assessment and will count towards your term mark.

5. Reference any resources that you have used at the end of this task.

6. This task should be typed and uploaded as a pdf on the OLC.


Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s work without giving them credit. Please

ensure that you do not copy the answers from the online campus or from any other

sources. All work in this task must be completed by you in your own words.


I declare that all work in this activity is my own, and that I have indicated any sources I

have consulted, with the exception of the provided learning material. I have not

committed plagiarism as defined by the plagiarism policy. I will not use text-to-speech

software (such as Natural Readers) or any other type of concession unless I have been

approved a concession in writing by Academic Support within the Student Well-Being

Department or SACAI in the form of a concession letter.

Vukona Ngwenya (ngwvuk001)

Student signature

Project objective:

In this project, we will seek to discover how to navigate the changing

responsibilities within our life roles, in a healthy and sustainable manner. If we

can achieve this, it will help us to enjoy holistic wellbeing and set us up with the

tools we need to reach our full potential in life.

Figure 1: Transitioning between life roles can be difficult to manage.


Design a timeline to reflect on your transitions through different stages of life.

Use the questions below to help structure your timeline. You should complete

your timeline by filling in the table at the end of Question 1.

Question 1.1 [5 x 2 = 10 marks]

Identify the life roles AND the responsibilities that accompany those roles, that

you had at each of the following ages: 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 years old. Focus on

being aware of and illustrating how your roles change as you grow.

Avoid repeating roles and responsibilities. No marks will be

awarded for repeated answers.


Question 1.2 [5 x 1 = 5 marks]

Provide a drawing or photograph of yourself at each age point on your timeline

(3, 6 , 9, 12 and 15 years old).


Photo or drawing of Age Life roles and

yourself responsibilities

3 years old. Role(s):

Young Child

Obeying instructions
given by my parents or
guardian outside the

6 years old. Role(s):

Young child and older

Following instructions
received from adults
who are granted full
authority over me and
attending pre-school
every weekday.


9 years old. Role(s):

Young child, learner and
older child.

Following the
instructions I am given
by adults, being punctual
at school. Engaging with
children and teachers at
school, working
diligently, and helping
out with a few house

12 years old. Role(s):

Young child, learner,
friend and older child.

Punctuality at school,
being disciplined,
engaging with
schoolmates and
teachers, making the
choice of befriending the
right people, making
responsible decisions
with friends, helping out
more in the house by
sweeping and mopping
the floors, washing

dishes, and washing my
school socks.

15 years old. Role(s):

Adolescent, learner,
friend, older child, and

Take responsibility for
my actions, study
consistently, surround
myself with the right
group of learners,
participate in school
activities, and interact
with those around me.
As the older child, it is
my responsibility to
ensure that the house is
always clean and to be a
good example to my
younger siblings and
when I am in the
position of a caretaker it
is my responsibility to
ensure that my siblings
are well fed and safe.

[Total for Question 1 = 15 marks]


For this question you will need to look at your own life experiences, do a little

revision of your Term 3 LO Modules and conduct some online research. Please

remember to reference your sources.

Question 2.1 [3 x 1 = 3 marks]

Identify THREE different life roles that you have now, as a teenager.


I am an older child, a friend, and a learner.

Question 2.2 [3 x 2 = 6 marks]

Discuss THREE new responsibilities that you have had to take on as a result of

being a teenager.

As the older child in the house and a teenager, I have had to start taking the

responsibility of cooking food when my parents are unable to, ensuring that the

washing and ironing of clothes is complete on Saturday night and compulsorily

cleaning the house every single weekend. As a friend, I have had to take the

responsibility of being wise with my friendship choices and staying out of trouble

with my friends, As a high school I have had to take the responsibility of working

on my own and meeting deadlines as well as studying without being followed


Question 2.3 [3 x 2 = 6 marks]

Explain THREE reasons why it may be difficult for teenagers to cope with their

new responsibilities.

They are used to being spoon-fed and having things done for them by their

parents and adults who take care of them when they aren’t at home. Teenagers

also fail to cope with their new responsibilities because they have a lot on their

plate which makes it more difficult to balance the pressure.

Question 2.4 [2 x 2 = 4 marks]

Recommend TWO strategies that you could implement to assist you in fulfilling

your new responsibilities as a teenager.

Planning things out right by making schedules or timetables of their daily plans,

and avoiding procrastination and practising time management skills.


Question 2.5 [3 x 2 = 6 marks]

Suggest THREE ways in which you could gain assistance in completing your new

roles from a trusted adult or peer.

Type your answer here.

[Total for Question 2 = 25 marks]


For this question you will need to look at your own life experiences, do a little

revision of your Term 3 LO Modules and conduct some online research. Please

remember to reference your sources.

Question 3.1 [1 x 1 = 1 mark]

Name one positive relationship in your life.

Type your answer here.

Question 3.2 [3 x 2 = 6 marks]

Describe THREE ways that positive relationships can help us navigate changes in

life roles in a healthy manner.

Type your answer here.

Question 3.3 [4 x 2 = 8 marks]

Recommend FOUR strategies that teenagers can implement in their daily lives to

achieve emotional stability. In your answers, also indicate how EACH strategy

can lead to healthier relationships or lifestyle choices.

Type your answer here.

[Total for Question 3 = 15 marks]


Question 4.1 [10 marks]

For this question you need to interview an adult in your life. It is important that

you trust and respect the adult you choose. Remember, the person you are

interviewing may not be familiar with the concept of ‘life roles’, so you might

need to briefly explain the concept before you start.

Use the rubric attached to this question to guide you in answering


Make use of the interview format and questions below:

Name of the interviewee (person Thoko Ngwenya.

being interviewed):

Relation to me: mother.

1. What are FOUR of your current I am a mother of 3, an employee, a

life roles? part-time student, and a spouse.

2. Which two of these life roles do Being a parent and employee, I work 5
you spend the most time on, days a week for 8 hours and take care
and why? of my children by cooking and helping
them with their schoolwork and
ensuring that by 10 p.m. all my
children's needs are met.

3. Which one of your roles has the Taking care of my children comes with
most responsibilities? Explain the most responsibility. My eldest
some of your responsibilities child is a home scholar, so I must
within this role. always follow her around and ensure

that she always does her schoolwork,
she is now in the FET phase of high
school which means she must
prioritise her studies to be able to
further her studies. My middle child
and last born often need help with
their schoolwork and getting ready for
their school day in the morning.
During the weekend it’s the same
thing apart from waking up early in
the morning.

4. How do you manage the daily I often alternate my responsibilities

shift between different life roles with my husband and my older
in a healthy way? Provide at daughter helps around. However
least TWO strategies. whenever I feel overwhelmed by
responsibilities I usually set a
schedule of how my day should
ultimately go.

5. What is a significant change in Getting employed brought a

life roles that you have significant change and has impacted
experienced in your own life my life positively because not only did.
and how did this impact you?

6. (Create your own question here Type your answer here.

that is relevant to the topic of life
Repeat answers will not be
awarded marks

7. (Create your own question here Type your answer here.

that is relevant to the topic of life
Repeat answers will not be
awarded marks


Rubric for interview

Criteria Proficient Developing Insufficient Max marks
4 - 5 marks 2 - 3 marks 0 - 1 mark per criteria

Depth of Learner has Learner has Learner has 5

answers from stimulated stimulated stimulated
the interview and recorded and recorded and recorded
responses responses responses
from from from
interviewee, interviewee, interviewee,
which show which show a which show
significant partial degree very little or
depth and of depth and no depth and
meaning. meaning. meaning.
Responses Responses Responses
are of an are too short are absent or
appropriate to significantly too short to
length to respond to significantly
provide a questions. respond to
significant questions.
response to

Quality of Learner’s own Learner’s own Learner’s own 5

learner’s own questions questions questions
questions show show partial show very
significant insight into little or no
insight into and insight into
and understandin and
understandin g of the understandin
g of the concept of life g of the
concept of life roles. concept of life
roles. roles.



Question 4.2 [ 10 marks]

At the end of the interview, write a reflection focusing on the following points.

Your reflection should show evidence of authenticity and address all of the

following focus points according to the mark allocation.

Write a separate paragraph for each bullet point below.

● What you have learned from this adult. (1x2 =2 marks)

● Evaluate TWO of the interviewee’s strategies to manage their current roles

and responsibilities. (2 x 2 = 4 marks)

● Explain TWO reasons on why/why not the interviewee’s management

strategies would work in your own life. (2 x 2 = 4 marks)

Reflective paragraphs:

Type your answer here.

[Total for Question 4 = 20 marks]


A rite of passage is a special ceremony that cultures and communities

implement to assist people transition from one life role to another. Different

communities and cultures will have different ceremonies.

This question requires you to research a rite of passage or coming-of age

ceremony that is implemented in a culture or community to support the

transition from childhood to adulthood.

Question 5.1 [1+1=2 marks]

Identify the name of a ceremony that focuses on supporting the transition from
childhood to adulthood.

In your answer, also indicate the culture, faith/religion or community that

implements this ceremony.

Type your answer here.

Question 5.2 [1x2=2 marks]

Provide information about the culture, faith/religion or community which

implements this ceremony.

Type your answer here.

Question 5.3 [1x3=3 marks]

Explain what this ceremony entails.

Type your answer here.


Question 5.4 [3x1=3 marks]

Insert THREE pictures of this ceremony taking place. Please ensure that these
photos are appropriate.

Insert picture here. Insert picture here. Insert picture here.

[Extracted from: insert website [Extracted from: insert website [Extracted from: insert website
address or source. Accessed on: address or source. Accessed on: address or source. Accessed on:
Insert date] Insert date] Insert date]

Question 5.5 [2x1=2 marks]

Identify TWO benefits of this ceremony.

Type your answer here.

Question 5.6 [1x3=3 marks]

Analyse ONE aspect of this ceremony that either aligns or does not align with
your personal values/belief system.

In your answer, explain whether or not you would choose to engage in this
ceremony if you were a member of the specific culture, faith/religion or
community which implements this ceremony.

Type your answer here.

[Total for Question 5 = 15 marks]



If you used resources other than from the OLC, insert a list of references that
you used to complete this task.

Include information in the following order:

○ author (the person or organisation responsible for the site)

○ year (date created or revised)
○ site name (in italics)
○ name of sponsor of site (if available)
○ URL or Internet address (between pointed brackets). If possible, ensure
that the URL is included without a line-break.
○ accessed day month year (the date you viewed the site)


OneLife. (2020). Free Solo (2018). Available at:

v=tnRoda7Ke2w . (Accessed: 28 April 2022).


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