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For Honours 1st year exam- 2022

Suggetion part –B [Poetry]

(Sonnet 18) ……………….
1. Illustrate “shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” as a sonnet.
2. How does Shakesppeare glorify the beauty of his friend?
***(On his blindness)……….
1. How does Milton find consolation at the end of the poem “On his
***(The good morrow)……………
1. What is conceit? Mention some conceit used by Jone Donne in the poem.
(To daffodils) …………….
1. How has the poet express melancholy and sadness in the lyric “To
(Elegy written in country) ……………………..
1. How does Gray admonish the rich not to look down upon the comment
2. How was the life of the villagers in the poem “Elegy written in a country
( I wandered lonely as a cloud)……………….
1. Trace out the romantic element in Wordsworth’s “I wondered lonely as a
2. Mention Some salient features of wordsworth’s attitude towords nature.
***( Ode to the west wind) ……………
1. Why does Shelley regard the west wind both as a destroyer and preserver?
2. What prayer does Shelley make to the west wind and why?
(To Autumn) ………………
1. How is autumn personified in the poem “to autumn” ?
2. Write a short note on Keats negative capability.
***( Ulysses ) ………………
1. What argument does Ulysses give in favour of life of adventure?
2. How is Telemachus presented as a contrast to his father?
1. Evaluate Browning as a poet of dramatic monologue.
2. How did people receive the patriot a year ago?
(How do I love thee) ……………….
1. How does E.B. Browning convey the idea of passionate nature of her love
for her husband?
***( Because I could not stop for death) ……………….
1. What mystic elements do you find in the poem “because I could…..”?
2. What is Dicknson’s attitude towards life, death and eternity?
***( A prayer for my daughter) ………………….
1. What does the poet pray to God and why in the poem “A prayer for my
2. What does the poet value most for his daughter in the poem.
***(Home burial)
1. How is the theme of emotional and physical alienation handle in “Home
2. Write a note on the grief of the wife in “Home burial”.
(The Piano) ……………………
1. What image of childhood do you get from the poem “Piano”?
2. Justify the title of the poem “Piano”
(Fern Hill) ……………………
1. How does Dylan Thomas describe his childhood in “fern hill” ?
***(Pike )………………….
1. Describe “pike” as a animal poem.
2. Describe the theme of voilolence in the poem “pike”
***(Where the mind is without fear )………………
1. Write the theme of the poem “Where the mind is without fear”.
2. What spiritual elements do you find in the poem “Where the mind……”
***( Learning grief)…………………………..
1. What is the poet’s reaction after his sister’s death in the poem “ Learning
For Honours 1st year exam- 2022
Suggetion part –C [Poetry]
*** ( Sonnet- 18 ) ………………
1. What is Sonnet? Illustrate “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” as a
2. How does Shakespeare immortalize his friend in “sonnet -18”?
*** ( On his blindness ) ……………
1. What is a Sonnet? Discuss Milton’s “On his blindness” as a Sonnet.
2. Discuss the central theme of the poem “On hs blindness”.
( The good morrow ) ………………..
1. Discuss the different stages of love in Donne’s poem “The good morrow”.
2. Evaluate Donne as a love poet with reference to his poem.
*** ( To daffodils ) ………………
1. How does Robert Herrick develop the theme of transitoriness in the poem
“To daffodils”?
*** ( Elegy written in the country Churchyard ) …………
1. What is an elegy? Consider Thomas gray’s “Elegy written in a country
Churchyard” as an elegy.
2. How does Gray glorify the common men in his poem.
*** ( I wondered lonely as a cloud ) ………
1. Comment on Wordsworth as a poet of joy and solitude with reference to “I
wondered lonely as a cloud”.
2. Comment on Wordsworth’s treatment of nature with reference to “I
wondered lonely as a cloud”.
*** ( Ode to the west wind ) ………
1. Discuss Shelley’s use of imagery with special reference to the poem “Ode
to the west wind”
2. Consider Shelley as a poet of hope with reference to his poem.
*** ( To autumn ) ……………….
1. Evaluate Keats as a poet of sensuousness with reference to “Ode to
**** ( Ulysses ) …………………..
1. Comment on Ulysses unquenchable thirst for knowledge and adventure?
2. Elaborate the Victorian spirit as reflected in the poem “Ulysses”
***( How do I love thee ) ………..
1. Comment on the intensity of passion expressed in “How do I love thee”.
*** ( A prayer for my daughter ) …………
1. What autobiographical element do you notice in the poem.
2. What does Yeats pray for his daughter in the poem.
( Home burial ) ……………….
1. Do you think the conflict between the couple brings their relationship to a
breaking point in the poem “Home burial”?
*** ( The piano ) …………….
1. Discuss the theme of childhood in Dylan Thomas’s poem?
****( Fern Hill ) ……………….
1. Discuss the theme of childhood in Dylan Thomas’s poem “Fern hill”.
2. Comment on Dylan Thomas’s use of imagery in his poem “Fern hill”
*** ( Pike ) …………………………
1. In what sense is Ted Hughes “Pike” a poem about human violence?

Md. Emtiaz Kabir

Studies in Department of English.

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