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Department of Islamic Studies

Syllabus for M.A in Islamic Studies (Evening)

Session: 2018 – 2019

Jagannath University, Dhaka

M.A in Islamic Studies (Evening)

Session: 2018-19

Marks distribution for each 3 credit course

a. Continuous Assessment
I. Internal Evaluation
Mid Semester Test /In Course /Class Test (Minimum Two) 20
Assignment/ Quiz/ Presentation 10
II. Class Attendance 10
Total 40
b. Semester Final Examination 60
Grand Total (In Each Course) 100

First Year First Semester
Course No: ISTE 5101
Course Title: Introductory Knowledge of the Quran

a) Ulum al Quran
Introduction & development of Ulum Al Qura'an, Definition of the Wahi& Its
classification, Nuzul al Qura'an, Al Awwalu ma Nazala, Akhiru Ma Nazala, Al Makki,
Al Madani, Entitlement of the Surah, Decoration of verses and surahs, Zadalul
Qura'an, Al Nasikh wal Mansukh, Al Muhkam & Al Mutashsbih, ‘Ijajul Qura'an,
Amthalul Quraan, Aqsamul Quraan, Asbabun Nuzul etc.

The Qura'an as Allah's final revelation and authoritative source of Islamic

Knowledge; its definition & method of revelation (Wahy); preservation and
compilation of the Qura'an during the period of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and His Companions;
The history and trends of translation of the Quran the Authentication of the Holy

b) Usul at-Tafsir
Usul al-Tafsir: Conditions of Tafsir, AdabutTafsir, Tafsiand Tawil, Tafsir during the
period of Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and His companions, Tafsr Aqli, TafsirNaqli,
Reliability of Tafsir Books etc. The life of some famous mufassirs namely: Abdullah
Ibn Abbas, Muzahid, Imam Razi, Imad Uddin Ibn Kathir, Zamakhshari, Baidawi,
Al-Bagwi, At-Tabari, IbnJarir, IbnAshur etc.

Book Recommended:
1. Jalaluddin As Suyuti : Al Itqan Fi Ulumil Qura'an
2. Manna Al Kattan : Mabahis Fi Ulumil Qura'an
3. Muhammad Ali as Sabuni : At Tibyan Fi Ulumil Qura'an
4. AllamaTakiUsmani : Ulumul Qura'an
5. Abdullah Yousuf Ali : The Glorious Qur'an
6. Dr. Muhammad HussainAzZahabi : At Tafsir Wal Mufassirun
7. Abdul Azim Az Zarkani : Manahil Al- Irfan Fee Ulam Al- Quran
8. Mufti Ahammad Pear Khan Naiyonee: Ilmul Quran
09. Muhammad LutfiAddabbag : Lwnhur fee Ulum- Al- Quran
10. AssayeedAmimulIhasan : At Tanbir Fee Ushul- Al- Tafsir
11. Dr. SubhiShaleh : Mabahith Fee Ulum -Al- Quran
12. Manna Al- Kattan : MabahithFilUlum Al- Quran
13. Abu BakrBaqillani : I`jajulQura`an
Course No: ISTE 5102

Course Title: As Sirah

a) Siyar Al Anbia
This course is intended to focus on the virtues, values and qualities of the Prophets
(Sm.) mentioned in the Quran namely: Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Yakub,
Yousuf, Yunus, Musa, Harun, Dawud, Solaiman, I'sa and Muhammad (sm). This will
inform the students about the historical patterns of human behavior in respect to
generations and the stories that occurred within them.
b) Siratunnabi ‫ﷺ‬
This course will cover the entire life & teachings of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

Pre-Nabuwah period
Special reference will be given to the following topics:
● A short topography of Jaziratul Arab (Arabian Peninsula)
● Pre-Islamic Arabia; its economic, cultural, religious & socio-political life style.
● Birth of Prophet (sm) & His Childhood.
● Hilful Fuzul

Post Nabuwah period

Special reference will be given to the following topics:
● Post Nabuwah Period; Dawah; Amul Hujn; Miraj; Hijrat to Abyssinia.
● Baiatul Aqaba & the Hijrah
● Establishment of Madina State, the First Islamic State; the Charter Of Madinah
● Conflicts with the Quraysh; The Battle of Badr, Uhud, Ahzab;
● Relation with the Jewish of Madinah; Banu Najir, Banu Kainuka, Banu Kuraija.
● Peace making treaty: The Al Hudaibiyyah
● Preaching of Islam to the International Arena
● Some significant Battles of Islam: Muta, Tabuk, Hunayunetc
● Consequence of Makkah
● The Farewell Pilgrimage (Hujjatul Widah)
● Prophet (sm) as the socio-cultural and religious reformer

Book Recommended:
01. Ibn Hisham : Siratun Nabawiyyah
02. Ibn Ishaq : Sirat

03. Muhammd Al- Gazalee : Fiqh Hus Siratee
04. Sayyid Saliman Mansurpuri : Rahmatul IiI Alamin
05. As Suyuti : Tarikhul Khulafa.
06. Ibn. Zarir At- Tabari : Tarikh al Umam Wa-Al- Muluk
07. Ibn Kathir : Al Bidayia Wa- An Nihaya
08. Ibnul Athir : Al- Kamil Fii Al- Tarikh

Course No: ISTE 5103

Course Title: Islamic Economics, Banking and Insurance

a) Economic System in Islam

This paper will consist of the following topics:
● Islamic Economics: Definition, nature, history and subject-matter, Scope
● Concept of Ownership: Concept of Ownership in Islam; income and expenditure
in Islam; Land policy of Islam; concept of profit and interest in Islam.
● Riba: Definition, types and its demerits, Islamic rule towards Riba; difference
among interest (Riba), Profit and Usury.
● Production: Production policy in Islam, Land as production materials, cultivation
of land, Land policy of Islam; Employment; Relationship between owner and
● Entrepreneurship in Islam; Mechanical production and Islamic Economics.
● Wealth: The Islamic references of Natural Resources.
● Income of the State: Zakat, Sadaqah, SadaqatulFitr, Zijya, Ushar, Kharaj etc.
● Expenditure of the State: Expenditure system acceding to the Holy Quran: Social
safe-guard of non-employments and the labors; safe guarding of the unable
peoples and the Muslims.
● Planning and Development in Islam.

Books Recommended:
01. M.A.Mannan : Islamic Economics: Theory and practice
02. Imam Abu Yusuf : Kitab al-Kharaj
03. A.I. Sureshi : Islam and theory of Interest
04. M. Ariff. : Monetary and Fiscal Economics of Islam.
05. Abdul Hakim : Islam and Communism
06. MuzafferHussain : Motivation for Economic Achievement in Islam
07. M. Rahman Sharif : Guidelines of Islamic Economics
08. AllamaYousuf al-Qardawi : Economic Security in Islam
09. Dr. AbulHasan Muhammad Sadeq: Economic Development in Islam

b) Islamic Banking:
Definition, origin and development of Islamic banking; Difference between Islamic
Banking and conventional Banking system, Activities of Islamic Banking.
Baitul Mal, The central Bank of Islamic state; its definition, nature and duties; the
wealth of BaitulMal : Lending without any profit (Quard-Al-Hasanah).
Deposit: Al Wadia, Mudaraba etc.
Investment: (Deffered sale), Bai-salam, Istisna sale, Ijara, Quard Al-Hasanah
(Benevolent Loans) etc.

Islamic Insurance(Takaful):
Meaning and principles; Importance of Insurance in an Islamic Framework; Life-
Whole, Endowment, General, Marine, Fire, Accident / Miscellaneous-personal,
Burglary, Theft, Motor, crop, Flood, earthquake, storm cyclone, strike, riot &
malicious damage Insurance etc.

Books Recommended:
01. A.I.Qureshi : Islam and Theory of Interest
02. Syed Abdul Sattar Al-Harran : Islamic Finance
03. S.A Siddique : Public Finance in Islam.
04. Islamic Economics Research Bureau (IERB) : Text Book on Islamic Banking.
05. Dr. T. AtaulHaque : Reading in Islami Banking.
06. Islamic Economics Research Bureau (IERB):Some Aspects of Islamic insurance.
07. Islamic Economics Research Bureau (IERB):Some Aspects of Islamic Banking.
08. Dr. Mohd. MusleuddlnSiddique :Banking without Interest
09. Dr. Mohd. Muslehuddin : Insurance and Islamic Law
10.ShahidHasanSiddique :Islamic banking

Course No: ISTE 5104

Course Title: Science and Technology in Islam

a) Scientific Indications in Islamic References:

Origin & development of Islamic science; Inspiration for the mankind towards
science and technologies; Quranic Verses & sayings of Prophet (sm) related to the
practical sciences. This paper will focus on the following disciplines:
Medicine, Geography, Soil Science, Oceanic Science, Botany, Zoology, Astro-
physics, Human Anatomy, Art of Creation, etc.

b) Muslim Contribution to Science and Technology:

This paper will consist of the followings:
Muslim contribution to various branches of sciences such as Mathematics,
Medicine, Geography, Chemistry, Astronomy, Physics, Architecture & Surgery with
special reference to Musa al- Khwarizmi, Ibn Sina, Mohammad Ibn Jakariaar Reza,
Hasan Ibn al Haythan, Omar khaiyam, al Mukaddasi, YaqutIbn Abdullah, Jabir ibn
Haiyyan, Al-Beruni & All Tabari.

Books Recommended:
01. Dr.M.CMuazzam : Science and the Quran
02. Muhammad Abu Taleb : Al Quran is All science
03. Afif Abdul Fattah Tabbarah : Ruh Al Deen Al Islami
04. TantaviZawhari : Al Zawahi Fee Ulum al Quran
05. Islamic Foundation Bangladesh : Scientific Indication in the Holy Quran
06. Maurice bucaille : Bible, the Quran and Science
07. Afjalur Rahman : Quranic Science
08. Islamic Foundation Bangladesh : Scientific Indication in Holy Quran.
09. Maurice Bucalle : The Bible, the Quran & the Science.
10. Yousuf al Qardawi : Science & Civilization of Islam.
11. M Akbar Ali : Contribution of Muslim in Science
12. M A Ali : Science in the Quran
13. Khawaja Abdul Waheed : Islam and the Modern Science

Course No: ISTE 5105

Course Title: Study of Al-Quran

a) Textual Study : Sura al-Noor

b) Textual Study : Sura al-Fath and Sura al-Hujraat

This paper will deal with Translation, explanation and implication of the teachings
of these verses in human life and society; Classifications of these verses in
accordance with religious, historical, social, political, economic and scientific

Books Recommended:
01.A. Yusuf Ali : The Holy Quran
02.Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi : Bayanul Quran
03.Mufti Muhammad Shafi : Ma'ariful Quran
04.Sana Ullah Panipathi : At Tafsir Al Majhari
05.Muhammad Ali Assabuni : SafwatutTafasir
06.Imam Al- Kurtubi : Al Zameu le- Ahakmil Quran
07.As Suyuti Wa- Al Mahallee : Ruhul Bayan
08.Ismail Haqqui : Ruhul Bayan
09.Muhammad Ali Assabuni : Rawaiyul Bayan
10.IbnZarirAttabari : Tafsir At Tabari
11.An Nasafi : Madarikut Tanzill
12.Al Alusi : Ruhul Ma'ani
13.Ali Ibn Khajen : Tafsirul Khajen

First Year Second Semester

Course No: ISTE 5201

Course Title: Principles and History of Hadith Literature

a) Usul al-Hadith:

Definition of Hadith, Sunnah, Khabr and Al-Asar; their differences & similarities;
Place and importance of Hadith in Islamic Law and society; Refutation of allegations
made in various ages; discussion of tendencies of approaches in the study Of
Sunnah; Classification of Hadith; Mustalah Al- Hadith, Snad, Isnad, Musnad, Sahih,
Daeef, Mawdu’, Mudallas, Mursal, Mashur, Gareeb, Marfu’, Mawquf, Maqtu’,
Methods of searching for Hadith, Asmaur Rijal etc.

b) Tarikh AI-Hadith :
Origin & development of Hadith literature; detailed history of preserving and
compiling of Hadith, special reference will be given to the following topics-

● As Sihah As Sittah and their compilers

● Biography of prominent compilers: Malik Ibn Anas, Ahmad Ibn Hamble, Abu
Zafar Tahawi, Imam Juhri, Ibn Mubarak etc.

Book Recommended:
01. gIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg : nv`xm msKj‡bi BwZnvm
02. Avnmvb mvBwq` : nv`xm msKj‡bi BwZe„Ë
03. W. gynv¤§` kwdKzjøvn : nv`xm PP©vq gwnjv mvnvex‡`i Ae`vb
04. b~i gynv¤§` Avhgx : nv`vx‡mi ZË¡ I BwZnvm
05. W. gvneyeyi ingvb : wmnvn wmËvn cwiwPwZ I ch©v‡jvPbv
06. Shah Abdul Aziz : Bustanul Muhaddisin
07. Muhammad Abu Jahra : Al Hadith Wa Al Muhaddisun
08. Ibn. Hazar Al Askalani : Najhat an Najar fee Sharhe Nakbatul Fikr
09. Al. Imam Nabvi : Muqaddamah Muslim
10. Hakim an Nisapuri : Marifath- e -Ulumah Al Ahadith.
11. Hakim an Nisapuri : Al. Madkhal Fee Ulum Al Hadith
12. Jalal uddin Ad Suyuty : Tadribur Rabi
13. Dr. Mahamud Al. Tahuan : Tassiju Mustalahul Hadith
14. Dr. Subhi Saleh : Ulum al Hadith
15. As Sayeed Amimul Ihsan : Mijanul Akhbar
16. Munadher Ahsan Al-Kauylani : Tadwin Al-Hadith.

Course No: ISTE 5202

Course Title: Islamic Beliefs & Al-Kalam

a) Islamic Beliefs:
● Al-Aqidah: Its definition and importance.
● Basic beliefs: Iman-i-Mujammal & Iman-i-Mufassal.
● At-Tawhid: Definition, importance and classification; the existence of Allah Ar-
Rububiyyah, Al-Uluhiyyah, Al-Asma wa as-Sifat.
● Ar-Risalah wa Nabuwwah; its nature & objectives
● As- Shafa`ah: Definition, conditions and classifications.
● Al Akhirat: Al-Maut, Al-Qabr, Al-Qiyamah, Alam al-Bardakh, Al-Mijan, Al-Hashr,
Al-Pulsirat, Al-Jannat and al-Jahannam
● Ash-Shirk; its classification, aspects & scandalous deed in the society.
● Al-kufr, Definition & classification.
● An-Nifaq, its definition, classification, and its impact on the society.
● Al-Bid`ah: Definition, classification & some conventional bid`ats in the
Contemporary society.

b) Al-Kalam:
Al-Kalam: History, Survey, al-Ash’ariya Doctrines: Attributes of Allah; the eternity
of the Quran; Vision of Allah; Allah as the creator of actions, Freedom of will:
Death is predestined; the Questioning Munkar-Nakir in the grave; Resurrection;
the reality of al-Mizan and al-Kitab; Questioning in the day of Hashr; the reality of
Hawz al-Kawsar; Heaven and Hell; the concept of Kabira Gunah, Iman, Risalat,
Khatme Nubuwwat, the Miraj of the Prophet Muhammad (SM.), Angels, the
reality of the Mujizah and Karamat (miracles), Khilafat, Imamat, the Mujtahids etc.
Books Recommended
01. Abu Hanifa : Al-Fiqhul Akbar.
02. Al Gazalee : Al-Iqtisad fil I`tiqad
: Yahya Ulum Ad-Din.
03. Fazlur Rahman : Aqaid Al Islam.
04. As Suyuti Yousuf : Adillatu Ahl As Sunnah
05. Abuf Bakar Al Zajairee : Minhajul Muslim
06. Ibn- Abdul Ijj : Sharhul Akida Al Tahabiya
07. Al Imam As Saharani : Al Milal Wal-Nihal
08. Muhammad Al- Bagdad : Al Farq Bainal Firaq
9. Abu Bakar Jakir al Zajairee : Aqidatul Mu`min
10. Abdul Haque Muhaddis Ad-Dihlavi : Madarij wan Nubuat
11. Imam Ahammed Reza Khan : Ad dawa Tul Makkiya Bil Mardatil

Course No: ISTE 5203

Course Title: Islamic Jurisprudence

a) Usul al Fiqh :

Study of Islamic legal foundations, namely AI-Quran, As-Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas,

Istihsan, Istidlal, Isti'asah. Legal connotations of words and sentences of these
foundation such as Al-Amr. An-Nahy, Al-Am and Al-Khas, Al-Mujam and Al-
Mufassal, Al-Haqiqah and Al-Majaz etc. Utilization of usul Al-fiqh in the daily life of
Muslims. Basic terminologies and the sources of Al Fiqh wih special reference to
the following topics: Al kitab, As Sunnah, Al Ijma, Al Qiyas, Ijtihad etc.

b) Tarikh al Fiqh :

Major topics to be covered are: Meaning and necessity of al-Fiqh, Importance of

Fiqh; Its origin, development in various ages, objectives, characteristics and
classifications of Fiqh. Introductory knowledge of different Schools (Mazahlb) of
Islamic Shariah. Their Origin and development; compilation of al Fiqh. Lives and
works of Islamic jurists (Mujtahidin) with special reference to Imam Abu Hanifa (R),
Imam Shafii (R), Imam Malik (R), Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (R), Imam Abu Yousuf (R)
and Imam Muhammad (R), Imam Jufar (R), Imam Abu Zafar At Tahawi (R). This will
highlight the Importance, role and place of Islamic law in modern society; its
relationship with other disciplines. its supremacy in Islamic society and problems
and prospects of its implication in the society; contemporary development of

Islamic legal thought and attempts of Muslim scholars to find possible solutions for
present issues facing the Muslim Ummah.

Book Recommended:
01. Burhan al din al Marginani : Al Hidayah
02. Mulla Ahmad Jiwoon : Nurul Anwar
03. Mufti Amimul Ihsan : Tarikh e Ilm Fiqh
04. Khudhra Bek : Tarikh at-Tashri al Islami
05. Ahmad Amin : Fajar al Islam
06. Abdul Qadir : Al Jawahir al Mudiyya fl Tabaclat al
07. Al-Imam Fakhrul Islam Ali bin Muhammad Al-Bajdawi : Usual AI-Bajdawi.
08. Ahmad Amin : Duha al-Islam
09. Nizam al-Din As-Shashi : Usual al –Shashi
10. Imam Muhammad Ibn Zahra : Usulul Fiqh
11. Abdul Wahhab Khallaf : Ilmu Usulil Fiqh

Course No: ISTE 5204

Course Title: Social System in Islam

a. Family Welfare:

Concept of Family welfare in Islam; this part will highlight the following.
● Family: Definition, origin and present status
● Marriage &. Divorce: Their necessity -& classification; Polygamy; Sexuality;
Relationship of husband & wife;
● Family Member: Nature of Intra & Inter family relationship; duties & rights of
Children and parents
● Family Planning: Islamic conditional consent; Concept of Azl; Family Planning
In 21st Century.

b. Social structure of Islam :

Nature and characteristics of Islamic Society; comparative discussion with the contemporary
society; Islamic approach towards social welfare; solution given by Islam for Social crisis.
Right and duties to neighbours; tolerance to the opinion of others; Al-Muakhat, Al-
Adl, Al- Ihsan, Al-Tawakkul and consciousness of evil deeds i.e. gambling, drug
addiction, anarchy, corruption, bribery and Terrorism etc.
Muslim & Non-Muslim relationship, social harmony, unity, equality, co-existence
and co-operation for the betterment of mankind; reformation of social rituals &
custom in the light of Islam.

Book Recommended:
01. MA Hai Haqqani : The Super Social System of Islam
02. Muhammad shabbir Khan : Islam: social & economic structure
03. R. Levy : Social Structure of Islam
04. Jurji Jaidan : At Tamaddunul Islami
05. SA Bilgirmin : Tamaddun-I-Arab
06. Ibn Al Athir : Al-Kamil
07. M Jiauddin : Islamic Calligraphy
08. Zayn Al Din Naji : Badai Al-Khatt Al- Arab
09. B Moontz : Arabic palaeography and his article in
encyclopaedia of Islam
10. Naba Abbet : The rise of North Arabic scripture and its
11. gIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg : Aciva cÖwZ‡iv‡a Bmjvg
: cwievi I cvwievwiK Rxeb
12. cÖ‡dmi Aveyj Kv‡mg fzBqv : hyM wRÁvmv I cwievi
13. cÖ‡dmi Ave‡`j inxg Dgivb : Bmjvgx HwZ‡n¨ cwievi cwiKíbv
14. mvB‡q` Kz`iZzjøvn dv‡Zgx : KziAv‡b `„wó‡Z cwievi cwiKíbv
15. W. gynv¤§` kwdKzi ingvb : Bmjvg I cvwievwiK Rxeb
: Bmjv‡g cwievi I cvwievwiK Kj¨vY

Course No: ISTE 5205

Course Title: Sufism and Muslim Philosophy

a) Sufism:
Spirituality : Definition of Sufism with the meaning of the word Sufi; origin &
development of Sufism; Its Principles, external & internal Sources; Sufi doctrines;
Sufi order; Sufism and Classical thoughts; Life of some famous Sufis: Hasan Al Basri,
Rabeya Basri, Ibrahim Adham, Junnun Al Misri, Junaid Bagdadi, Mansur Hallaj, Ibnul
Arabi, Imam Gazali (r) etc

Islam in Bangle and South Asia:
Development of Sufism in Bengal, Its Impact on Bengal society & religion, its
relationship with the Bengali Tradition & rituals; Life & contribution of some
prominent Sufis In Bengal: Hazrat Shah Makhdum, Khan Jahan Ali, Shah Jalal,
Shah Poran, Shah Amanat, Shah Sultan, Karamat Ali, Nizamuddin Awliah, Furfura,
Khaza Moinuddin Chishti etc. Comparative study of political and socio-economic
dimensions of Islam in South-Asia with emphasis on Bangladesh, India, Pakistan,
Maldives and Sri Lanka.

b) Muslim Philosophy:
Origin & development of Muslim philosophy; its nature, scope and general
characteristics: Life sketch of some prominent Muslim philosophers and their
contribution to Muslim philosophy: Al-kindi, al-Farabi,Ibn sina, Ibn Bajjah, Ibn
Tufail, Al-Gazalee, Ibn Rushd, Ibn khaldun, Allamah Iqbal , Shah wallullah, Dewan
Muhammad Ajrof etc.

Various Sects in Islamic Beliefs:

History and Development of different Theological Schools in Islam: Sunni-Ahl al
Sunnat, Shia, Kharijites, Murjites, Jabrites, Qadarites, Mutazllites, Asharites,
Qadiani and other famous Muslim sects etc; their characteristics, principles &
present status in the World.

Book Recommended:
01. T.J De Boer : Histiry of philosophy In Islam
02. M. Fakhiry : A Histiry of Islamic philosophy
03. S.A Hai : Muslim philosophy
04. K.A Hakim : Islamic Ideology
05. M. Iqbal : The Secret of the Self
06. M.A. Quasem : The Ethics of Al-Gazalee
07. J.N Sina : An Introduction to philosophy

08. Dr. Abdul Latif : Falsafa Al. Islamiya
09. Dr. Hamid Tawahir : Al Falsafa Al. Islamiya
10. Dr. Atif Iraqi : The Ethical philosophy of Gazalee
11. Shaikh abdul Haque : Akhbar Al-Akhyar Dehlawi
12. Md. Enamul Haque : Sufism in Bengal.
13. Farid Uddin Attar : Tadhkeratul Awlia.
14. Gg. Ievq`yj nK : evsjv‡`‡ki cxi AvDwjqv
15. gvneyeyi ingvb : gymwjg evsjvi Afz¨`q
16. W. Avwgbyj Bmjvg : gymwjg `k©b
17. W. ikx`yj Avjg : gymwjg `k©‡bi f~wgKv
18. ikx` Avng` : evsjv‡`‡ki mvaK

Second Year First Semester

Course No: ISTE 5301

Course Title: Sunnah in Practical Life

a) Riyadus Saliheen:
Chapter No.1 (Sincerity, Selfness and Intention behind all Actions and Matters
Open and Secret),
Chapter No.2 (Penitence),
Chapter No.4 (On Truthfullness),
Chapter No.6 (On Piety),
Chapter No.10 (To Surpass in Virtuous deeds and incentive for the same),
Chapter No.23 (Enjoining Virtue and Forbidding Evil),
Chapter No.26 (Prohibition of Cruelty and Injustice and their eradication),
Chapter No.279 (Prohibition of Pride and Haughtiness),
Chapter No.280 (not to cut off Relations with Muslims) and
Chapter No.327 (Prohibition of Vulgar and Loose Talking)

Book Prescribed:
Imam Mohiuddin Iyahya al-Nabawi, Riyadus Salehin

b) Adabul Mufrad- Imam Bukhari:
Neighbour (‫)ِكتاب ال َجار‬
Chapters: 55 (The recommendation to be kind to neighbours), 56 (The neighbour's
due), 57 (Begin with the neighbour), 58 (You give to the neighbour whose door is
the nearest), 59 (The nearest and then next nearest neighbour), 60 (The person
who shuts his door against his neighbor), 61 (A person should not eat his fill without
seeing to his), 62 (When there is a lot of stew, it is divided between), 63 (The best
neighbor), 64 (The righteous neighbou), 65 (The bad neighbour), 66 (A person
should not injure his neighbour), 67 (A woman should not disdain anything which
her female neighbou), 68 (The neighbour's complaint), 69 (Someone who harms his
neighbour until he forces him to), 70 (A Jewish neighbour)

Gatherings (‫)ِكتاب ال َم َج ِالس‬:
Chapters: 534 Facing qibla, 535 (When someone stands up and then returns to his
place), 536 (Sitting in the road), 537 (Making room in a gathering),538 (A man
sitting at the edge of a gathering), 539 (Do not separate two people), 540 (Stepping
over people to move towards the leader of a gathering), 541 (The noblest of people
for a person is his companio), 542 (Can a man put his foot in front of someone he
is sitting with), 543 (When someone in a group of people spits), 544 (Gatherings on
roads), 545 (Someone who sits dangling his feet in a well with his legs uncovered),
546 (When a man rises to give place for someone in a gathering, that person should
not sit in)

Book Prescribed:
Imam Bukhari, Adabul Mufrad

The course will highlight the textual study of the Hadiths of the above chapters
from prescribed books. The study will be held on translation, explanation &
implication of these' Hadiths in Human life & society.

Books Recommended:
01. As Sihah As Sittah
02. Badruddin Aini : Umdatul Qari
03. Anwar Shah : Faidul Bari
04. Wali Uddin Al Bagavi : Mishkatul asabih
05. Ibn Hajar Al Askalani : Fath Hul- Bari Shar-e- Shahih Al- Bukhari
06. As Suyutee : At Tawsh Abl Zamiya Al Shahih
07. Dr. Muhammad Shafiqullah : Awnul Bari Shah- e- Shahih Al Bukhari
08. Al Imam Sharf Uddin An Nawabi : Al Minhaz fee sharh-e- Shahih Muslim

Course No: ISTE 5302
Course Title: History of Islam

A. The History of Caliphs:

The objective of this course is to make students familiarized with the time of Al
Khulafa Ar Rashidoon and their achievements. The Biography of Abu Bakr, Umar,
Uthman, Ali (R) with special discussion of Hasan (R) and Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, called
as the fifth caliph of Islam. Their system of government, civil administration,
economic system, Judiciary & defense policy etc.

B. History of Muslim Dynasty:

The major concern of this paper will be the following-
From Umayyad to Ottoman Empire: Umayyad Khilafat, Abbasid Khilafat, Fatemi
Khilafat of Egypt, Usmania Khilafat of Turkeys; Muslim Spain and Indian Sub
Continent etc.

Books Recommended:
01. Syed Ameer Ali : A Short History of Saracens
02. SM Imamuddin : A Political history of the Muslims
03. W. Muir : The Chilaphate: Rise, decline and fall
04. Suyuti : History of the Caliphs
05. Muhammad Reza-e Karim : Arab Jatir Itihas
06. Ibnul Athir : Al Kamil
07. Ibn. Zarir At-Tabari : Tarikh Al- Umam Wal Mulukh
08. Ibn. Kathir : Al- Bidaya Wan Nihayia
09. Abbas Mahmud Al- Aqqad : Ab Kariatu Abi Bakar
10. Abbas Mahmud Al- Aqqad : Ab Kariatu Utman
11. Abbas Mahmud Al- Aqqad : Ab Kariatu Ali
12. Abbas Mahmud Al- Aqqad : Ab Kariatu Umar
13. Dr. Ali Muhammad Sabuni : Abu Bakr Siddique
14. Dr. Ali Muhammad Sabuni : Umar Ibn Khattab
15. Dr. Ali Muhammad Sabuni : Uthman Ibn Affan
16. Dr. Ali Muhammad Sabuni : Ali Ibn Abi Talib
17. Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Zawji : Siratu Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz
18. Abdul Wahhab : Al Khulafa ur Rashidoon
19. Jalal Uddin Suyuti : Tarikhul Khulafa.
20. As Suyutee : Al-Khulafa
21. At Tabary : Tarikhul Umam al Muulk
22. Ibnul Asir : Al Kamil fit Tarikh
23. P.K. Hitti : Hitory of the Arabs
24. Sayeed Amir Ali : The Spirit of Islam
25. Avkivd DÏxb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi gymwjg BwZnvm
26. Lvb GÛ ingvb : ga¨cÖv‡P¨i BwZnvm
27. W. gvngy`yj nvmvb : Bmjv‡gi BwZnvm

Course No: ISTE 5303

Course Title: Political System in Islam

The course is design to provide students a foundation of knowledge of the

discipline and to uplift their analytical skills necessary to understand Islamic politics
compared to the modern concepts, their characteristics and challenges such as
capitalism, rationalism, Marxism, socialism, nationalism, racism etc.

a) Introduction to Political System:

This course presents an overview of the discipline, including the basic theories,
concepts, approaches, and enduring questions of political science. Major topics to
be covered are: Political science. Definition , nature and scope; Sovereignty,
Democracy, Nationalism, global State, Government & Citizen; Organ of
government: The Executive, the legislature & the Judiciary; The Notion of political
party, separation of power, bureaucracy, diplomacy.

b) Political System in Islam:

Islamic concepts pertaining to the study of political science. Definition , nature and
scope of Islamic politics. Topics to be discussed include: Millat, Khilafat, Ummah,
Amr bil-Maruf Wa Nahi anil-Munker. Majlis-i-Shura, internal policy and foreign
policy of the Islamic state; Islamic concept of forms of government. Some Islamic
political thinkers: Mua'abiah (R), Imam Ibn Taimiah, Ibn Khaldun, Al Mawardi, Shah
Wali Ullah, Allama Yousuf Qardawi, Syed Qutub, Mahathir Muhammad etc.

ooks Recommended:
01. Ahmad Gamil Mazzara :Islam, Democracy and Socialism
02. Muhammad Asad :The principles of State and government in
03. Dr. Lukman Thaib :Political system of Islam
04. Majid Khadduri :War and Peace in the Law of Islam
05. K Baksh :Politics in Islam
06. Dr. Hamidullah :The Muslim Conduct of State
07. Abul Fida :Tarikh
08. Alauddin Khan :Rastea And Khilafat
09. Iliyas Ahmed : Social Contract and the Islamic State
10. Dr. Manzooruddin Ahmad : Islamic Political System in the Modern Age
: Theory and Practice
11. Muhammad Hamidullah : Muslim Conduct of State
12. BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k : nhiZ Avjx (iv)-Gi cÖkvmwbK wPwV
13. kvgmyj Avjg : Bmjvgx ivóª
14. W. †kL jyrdi ingvb : Bmjvg t ivóª I miKvi
15. gdxRyjøvn Kexi : Bmjvg I wLjvdZ
16. BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb evsjv‡`k : Bmjvgx ivóª e¨e¯’v
17. gIjvbv gynv¤§` Ave`yi inxg : AvjÑKziAv‡b ivóª I miKvi
: Bmjvgx ivRbxwZi f~wgKv
: BKev‡ji ivR‰bwZK wPšÍvaviv

Course No: ISTE 5304

Course Title: World Religions

a) Religions of the World:

Definition of Ad-din, Dharma and Religion; Origin & Development of great religion
of the world; Necessity, Nature & core teachings; comparative study of Hinduism,

Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity & Islam and other tribal

b) Religious Modern Issues:

Inter-religious Hermony, Resolution of religious conflicts, Religious Minorities, The
Inter-faith Dialogue, Eradication of Extremism.

Books Recommended :
01. Arnold Toyendbe : A historians approach to religion
02. Jhon B. Boss : Man's Religions
03. Trevor Ling : History of Religions
04. Sweetman, J. Windrow : Islam and Christianity
05. Arnold Toyendbe : The Preaching of Islam
06. Jurji : Great Religions of the Modern World
07. Nawab Ali : Suhuf-i-Samawi
08. B. Russel : Religion and Science: Historical and
Contemporary Issues
09. Al Imam Shahsastani : Al Melal-o-al Nahal
10. Ahmad Shalabi : Mukasahatul Adyan
11. Ahmad Shalabi : Adyan Al Hihdi Al Kubra
12. Abdullah : Al Deen
13. Md. Abu Zahrab : Muhazarat Fee Al Nasnaniyab
14. Md. Al Bagdadi : Al Farqo Bainal Firaq
15. Md. Khalifah Al Tibsis : Al Khatrul Yahudiyah
16. Md. Fuad Hasheni : Al Adyan Fee Kalematal Mizan
17. Afif Abdul Fattah Talobasah: Ruh Al Deen Al Islami

Course No: ISTE 5305

Course Title: Da’wah

a) Da'wah:
Definition, Scope, necessity, characteristics and importance of Da'wah; Origin and
development of Da'wah, kinds of Da'wah; Methodology, techniques and objectives
of Islamic Dawah; pre-requisites and qualities for Da’yee; Da'wah and Information
media; Quaranic verse and contemporary challenges regarding Da'wah; Non-
Muslim missionary activities in Muslim countries and Islamic Da'wah.
b) Da'wah in Bangladesh:
Arival of the companions of Prophet (Sm.) into the Sub-continent and their Da'wah
activities , The Indus contribution to the elements of Islamic Da'wah, Arival of the
famous preachers of Islam into the Bangle and their contribution to Da'wah. The
natures of Da'wah in Bangladesh.

Book Recommended:
01. Syeed Ameer Ali : The sprit of Islam.
02. Abd al-Karim Zaidan : Usul al-Da'wah
03. Dr. Ahmad Gulush : AI-Da'wah al-Islamiyya
04. Dr. Fath al-Biyanuni : Al-Ilm al-Da'wah
05. Dr. Muhi Al-Din al-Alusi : Minhaj a Dawah
06. A.Z.M Sahamsul Alam : The Massage of Tableeg and Da'wah
07. W. dKxi Ave`yi ikx` : m~dx `k©b
08. W. KvRx `xb gynv¤§` : m~dxev` I Avgv‡`i mgvR
09. gIjvbv b~iæi ingvb : ZvhwKivZzj AvDwjqv

Second Year Second Semester

Course No: ISTE 5401

Course Title: Al-Tafsir
Textual study of Sura al-Fatiha, Sura al-Jumah, Sura al-Munafiqun and Last Ten
Surah of the holy Quran and their exegesis.

Prescribed book: Tafsir Al-Tabari, Tafsir Ibn Kasir

Book Recommended :
1. Al-Zamakhsari : Tafsir Al-Kashsaf
2 Sayyed Qutb : Tafsir fi Zilal Al-Quran
3. Shibabuddin al-Khafaji : Enayat Al-Qadi wa Kifayat Al-Raji 'Ala Tafsir Al-
4. Fakhruddin Al-Raji : At-Tafsiru Al-Kabir
5. Jalaluddin As-Syuwiti : Ad-Durrul Mansur
6. Sahikh Ismail Haqqi : Ruh Al Bayan
7. Al-Shawqani : Fath Al-Qadir
8. Al-Shanqite : Adwa Al-Bayan

Course No: ISTE 5402
Course Title: Study of Al-Hadith

a) Sahih Bukhari : Kitab al-Manaqib, Kitab al-Magaji

b) Sahih Muslim : Kitab al-Iman, Kitab al-Hajj
The course will highlight the textual study of the Hadiths of the above chapters
from prescrived books. The study will be held on translation, explanation &
implication of these' Hadiths in Human life & society.

Book Prescribed : Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim.

Book Recommended:
1. Badr Uddin al-Aini : Umdatul Qari
2. Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani : Fathul Bari
3. Al-Nabawee : Sharh Sahih Muslim
4. Yusuf Afendee :Nahjul Quari
5. Anwar Sha Kashmiri : Fyzul Bari
6. Al-tirmizi : Jami Al Tirmizi
7. Abu Daud : Sunan Abi Daud
8. Nasir Al Din Al Bari : Silsila Al Ahadis Al Sahiha

Course No: ISTE 5403

Course Title: Study of al-Fiqh

a) Al-Fatwah:
Topics to be covered are Fatwah (Islamic legal opinion): Meaning, origin and
development; Fatwa and Muftis: Conditions and Principles, Prerequesities to a
Mufti, Methods (Adb) of giving fatwa, Methods of writinf fatwah; Modern
Islamic legal trends and Fatwah board in local and international sphere.

b) Fiqh Al-Muamalat :
Introduction of Muamalat: Meaning and Scope, its guidance from the Shariah.
Islamic criminal law: its nature scope and objectives; its problems, prospects &
scope of implementation; classification of crimes in Islam; Islamic rules of
Hudud, Qisas, Tajir etc.

C) Islamic personal Law:
● Nikah or Marriage :
● Talaq or Divorce :
● Zihar, Liaan or Imprecation,
● Mirath

Books Recommended:
01. Burhanuddin Al Marginani : Al Hedayah
02. Abdur Rahman : Al Fiqh Alal Majahibil Arbaah.
03. Abu Bakar Al Zasss : Ahakamul Quran
04. Muhammad Hussain : As Sariatul Islamiyah
05. Abu Bakar Al Zajairi : Minhajul Muslim
06. Al Gazalee : Al Mustasfa
07. Al Sarakhsi : Kitabul Mafsut
08. Afif Abdul Fattah Tabbarah : Ruhuddinil Islami
09. Joseph Schacht : An Introduction to Islamic Law
10. A.B.M Hussain : Criminal Laws in Islam
11. H.A.R. Gibb : Mohammadanism : An Historical Survey.
12. Abd al-Wahhab Khallaf : Khulassat Tarikh At-Tashri Al-Islami
13. Muhammad Mustafa Khan : Islamic law of inheritance

Course No: ISTE 5404

Course Title: Islamic Culture & Civilization

a) Islamic Culture:
Meaning, Scope and nature of Islamic Culture; Its origin and Development through
ages, Concept of Culture In Islam & its different aspects. Special features of Islamic
• Society : Islamic Social structure, Reformation of Tradition, customs &
practices in the light of Shariah
• Education: The object of Education, upliftment of conduct of students, duties

of teachers, Relationship between teachers & students under Islamic education
•Literature: Islamic views towards literature, Music & Drama. Brief history of
Arabic Literature from Pre-Islamic Age to 21st century.

b) Islamic Civilization:
Meaning, Scope and nature of Islamic Civilization; Its origin and Development
through ages,
• Architecture: Rise of Islamic architecture, its nature and different style;
varieties of Islamic Arts, calligraphy, paintings etc.
• Science: Islamic inspiration & influence to Science & technology; Muslims
as scientists, their contributions and present condition, Problems and solutions
• Theology: Specialty of Muslim Thoughts, comparative study with Greek,
Persian, Indian and African Theology.

Books Recommended:
01. Tash Kubrazada : Miftah al-Sa'ada
02. Burhan al Din Zarnuji : Ta'lim wal Muta'allim
03. Imam Gazalee : Ihya Ulum al-Din
04. Hasan Zayat : Tarikh al-Adab al-Arabi
05. Jurzi Zaidan : Tarikh al Lugha al Arabiyya
06. Nicholson : Literary History of the Arabs
07. Gibb : Arabic Literature
08. Jurzi Zaidan : Tarikh al-Tamaddun al-Islami
09. S. Bilgirami : Tamaddun-i-Islam
10. De Boer : History of Philosophy in Islam
11. Allama M. Iqbal : Reconstruction of Religious Thought in
12. M.M. Sharif : History of Muslim Philosophy
13. Abdus Salam al-Nadavi : Tarikh-i-Falsafa-i-Islam
14. Abbas Mahmud Akkad : Atrul Arab Fill Hadaratul Islamiyah
15. Zuustan Lawgun : Al Hadara Al Islamiyah
16. Abdul Karim Jaidan : Moolemu Al Saqafah Al Islamiyah
17. Abu Jaed Shalabi : Al Hazaratul Islamiyah

18. Ahmad Md Jamal : Muhazarat Fee AI Saqafali Al Islamiyah
19. Dr. Yousuf Sadiq : Derasat Fee Al Harah wa- As Saqafah

Course no: ISTE 5405

Course Title: Contemporary Issues and Islam

This course intends to examine whether Islam can meet the challenges of modern
times. With this end in view the course is designed to study the following:
1. Islam and Politics: Khilafat, Pan-Islamism, Theocracy, Autocracy, Democracy,
Kinship, Communism, Secularism, the concept of Justice.
2. Islam and Feminism: Rights of Women in Islam- legal rights, (equality before
law- status of women as witness, can a woman be a judge? etc.) political
rights, (e.g. can women hold public offices like becoming the Prime minister
or President?) economic rights Rugtsm (e.g. law of inheritance) religio-
cultural rights (e.g. dress code, marriage, divorce etc.).
3. Islam and Biomedical Ethics: Blood transfusion, Breast feeding, Organ
Plantation, Organ Donating, Family Planning, Cloning trade of milk of mother,
Dead Transfer from one country to another country, Reservation dead body
by the hospital, Brain death, Medical examination before marriage, geneing
engineering in plants, animals and the environment, gene therapy, plastic
surgery, Use drugs prevent menstruation and pregnancy, etc.
4. Islam and value of Human Persons: Abortion, Euthanasia, Surrogate
Motherhood, Embryo Fertilization, Genetic Fingerprint, etc.
5. Islam and Animal Rights: Meat Eating, Experiment with/ on animals.
6. Islam and Human Rights: Rights of non-Muslim in an Islamic state and society,
Muslim’s perception of their rights in non-Muslim society and in the Muslim
States (e.g. migration)
7. Islam and Economics: Interest vs Profit and loss sharing banking system, open
market economy, ruling on sale of right, selling brand, copy right, etc.
8. Islam and Religious War: Islam, Violence, Fanaticism and Fundamentalism.

9.Islam and Fatwa: (religious verdict); use, misuse and abuse; Islam and
eradication from crimes from the society; Conflict between religious laws and
civil laws.
10. Islam: Science and Technology, Islam and Environmental Issues.

Book Recommended:
01. Sihah al-Sittah Books and Chapters of Siyar (conducts) and Jihad (War).
02. Dr. M. Hamidullah : Muslim Conduct of State
03. Chiragh Ali : A Critical Exposition of the popular Jehad
04. Majid Khadduri : The of War and Peace in Islam
05. Shamsuddin Ibnul Qayyim : Ahkamu Ahl al-Dhimmah
06. Nicholson : Literary History of the Arabs
07. Sayyed Hossein Nasr : Ideals and Realities of Islam
08. Mawardi : Ahkam al-Sultaniyah
09. Yousufal al-Qardawi : Science and Civilization in Islam
10. Murtada Mutahhari : The Rights of Women in Islam
11. Abul Fadl Mohsin Ibrahim : Abortion and Surrogate Parenting
12. S.Azam (ed) : Islam and Contemporary Society

Course no: ISTE 5405
Course Title: Business Studies in Islam
Introduction to Islamic concepts and views pertaining to the study of the disciplines
of the business through a survey of relevant passages from the Quran, Sunnah and
Fiqh. Attention may be to the following topics on the basis of the IslamicShariah.
(1) Definition, nature, scopes and subject matter of different disciplines
of the business studies, such as Accounting, Management,
Marketing, Finance, Banking etc.
(2) Business Morality and Ethics;
(3) E-Commerce;
(4) Management Policy;
(5) Banking System and Insurance
(6) Consumer Behavior;
(7) Tourism and Commerce;
(8) Financial System;
(9) Human Resource Management and
(10) Stock Exchange and Share Market etc.
Book Recommended:
1. Al-Quran.
2. Kitab al-Buyu from Sihaha al-Sittah.
3. Kitab al-Buyu from Fiqhi compilations.
4. M.A. Mannan : Islamic Economics: Theory and Practice
5. Imam Abu Yousuf : Kitab al-Kharaj
6. A.I. Qureshi : Islam and the Theory of Interest
7. A Ben Shemesh : Taxation in Islam
8. M.Arif : Monetary and Fiscal Economics of Islam
9. Muzaffar Hussain : Motivation for Economic Achievement in
10. M Raihan Sharif : Guidelines of Islamic Economics (Nature,
Concepts and Principles)
11. Syed Abdus Sattar al-Harran : Islamic Finance (Partnership Financing)
12. Allama Yousuf al-Qardawi : Economic Security in Islam


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