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TERM-1 Subject Number of Students: Teacher’s Name

English Boys: Ms. Jaspreet Bedi

Lesson Planning Form No of SEND:
DATE Grade/Section Strand/ Topic/Subtopic No. of Lessons:
14-1-19 1C Vowels and Consonants Time : 60 min

Learning Objective WALT (We Are Learning to):

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to differentiate between vowel and consonant.

Context/ Prior learning:

Learning can recognize alphabets and pictures.

Learning Outcomes WILF All: Most : Some :

(What I’m Looking for): Learners will be able to understand that Learners will be able to differentiate Learners will be able to apply the
vowels between concept by creating their own words
are special sounds. vowels and consonants. using vowels and consonants.

SEND information- Cross curricular Links / Real life applications:

Need/Specification/Accommodation: Real life application-
1. Learners will identify, highlight and sort vowels and consonants in their names.

UAE Link: -
Learners will recall things in their surroundings or names of the building in their
area or UAE starting with a particular vowel or consonant.

School Lesson Planning Form

Key Words/ Vocabulary: Resources:

Introduction/Starter: Time
Teacher will introduce the topic with a vowel song.
Then teacher will initiate discussion about vowel and consonants through a PPT. Will also introduce ‘y’ as a special vowel. 10 min
Fun Game-
Learners will be asked to sort themselves by saying their name aloud and identifying whether it starts with a vowel or a consonant.
They will go and stand with Volume and Consonants group.

Main lesson
40 min
Centre 1- Art- MY BOOKLET
Learners will make their own booklet of vowels of consonants using their own creativity.

Centre 2 – All About Me

Children will be given the words relating to the theme ‘All About Me’.
Learners have to underline vowels in green colour and consonants in red colour.

Centre 3– Picture Fun

Learners will be given a picture. They will observe the picture. Will name few things and sort them under vowels and consonants.

Centre 4 – Roll the Dice

Learners will be a given a dice which they need to roll. On one side of the dice V (Vowel) will be written and on the other side it will be C
(Consonant). If V comes when they roll the dice they will have to write a word starting with a vowel and visa versa in the sheet given to them.

School Lesson Planning Form


H/A – will be able to identify and differentiate the vowel and consonant independently.
M/A - will be able to identify and differentiate the vowel and consonant with minimal support.
L/A - will be able to identify and differentiate the vowel and consonant with explicit support.

Success Criteria
1. I can differentiate between vowels and consonants.
2. I can sort words under vowels and consonants
3. I can create my own words.

Extended Task: UAE Connect -

Learners will recall things in their surroundings or names of the building in their area or UAE starting with a particular vowel or consonant.

School Lesson Planning Form

Plenary: Time


Learners will be involved in a game where learners will be given flashcards of pictures they have to say the name aloud what they are. Further
learners will sort themselves in vowel and consonant group according to their picture cards.

Home Learning:

Worksheets for home learning

Tick the strategies to use in class:

Lower Order Questioning: Middle Order Questioning Higher Order Questioning: Wait time/ reflection time
Q. What do you do with alphabets? Q. Create few words with vowel and Think, pair and share
Q. What are vowels and consonants? consonants? Q Can you think of any word that Bounce question around
Q. Do all words have vowels and doesn’t have vowel or a consonant? No hands questioning
consonants? Directed questioning
General questioning
Any other(specify):


Learners will be assessed on the answers during carpet time. The teacher/TA will record it using a mind map.

School Lesson Planning Form

Assessment during Learning Centers.
Activity sheets

Reflection (after the lesson)

 Lesson Objectives achieved  Lesson Objectives partially achieved

 Lesson Objectives not achieved  Revisit Lesson Objectives

School Lesson Planning Form

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