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Affiliate Commission Email Notice Template

SUBJECT: You’re on Fire! You Have Commissions.

Dear [NAME],

Congratulations! You’re on fire, helping people, and making money too. Good for you! You just
earned a commission from the following product:


Product: [PRODUCT]
Sale Amount: [SALE AMOUNT]
Commission Amount: [COMMISSION]

Want to get more notices like this and make even more money? Take the following steps to
keep the fire burning, and you will.

 Email Your List about the Product and Problem it Solves

 Post a Product Review to Your Blog and Share on Social Media and Email Lists
 Post a How to Blog Post and Share on Social Media and Email Lists
 Send Out a Coupon Code for Fast Actors
 Share a Success Story

You can find premade content to use with the above ideas in the dashboard of your affiliate
area. Simply cut and paste to use it as is, or you personalize it to your liking. Remember, make
it easy for yourself but keep promoting so you earn even more commissions.

To Your Success,


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