IEMOP RCC Form 1 - Indirect Membership Final Rev1 (Published)

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Date Received by RCC: 06 November 2020


Proposals made only under this prescribed form shall be accepted and considered as
This request for amendments are be submitted to:

Rules Change Committee

Attention: WESM Governance Committee Secretariat
Philippine Electricity Market Corporation
18/F Robinsons Equitable Tower
ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center
Pasig City, 1605 Philippines
Email addresses: /
Contact No: (+632) 8631-8734

I. Proponent’s Information

Name Richard J. Nethercott

Designation President and CEO

Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines,

19/F Robinsons Equitable Tower ADB Ave. Ortigas Center
Address Pasig City

Telephone No. 02 5318 9376

Fax. No. 02 8636 0802

Email Address

Template version: 13 March 2020

II. Amendment Information

Proposed Amendments to the (please tick the box):

WESM Rules Retail Rules

Market Manual: Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria

and Procedures Issue 5.2
Metering Standards and Procedures Issue 12.0
Billing and Settlement Issue 6.1
Topic: Clarifications on Indirect WESM Membership

Proposed Classification of Amendments (please tick the box):

General Minor Urgent

If Urgent, reason for urgency:


Template version: 13 March 2020


Changes to the WESM Rules and Market Manuals on Registration, Suspension and
De-Registration Criteria and Procedures, Metering Standards and Procedures, and
Billing and Settlement are proposed to align the transactions and responsibilities of
Direct and Indirect WESM Members with WESM Rules Clause 2.4. Under this
clause, a person or an entity who wishes to indirectly trade in the spot market may
only transact through a Direct WESM member.


Under WESM Rules Clause, it is provided that “no person or entity shall be
allowed to inject or withdraw electricity from the grid unless that entity or person is a
registered member of the WESM”. As of September 2020, IEMOP has observed that
there are eight (8) grid customers that are not yet registered in the WESM. These
grid customers were initially served by NPC/PSALM under the default wholesale
supplier (DWS) arrangement but with the termination of the arrangement by the
DOE in 2010, they should have registered in the WESM individually. Although
unregistered, these grid customers have been withdrawing power from the grid since
the termination of the DWS arrangement. In order to account their withdrawals for
settlement, IEMOP has been constrained to assign their consumption to generation
companies with whom they currently have bilateral contracts. Once these bilateral
contract expire however, accounting and settlement of their transactions may pose
to be an issue.
To address the non-registration of the grid customers, IEMOP has communicated
with and encouraged them to register in the WESM. Subsequently, IEMOP also
communicated to their generator counterparties to request for assistance in
encouraging the unregistered grid customers to apply in the WESM. IEMOP has
also reported the non-registration of the grid customers to the WESM Governing
Body (PEMC). Despite these efforts, the eight grid customers have not registered in
the WESM and have also not provided any official reasons as to their non-
In view of this, IEMOP initiated a review of the WESM Rules to identify possible
changes that could better facilitate the registration of all grid customers in the
WESM. Based on the review, we assessed that the current procedures for
registering as Indirect WESM Members may be streamlined to make it easier to
register under that level of participation. We believe that this change will better

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facilitate the registration of the eight grid customers identified. In addition, the review
of the WESM Rules on Indirect WESM Membership showed that there are
provisions that need to be clarified to better delineate the activities and
responsibilities of Direct and Indirect WESM Members.


In view of the above observations, it is proposed to amend the WESM Rules and
Market Manuals on Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria and
Procedures, Metering Standards and Procedures, Billing and Settlement manuals.
Highlights of the proposed changes are as follows:
• Require the Direct WESM member counterparty to register and transact for the
Indirect WESM Member in the WESM
• Oblige the Direct WESM Member to enter into the Market Participation
Agreement (MPA) on behalf of the Indirect WESM Member
• Allow optional access to the Market Participant Interface (MPI) access for
Wholesale and Retail Indirect WESM Members
• Reflect the practice wherein Indirect WESM Members enter into Metering
Services Agreement (MSA) with the Metering Services Providers
• Clarify that bilateral quantity confirmation of an Indirect WESM Member will be
conducted by its Direct WESM Member counterparty
• Clarify that the billing and settlement of the Indirect WESM Member shall be
through its Direct WESM Member
• Propose that the Direct WESM Member shall be responsible for all payments
including adjustments during the relevant billing periods when the Direct WESM
Member transacted on behalf of the Indirect WESM Member


The proponent is the Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines, Inc.
IEMOP acts as the market operator of the WESM.

Top Officers:
Richard J. Nethercott – President and CEO

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Robinson P. Descanzo – Acting Chief Operating Officer and Trading Operations
Arthur P. Pintado – Internal Audit Head
Rachel Angela P. Anosan – Chief Legal Officer
Isidro E. Cacho, Jr. – Chief Corporate Strategy and Communications Officer
Salvador D. Subaran – Chief Information Systems and Technology Officer


The proposed changes will better align the transactions and responsibilities of Direct
and Indirect WESM Members with WESM Rules Clause 2.4. Hence, it is
recommended that the proposal be adopted.


1. WESM Rules
2. WESM Manual on Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria and
Procedures Issue 5.2
3. WESM Manual on Metering Standards and Procedures Issue 12.0
4. WESM Manual on Billing and Settlement Issue 6.1

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IX. Proposed Amendment

A. WESM Rules

WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
Please write your
general comments here,
if any.
REGISTRATION Trading Participants: Trading Participants: It is proposed that
(a) Shall register with the (a) Shall register with entities that would
Market Operator the Market Operator prefer to trade
under clauses 2.3.1, under clauses 2.3.1, indirectly in the
2.3.2 or 2.4 as either 2.3.2 or 2.4 as either WESM be
a Direct WESM a Direct WESM registered by their
member or an Indirect member or be Direct WESM
WESM member, and registered by its Members instead
(b) XXX Direct WESM of registering by
Member themselves since
counterparty as an they would be
Indirect WESM transacting
member, and through that
(b) XXX Direct WESM
REGISTRATION Ancillary Services Ancillary Services It is proposed that
Providers: Providers: entities that would
(a) Shall register with the (a) Shall register with prefer to trade
Market Operator the Market indirectly in the
under clauses 2.3.5 Operator under WESM be
or 2.4 as either a clauses 2.3.5 or 2.4 registered by their
Direct WESM as either a Direct Direct WESM
member or an Indirect WESM member or Members instead
WESM member, and be registered by of registering by
(b) XXX its Direct WESM themselves since
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
Member they would be
counterparty as transacting
an Indirect WESM through that
member and Direct WESM
(b) XXX Member.
INDIRECT 2.4 A person or an entity who A person or an entity It is proposed that
WESM wishes to indirectly trade who wishes to indirectly entities that would
MEMBERS in the spot market shall trade in the spot market prefer to trade
register with the Market shall be registered with indirectly in the
Operator as an Indirect the Market Operator as WESM be
WESM member. an Indirect WESM registered by their
However, an Indirect member by its Direct Direct WESM
WESM member may only WESM Member Members instead
transact through a direct counterparty. However, of registering by
WESM member. aAn Indirect WESM themselves since
member may only they would be
transact through a Direct transacting
WESM Member. through that
Direct WESM
APPLICATION 2.5.2 If an applicant applies for If an applicant applies It is proposed that
FOR registration either as a for registration either as entities that would
REGISTRATION Direct WESM member or a Direct WESM member prefer to trade
as an Indirect WESM or on behalf of as an indirectly in the
member that applicant Indirect WESM member, WESM be
shall: that applicant or the registered by their
XXX person or entity that it Direct WESM
is applying for shall: Members instead
of registering by
XXX themselves since
they would be
through that
Direct WESM
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
APPLICATION 2.5.4 If an application for If an application for Since it is
FOR registration has been registration has been proposed that the
REGISTRATION received by the Market received by the Market Indirect WESM
Operator and: Operator and: Member will not
(a) All relevant (a) All relevant apply for
prerequisites have been prerequisites have been registration, use
satisfied; satisfied; of applicant as
reference to that
(b) The applicant is (b) The applicant entity is not
eligible to be registered in person or entity being appropriate.
the category or categories registered is eligible to
in which registration is be registered in the
sought; and category or categories in
which registration is
(c) The Market Operator sought; and
reasonably considers that
the applicant will be able (c) The Market Operator
to comply and maintain reasonably considers
compliance with the that the applicant will be
WESM Rules, able to comply and
Then subject to clause maintain compliance
2.5.5, the Market with the WESM Rules,
Operator shall approve
the application and Then subject to clause
register the applicant in 2.5.5, the Market
that category or Operator shall approve
categories. the application and
register the applicant
person or entity being
registered in that
category or categories.

APPLICATION The registration of the The registration of the Since it is

FOR applicant shall take effect applicant person or proposed that the
REGISTRATION on the date specified in entity being registered Indirect WESM
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
the notice of approval shall take effect on the Member will not
which shall be a date not date specified in the apply for
more than seven (7) notice of approval which registration, use
calendar days after the shall be a date not more of applicant as
date from which the than seven (7) calendar reference to that
Market Operator sends days after the date from entity is not
the notice of approval which the Market appropriate.
under clause Operator sends the
notice of approval under

CEASING TO BE 2.6.1 If a person or an entity If a person or an entity For consistency

A WESM wishes to cease to be wishes to cease to be with WESM Rules
MEMBER registered: registered: Clause 2.4 that
Indirect WESM
XXX Members will
XXX transact through a
(b) As an Indirect WESM Direct WESM
member, it shall notify the (b) ForAs an Indirect Member, it
Market Operator in WESM member, its proposed that the
writing. Direct WESM Member Direct WESM
counterparty it shall Member
notify the Market Counterparty will
Operator in writing. have the
responsibility to
notify the Market
Operator of its
Indirect WESM
Member’s wish to
cease to be

SUSPENSION 2.7.2 If a Trading Participant If a Trading Participant For consistency

who is either a Direct who is either a Direct with WESM Rules
WESM member or an WESM member or an Clause 2.4 that
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Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
Indirect WESM member Indirect WESM member Indirect WESM
receives a suspension receives a suspension Members will
notice from the Market notice from the Market transact through a
Operator in accordance Operator in accordance Direct WESM
with any provision of the with any provision of the Member, it is
WESM Rules, that WESM Rules as a proposed that the
Trading Participant is result of its own Direct WESM
suspended from transactions or its Member
participation in the spot Indirect WESM counterparty shall
market unless and until Members, that Trading also be liable for
the Market Operator Participant is suspended the transactions
declares the suspension from participation in the of the Indirect
notice to be revoked in spot market unless and WESM Member.
accordance with clause until the Market
3.15.7. Operator declares the
suspension notice to be
revoked in accordance
with clause 3.15.7.

SUBMISSION OF Trading Participants who Trading Participants For consistency

BILATERAL sell electricity pursuant to who sell electricity with WESM Rules
CONTRACT bilateral contracts and pursuant to bilateral Clause 2.4 that
DATA FOR wish those bilateral contracts and wish Indirect WESM
ENERGY contracts to be accounted those bilateral contracts Members will
for in settlements shall, to be accounted for in transact through a
after each trading day, in settlements shall, after Direct WESM
accordance with the each trading day, in Member, the
billing and settlement accordance with the Direct WESM
timetable: billing and settlement Member
timetable: counterparty shall
a. Submit a schedule to confirm the
the Market Operator a. Submit a schedule to bilateral quantity
specifying the MWH the Market Operator declarations of
bilateral sell quantities at specifying the MWH the Indirect
each relevant market bilateral sell quantities at WESM Member.
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
trading node, in each each relevant market
trading interval of that trading node, in each
trading day; trading interval of that
trading day; if the
b. Identify the buying Trading
counterparty to the Participant is an
bilateral contract and the Indirect WESM
party that will pay the line Member, the Trading
rental trading amount Participant to be
associated with the identified in the
bilateral contract quantity schedule shall be its
submitted; provided, Direct WESM Member;
however, that in case only
one of the bilateral b. Identify the
counter parties is counterparty to the
registered as a Direct bilateral contract and the
WESM Member, that party that will pay the
WESM Member shall be line rental trading
the party that will pay the amount associated with
line rental to the Market the bilateral contract
Operator; and quantity submitted;
provided, however, that
c. Provide evidence that in case only one of the
the counterparty to the bilateral counter parties
bilateral contract agrees is registered as a Direct
with the submission made WESM Member, that
under this clause WESM Member shall Such evidence be the party that will pay
shall be attached to the the line rental to the
submission of schedule in Market Operator; and
c. Provide evidence that
the counterparty to the
bilateral contract, or the
Direct WESM Member

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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
for an Indirect WESM
Member, agrees with
the submission made
under this clause Such evidence
shall be attached to the
submission of schedule

SETTLEMENT Within 7 days after the Within 7 days after the For consistency
PROCESS - end of each billing period, end of each billing with WESM Rules
Preliminary the Market Operator shall period, the Market Clause 2.4 that
Statements give each WESM member Operator shall give each Indirect WESM
who has engaged in Direct WESM member Members will
market transactions in who has engaged in transact through a
that billing period a market transactions in Direct WESM
preliminary statement that billing period a Member, the
which sets out the market preliminary statement settlement
transactions of that which sets out the transactions of
WESM member in that market transactions of Indirect WESM
billing period and the that Direct WESM Members will only
settlement amount member and its be reflected in the
payable by or to that Indirect WESM settlement
WESM member. members, if any, in that statements of the
If the seventh day falls on billing period and the Direct WESM
a Non-Working Day, the settlement amount Members.
issuance of the payable by or to that
preliminary statements WESM member.
shall be made during the If the seventh day falls
next immediate Working on a Non-Working Day,
Day. the issuance of the
preliminary statements
shall be made during the
next immediate Working
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response

SETTLEMENT If the WESM member If the WESM member For consistency
PROCESS - reasonably believes there reasonably believes with WESM Rules
Preliminary was an error or there was an error or Clause 2.4 that
Statements discrepancy in the discrepancy in the Indirect WESM
preliminary statement preliminary statement Members will
given to the WESM given to the Direct transact through a
Member by the Market WESM Member by the Direct WESM
Operator under this Market Operator under Member, only
clause 3.14.4, the WESM this clause 3.14.4, the Direct WESM
member shall notify the Direct WESM member Members may
Market Operator as soon shall notify the Market report errors in
as practicable of that error Operator as soon as the settlement
or discrepancy and the practicable of that error statements.
Market Operators hall or discrepancy and the
review the preliminary Market Operators shall
statement. review the preliminary

SETTLEMENT If the Market Operator If the Market Operator For consistency
PROCESS - considers that a considers that a with the proposed
Preliminary preliminary statement preliminary statement revision in Clause
Statements contains an error or contains an error or
discrepancy after discrepancy after
reviewing the preliminary reviewing the
statement as notified by a preliminary statement as
WESM member pursuant notified by a Direct
to clause or as WESM member
independently identified pursuant to clause
by the Market Operator, or as
the Market Operator shall independently identified
ensure that correction of by the Market Operator,
any error or discrepancy the Market Operator
is reflected in the relevant shall ensure that
final statements, provided correction of any error or
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Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
that corrections requiring discrepancy is reflected
the input of an external in the relevant final
party are received by the statements, provided
Market Operator at least that corrections
two Working Days before requiring the input of an
the deadline of the external party are
issuance of the final received by the Market
statements. If the Market Operator at least two
Operator receives notice Working Days before
of an error, discrepancy or the deadline of the
correction of an earlier issuance of the final
identified error after their statements. If the
relevant deadlines, clause Market Operator shall apply. receives notice of an
error, discrepancy or
correction of an earlier
identified error after their
relevant deadlines,
clause shall

SETTLEMENT No later than eighteen No later than eighteen For consistency
PROCESS – days after the end of each days after the end of with WESM Rules
Final Statements billing period, the Market each billing period, the Clause 2.4 that
Operator shall give to Market Operator shall Indirect WESM
each WESM member who give to each Direct Members will
has engaged in market WESM member who transact through a
transactions in that billing has engaged in market Direct WESM
period a final statement transactions in that Member, the
stating the amounts billing period a final settlement
payable by the WESM statement stating the transactions of
member to the Market amounts payable by the Indirect WESM
Operator or payable by Direct WESM member, Members will only
the Market Operator to including the be reflected in the
the WESM member in transactions of its settlement
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
respect of the relevant Indirect WESM statements of the
billing period. members, if any, to the Direct WESM
If the eighteenth day falls Market Operator or Members.
on a Non-Working Day, payable by the Market
the issuance of the final Operator to the Direct
statements shall be made WESM member,
during the next immediate including the
Working Day. transactions of its
Indirect WESM
members, if any, in
respect of the relevant
billing period.

If the eighteenth day

falls on a Non-Working
Day, the issuance of the
final statements shall be
made during the next
immediate Working Day.

SETTLEMENT 3.14.6 No later than 3.00 pm on No later than 3.00 pm Consistent with
PROCESS – the twenty-fifth day of the on the twenty-fifth day of the proposal that
Payment by calendar month following the calendar month only Direct WESM
Trading the billing period, each following the billing Members will
Participant WESM member shall pay period, each Direct receive settlement
to the Market Operator in WESM member shall statements, the
cleared funds the pay to the Market revision is
settlement amount (if any) Operator in cleared proposed to
stated to be payable to funds the settlement clarify that Direct
the Market Operator by amount (if any) stated to WESM Members
that WESM member in be payable to the are required to
that WESM member's Market Operator by that settle their
final statement, whether Direct WESM member obligations in the
or not the WESM member in that Direct WESM WESM.
disputes, or continues to member's final
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
dispute, the amount statement, whether or
payable. not the Direct WESM
If the twenty-fifth day of member disputes, or
the calendar month continues to dispute, the
following the billing period amount payable.
falls on a Non-Working If the twenty-fifth day of
Day, the payment due the calendar month
date shall be moved to following the billing
the next immediate period falls on a Non-
Working Day. Working Day, the
payment due date shall
be moved to the next
immediate Working Day.

SETTLEMENT 3.14.7 On the following Working On the following Consistent with

PROCESS – Day after the Market Working Day after the the proposal that
Payment to Operator is to be paid Market Operator is to be only Direct WESM
Trading under clause 3.14.6, and paid under clause Members will
Participants in accordance with the 3.14.6, and in receive settlement
schedule set in the billing accordance with the statements, the
and settlements timetable, schedule set in the revision is
the Market Operator shall billing and settlements proposed to
pay to each WESM timetable, the Market clarify that Direct
member in cleared funds Operator shall pay to WESM Members
the settlement amount (if each Direct WESM will receive
any) stated to be payable member in cleared payments from
in that WESM member's funds the settlement the WESM.
final statement. amount (if any) stated to
be payable in that
XXX Direct WESM member's
final statement.


SETTLEMENT If an amount in a final If an amount in a final For consistency

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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
PROCESS – statement issued under statement issued under with WESM Rules
Settlement clause 3.14.5: clause 3.14.5: Clause 2.4 that
Revisions Indirect WESM
(a) Has been the subject (a) Has been the subject Members will
of a dispute and the of a dispute and the transact through a
dispute has been dispute has been Direct WESM
resolved; or resolved; or Member, the
(b) Was subject of a (b) Was subject of a transactions of
pending case before a pending case before a Indirect WESM
Court of competent Court of competent Members will only
jurisdiction and that said jurisdiction and that said be reflected in the
Court has already Court has already settlement
rendered a final and rendered a final and statements of the
executory Decision; executory Decision; Direct WESM
If any of the If any of the
abovementioned cases abovementioned cases It is proposed that
has caused a different has caused a different adjustments of
amount payable as set amount payable as set Indirect WESM
out in the final statement, out in the final Members be
the Market Operator shall statement, the Market retained with their
issue to each WESM Operator shall issue to Direct WESM
Member affected, an each Direct WESM Members during
adjustment to the final Member affected, an the relevant billing
statement for the relevant adjustment to the final period and not
billing period setting out: statement for the based on the
relevant billing period current billing
(a) The amount payable setting out: period since that
by the WESM Member to Direct WESM
the Market Operator or (a) The amount payable Member would
the amount payable by by the Direct WESM have been liable
the Market Operator to Member including the for the amount if
the WESM Member, and transactions of its no adjustment
Indirect WESM was performed.

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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
(b) Interest calculated on Members during the
a daily basis at the relevant billing period,
interest rate for the final if any, to the Market
statement to which the Operator or the amount
adjustment relates to the payable by the Market
payment date applicable Operator to the Direct
to the revised statement WESM Member
issued under this clause including the transactions of its
Indirect WESM
The Market Operator shall Members during the
issue the adjustment to relevant billing period,
the final statement not if any, and
later than twelve (12)
calendar months after the (b) Interest calculated
resolution of the dispute on a daily basis at the
or receipt of the relevant interest rate for the final
final and executory Order statement to which the
unless parties to be billed adjustment relates to the
agrees that the issuance payment date applicable
of the particular WESM to the revised statement
bill adjustment shall be at issued under this clause
a later time.

The Market Operator

shall issue the
adjustment to the final
statement not later than
twelve (12) calendar
months after the
resolution of the dispute
or receipt of the relevant
final and executory
Order unless parties to
be billed agrees that the

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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
issuance of the
particular WESM bill
adjustment shall be at a
later time.

SETTLEMENT By no later than the time By no later than the time Consistent with
PROCESS – and date specified by the and date specified by the proposal that
Payment of Market Operator pursuant the Market Operator only Direct WESM
Adjustments to clause, each pursuant to clause Members will
WESM member shall pay, each Direct receive settlement
to the Market Operator in WESM member shall statements, the
cleared funds the net pay to the Market revision is
amount (if any) stated to Operator in cleared proposed to
be payable by that WESM funds the net amount (if clarify that Direct
member in the revised any) stated to be WESM Members
statement issued to it payable by that Direct are required to
under clause 3.14.9. WESM member in the settle their
revised statement obligations in the
issued to it under clause WESM.

SETTLEMENT On the following Working On the following Consistent with

PROCESS – Day on which the Market Working Day on which the proposal that
Payment of Operator is to be paid the Market Operator is only Direct WESM
Adjustments under clause, to be paid under clause Members will
the Market Operator shall, the Market receive settlement
pay to each WESM Operator shall pay to statements, the
Member in cleared funds each Direct WESM revision is
the net amount (if any) Member in cleared proposed to
stated to be payable to funds the net amount (if clarify that Direct
that WESM member in any) stated to be WESM Members
the revised statement payable to that Direct will receive
issued to it under clause WESM member in the payments from
3.14.9. revised statement the WESM.
issued to it under clause
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response

PRUDENTIAL Subject to clause Subject to clause For consistency

REQUIREMENTS, a WESM, a Direct with WESM Rules
– Provision of member wishing to WESM member wishing Clause 2.4 that
Security participate in Market to participate in Market Indirect WESM
Transactions shall provide Transactions for its Members will
and maintain a security own facilities or for its transact through a
complying with the Indirect WESM Direct WESM
requirements of Clause Members, if any, shall Member, the
3.15.2. provide and maintain a revision is being
security complying with proposed to
the requirements of clarify that the
Clause 3.15.2. prudential
requirements of
Direct WESM
Members will
assessment of its
sales and the
exposure of its
Indirect WESM

PRUDENTIAL The Market Operator may The Market Operator For consistency
REQUIREMENTS exempt WESM members may exempt Direct with WESM Rules
– Provision of from the requirement to WESM members from Clause 2.4 that
Security provide a security under the requirement to Indirect WESM
clause,if: provide a security under Members will
clause,if: transact through a
(a) the Market Operator Direct WESM
believes it is likely that the (a) the Market Operator Member, it is
amount payable by the believes it is likely that proposed to
Market Operator to that the amount payable by clarify that only
WESM Member under the the Market Operator to Direct WESM
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WESM Rules
Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Clause Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
WESM Rules will that Direct WESM Members are
consistently exceed the Member under the assessed for
amount payable to the WESM Rules will prudential
Market Operator by that consistently exceed the requirements.
WESM member under the amount payable to the
WESM Rules in respect of Market Operator by that
that period; or Direct WESM member
under the WESM Rules
(b) the Market Operator in respect of that period;
believes it is unlikely that or
the WESM member will
be required to pay any (b) the Market Operator
amounts to the Market believes it is unlikely
Operator; or that the Direct WESM
member will be required
(c) Deleted to pay any amounts to
the Market Operator; or

(c) Deleted

PRUDENTIAL 3.15.4 Using available historical The amount of For consistency

REQUIREMENTS data in the WESM, the security shall be with WESM Rules
– Amount of Market Operator shall assessed per Direct Clause 2.4 that
Security determine the initial WESM Member. The Indirect WESM
Prudential Requirements prudential Members will
of a new WESM member requirements of a transact through a
corresponding to the Direct WESM Member Direct WESM
projected settlement shall include its own Member, the
amount in respect of the transactions and the revision is being
portion of its demand that transactions of its proposed to
is not covered by bilateral Indirect WESM clarify that the
contracts and the line Members. prudential
rental resulting from its requirements of
bilateral contracts Using available Direct WESM
historical data in the Members will
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WESM, the Market include
Operator shall assessment of its
determine the initial sales and the
Prudential exposure of its
Requirements of a new Indirect WESM
WESM member Members.
corresponding to the
projected settlement
amount in respect of the
portion of its demand
that is not covered by
bilateral contracts and
the line rental resulting
from its bilateral
contracts. If the new
WESM Member is an
Indirect WESM
Member, its calculated
initial Prudential
Requirements shall be
considered in the
assessment of the
requirements of its
Direct WESM Member.

PRUDENTIAL The Market Operator shall The Market Operator For consistency
REQUIREMENTS review, on a monthly shall review, on a with the proposed
– Monitoring basis, its actual exposure monthly basis, its actual revisions that only
to each WESM member in exposure to each Direct Direct WESM
respect of previous billing WESM member in Members will
periods in accordance respect of previous receive settlement
with the WESM Rules. billing periods in statements and
accordance with the pay to the WESM
WESM Rules.
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PRUDENTIAL If the Market Operator If the Market Operator The revision is
REQUIREMENTS calculates that its calculates that its being proposed to
– Margin Calls exposure to a WESM exposure to a Direct clarify that only
member exceeds the WESM member Direct WESM
WESM member's trading exceeds the Direct Members are
limit, then the Market WESM member's monitored for
Operator shall make a trading limit, then the compliance with
Margin Call on that Market Operator shall prudential
WESM member by notice make a Margin Call on requirements.
to the WESM member in that Direct WESM
writing (Margin Call member by notice to the
Notice). Direct WESM member
in writing (Margin Call
METERING - Before a Trading Before a Trading Requirement to
OBLIGATIONS Participant who is a Direct Participant who is a have a meter
OF TRADING WESM Member will be Direct WESM Member applies to both
PARTICIPANTS permitted by the Market will be permitted by the Direct and Indirect
Operator to participate in Market Operator to WESM Members
the spot market in respect participate in the spot
of a market trading node, market in respect of a
the Trading Participant market trading node, the
shall ensure that: Trading Participant shall
(a) Each of its assigned ensure that:
market trading node has a (a) Each of its assigned
metering installation; market trading node has
(b) Each metering a metering installation;
installation has been (b) Each metering
installed in accordance installation has been
with this chapter4 and in installed in accordance
accordance with the Grid with this chapter4 and in
Code and Distribution accordance with the
Code; and Grid Code and
(c) Each metering Distribution Code; and
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installation is registered (c) Each metering
with the Market Operator. installation is registered
with the Market
METERING - The Market Operator may The Market Operator Requirement to
OBLIGATIONS refuse to permit a Trading may refuse to permit a have WESM-
OF TRADING Participant who is a Direct Trading Participant who compliant meters
PARTICIPANTS WESM member to is a Direct WESM applies to both
participate in the spot member to participate in Direct and Indirect
market in respect of any the spot market in WESM Members
assigned market trading respect of any assigned
node if the metering market trading node if
installation associated the metering installation
with that market trading associated with that
node does not comply market trading node
with the provisions of this does not comply with
chapter 4, the Grid Code the provisions of this
and Distribution Code. chapter 4, the Grid Code
and Distribution Code.
ELECTION OF A Trading Participant who A Trading Participant An Indirect
METERING is a Direct WESM who is a Direct WESM WESM Member
SERVICES member shall: member shall: may opt to sign
PROVIDER BY A the Metering
TRADING (a) Elect a Metering (a) Elect a Metering Services
PARTICIPANT Services Provider who will Services Provider who Agreement so
have responsibility for will have responsibility that the same
arranging for the for arranging for the arrangement may
provision, installation, provision, installation, be used when it
testing, calibration and testing, calibration and changes its Direct
maintenance of each maintenance of each WESM Member
metering installation for metering installation for counterparty.
which that Trading which that Trading
Participant is financially Participant is financially
responsible; responsible;

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(b) Enter into an (b) Enter or ensure the
agreement with the entry of its Indirect
Metering Services WESM Member into an
Provider(s) which includes agreement with the
the terms and conditions Metering Services
for the provision, Provider(s) which
installation and includes the terms and
maintenance of the conditions for the
relevant metering provision, installation
installation by the and maintenance of the
Metering Services relevant metering
Provider, and installation by the
Metering Services
(c) Provide the Market Provider, and
Operator with the relevant
details of the metering (c) Provide the Market
installation in accordance Operator with the
with Appendix B2 within relevant details of the
10 business days of metering installation in
entering into an accordance with
agreement with the Appendix B2 within 10
Metering Services business days of
Provider(s) under clause entering into an
4.3.4(b). agreement with the
Metering Services
Provider(s) under clause

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B. WESM Manual on Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria and Procedures Issue 5.2

WESM Manual on Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria and Procedures Issue 5.2
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Please write your
general comments here,
if any.
LEVEL OF 2.3.1 A Trading Participant A Trading Participant or It is proposed that
PARTICIPATI or an Ancillary an Ancillary Services entities that would
ON AND Services Provider Provider may be prefer to trade
INDIRECT may be registered in registered in the WESM indirectly in the
WESM the WESM as either as either a Direct WESM WESM be
MEMBERSHIP a Direct WESM Member or Indirect registered by their
Member or Indirect WESM Member - Direct WESM
WESM Member - Members instead XXX of registering by XXX themselves since A person or entity they would be A person or that wishes to indirectly transacting
entity that wishes to trade in the WESM shall through that Direct
indirectly trade in the elect a Direct WESM WESM Member.
WESM shall register Member as its
with the Market counterparty which, on
Operator as an its behalf, shall register
Indirect WESM that person or entity
Member, provided, with the Market Operator
however, that an as an Indirect WESM
Indirect WESM Member, and provided,
Member can only however, that
transact through a an Indirect WESM
Direct WESM Member, can only
Member. transact through that a
Direct WESM Member.

LEVEL OF 2.3.2 A Generation A Generation Company It is proposed that

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PARTICIPATI Company may be may be registered by a entities that would
ON AND registered as Indirect Direct WESM Member prefer to trade
INDIRECT WESM Member if the as an Indirect WESM indirectly in the
WESM generating units it Member if the generating WESM be
MEMBERSHIP owns, controls or units it owns, controls or registered by their
operates or from operates or from which it Direct WESM
which it otherwise otherwise sources Members instead
sources electricity is electricity is or will be of registering by
or will be transacted transacted in the WESM themselves since
in the WESM by a by a person or entity that they would be
person or entity that is already registered in or transacting
is already registered is qualified to be through that Direct
in or is qualified to be registered in the WESM WESM Member.
registered in the as Generation Company
WESM as and as Direct WESM
Generation Company Member. If not yet
and as Direct WESM registered, that
Member. If not yet Generation Company
registered, that must register and be
Generation Company approved to become a
must register and be Direct WESM Member -
approved to become Generation Company, as
a Direct WESM a pre-requisite to be
Member - Generation qualified to register the
Company, as a pre- Generation Company as
requisite to approval an approval of the
of the Applicant’s Applicant’s Indirect
indirect WESM WESM Membership.
LEVEL OF 2.3.3 A Customer may be A Customer may be It is proposed that
PARTICIPATI allowed to register as allowed to be registered entities that would
ON AND an Indirect WESM as an Indirect WESM prefer to trade
INDIRECT Member under Member by under indirectly in the
WESM another Trading another Trading WESM be
MEMBERSHIP Participant registered Participant registered as registered by their
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as a Direct WESM a Direct WESM Member. Direct WESM
Member. Members instead
of registering by
themselves since
they would be
through that Direct
WESM Member.
LEVEL OF 2.3.4 An Indirect WESM An Indirect WESM For consistency
PARTICIPATI member can only member can only have with the proposal
ON AND have one Direct one Direct WESM that Indirect
INDIRECT WESM member member transacting on WESM Members
WESM transacting on its its behalf in the WESM. If will be registered
MEMBERSHIP behalf in the WESM. a Customer intending to by their Direct
If a Customer be registered as an WESM Members.
intending to register Indirect WESM member
as an Indirect WESM sources or intends to
member sources or source electricity from
intends to source more than one Direct
electricity from more WESM member, it shall
than one Direct specify which entity will
WESM member, it serve as its Direct WESM
shall specify which member counterparty for
entity will serve as its its transactions in the
member counterparty
for its transactions in
the WESM.
LEVEL OF 2.3.5 The Direct WESM The Direct WESM For consistency
PARTICIPATI member must member is responsible with the proposal
ON AND expressly agree to for registering the that Indirect
INDIRECT transact in the Indirect WESM Member WESM Members
WESM WESM on behalf of and must expressly will be registered
MEMBERSHIP the Indirect WESM agree to transact in the by their Direct
member. Such WESM on behalf of the WESM Members.
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agreement shall Indirect WESM member.
include agreement to The Indirect WESM It is proposed that
assume all Member must expressly adjustments of
obligations of the agree that it provides Indirect WESM
Indirect WESM the Direct WESM Members be
member in respect to Member its consent to retained with their
the spot market register it and transact Direct WESM
transactions of the on its behalf in the Members during
latter, including but WESM. Such agreement the relevant billing
not limited to the shall include agreement period and not
prudential that the Direct WESM based on the
requirements, trading Member to assumes all current billing
imbalances, energy obligations of the Indirect period since that
trading amounts, WESM member in Direct WESM
reserve trading respect to the spot Member would
amounts and line market transactions of have been liable
rental trading the latter, including but for the amount if
amounts. The not limited to the no adjustment
parties shall submit prudential requirements, was performed.
proof of such trading imbalances,
agreement to the payment of adjustment
Market Operator. settlement amounts,
energy trading amounts,
reserve trading amounts
and line rental trading
amounts. The Direct
WESM Member shall be
responsible for all such
payments during the
relevant billing periods
where the Direct WESM
Member transacted on
behalf of the Indirect
WESM Member. The
parties shall submit proof
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of such agreement to the
Market Operator.
LEVEL OF 2.3.7. In the event of the In the event of the For consistency
PARTICIPATI cessation of cessation of registration, with WESM Rules
ON AND registration, de- de-registration or Clause 2.4 that
INDIRECT registration or suspension of the Direct Indirect WESM
WESM suspension of the WESM Member, the Members will
MEMBERSHIP Direct WESM Indirect WESM Member transact through a
Member, the Indirect may continue to transact Direct WESM
WESM Member may in the WESM as such Member, the new
continue to transact under another qualified Direct WESM
in the WESM as such Direct WESM Member Member shall
under another and Trading Participant. facilitate the
qualified Direct In such an event, its new transfer of the
WESM Member and Direct WESM Member Indirect WESM
Trading Participant. must notify the Market Member from the
In such an event, it Operator in writing of its ceased, de-
must notify the status as the new registered or
Market Operator in counterparty of the suspended Direct
writing of its new Indirect WESM Member WESM Member.
counterpart and and submit proof of the
submit proof of the agreement by the former
agreement by the latter to transact in the
latter to transact in WESM on its behalf of
the WESM on its the latter. The Indirect
behalf. The Indirect WESM member may also
WESM member may choose to apply as Direct
also choose to apply WESM member and
as Direct WESM Trading Participant. In
member and Trading either case, the notice or
Participant. In either application shall have
case, the notice or been submitted to and
application shall have approved by the Market
been submitted to Operator prior to the
and approved by the cessation, de-registration
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Market Operator prior or suspension of its
to the cessation, de- original Direct WESM
registration or member counterparty
suspension of its from the WESM.
original Direct WESM
member counterpart
from the WESM.

REGISTRATIO Prudential Prudential For consistency

N OF DIRECT Requirements. Requirements. with the proposal
WESM that entities that
MEMBERS XXX XXX would prefer to
AND trade indirectly in
PARTICIPANT registered by their
S b. XXX b. XXX Direct WESM
Members instead
c. The Applicant is c. The Applicant is being of registering by
applying to registered applying to themselves.
become an become an Indirect
Indirect Member, Member, provided,
provided, however, that the
however, that the obligation to comply
obligation to with the prudential
comply with the requirement shall rest
prudential with its Direct WESM
requirement shall Member counterparty.
rest with its Direct
WESM Member
OTHER a) Market a) Market Participation Consistent with
REQUIREMEN Participation Agreement. The the proposal that
TS FOR Agreement. The Applicant shall execute a Direct WESM
APPROVED Applicant shall market participation Members will be
APLICATIONS execute a market agreement in the form liable for
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participation prescribed by the Market transactions of
agreement in the Operator. For Indirect Indirect WESM
form prescribed by WESM Membership Members, the
the Market Operator. registration, its Direct Direct WESM
WESM Member Member should
b) Participant Counterparty shall execute the
Interface Access. execute this agreement Market
The Applicant shall on behalf of the Indirect Participation
subscribe to and WESM member. Agreement for the
allow the Market Indirect WESM
Operator to apply b) Participant Interface Members.
and install a method Access. The Applicant
employing encryption shall subscribe to and Customers to be
in its computer to allow the Market registered as
provide secure Operator to apply and Indirect WESM
access to the Market install a method Member may have
Management employing encryption in the option to
System. its computer to provide subscribe to a
secure access to the digital certificate
Market Management and access the
System. This is optional Market Participant
for Customers that will Interface of the
be registered as Market
Indirect WESM Management
Members. System.

REGISTRATIO 2.8.1. 2.8.1 A person or 2.8.1 A person or entity It is proposed that

N OF entity that wishes to that wishes to be entities that would
INDIRECT be registered as an registered as an Indirect prefer to trade
WESM Indirect WESM WESM Member must – indirectly in the
MEMBERS Member must – WESM be comply with the registered by their comply with membership criteria set Direct WESM
the membership forth in this Manual for Members instead
criteria set forth in Trading Participants, of registering by
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this Manual for except only for the themselves since
Trading requirement to satisfy they would be
Participants, except prudential transacting
only for the requirements; and through that Direct
requirement to WESM Member.
satisfy prudential be registered
requirements; and by its Direct WESM
Member counterparty; identify the identify the Direct
Direct WESM WESM Member that
Member that shall shall stand as its
stand as its counterparty for its
counterparty for its transactions in the
transactions in the WESM and shall, for
WESM and shall, this purpose, submit
for this purpose, proof of agreement by
submit proof of the said Applicant
agreement by the Direct WESM Member
said Direct WESM to stand serve as its
Member to stand counterparty and
as counterparty allowing the Direct
and to transact on WESM Member to
behalf of the transact on behalf of
Applicant. the Applicant.

CHANGE IN 3.4.1 3.4.1 A Direct WESM 3.4.1 A Direct WESM For consistency
LEVEL OF member that member that with WESM Rules
PARTICIPATI wishes to wishes to become Clause 2.4 that
ON AND become an an Indirect WESM Indirect WESM
CHANGE OF Indirect WESM member shall elect Members will
COUNTERPA member shall a Direct WESM transact through a
RTY OF file a new Member which Direct WESM
INDIRECT application and shall file a new Member, the
WESM be approved by application on its incoming Direct
MEMBERS the Market behalf and be WESM Member
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Operator as approved by the should notify the
such in Market Operator as Market Operator
accordance such in accordance of the change in
with the with the level of
requirements requirements and participation of the
and procedures procedures for incoming Indirect
for Indirect Indirect WESM WESM Member.
WESM members set forth
members set in this Manual.
forth in this
Manual. 3.4.2 XXX

3.4.2 XXX 3.4.3 The change of the

Direct Member
3.4.3 The change of counterparty of an
the Direct Indirect Member
Member may effected by
counterparty of any of the following
an Indirect means -
Member may
effected by any By joint
of the following notice to the
means - Market Operator
stating the By effective date of
joint notice to the change by the
the Market following -
Operator a) Indirect WESM
stating the member
effective date b) XXX
of the change c) XXX
by the By notice
following - from the Indirect
a) Indirect WESM member
WESM and the new Direct
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member WESM member
b) XXX counterparty if the
c) XXX change is due to By the deregistration,
notice from suspension or
the Indirect cessation of
WESM registration of the
member and Direct WESM
the new Direct member
WESM counterparty. The
member change shall
counterparty if become effective
the change is not later than the
due to the effective date of
deregistration, the deregistration,
suspension or suspension or
cessation of cessation of
registration of WESM
the Direct membership of its
WESM previous
member counterparty. If the
counterparty. party wishes that
The change the change will
shall become take effect on an
effective not earlier date, the
later than the written
effective date confirmation of the
of the change from the
deregistration, previous
suspension or counterparty shall
cessation of likewise be
WESM submitted.
of its previous
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If the party
wishes that
the change
will take effect
on an earlier
date, the
of the change
from the
shall likewise
be submitted.
EFFECTS OF 4.4.1. From the time of the From the time of the The revision is
SUSPENSION issuance of the issuance of the Notice of proposed to delete
Notice of Suspension Suspension until such the WESM
until such time the time the suspension is aggregator and to
suspension is revoked, the suspended correct the
revoked, the WESM member is reference clause
suspended WESM ineligible to participate in (Clause 3.7 is
member is ineligible the WESM. As such, the non-existent in
to participate in the suspended WESM this manual).
WESM. As such, the member shall be
suspended WESM disconnected from the
member shall be transmission or
disconnected from distribution system to
the transmission or which its facilities are
distribution system to connected. If the
which its facilities are suspended WESM
connected. If the member is a Wholesale
suspended WESM Aggregator or a Retail
member is a Electricity Supplier, the
Wholesale Indirect WESM member
Aggregator or a for whom it transacts in
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Retail Electricity the WESM shall likewise
Supplier, the Indirect be suspended from
WESM member for trading in the WESM and
whom it transacts in shall be disconnected
the WESM shall from the transmission or
likewise be distribution system,
suspended from unless the latter complies
trading in the WESM with the conditions set
and shall be forth in Chapter II. Clause
disconnected from 2.3.7 of this Manual.
the transmission or
distribution system,
unless the latter
complies with the
conditions set forth in
Chapter II. Clause
3.7 of this Manual.
EFFECTS OF If the deregistered If the deregistered WESM The revision is
DEREGISTRA WESM member is a member is a Wholesale proposed to delete
TION Wholesale Aggregator or a Retail the WESM
Aggregator or a Electricity Supplier acting aggregator and to
Retail Electricity as a Direct WESM correct the
Supplier acting as a Member counterparty to reference clause
Direct WESM an Indirect WESM (Clause 3.7 is
Member counterparty member and the latter non-existent in
to an Indirect WESM does not comply with the this manual).
member and the requirements in Chapter
latter does not II, Section 2.3.7 of this
comply with the Manual, the facilities of
requirements in the Indirect WESM
Chapter II, Section member shall be
3.7 of this Manual, disconnected.
the facilities of the
Indirect WESM
member shall be
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C. WESM Manual on Metering Standards and Procedures Issue 12.0

WESM Manual on Metering Standards and Procedures Issue 12.0

Revised Wording Proponent’s
Title Section Provision Proposed Amendment Rationale Comments RCC Decision
based on Comments Response
Please write your
general comments
here, if any.
Metering 4.1 Pursuant to WESM Rules Pursuant to WESM Rules Requirement to
Installation Clause (c), each Clause (c), each have WESM-
Registration metering installation shall metering installation shall compliant meters
be registered in the be registered in the applies to both
WESM. WESM. Direct and Indirect
WESM Members
Further, in accordance Further, in accordance
with WESM Rules Clause with WESM Rules Clause, the Market, the Market
Operator may also refuse Operator may also refuse
to permit a Trading to permit a Trading
Participant who is a Direct Participant who is a Direct
WESM Member to WESM Member to
participate in the spot participate in the spot
market if the metering market if the metering
installation associated installation associated
with the trading node with the trading node
does not meet the does not meet the
requirements as stated in requirements as stated in
the WESM Rules, this the WESM Rules, this
Market Manual, the Grid Market Manual, the Grid
Code and the Distribution Code and the Distribution
Code. In such cases, the Code. In such cases, the
Market Operator shall Market Operator shall
promptly advise the ERC promptly advise the ERC
of any refusal of of any refusal of
applicants. applicants.

This section provides the This section provides the

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procedures to be followed procedures to be followed
by the Market Operator, by the Market Operator,
Metering Services Metering Services
Provider and Trading Provider and Trading
Participants for the Participants for the
registration of metering registration of metering
installations of Trading installations of Trading
Participants in the WESM. Participants in the WESM.
Requirements 4.3.2 XXX XXX An Indirect WESM
for Registration Member may opt
of Metering k. Metering Service k. Metering Service to sign the
Installation Agreement between Agreement between Metering Services
Metered Entity and its Metered Entity and its Agreement so that
MSP; and MSP; the same
arrangement may
XXX The Direct WESM be used when it
Member shall enter or changes its Direct
ensure the entry of its WESM Member
Indirect WESM counterparty.
Member into an
agreement with the
Metering Services
Provider(s) which
includes the terms
and conditions for the
provision, installation
and maintenance of
the relevant metering
installation by the
Metering Services
Provider; and

GOVERNING APPENDI A Trading A Trading The revision is
PROVISIONS XC Participant who Participant who is proposed to reflect
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OF THE is a Direct a Direct WESM the proposed
WESM RULES WESM member member shall: change in the
shall: (a) Elect a WESM Rules.
(a) Elect a Metering Services
Metering Services Provider who will
Provider who will have responsibility
have for arranging for
responsibility for the provision,
arranging for the installation, testing,
provision, calibration and
installation, maintenance of
testing, calibration each metering
and maintenance installation for
of each metering which that Trading
installation for Participant is
which that Trading financially
Participant is responsible;
responsible; (b) Enter or
ensure the entry
of its Indirect
WESM Member
into an agreement
with the Metering
Provider(s) which
includes the
terms and
conditions for the
installation and
maintenance of
the relevant
installation by the
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Metering Services
Provider, and

(c) Provide the

Market Operator
with the relevant
details of the
installation in
accordance with
Appendix B2
within 10
business days of
entering into an
agreement with
the Metering
Provider(s) under
clause 4.3.4(b).

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D. WESM Manual on Billing and Settlement Issue 6.1

WESM Manual on Billing and Settlement Issue 6.1

Revised Wording Proponent’s
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based on Comments Response
Please write your
general comments
here, if any.
CONTENTS 4.1 (NEW) 4.1.5 Settlement For consistency with
OF quantities and WESM Rules Clause
SETTLEMENT amounts of an 2.4 that Indirect
STATEMENTS Indirect WESM WESM Members will
AND DATA Member shall transact through a
be Direct WESM
incorporated in Member, the
the Settlement settlement
Statement and transactions of Indirect
Settlement WESM Members will
Data issued to only be reflected in the
its Direct settlement statements
WESM Member. of the Direct WESM
The Market Members.
Operator shall
distinguish the
transactions of
the Indirect
WESM Member
to the
transactions of
the facilities of
the Direct
WESM Member
in the
Statement and
Data provided
to the Direct
WESM Member.

Issuance of 4.2.1 4.2.1 Issuance of 4.2.1 Issuance of For consistency with

Preliminary Preliminary Statements Preliminary Statements WESM Rules Clauses

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a. Within seven (7) a. Within seven (7) days and
days after the end after the end of each that Indirect WESM
of each billing billing period, the Members will transact
period, the Market Market Operator shall through a Direct
Operator shall give give each Direct WESM Member, the
each WESM WESM member who settlement
member who has has engaged in transactions of Indirect
engaged in market market transactions in WESM Members will
transactions in that that billing period a only be reflected in the
billing period a preliminary statement settlement statements
preliminary which sets out the of the Direct WESM
statement which market transactions of Members, and only
sets out the market that Direct WESM Direct WESM
transactions of that member and its Members may report
WESM member in Indirect WESM errors in the
that billing period members, if any, in settlement statements.
and the settlement that billing period and
amount payable by the settlement amount
or to that WESM payable by or to that
member. If the WESM member. If the
seventh day falls on seventh day falls on a
a Non-Working Non-Working Day, the
Day, the issuance issuance of the
of the preliminary preliminary
statements shall be statements shall be
made during the made during the next
next immediate immediate Working
working day1. Day1.

b. The preliminary b. The preliminary

statements shall statements shall
include supporting include supporting
data for all amounts data for all amounts
payable sufficient to payable sufficient to
enable each WESM enable each WESM
member to audit the member to audit the
calculation of the calculation of the

WESM Rules Clause
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amount payable by amount payable by or
or to that WESM to that WESM
member2. member2.

c. If the WESM c. If the WESM member

member reasonably reasonably believes
believes there was there was an error or
an error or discrepancy in the
discrepancy in the preliminary statement
preliminary given to the Direct
statement given to WESM Member by
the WESM the Market Operator,
Member by the the Direct WESM
Market Operator, member shall notify
the WESM member the Market Operator
shall notify the as soon as practicable
Market Operator as of that error or
soon as practicable discrepancy and the
of that error or Market Operator shall
discrepancy and review the preliminary
the Market statement3.
Operator shall
review the d. If the Market Operator
preliminary considers that a
statement3. preliminary statement
contains an error or
d. If the Market discrepancy after
Operator considers reviewing the
that a preliminary preliminary statement
statement contains as notified by a Direct
an error or WESM member or as
discrepancy after independently
reviewing the identified by the
preliminary Market Operator, the
statement as Market Operator shall
notified by a WESM ensure that correction
WESM Rules Clause
WESM Rules Clause
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member or as of any error or
independently discrepancy is
identified by the reflected in the
Market Operator, relevant final
the Market statements, provided
Operator shall that corrections
ensure that requiring the input of
correction of any an external party are
error or discrepancy received by the
is reflected in the Market Operator at
relevant final least two (2) Working
statements, Days before the
provided that deadline of the
corrections issuance of the final
requiring the input statements. If the
of an external party Market Operator
are received by the receives notice of an
Market Operator at error, discrepancy or
least two (2) correction of an earlier
Working Days identified error after
before the deadline their relevant
of the issuance of deadlines, Market
the final Operator shall issue
statements. If the revised statements in
Market Operator accordance to Section
receives notice of 4.2.4b) of this
an error, Manual4.
discrepancy or
correction of an
earlier identified
error after their
relevant deadlines,
Market Operator
shall issue revised
statements in
accordance to
Section 4.2.4b) of
this Manual4.

WESM Rules Clause
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Issuance of 4.2.2 4.2.2 Issuance of Final 4.2.2 Issuance of Final For consistency with
Final Statements Statements WESM Rules Clauses
Statements, and
a. No later than a. No later than that Indirect WESM
eighteen (18) days eighteen (18) days Members will transact
after the end of after the end of through a Direct
each billing period, each billing period, WESM Member, the
the Market Operator the Market Operator settlement
shall give to each shall give to each transactions of Indirect
WESM member Direct WESM WESM Members will
who has engaged member who has only be reflected in the
in market engaged in market settlement statements
transactions in that transactions in that of the Direct WESM
billing period a final billing period a final Members, and only
statement stating statement stating Direct WESM
the amounts the amounts Members may report
payable by the payable by the errors in the
WESM member to Direct WESM settlement statements.
the Market Operator member, including
or payable by the the transactions of
Market Operator to its Indirect WESM
the WESM member members, if any, to
in respect of the the Market Operator
relevant billing or payable by the
period. If the Market Operator to
eighteenth day falls the Direct WESM
on a Non-Working member, including
Day, the issuance the transactions of
of the final its Indirect WESM
statements shall be members, if any, in
made during the respect of the
next immediate relevant billing
Working Day5. period. If the
b. The final statements eighteenth day falls
issued shall include on a Non-Working
supporting data for Day, the issuance of
all amounts payable the final statements
which shall be shall be made
sufficient to enable during the next
each WESM immediate Working
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member to audit the Day5.
calculation of the
amount payable by b. The final statements
or to that WESM issued shall include
member6. supporting data for
all amounts payable
c. XXX which shall be
sufficient to enable
each WESM
member to audit the
calculation of the
amount payable by
or to that WESM

c. XXX

Issuance of 4.2.4 4.2.4 Issuance of 4.2.4 Issuance of For consistency with

Revised Revised Statements Revised Statements WESM Rules Clause
Statements 2.4 that Indirect
a. If any amount in the a. If any amount in the WESM Members will
final statement has final statement has transact through a
been the subject of been the subject of a Direct WESM
a dispute and the dispute and the Member, the
dispute has been dispute has been settlement
resolved or was resolved or was transactions of Indirect
subject of a subject of a pending WESM Members will
pending case case before a Court only be reflected in the
before a Court of of competent settlement statements
competent jurisdiction and that of the Direct WESM
jurisdiction and that said Court has Members
said Court has already rendered a
already rendered a final and executory It is proposed that
final and executory Decision, caused adjustments of Indirect
Decision, caused different payable WESM Members be
different payable amount as set out in retained with their
WESM Rules Clause
WESM Rules Clause
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amount as set out the final statement, Direct WESM
in the final the Market Operator Members during the
statement, the shall issue to each relevant billing period
Market Operator Direct WESM and not based on the
shall issue to each Member affected, an current billing period
WESM Member adjustment to the since that Direct
affected, an final statement for WESM Member would
adjustment to the the relevant billing have been liable for
final statement for period setting out: the amount if no
the relevant billing adjustment was
period setting out: i. The amount performed.
payable by the
i. The amount Direct WESM
payable by the Member
WESM Member including the
to the Market transactions of
Operator or the its Indirect
amount payable WESM members
by the Market during the
Operator to the relevant billing
WESM Member, period, if any, to
and the Market
ii. XXX Operator or the
amount payable
XXX by the Market
Operator to the
b. If the Market Direct WESM
Operator becomes Member
aware of an error in including the
an amount stated in transactions of
a final statement its Indirect
and in the Market WESM Members
Operator's during the
reasonable opinion, relevant billing
a WESM Member period, if any,
would be materially and
affected if a revision
to the final ii. XXX
statement was not
made to correct the XXX
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error, then the
Market Operator b. If the Market
shall issue the Operator becomes
Revised Statement aware of an error in
not later than six (6) an amount stated in
calendar months a final statement and
from receipt of the in the Market
Market Operator of Operator's
written notice of reasonable opinion,
error from the a Direct WESM
participant, or from Member would be
the Market materially affected if
Operator’s a revision to the final
discovery of the statement was not
same12. made to correct the
error, then the
c. XXX Market Operator
shall issue the
Revised Statement
not later than six (6)
calendar months
from receipt of the
Market Operator of
written notice of error
from the participant,
or from the Market
Operator’s discovery
of the same12.7

c. XXX
Payment of 5.2.1 Where the settlement Where the settlement Consistent with the
Settlement amount for a WESM amount for a Direct proposal that only
Amount member is a negative WESM member is a Direct WESM
amount, the WESM negative amount, the Members will receive
member shall pay that Direct WESM member settlement statements,
amount to Market shall pay that amount to the revision is
Operators accordance Market Operators in
proposed to clarify that
with Section 5.3.1of this accordance with Section

WESM Rules Clause
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Manual. Where the 5.3.1 of this Manual. Direct WESM
settlement amount for a Where the settlement Members are required
WESM member is a amount for a Direct to settle their
positive amount, Market WESM member is a obligations in the
Operator shall pay that positive amount, Market WESM and will
amount to the WESM Operator shall pay that receive payments from
Member in accordance amount to the Direct
the WESM.
with Section 5.3.2of this WESM Member in
Manual. accordance with Section
5.3.2 of this Manual.
Payment of 5.2.2 The maximum total The maximum total Consistent with the
Settlement payment which the payment which the proposal that only
Amount Market Operator is Market Operator is Direct WESM
required to pay in required to pay in respect Members will receive
respect of any billing of any billing period is settlement statements,
period is equal to the equal to the aggregate of; the revision is
aggregate of;
proposed to clarify that
a. the total payments
Direct WESM
a. the total payments actually received from
actually received Direct WESM Members are required
from WESM Members in to settle their
Members in accordance with obligations in the
accordance with Section 5.3.1of this WESM and will
Section 5.3.1of this Manual; plus receive payments from
Manual; plus the WESM.
b. the total amount that
b. the total amount that the Market Operator
the Market Operator is able to actually
is able to actually draw from the
draw from the prudential security of
prudential security of the defaulting Direct
the defaulting WESM WESM Members in
Members in accordance with f) of
accordance with f) of this Manual, if one or
this Manual, if one or more WESM
more WESM Members is in default;
Members is in plus
default; plus
c. other sources of funds

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c. other sources of which the PEM Board
funds which the PEM may approve to be
Board may approve paid to the Direct
to be paid to the WESM Members if
WESM Members if the total amount
the total amount drawn from the
drawn from the prudential security
prudential security deposit of the
deposit of the defaulting WESM
defaulting WESM Members is
Members is insufficient to cover
insufficient to cover the defaulted
the defaulted amounts.
Payment of 5.2.3 If it becomes necessary If it becomes necessary Consistent with the
Settlement for the Market Operator for the Market Operator proposal that only
Amount to draw upon the to draw upon the Direct WESM
prudential security of a prudential security of a Members will receive
defaulting WESM defaulting WESM settlement statements,
Member in accordance Member in accordance the revision is
with f) of this Manual, with f) of this Manual, the
proposed to clarify that
the corresponding corresponding payments
Direct WESM
payments to the WESM to the Direct WESM
Members entitled to be Members entitled to be Members will receive
paid shall be made only paid shall be made only payments from the
after the Market after the Market Operator WESM.
Operator is actually able is actually able to draw
to draw on the on the prudential security
prudential security but but not later than the date
not later than the date specified in the billing and
specified in the billing settlement time table.
and settlement time

Payment of 5.2.4 If the total payments If the total payments Consistent with the
Settlement actually received or actually received or proposal that only
Amount drawn from the drawn from the prudential Direct WESM
prudential security by security by the Market Members will receive
the Market Operator for Operator for a particular settlement statements,
a particular billing period billing period is
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is insufficient to pay for insufficient to pay for the the revision is
the total amounts total amounts payable to proposed to clarify that
payable to the WESM the WESM Members, the Direct WESM
Members, the total total payments received Members are required
payments received and and drawn shall be to settle their
drawn shall be distributed and paid to obligations in the
distributed and paid to the relevant Direct
WESM and will
the relevant WESM WESM Members in
receive payments from
Members in proportion proportion to the amount
to the amount payable payable to them for that the WESM.
to them for that billing billing period. Prior to the
period. Prior to the interconnection of the
interconnection of the Mindanao grid with the
Mindanao grid with the Luzon and Visayas grids,
Luzon and Visayas total payments actually
grids, total payments received or drawn from
actually received or the prudential security
drawn from the shall be determined and
prudential security shall distributed separately for
be determined and each settlement region.
distributed separately for For this purpose, the
each settlement region. Luzon and Visayas grids
For this purpose, the shall be considered as
Luzon and Visayas grids one settlement region
shall be considered as and the Mindanao grid as
one settlement region another settlement
and the Mindanao grid region.
as another settlement
Payment by 5.3.1 5.3.1 Payment by 5.3.1 Payment by Trading Consistent with the
Trading Trading Participant Participant proposal that only
Participant Direct WESM
a. Subject to Section a. Subject to Section Members will receive
5.3.4, each WESM 5.3.4, each Direct settlement statements,
Member shall pay WESM Member the revision is
to the Market shall pay to the proposed to clarify that
Operator in cleared Market Operator in Direct WESM
funds, the cleared funds, the Members are required
settlement amount settlement amount to settle their
(if any) stated to be (if any) stated to be obligations in the
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payable to the payable to the WESM.
Market Operator by Market Operator by
that WESM that Direct WESM
member in that member in that
WESM member's Direct WESM
final statement no member's final
later than 3.00 pm statement no later
on the twenty-fifth than 3.00 pm on the
day of the calendar twenty-fifth day of
month following the the calendar month
billing period, following the billing
whether or not the period, whether or
WESM member not the Direct
disputes, or WESM member
continues to disputes, or
dispute, the amount continues to
payable. dispute, the amount
If the twenty-fifth
(25th) day of the If the twenty-fifth
calendar month (25th) day of the
following the billing calendar month
period falls on a following the billing
Non-Working Day, period falls on a
the payment due Non-Working Day,
date shall be the payment due
moved to the next date shall be moved
immediate Working to the next
Day. immediate Working
b. After receiving
payment from the b. After receiving
WESM Member, payment from the
the Market Operator Direct WESM
shall validate and Member, the Market
determine any Operator shall
discrepancy validate and
between the determine any
amount billed and discrepancy between
the amount the amount billed
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collected. and the amount
c. XXX
c. XXX
d. XXX
d. XXX
Payment to the 5.3.2 Subject to Section 5.3.4, Subject to Section 5.3.4, Consistent with the
Trading the Market Operator the Market Operator shall proposal that only
Participants shall pay to each WESM pay to each Direct Direct WESM
Member in cleared WESM Member in Members will receive
funds the settlement cleared funds the settlement statements,
amount (if any) stated to settlement amount (if the revision is
be payable in that any) stated to be payable proposed to clarify that
WESM member's final in that Direct WESM Direct WESM
statement on the member's final statement Members will receive
following Working Day on the following Working payments from the
after the Market Day after the Market WESM.
Operator is to be paid Operator is to be paid
under Section 5.3.1 of under Section 5.3.1 of
this Manual, and in this Manual, and in
accordance with the accordance with the
schedule set in the schedule set in the
Appendix A of this Appendix A of this
Manual. Manual.
Payment of 5.3.3 5.3.3 Payment of 5.3.3 Payment of Consistent with the
Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment proposal that only
Direct WESM
a. Subject to Section a. Subject to Section Members will receive
5.3.4, each WESM 5.3.4, each Direct settlement statements,
Member shall pay to WESM Member shall the revision is
the Market Operator pay to the Market
proposed to clarify that
in cleared funds the Operator in cleared
Direct WESM
net amount (if any) funds the net amount
stated to be payable (if any) stated to be Members are required
by that WESM payable by that to settle their
member in the Direct WESM obligations in the
revised statement member in the WESM and will
issued to it under revised statement receive payments from
Section 4.2.4 of this issued to it under the WESM.
Manual, no later than Section 4.2.4 of this
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the time and date Manual, no later than
specified by the the time and date
Market Operator specified by the
pursuant to Section Market Operator
4.2.4c) of this pursuant to Section
Manual. 4.2.4c) of this
b. Subject to Section b. Subject to Section
5.3.4, the Market 5.3.4, the Market
Operator shall pay to Operator shall pay to
each WESM each Direct WESM
Member in cleared Member in cleared
funds the net amount funds the net amount
(if any) stated to be (if any) stated to be
payable to that payable to that
WESM member in Direct WESM
the revised member in the
statement issued to revised statement
it under Section issued to it under
4.2.4 of this Manual, Section 4.2.4 of this
on the following Manual, on the
Working Day on following Working
which the Market Day on which the
Operator is to be Market Operator is to
paid under Section be paid under
5.3.3(a) of this Section 5.3.3(a) of
Manual. this Manual.
Provisions of 7.2.1 Subject to Section 7.2.2 Subject to Section 7.2.2 For consistency with
Security of this manual, a WESM of this manual, a Direct WESM Rules Clause
member wishing to WESM member wishing 2.4 that Indirect
participate in Market to participate in Market WESM Members will
Transactions shall Transactions for its own transact through a
provide and maintain a facilities or for its Direct WESM
security complying with Indirect WESM Member, the revision
the requirements of Members, if any, shall is being proposed to
Section 7.2 of this provide and maintain a clarify that the
manual. security complying with prudential
the requirements of requirements of Direct
Section 7.2 of this WESM Members will
manual. include assessment of
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its sales and the
exposure of its Indirect
WESM Members.
Provisions of 7.2.2 The Market Operator The Market Operator may For consistency with
Security may exempt a WESM exempt a Direct WESM WESM Rules Clause
Member from the Member from the 2.4 that Indirect
requirement to provide a requirement to provide a WESM Members will
security, if: security, if: transact through a
Direct WESM
a) The Market Operator a) The Market Operator Member, it is
believes it is likely believes it is likely proposed to clarify that
that the amount that the amount only Direct WESM
payable by the payable by the Members are
Market Operator to Market Operator to assessed for
that WESM that Direct WESM prudential
Member under the Member under the requirements.
WESM Rules will WESM Rules will
consistently exceed consistently exceed
the amount payable the amount payable
to the Market to the Market
Operator by that Operator by that
WESM Member Direct WESM
under the WESM Member under the
Rules in respect of WESM Rules in
that period; or respect of that
period; or
b) The Market Operator
believes it is b) The Market Operator
unlikely that the believes it is unlikely
WESM Member will that the Direct
be required to pay WESM Member will
any amounts to the be required to pay
Market Operator any amounts to the
Market Operator
Provisions of 7.2.3 The Market Operator The Market Operator may For consistency with
Security may vary or cancel the vary or cancel the WESM Rules Clause
exemption given exemption given pursuant 2.4 that Indirect
pursuant to Sections to Sections 7.2.1 and WESM Members will
7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of this 7.2.2 of this Manual, at transact through a
Manual, at any time, by any time, by giving Direct WESM
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giving written notice of written notice of the Member, it is
the variation or variation or cancellation proposed to clarify that
cancellation of the of the exemption to the only Direct WESM
exemption to the WESM Direct WESM member. Members are
member. assessed for
Provisions of 7.2.4 If, under Section 7.2.2of If, under Section 7.2.2of For consistency with
Security this Manual, the Market this Manual, the Market WESM Rules Clause
Operator has exempted Operator has exempted a 2.4 that Indirect
a Trading Participant Trading Participant from WESM Members will
from the requirement to the requirement to transact through a
provide a security for a provide a security for a Direct WESM
period; then the Market period; then the Market Member, it is
Operator shall not set a Operator shall not set a proposed to clarify that
Trading Limit for that Trading Limit for that only Direct WESM
WESM Member for that Direct WESM Member Members are
period during which that for that period during assessed for
exemption applies. which that exemption prudential
applies. requirements.
Provisions of 7.2.5 A WESM Member who A Direct WESM Member For consistency with
Security is exempt from providing who is exempt from WESM Rules Clause
a security deposit shall providing a security 2.4 that Indirect
be required to pay the deposit shall be required WESM Members will
total negative settlement to pay the total negative transact through a
amount due, if any, settlement amount due, if Direct WESM
within three (3) working any, within three (3) Member, it is
days before the due working days before the proposed to clarify that
date as provided under due date as provided only Direct WESM
Section 5.3.1 of this under Section 5.3.1 of Members are
Manual this Manual assessed for
Provisions of 7.2.6 Failure to comply with Failure to comply with For consistency with
Security Section 7.2.5 of this Section 7.2.5 of this WESM Rules Clause
Manual shall be a Manual shall be a ground 2.4 that Indirect
ground for the for the cancellation of WESM Members will
cancellation of exemption and said transact through a
exemption and said failure shall cause the Direct WESM
failure shall cause the WESM Member to be Member, it is
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WESM Member to be assessed and be proposed to clarify that
assessed and be required to put up only Direct WESM
required to put up prudential requirement. Members are
prudential requirement. Upon written request of assessed for
Upon written request of the Direct WESM prudential
the WESM Member, the Member, the Market requirements.
Market Operator may lift Operator may lift the
the cancellation of cancellation of exemption
exemption from from prudential
prudential requirement, requirement, provided
provided that the WESM that the WESM Member;
Provisions of 7.2.7 If a WESM Member that If a Direct WESM For consistency with
Security is exempt from Member that is exempt WESM Rules Clause
Prudential Requirement from Prudential 2.4 that Indirect
under Section 7.2.2 of Requirement under WESM Members will
this Manual becomes a Section 7.2.2 of this transact through a
net buyer and fails to Manual becomes a net Direct WESM
pay its obligations, the buyer and fails to pay its Member, it is
prudential security that obligations, the prudential proposed to clarify that
shall be imposed security that shall be only Direct WESM
pursuant to Section imposed pursuant to Members are
7.2.6 of this Manual Section 7.2.6 of this assessed for
shall be computed Manual shall be prudential
based on: computed based on: requirements.

Forms of 7.3.1 The security provided by The security provided by For consistency with
Security a WESM Member under a Direct WESM Member WESM Rules Clause
f) of this manual shall under f) of this manual 2.4 that Indirect
either be in accordance shall either be in WESM Members will
with the following accordance with the transact through a
hierarchy of preferred following hierarchy of Direct WESM
forms of security: preferred forms of Member, it is
security: proposed to clarify that
XXX only Direct WESM
XXX Members shall provide
the prudential
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Initial 7.4.1 a. The initial prudential The amount of security For consistency with
Assessment of requirement of a shall be assessed per WESM Rules Clause
Prudential WESM Member shall Direct WESM Member. 2.4 that Indirect
Requirement be calculated as the The prudential WESM Members will
average of the requirements of a Direct transact through a
projected settlement WESM Member shall Direct WESM
amount for each include its own Member, it is
complete billing transactions and the proposed to clarify that
period covered transactions of its only Direct WESM
considering the Indirect WESM Members are
following: Members. assessed for
(i). if the WESM prudential
Member aims to If the new WESM requirements.
begin trading in Member is an Indirect
the WESM before WESM Member, its
August 26 of the calculated initial
current year, the Prudential
initial prudential Requirements shall be
requirement shall considered in the
be calculated assessment of the
using the data of prudential
complete billing requirements of its
periods within Direct WESM Member.
March 26 to
September 25 of a. The initial prudential
the same year; or requirement of a
(ii) XXX WESM Member shall
be calculated as the
b. The projected average of the
settlement amount for projected settlement
each billing period of amount for each
a WESM Member complete billing period
shall be calculated covered considering
using the following the following:
formula: (i). if the WESM
Member aims to
XXX begin trading in the
WESM before
c. The WESM Member August 26 of the
shall submit the current year, the
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following information initial prudential
to the Market requirement shall
Operator for each be calculated using
dispatch interval in the data of
the period defined in complete billing
Section 7.4.1(a): periods within
March 26 to
d. The WESM Member September 25 of
shall submit to the the same year; or
Market Operator its (ii) XXX
assumptions for
determining its b. The projected
projected gross settlement amount for
energy settlement each billing period of a
quantities. The WESM Member shall
Market Operator may be calculated using the
require the WESM following formula:
Member to submit
supporting documents XXX
if necessary. The
Market Operator shall c. The Direct WESM
assist the WESM Member, for its own
Member in assessment and on
determining the behalf of its Indirect
projected gross WESM Member, if
energy settlement any, shall submit the
quantities. following information to
the Market Operator
e. XXX for each dispatch
interval in the period
f. The projected final defined in Section
energy dispatch price 7.4.1(a):
of a WESM Member
for a dispatch interval d. The Direct WESM
shall be equal to the Member shall submit to
final energy dispatch the Market Operator its
price of the assumptions for
geographically determining its own or
nearest market in behalf of its
trading node from the Indirect WESM
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connection point of Member’s, if any,
the WESM Member at projected gross energy
the same dispatch settlement quantities.
interval and most The Market Operator
recent same date. may require the Direct
WESM Member to
g. XXX submit supporting
documents if
h. Subject to 7.2.4 of this necessary. The Market
Manual, the Market Operator shall assist
Operator shall set a the Direct WESM
trading limit for each Member in determining
WESM member who the projected gross
participates in market energy settlement
transactions.48 quantities.

The trading limit for a e. XXX

WESM member, at
any time, shall be f. The projected final
equal to the total energy dispatch price
value of the security, of a WESM Member
including Interest for a dispatch interval
Rate, if any, provided shall be equal to the
by the WESM final energy dispatch
member to the Market price of the
Operator. geographically nearest
market trading node
i. The Market Operator from the connection
shall notify the WESM point of the WESM
Member, of the Member at the same
required security dispatch interval and
based on the most recent same
established Trading date.
Limit as soon as
practicable. g. XXX

j. The WESM Member h. Subject to 7.2.4 of this

shall provide the Manual, the Market
required security Operator shall set a
deposit in the form trading limit for each
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acceptable to the Direct WESM member
Market Operator as who participates in
part of the market transactions.
requirements that the
WESM Member must The trading limit for a
comply before Direct WESM
participating in the member, at any time,
Spot Market. shall be equal to the
total value of the
k. The Market Operator security, including
shall confirm receipt Interest Rate, if any,
of the security deposit provided by the Direct
provided by the WESM member to the
WESM Member as Market Operator.
soon as practicable.
i. The Market Operator
shall notify the Direct
WESM Member, of the
required security based
on the established
Trading Limit as soon
as practicable.

j. The Direct WESM

Member shall provide
the required security
deposit in the form
acceptable to the
Market Operator as
part of the
requirements that the
Direct WESM Member
must comply before
participating in the
Spot Market.

k. The Market Operator

shall confirm receipt of
the security deposit
provided by the Direct
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WESM Member as
soon as practicable.

Assessment of 7.4.2 a. The Market Operator a. The Market Operator For consistency with
Actual shall review, on a shall review, on a the proposed revisions
Exposure and monthly basis, its monthly basis, its that only Direct WESM
Margin Call actual exposure to actual exposure to Members will receive
each WESM member each Direct WESM settlement statements
in respect of previous member in respect of and pay to the WESM.
billing periods in previous billing periods
accordance with the in accordance with the
WESM Rules. WESM Rules.
The revision is being
b. In calculating the b. In calculating the proposed to clarify that
Market Operator's Market Operator's only Direct WESM
actual exposure to a actual exposure to a Members are
WESM member Direct WESM member monitored for
under Section 7.4.2 c) under Section 7.4.2 c) compliance with
of this Manual, the of this Manual, the
Market Operator shall Market Operator shall
take into account: take into account:

i. Outstanding i. Outstanding
settlement amounts settlement
for the WESM amounts for the
member in respect of Direct WESM
previous billing member in respect
periods; and of previous billing
periods; and
ii. Settlement amounts ii. Settlement
for the WESM amounts for the
member for the billing Direct WESM
period that will be due member for the
on the period in which billing period that
the review occurs will be due on the
based on the period in which the
available settlement review occurs
statement. based on the
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c. If the Market Operator

calculates that its
exposure to a Direct
WESM member
exceeds the Direct
WESM member's
trading limit, then the
Market Operator shall
make a Margin Call
on that Direct WESM
member by notice to
the Direct WESM
member in writing
(Margin Call Notice).

d. If the Market Operator

makes a Margin Call
on a Direct WESM
member under
Section 7.4.2 c) of this
Manual, then the
Direct WESM
member must satisfy
the Margin Call by
providing the amount
of shortfall within
three (3) working days
from receipt of the
Margin Call Notice by

i. Providing to the
Market Operator
an additional
security or
complying with
the requirements
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of the WESM
Rule Clause 3.15,

iii. Prepaying the

payable or
which will

e) For the purposes of

this Manual, a
prepayment under
Section 7.4.2 d) is
taken to relate to the
earliest billing period
in respect of which the
relevant Direct
WESM member owes
the Market Operator
an amount of money
under the WESM
Rules and if, the
amount the Direct
WESM Member owes
under the WESM
Rules in respect of
that billing period is
less than the amount
of the prepayment,
then the excess is
taken to relate to the
billing period
occurring immediately
after the earliest
billing period in
respect of which the
relevant Direct
WESM Member owes
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the Market Operator
an amount of money
under the WESM
Rules in chronological
order until there is no

f) If a Direct WESM
member fails to satisfy
a margin call by
providing additional
security or making a
prepayment under
Section 7.4.2 d) of this
Manual, then the
Market Operator shall
issue the Direct
WESM member a
Suspension Notice in
writing in accordance
with WESM Rule
3.15.8 and 0 of this
Assessment of 7.4.3 a. Prior to the end of a. Prior to the end of For consistency with
Maximum each Financial Year, each Financial Year, WESM Rules Clause
Exposure the Market Operator the Market Operator 2.4 that Indirect
shall determine and shall determine and WESM Members will
provide written provide written transact through a
confirmation to each confirmation to each Direct WESM
WESM member of its Direct WESM Member, it is
Maximum Exposure member of its proposed to clarify that
to the Market Maximum Exposure to only Direct WESM
Operator in respect the Market Operator Members are
of a billing period in in respect of a billing assessed for
the following period in the following prudential
Financial Year. The Financial Year. The requirements.
amount of security to amount of security to
be provided by each be provided by each For consistency with
WESM member Direct WESM WESM Rules Clause
pursuant to Section member pursuant to 2.4 that Indirect
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7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of Section 7.2.1 and WESM Members will
this Manual shall be 7.2.2 of this Manual transact through a
equivalent to the shall be equivalent to Direct WESM
Maximum Exposure the Maximum Member, it is
Exposure. proposed to clarify that
b. The Market Operator only Direct WESM
may review its b. The Market Operator Members shall provide
method of may review its method the prudential
determination of a of determination of a requirements.
WESM member's Direct WESM
Maximum Exposure member's Maximum
at any time, provided Exposure at any time,
that any change to a provided that any
WESM member's change to a Direct
Maximum Exposure WESM member's
will apply no earlier Maximum Exposure
than thirty (30) days will apply no earlier
following receipt of than thirty (30) days
written notification following receipt of
from the Market written notification
Operator by a from the Market
WESM member of Operator by a Direct
that change, or such WESM member of
earlier period agreed that change, or such
to in writing by the earlier period agreed
PEM Board. to in writing by the
PEM Board.
c. After receipt of the
written confirmation, c. After receipt of the
the WESM Member written confirmation,
shall determine if the the Direct WESM
calculated amount by Member shall
the Market Operator determine if the
is equivalent to its calculated amount by
expected Maximum the Market Operator is
Exposure in the equivalent to its
following financial expected Maximum
year. Exposure in the
following financial
d) The WESM Member year.
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shall provide
additional security to d) The Direct WESM
Market Operator to Member shall provide
cover its Maximum additional security to
Exposure. Market Operator to
cover its own and its
e) Each WESM member Indirect WESM
shall ensure that at Member’s, if any,
all times the Maximum Exposure
aggregate undrawn
and unclaimed e) Each Direct WESM
amounts of current member shall ensure
and valid security that at all times the
held by the Market aggregate undrawn
Operator in respect and unclaimed
of that WESM amounts of current
member is not less and valid security held
than that WESM by the Market
member's Maximum Operator in respect of
Exposure. that Direct WESM
member is not less
f) To diminish the than that Direct
possibility of WESM member's
incurring a Margin Maximum Exposure.
Call under Section
7.4.2a) of this f) To diminish the
Manual, a WESM possibility of incurring
member may provide a Margin Call under
a security or Section 7.4.2a) of this
securities in Manual, a Direct
accordance with WESM member may
Section 7.3 of this provide a security or
Manual for an securities in
aggregate amount accordance with
that exceeds its Section 7.3 of this
Maximum Exposure. Manual for an
aggregate amount
If said additional that exceeds its
security or securities Maximum Exposure.
is not in the form of
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Cash, the WESM If said additional
member shall secure security or securities
the prior written is not in the form of
determination and Cash, the Direct
approval of the WESM member shall
Market Operator. secure the prior
written determination
g) The WESM Member and approval of the
may request for a Market Operator.
recalculation of
Maximum Exposure g) The Direct WESM
if it disagrees with Member may request
the amount of for a recalculation of
Maximum Exposure Maximum Exposure if
calculated by the it disagrees with the
Market Operator. amount of Maximum
Exposure calculated
h) Upon the request of a by the Market
WESM Member, the Operator.
Market Operator may
consider a h) Upon the request of a
replacement month Direct WESM
within the 26th Member, the Market
March to 25th Operator may
September billing consider a
periods, having the replacement month
same number of within the 26th March
calendar days if: to 25th September
i. There is a billing periods, having
disagreement the same number of
between the calendar days if:
Market Operator i. There is a
and the WESM disagreement
Member on the between the Market
Final Statement Operator and the
during the months Direct WESM
covered in the Member on the
computation of the Final Statement
Maximum during the months
Exposure; or covered in the
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ii. XXX computation of the
i) If there is a change in Exposure; or
the bilateral contract ii. XXX
of a WESM Member,
the Maximum i) If there is a change in
Exposure shall be the bilateral contract
computed based on of a Direct WESM
the settlement Member, the
amounts estimated Maximum Exposure
by the Market shall be computed
Operator using the based on the
Average Actual settlement amounts
Market Price based estimated by the
on the billing period Market Operator using
of 26th March to 25th the Average Actual
September. In no Market Price based
case shall the on the billing period of
Maximum Exposure 26th March to 25th
be less than ten September. In no
percent (10%) of the case shall the
total demand Maximum Exposure
multiplied by the be less than ten
Average Actual percent (10%) of the
Market Price. total demand
multiplied by the
j) If the Market Operator Average Actual
determines that the Market Price.
security provided by
a WESM member is j) If the Market Operator
below the assessed determines that the
Maximum Exposure, security provided by a
the Market Operator Direct WESM
shall require such member is below the
WESM member to assessed Maximum
increase its security Exposure, the Market
deposit up to the Operator shall require
level of its Maximum such Direct WESM
Exposure within member to increase
three (3) working its security deposit up
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based on Comments Response
days after the receipt to the level of its
of the written Maximum Exposure
notification of the within three (3)
annual assessment. working days after the
If the WESM receipt of the written
member fails to notification of the
comply within the annual assessment. If
prescribed date or the Direct WESM
any later date agreed member fails to
to in writing with the comply within the
Market Operator, prescribed date or any
then the Market later date agreed to in
Operator shall issue writing with the Market
a default notice in Operator, then the
accordance with 0 of Market Operator shall
this Manual. issue a default notice
in accordance with 0
Section 6.2 of this

Note: Please underline and put in bold letters the proposed changes to the Market Rules or Manual.

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